
AGAIN? To be honest, this time around nothing good was lost but his stuff a few years back was great so I'd like to see.
>>54090 (OP)
>Shitty morphs of real people.

And nothing of value was lost.
(302 KB, 220x220, yawn.gif)
>darth nuking his account yet again and then larping as a concerned party for attention as if anyone in the entire world misses his saxxon tier chicken scratch
>>54090 (OP)
This is a very small sampling of his work from what I had saved, hardly even close to a complete collection but here you go: https://we.tl/t-zdJJCp7lM3

Just a quick PSA for people unaware, deviantart actually has a 30 day window where deviations are still stored on the server backend when an account is nuked, so content scrapers like gallery-dl can be used to download entire galleries for a short time after account deactivation so long as it's done within that 30 day window. If I had known before today that his account was nuked I would've done this, but it's already too late now.

You say this but I'm pretty sure the overwhelming majority of people who are into this niche would mourn the loss of an actual morph artist considering that this facet has been taken over by homogensised AI slop accounts that have infested deviantart in droves.
Yeah no Darth is still around i talk with him almost all the time, he didnt nuke his account it got taken down during the whole Taylor Swift Ban Wave he still has new morphs being worked on including another Marvel one and Star Wars.
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So more mediocre fucking media association fetish posts for the autists that can only get off to their favourite actress. Nice.

Anyhow, I figured I'd make my contribution. In spite of its poor dialogue I always preferred it when he made stuff like this.
I'll take AI over morphs of actual people in fetish content without their consent.

Especially ones who were playing an "underage" character at the time.
>Moralfagging whilst being on a board that openly shares underage content.

Are you stupid?

>Moralfagging about the lack of consent in morph art and then saying AI is better.

Do you actually fucking understand how generative AIs work? Neural networks are trained on huge data sets that compromise thousands to millions of inputs, the AIs that produce these images have been trained on more photos of real-world models then there are neurons in your pea sized brain. All AI art of this type is derivative of the input data set to some degree and ALL of those training images would've been collected without the consent of the parties involved.

But the ethical quandary is besides the point, like seriously its kinda pathethic that you're limp-dicked enough to not want to schlum one out to a photoshopped image of *insert celeb of the week here* just because it was made without their consent. Who fucking cares? It's an image. Taylor Swift is not going to dump her jock boyfriend and start giving you grandma kisses on the forehead just because you white knighted for fat art of her, anon.
I agree, always preferred the non media associated stuff but then again finding well made weight gain morphs with slob is near impossible… so it’s better than nothing really
deviantart being a bunch of pussy ass faggots for not understanding the differance of ai or photoshoping
(9.2 MB, 2767x3283, doja.png)
Doja Scat

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