
(139 KB, 1210x810, Gamers rise up.jpeg)
Last thread was bumplocked.
Anyone wants to start by uploading D.I.E.T or Feed My Affection?
how about the latest gain of life?
>>53988 (OP)
I'm curious to see if anyone has the original version of this picture with cuts in her arms, woot replaced it with the one in the OP after some backlash
is weightgaming flooded with threads about shitty chatbots because it's the only way they can keep people going to the site after they drove off all their good developers?
It's probably one guy who doesn't know where else to go.
I currently just took a look at Sultans as I hadn't played it yet and it's decently entertaining but I'm just waiting for the other games to update
they had good devs?
I asked on the last thread for the v0.7 or higher from Weighted Dices in APK. Do anyone have?
Can anyone share Fat 'Till Friday or Tower of Damnation?
its the 3rd or 4th post in the old thread
kemono.su (party) down.
is it over?
The sutes been having problems with but I managed to connect with my devices, try again from time to time
We can't access the old thread, so say what it is for posterity's sake?
>>53988 (OP)

Feed My Affecti0n v0.49 is on Kemono now
it got taken down already
>Fat 'Till Friday

I'd not normally say this but, just buy the fucking game. It's $5 dude. Not $5 a month Patreon sub. Not $5 per version. It's $5 up front to access the downloads of whatever versions are there.

Even at College I'd not feel $5 was a huge financial burden.

I totally get people pirating Patreon games, I do but an up front single price charge? nah that shit is worth of telling you to actually buy the thing
Is it not? not the guy asking for it here but i was deff under the impression it was still being made under the patreon
There's a download in the overwatch thread in bbwdraw.
I don't mind buying it but my third world bank for some reason doesn't allow me to pay on half of the fucking sites including patreon and itchio
>Tower of Damnation
What is that? I've never heard of it and searches don't bring up anything could be considered fitting for this site.
bruh they want patreon money to play a shitty ai art rpgmaker game?
>Kraban goes on art hiatus for 3+ years to work on a 3D wg game, shame but you can't rush work like this I suppose.
>Game is out today, rush to download it.
>Play it and not even within ten minutes it's apparent this is perhaps one of the worst turds this fetish has ever seen.
>Entire gameplay loop is just fetch-questing where woman tells you they want thing and you go to other room to bring them thing.
>Game's dialog is so bad that the characters don't even have discernable personalities because Kraban sucks so much at writing.
>Multiple signs that this motherfucker didn't bother to playtest his own game after compiling the final build.
>The same character existing in two rooms simulatenously, insane mouse sensitivity that cannot be changed and forced me to put my mouse to 250 dpi, events that should only happen once being able to be triggred infintely, dialogue boxes being assigned to incorrect characters etc

I'm in actual fucking shock, even by the standards of a solo dev putting out a free game this is absolutely pathethic. I don't understand how such a simplistic game design can take almost 4 years to put out, especially when the finished product is far below a baseline level of competency for a video game.
(710 KB, 612x692, nigger.png)
Triple encoded, here's the xiv mods at least , I don't have access to the world mods. I refuse to give the russo cuck any cash. WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFdsZGthRXh0TlRaTU1scHdZa2RWZG1SWFpGTlZiV1JhVWtaTmFsVllUbWhUUmprd1VWWTVTbVJxUWpOaE0wMTRZakZvWms1dFVtNU1WbVF4VGtkbk1WTllVa3RWU0hCMVRGZFNabUpVVGpKUlZrVTBXWGM5UFE9PQ==
>total noob here
How do you even start to play that, also assuming you don't want to scare the normies with your fetish on the public ffxiv (?) servers.
And yes, how do you mod that too.
Of all the girls, Yuki is like the only cute one, and she also seems the most popular
Gorge Valley is so far the only good game that has serious potential. Blobygon is also good, but his is more of a tech demo then anything.
No joke the camera controls are so bad that it made me nauseous to the point of nearly throwing up. How the hell did this get past any sort of testing
Gorge Valley is still looking promising besides the recent change to character art that was voted on, it'll probably just slow progress a little and increase bloat (lol) if every new character needs a bunch of portraits animated.
Still, it's the best we've ever seen.
Dandy said he's doing the portraits in waves so the delay isn't so long; MC is supposed to get hers first, then everyone else will come along later.

It'll be another couple of weeks before the new update comes out because of what he's gotta add(new Dryads, first part of the story, the MC's actual weight gain stages).
(239 KB, 917x691, Untitled mod order.png)
So, I've managed to do this.
In what order should I put the mods, is this okay-ish?
I use penumbra, but still do have a question regarding the privacy lmao
Did anybody get the newest version of Feed My Affection before it was taken off of Mega?
He would save more time by animating shapes in adobe flash, with higher quality portraits. If doing pixel art is what he prefers stylistically, that's his choice. Still though, adding loads of extra work is not ideal.
She inflated all her nudes. How do I undo that lol nooooooo
Dude I watched all your biochemist like videos. Send my stuff lol
Its a real problem, I don't know why they allow it as I would have to be extraordinarily generous to call chatbots games.
I seriously don't fathom why they're allowing for that.
I've posted once or maybe twice in one thread, dumped a little of bots, and that was almost a year ago!
Back then, it was acceptable, since it was the relatively new hot meta.
Right now it is, sort of? But it doesn't excuse them from being such a bunch of lousy retards who didn't come up with anything better than shittymost spicychat/caveduck/characterai.
It's obsolete, simply why won't they stop?
Are they genuinely that retarded?
I don't think installing a sillytavern and finding a public proxy with access to gpt-32k or claude 2.1 is that hard.

Bur right now, it's just too much. They've managed to clog the catalogue.
That's my concern, that he's taking on too much at one time. Although he did acknowledge this on his Patreon and has stated that he's doing these portraits in waves ie rolling them out in separate updates so there isn't a huge timegap between one update and the next. He said that the MC(Sky I think her name is) is getting the portraits first.

Next update should be out in a few weeks. Dev says that we're getting the first part of the story(introudction most likely) and weight gain and cow TF for the MC
Normally the people posting here are prone to histrionics but honestly, this is pretty spot on. I played it for 30 minutes and I want those minutes back. I paid nothing yet still feel like I'm owed a refund for this dogshit travesty.
Does anyone have chunky cheerleader parts 2-4?

i mean for a first game and like first release it's definitely not the worse but it's not too good as well since it's so bugged and the only way for you to genuinely make progress is if you read the unofficial walkthrough on his weight gaming thread. But all and all it's a good concept and i'm really looking forward to what more he has in store. But if there's one thing i would love for him to change is the character models man, this game has enormous potential but i gotta say it's hard to get through when the girls aren't like super attractive. If there's a possibility of him changing the girl's models and faces i'd say we have something big in our hands. Just gotta be patient that's all
>I don't think installing a sillytavern and finding a public proxy with access to gpt-32k or claude 2.1 is that hard
If you're a fa/g/
Otherwise, you're going to have to rummage through a lot of places for a crumb of boat, which might very well leave you up shit creek without a paddle one day for no particular reason
meaning when that happens, you have to start the process all over again
The state it's released in is barely acceptable, even for someone's first game. But what especially chafes me about it is the fact that it's taken him almost 4 years to put this out, he put his entire art career on hold to work on this and I genuinely don't know what the fuck he spent most of this time on because it sure as he'll doesn't show within the game. And yes, the girls all look pretty offish and aren't especially attractive.

The ONLY positive thing I have to say about this game is that the actual wg content once you do reach it, is actually pretty good fwiw. And in the long-term Kraban could seriously deliver on this, from a technical perspective he's legitimately a talented artist and renderer. Although it makes up only a small amount of his gallery, the few finished 3D renders he's put out are outstanding. If he has the balls to go all out and have the characters reach immobility and hyper sizes in the subsequent parts, we could potentially have some of the best 3D wg content of all times on our hands.

But even so, I'm not going to say it's worth trudging through the game to get to the actual fetish content because it's not lol. It takes multiple hours to see anything and the experience getting there is pretty miserable because of how bad the game itself is. I feel like I've been lobotomised after looping through this postage stamp sized apartment 40 times over, clicking through dialogue that feels like it was written by a grade schooler. It would work so much better as a package of standalone 3D animations rather than a barely functional video game.
yo anyone got savoring blade?
It's mind-boggling that there are jam games made in days or weeks that are more engaging, fun and stimulating than this.

Some people are simply not cut out fir making games, I'm sorry to say. It's endlessly irritating how hobbyist developers feel like it's a noble goal to reinvent the wheel, finally creating one that can't even properly turn no less.

I get it that it's as much for their personal development, which is fine, but to then package these practise efforts things as "games" either speaks little of their regard for the medium as a whole to toss out shovelware or their simple delusions as some auteur creator.
which makes it all the more depressing that weightgaming has been treating the jam participants like shit while dedicated entire boards to projects that never get updated or to shitty rpgmaker games, ideas guys, or chatbots that took two minutes to make
Elaborate? How is weightgaming impinging on developers? All the jam entries are still up and available for play unless the creator decides to take it down themselves.
They run the jams like shit, haven't made updates to their scoring in years, and have shit themes and change the rules when they feel like it. i don't think there's a single participant who hasn't felt screwed by their bullshit one way or another.
This sounds like a tired and bitter old record. SFOAS, Smasher and the Will o' the Thiccs, Doughball Descent, Momulator and other games of note all found their origins in the jams, some even going on to find commercial success. So many creators have become hallmarks and mainstays of the wg game dev community, in part thanks to the jams. No one's forced to compete and yet it still remains a big draw. Even when they removed the prize money last year, it didn't deter many.

I'm not gonna say the jams are perfect, but maybe put down the hateorade, my guy. You're embarrassing yourself.
Remember that time the best game to come out of Japan in years got completely scrubbed from weightgaming because it got a translation?
Didn't it also feature underaged characters? The site's got pretty much one simple rule concerning content - no minors - and people struggle to follow even that.

And if your rebuttal is gonna be "hurr durr, but what about X and Y?" Yes, please feel free to narc.
So... mind telling the name of the game then? Because no, i dont remember that. I dont see much use in visiting LGaming in general, because its overrun with shitty chatbots, extremely low-quality RPGMaker stuff and even shittier twine games which are weirdly short for how easy it is to make a game in twine
>If you're a fa/g/
I am, praise the Omnissiah.
You can use desu proxy or ami001 proxy, that's a low hanging fruit. Of course, you can also abuse free trials or learning how2scrape for the keys.
So far, I don't recommend the scuffed proxy, it's injected a wee but too much, so the prompts don't work that well.
It's misekoya, you can find the source on X. I have it, 0.4.1 I believe, the translated version. Some anon posted the link in here previous thread to it.
As for the good rogmaker games, they indeed mostly come from Japan.
Failmuseum made some pretty neat games as well, but there's been very few news recently.
>don't ask for the updates though, but chatbots are fine!
(638 KB, 639x799, 8412 - SoyBooru.png)
Yep, I guess the LGaming forums are JOEVER.
Unless someone makes a fresh-baked alternative to the wgforums, the people would steadily leave for other places. Be it discord goonenwerfers, tg-shacks or some other sites and places. Hell, even DA or X would do better now. Lol.
The issues:
Timmyfaggotry, furries, retards and simply the bot-shitters, bootlickers and other such pleasant gentleXIRS.
I've noticed that the average age of user base appears to be going down. There are literally 13yo timmies posting absolute trash in reckless abandon. Lord spare us.
(128 KB, 666x624, qualitywork.png)
>look at all these games from years ago
>momulator is good, trust me
>we didnt upset everyone with the jam two years ago
>we change nothing because nothing is wrong
>dont be a hater
>lets post more chatbots
Did not expect to see a Doomverse meme here.
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Will anyone have the Feed My Affection video game in version 0.49?
Not me, for once.

I mean, I left my admin duties awhile ago, and about to leave the site for good in a month or two once we finalize the paperwork.
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Which game is best to reverse engineer and make a romhack for? Asking for a friend.
damn, think you can have one last bitchfit before you go?
What paperwork?
Do you mind sharing in detail what sort of behind the scenes these types of sites have?
Maybe, if the insults were good enough, I could muster up a good fight.

Its just boring LLC stuff. I was co-owner with Grot, so its just paperwork to step out of that arrangement so that he becomes sole owner. I've long since stopped interacting with any of the administration or decision making though, early last year. Wasn't cut out for it and wasn't good at it, and just getting too tired for all this.
Can anyone share the full version of Savoring Sword
Wow, americans turning a fatties vidya forum into something you write off in your taxes return is something else.
>You can use desu proxy or ami001 proxy, that's a low hanging fruit. Of course, you can also abuse free trials or learning how2scrape for the keys.
A different kind of moonrunes.
Fa/g/s are truly a unique breed.
I think I've found what you are talking about. Now I just have to de-code the codebro talk, and maybe I'll be onto something.
(268 KB, 1079x605, Screenshot_20240319-043023.png)
>we change nothing because nothing is wrong

>and change the rules when they feel like it.

And this is why it's difficult to take you clowns seriously.

>chatbot complaints
This one's weird to me. WeightGaming contained the bots, sectioning them from the rest of the board. The projects page still has healthy activity... Sooo what's the problem? You guys realise bbwchan has a similar problem and solution with their /bbwai page, yeah? Yet no one's up in arms about this. If it's just about chatbots existing on the site at all, they aren't going away any time soon so learn to deal with it. The ease of which they can be created means that it would be a fool's errand to curtail them.

Use your heads, people. What's smarter: playing whack-a-mole with stamping out chatbots (oh hey, mod overreach. People love that, right?) and driving them underground. Or just give them their own little box to do their thing in? People either get bored of spamming them due to the saturation and stop (win) or to stand out they design better, more interesting chatbots (also win).

Anyways, enough about WGaming. Go check out Burger Kurger if you haven't already. Lilith's Lair is shaping up to be good. Multiple kink routes with BK's trademark humour sprinkled throughout. The guy can cook and deliver, as evidenced from Visca's Earth Conquest.
Is this just art or a cg from an actual game cause this actually looks good wtf
Sorry, should have clarified that it's a screenshot sneaked from BK's latest devlog of Lilith's Lair. More people should be aware of and support this guy. Kurger works hard.
(164 KB, 1435x548, curated projects.png)
the AI bot spam even being tolerated is more of a "straw that broke the camel's back" thing
the core problem is that the weight gaming mods are generally retarded
we have yuka's games, shovelware tier at BEST. and the mods do nothing but run to defend when people tell yuka to either fuck off or improve their work.
multiple times have people posted regular porn games there, and yet again the mods do nothing but run to defend the off topic posters when people are (rightfully) trashing on them.
so the mods clearly care for neither the quality of content or how on topic a game is.
and thats just the moderation of off topic/low quality games.

how about the hypocrisy of the moderators?
we have MULTIPLE games that feature fat feral characters, all of them are allowed.
and yet the moment a game with a loli (or a fictional character with questionable age) is posted, people scream and cry for the mods to delete the thread (which usually does happen)
you can either say that lolis and ferals are fine or that loli and feral promote pedophilia and bestiality respectively
but you cant say say that feral is fine while loli isnt. that just makes you a hypocrite
>inb4 buh muh rools
loli being banned isnt the problem, nor do i actually have a problem with the feral games. its the fact that feral is also allowed alongside the loli ban. either go all the way or not at all.

infact continuing on that, how about the blatantly obvious children on the site?
betatoybox is a good example.
clearly a child, the 'games' and ideas he puts out scream "A CHILD MADE ME". not a single adult would make that and think its good enough to put out.
so the mods are willing to ban games with fictional characters that harm nobody, but allow literal children on the site? what a joke.

how about jam judging?
>obvious bias for furry/goblin focused games
>"personal preference" section ONTOP of said bias
>not just dropping a game out of the competition for not being fetish based or failing to incorporate the theme into the fetish.
>a game can be fucked entirely because one judge couldnt make it run but the other two could, and this has happened in the past.
this has remained true throughout every gain jam, people have pointed it out every gain jam, and every gain jam: nothing has been done about it.

how about the curated projects section?
picrel is from a few months ago. if i remember correctly i went off of a year to gauge if a project is active or in hiatus, and two years of complete uninterest from the dev to determine if its dead.
only 11 projects here (out of 27) can be considered alive or completed. the rest are either in a hiatus like state or dead.
why are the dead/hiatus projects not in their own section? why are the alive and completed projects not tagged as such?

>we change nothing because nothing is wrong
>and change the rules when they feel like it.
these are not mutually exclusive.
you can refuse to change a rule that people have a problem with, and then change another that people dont have a problem with just because you feel like it

there's more im probably forgetting about but i cant be bothered to remember.
point is: it all adds up, it may not stand out to you but for people paying attention the state of the site becomes very disappointing very fast.
you can deny it all you want, call me whatever you wish, but its all true and you know it.

and yes, i would actually prefer "mod overreach" when the """content""" in question is extremely low quality spam.
nobody gives a shit about the "more interesting chatbots" except for the people who are fine with the shitty ones in the first place.
kek bootlicker
if your a mod make the site better for peoppe who want axtual gaems
if your not your a retard
actually those are not mutually exclusive
I mean I know how to run sillytavern and aihorde worker scribes and localLLM mistral (low end models that my machine can run)... and such but I don't have a clue how to find free gpt-32k context access :(

Is there a guide somewhere?
Can you upload your translated version of misekoya? I don't want to go on a wild goose chase to track it down and I'd be too stupid to translate it english anyway.
Quimbly is actively still being developed, like the discord is active and the so is the patreon, which they only charge per major build release iirc. They actually started doing weekly art post for the game characters. No sex yet tho unfortunately but it is planned
Was mostly for legal and financial protection, and since sole-proprietorships (i.e. you're the only one in the LLC) don't protect you as much, Grot asked me to stay on as 10% owner when I gave the site to him years and years ago. That way he and I would have legal separation from anything levied against the forums and thus our underlying business. Plus, it made moving money around easier, since the site's running costs aren't small, even disregarding the costs of Game Jams and our donations/support to projects we found promising.

Since the site has always run in the red though, we could in fact write it off on our taxes. That said, the site would cost me anywhere from 500 to 800$ with my 10% share each year, not counting any other ancillary things that would pop up here and then, so I always lost a good amount of money, Grot losing much more. Given that the site and community has largely diverged from my original (highly unrealistic) intent, I felt like I was throwing money into the void for a project I felt super disconnected from.

Plus, it was just never going to flourish with me at the helm. My general approach of "laissez-faire" moderation/administration is fundamentally incompatible with running a large site/community. Its actually kind of funny that a lot of complaints on here are a consequence of that approach, given the nature of chans. Specifically the complaints in this post:


I had decided that I never wanted to be the gatekeeper of what content was and wasn't allowed because that would come down to indefensible positions on why certain games are allowed why others weren't. The only exception were things that were potentially (its kind of unclear) federally illegal and/or could lose us our hosting (like underaged characters). That's why feral is allowed and underaged isn't, just to clarify on that. Otherwise, even if I found content to be low effort, distasteful, or even potentially immoral, if there wasn't an objective reason it shouldn't be allowed, I would allow it.

If I hadn't done that from the onset, I don't think you all would much care for the site given my proclivities that I always tried to set aside. Despite what several people think, I don't think I ever explicitly pushed for more furry or male-centric content, because I know that's a small minority of what people would want to see and that a good majority of the community finds it outright distasteful.

That being said, I no longer know if hands off is the best approach. If I were to do it again, god forbid, I'd probably just do whatever I want and to hell with anyone else's opinions. One of my biggest mistakes was trying to listen and explain my positions to everyone in the pursuit of transparency and fairness. This led to a rise in entitled forum/discord users that thought they had actual direct control in how we did things. It went WAY beyond feedback (which I always encouraged). In particular, certain parties during the Game Jam discussions were absolutely insufferable and I sincerely hope (since I'm no longer a proper representative of the site) they go fuck themselves since they all but tell us to do the same each chance they get.

Does this ramble count as a bitchfit?
Thats words of a horny woman.
So, krabans game. Is there actually significant weight gain in it, or is it just like stuffing and teased content kind of stuff? Just want to see if it’s worth even bothering with because the character moves so fucking slow and the mouse is a mess, I only played a few minutes and was put off by the jank. But my horny goblin brain is debating going further lol
The last part will do. Your inability to change things seems due to wasting your time on this site rather than listen to your own users. I'm glad you're stepping down and only wish you fucked off earlier. Maybe the site stands a chance without your bitch-ass crying about it. Or maybe you just have a chip on your shoulder :^)
There is actual weight gain, I suffered through it enough to progress one of the 3 characters up to a certain point where it initiates feeding sequences with her, and those events lead to visible pudge being added to the character's model. There's even a scene where she gives you a blowie in the shower. FYI though I've spent the past few days playing non-coomer games so I haven't progressed past the point described, can't tell you how far the game goes in terms of fetish content beyond that point.

But it's important to note it takes like 3 hours to reach this point and it's honestly kinda not worth it. Not just because the game is boring af but because it's genuinely so poorly made that the longer you play the more risk you bring of causing events to trigger infinitely, running into softlocks, resetting the story to earlier stages etc. And all of that just makes the exeprience of getting to the fattywank super frustrating.

If you REALLY want to play this game for the wg content then I have one suggesstion for you, wait. Kraban has acknlowedged the state of the game and has promised to fix it with a patch but apparently he can only ship it sometime in the middle of May because he's busy. This is very generously assuming that he even has the skills to fix his own game...but yeah. Don't touch it until it's fixed, unless you want to suffer.
Hate to break it to you, but the last significant input I had was years ago, otherwise it was largely just rubber stamping. In fact, I'm probably forgetting something, but I think the last (terrible/disastrous) decision I actually made was that stupid jam extension. Made it clear I wasn't cut out for this, so I largely retracted most of my input.

I wouldn't expect the site's direction to change significantly, since I basically left a few years ago.
(45 KB, 661x250, bitch.JPG)
>The only exception were things that were potentially (its kind of unclear) federally illegal and/or could lose us our hosting (like underaged characters). That's why feral is allowed and underaged isn't, just to clarify on that.
>federally illegal
>That's why feral is allowed and underaged isn't
i will waste no more time on you or any of the mod dick suckers.
Acts of bestiality, not depictions of (as far as I know at least), whereas mere depictions of underage characters in sexual scenarios is possibly illegal in the US. Even if it weren't, most hosting solutions would fuck you over if you even thought about it.
Thanks for the info! I appreciate it. Yeah, I’ll probably just shelve it till later then.
Way to just google and just quote the featured snippet without reading the fucking article. That applies to the US Armed Forces (note the obvious mention of court-martialing?)

There is no federal law for bestiality. It varies between state judiciaries. Bury your balls in a bear in New Mexico - it's legal there.

Not that I'm condoning bestiality but more to highlight that the comparison mentioned in >>54720 between bestiality and loli, sorry, I mean underaged pornography is pure false equivalence. The difference is night and day.

Funny thing was that no one was talking about loli previously so to bring it up makes it look like your tipping your hand. Sounds like our friend here got his nuts chafed by being called a pedo too many times and had to come out swinging.
Sweet isn't on hiatus, it's technically complete by the devs standards. He moved onto a new one called super sweet
They're not real, the animals or the loli's.

Take your meds schizo.
>whereas mere depictions of underage characters in sexual scenarios is possibly illegal in the US
No its not you fucking liar
iirc the loli ban killed that one Konosuba fangame, since it had Megumin in it
(79 KB, 1000x1000, classic WGforums L reaction.jpg)
Yup, and they even funded the VN without realizing there was "loli" content, which they could have found with a modicum amount of research/google for the characters that they couldn't bother doing prior.
(30 KB, 400x400, 1676341724328950.jpg)
>mere depictions of underage characters in sexual scenarios is possibly illegal in the US
The Brandon administration would've nuked X harder than the goobermint did 8chan, if lolis were illegal.

DIdn't someone bring over Ryuuou no Oshigoto?
(1.7 MB, 600x329, AkibaMeidoSensou-Episode5-2.gif)
>They funded the Konosuba game they killed
I never knew that part! How the fuck did a group of people not have at least one who knew about Megumin with how much Konosuba was everywhere?!

Really makes you wonder if people who worked at Funimation might have been working at that site too.
Yeah imma need that link, this looks way too promising to pass up
... He mewled through impotent tears of rage.

Go read about US Obscenity federal laws and the PROTECT Act. America doesn't fuck around when it comes to shit like this and so having a large entity like a registered LLC openly partake in the distribution of such things was obviously no bueno for Grot.
has the federal government ever gone after a site for EXCLUSIVELY loli content?
nothing real, just loli?
I doubt there's any goobermint prude that would classify loli as obscene that wouldn't also classify feral as obscene.
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It's well-written, utilizes the engine (well enough), isn't boring and offers a fresh scenario, rather than 'press X to fat'.
You can look khanon reverse proxy repo and see how it works, most reverse proxies are based on that anyway. I'm not 'that good', but at the very least not a complete buffon. There are /g/entoomen who are far more proficient in such things.
Personally, claude-3-opus-20240229 is truly good. I use it as an assistant for some mundane coding tasks and now write a plugin to perch that sassy model as a reference manager in my project folders. It's quite a mess, haha.
I should make some illustrations for misekoya, I think so.
>picrel, 2, 3.
>girl this developed is loli somehow
>it's le bad...le... obscene THOUGH PRIDE PARADE GOOD!!
What the fuck is "mewled", is that some furry shit?
And no, the only law related to loli shit in the US specifically says about depictions of REAL children, as in, drawing a child that actually exists like Shadman did.
does anyone remember a mod for stardew valley that made specifically Sebastian a female slob?

does this go in chat completion custom? Because I'm clearly doing something wrong just inputting the url's as endpoints and copying model names...

the formatting of the file at the link is .json style which makes me think maybe I'm supposed to download the file somewhere rather than just copy/pasting info from it?

TLDR: hold my hand for one more step please?

does this go in chat completion custom? Because I'm clearly doing something wrong just inputting the url's as endpoints and copying model names...

the formatting of the file at the link is .json style which makes me think maybe I'm supposed to download the file somewhere rather than just copy/pasting info from it?

I even asked in the ST discord about it and my message was deleted and they said proxy talk is not allowed on discord :( Which sort of means you're my only hope of learning the missing step I suppose?

TLDR: hold my hand for one more step please?
mewled is another way of saying whined.
Use your head. What would happen if the site fostered a culture that embraced lolicon? All it would take is some opportunistic retards to exploit that relaxed trust and then shit hits the fan. To pretend that this wouldn't or couldn't happen is to delude yourself with wilful stupidity.

You can scoff at point at all the loli threads here - I forget, how many times have these chan boards been pulled for CP again? I've lost count.

Does it suck? Yes, of course it does. As much as I don't care for loli, I ultimately don't care about its existence either. We all know its harmless in a vaccuum but in reality it sits in a legal grey area that poses a risk in the dim view of the law. It's easy to downplay the risk when it isn't your own neck on the line. It's Grot's neck if the site was exposed for knowingly harboring a CP ring.

Try to understand, it's not a moralising issue nor one of personal preference. The mods don't give two shits about loli. It's just self-preservation from legal bullshit. Start thinking with your brains instead of your dicks for once.
>I forget, how many times have these chan boards been pulled for CP again? I've lost count.
you are ignoring the fact that people did post actual CP on the real boards, and that the loli threads are still here without issue.
again, its not the loli content thats the issue, its the real stuff.
>All it would take is some opportunistic retards to exploit that relaxed trust and then shit hits the fan. To pretend that this wouldn't or couldn't happen is to delude yourself with wilful stupidity.
you could do your job as a moderator? there's a pretty clear line between "look at this drawing" and "look at this real person"
the reason why bbw chan struggles is because of how easy it is for something to slip under the radar. weight gaming wouldnt have that problem because of its layout and general speed.
>I forget, how many times have these chan boards been pulled for CP again?
This thread is literally on the same board as the 9th edition of the loli thread, are you retarded?
The only times anyone has been convicted for loli is when they had CP which the government used said lolis to bolster the charges the CP gave.

>like Shadman did
And Shadman never even got busted on that; all he got was sued by Keemstar or some shit to get the picture taken down.

>What would happen if the site fostered a culture that embraced lolicon
Last I checked, all image boards are still active, hell, I think cakekikes 8chins offshoot is still around and that motherfucker is a huge lolicon.

No wait, how the fuck did I forget the we're fucking on; I think we're up to 5 loli threads currently active on this board and there's still fat lolis getting posted in /bbwdraw/.
>you could do your job as a moderator? there's a pretty clear line between "look at this drawing" and "look at this real person"
"Go play with fire, kids. We have health insurance for a reason."

>the reason why bbw chan struggles is because of how easy it is for something to slip under the radar.
You're so close to getting the point. So close. You can do it, anon!

I've tried basically every combination of choices on this screen, none seem to work at all :(

And I really can't ask elsewhere, if you try to ask on ST discord or ST reddit they just delete the question I guess because this tech is "secret"?

If I had one example I knew was the correct syntax I could monkey brain it ...
(307 KB, 770x730, 1651686296448.jpg) (283 KB, 1200x1577, anon.jpg)
Chat completion > chat completion source (openai compatible OR claude if you use the new line of anthropic models) > IF claude - proxy name, endpoint, pass, click save preset.
If it's the openai compatible option, simply paste the endpoint and enter the pass.
Simple as.
I've literally did this to illustrate this to you.
I'm sitting on a keyed proxy btw. This is how it should look like for the new line of claude models.
Check your ST version too.
Yeah, based off the art here, feel like they should've claimed that Megumin was aged up or whatever and the VN never would've died.

That or have some sort of implied timeskip from vanilla konosuba where she'd then be an adult.

Just feels like crying over spilled milk now I guess, but it seems like a complete bungling in retrospect.

I think I remember seeing art for the project for Darkness where she stared at a mirror or something but IDK if there was any out there for aqua or wiz or whoever else was going to be in it.
Lets do more fly bys to piss them off. Done speaking up for scarey ass people around here. Do as you bid
Seeing as the Konosuba VN has been brought up again, I might as well give my side of the story as the guy who pretty much started the snowball that lead to the near-creation of the VN

Started simple, I comm’d BlackJack for a Darkness story, he had a deal where if you comm a story from him you get a pic from Kurocaze. I made an off hand comment at the end (forgot the specifics, it’s been years by this point) that lead to the starting parts of the VN. Originally going to be Darkness and just that, but then later on two more commissioners were added to the project, one for Megumin and one for Aqua.

After that progress went by fairly decently, the art work got made at a steady pace, same with voice acting stuff too. But when it came to actually making the game engine, that’s when things ended up sowing down a whole bunch. From what I’ve been told, it’s just that the programmer has a whole bunch of IRL stuff keeping them busy and as such isn’t able to work as much on it, but was slowly chipping away at it.

To my knowledge, Megumin’s age was never a problem with the creation of the VN (which makes sense since Natsuki was also a Loli and that was fine) and if it was something that was an issue, it most certainly wasn’t something I heard about up to now. The only thing that happened with Megu was just that the artist was changed from Kip, since Kip drew her way way smaller than she’s described in the story
(368 KB, 1920x540, 404e9c7964b734776d4d0860732cb8ea5c29d921.png)
So now that CupCupMug has actually completed the Savoring Sword, does anyone feel like sharing it? Specifically, the Patreon version, since it has some extra stuff.
Anyone got the link for Bladenrune9's fattening career 0.9 links they just released the new update for the game
Yeah the new update looks sick bro
New patch should be dropping soon as it seems there's a bug inspecting stats too early.
thanks for being so helpful

I was doing everything ever so slightly incorrectly, this example is so straight forward though! (I got it to work)

Anyone reading this should be able to figure it out now. Because if people have trouble figuring out sillytavern they can go ask on discord or reddit about that (ST staff blacklisted all discussion of the reverse proxy feature for some reason)
ℂhub ℂhomp ℂhill by $olitary$cribbles

will release today - will be free in a week anyway but if someone minds updating ...
Bladenrune9's fattening career looks good, should I wait until it gets patched?
I don't think you need to wait.
I've been playing this game for ~8 hours now and I haven't faced a single bug yet.
It is kinda crazy how good this game is, I had never heard about it before, this one shouldn't flying under the radar like it is. I get it, it is Daz 3D garbage, but this one is actually good.
Was anyone able to download fattening career 0.9 before it was taken down, that can share it?
yea anyone?
It was taken down because of the bugs I think, there's a bugfixed version comming soon.
real talk gaining perspective is the only one I keep going back too. shame the developer did a quick finish of it and bailed.
any rich kid patreon wanna share ℂhub ℂhomp ℂhill ? ;)
Seconded this
>10 Dollars

Just wait a fucking week, child.
>>55106 is this your way of speaking in code. You ppl on bbwchan stupid as all hell in dark ass cracks with butt hairs and poop smells
(11 KB, 297x170, download (3).jpeg)
Anyone have the new Myfattening career?
asking for this as well
Bro asking is the point of the thread, Chill out.
What happened to the download links on kemono for Fattening Career? They say the file is no longer available.
Pulled for bug fixes
Koffee disagrees racist organization
Call washington on them
Tell the radio station all the numbers since the racism continues
Now my foot is on all of your fucking heads.
Have they said when they'd be back up?
Remeber when your loved one died and I showed you compassion and you shit all over me anyways. Thats why its pure evil on those grounds until you all rot & leave. Doesnt matter what new place you go it will follow
Anyone have the fattening career? Kemono link is down
new fattening career please?
New one is on their patreon with bug fix
Acholic father usually beat down on the mothers statisically proven
We need a Chad to update the kemono
Chad dont know shit. 1 share having ass. We are whales
>>55284 What is the kemono link for fattening career?
just played it. it's okay. not missing much. not alot of new content tbh. Made me sad that nothing really changed, the girls don't get any if at all bigger. 2/5
Can you update the kemono bro?
Why so much clamor for DIET and Fattening Career? Both below average at best. Weighting game was better and that was mediocre as fuck
Fattening Career is probably the worst game on WeightGaming, the last update had like 10minutes of low effort content at most.
Compare that to completely free games like Forks and Some Bullshit and it makes it even more clear how much of a cashgrab it is. 1/5

Worst games in weightgaming?

1 any Yulia shovelware
2 gain of life
3 fattening career
The same dudes or the same schizo that always complain about every fucking wg game that's talked about around this thread/chan
My main complaint about FC is the fact that there’s the whole cult thing that’s introduced early in the story and it’s just… never explained from that point on, like why add it if you’re not gonna build upon it?
I figured it was just an excuse to justify having relationships with multiple women and fatten them up.
updated as of now, I am personally downloading all versions and will check threads if anyone needs

mega links on kemono seem dead for all 4 platforms (currently 6 post versions)
These games are driven into the ground because they're shit anon, stop being such a spineless limp-dicked pussy and crying just because other people are articulating their opinion. This isn't a hugbox and at the end of the fucking day criticism is necessary to A: Inform users about the state of games and prevent people from wasting their time on trash, B: Allow developers to learn and actually fix/improve their games if they possess any degree of self-awareness and C: It helps establish a baseline standard of acceptable game quality within the community so that devs don't get away scot free with releasing bottom of the barrel garbage.

Now shut the fuck up and let people say what they want to about these games, especially if they're objectively bad.
Exactly this. You all aren't on the Patreon for Fattening Career, but 90% of the comments on there are about how shit the game is and how everyone wants a refund. It is better for yall to know beforehand, instead of falling into the trap youselfs.

Besides that, when you are paying the huge amount of money to play the dogshit game you have to wait because the game is so buggy he removed the download link for 2 days.

The only people positive about the game are the dev and the weight gaming mods(probably because the dev pays them)
What do you expect from a game coming from one dude most of the time? With renpy, rpg maker, twine as game engines?

>This isn't a hugbox and at the end of the fucking day criticism is necessary to...

Take your criticism to their patreon, weight gaming or whatever place they talk about their games, they don't give a fuck about any schizo like you telling two essays of fucking criticism that only bumplocks the thread and most of the time is getting the game from here.

That's why i only pay once, because I KNOW what i'm getting, which in this case you have 0.08 to check how's the game and kemono to check his dev logs. Buy smart, and don't be like the jackass above you, he sugarcoated the game and then he faced reality when he got it firsthand. It's like y'all want some AAA coming from this fetish, keep coping.
The scoccer game while getting her ass bust by small husband cock is funny. Needs real bbc.
Honestly, I kinda agree. Trapped Together is a travesty, and as much as I blame the dev for an objectively poor game, some of the responsibility should be borne by whatever support or inner circle allowed this trainwreck to unfold over, what, three years? Three years without anyone feeling the need to interjectand attempt to steer things back on course.

Devs are just people and they are fallible. They can fuck up quite often. Being within a dev's inner circle means there is a small onus on you to provide input and counsel when needed - a dev is effectively entrusting you with that task. If you just wind up being starry-eyed and use the position to brag that you get to be on speaking terms with a dev, to me that is an effective abuse of trust.
what soccer game? there wasn't a soccer game in FC was there? Are you referring to another game?
Am I going crazy or is there only 2 maya events in the version you just sent. The pateron for it said that they added 7 new maya events.
It's our resident schizo. He's been posting garbage everywhere.

If you see a reply/comment that makes little to no sense, do not engage.
Moderating for free. Kill yourself white boy
I think he includes the dramatic scenes about the strip club as events, not just gain related, also seems to take awhile and some are tied to messages
Anon shut the fuck up.
It's literally a first attempt by a solodev and it was decent.
He got proper bugs and UI feedback as soon as he released the first part.
Calling it a travesty is being overdramatic.
If you hate the artistic direction just say so and fuck off.
Were you one of the people Kraban spoke to during the game's lengthy development? If not, the above doesn't concern you. Sit down.
Forks is hardly a golden standard when that shit will never, ever be finished.
Still 100x better then the garbage that is Fattening Career
> It's literally a first attempt by a solodev and it was decent.
Props to your seeing-eye dog from being able to type so eloquently. It got the punctuation down and everything.

But really, why does being a "first-time solodev" give you free license to create garbage? This is someone attempting a whole-ass game with a half-ass understanding of basic principles. That's just bad ass-maths right there.

Start small. Learn the ropes with microgames and tech demos. Make stupid toys to hone your abilities on. Doesn't matter of they're good, they're exercises to build your development muscles. Someone thinking that they are a wunderkind fresh out of the box with an ability to match their vision is peak auteur autism. It's tragic really. They either deserve their lumps or should find a new crowd to roll with, one who won't lead them down such a shit path.
(7.6 MB, 1918x1076, Oh yeah and fuck Voca for taking the money and running.gif)

Only good thing that came out of forks was Foxfire/Toroboro/Whatever-the-fuck-they're-called-now's art and the idea it would be free. Waited years for what boils down to the game's intro + a chunk of one route for it to get cancelled

At least with Fattening Career and some other "shit" games that cost money, they actually get updated on a semi-regular basis.

I will say anything by Yuliya and Gain of Life (paid version) do deserve the merit of being shit on
Feed My Affecti0n 0.50.0 is on kemono now, enjoy

well am001 and desu proxy were AMAZING for the week or so they worked for me, yesterday roughly it looks like they both broke, doh

I guess someone is actively trying to get them closed, so it's a bit of a game of whackamole to find one that is still operational?

it's already down a couple hours later, if you really want to help make a mirror of the files

anyone can hit f5, but not anyone is hitting it during the ~1-2hour window where it'll work
>> 55347

much appreciated!
hey i have a question. How many weight stages the cow girls have in gorge valley?
Like 4 if you count their starting weight, don't get any bigger once they're immobile
the cows in gorge valley DO get bigger once they reached stage 4 by stretching the sprite.
dunno where the limit is but iut is very high.
could anyone help out a newcomer to gorge valley?

how does one obtain metal? also, are the stones renewable resources?
Speaking of Gorge Valley, the unstable update drops April 10th. Their won't be any weight gain yet for the MC since that'll come next update, but we are finally getting into the actual story elements. Also you can finally turn the MC into a cowgirl.
anyone got pictures of the different body types for the new ccc update? its dumb that you cant preview them while you make a character
Which one is CCC again
chub chomp chill? the game solitaryscribbles is making
(746 KB, 940x686, life is cringe.png)
She would say that
No idea what I'm doing lol
Honestly, the current update of CCC is a broken mess. Game literally breaks once you pass the first room size threshold
Hey, would someone be so kind as to update the blobygon kemono, I'll post something new

Pretty sure it's an April fools joke.

I hope so at least.
You just have to go and reselect your option for that room (ie: go select the warehouse in your rooms and it will load).
It's super buggy for sure but it's a new release, ofc there's gonna be problems.
Its true that new releases may be open to have bugs, but the 1.0 ones are so evident that its like they released it knowing these bugs were present or they just really wanted to release a new version

My game is crashing when i manually enter a quantity in the shop which (as it seems) price to pay is bigger than the money i have: the clothes are deeply clipping themselves after starting gaining weight, there are times where my citizens float around t-posing like a tf2 game and sometimes when loading a department the citizens clothes doesnt load so they spawn naked

All of this considering they ask you to report any bugs you find to them, i cannot complain about a free game but i was hyped about this release
Yeah, CCC has had a rough launch, putting it mildly. Already people have compiled laundry lists of bugs and S.Scribs has already had a full-on despondent vent bemoaning about what could amount to a year's worth of wasted effort... Honestly it's hard to refute that 1.0 feels like a step back in a lot of respects. The overhyping in the run-up certainly didn't help proceedings. Honestly, if it was just released as a 0.6.x to little fanfare it would be far easier to swallow the current situation.

There are some things to like about it. I won't deny that I didn't sink some time into it and had some fun with it, but there's obviously a lot that needs fixing here. Did SScribs just sack otf the previous build and rebuild from scratch? Some design decisions feel bizarre compared to 0.5.2.

Damn, ya hate to see it.
For my first time playing, so no point of reference what previous builds were like, I'm pretty blown away at how fun it is and bugs have been minimal for me.
I've been a fan of scribbles for a decade at this point, hope they have better luck in the future. (:
I think it had to do with the whole ‘Unity charging for downloads’ thing that happened a while back, since the previous version of CCC ran on it. So obviously not wanting to risk the potential fees Scribs moved over to a different platform and thus remade the game by the looks of things.

Also I don’t know if I just forgot if the models were like that, but the completely flat faces are a bit off putting and I have zero idea if there’s an option to actually round out the faces
I’ve played every version of CCC, and yeah, I can’t lie, 1.0 is a bit disappointing. I still think it’s good, and I love the addition of different body type options and stuff, but there’s some stuff that could really use some tweaks.

The flat faces were already mentioned, I don’t hate it, it doesn’t ruin the game or anything, but I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t prefer the option for a rounded face. Another thing I’ve noticed is that if you choose the saggy chest type, it ends up clipping through the belly instead of being pushed to the front/side, leaving two weird holes on the torso. There’s quite a few issues with clipping in general. Another thing is I wish the store still had all items available. The crafting system is cool and fine, but I would still like if the items there were available regularly too, since personally I’m not really interested in crafting. I’ve also been getting glitches with the inventory menu where new items you just bought won’t display.

Scribbles said in the preview video that he’s planning on adding everything from the previous versions missing from the new one, and hopefully when that comes, bugs are gonna be dealt with and the game will in general be improved, but it’s probably gonna take a while before we see anything.

Overall I can definitely appreciate CCC 1.0 and all the work that’s clearly gone into it, I like a lot of what it does, but I feel like it’s missing too much of what the last version had for me to enjoy it as much as that one.
since I've gained a lot of knowhow between the last CCC release and this one, I decided to dig through the assembly in the .dll files to figure out why the game runs like shit and is so unstable.

to not go full autist in my explanations and keep it short, I think this project is beyond saving. scribs is not cut out for this.
I wonder if anyone else is having problems with changing the room location, or going outside per se.
For me it's stuck in the initial room no matter what, plus the badges inventory is kinda bugged.
I better wonder about the april release of blbygon.
Would like to see some of those games.
Maybe some kind anon will help out with that.
How desperate are you guys really are, to buy some mid-00s looking shovelware from an Italian?
Rip bozos.
Hey, does anyone have version Feed My Affection 0.50.0 by chance or not? I'm just asking.
You're lucky today ;)
Fееd Mу Аffeстion 0.50.0 apk and exe
Double encoded:

Anyone have Making the World a Fatter Place V0.3?
(2.5 MB, 2123x936, ccc.PNG)
am I just dumb? Can't go outside, can't control movement, can't eat the food I bought, etc
Yep, you can't do any of that at all.
Looks like blobygon dev given some time would be able to introduce everything CCC has now, but better.
Qui regit?
shame. Could have sworn I saw some outside simulator. I'd be willing to chuck $20 his way if it worked
Hello people, would someone be so kind as to update the kemono.party, the patreon blobygon update, just saying, I would be grateful
>>55773 >>55777
The "outside" is just the 'Backyard' room for the Warehouse stage. I've not gotten anything game breaking yet.
>> 55782 seconded, but it looks like the importers are broken for now, so its probably better to just upload the gif here while we wait.
how do i decode? never done it before.
Does anyone know what’s in the new blobygon build?
If you don't mind I would like to hear the explanations, because I enjoy breakdowns of fucked up spaghetti code
The link doesn't work

What specifically are you unable to do?

Check Kemono, new info uploaded
Sweet, looks like we’ll get some body type variety among a better transition system from skinny to blob
The WeTransfer link is missing characters

The concept of Gorge valley is kind of hilarious.

Mysterious woman in underpants comes to rural village, loots communal resources, immediately turns local populace into cows while selling their own bodily fluids back to them for profit and ramming 27 cheeseburgers at a time down their gullets until they turn into obese slobs.

No one is ever more than mildly annoyed by this turn of events.
Scribs’ game is okay, you can get soft locked by diet or shop rotation and it feels sluggish if the gains aren’t maxed out
Hello people, I'm just wondering, does anyone have Savoring Sword Greasy Update? I would be delighted if you could let me know. If not, I'll wait for you to answer me. Thank you very much.

which one is his game again?
Chub Chomp Chill
I also want to toss in that there is no clear threshold to the next ‘size’ level I’m like 12k+ in weight and I’m still mobile. Plus, happiness points are really damn slow so often you’re broke on that. I feel the shop should at least have tab for crafting ingredients and another for general food that has a buff of each type at all times
D.I.E.T. anyone?
Open saves folder, than open the file in vs code or any other ide and write the values you want to.
Personally, I threw a lot of level up points this way to make the gameplay lively.
Simple as that.
Shit, I copied it wrong, here it's fixed

Thats disgusting
I mean yeah, I don't like it either, I just grabbed it from kemono, but to each their poison.

RoyalJellySandwich is making a game!
I think my main problem with Chub Chomp Chill is just the sheer amount of waiting you have to do. Outside of feeding your apartment resident, theres just nothing for you to truly do except just sit there and wait for the happiness points to increase or hope to GOD you get the items that you need from the food shop. With previous builds you could at least rub your tenants belly to get some extra points but still. And I get the initial concept with this game was Tomodachi Life but for weight gain, but the problem is tomodachi life didnt have a gameplay loop or a goal to work towards. It was literally just putting miis in an apartment and seeing them interact. In that, it made sense for the player to not have much interaction, the main draw was the miis. But here, there is a goal, making your resident fatter, and the fact that takes forever unless you edit your character's files, is so annoying.
(178 KB, 280x476, IMG_2408.png)
Haven’t played it but I hope to god food in the store isn’t stupidly expensive like in 0.5. Otherwise I’ll just do what you did anon.

Despite that though, I carnally desire her.
Ain’t no programmer and all that, but if it takes fucking with the code to make the experience more fun then the developer fucked up. Like the game is ‘fun’ but there is fuck all to do half the time, I just hope the next update actually fixes the problems we’re all mentioning here
Is this image from a game. if so which one?
Chub Chomp Chill
Hey everyone, Scribbles here. Sorry the for the rocky 1.0 launch. It went through quite a bit of testing. But I guess with a wider player base, some stuff became apparent that wasn't before!
I'm currently working on 1.1. Should hopefully be out in the next week or so. Stuff like bug fixes, balance changes to make the game not as slow, better camera, stuff like that. It doesn't fix EVERYTHING at once. But it addresses a decent chunk of stuff.
Bear with me, it might take a bit to get the balancing just right. Still learning. Without giving away too much, there's stuff I've been wanting to add to the game to break up the main gameplay loop. Stuff that relies on the weight and build of your character. And while I haven't gotten the chance to actually add these things yet, I've been designing the game around the concept of them already being there. Which is why progression feels so slow. There isn't much to do in the game atm outside of fattening your citizen, so I need to tweak the balance and gameplay with that mindset and make it so you can actually... do that. But I guess part of me doesn't want it to become a 2-minute run and done kinda thing, which I guess is why I've been hesitant. But I also don't want the most practical way to enjoy the game to be editing the save file. All that just to say, progression should hopefully get better in 1.1 along with a handful of other things.

Thanks, glad you like her

Respectfully hoping I can prove that statement wrong, mate.
(217 KB, 2048x1152, IMG_2409.jpeg)
Madly in love with her and I respectfully blame you entirely.
yoi scribs love the project mate uuum quick question. where 's the other food ingrdients is it in a rotation type or i have to unlock that?
That’s cool to hear some fixes coming in soon and here’s hoping things mentioned before get fixed. Just a wild suggestion that won’t soon obviously, but maybe you can have your citizen interact with others or even control them in exploring the city?
so just out of curiosity, how much weight do you actually have to gain to reach that warehouse stage in CCC? i think i've gotten to something ridiculous like 30K and my character still being stuck in that room. Then I just got bored and gave up.
Hello people, can you be kind enough to update cupcupmug's kemono.party for the content of your patreon, if you can't wait, even if it takes a long time, thank you very much.

Have you heard the news, Scrib? RoyalJellySandwich is making a game!


Check his Twitter for further developments!
I've bought it.
The game was terrible.
The models were cute.
I wish I didn't spend 20 euro on it tbh.
Not sharing it because I want people to either learn from my mistake and not bother at all or suffer themselves.
This is the first time I feel like this about a game btw, and I've shared over a hundred fetish games paid builds.
(113 KB, 950x792, sup.jpg)
Call me senor ape ooh ooh ah aah or some shit but I cannot fucking figure this shit out for the life of me
Coming back to ST after several months of not touching it, pretty sure everything is on point but I genuinely have no fucking clue at this point

Fa/g/s really are a different breed
fucking PC wizards

And his bluesky.
merkava went down/private a week or two ago
>>56289 (Dead)
Who do you whorship. The devil calls to you. god sent the devil to rule over life on earth michael the first captain of the archangels. The prophecy is true.
10/10 well done great aim there mods
now delete the schizo messages you raging faggots
Hello people, does anyone have the new content of Dandy's Chest from Gorge Valley (I'm just asking) if someone has it, I'd appreciate it. If not, then there they answer my message.
Seconding this, like what even are the size thresholds anyway?

Let's just wait and hope they update dandy's chest's profile over on kemono soon
Hope a homie can come through soon, hyped for it.
Played the new version of it. The update this time is all about the story and detailing what everything is about. Dandy is really going all out with the animation here, and its easily one of the best weight gain games I have ever seen. There is a really good WG sequence in the new update, but that said the WG content for the MC has not been added yet because it would have delayed this update even further.

That said, the wait should not be as long as it was for this one.
>>56365 think you could add it to kemono for us?
Hey, whoever posted the kemono has the wrong version, it's Update
That’s the release that just happened for the $6 tier, so the person that updated it did not have the $12/or that post is still being processed. You don’t manually upload to Kemono so there no way to accidentally pick the wrong one
okay sorry but does anyone have the file more or less so I can pass it encoded just asking
You’re all good, no need to be sorry, also if no one uploads it by tomorrow night I will buy into the tier to share it and support him this month while I’m at it
ok kind sir or madam I thank you
does anyone have the pass for the new grow!ng r!valry update?
Some other person, the goat, has updated kemono
Very nice. Gonna be a great game in a couple years.
How do you get metal in .4.4? having problems even building a well. lol

I don't see anything that spawns to interact with to gather it and my other instinct was to interact with the wagon in the vain of it having some but that doesn't appear to do anything.

Have a bunch of wood and leaves from trees and bushes and that's about it.
I don't believe gathering metal has been integrated yet so, there's a stack of materials in the chest in front of the barn.
Hey people, does anyone have the cupcupmug game Savoring Sword GREASY UPDATE if they have it, pace it if not I'll wait it's just a question
Already in my top 5 now
Your friends have sextapes in public view fyi lol
(141 KB, 630x500, fZiUOM.png)
Does anyone have the most recent version of Cicada Springs?
I know it's not the best WG game, but I like its art.
Speaking of which, does anyone know how to get the "secret sizes"? I've played it an oar of times but I've never seen any.
I checked kemono for feed my affection, but I guess I missed the window for it. Can anyone re-up?
>>56463 Ah yeah that's where I got metal in one of the previous versions but the chest was completely empty for me in .4.4. Must be some some of bug or something I guess.

Hey luckers! Be ready to reup.

Feed mу Affеcтion 0.51.0 apk & exe:

Oj did it because these hoes aint loyal. Death by dishonor,
How the hell do you get the plants fatter
I think it's a combination of keeping them full of water, so bar filled into the red, but not to the point of bursting while the sun is out.
I was gonna play it more today lol.
Does anyone have D.I.E.T. apk for Android?
And they all have buttholes for mouths.
How long did it take to even do that?
Chik fila how many takes we need more shake sumthing
Pretty hyped now to see the MC start gaining, hopefully next update

I feel so stupid...
How do I get the ingedient for flour??
To add: I'm clicking the stacks of hay and nothing happens
You do it with the oven
Like an hour.
Should be neat, that intro sequence was already pretty great.
Gotta plant a wheat dryad from the seed lady in a plot and make a well for water.
So how does CCC v1.1 stack up to 1.0's "successful" launch? Am I going to wait an entire week to be disappointed?
i've played Diet version from here (thank you whoever posted it) and i remember playing free version that was available about 3 or 4 years ago.
To be honest, i did not feel any difference, my experience with this "game" was literally same, it's like nothing has been changed during these few years.
Cause it literally hasn't it's the same body types with no difference, the only thing that changes are the faces.
The only few times DIET Innovated was in 10.0 and the Asian with a different body type
I agree, DIET is one of the better games for this type of stuff, but it's so repetitive.
All the girls look mostly the same, their gain and bodies end up looking the same and the story is also mostly copy and paste.
Since it's one of the older games still being developed I doubt the maker will change it anytime soon, but there are much better games out there.
Let's be real about it - D.I.E.T. is essentially a clickable comic strip with new comics every month. I try hard not to use the word "game" since it's not really a game.

But yeah, I don't plan on really innovating. This isn't my full-time gig and I'm happy with the engagement I get currently.
Can you post clips of max size cows, rolling them around and milking them?
Anyone got an updated version on the misekoya game by not_shiranui? Even if it's the jp version
new version for glut-tonne demon dropped .
Ngl, looking forward to playing it
hopefully also someone is looking forward to share blobys work
Agreed, they’re probably the only one who has made a high quality sim with not much problems. Kinda wish they could get a team together for more content, but I can understand why they would work solo
Hello, can someone update the Blobygon kemono, it would be nice for the rest, if someone updates it, let me know by replying to this message, thanks.
kemonos uploads have been broken since the 13th. No one is updating anything.
sorry for that I'm going to wait

For what?

You want to update what?
Do you guys know any weight gain games made in rpg maker, that have content for more than 20-30 minutes and give you option to check in full-image how your character looks like? There is a ton of games like that on itch io and weight gaming, but most of them is abandoned, half-baked, or has only small sprites done, without being able to "fully" view weight of character.
(318 KB, 750x736, 1599345532792.jpg)
The one that fits your description the best is 'Long Maid' s Vacation', you can check the MC weight there. It's a translated japanese game.
On the other hand, there are games like Lacto Escape that do feature that as well.
As for other mentions - it would be misekoya, feeder fantasy, dragonic expansion, princess *spits* goblin story, and slave feeder.
In short, there aren't much RPGMMV games featuring this fetish that are both good and finished. Mostly it's unfinished trash, and now it does look like the weight gaming crowd moved it's 'creative focus' to pumping out dime a dozen twine/renpy VNs with ai slop and gptesque writing.
>hurr durr
Now we have the usual cashcows like whatever those daz3dshits are, a good project or two that somehow managed to stay in the site, innumerous dead projects, shit topics, low effort trash and whatever else there might be.
Timmies occupied the weight gaming forums, it truly JOEVER.
there's some guide I saw on weight gaming for modding ffxiv I think
Anybody got a torrent or a copy of The Pirate's Fate? Can't find any site still having it.
just played it.
it fucking stinks lmao not worth it.
Honorable mention to the game "a hero's retirement" on weightgaming, pretty straightforward to the weight gain part and a simple but very enjoyable story
Thank you for recommendations, sadly i already played all of these games, i believe i spent over 50 hours in total searching itch io and weight gaming for games (both made in Renpy and rpg makers) that had content for more than 5 minutes of playing and some exisiting weight gain elements.
Of course i played this one too, looks like we both have good taste
This one seemed to be something that skips weight gain of main character, you are either thin, a little fatter, barely any fatter or immobile, did dev forget to implement some stages between that?
I did spend about 2 hours playing that too
there's only three stages, though he has talked about adding new art. I would love to see more in between stages, or at least more stuff with vore.
if you wanna share shit from paysites you're probably going to have to share it here directly now, I don't think kemono importing is coming back
kemono had several comebacks, so they might also make it this time.

still would appreciate sharing blobygons latest dev build here
What's the name of that game?
And does the creator have a twitter account?
Thanks in advance.
weighting game has more story than most if you can look past the meh daz pics
not been updated for years though. lazyass dev keeps saying hes still working on it but nobody believes that
Downloaded it but it is not in english unless i was missing something
Most people are just hobbyists learning the ropes. RPGMaker and Twine are accessible platforms to make an inroad into the world of amateur game development. Those learner games aren't going to go away anytime soon. Good developers have to start from somewhere, and very very few come out of the box batting a thousand. They're very much the exception, not the rule.

People point to a few years back as a golden time for content and lament that things are seemingly shit now. Hmm, I wonder what happened a few years back that gave everyone a bunch of free time to spend on starting projects with little else to do? The reality is that people generally have less free time nowadays compared to the past as life continues to intervene.

If you don't like the current state of affairs, either show people how it's done or look to supporting the creators that do stand out.
Yeah, if anyone has it somehow, it’s be cool for the crowd
Here, in Base64
That’s the new build?
yes it is simply decode it in base 64 and the link will be there
Does anyone have the new version 0.44.0?
We are grateful for the next level sharing
Only clown is me laugiing my way in between yo ass bitch.
Sounds good and thanks
Tried the new build, doesn’t seem to be anything new other than the leveling system being implemented. Though they did say it would take some time for it to work for other body types. Still hoping for one with massive tits
I feel like i checked whole weight gaming because i of course also finished this game too, sometimes i feel like well of weight gaming games is dry for me, unless i try to take some scraps aka unfinised games eternally frozen in alpha
Does anyone who has played Coven of Calahree know the code to the chest in the cave from Chapter 1? I completed the game, but I don't want to go back and do another playthrough just to buy the items for the code.
It would be funny if one of the playtesters leaked the Fataclysm build here
it's one thing to be so desperate you want the buggy test leak of a free game thats supposed to come out this samemonth

its utterly pathetic to try and hint for it like a middle schooler
Waiting game is update

Someone has???
>>069094 (Dead)

where do you even see news that it was updated?

the update mentioned in the main thread is an update on how things are going by showing one or two teaser images... there is no update to the game
kemono is back - yet again
Its down - yet again
Asks, does anyone have a cup cup mug game from Savoring Sword? If you have it, send it via link. If not, I'll wait for someone to have access to the cup cup mug patreon.
can anyone upload thicker treat 4.0 or 4.2
Someone is trying to make new weight gain visual novel, but this time it's in unity.
It's new topic on weight gaming, game is called Heft effect.
Let's see when someone generous enough gives us link for that and more importantly - will it be another project stuck in 0.1 void, or are we going to get decent "game" in 1-2 years?
>will it be another project stuck in 0.1 void, or are we going to get decent "game" in 1-2 years?
Since it's made by CupCupMug, and they've got a decent track record of completing and releasing their previous games, I'd say the latter
May be in Unity but those shitty visuals are 100% Daz studio. Yet another meh visual novel. Might as well have used Renpy.

Dont care who the dev is, its seriously fucking shady going to Patreon before youve even got a demo going. 9/10 the time these games get pulled long before theres anything playable
I'm getting

I know this isn't a site for tech support, but it does seem to be appearing down to me, despite working fine via a proxy
Any answers for this?
Anyone know what the new map options are for blobygon?
New game from AnonymooseProduction dropped, it's called "Dairy Tale" and it's available on both patreon and itch io.
Considering how much she's against piracy and already cried about that, i do hope it's gonna be available to public ASAP
Thank you for your sacrifice, this game indeed is not worth 10$, but free is fair price.
In case your link gets deleted, i'm posting mine and maybe i'll even reup in the future.

Does someone have the latest version of FeedMyAffection? Would really appreciate it
Be careful with this link, the MD5 hash doesn't match the version I uploaded.

38 DDD belly is a bit past boobs? How does one size a belly anyways?

I make demos for a reason, please support indie devs!
(58 KB, 500x500, 8otlz8.jpg)
What you're saying is falling on deaf ears. It's more fun to just banter with them than it is to preach to them.

200% this

All attention is good attention, notice me senpai
Cops trying to make engineer money LOL
how is it already gone 💀
how much do you weigh lol
What do you mean by "MD5 hash does not match"?
Not only mine is gone, link of guy that posted it first (so i was able to download it and upload) is gone too, that sounds like challenge from AnonymooseProductions to upload game at every place possible
I'd imagine it means that the file is different.

Could be something innocent, like a repack or something a lot more malicious. Wouldn't be the first time a pirated game came with a free bonus trojan or similar
Seems like Kemono is working again.
Dairy tale 1.0 here

Ps. If file gets deleted or i posted it on some shady website, just answer to my post.
It's my first time uploading pirated games and i'm gonna try every possible site that does not require registration process, i don't really have knowledge which websites are safe and which ones are not.
If you guys have any good sites to use or (even better option) want to upload game on your own, just do it/tell me name of website.



Thank you for your efforts. Very appreciated!
But the game is totally meh...
(600 KB, 1920x1080, 1.jpg) (600 KB, 1920x1080, 2.jpg) (504 KB, 1920x1080, 3.jpg) (222 KB, 1920x1080, 4.jpg) (222 KB, 1920x1080, 5.jpg) (114 KB, 512x1024, 6.jpg)
I think I have found a hidden gem, this is not a fetish game but it literally checks all the boxes, posted about on elite but I think this is better

Its new VN called Progeria: Vae Victis, one of the girl has an ED side story and if you are an asshole you can enable her to triple in size, with changing sprites, CGs and all. You can literally feed her with presents and she gets stuffed visually. Its very expensive to feed her though. Honestly havent seen all of her sprites myself and her 4th weight stage
Jesus fucking christ if theres one thing thats worse than daz shit its sprite based shit where the only fucking change is a slight increase to the belly. zero effort
dont be so mean :(

This is a sprite sheet of her getting stuffed, not wg. She has 4 wg stages and 5 stuffing stages for each of them
shit might as well be ai gen lmfao

Alright, only way to properly settle this is for everyone to remember where we're at and post a download for people to decide for themselves if the content is worth it :^)
For me visuals/models were always best thing in games made by anonymoose, then comes story and "gameplay/minigames" (some games did not have any minigames at all) as last.
But i think this game is worth something, maybe i'd consider buying it for likje 1$
Can you give me her name? I'd like to read more about this girl on wikis, i'm also curious if there are more girls like that in this game.
(237 KB, 1024x1024, 7.jpg) (427 KB, 1920x1080, 8.jpg) (962 KB, 2048x2048, 9.jpg)

Sadly the game is pretty much unknown and it seems like I am the only one who noticed the WG mechanics of this girl. I gifted her a cake and saw her belly bulging, decided to make more gifts and saw her getting more and more stuffed, but she did not actually gain any weight... Until the end of the game that is. It seems like she has some passive WG speed based on your actions. So I replayed the game and dated her. You can feed her in a restaurant, she orders a shit ton of popcorn in cinema and once you are in relationship she messages you something like this:
"will you love me if I get fat?"
"well, I love you already, you know"

Her name is Galina, she is a Russian noble with agoraphobia. She is afraid of the world and never leaves her dorm room. Galina is also in the middle of a break up with her partner, and she says she has been stress eating a lot recently. At that point you can either curtain her eating habits, leave them be or even enable her, probably leading to more passive weight gain. I also love how she starts to waddle with gained weight, her moving speed decreasing and all. Oh, yeah, she also rips out of her dress once she moves up to the 4th weight gain stage.

As far as I have tested, other girls are not gaining weight at all. One of them is a picky eater, another is a vegetarian who likes fitness. What a shame, it would be great if all of them could be fattened up...
Can you post a link to the game please?
anyone feel like undertaking a massive translation project just so we can play this?
Idk might make your boys look bad doing the same job HAHAHAHA
Its actually is in English already, I think the quality is OK especially for VNs that are made by Russians
hey does anyone have SUPER FATTY RPG - EXPANDED?
Does anyone have CupCupMugs latest 2 games? Or can anyone tell me if they're good or not
does anyone have gain trials 1.5?
English version
here https://torgamez.com/progeria-vae-victis-2024/

Gameplay's pretty meh, currently regretting dumping money into sweets for wg content as I'm going undergeared and broke past week 1

Also, not sure if anyone knows, but anything useful out of pressing \ which pulls up some debug looking menu? Would love to ignore the grind and get ez gold/exp if possible, cheat engine is being a pain to use for finding those values
Try writing gold or money with a number in there, and on a stream they used sp for skill points
So, been playing the Dairy Tale game that was leaked here.

I can't fort the life of me get the second bad end, and I've tried everything to do so.
Can someone give me a step by step to get it?

What did you do for sex scenes?
I walked through all dating locations with her, but nothing similar happened
>>58613 fuck you tom
Because im the man. I stole work from everyone. Now im sending them out! And you not going to do shit about it.
You need to beat Gayorgy on day 21 at the ball
why are the faces flat
can you reupload?
Follow big stimmy guidline. Lmao exotic genetix is a gamer dis cord you morons. We all know you mods watch porn its ok. 20,000 members we know you faggits are into child porn. Fuck out
Why you think less and less ppl communicate on that server kai? Lol watching all of you clowns
>>58875 when you know more then the mods they get offended. Its pure low income fag boy behavior love it
can this get reuploaded to somewhere else pls, filebin has gone down
>>58873 $200,000 car conversations make broke ppl uncomfortable thats why I do it l been around it my whole life. Careful who u date ppl trying ruin you.
How you got your job again? Oh ok I wont chase you around bitch. Miss you bros!
Does anyone have the new sultans harem update?
anyone have mooses new game? i missed reupload and filebin is down now
anyone got the new version of sultan harem?
It's my last time uploading dairly tale.
Not because i'm mad nobody else does that, i think that this game just DOES NOT deserve hat much attention, it's mid at best.
PS. Does anyone have fat till friday full version? I was browsing this thread since game got released but nobody ever posted link to that if i remember correctly :(

Fataclysm v0.1 Paid Supporter Build
(not the latest version, some minor unfixed bugs compared to latest on patreon)
You stopped fucking your husband. Of course he getting his dick wet with her.
How can i use thus link? Is this Mega or Google Drive link?
Decode using b64 decoder, then you get the link.

Also for anyone else that has it, would like Fataclysm latest update (the one with bugfixes), if possible. I can't access an event because of a bug that the dev has fixed recently, which is not present in the version currently shown here. Please and thank you.
Latest update for Fataclysm, including bugfixes. Sorry for late upload, was busy. Again, not my link, just sharing it.
I cant respect her as a women every verb out her mouth is a troll
Anybody have the new Chunky Cheerleader update?
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ok yall so i have 0 knowledge on programming but I am a writer that loves wasting time in making fat fics so here's a bizarre proposition. I believe that out of the many VN's that exist I believe that snoot game/I wani hug that gator could have potential in terms of the modding departement asnd have a full length VN. My reasoning on how this could work is similar to snoot game? I wani s game design that being depending on how much you improve as a person throughout the game the better the ending. I understand a good amount of yall aren't furries/scalies but fuck it this is alt afterall. So my proposition for snoot is simple since not only fange could be naturally chubby at the start of the game due to casual stress eating but considering the stereotype with lgbt people are fat, I think there could be potential with fang being instead of nonbinary maybe she s that or with fat pride. Anon could either be someone from bbw chan instead of a 4chan poster or hell a troll who makes fun of architect posting until he becomes one. As for Olicvia and Inco truthfully I admit I still need to play I wani hug that gator but obese wheelchair croc gf is something a few of us dream of. This isn't really a business proposition but more like a dream post to some regard. Thoughts?

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