
>>53635 (OP)
>'Post his art'
Better idea. Considering this mentally stunted hack is literally one of the worst artists in this community, how about we don't share his awful art?

The original robot001 thread profilerating his content is unironically what lead to this board nosediving in quality, because all the autismos started swarming the place like rats in a sewer when they saw their beloved circletool garbage being spread about.

Two years in and alt is drowning in a sea of spergs who infest every edit and draw thread begging for remakes of their shitty MLP blueberry art because of this shit. I'm glad the original thread got bumplocked into oblivion and fuck you anon for trying to bring this garbage back.

And for the love of God, even if this motherfucker actually possessed anything remotely close to a crumb of talent his work shouldn't be posted here anyway as he's a primarily anthro artist. And everything you posted just now, is fur trash. For the millionth time, you fuckers have your own space. Stop posting furry shit here.
>The original robot001 thread profilerating his content is unironically what lead to this board nosediving in quality, because all the autismos started swarming the place like rats in a sewer when they saw their beloved circletool garbage being spread about.
They hated him because he told them the truth
>And for the love of God
Glory to me, for I am his disciple.
>Stop posting furry shit here.
They won't listen.
Saying autists like this shit is an insult to autism
It's something severe, coming from an autist.
I do enjoy tanks and science (not soyence) fiction, but this is something on a verge of CWC-tier retarded.
(79 KB, 640x635, 1594766833300.jpg)
Sonicshit is without any sliver of doubt furry faggotry.
>Unironically posting art of Sonic being inflated.
WHY. How fucking hard is it to understand, this board is not for furry or male content and no one wants to see this joke of an artist so much as even mentioned here.

Even by the standards of your ilk this is mega-autistic, how the fuck do you even possess enough cognisance to post to this site yet somehow lack the self-awareness to stop when people are telling you they don't want this shit posted here?

This leech of a thread needs to be nuked I stg.
This dude is coping hard
Robot001 IS absolute garbage and I wish I had the balls to say it just straight up publicly. Dude should just give up art entirely if he can't improve at all in the past fucking 15 or more years he's been doing this shit. I also hear he's a shitty person too, just like Virus-20. No surprise there honestly. Robot001, if you're reading this make some effort to improve your art for fucks sake. Your fat art is bad, your inflation is bad, your sex shit is bad, it's a wonder people still support you after a decade and more of beyond mediocre porn and art as a whole.. They must be braindead or something. Get better at art, get better taste in characters, or just leave. At this point you're a joke in the fattywank and inflation space. You should just quit.anyone that for some reason likes his art should grow some standards.
So true, he's definitely up there with Fishman Paul for worst fat fetish artists known by the community
(258 KB, 988x718, fishmanedit.png)
honestly fishman paul wouldn't be so bad if he got a drawing tablet, he's got some decent flabby shapes for fat. It's guys like riftsrounds and robot001 who are beyond salvation
I know virus-20’s art is shit but i’m interested in what you mean by them being shitty
>beyond mediocre
Dude, you need to at least have the basics down before you can be a mediocre artist.
Hey unrelated does anyone have the first RWBY comic he did? One part got taken down years ago and I've never been able to find it since
Hello, person who is sending the images, could you show the comic of Amy and Sonic having sex? Please, if you are clear, thank you
I swear to god, did someone remove all the messages demeaning this artist?
Strange, it did seem like there were more before.
(113 KB, 1280x983, 317668.jpg) (411 KB, 1171x750, 317669.png)
Color edit made by Virus-20
Does anyone know how to get in contact with robot001
You could probably message them on DA or FA, or see if they want to talk on Discord

Okay. I'll be sure to keep that in mind.
Any art from his discord?

Saints be blessed!
Does anyone have any of he's rose vampire stuff
Yall need to get better standards
>>59229 ? Sounds like you look at women you dream of fucking but im the one doing it . Pussy dont scare me. Thats why I gets it.
Does anybody have the Robot001's lost media stuff?

update: It's gone

Does anybody have the Robot001's entire archives?
If you want to talk to fatrat0378, now's the time!
People liked Robot001's cosplay inflations so she figured she’d take it to the next level by making videos out of them.
When are you going to go back to furaffinity? That's the only place you post especially explicit art.
Where did they post this?
Does anyone have like a Dropbox or archive of he's stuff
>>62831 Robot001 is a GIrl? i was always thought that it was a dude
Looks like an overweight cross dressing faggot to me
Does anyone have a drawing of Anya that Robot001 made?
I said entire archives, not FurArchiver
That means the lost media
They probably are, but made a comment about identifying as a girl at some point, that is the only reason I can see someone calling them that.

That, or they're in the act of undergoing HRT
I wish someone have Robot001's archives on Dropbox or Google Drive
What server was it?
Blimp Hill Zone
Do you have the link to the server, or how to join that discord server?
Discord. Got any more videos?
Bad news, the FurAffinity gets hacked
FA is getting hacked RIGHT NOW?! Holy mother of tenses!
Good news, the FurAffinity is back online!
Well yeah, i really hate those hackers and scammers.
>hackers and scammers.
The guy who tried to gain control of FA's DNS and shat up their Twitter feed is a mentally retarded script kiddie.
>the Furaffinity is back online!

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