
(237 KB, 1600x900, d0a81d8fdc98945d6ef022cca4f2051a.jpeg) (143 KB, 1600x900, 93f93fc2950de853814b3ca6541cd46f.jpeg) (1.2 MB, 1920x1080, 3203101_scrumdiddlyumptious2_toon-town-tumble.jpg) (203 KB, 1600x900, 2e1132d007473a8deff5e44b1243aaf5.jpeg)
Scrumdiddly was a awesome fetish artist who made some good belly and ass expansion art however recently he nuked all of his art
so I made this thread to reupload some of his art and also if other anons have some art of his
(204 KB, 1920x1080, stuffed_angel_by_scrumdiddlyumptious2_dg23l80-fullview.jpg) (688 KB, 1080x1350, dg05zc6-175a3b4d-8331-4781-9e83-f0a64b422013.jpg) (146 KB, 1600x900, the_threat_of_a_good_time___commission_by_scrumdiddlyumptious2_dg4mme0-fullview.jpg) (812 KB, 1920x1080, df00q2p-5db9aeb2-420f-4a8f-9d6c-6cd02b85f588.jpg) (1.1 MB, 1920x1080, dfx4lqr-c4607adc-fd0b-4057-a4a8-8235515ea23c.jpg) (1.2 MB, 1920x1080, dfvgwkn-c79f1d5a-3e07-4114-9345-51a36ed68104.jpg)
(297 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (81).png)
Can we please NOT do this?
He has already stated he does not want his art reposted
When did this site give a shit?
That was a bad move. He should've just deleted his account and not said anything so eventually he would've just faded away but now some schizo retard is going to be hellbent on archiving his art thanks to that post
This isn't how the internet works.

Once you put something up, it's there forever.

Someone needs to grow the fuck up.
Somebody's clearly never heard of the Streisand effect.
I thought I archived their stuff. I guess I failed to. Hopefully someone out there did.
Maybe instead of being an asshole and deleting everything without warning, he could've put his art in a zip file and let whoever wants it for themselves to just download. Then nobody would have a reason to upload them.
(130 KB, 828x1171, big_bot_belly_by_scrumdiddlyumptious2_dgjxova-414w-2x.jpg) (68 KB, 828x465, commission_by_scrumdiddlyumptious2_dg4xtib-414w-2x.jpg) (67 KB, 828x465, commission_by_scrumdiddlyumptious2_dg5mycz-414w-2x.jpg) (104 KB, 828x1035, ice_cream_inside_by_scrumdiddlyumptious2_by_foxymonika1995_dgv2z73-414w-2x.jpg) (65 KB, 828x465, no_ice_cream_by_scrumddlyumptions2_by_foxymonika1995_dgv2zc6-414w-2x.jpg) (63 KB, 828x465, queen_spider_vore_bellies_by_scrumdiddlyumptious2_dgg8awj-414w-2x.jpg)
here's the ones i found.. i wish he never left.. he made such good art and now all this talent is lost to time.. well nothing lasts forever. i just wish he didn't delete literally everything
Anyone have his Stretchy Pants/Joy art? I really liked how he drew Fat Joy.
I have a folder full of thier art but the website only seems to allow 6 images to send and I dont want to do this 6 images at a time what do I do?
(1.2 MB, 1920x1080, Stretchy_Pants_Super_Fat_Ver_1_Sun_25th_Dec_2022_uOiiopk.jpg) (1.3 MB, 1920x1080, Stretchy_Pants_Inflated_Ver_1_Mon_26th_Dec_2022_AzuHc9Z.jpg) (1.5 MB, 1920x1080, Stretchy_Pants_Ver_1_Sun_25th_Dec_2022_BbSYpWU.jpg)
Put them on wetransfer and here. For good measure, make a e-hentai page for archival with their works, or put em' elsewhere for more permanence.

I got some, but not all their Joy's from their itaku before they nuked it. One was only on twitter i think.
(99 KB, 1192x670, mushroom_vore_animation__test_by_scrumdiddlyumptious2_dgepikg-pre.jpg) (177 KB, 1600x900, Fat-Minecraft-Alex-Fell-minecraft-45292126-1600-900.jpg) (736 KB, 1920x1080, Alices_Overgrowing_Assets_Redraw_MONO_ALT_Ver_2_Sun_27th_Nov_2022_eEyG2n9.png)
Don't be so negative; he's popular and likely lots of people have his stuff downloaded. He might not make new stuff but his old art will still live on. I've already seen tons of re-ups on DeviantArt and elsewhere (Thank god for cringy image RP'ers who reupload).

Here's the full res alt of that alice butt pic from his itaku.
anyone save the princess peach video?
Oh fuck. Now all the thick pawgs know thanks to her. Thanks?

these are the images that I've collected when they first deleted everything
Thanks m8. I'll put it on Ex-hentai too for archive when I can.
Thank link doesn't work for me.
same the link isnt working :/
just copy and paste it in a different tab
could u repost it with a new link?
because its sending me to the homepage
Once something's on the internet it's there forever, nignog. Leave it to retarded zoomers to have zero understanding of how this sort of thing works.
wait is there a site called ex-hentai or do you mean e-hentai?
tried to copy the link in a different tab and all it does is send me to my dashboard??
is there a re-up for the mega link or did someone archive all of this artists works somewhere?
I support what this Anon said, can we respect an artist wanting to leave ?
It's too late buddy. People have been reuploading and archiving since before he left when he was active and uploading. Might as well save the work for people who want to see it or enjoy it.

If you don't want it up, don't put it on the internet; it'll never disappear. You're only chance of something not being saved is if no one cared for your art in the first place.
poor guy though.
It was so Fascinating.
Tom & cullimore the most corrupt. Kick em out.
I know the dude has his reasons to delete his page, but I pray that someone at least saved his Vanessa art.
honestly i just wanted access to the mega folder but it doesnt seem to be working
is there an archive page for their art?
(122 KB, 1192x670, very_close_friends_by_foxymonika1995_dh91anc.jpg) (130 KB, 1192x670, com_by_foxymonika1995_dh91b9n.jpg) (138 KB, 1192x670, helping_hand_by_foxymonika1995_dh91awz.jpg) (262 KB, 828x1397, untitled_by_foxymonika1995_dh91b80.jpg) (149 KB, 1192x670, she_got_it_worse_by_foxymonika1995_dh91av1.jpg) (974 KB, 1920x1080, dfxms8s-a28ebe43-8d7c-44ac-ac97-c3be0c8f99d0.jpg)
Someone please make a archive on E-hentai for his stuff so its not lost. Mega has a tendency to delete fetish art storages, same with dropbox.
(177 KB, 1600x900, YXCeapZ1L.jpg)
Try checking wayback for his DA pages if anyone had the links saved or bookmarked. Found a few sauce links on boorus and 34 sites.
(2.8 MB, 1920x1080, GBf9v5QXsAA6T5d.png)
Hey question, do you have the part 2 to this Evie comic he did?
Any more?
Does anyone have Audrey's WG sequence?
Does anyone have more Vanessa?

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