

You have a board specifically for inflation. Stop bringing it here.
No one gives a shit, just because the anons on the inf board rejected the thread isn't an excuse to dump that content here. If you don't have a space on this chan to post your circletool faggotry then you don't have one, cry about it.

No one here is tolerant when furries scale the fence and try to post their shit outside of their designated space, so what on earth makes you think it'd be any different for inflation? Either post fats exclusively or gtfo, it's not hard to understand.
You say a lot about not allowing "circletool faggotry" when I see it a lot on this board.
You don't need to respond to that moron, inflation is everywhere on alt and it's fine to post here
nice gatekeeping doorknob
go shit up someone making a thread too close to another one
There's five fart threads and two scat threads my nigger, I think bumping one of those off for the sake of this thread is an improvement to the board. You don't enjoy co-habitating with people who want to eat da poo poo like jello apocalypse, do you anon?

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