
>Anonymous souce
Why can’t she be real, brother
Oh yeah forgot to mention that my art's set to mature! So you'll have to have an account to see anything
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Anyone know who made this Black Pearl?
i love these so much!! do you think you could give strawberry the pear shape treatment?
Sure! I'll try and doodle her later today :3
May I see a big ol cinnamon cookie?
These are great! If I might ask, can we see some big Pastel Meringue Cookie?
oh he's *gorgeous* and if I might toss one more idea your way, big Earl Grey Cookie?
god, you got a Deviantart or something? Your art's great!
Nope, I'm only gonna post my stuff here; I prefer to keep most of my art private <:3
ahhhhh, that's understandable
Are you going to make any pure vanilla ones
Probably not < <;
once again thank you, hope to see more of your stuff in the future! You make some great big cookies!
You're welcome! If I get any another requests here that pique my interest then I'll be sure to share more of my art :3
Gosh... whenever an artist shows up I try to resist being part of the usual request overload, but at the same time I just can't resist art this cute!!!
Could I please get a massive Rockstar or Vagabond?
Speaking of…I wonder if we’ll get new Character.ai Bots now…
I feel like we need more of char,ai
How about Blackberry Cookie?
Do not forget shadow milk
Awww! Cutie. Thanks! There is a very big lack of bottom heavy cookies
still makin bangers! If I might throw in some more suggestions...Big Clover, Big Yogurt Cream, and honestly, cause I loved it so much, Big Pastel Meringue but from the back~? Wanna see that cute little shithead's fat ass~
Rockstar looks incredible! The size is just perfect <3
Thank you so much!~
I would really appreciate if you could do a pure vanilla.
>>53751also thanks for the shadow milk
Dunno if you’d take requests for this, but could you edit Devil Cookie onto that base? :3
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I will never stop finding it funny that everyone is going for the most well designed and beloved Cookies instead of Gingerbrave the literal STAR of the show.
Well he’s a basic ass bitch
True. Bro staying disrespected until he gets cool shit. And more fat cookies for us.
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Rockstar requester here again. If you're still around, I wanted to give you a little something in return for all these amazing requests! You deserve it~
You seem to like Devil quite a bit so I gave them a shot
Stop using your city water. Thats why you losing your hair. Get ro lol
OH MY GOODNESS?!?? I love it so much, thank you for this!!! :3
Really glad you do! ^^
Y'know, if you wanted to do an art trade at some point I'd be more than happy to :3
I'd sketch whoever you want for another devil pic! X3
This offer goes for anyone else too btw :3
I am still waiting for more character.AI chatbots…
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Ooooo! I'd love that~
Is there anywhere I could contact you to arrange that?
(More of my art so the thread doesn't get filled with content-less posts XP)
I’ve been summoned
Do you have an account anywhere? I don't wanna disclose any of my accounts because I don't want anyone following me <:3
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I have a Deviantart and Discord. My DA name is up here and if you check my bio there you'll find my Discord name
Just messaged you on DA! :3
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Sweet! I’ll jumpstart it with a Few Suggestions:
Sumo Shine Muscat
Blob Black Lemonade
Blob Sumo Shadow Milk
Fat Spinach
Inflated Currant Cream
And Inflated Astronaut, I hope 6 ain’t too much…just do what you can do
I’m positive if we got more fat boys on here the thread would be more active.. 😳
Probably! There hasn't been many fat cookie boys made recently though so :/
more cookies need to go squish under bigger cookies, we need more big boy cookies! Like Pastel Meringue crushing Currant Cream under a big wide bottom/gut perhaps?
Reminder that this offer is still up for anyone who wants it! I'll draw a pear-shaped cookie of your choice, in whatever specific scenario you'd like, if you draw me a big devil cookie in return :3
plumpybread on tumblr!
I remember seeing a close up video with sound of a HYPER blob mintchoco cookie I THINK was from mintrimo but I can't seem to find it anymore. Does anyone have the source for this?
the source is @fruitgremlin (and @veggiegremlin) on twitter, both accounts are currently private though
Thank u very much!
GamingMarko on twitter
Source of the Cocoa Cookie pic?
how about a pear shaped gingerbrave? :3
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Poor fella hasn't been seen since Outbreak, and they've just been sitting on the sidelines..
Let’s not forget pilot! The man still doesn’t have a magic candy
holy- this lime orange duo is so cute!!
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Amazing work as always aaaaaa~
Lime and Orange are absolutely adorable
And it might just be my bias but I'm absolutely in love with how Vagabond turned out <333333

And now my part of the trade here
I don't do blobs often because I'm not great at them, but this felt like a good way to practice. Hope you like it ><
You should do s’more cookie
The previous cookie run thread is about to die, save your stuff while you can!
Good call! Don’t want these cookies to go stale.
That fanart of Popcorn Cookie is so hot. Like holy crap, dude:
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This image of Cocoa Cookie is the best thing. She already has a cute and adorable personality/appearance, and her being obese would make her twice as hot to me. God bless the internet.
(Art Cred: Lifelinelemons.)
Thanks, brotha. Cocoa Cookie is an underrated, yet semi popular waifu in my opinion.
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As you can already tell, I have a huge crush on Cocoa Cookie and fat chicks. While, I’m fine with regular fat and chubby girls, massive blobs make me bop my boppo like Travis Touchdown charging his Blood Berry!
(Art cred: Mintrimo on DeviantArt.)
Archive of last thread is gone :[
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I need more moon rabbit cookie.
Heck yeah! Starfruit Cookie fat fanart!!! I’d always imagined her as a submissive feedee~.
For real!! she looks just like the kind of cookie that would keep eating just to please her feeder
Anyone got any Hollyberry and sour belt stuff? Mayhaps some willing to do belly inflation art of the two or one of them?
Yeah I've also been noticing a lot of people drawing the kid cookies too. I dunno why they do it, but it's kinda (putting it lightly here) fucking weird imo.
I may have fetish for cute and adorable chibi designed characters, but doing fat fanart of kids is going too far. Let’s just hope Moon Rabbit Cookie fanart doesn’t get worse, like pregnancy or smthZ
You're both literally on a board that actively posts and permits loli content, are you retarded or something? This isn't the place for moralfagging, so either shut up or leave if you don't agree with the loli content.

Honestly pretty ironic to bring this up here of all places, considering that the cookie thread has probably the highest concentration of unironic autistic children on this entire site. I stg half of you shouldn't even fucking be on a chan.
Bro all I’m saying is that it’s weird since most of the characters on this thread are 18+ or above. That’s all I’m saying. I ain’t trynna have the moral high ground or anything.
You're making a big deal over fucking cookies
I’d be rather be fucking the cookies myself.
I wasn’t trying to make this into a big thing. Just saying that it’s weird.
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i dont even know what im looking at
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As far as I know nothing points to Moon Rabbit being a child besides her uwu speech mannerism. Cookie run age discourse is beyond stupid anyways because only a handful of the characters are actually confirmed to be kids.

You could always commission more of them considering you're responsible for a good 99% of their fat art.
That wasn’t me. Someone else used my name.
Ohhh, I get ya. So the artist is kinda playing Russian Roulette with Moon Rabbit Cookie. I got ya. Ye, someone else used my name for another post in case y’all are askin’.
I’m still wondering if 02leN got those requests…Anyways, unnecessary Bump
I scarificed alot to spot all of you on bbwchan. I can look you in your eyes and tell you be on here talking shit. FACE ME.
Woah, Chillax my guy!
Momma help me buy this m3. Fuck my brother he isnt allowed to my happy time
Okay, helo lads. Me again. The reason I haven’t done them is because they really don’t do anything for me. Like, I might make the spinach or black lemonade, but even then it’s a might.
Its not about you. Fucking up your big brother legacy
Maybe you should follow boeing ceo footsteps and step down my man.
Y’all are a interesting bunch lmao,
But plan to do more cookie stuff in the future.
Of what though, idk.
Plan to maybe do a witchberry thing and maybe a white pearl thing.
But that is debatable though
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(Art Fred: Bundle-Of-Kinks on Deviantart.)
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(Art Cred: AASMinecrafter and Brocolees on DeviantArt.)
I uhh, pardon? Big brother legacy? Dude, I’m just doing these for fun, and just because I’m not doing cookie c.ais doesn’t mean I’ve quit making c.ais.
Also are you telling me off? Getting mixed signals here.
Also also, hi Fruitywisp
>>55280 (Dead)
No marriage for reason. Good time all
That anon is literally a schizo, they're not replying to you for any particular reason and nothing they say means anything. Just ignore them.
We dont marry women that visit bbwchan we divorce the ones we catch
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starfruit cookie release was yesterday (still today in some regions) so i wanna share this cool starfruit i got from an art trade that was never posted
Oh I shall indeed, no doubt about that.

Especially if I can get the source om that white lily pic, and the artist themsleves
You didnt bann him he right here
Huh? Why me tho, I was just saying on that one post (which has been resolved).

Besides, all I did was write the two post anyways lol
Aight, thanks home slice
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(Art Cred: Bundle-Of-Kinks on Deviantart.)
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(Art Cred: VeryFilthyThing on FurAffinity.)
Yo is someone going to post something
If someone makes new cookie run fat fetish art, yeah
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wanna draw today

throw requests on any female cookie
Parfait Cookie
Moon Rabbit Cookie
Blackberry Cookie
Hollyberry Cookie!
tarte tatin cookie
Latte Cookie and White Lily Cookie please!
Moon Cookie plz
Black pearl cookie
Timekeeper my good man
Because I cant stop fucking these big bootie baddies
Let’s see a picture of Cocoa Cookie with the stomach that’s the size of a Costco!
This, literally this
Is this supposed to mock me, or praise the request?
I want a crimson coral cookie
Consider it both, Bobby.
The Tiger Lily is from Icecreamsprinkles off her Patreon iirc
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Just made this. I’m happy with the results
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Just made this. I think it’s decent.
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hope u like it! its been a long time since i drew parfait, her hair is way complex than i remember
mermaids fans are raising up, the time has come 👁️

what a good time to be her seahorse, amazing stuff!
Thanks dude. I like this a lot. It’s a super adorable piece of fan art for a super adorable character.
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I’m not very good at art. But in the spirit of the guy who posted a bunch of bottom heavy cookies. Make fun of it all ya like, I know it ain’t good. I know the horns and face are weird, I know
When I become more free, should really draw more of the other mermaids and such.
More some other females cookies.
What would y’all to see from me outta curiousity?
mustard and strawberry
Reward your cat.
Tell your cat I said thanks.
may i ask for the source of these? these mystic opals are melting me

Their a commission of mine that will be colored and everything in the near future.
Does anyone know bow to unfilter someone's name?
Does anyone have that one animation of licorice cookie sitting on a bed while he plays with the rolls on his stomach? I think it was made by fruit-gremlin.
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(Art Cred: SuperSpoe on DeviantArt.)
anyone out there willing to do draw a fat pinecone cookie? >3<
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remember never trusting your local 2-legged cookies

i would've liked to put the others gem fishes in the background but damn im exhausted
Who made that first pic?
@mintrimo on twitter
Hey does it say “0E3L” because when i try to search it up it doesnt show
Can you atleast send me the source?
Some one please post some strawberry crepe
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you know the fatass golden cheese image
well,there is a version without the wings,here is
Does anyone know who made the pure vanilla bunny art? It looks good!
Where is the link to that flrst image?
All of sudden im like a little child for sex oh I forgot you got what you wanted.
Dry pussy got an opinion now
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i got this and after a whole day had to move them off my desk because these just wouldnt stop distracting me 🥴
Dammit I’m stupid
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Lmaoo missinput, its okay haha

𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒔 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆
Owning actual fat fetish paraphernalia irl is legitimately pretty pathetic, why would you want to signpost to anyone that you're this much of a chronically online no-life coomer? As a functioning human being you've made the decision to buy a shitty bare minimum acrylic standee of a fat cookie and have so little self-restraint that you can't go about your day with it on your desk, that's just sad anon.
I know places like this are known for negativity, but this is a board all about chunky cookies, so, maybe consider shutting your bitch ass up and scooting?
That Starman’s got some exceptionally smooth moves
>No actual retort to my original post
>Uncreative, pathetically weak attempt at telling me to fuck off that could only come from a child or a mentally stunted spergo who lacks the brainpower to come up with anything smart.

Yeah, this is about the calibre of response I'd expect from a thread full of hyperfixated autists.
get a job
earn money then we'll talk, kid
POV: Logan dragon cookie talking about the other cookies.
Where’d uou find these?
The world is burning around us sir, entropy looms as we must all one day die. Will you enjoy your time or will you mock others for enjoying absurdity in an absurd world
Where did you get this. I want 5

I ordered them with a custom anime acrylic store i found

About the images, they were done by @vbUnknown2347 in twitter, you should check his stuff!
BananaMilkies69 on twitter my friend
Bro, drop the site
I meant it was a physical store man, sorry
Lets make a bet. Knicks make it to finals ill go to a game
Nerd chef on kill munga mode lol
Well, by your name, I’m guessing you really like pure vanilla.
Also it was made by errantheart.
More Pumpkin Pie Cookie would be lovely!~

Some Cherry, Onion, and... Cream Puff Cookie as well.
All the little girls? Really?
They're cookies who cares
Idk, I just think only being attracted to the cookies who are clearly meant to be very young girls is weird
Any archives for the last thread?
im with you for pumpkin pie cookie shes so cute
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It ain’t much, but it’s honest work
Hey that art looks peak! Can you tell me where is it from?
Oops there was a no reply glitch but i was talking about the cotton candy and pink choco art

Black Pearl! Move aside Dimitrescu, I have a different tall dark and evil lady to simp over!
She needs FAR more art!
for real theres not enough black pearl fats for the amount of fans she have

is there even any other fat art of white pearl or her other costume?
Wiped out my huge dick on her. Havent been herself since the huge dick trauma 🤣
hey Anonymous can you send the creator of the silverbell butt¿
Face sinking into flesh is so hot
I meant the first image btw
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This is a long shot but does anyone happen to have full image? I tried searching it myself but no luck
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Hey does anyone know the source for this or the person who made it?
Any more Mango Cookie?
Any moon rabbit cookie?
hey Anonymous do you know who do that truffle cookie draw?
The first two can be found on Furaffinty, the next two are from LifelineLemons. The fifth can be found on Deviantart, The Sixth on twitter.
The next two along with the 11th one are by ChubbyConnie, Unsure about the Sour Belt ones. but the Princess one is by IcecreamSprinkles
anyone got some gingerbrave?
Still wondering who made this masterpiece...
anyone got more black pearl cookie?
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Food... water... Moon Rabbit Cookie with a comical oversized ass......
This is me but with cinnamon
is there anyone in this thread that isn't an epstein disciple
I think we all have a little bit of Epstein living within us
We need a male only thread tbh
Hey does anyone have the pictures of sour belt and mustard cookie i remember mustard was saying she's too fat to wear anything and sour belt was telling her not to worry about it and there was a another picture where they both got fatter and sour belt said something like look better like that i hope this helps you find it if you can and thank you for trying to
Any Butter Squid cookie images?
unfortunate samefagging but i forgot to draw one of the hands. whatever hope somebody enjoys this 10 minute sketch for a random person on an indonesian underwater eating competition board that wanted that middle aged man
Better quality for the first and the second pic?
That's the best quality versions of both, transform tool blurred them a bit
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after days of going "all of my art motivation keeps leaving my body the moment i sit upright" i finally had enough brainpower to get this done, even though i forgot to give them the socks
Hell yeah, this is amazing!!
Who did this edit?
Oh this is cute!! Glad you like how squishy I made her face look haha

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