

You have an entire board dedicated to it.
Rest in peace cached pages google will no longer save web pages.z
(246 KB, 1055x921, mesprits_filling_1___by_poipole98_dgpbj7a.png) (538 KB, 2822x2821, mesprits_filling_2___by_poipole98_dgpdr4e.png) (851 KB, 4511x4200, mesprits_filling_3___by_poipole98_dgpjqw6.png) (985 KB, 5734x5099, mesprits_filling_4___by_poipole98_dgpqfdy.png) (1.4 MB, 5329x5089, mesprits_filling_5___by_poipole98_dgpxido.png) (315 KB, 1891x1775, mesprits_filling_6_6_by_poipole98_dgsn74u.png)
Well a saw inflation being posted here
and Noone seemed to mind
And https://bbw-chan.link/inf/res/1468.html
Said These are barely even humanoid.
So I don't know what I'm doing
Well, inf couldn't accept this guy's submissions so what are they supposed to do about it?
>What are they supposed to do about it?
I don't know, not fucking post it on alt? This board isn't exclusively a dumping ground for content that gets driven out of the other boards ffs, there's still a degree of cohesion and to that end this is a fat-centric board with no place for inflation, furs or whatever bs crayon sniffers want to keep wasting threads on.

People will tolerate content within those categories here on occasion if its pertinent to a niche kink on this board, i.e. the global scale weight gain thread. But 90% of the inflation content seen on alt is only here because of spergs hyperfixated on Z tier art of Sonic characters in gmod and pony girls getting circle tool'd. Shit like the gmod/sfm and the Alice thread consist of nothing but genuine bottom of the barrel inflation art that wouldn't be here if the mods enforced any degree of quality control on threada. The latter thread is literally only populated by a single sperg who uses his actual full name whilst using this site and posts nothing but fucking ai slop and incomprehensible word salad messages.

No one has posted content to this thread other than op, tells you all you need to know as to what the user base of this board thinks to inflation focused threads. If op can't post their slop on the inf board then too fucking bad, not our problem and the content is just as equally unwelcome here.
Are you sure you're not the same guy from inf?
>The same guy from inf
That literally means nothing to me, I'm an exclusive fatfag I don't even browse the inf board lol. What would be your point here anyway? I'm just talking about how no one wants to see this shit here on alt.
Huh, Strange…I can’t seem to find who the fuck asked for your opinion!
Oh that's a good one anon, I bet you felt like the slickest motherfucker on this entire board after typing out this absolute zinger right here. Like a bullet straight my heart this one. Go give yourself a congratulatory jerk-off for coming up with this one buster, you deserve it.

This is a fucking public forum dickweed, the entire purpose is to solicit the input and opinions of different users in the form of fattywank posting and conversation about fattywank. Have you ever 'asked' for joe schmoe's opinion in the thousands upon thousands of instances you've had to read some internet rando's blathering?

How egregious of me to point out that the objective reason inflation content isn't seen in large scale on alt is because most of the user base doesn't care to see it here. And how DARE I point out that there are multiple threads on this board populated by mentally stunted glue eaters who literally only post the absolute worst art imaginable. Yeah no you're right, no one should speak up when bottom of the barrel content is posted to this board. Let's all just say nothing and consume slop, I mean it's what everyone is here for right? To see awful art?
Oh that's a good one anon, I bet you felt like the slickest motherfucker on this entire board after typing out this absolute zinger right here. Like a bullet straight to my heart this one. Go give yourself a congratulatory jerk-off for coming up with this one buster, you deserve it.

This is a fucking public forum dickweed, the entire purpose is to solicit the input and opinions of different users in the form of fattywank posting and conversation about fattywank. Have you ever 'asked' for joe schmoe's opinion in the thousands upon thousands of instances you've had to read some internet rando's blathering?

How egregious of me to point out that the objective reason inflation content isn't seen in large scale on alt is because most of the user base doesn't care to see it here. And how DARE I point out that there are multiple threads on this board populated by mentally stunted glue eaters who literally only post the absolute worst art imaginable. Yeah no you're right, no one should speak up when bottom of the barrel content is posted to this board. Let's all just say nothing and consume slop, I mean it's what everyone is here for right? To see awful art?
Wow, That’s a lot of words, too bad I ain’t readin’ em. Why don’t you just stop bitching about this shit and move on, Nobody wants to hear you whine on the internet

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