
(168 KB, 1405x569, IMG_4060.jpeg)
Last one got bumplocked, so here
>Males in first, and only image.

You fucked it up already, congrats.
And then the fucking furry bumps the shit topic.

Good fucking lord, go back to your own board.
(28 KB, 530x631, Ebc0JE-X0AAkNqn.jpg)
>Apologises for posting bottom of the barrel slop right off the bat.

If you KNEW this was hot garbage why even post it??? This is a dead on arrival thread that shouldn't even exist to begin with and yet you're deliberately populating it with Z tier art. What the fuck is wrong with the userbase of this board, the collective autism here increases by the day I stg.
There are a few people here spoiling for a fight and scarring off users
Jokes on you, you're only bumping this thread without even realizing it! :)
Can you fuckers start using your eyes and stop posting in this thread already?
The last thread is STILL around 3 months after some dipshit started this one! We don't need two sumo threads!
Where? Last time I checked, Sumo Thread 3 is gone!
Oh, that. Well, that's for females, and this is for Males/Females/everything else, y'know, to be inclusive.
Male. Does. Not. Belong. On. BBWAlt.

I don't know how many more times we have to nail this into your stunted brains...

You have your board, post there.
There's no rule of crossposting AI either, since you windowlickers refuse to acknowledge the other boards.
The deeper the niche you go the more retards will populate. Oh you want see Woman Sumo? Okay how about Futa and the most ass art you ever seen with repetitive pose.
Why can't we all just operate by a "don't like it, don't look at it" mantra and be quiet for Pete's sake. If you don't like a thread then don't post in it, let it die, and bump the ones you like.
Fuck off.

Do not post male here. It does not belong. You have your own board for that shit.
Why do you people get so offended at the mere thought of a dick? You all take this shit way too serious.

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