
Is there any original content of this? I swear its only getting reposts that are half a decade old.
I would be up to writing some of these sometime but I'm too lazy and I don't know how to do it easily
>>514 (OP)
Anyone know the name of the girl in pick number 3?
Not quite sure what you're asking but get pic(s) you want to use, open paint, enlarge the canvas to make room for text/multiple pics, write the text in a readable font.
I don't really know what I meant either, but I guess that makes it sound super easy.
You got a source for that one?
more like this anon, this is really hot
more gas
This is great, please make moar
holy fuck source?
(6.1 MB, 1920x1080, Misreading.mp4)
I make and upload these on my blogspot, but sharing the link results in an autoban here.

You can find it by googling Lewdsmith blogspot


Anybody have any of Lewdsmith's new Patreon videos?
Maybe let him establish?
What software did you use for this?
Hi everyone I tried my hand at writing some captions. Please let me know what you think and if there's any way I can improve. Most of my stuff involved slob elements so sorry in advance.

The URL is laplaincaps.*logspot
If it is indeed OC its pretty gud dud. Trying not to let the bias of enjoying the themes get the better of things the fact that its first person I do prefer over generic names as its easier to insert into (duh) and the literacy competency is there even if it is a bit wordier than captions tend to be; not that that's a bad thing.

Now with all that please don't let the praise go to your head like the clown earlier in this thread and open a patreon or something narcissistic like that lol. Hope to see more (not behind a paywall :3 )!
Thank you very much anon, I appreciate it. I can't help but be wordy unfortunately.

I don't really want to make money, I'm just glad that someone can enjoy it.
I get the trouble with words myself ha, so many unfinished short stories I get into where 30% of that is just developing up to the actual fetish part, go to sleep, put it off a few days and lose the zone pff.

Love all the themes and so far at least I do like the pic choices not being overly mature just yet. If I can say one feature i'd like to see more of is the antagonist sampling/bullying just a tad more before leaving the victim to their fates.
(396 KB, 1200x700, pixiespotting.png)
I like your style! Absolutely delightful to suddenly see such a gifted writer appear with such impressive content.

The length of these would only be an issue in terms of semantics (as in, whether to call them captions or short stories), personally wouldn't waste any time worrying about that, since the majority of readers won't give a shit about what you wanna call 'em anyway. The length only makes these more enjoyable, though I'm sure I'd approve of your shorter writings as well. Love how you handle the slob elements and I'm sure many others will as well - lots of overlap between the M2BBW and slob enthusiasts. I'm also very fond of the sadistic tones.

Just gave your blog a signal boost on mine, I hope it'll earn you some extra viewers that your content definitely deserves. Looking forward to whatever you choose to craft next!

Sorry for taking a while to notice your post. I recall using mainly Windows Movie Maker to create this one, but I've now switched over to Vegas movie studio 13 and that's what I'd recommend, unless you want to keep things more simple. The voice was generated at 15.ai. Also used MS Paint for cropping and Gimp 2 for the text and the transparency edit behind it. Audacity for editing sounds.
Thank you for the constructive criticism anon! I will try to keep all of this in mind. What do you mean by overly mature? The age of the women or how they're depicted?

Thank you Lewdsmith, I really appreciate your feedback, and I also really appreciate you giving me a shout-out on your blog! I'm really glad that I can add something to the whole theme.
>The age of the women
Yush, age, overripe, far past their prime, its a more ideologically sensitive way of saying it.
Aha, makes sense. They aren't quite my preference.
Enthused by recent postings... a thing!

I think I made it a passable format so igwhims.*logspot for a heatstroke induced escapade.
Great work on the story anon, I enjoyed it!

I'm actually debating whether to include onomatopoeia (That is, writing the sounds out as they sound) in my own writings.
Cheers! First time in a while I actually managed to get something to the finishing line; it only being ~1k words probably had something to do with that though! Oh, and the goth fatty piece you did recently rather loosely inspired parts of this too so thanks for the brain food.

Personally I would give a mention of each instance the once (an exaggerated fart, belch, groan etc.) unless there is a lot of time since or something makes it notably different like being far more powerful of a sound than the previous use but don't overdo to the point it looks like some furry fiction that has five points of onomatopoeia per sentence ha.
I'm glad that I could inspire you anon!

Honestly that's a good point, I've noticed lots of stories are just flooded with noises. Might be best to work it into the story instead.
(1.1 MB, 1700x1730, m2bbwpearcap.jpg)
OC, hope that you guys like it.
Anyone know if there's anymore for/from this one? I wanna say I recall a some where the guy is kidnapped/transformed to cater to the black-market in Asia (losing english tongue, etc)
does anyone have anything from laurajade, the blogspot got taken down
(89 KB, 900x641, 1.png) (76 KB, 900x378, 2.png) (70 KB, 900x312, 3.png) (102 KB, 900x640, 4.png)
I remember seeing these captions on that m2bbw yahoo group over one and a half decade ago. Didn't expect to come across such ancient relics here.
You little fat little slut. You deserve to have your ass plowed every night. I would love to plow you and to feel your yielding flesh against my cock every night! <3
why is this so hot?
Hey, so I'm making an m2bbw interactive story on Deviantart and was wondering any of you guys had any particular characters you'd want to see?

I'll link it to this thread or the next if it dies before I make it.
For me, I think it's the humiliation factor combined with transformation and some other kinks. It's pretty fantastical, but I think that makes it fun.
Honestly love all these genuinely as a guy I need a potion or whatever these lovelies have to make them plump ladies!

Legit can't wait to see more amazing work
Nice one!
this one's really hot
Please post the source
I'm looking for a caption, it was a fat girl standing over a mirror and the caption was about how he had pulled the mirror down to transform into a bbw but now he couldnt fit back through the mirror frame again. I thought it was posted in here but I don't see it in the thread, maybe it was in the one before.
Thank you! Any chance we could be lucky enough to get a zip of your collection?
Share please your collection..
Sure when I am back at my machine I can upload them to Mega

hey so having to upload to anonfile since for some reason mega keeps crashing my shitty laptop
GETTING ERROR CODE 0 from Anonfile sooo uploading to WeTransfer until i can upload to mega
ENJOY 1.7GB OF M2BBW AND BBW SISSY CAPTIONS AND PDFS [Backed up from pre-tumblr purge]

More to come

i got here too late and the transfers expired. could you repost it?
Does anyone have updates or smth new?
HM yeah that's nice!
Keep posting stuff!
Nothing new?
Share the source of m2bbw art/captions please
Y'all remember a morpher who used to do mtf where they'd take female shots, add a moustache and the cap was the girl insisting they were still a guy?
Anyone have any of MagicN's caps, I remember they were in the same circles as Poffcaptions/antisalong but it's been ages.
Do you remember where author posted these captions?
Blogspot last I saw.
Kinda silent here, anybody please share something
That's nice
Thank you!
Damn finall, something new!
Please post more of you can of course..
Any new captions?
Source for the 2nd pic?
Who is the artist of the third pic
Seems this thread is dead...
According to the caption maker, that's devilbabyblues
Right on the name of the file, Mr-DNA on deviantart
The telegram channel is getting updates
Telegram channel?
Open link on latest captions
Whoa telegram channel updating daily, there lots of stuff, sweet!
Lots of gifs, in channel.
>give another corporation my mobile number to use the software
No thanks.
Use textnow to get free number for internet stuff, easy.
>>19780 What are you like 45 years old? Use signal.
Only for America and Canada it seems.
Nope, just download the apk file and use it.
Please post the contents of that chat room
(1.9 MB, 1625x6624, e4gdc5nnb4r.png)
here's a cyoa from reddit
(2.0 MB, 1400x2900, 1.png)
First one's decent

Hey, uh... where did you found that last caption? The one with the lady bursting violently because of an alien
Does anyone remember a story on deviantart that's about a guy who switches bodies with his fat wife? The only thing I really remember about it is a part where the wife breaks character because her husband always calls their landlord(?) by his first name
Do you have blogspot or da? I want to see all your captions and works.
It's amazing
Kinda silent here
Not much in the way of new content sadly.
Lewdsmith's blogspot got removed, rip.
No it hasn't. He's changed his user to bbwrespecter
Some one pass the link to m2bbw Chanel in telegram, please?
It's mostly dead. There isn't any quality to the recent captions
@m2bbw in search

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