
(1.2 MB, 1697x1461, 4540fadc2e20c840ab5f4275e6d28d80a06caf95b008e0b69fd69cb27fc8ecff.png) (1.4 MB, 1500x1200, b8973e8d2240c0c8d3ce5a1726235b750d20ce0bac26661e84439dceda6ebccc.png) (942 KB, 1920x1090, b15300e7a0b6b46e468284b7df861a5567202966acd92f2e9f1c9bc120f0fe06.png) (1.1 MB, 1421x867, 3c117afef8a7e16a874ba3602d994d94245f797056b55b84e467ba1f8f08025e.jpg) (1.5 MB, 2750x2299, 20210816_140145.png) (1.3 MB, 1920x1080, 51f0a8755371f4522104e7e9988a6246621782b434f3d4ca6291df13f1bc0908.png)
last one bumplocked, request edits.
here's some from the last thread
Wow thank you so much :)
(390 KB, 960x712, IMG_0508.jpeg) (503 KB, 960x728, IMG_0509.jpeg) (498 KB, 960x736, IMG_0510.jpeg)
Someone had to rescue the Peach Creek Sumo Edits before they were lost. These things have been around since covid 19 was still kicking our asses. That’s why one of them is at the top of this new thread. And here’s a few more because why the hell not?

(Sumo May and Marie Kanker)
(Sumo Nazz)
(Sarah Sumo and Sleep Eating)
My mind is darker then your. You should of never tried it with me ill not stop
(266 KB, 429x1250, aelita_100 (1).png) (1.0 MB, 1400x1200, 59437382_p7.jpg)
Amazing job with the Equestria Girls...usually I'm not into inflation but you style called my attention, and I wonder if you have ever worked with blob faces? Hope you can consider this. Aelita from Code Lyoko
It's about time.
anyyone please? >>51394
It's barely been four days.

Calm down child.
(229 KB, 2048x2033, First picture.jpg) (2.5 MB, 3894x5076, Second picture.jpg) (390 KB, 2216x2366, Third picture.jpg)
I'm moving my Request to here:

Swap the Suit Colors between the first two pictures, please.

Also (Optional) remove the chub from the First picture, to make a simple thick waist and add in a Butt-Crack, like the one in the Second picture (Also, i included a Third picture for the area that id love to see edited).
i have more years that you nigga
Guess you didn't meet his father yet kid got more years then you. Sorry
Go back to your own board, furry.
(651 KB, 2200x1442, First Picture.png) (344 KB, 2048x1693, Second Picture.png)
Can someone edit the Second Picture so that the art style is the same as the First Picture?
>>52037 Thank You, it looks amazing
(8.2 MB, 2048x2666, c2bd39a3caa4e19e1878978d191ca5da (1) (1).png)
Request: Remove the little line slightly beneath her eye, remove the white thingies from her neck and hands, remove the bunny tail and change her bunny ears for her regular bow
I don’t understand the first part, feet can bend that way, can’t they?
>>52180 i mean, it's a drawing, you can edit the foot's position so it matches the other one. I don't know how to explain it better
Wow, that was fast, thanks
Nice, that is so hot!
(838 KB, 2803x1982, 1647789942238.png)
Can someone edit this pic to remove the shirt for full naked?
(2.1 MB, 1428x1080, b6fond.png)
Requesting some Alice holding some massive tiddies
>>52176 Anyone interested on doing this one?
(1.2 MB, 1808x1538, Berry_Sunset.png)
Can someone edit Sunset Shimmer to remove her clothes and be completely naked?
She will be so hot with me!
>>52037 yo, are you still here, man? I think your attempt at replicating the artstyle is amazing
(7.8 MB, 5259x5100, flutterbondage1FS.png)
Can someone edit Fluttershy into a blueberry with leaking juice like milk?
(2.8 MB, 4500x4000, First Picture.jpg) (303 KB, 2048x2047, Second Picture.jpg)
Can someone edit the Second Picture so that the art style is the same as the First Picture?

Also, add the details from the First Picture into the Second Picture so it looks 'much better' (mainly the hair, the face, the Wii Fit logo, the details off her pants and her feet)

I would be super grateful ...
Just gonna re-request this.
(647 KB, 4096x2726, bpokboy2.jpg)
Can someone edit this image to remove all clothes to completely naked?

Please make more edits! You have a gift! Especially if they’re more sumo edits. I’d still like to see Nazz and/or Marie Kanker about to be launched to Japan by a lamp post.
Need a May edit of Glass of Warm Ed so I can die happy
Have any interest in doing any Sarah edits?

Original requester here. Thank you! I’d ask you to open a DeviantArt account, but I’m worried you might get suspended. Just ask anyone who posts fat morphs of Taylor Swift.

Then again, there are literally thousands of Loud House images on there, even stuff with the younger ones, and DA admins never bat an eye.

All the same, you do good edits. Hope you make more sumo Peach Creek girls. Those and paying off student loans get me out of bed in the morning.
>fat morphs of Taylor Swift
damn shame, say since you used this really specific example you wouldn't happen to have some saved would you? I had some on my favorites but they deleted them I guess
I dont really, sorry.
(676 KB, 1280x960, mailbox.png)
made yet another one. Not sure how many more ill make. Feel like theres only so many different sumo frames you can make different edits with. Still wish the og editer would come back.
(477 KB, 1073x778, IMG_0677.jpeg) (736 KB, 1241x960, IMG_0678.jpeg) (569 KB, 1267x960, IMG_0679.jpeg)

Here are a few good ones because you can see more frames in them and they are scenes the OG editor never did.
Think you could do Glass of Warm Ed edits?

Thank you! Every time you post a new sumo Nazz or Marie it just makes my day a little better.
(1.0 MB, 1280x960, Stuck Nazz.png)
had the time to make one more. this might be my best one so far imo
Re-requesting this.
>>52847 bumping my request
Does anyone edit this?
(2.3 MB, 2731x2058, maynude.png)
Did a small edit of one of the original EEnE pics

Neat. Hope you make some Marie sumo pics. Fat girls with blue hair wearing sumo diapers is something that makes those edits live rent-free in our heads for almost five years. Especially if you use that lamp pole screenshot I sent lol.
I have no idea, all I know is it originally was a furry picture that was edited to be a human
(1.0 MB, 1280x960, marie lamp.png) (1.0 MB, 1280x960, may belly.png)
Eh why not. The kankers heads are weirdly tricky to edit on lol. Wouldve edited May clothes, but it the poseing made it look akward.
also fyi >>53354 that previous May edit wasnt me. just wanted to point that out.
Think im only gonna do a couple more Peachcreek girl edits (5... maybe 6 more) than ill be done with them.
So if anyone has a specfic frame, character, or face edited, now would be the time.
Just realized i forgot Mays freckles, oh well.

I’m pretty much satisfied with the sumo edits. Unless you wanna take the ones with Nazz and Marie that don’t show both in the other’s place.

Like remaking >>53376 with sumo Nazz
Or remaking >>53284 with sumo Marie.
(356 KB, 896x669, IMG_0700.jpeg) (337 KB, 892x669, IMG_0701.jpeg) (735 KB, 1279x960, IMG_0702.jpeg)
>> 53452

Here are some sumo screenshots if you were looking for something new. Marie would be eager to wrestle Ed. And the Eds learning about gravity when Nazz/Marie crushes them was too good to pass up.

Btw, thanks for making past edits. Not a lot of editors out there with your level of skill and patience, bro.
(750 KB, 1280x960, eddy on marie.png)
Back with another sumo edit. Found this one Marie face it gave me an idea. And i change my mind, I think THIS is my favorite now
also sorry for being gone a bit, been busy these past days. Will try and do some more edits (4-5) before wrapping them up. Will try and some of the suggested but admittedly i have some other ideas tbh. But we'll see though.
(44 KB, 600x699, bloatoons___numbah_3_by_axlegrease_75_d189bnm-fullview(0).jpg) (100 KB, 800x898, bloatoons___olive_oyl_by_axlegrease_75_d1byjii-fullview.jpg) (83 KB, 800x884, bloatoons___numbah_5_by_axlegrease_75_d18eqrx-fullview(0).jpg) (112 KB, 800x964, bloatoons___maurecia_by_axlegrease_75_d198dit-fullview.jpg) (90 KB, 800x965, bloatoons___rhonda_lloyd_by_axlegrease_75_d18jrru-fullview.jpg) (143 KB, 800x961, bloatoons___stacy_stickler_by_axlegrease_75_d190whx-fullview.jpg)
Can anyone remove the backgrounds on these and make them into simple white too please?
(530 KB, 2000x1000, anndygirl-73874.jpg)
Could someone please add shading to this please
Thank you, can't wait to see the others when their done
I'm not doing any more
Okay, that's understandable and fair for me
Gonna re-request this.
I visited the website at 12:00pm that full name looks so good right there in that spot.
I'm re-requesting this for the remaining three. I apologize

Where did you go guy who makes Peach Creek sumo edits? Did you forget about us? Hope you come back to finish the rest.
Re-Requesting on mine for the last three, if that's okay and I'm very sorry
She is going to balloon once she find out its not over witth them. Recently seen together
And ill will be right there when she balloons. Huge cock need somewhere to pleasure devour. Oh now youre hungry? Lol
Can you give Pomni a large navel in all versions pls?

Thanks for the first three edits.
Perfection! Thanks again.
(15 KB, 474x474, d99dl45-ef76d4f7-aa77-4f2a-981a-ec7f4a9ae624.png) (141 KB, 2115x2360, 248d9e5960b414083b2c2d2c00d44dfe56bb80b216e45b43ff3450a217a852e4.png) (128 KB, 2121x3619, 4387660ab68a5a4100997b3ceaed1ed571191d6cda97d0f68b1a606b8621d2a1.png)
Any Pixel Artists in this Thread?

Can someone edit and change May and Brendan's Sprites so they have their Ruby/Sapphire Colors/Appearances?

I'll provide the Sprite Sheets for the two of them, if it provides any help ...
Whos the cop on the fake cannabis reddit page. Think ppl stupid lmao
(11 KB, 620x380, IMG_3361.webp) (35 KB, 1280x720, IMG_3362.webp) (306 KB, 1170x656, IMG_3496.jpeg) (97 KB, 1170x648, IMG_3495.jpeg) (132 KB, 740x435, IMG_3497.jpeg)
Requesting various edits of these screenshots where Mina-Girl from Vitamin Connection has the same body type as this piece of Gangle fanart by Lumerrac. Here’s a reference vid if you need one.
(247 KB, 1024x1704, patreon_roxanne2 (3).jpg)
Here i have a request:

1- remove the speech bubbles and the 'RoyalJellySandwich' Patreon logo and text below her feet.

2 - remove all the text from her shirt, and also make her eyes look towards the screen.
(195 KB, 807x1117, Picture 1.png) (1.6 MB, 2250x2430, Picture 2.jpg)
Can someone headswap Korsica's head from 'Picture 1' into 'Picture 2'?

Also change the size of her ponytail so it fits on the picture frame, please
>>55754 anyone, please?
(32 KB, 474x523, Da Rules.jpeg)
>>51392 (OP)
Please post the rules next time, OP.

- All editors welcome!
- Request in moderation.
- Post a sample of your art when "taking x requests".
- No AI requests/deliveries or discussion. Take them to the relevant threads or board.
- Respect /bbwalt/ and global rules.
- Do not request edits of real people. Take them to the relevant morph threads.
- Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and repost your reference. You'll have to repost your full request after the thread 404s anyway, so please conserve post count.
- Do not "bump", "re-request", "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
- Be patient. Art takes time.
- Not all requests will be filled. It all comes down to plain dumb luck.
- Take it easy and please be nice to the editfriends! Remember, they do this for fun.
- Editfriends, don't hold back. If you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take.
- If available, anchor your posts to make deliveries easier to track.
- Do not anchor your requests to the OP.
- Have fun and enjoy the lewd edits that come from this.
>>56348 bumping this request
Re-Requesting for the last three, if that's okay
Are you joking or can't you see the request was made 2 days ago?
>>57104 just wanted to check if there are people in the thread
(125 KB, 640x360, biggest-ssbbw-ass-on-the-planet-pic1.png) (111 KB, 640x360, biggest-ssbbw-ass-on-the-planet-pic2.png) (112 KB, 640x360, biggest-ssbbw-ass-on-the-planet-pic3.png)
I'm here in this thread. Anyways, this is just a random art I created outta a random cartoon & animated SSBBW I made up. Her name is Selena Beckham, and since she's a pear-shaped SSBBW model, I call her "Sneaky Cheeky Pear" (born somewhere around December 1997) who has very wide hips and has a really big huge ass with at least more than 100 inches (kinda like with Bobbi Jo Westley who is a real SSBBW model and pornstar that tries to break a world record of having the widest hips and possibly the biggest ass as well). And whenever she wiggles and her jiggles her ass, hers can extend up to 120'' or more lol! So I wonder what any of ya think?

And replace him with a prince of sorts?
(1.7 MB, 3840x2160, biggest-ssbbw-ass-on-the-planet-thumbnail.png)
No offense, but there's really no source for that one. This is just some kind of art & animation that I made during my own spare time in my privacy using different kinds of online editors to do at least a little bit of drawings, some modifications to any prop(s) & background(s) I include, tons of editing, and all other stuff I do in general along w/ external softwares, especially Sony Vegas Pro, which took me weeks & months to finalize this masterpiece.

And again, the name of this hot & sexy pear-shaped SSBBW is Selena Rebecca Beckham, whose SSBBW model name is "Sneaky Cheeky Pear" (born somewhere between early to mid December 1997). And here's this finalized masterpiece if any of ya wanna see what her really huge wide sexy ass can do before getting her self a shower lmao!

(314 KB, 2048x1566, 483928492432.jpg)
Could someone make them super tanned and with blonde hair?
uhhhh your link is broken. it's just showing me donuts?
(1.4 MB, 800x1448, 9.2 Samus - DA - Axel-Rosered - Full Body Scan.jpg)
Can someone make her belly bigger and rounder? It has to be round shaped like in the art, but it's fine if it grows out of the frame, if you can manage her whole belly is visible.
off subject but what happend to the unfappable 2 thread
Nothing fire cant fix.
Cant throw stones from a glass house. Go read your bible again.
Re-Requesting for the last three,
For the two first PICS someone try to edit a NUDE and Blueberry ALTS for them.
Meanwhile for least PIC, just a NUDE ALT.
Thank you so much, I really appreciate it
Can you edit the two first PICS as Blueberry, NUDE, Gas and POPPING ALTS Please?
Meanwhile the last one as Blueberry, NUDE and Gas. Please make that edit come true.
Can you edit the two first PICS from the PPG Ballons as Blueberry, NUDE, Gas and POPPING ALTS Please?
Meanwhile the last one as Blueberry, NUDE and Gas. Please make that edit come true.
>>59709 fuck off, i get it
(1.1 MB, 2640x2160, 3377422.png)
Can someone edit Twilight and Sunset to remove the swimsuits to be full nudes?
They will be so hot~
(62 KB, 600x708, bloatoons___mandy_by_axlegrease_75_d17tu6n-fullview.jpg) (77 KB, 600x677, bloatoons___dana_by_axlegrease_75_d19nia9-375w-2x.jpg) (96 KB, 800x926, bloatoons___vicky_by_axlegrease_75_d1858s4-fullview.jpg) (156 KB, 800x884, bloatoons___bessiehiggenbottom_by_axlegrease_75_d1j76rt-fullview.jpg) (105 KB, 800x932, bloatoons___candace_flynn_by_axlegrease_75_d1f52cm-fullview.jpg) (71 KB, 749x1006, bloatoons___jenny_xj9_wakeman_by_axlegrease_75_d1bjh4v-375w-2x.jpg)
If it's okay may I request plann white background for these? Very understandable if not
(760 KB, 1200x973, 75907469_p3_master1200.jpg)
If someone could edit the masks off her nipples I would love them 5 ever
I see why summer harassed the shit out her black ass
Not the OR.
(2.9 MB, 2160x2160, mssneakycheekypearssbbwintro.png) (2.7 MB, 2160x2160, mssneakycheekypearssbbwbackwards.png) (2.8 MB, 2160x2160, mssneakycheekypearssbbwbackwards2.png)
Hey there! I'm SSBBWazzlover95 who is now using DeviantArt, and I have the first few pics out of a cartoon & animated SSBBW model character that I created by myself and then posted on that site, and the name of that animated SSBBW model character is Selena Rebecca Beckham (aka Ms. Sneaky Cheeky Pear). And yes, about 1 to 2 months ago, I did post the drafted version of the animated vid out of that SSBBW character on this thread of the BBW-Chan website, but I only did a few slight changes and editing to this vid in which I'll be officially posting it to DeviantArt eventually as soon as I post some more art & content outta her.
>Same garbage tier non-artist that made that terrible animation months back
>Makes a post that has nothing to do with the thread.
>Displaying no improvement whatsoever, somehow thinks their art is good enough to be posted publicly.
You autists truly are a special breed.
(29 KB, 500x930, 88854755_p0.png)
>>55950 (Cross-thread)
I tried contacting the artist long ago but it might be a dead account or he/she might just not care enough to bother with pixiv dms lol
so, long shot but, could someone get rid of the futa aspect?, just making it chubbier if you just like it as is could work too I suppose. I kinda feel bad about asking for editing other artist works with no permission but, it is what it is :<
(549 KB, 2160x2040, 3176757.png)
Can someone edit Applejack and Rarity to remove the swimsuits to be full nudes?
And don't forget to take off those shoes.
I mean "clothes" sorry, i accidentally copy and paste in the same time.
thx, now it's hot lol
(1.2 MB, 1267x953, marie gravity fail.png)
well, its been like... 3 months, but im back with another sumo edit of Marie. It aint much, but something simple to come back to. may or may not make more soon, we'll see
Also no promises but... i am considering doing some Sarah edits now. But again, no promises.

THANK YOU!!! I hear you loud and clear, but my rodent attention span just hearts more Peach Creek sumos!
More than welcome back here :)
Just Bumping my request, if that's okay
Love the expressions on these

I would very much like to see Nazz surrounded by the Eds for scale after they made her a ton of fun. Or sitting with a diaper full of suitcases about to be launched to Japan.

For Marie, I would like to see Ed tackle her belly or right before the fight when the blue-haired sumo looks down at him in the ring with confusion.

Maybe something with Daphne Blake. Kid you not, she went on a date with Ed, so she could become a topless sumo in a diaper and it still be canon.


But it’s all up to you. Love your edits!
>Maybe something with Daphne Blake. Kid you not, she went on a date with Ed, so she could become a topless sumo in a diaper and it still be canon.
Didn’t you already get this in the last thread?

I did ask for it last thread, but I don’t think it was done by the same editor as the sumo edits above. They drew her proportions different and gave her a Mystery Inc kind of loin cloth instead of the normal white diaper.

I was so worried I might offend the guy making these I just bit my tongue.
You got your request, don't be autistic

“Nitpicking” would be me making a complaint about the way it looked when it came out over six months ago. Over half a year later is long enough to wait to ask again on a different thread.

So unless you are the editor who made that Daphne sumo edit I didn’t like, but still received a thank you for it, you can kindly take your overused autistic insult and shove it.

And if you are the editor that made it, show me proof and I’ll tell you why I didn’t try to save it when the old thread died like I did with the good edits.


That’s not proof you’re the editor. And two autistic jabs in a row? The only thing that proves is your mother should have swallowed.

By the way, I think I can hear her calling to tell you dinner’s ready. Be sure to brush afterwards to get the taste of my dick that can make a better argument than you out of your mouth.

Look, let’s stop the back and forth before the OG editor stops posting anymore of their sumo edits. Because nobody wins if he thinks all his work does is start fights.

Editor, if you’re still there, know that your work is appreciated. If you don’t wanna do any of my suggestions


That’s ok. I just want you to keep making them because I know if they get people this worked up it means we enjoy them.

I’d ask you to put them on DA so we could fav and download them. But knowing how that place has been cracking down on new policy violations, right here might be the only place to post them. Peach Creek sumo edits would get struck down faster than blueberry drawings of May from Pokémon and don’t even try to post fat edits or morphs of real people.

But to summarize, please don’t stop posting because of all the salt.
>Asskissing a drawfag who makes shitty edits of an ugly Ed Edd n Eddy screncap.
Holy shit, we've actually been blessed with the funny kind of autism for the first time in a long while. Keep this up spergo, this shit is prime entertainment.
(833 KB, 813x1103, IMG_1186.jpeg) (849 KB, 812x1095, IMG_1187.jpeg)
New Totally Spies show got me in a Clover mood. I’d like to see fat Clover in different outfits like the first image. Wish Stormcaller would cool it with the furry/pony stuff and just give us more of this.
Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest got me in a a Lucy mood. Take these and make them all naked please.
(1.1 MB, 1193x900, Sarah sumo size comparison.png) (1.1 MB, 1193x900, Marie sumo size comparison.png) (1.1 MB, 1193x900, Nazz sumo size comparison.png)
There is no need argue. Its just a bunch silly edits, that arent even that good tbh. It is NOT that serious. Its idiotic to be fighting on a fat fetish board of all things.

Anyway, heres "that surrounded by eds" Nazz request. Also made a Marie and Sarah variant.
No May variant because theres all ready an edit of this screen shot by the og editor, also no Lee variant cause... i just dont care for Lee tbh.
Might make the other Marie request later, and when/if I do, thatll be it from me for a while.
Also about that Daphne request... nah, im good. Sorry.

Don’t sell your edits short. Also, yeah, Lee Kanker is probably the least favorite of the whole roster. And don’t be sorry, better to ask and be told straight up no rather than wonder what if. Thank you for making these. They are fire.
(232 KB, 1517x1080, IMG_0340.jpeg) (802 KB, 4490x3000, IMG_0341.png)
Can someone edit This pic of Mystique Sonia as a Massive naked Blob of fat! With tits leaking milk and a small bit of sweat and steam
(232 KB, 1230x926, IMG_3859.jpeg) (168 KB, 1621x1242, IMG_3860.jpeg)
Can someone edit this scene of King Koopa from the Super Mario Super Show where it is Princess Toadstool being inflated instead of King Koopa, while wearing her swimsuit. You can also keep the air tank on her when she is being inflated.
(1.7 MB, 3000x3000, IMG_0653.png)
Could I perhaps get a brap edit pls
(1.1 MB, 3200x4000, Mini Sentry.jpg)
Can you make Mini Sentry in this art fat?
Could someone edit Applejack and Rarity to remove the swimsuits to be full nudes?
Like this >>61265
These dont look half bad!
Looking forward to how you progress making them.
thank you, are you planning on doing the other ones?
Don't see what I shouldn't
I just made 1 so far as I just had the time for 1, tho, I am somewhat curious as to why you want them as such, is it just for a collage or something or to easily make them transparent?
Yeah, mostly just to make them transparent
(2.8 MB, 1919x1078, image (1).png) (800 KB, 1919x1078, image (2).png)
maybe, depends if I find a refernce that makes things look hot!
OH btw, I forgot this!
OOPS! I attached the wrong person! mb
(108 KB, 800x884, bloatoons___bessiehiggenbottom_by_axlegrease_75_d1j76rt-fullview.jpg) (100 KB, 800x932, bloatoons___candace_flynn_by_axlegrease_75_d1f52cm-fullview.jpg) (78 KB, 600x677, bloatoons___dana_by_axlegrease_75_d19nia9-375w-2x.jpg) (66 KB, 600x708, bloatoons___mandy_by_axlegrease_75_d17tu6n-fullview.jpg) (87 KB, 800x926, bloatoons___vicky_by_axlegrease_75_d1858s4-fullview.jpg)
And here you go! sorry for taking so long to actually start making that second batch, I just lost interest for a bit, but I am back now and ready to experiment with edits
I mean... couldn't you just have asked for the editor to make them transparent to begin with
>>64438 anyone, please?
Looks quite alright! However the original drawings looks a bit on the weird side, can't quite put my finger on it.
Not sure how much of a weirdo this'll make me look like, but think you could make an edit of the same kind of Mindy Simmons? (From the Simpsons, about the same size, if not bigger)
(870 KB, 4096x3929, 1643776665288.jpg) (1.2 MB, 4096x3929, 1643776712526.jpg)
Edit request: I'd like edit Peach and Daisy to remove all clothes and gloves to be full nudes.
They will be so hot~
hmmmm? I'll see what I can do
Please find better references.
OUTSTANDING. Not the requester.
(444 KB, 5465x2928, 1626279944564_20230522_005950_906.jpg)
Requesting Luan and Lincoln edited out so only Luna (the one on the right) is left, also make sure Luna's big ass is continued in the same way of Luan
This is perfect, thank you so much!!!! I love this!!
These are still available if anyone wants to try.
Awesome work! Thank you so much~
I'm not interested in the vore panel, but I do appreciate your work nonetheless.
who drew these in the first place cos they look amazing
I think it's a Batspid2 commission piece for GravitySecretAgent. You should be able to find it on the latter's FA account.
Oh, for crying out loud! The Rick and Morty anime gave us one of the main characters getting inflated in their undies with a hose jammed in their ass, and it’s fucking Jerry… You know what needs to be done

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