
>>512 (OP) i meant fat not gat
>>512 (OP)
Wait, is this more of that retarded ass IDW canon?
No. Plus Windblade is now a official cannon character I just haven't added anything to tread, someone told me to put it on alt on the one in the draw section
Wasnt she in g1? As a robot build by humans, but still
>>525 no that was Nightbird
Ooo Arcee and Windblade
If you have money you can commission more
Oh wait I think Mizz-Britt did some
(960 KB, 3000x3000, 1598822760174.jpg)
I think this is a work in progress
What did this say?!
She looks great like that
I want a sequel to that picture, hell I imagine in it she realizes she digested the energon, and is now say she says "Bwooooouuurrp scrap!"
Sources on both, I know someone who would love that Megaempress picture
Anyone have some Windblade or Flamewar?
who is the artist?
MinerEdgar on Fur Affinity
(778 KB, 1500x2195, rercveritywg.png)
First I'm doing in a series of fat fembots + TF human girls.
Awesome, do you have a Twitter or DA?
(749 KB, 1600x1504, fat combiner hunter arcee.png)
I'm happy someone did a picture that I was supposed to get in my first ever art trade [It failed, I finished my part the other artist didn't finish their part]
I'm writing a transformers story but sure if I should post it here
How is it going?
I was a bit surprised too
Got any TF's you want to see fat art off that you haven't seen before?
Thunderblast I have seen none of her
Lunaclub definitely doesn't have any
Wait amino there's fat artist on a Amino now? Whi made this?
Sadly they left amino but they went by flabi
Did they do any other fat transformers pictures?
Does anyone knw who this artist is
Had a little concept idea; a fat autobot or decepticon femme that turns into a pizza delivery vehicle, they get fat off of pizza
Didn't mean to reply to that, my bad
Its okay also hey I was the person who requested that
hmm maybe I should post some of my drawing
(1.7 MB, 3000x3000, 1.png)

Didn't really do anything else with this original concept, but I've been getting ideas for something new, little mini-comics like this. Kind of going with a story like "two teams of fembots discover Earth, start hoarding energon and not telling the wider factions." Working on one with Nightbird right now.


Thicker Treat on Deviantart, this is really the only TF art I've done though, kinda haven't mixed my hobby and fetish until now lmao
Ah okay might give ya a follow
(114 KB, 1440x2048, FLwQz_kXsAEHanU.jpeg) (103 KB, 1440x2048, FLg_XjQWYAgnqWu.jpeg)
I'm honestly kinda impressed how fast some artists were once the Bishoujo statues were announced.
I mean, it's only been piffledoodle & Polevolter to do art of Megs so far, but still!
(555 KB, 2250x2400, FLwFIKXUcAANiG5.jpeg)
Here's piffledoodle's piece, and now my brain wants someone to draw an inflated Bishoujo Optimus to go along with it...
Never seen that third image before who did it?
Oh hey that first image is a picture I commissioned

Oh, that was done by VakkaPow on twitter!
(3.3 MB, 2705x3521, jkhjkjhk.jpg)
When There's Not Enough Decent "Sari" Fat Art
So years back theneverwere made 2 images of Sari inflating, anyone save those pics>
Jumping the gun early, a dedicated fatty transformers discord was recently made as of a day ago.
discord dot gg/q8yJ2cmwkR
I'm the creator of the server and you could have at least asked first
whats the issue here? theres a fat tf server and someone posted a link where people who like that will find/join
It's a semi private server and the person who posted the invite link didn't ask the creator if they could
doesn't matter now the link is expired now
(71 KB, 823x1024, FWojMMCUsAABety.jpeg)
WHOA, OKAY! And here I was thinking I was the only one making 3d models of enlarged fembots!

Would you happen to know who made these, friend?
(20 KB, 998x1080, FXPAoCcWIAETO0V.png) (19 KB, 998x1080, imageedit_280_6318877368.png) (19 KB, 998x1080, imageedit_424_5893020530.png) (19 KB, 998x1080, imageedit_495_4975222310.png) (19 KB, 998x1080, imageedit_214_6304598465.png) (22 KB, 998x1080, imageedit_348_9560453976.png)
A fat TFA Arcee edit of one of Mizz-Britt's works RobMaul02 did.

Plus a crap-load of color edits I did the other day to plump-up the other TFA fembots who share the mold.
Oh, can you show us some of your models?
Oh, yeah i saw those before, do you have a discord by any chance?
Eh, really sorry mate, but I don't bother with all that, I mainly just operate off my Twitter page.
Oh, ok
i just don't think you uploaded the elita and windblade pics to twitter.
Do you also plan on uplading more models to your cults page?
Yeah, I was taking a (not-so-little) break to work on refining the models, that I've got distracted having fun with renders and such.

But there definitely WILL be more models up on Cults3D in the future, I can promise you that!
(713 KB, 2240x2616, Fb22lTrVsAEtRGg.jpeg) (281 KB, 1526x2010, FX6G6ftVEAA49Qj.jpeg)
I'll leave this message for the poster of these Elita images to hopefully see later.

Please, please, PLEASE, could you share where or who they came from, and if they have any other platforms or works? The images have no watermark or signature, and I seriously want to find out their origin.

It'd be much appreciated!
(923 KB, 856x715, buttshot.PNG)
Oh, these are pics that i made myself, i don't have public account where i upload my art and i don't plan to due to the subpar quality of my content
Well in that case, I would just like to say how AWESOME this work is!

Seriously, I know how hard it is to get 3d fats to look right, especially for fembots, but this is some top-tier art.

Not many artists can take a design like Elita's here and adapt it to an appealing immobile blob/blimp shape, but I am not even kidding when I say that I love this sequence from start to finish!

Yeah, great work all around, mate!
Hey does anybody have an invite link to the transformers bbw server?
I'm the creator of it and well we don't want the link posted publicly cause its semi private, doesn't become hell to moderate, and well bots and scammers
(7.8 MB, 2797x2160, Elita One(massive blob!) Pt. 1.png)
Well, after experiencing o9e43f's wonderful Elita expansion sequence, I got inspired to try my own hand at a sequence, so here we are!

These will be posted daily to both here and my Twitter page, so feel free to follow along on either.

(Textless + SFX-less versions on my Twitter.)
(1.1 MB, 960x783, r63 blot.png)
This looks amazing so far, i can't wait to see the rest of the sequence
(7.6 MB, 2797x2160, Elita One(massive blob!) Pt. 2 (SFX).png)
-Elita 0ne WG Sequence Pt. 2-

And so it begins...
(Honestly guys, Elita is CRIMINALLY underutilized when it comes to expansion art; hell, her whole team is underutilized and I really can't see why.)

(Alts on Twitter)
(6.6 MB, 2797x2160, Elita One(massive blob!) Pt. 3 (SFX).png)
-Elita One WG Sequence Pt. 3-

Definitely my favorite shape out of the bunch, but that doesn't mean this is the end. But for now, enjoy the plump figure of the pink commander.

(Alts on Twitter)
(5.7 MB, 2797x2160, Elita One(massive blob!) Pt. 4 (SFX).png)
-Elita One WG Sequence Pt. 4-

Hot-diggety, seems Elita was caught off guard by a second bout of swelling! I doubt she's gonna be mobile for much longer, guys...

(Alts on Twitter)
I probably should clarify something.

For those who would want the alts that are advertised, I am @quantumecanik9, or Quantum Oddities on Twitter.
(76 KB, 1280x989, glyph_by_mizz_britt_ddppiwp-fullview.jpg) (633 KB, 1944x2218, FcMG74dWIAAK_pc.jpeg) (414 KB, 1860x1463, FcMG8ORXkAAqTJR.jpeg)
Apart from Mizz-Britt's piece, this unfinished sequence from TheBellySeeker is the only other piece of Glyph expansion art in the world; which, much like what I said about Elita and her squad, is a crying shame given how utterly ADORABLE she is.
(3.1 MB, 2797x2160, Elita One(massive blob!) Pt. 5a (SFX).png) (1.3 MB, 2797x2160, Elita One(massive blob!) Pt. 5b.png)
-Elita One WG Sequence Pt. 5a+5b-

In the end, Elita now weighs 3 times as much as Devastator, and is less mobile than the Ark itself. I have a feeling that not even "Rolling Out" can serve as a viable form of movement for our intrepid, immobilized fembot.

Hope you all enjoyed my first, actual sequence as much as I did. There will DEFINITELY be more like this in the future!

(Alts on Twitter)
(160 KB, 1024x1343, the_leader_kyanite__ssbbw_warning__by_samuraiknight_ddb09hs-fullview.jpg) (109 KB, 1024x1186, the_scout_ingot__ssbbw_warning__story_update_by_samuraiknight_ddfhj10-fullview.jpg) (170 KB, 1024x1238, the_techy_medic_rosalite__ssbbw_warning__by_samuraiknight_ddb09ux-fullview.jpg) (82 KB, 1024x1155, the_heavy_weapons_emerald__ssbbw_warning__by_samuraiknight_ddbblm5-fullview.jpg) (999 KB, 1521x2009, ddpfps7-3432c540-b33d-44ac-8472-f2ffffde650e.png)
(5.3 MB, 2797x2160, Chromia's Combat Corpulence.png)
Figured I'd also dump some of' my renders here as well as on my twitter, so... yeah.

Have a fatty Chromia about to slice some 'Cons.
source on the second?
It's an older pic PaperWeegy did featuring their own Arcee design!
Jeetdoh going on a transformers craze was probably the best thing to happen for this thread. Jeetdoh just closed his recent emergency commissions, although he said he'll do more later. We gotta commission more transformers stuff so this thread can continue.
(5.1 MB, 3000x3000, de5k53v-fd9a40bf-cc61-4030-b7d8-c17aa1ec4dd7.png) (85 KB, 1024x1236, airachnid_by_tubbybuddy_dcokrle-fullview.jpg) (100 KB, 1280x1244, techno_organic_by_tubbybuddy_dd7bpo2-fullview.jpg)
A semi-sequnce of stories; I'm not sure, but it does seem like the second one is meant to be a sequel to the second one.

- https://www.deviantart.com/zackarias7/art/Windblade-x-Chromia-WG-897302572

- https://www.deviantart.com/zackarias7/art/Solus-Prime-Story-927352391

And some art.
huh two stories I'm the reason for, the first one was a request and the second was because of a contest I had in the fat transformers servr
(523 KB, 2797x2160, Hammer_forge.png)
Happy 400 photos, eyeryone!

Here's a little teaser of my next expanded Fembot to celebrate!
You betcha! I had the thought the other day while reading that story, and said to myself, "Screw it, let's do it, baby!"
yay I won't be the only one who's done fat art of Solus
Whoops, sorry!
Didn't mean to quote ya there!
I find this art the most interesting so far, mainly because its not just a fat version of a transformer but a character with thicc thighs that transforms into a cement mixer(or tank truck?) that actually is justified why she has that Alt-mode because of her body shape. And the its seen in all parts of the design, I would love to know who is the artiest for this so I can follow them for more
This was made by SecretMiningBase on Twitter, mate!
ah, it didn't have their logo. Thanks for the info
you know I don't think Override has any fat art or content someone should fix that
Yeah, you'd think there'd be more!
Especially considering the stereotype in fetish works of "typical athletic girl overindulges and loses their fit physique in the process".
(927 KB, 2797x2160, Fat Solus Prime (3).png) (1.0 MB, 2797x2160, Fat Solus Prime (1).png) (1.1 MB, 2797x2160, Fat Solus Prime (2).png) (922 KB, 2797x2160, Fat Solus Prime (4).png)
Solus is comin' along well, and it's almost at the point where I'm happy with her.

I also wanted to make it a point to make her bigger than the other fembots; due to her being the first female cybertronian, it makes some amount of sense for her to be the fattest, right?
yeah it makes sense for her to be the largest
Oh don't worry, I got some plans!

BTW, I was curious, what software do you use to make these, mate?

I don't wish to intrude, but I would seriously like to know how they're made!
(28 KB, 337x600, FC7PPLtWQAQ6rD4.jpeg)
Shame there aren't many photo-editors in the TF fandom.

This pick based off TFP Arcee's line of "sitting on her fat tires for a week" is the only one I can find; meanwhile, the Legends manga is a TREASURE-TROVE for edit-worthy fembot pics.
(7.3 MB, 3840x2160, Jumbo jet1.png)
Also, is there anything that you want me to try and make for you?
Okay, I have to admit that the chunkified jet mode got a laugh out of me!

I have a couple ideas for things to make, but I would like to check a few things before suggesting something that could put too much on you to create.

Things like, what would be considered too much effort to make?
Who could be suggested as a subject?
Are they too difficult to make a model of, or do you prefer not to use them for works like this?
What categories of fetish art will be/will not be done?

I just wanna check what's cool with you beforehand, mate!
from what I know they use the earthwar models
(9.2 MB, 3840x2160, windbed.png)
so me and the 3d artist are doing a trade here's their part
Should this offer still be available, I would like to partake in this opportunity, mate!
(1.6 MB, 2797x2160, Fat Solus Prime (Front).png) (2.1 MB, 2797x2160, Fat Solus Prime (Rear).png)
Here's the first test pose with Solus, and I'd say she's ready for use!

The pose may be fairly static, but I'm happy with it; I'm a sucker for confident fatties!
That looks phenominal
Sure, i just need a way to be able to contact you in private
Well, I don't use discord, and I've never had to privately message anyone before, so (and I'm really sorry for asking) do you have any ideas, perchance?
Does a dm on twitter work for you, or do you prefer another method of contact?
i just found out that there is a group of sbbw transformers
I would love to join also I will leave my discord
I'll try sending you a note on Deviantart
Sure, I'm Quantumecanik9 on there, too!
(8.3 MB, 3840x2160, Blackarachnias_autoblob.png)
"Blackarachnia already thought the pink one was cute, but now the plump spider femme finds her prey to be even cuter as a lovely, pink blimp~"

An utterly amazing piece I received from the anonymous 3d artist, featuring a fatty Blackarachnia and her new over-inflated plaything, an Arcee balloon!
...Damn that's hot.
wow it looks great so big and beautiful both of them
(1.3 MB, 2797x2160, Gift for ec33 - Full (Grey).png) (1.6 MB, 2797x2160, Gift for ec33 - Close (Grey).png)
A pic I decided to make as a "thank you" gift to the anonymous artist for accepting my Blackarachnia/Arcee request in the last month, even if they didn't ask for one.

I give you Elita having a bit of fun at her squad-mates expense! (And yes, I went back and scaled my models to where I want them, so that is their scale from now on.)
(470 KB, 495x972, deaja92-02aabbbb-9914-495d-9b96-2d73c613cf0a.png)

Hot off the heels of my Fat Solus model, I finished an updated version of my old TFP Arcee I never shared (I wanted to refine it before display); And considering she has a fair share of repaints...

Flamewar's comin' up next!
(3.6 MB, 2797x1784, WindBERRY - Complete.png)
"Seems like wonka-gum will turn ANYTHING into a blueberry, even poor Windblade here; even her comrades are shocked at her bloated predicament!"

A little request for an anon on discord, featuring a blueberry Windblade!

(Note: I'm not actually taking requests from anyone, this was just a little bit of practice I decided to do with spherical body shapes, and the anon supplied an idea I was interested in.)
(1.8 MB, 2797x1585, FAT-dow-Striker & ROLL-ette (Front).png) (1.7 MB, 2797x1609, FAT-dow-Striker & ROLL-ette (Rear).png)
After chatting on Discord, I decided to make models of two obscure fembots...

Shadow-Striker & Roulette!

I went with their OG designs, just cause I like 'em; I'm REALLY happy with how these came out!

(If they had thunder-thighs before, then those are the WHOLE DAMN STORM!)
(2.0 MB, 2797x2160, SUPPLE-ette (Front).png) (1.7 MB, 2797x2160, SUPPLE-ette (Rear).png)
And with the last little bit of creativity from making Shadow-Striker and Roulette, I also decided to give a face & name to their third sister from their origin story; meet Silhouette!

I mainly took inspiration from TFP: BH Smokescreen for the color scheme, and the kibble placement was all me.

I wanted her to have the same kibble as her sisters, while having the orientation be unique (like how I swapped the kibble-sides on SS & Roulette to emphasize their twin dynamic).

(Her name comes from Shadow Striker's possible names from her concept ideas.)
>>512 (OP)
Where did you get this information, OP?
(1.9 MB, 1280x1100, Tubby Team Stream (Background).png)
"Steam Stream: Bigger, Badder, and Stealing your Rations!"

With the addition of Flamewar to my collection of large fembots, Team Stream is complete!

(Yes, I know it's a different version of Shadow Striker, but again, I prefer the Universe version, so she'll be the one I use.)
Where is the information that transformers can get fat from? I'm curious and never got answer no matter how hard I looked!
there really isnt any. jazz jokes that prowl put on weight in an idw comic, and some like bulkhead look bigger, but nothing really canon.
That's what I've been looking for?! No wonder it was impossible to find!
I think it's less that there's actual evidence and more just a crack at the existence of the fetish art
Creator of the thread here: that and well it being implied cybertronians can gain weight among others things, like in a Windblade comic it’s implied Waspinator drinks piss
I'm sorry... He drinks WHAT?! HE DRINKS?!
>>28628 Don't believe that, g. You drink pee, you die.
Energon is weird, especially in modern Transformers, as it is depicted as fuel, ammunition, food, an alcohol equivalent, as well as blood for cybertronians.

The same thing you use to powers your gun is the same thing you drink to kick back and relax and the same thing that you bleed.
to be fair, they are alien robots
(92 KB, 634x556, FjTIOAKXgAIok94.png)
So, I'm looking for a rumored piece of expansion art with the subject being TFA Elita One; Not Blackarachnia, Elita One SPECIFICALLY.

I already have the only other piece of fat TFA Elita art (to my knowledge, at least) included in this post below.

So if anyone has the other one, that would be great to see.
Oh I like that planet size Strongarm.

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