
(1.4 MB, 4000x4000, I am not going to survive this.png)
Inspired by the other thread. Want to take some requests, I'll sketch out pretty much anything you want as long as it isn't scat, piss or body hair lol

(I also specialise in fat and inflation, so other stuff may look a bit off)
(708 KB, 1299x1204, juniper.png)
>>51044 (OP)
How about ssbbw Juniper Woods getting all teary because her farting caused nearby flowers to wilt?
(66 KB, 360x1232, A9988018-1B9C-4FBA-83DB-832D4C26B97B.webp)
If you’re still open to them then I’d like to request a really fat Brianne. With her belt breaking apart because of how fat her belly has gotten.
(1.6 MB, 4000x4000, Gurl.png)
Sorry, this is a bit shit
She looks off, but I'm not complaining. I'm just happy to see more moon rabbit cookie art that aren't just shitty edits I made
(183 KB, 1215x717, Sona_0.jpg)
Think of her as Miku but wearing a robe, looking strained from the fats, brap alt too if I can be so greedy :3
(718 KB, 1200x2169, 3EB1F7CA-E108-449A-AF01-9B9C365D5F4D.png)
>>51044 (OP)
Is there anyway you would be willing to draw an oversized Francine Smith form American Dad with her dress riding up her body? Fat or Inflated I’ll leave up to you, either way works for me. I would greatly appreciate it!
(31 KB, 466x658, images.jpeg)
can you do this thing (dejiko from di gi charat) inflated like a balloon?
(266 KB, 429x1250, aelita_100 (1).png)
Aelita from Code Lyoko would be interesting to see how you can draw her as fat as possible, a USSBBW preferely, I do really appreciate it. Thanks
(337 KB, 434x748, Warden Twins.png)
God, I want these twins so fat, you have no idea
(134 KB, 400x401, 400.png)
>>51044 (OP)
I'd fuckin LOVE to see you draw Clover from Undertale Yellow being absolutely blobbed up huge and immobile, bursting out of their clothes
OR here, you did a great job on this! Thank you very much for this!
(263 KB, 1275x1062, shepherd lol.jpeg)
Why not, the Shepherd from the Ena videos. Nice work so far by the way!
(83 KB, 2060x2500, AquamarineRibbon_by_Koo.png) (114 KB, 500x800, export1705928245829.png) (133 KB, 552x895, Lucy_Loud_render.png)
It's always tough for me to decide who to request, so I'll just leave the choice up to you
I'll take any combination of Aquamarine from Steven Universe, Princess Charm from Knockout City and/or Lucy Loud inflated with farts
Can anyone please do my request?
>>51212 (Dead)
Ask to be fuck buddies before breaking up thats why I let you walk out. Was expecting you back lmao
I don’t like how a lot of these are lolis.
>(I also specialise in fat and inflation, so other stuff may look a bit off)
Do you do bad ends or close to bad ends? Stretchmarks and beyond?
Yeah sure, just don't know if I can keep this up lol
Well, I don't make the requests
It always happens with these request threads. I salute you bro
Nice! Now do my request please!
No worries man, hope you liked it
Idk, it's already proving hard to keep up with the amount of requests already I've had to skip some
You know what I’ll scrap this cameo idea due to being too much.
Full of shit. U opress ppl then bail out because youre afraid of true pure power
Wow You missed they memo from them. They still want they request on Marianne but wanted to scrap the character cameos since thier decision to make how cruel?
You want to learn make $1000 on a sec bank account. You better fuck with me. People are losing their jobs by the qaurter if youre not government.
Secret bank account*
Ill teach you how to make $1000/hour in market per day. Come closer. Come get this bum money.
Would anyone shut up and please do my damn request!
Hello Evacuation-Artist, why did you delete your archives on DA? I didn't get the chance to download them before you deleted your account that you claimed will stay up.
>>51267 Fuk you bich!
U talked so much shit about her being dead on here. When ur grandmother die dont look for me for support. Bitch.
The day I told you she died u came on here to talk shit. This woman is in a relationship with her cell phone. She holds it more then her kids
this thread's already gone to the shitter, it's fine if you don't wanna do more requests lol
>Decides to offer free art on a chan that's full of thirsting coomers who just want fattywank and autismos hyperfixated on getting fat of she of their favourite Z tier cartoon character.
>Immediately buckles under the pressure of countless anons begging for art
>"I can't do this anymore."
>Yet another request thread dead within days because the resident drawfag doesn't understand that offering free art on a place like this is a terrible idea.

This was all such an obvious outcome, how could you not forsee this before making this thread? You should just bail now, you're not going to be able to fulfill every request and if you ball and chain yourself to doing art just for other people you'll quickly lose your drive and passion for it. You're a decent artist, go work on what you want and if you keep at it steadily you'll improve a ton and can easily make money through commission slots. If you want to give free art to people then handle requests in a more curated and careful manner in the future, because this place is nothing more than a pack of hungry dogs.
Yeah, and if the point was looking for random characters to draw there's always the drawthread
>>>46806 (Cross-thread)
most of the requests in this thread are already there anyways and if they don't suit your fancy you could always ask again to get new ones
The continued revelation that the type of people who populate request threads are cheapskates who likely hold a mindset that spending prolonged amounts of time begging for free sketches puts them above just paying an artist to draw fully-rendered fetish art to their own liking.
eh for me its the fact Paypal won't let me send money for some damn reason
True, I underestimated the coomer base
Autistic man children with zero disposable income flock to drawthreads like flies to dung.

/Alt is especially bad.
Still, as short as it lasted, I appreciate you finishing my request dude. 👌
Glad to see nothing's changed about this site since I left.
I thank the greatest artist for giving us great art, and I will follow him or her if I find the gallery, while I feel the need to mention >>51242 and highlght the fact that 4chan has solved this problem ages ago.
Artist threads are notorious for burning out artists while artists offering free art in draw generals have the excuse that another artist may take up an idea.
Over 100 women bodied which one. Lol
Oh its flat butt. Killers wake up everyday whats up feeling tough today? Rerun that body pussy mother fuckers!
>>51485 these sex tapes through out the years on my private sex profile made me so much fucking money. Muahahahaha
(151 KB, 1024x1651, 2671500.jpeg) (155 KB, 1024x1651, 2671501.jpeg)
Do you still take requests? Take your break.
Requesting a very moody, faux-bipolar girl getting inflated by a air pump that's a disguised helium pump.
Hey bro any tips or lessons to draw BHM and BBW and the folds? if you can teach me i'll be very glad please someone teach me u.u
(305 KB, 775x1039, 24629961_p0.jpg)
any chance someone could make a pic of these two obese like this?
I hope this isn't rude, but I'm willing to pick up some of the requests in this thread if OP doesn't mind.

Might not be any time soon, but I've got my eyes on these:
(490 KB, 798x1080, IMG_3959.png) (39 KB, 1280x900, IMG_3958.png)
Can anyone draw Crabapple Jam from Strawberry Shortcake: Berry in the Big City with a massive belly like the Polly pic?
That's why should have only one draw thread.
Extra weight approved
(195 KB, 296x861, EmmaFullBody.png) (90 KB, 291x891, MartinaFullBody.png)
can i suggest a fatass martina or emam from LoR by any means? (the rot is consuning me yet they have like...no content)
Ok. What outfit for Sissi Delmas?
Library of Ruina, very underrated game with equally as underrated characters (some that i WISH i could find content for...)
Times have changed. Government impeaching its own body. Isnt that cannibalism ?
Oh but I have all of videos
Awesome job, I love this.

Say, would you be interested in doing either >>51100 Violet Parr and Yumi Ishiyama (who's also from the same series as Sissi) in the same way? It would make me happy.
Shut the fuck up.
Please tell us me have social media because these are goddamn adorable and I would follow you in a heartbeat.
thanks bro! i have more pics i think in discord!
(146 KB, 1280x960, f81e327f1ef1fbaf6e0d7a78d3dd831407828d89d2f50900959ebdcb0f3f1033.jpg) (62 KB, 750x1000, 2ae1be11f4606d522d6a7b038f59e92f91af6fbb85130ee678ad63bca13a72aa.jpg) (86 KB, 600x850, 01153952b40fc38c5cbd5940035d0e2b7ef1269717fd54dfb3e72667e717400d.jpg) (119 KB, 582x1200, 683d1740b9c91f158b426e4f352d33a879fce0c95464883bb7d60f42617d85e7.webp)
>>51044 (OP)
I'd like to request a drawing of Kaori from Azumanga Daioh fattening up Sakaki with a lot of lard or dough or some other fattening substance via tube feeding with Sakaki's body facing up like the 4th picture. All the while Kaori is lying on top and hugging her with closed eyes. I'd also like some dialogue from Kaori about how Sakaki is finally going to get cats to like her due to her softness and big size (Along with some lesbian subtext) while Sakaki herself has a blissful face and is thinking about how much she is enjoying the experience.
Sure. I will do Yumi.
Hey, if you're still on this thread and you're busy with whatever you're doing. Just take your time and don't worry about your art sketches. You're doing great regardless.
I agree with you there, time is the main key for art, especially sketchs
It's good to see you're still active regardless. Let us know when you're back in business soon.
Actually I'm the requester of this request >>51331
I strongly apologize for the confusion there
(21 KB, 350x1171, yumi_000.webp)
Awesome. Can't wait to see it.

Also, here's a full body image for ya since I forgot to upload one in the initial post.
(173 KB, 1179x1714, Chubblegum.jpg) (383 KB, 637x1156, 1699246791708527.png) (1.4 MB, 2400x3000, 848281919.jpg)
Can anyone do Ava Ire from Ava's Demon with a chubby belly sitting nude like the bubblegum ref? Please and thank you
Really hope this thread isn't dead.
Threads die when participation dies. Boards die when participation dies. Too many threads and too many boards kill participation. Either we invite more users, reduce the number of threads and boards, or we do both.
(3.2 MB, 4512x2538, nametaken_Comm.png)
I would love for someone to draw the fat blonde girl from this pic, she’s so fucking hot.
(392 KB, 1280x1280, Untitled836.png)
To be honest i should make a seprate thread for my art requests but i am going to do your sketches here since the OP is gone. Just to see if people will accept my stuff as a test.

- i can't draw good but i do my best
-nothing gross like scat, piss itc
- i won't draw loli or shota
- i just can't draw minors
- any other characters are allowed but i'm picky (cuz i usually perfer bambi or cookie run stuff or general obscure characters(with a few acceptations))
- males are ok, probably perfered (for me)
- i'll be nice to you, so you should be nice for me too.
- i won't draw a fat car or whatever
- please no characters and themes that are too complicated to draw!

>Self-admitted preference for males, FnF and cookie garbage.
>Crude, scratchy artstyle

You really decided to come here and advertise your art with things that literally only the worst individuals within this site's userbase would actually find appealing. This is just going to attract all the autists and children that have ruined so many threads on this board like fucking flies. With all due respect, please stop.
What? I like psycho girls that talk to their bellies like it’s a pet.
(36 KB, 680x680, 872.jpeg)
>bad grammar
>cookie run and friday night funkin
>emoting with text
reported for being underage
I'm not even english and you call me a minor
Because you so obviously are a minor. You literally came here peddling your trash mspaint art and offering to draw for people whilst specifying that your preference was drawing friday night funkin and cookie run characters.

You're either a child or autistic, more than likely both. If you're somehow actually a fully-developed and perfectly functioning human being I will boil and eat my fucking shoes. In any case you and your art are not wanted here, just gtfo please.
Shut up you probably fat to kids
why is this thread still up when the guy has been gone for months
Because dumb idiots keep thinking that they're somehow going to get their sketches and keep bumping the thread
(8.6 MB, 1531x3582, IMG_2761.png)
Can someone draw a fat Lilith from Hazbin hotel?
Marvelbooty is that you. Lol
Can you be insufferably autistic somewhere else please? Thanks.
I saw the main image of this post and imagined, what about the people that are into like the basically featureless sketch dummy characters? That's a thread idea for anyone who wants to make it.
I want to ask mods if we can make them autosage superfluous threads?
good job bumping this thread right when it was about to fall off the catalog then
I want to save this, it's a good thread

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