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There is a dedicated furry board on this chan you absolute fucking mong, don't post this shit here. Seriously, do you people just not bother taking five seconds to check this stuff beforehand? Jfc.
There is. But it doesnt cater to vore
Then make a furry vore thread on the furry board?
Do you think they would allow it?
Don't know, don't care. Whether or not it's something that is accepted on the furry board is irrelevant, alt isn't for fur content and a good chunk of the audience visiting this board don't want to see this sort of stuff.
Duh there used to be one
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No pilite sage because i want people to enjoy laughing at your retardation.
That is up to the admins to decide. Alt allows for more vore content instead of the bb fur board. I tried searching the rules. I am just making a thread for those with a mixed taste. If the admins declared this thread unfit for the board, that will be the ruling and the thread will be removed accordingly. Until then, this thread will remain active.

What happened to it?

Oh come on. You are more mature than that.
It just got bumped off I think but it's allowed there's some threads on there that are more alt content
This is such a stupid degree of pedantry oml. You can say "Oh the mods didn't specify so I'll just keep posting here" all you want. Let me it just put it this way, do you see even a single thread in alt's entire catalog that caters to furs in any significant way? You're doing the equivalent of bringing an airplane to a car convention. And I don't think you really have a leg to stand on here as you've literally just admitted to not even trying to create a similar thread on the actual furry board before coming here.

If Lt-motherfucking-Barclay himself bursts through my walls, grabs me by the neck and says "Leave the furry alone." then I'll get on my knees and suck earthworms out of the dirt they live in as penance for my actions. But I'm like 99% sure that's not going to happen. In the politest way possible, I don't think it's unreasonable to ask you to delete this thread and restart it in the furry board. It doesn't have a place here on alt and most people probably don't care for it.
Dude please just make a thread on bbfurry it's not that hard
kill yourself, autistic freak
This thread is already done. Don't post you fucking dumbass
I feel like this site just needs more specificity in what is and isn't allowed on every board. After all, the furry board generally doesn't like more extreme stuff (slob, scat, etc.), while this board is essentially just the wild west, so it's very easy to assume that everything is allowed here. This is made even more confusing due to the male board and where extreme or furry male content should be posted. My conclusion would be to make a variant of the furry board that allows extreme stuff so everyone's happy, but I doubt that will happen.
It's also a bit strange that young stuff is generally accepted here and furry stuff isn't but that's a personal dilemma for you to figure out on your own time.
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>I feel like this site just needs more specificity in what is and isn't allowed on every board
No it doesn't; almost every misplaced thread is pretty fucking obvious where it's supposed to go since it's also been furry threads default go into furry like how when they finally made another male board, they defaulted to their own board too, whereas before male got dumped into /ee/.

>this board is essentially just the wild west
That's /ee/, /bbwalt/ is just the garbage dump.

>This is made even more confusing due to the male board and where extreme or furry male content should be posted
Male goes into male no matter what but the male and furry issue is one thing you're right about there being an issue but I think it goes that anything that looks undeniably like a furry goes into the furry board no matter what it is even if it's male and as would be expected, without that element, it goes straight into the male board; just look at how the shota thread is located there instead of here with the loli threads.

Honestly we wouldn't have nearly a quarter of the misplaced threads if expansion wasn't filled to the brim with idiots that never developed critical thinking and enough patience to lurk for a while to look over the threads and boards to get everything figured out before starting to post.

>It's also a bit strange that young stuff is generally accepted here and furry stuff isn't
Because not posting content to their correct boards is breaking the rules; furry and male have their own boards while loli generals are exiled to /bbwalt/; it also doesn't help that furries are an obnoxious sub species whose members have had the habit of going out of their way to post their shit everywhere, even where it's not wanted, since time immemorial so the habit of despising them is something subconsciously developed like learning to speak.

With lolis, everyone tried to stick to their own groups until people started attacking them around 5 years ago, whereas before everyone ignored them and there wasn't really anyone who was obnoxious besides Mistystuffer and Roxas.
I am on the same philosophy. But it is usually better to let some people "ree" as they wish. Given the fact that they stay quiet or defend Loli vore/wg/scat pieces here, their boos mean nothing. I have seen what makes them cheer.

As for vore on the bb furry thread, I am not looking for any trouble so I won't post any vore there unless they give the a-okay for it. I rather play it safe.

It is usually best to leave a thread alone if no one wants to see it. It is how I take thrive on 4chan's /trash/ and this board.
Furries could you kindly fuck off back to your containment zone?

>I am not looking for trouble

But continues posting FURRY shit where it doesn't belong.
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If you two don't think bbfurry is the right board then why don't you two try to make a thread on ee then that's just everything else as you say
Hate to post twice but why are you even defending this threads existence if the reason you both have is "but furry doesn't say this or that so i don't want trouble" when you've created trouble and made infinitely more discourse by posting here Literally like 90% of people on bbfurry would ignore the vore thread and you would probably get more actual people posting instead you've just wasted everyone's time and space on this board.
>"After all, the furry board generally doesn't like more extreme stuff (slob, scat, etc.)"
There literally is a slob thread on bbfurry but this is probably bait
You're literally being given entirely reasonable explanation as to why you shouldn't be posting here and have had multiple anons dismantle your own points. Genuinely, why are you still posting? The perceived vagueness of the board rules doesn't mean a rat's ass here, in the many years this chan has been up alt has never and will never cater to fur content. You're just being a pedant and saying "It's not specified in the rules 🤓" as a weak excuse, even though its plainly obvious to anyone with functioning eyes that furry content does not have a place on this board.

You haven't even tried to attempt starting this thread on the actual furry board when someone literally just told you that one existed over there before with no issues. You're worried about posting there because you don't know if the board allows it, yet you continue to post here where the attitude towards your posts are actively HOSTILE.

What is your deal? You don't have a point to prove and literally no one else is posting content to this thread other than you. Is this bait? Are you unironically autistic? Because at this point I can't think of any other reason as to why you would keep this up.
Fuck off back the furry board.

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