
We aren't exactly drowning in new content, but whenever we do get content it's usually never from the man himself so if you find some hidden treasures, feel free to share.
(2.4 MB, 2500x1960, IMG_1287.png)
Found this one a haven’t seen it make any rounds anywhere
Don't care for young male stuff but good find either way. Been seeing a bunch of mutual Lucoa and Shouta stuff lately. Makes me think it's the same guy commisioning it all
Does anyone actually know where Gnibbles can be contacted at? I would love to commission them!
Don't think he doesn't public commisions. I'm willing to bet he only does commsions/trades ect for his friends nowadays.
Holy shit where is she. How many of them in on this. Here we goooo
But. I wont touch it just yet.... I know this move lol
What a masterpiece. How would you diffuse this bomb?
by rushing b am i right guys (gaming joke)
Artist retreats into tranny discord, draws underage boys!
Many such cases of gooning addiction! Sad!
It's a drawing, take your meds schizo.
while i agree cp is bad, take your meds schizo
>Nazi fetishism
Wuh oh!
as if he hasn't been drawing underage children for a decade at this point
Yeah, they broke into Hitler's porn stash, like in that Disney cartoon where he lifts up his fat ass girlfriend of her bed, that wasn't satire it was a fact.
anyone got that one danganronpa image he did? i think it was a slob piece, if that narrows it down at all, saw it posted on one of these threads a while back
cant remember which girl, she was brown or tan Im pretty sure, on some kind of pole above a pit
Does anyone have the pic of Rosabeth from Dark Souls 2 Gnibbles did? The slob alt
where do people keep finding new art from him
Some of the new stuff is from his friends being kind enough to put his art of their OCs. Some of the other ones like the Erika ones I have no clue. I only had them because someone else put them in the health issues thread. So yeah, sometimes new art just kinda...shows up I guess

I just noticed the implied Maho off to the left side... good shit, Gnib
God damn he's gotten really good
Yeah. Tis a great shame that he wastes his talent drawing the same five girls for his discord tranny pals.
anyone find anything new

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