
In what way did you think any of those are even remotely acceptable fap material you nigger? The last one may as well a Goddamned chris-chan drawing
Chad must grab inside walls again.
Sickest affair 2024 check your wife phone.
(48 KB, Elita_Story (Final).txt)
A G1 Elita One inflation story I wrote over the past few weeks. It's my first finished attempt at a written work, so feedback would be appreciated if there's any to be given.
This is actually very good for a first timer. The physical descriptions, how moving her around is described, the goofy G1 dialogue,her mounting arousal and all that was very good. Just all the description of gas explicitly building up in her made me wish she vented the pressure in a very different way, hehehe
Thanks for the compliments, I'm glad I managed to get so much right on my first try with this lol
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Great thread so far
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Hey how’s it going?
Out of curiosity does anyone have access to this server or know any other fatty formers rp servers?
If so would you mind sharing an invite?
Former owner of the server here, I was mostly experimenting to see if people would even be interested. Since we have a dedicated thread on here I'll probably make a new server soon for it because disboard sucks and other websites don't get traction
Noice, I’m eager to give it a go.
Eh, something’s better than nothing as I’ve heard so no worries!
(629 KB, 1858x1086, Blue_Energon_Bloat (Berry).png) (4 KB, Just another day.txt)
Hey there, Elita inflation writer here again. Made another story based on this artwork of TFA Red-Alert and Flareup as swollen blueberries. It's a lot shorter than the Elita story, but I'm still happy with it.

Feedback is welcome, just like last time.
(199 KB, 1200x675, Transformers Pizza Sauce.JPG)
Fucking Jeetdoh is making an indie cartoon too? Is he allowed to do that? It looks good.
As much as I despise Jeet, I'm honestly gonna feel bad for him after the Pinkertons bust his hands up.
Okay, I was not expecting that. I too was asking myself the same question. I also think it will be even more insane if this guy actually included these designs: >>50878 (partially the Thicc Arcee and Shockwave and mini hoodie Bumblebee) in is series as cameos or having a major appearance.
Why is the question of legality even being brought up here? Yes ofc it's legal.

Anyway, in regards to the series itself...it's hard to not see this as just being a hollow vanity project Jeet's making to try and captilise on the popularity of his tf ocs within this niche circle. But then again I suppose it isn't surprising considering how utterly up his own ass the guy is. This sweded approach would be more novel if the anlogue aesthetic wasn't entirely played out at this point. Performances of the VAs are just whatever, nothing about this seems especially interesting tbh.

Although it's strange to see that a couple of semi-prominent tf content creators have direct and tangential association with this. It's just surprising to see that any of them would want to publicly fraternize with a fat fetish artist, but then again Keyan is neurodivergent af so maybe that explains it.
>Why is the question of legality even being brought up here? Yes ofc it's legal
And? This is Hasbro we're talking about.

>it's hard to not see this as just being a hollow vanity project Jeet's making to try and captilise on the popularity of his tf ocs within this niche circle
I don't know, I've seen how people are with their donuts; I can easily see this being made because he desperately wants to see them in an episode.

I got a question for you people into Transformers; which is the best opening for Transformers Animated, the original opening or the Japanese one?
>This is Hasbro we're talking about.
Anon, Hasbro has allowed an entirely seperate action figure market that directly infringes on their characters and IP to exist for well over a decade now.The fuck makes you think they're going to give two shits about a non-commercial fan production? This has about as much chance of being taken down as the thousands upon thousands of parodies and derivative works that have existed since the dawn of the internet, I really don't understand why this is even up for debate lmao.

And all of that would be under the very bold assumption that Jeet's vain self-congratulatory carboard puppet show even reaches Hasbro's eyes to begin with.
Jeet pretty infamously ran his reputation into the ground a while ago, around 3 years ago he was one of the undisputed GOATs of fat fetish art. Up there with BWS, Pewbutt, Nihijack etc as just one of the best artists in the community.

But then he just started being really fucking weird, he made pathethic woe is me posts crying about how his gf wasn't into feederism. Then when that relationship fizzled out he literally became a public simp who tried to court this bbw online as his new gf, he was so desperate for her attention that he began crossdressing to try and win her over. This lead to him posting irl femboy content of himself unprompted to his account and he ailenated a significant chunk of his audience as a result.

Aside from him as a person, I just don't care for his art anymore. His hard pivot into drawing art of TF characters exclusively is what killed all of my interest in his work and I say that as a big fan of the franchise. His work today by and large doesn't have the detail and impressiveness that I really admired in his art once before. Even the coomer appeal of fattywank isn't really there for me anymore as his works are rarely ever raunchy and he has a tendency to now draw all his fatties with this homogenised body type that I dislike.

And as the other anon alluded to, this pizza bots thing mostly comes off as Jeet trying to shamelessly pedestal his own ocs in the hopes that if it gets popular Hasbro will graciously add them to a show or make toys of them. It's kinda hard to view all this as entirely sincere when he's been trying to wean people on his own ocs for the past two years.
>The fuck makes you think they're going to give two shits about a non-commercial fan production
I was just joking but if you want an answer, look at what the people now in charge have done; is it really that hard to believe there's a chance they'll try to ring dry or clean up whatever they can while trying to outsource or sell off properties?

He has no spine and his character is one of the weakest; he'll stand on a pedestal, demonize a chunk of his fanbase while acting like he's gonna stop do

>His work today by and large doesn't have the detail and impressiveness that I really admired in his art once before
Honestly that's an issue with every artist, I don't know if it's because they get lazy because their fans kiss their ass for any little thing they do, because of some kind of unconscious burnout that they're incapable of noticing, or if it's something else, but the only time I've seen artists not deteriorate are the ones that barely put anything out over the years or fucked off before anything could happen.

>this pizza bots thing mostly comes off as Jeet trying to shamelessly pedestal his own ocs in the hopes that if it gets popular Hasbro will graciously add them to a show or make toys of them
I meant that as him acting like it's part of the universe, I doubt even Jeet would want the current state of Hasbro to make toys of his OCs.
Solar eclipse will begin ‘massive human sacrifice event,’ says conspiracy theorist
I knew about his girlfriend dumping him, but did he really stalk some rando model and that is how he started to troon out?
(6 KB, Chromia-lloon.txt)
Hey there, Elita inflation writer here again.

Made another story as a sort of "bad ending" to the Elita One story, where Chromia is caught and ends up facing a similar fate.
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I don’t care if Jeetdoh has fallen, his transformer girls are cute.
At least he’s still technically doing plus sized transformer girls. It’s just not really in a kink sense anymore
>Some of these are pretty kinky
Tf are your standards for that kind of metric? By and large there's literally nothing 'kinky' about pretty much any of Jeet's recent art, sexualisation is basically non-existent and there's really nothing kink or fetish adjacent about them other than the agiven fact he's drawing obese characters.

At this point I barely even consider Jeet to be an actual fat artist anymore considering the tameness of his work and his decision to pander towards a niche fandom almost exclusively. Compare this stuff with what Jeet was putting out before he became a TF circlejerker, back when he drew actual fetish art, the difference is night and day.
Make him business agent. Dont turn blind eyes now.
Does anyone have art of transformers fat in vehicle form!
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Wish there is more better art of the nemesis.
All of hasbro is circling the drain, the toys have occupied the clearance racks like squatters, the shows have abysmal ratings, and the movies are flop after flop. I know you're autistic and you want to protect your favorite thing, but >>59783 is right and jeet has been cucked so hard that he has degenerated into a shameful, sexless shell of his former self.
Original >>59783 anon here, gonna go massively off topic. Mostly agree with everything said here, but I'm heavily contentious on the idea that the lacklustre performance of toys at brick and mortar stores is indicative of the brand's decline. I've seen this notion regurgitated countless times whilst lurking tfw2005 and I just don't agree with it fully. The fact of the matter is that people are just eschewing physical product purchases in favour of the convience of buying things online now.

This is not to say that product clogging shelves at retail isn't an issue, but tbh the onus is mostly on these general retail stores not keeping up with the times and grossly overestimating the amount of people who buy these products in their stores which leads to them buying more wholesale stock from Hasbro than they can shift.

Amazon has metrics for sales that you can view publicly and looking at the most recent wave of Legacy that went up for pre-order, the numbers look fine. Bearing in mind this data is localised entirely to the US and is just for one site, when there are also many sepciality online TF stores that people flock to and of course many other regions worldwide that product is sold in. The only sales dud for the brand in recent times was Core and that's largely because the pricepoint just never made sense with the ridiclous prices these toys are being sold for now.

ES's toyline does seem to have shit the bed, but tbf that one is squarely Hasbro's fault for not putting even a modicum of effort into that line.
Damn, that's crazy bro. Absolutely off the chain, thanks for bumping the thread with this very necessary and important information.

You know I wonder if one day this guy will ever be "inspired" to actually become a good 3D modeller instead of creating blocky abberations that all have the same homogenised faces that make them look like males. That'd be something.
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Yes indeed, without the last thread (and a good friend of mine) I would've never gotten into making art myself, heh.

Anyway, later hater; Hope you're having a good day!
Wow I wasn’t expecting you to show up here. It’s nice to see you and keep up the good work.
Also, I don’t know if do requests but if your able to, can you do a remake of this sequence: >>61639 in your style? I thought the sequence was cute and thought it will be neat to see it in you style.
This guy's stuff looks so damn awful

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