
(952 KB, 500x281, 5BLdYgs.gif)
A thread for all the fictional half pint porkers, wide beyond their years. The place you post at when a series has too few pictures to start a thread with; this includes video games and all other things, though we shall respect the sovereignty of the western and slob threads.

Thread question: Would you like have a loli angel to fatten up who's innocent, kind, and always trying to be helpful no matter how stuffed she is and cares so much about you that if she hears you get hurt while making dinner, she'll rush over to check on if you're okay even if she needs to drag a chair along with her from her large ass being too lodged in to get out of; would you rather have a demon loli who teases you in any way she can think of involving your interests and her fattening body, self absorbed princess type, and will always try to be lazy and make you carry her whenever she's too stuffed to move and cares about her next meal so much that if you're taking too long to make dinner, she'll stop being lazy long enough to use her wings to fly over to you with the chair she's lodged in handing off her large ass and doing a quick flip in midair to break the chair over your head before wrapping her meaty thighs around your neck with her big butt resting on your back before complaining and whining while trying to coax you into moving faster by slightly squeezing your face between her thighs while rubbing her plump tummy against the back of your head?
I wonder if Dragon Quest Monsters 3 being released will cause Eishi to fatten up some more DQ lolis.
Aside from Treasures' Mia, whose even left?
From what I've seen, in these types of spinoffs there's usually a male and a female turned into a shota and loli; for example, one had Terry and Milly, and a dungeon game had Yangus and Red.
(96 KB, 986x811, saionjelli_by_g_nibbles_d99ayad-pre.jpg) (72 KB, 816x550, 9de5084d60353711797b310eacc18f5d25d4dceeefe26a87584ecc3934b23e24.jpg) (66 KB, 828x613, 87fbb0270c55475520d51d2918f3cff18b92e9adf84347749b4e74eaf25793e3.jpg) (249 KB, 2047x1394, f788510f63c405216c795b5af212258b07ab912e26293c0f19416fe4dc1439c1.jpg) (536 KB, 2433x2209, 1331_sin_titulo_20220711195242.png) (511 KB, 1080x432, 918199149671890984remix-1698847492903.png)
Saionji posting and some anyas
Anyone have Eishiban's fat Pan art on hand? Can't seem to find any of it in good quality
it's on his pixiv dude
That "Western + Easter Oppai Loli + Loli inflation thread" is a mess.
I don't wanna scroll through tons of circle tool loud house inflation just to find the occasional good drawing of Kanna with boobs.
The "Obscure loli characters who deserve more art" just doesn't need to exist either. You could literally just ask that question in a pre-existing thread and you would probably get some decent answers.
(536 KB, 1200x1200, media_GA6jwQCa8AAHt5I.jpg) (437 KB, 1466x2050, media_GAzvnZbbIAA9JK8.jpg) (522 KB, 666x932, media_GAlO93paoAAnfhe.jpg) (351 KB, 800x800, media_FZj4MacaUAM6sQj.jpg) (161 KB, 591x501, media_FhCw02_UAAYOI12.png) (522 KB, 666x932, media_GAlO93paoAAnfhe.jpg)
Western at least serves the purpose of containment.

>The "Obscure loli characters who deserve more art" just doesn't need to exist
That was only made for the OP to attempt poking at takers for the garbage he likes.
(79 KB, 1024x685, royal_oppai_commission__elf_yamada_by_widdletanya_de1t9ec-fullview.jpeg) (102 KB, 1100x788, oppai-loli_orig.jpeg) (198 KB, 423x655, oppai_loli_mimi_by_cuddle_beam_da6k845.png) (204 KB, 1024x1434, oppai_loli_orca_of_the_beach__by_wsache2020_ddzwn7v-fullview.jpeg) (484 KB, 1535x3035, oppai_loli_by_reaperock2_delk79l.jpg)
I mispoke.
The western loli thread definitely deserves to exist. But combining oppai loli and inflation on top of it also being for eastern and western lolis all in one thread is just kind of a mess.
Source of the fifth (Ikazuchi) picture?
(344 KB, 780x960, 100693759_p0.png)
Why the fuck are people making so many pointless loli threads when this thread exists?
(355 KB, 890x817, 32872158.png)
anyone have some shit of hortensia or framme from fire emblem engage?? haven't really been able to find anything of either aside from a hypnagogum sketch of framme
On his SubscribeStar, look for the pages
Engage is the only FE game I've played, and I was excited to potentially see fat-art come from it since FE seems to be pretty big in this community...but then I realised that barely anyone has drawn girls from Engage, let alone any of the young ones, and are still just doing Three Houses pics and maybe the occasional F!Alear or Ivy or Goldmary if you're lucky
Nazi chants like "Heil Hitler!" and "Sieg Heil!" were prevalent across Nazi Germany, sprouting in mass rallies and even regular greetings alike.

In Nazi Germany, the Nazi chants "Heil Hitler!" and "Sieg Heil!" were the formulas used by the regime: when meeting someone it was customary to greet with the words "Heil Hitler!", while "Sieg Heil!" was a verbal salute used at mass rallies. Specifically to the cry of an officer of the word Sieg ('victory'), the crowd responded with Heil ('hail').[42] For example, at the 1934 Nuremberg Rally, Rudolf Hess ended his climactic speech with the words "The Party is Hitler. But Hitler is Germany, just as Germany is Hitler. Hitler! Sieg Heil!"[43] At his total war speech delivered in 1943, audiences shouted "Sieg Heil!", as Joseph Goebbels solicited from them "a kind of plebiscitary 'Ja'" to total war[44] (ja meaning 'yes' in German).

On 11 March 1945, less than two months before the capitulation of Nazi Germany, a memorial for the dead of the war was held in Marktschellenberg, a small town near Hitler's Berghof residence.[45] The British historian Ian Kershaw remarks that the power of the Führer cult and the "Hitler Myth" had vanished, which is evident from this report:

When the leader of the Wehrmacht unit at the end of his speech called for a Sieg Heil for the Führer, it was returned neither by the Wehrmacht present, nor by the Volkssturm, nor by the spectators of the civilian population who had turned up. This silence of the masses ... probably reflects better than anything else, the attitudes of the population.[45]

The Swing Youth (German: Swingjugend) were a group of middle-class teenagers who consciously separated themselves from Nazism and its culture, greeting each other with "Swing-Heil!" and addressing one another as "old-hot-boy".[46] This playful behaviour was dangerous for participants in the subculture; on 2 January 1942, Heinrich Himmler ordered that the leaders be put in concentration camps to be drilled and beaten.[46]

The form "Heil, mein Führer!" ('Hail, my Leader!') was for direct address to Hitler,[47] while "Sieg Heil" was repeated as a chant on public occasions.[47] Written communications would be concluded with either "mit deutschem Gruß" ("with German regards"), or with "Heil Hitler".[48] In correspondence with high-ranking Nazi officials, letters were usually signed with "Heil Hitler".[49]
Very interesting and relevant
Schizo found the thread.

Take your meds.
I am barely on this site and not German.
Source for that Anya pic?
(1.4 MB, 1497x1000, media_GCWlJaTbUAAgEj3.jpg)
Imagine a group of females ending up with weight problems and somehow the loli who should be packing a strong metabolism completely dwarfs them all.
(286 KB, 450x550, 03c.png)
I imagine myself in Europe, leading my Platoon. Our mission is to stop wh*te dogs from advancing. We mow down wh*te dogs but they keep coming. I shoot wh*te dogs but I run out of ammo so I draw my sword and begin slaughtering wh*tes, since wh*tes are way more psychially inferior to me, I slay them by dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn't fall, I kept fighting. Then shot again and again. wh*tes were shooting me from a distance like the cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see KARA BOĞA (Tengri) smiling at me, I smile back… Then I woke up, in africa, my homeland. My BLACK brethen gave me a warm welcome to heaven. I finally made it, I finally made it into heaven..
Does anyone have anything of Pan from dragonball? Could be super, gt or end of z idc
The good old jeetdoh... Such a shame he let twitter brainwash him...
Shut the fuck up, we are not opening that can of worms.

Bad enough /draw is full of schizo rants in every thread, we don't need it here too.
(1.5 MB, 2000x1250, 02.png)
I wish Sunny would do a sequel to his Love Live comic with Niji girls so we can get fat fuck Mia.
(158 KB, 742x846, media_GBRXuPKXsAAeVne.png) (129 KB, 939x1200, media_GBi9Y5ZXoAA-20n.jpg) (2.0 MB, 2300x2400, media_GCOBxC4XwAAhfAw.jpg) (1.5 MB, 2300x2400, media_GCOBxC2XoAARogh.jpg) (1.5 MB, 2300x2400, media_GCOBxC1WoAAzEgu.jpg) (1.9 MB, 2300x2400, media_GCOBxC0XEAAoGqw.jpg)
You're scared like almost everyone in these threads don't ignore text, or won't turn into a circle jerk because there's barely a handful of woke who'd happily enter a fat loli thread.

Oh god, it's completely become infectious. Imagine all the tiny nekomimi that are gonna have to cram themselves onto the train to get around Japan. I wonder if cats liking cramped spaces still exists in their minds.
Tell her stop pissing me off & ill grab it. More she pisses me off & runs her mouth the more I wait. Im in control wake up.
Need more Kishirika art!
I haven’t seen a single piece of fat art for her.
Take. Your. Meds.
Man shut the fuck up.
He did all that shit entirely on his own.
(672 KB, 2900x2900, ___and_a_large_soda__machine__by_soulsparty_dflbxvi.jpg)
Quit your bitching and obey >>49999 's quads, the xitter faggots have no power in a loli thread. Jeet threw away everything he had all because he let absolon and ffa5 convince him that wokeness was the future, and now he's on the fast tract to becoming the de facto thai stereotype.
(6.2 MB, 2600x2600, beachside_hat_adult_by_soulsparty_dfzaypz.png) (307 KB, 2200x2200, rift_of_cookies__aftermath_by_soulsparty_dfy3yk6.jpg) (388 KB, 2200x2200, rift_of_cookies_by_soulsparty_dfy3yjh.jpg) (539 KB, 2800x2800, just_another_order_by_soulsparty_dfy3yi7.jpg) (1.5 MB, 3000x3000, hat_adult_s_extra_large_order_by_soulsparty_dfx3yrv.jpg)
This is what I found scavenging my phone. I had one of their videos saved too, but it got corrupted.
Thanks man.
(50 KB, 651x500, 5cf.jpg)
Thank you so much kind anons! Your contributions are greatly appreciated!
(242 KB, 1080x800, wetw.png)

Know that most probably didn't ask considering the context of this thread but do you have their hat adult arts? Still looks enough like hat kid to ignore the title but noticed most didn't archive the older ones which had some unique ones SoulParty didnt do with the OG hat kid model.
Nothing hotter than flandre and remilia
Nice work! You have improved a lot, looking forward to your future works
(82 KB, 1280x720, IMG_5359.jpeg)
I remember their was thread that had several edit pics of Lilo from the Frenchfry episode but extra big and as a blob. It looked just like this pic here but much more detailed and her belly is exposed. Their were also multiple edits of different shots of this episode and alts where her shirt a more torn off. I don’t know who made it but I assume it was Eishiban or someone completely different. If anyone knows who this artist is or still have those pics could you post them here?
(2.3 MB, 2000x2000, IMG_0276.png)
Dose anyone know the source for this?

Are you Gnight, or are you just redoing his stuff?
I'd say the latter, Gnight isn't the kind of artist to improve his art, he spends more time gooning over fat animals than learning how to use a better art program than Adobe Flash.
I just wanted to redo that image cause I always see it posted, but it’s never good. So no, I’m not Gnight
anyone have some of itaneto's fats?
I'm setting up an archive for the Itaneto account, but I don't know how best to share them.
More Tanya please.
>It's the loli general which includes both halves of animation.
No. A thread for western lolis was created for a reason. There is a tiny bit of wiggle room, but otherwise, Western lolis go in the western loli thread, and non western lolis go in here.
(2.7 MB, 4000x4000, S.png)
Tried another Sarah/Harper (idk which one this is). I might draw the other as well
(2.7 MB, 4000x4000, Sreal.png)
Holy shit I can't believe I gave her the wrong eyes lol
(108 KB, 391x317, translated_image_en.png)
>What do you figure made the loli suddenly be okay with someone fondling her mufffintop?
(702 KB, 880x720, media_GDISAHfbcAAsyvP.png) (496 KB, 880x720, media_GDISAHfawAAVlqQ.png) (126 KB, 2894x4093, media_GDf0C9IbMAAJNRc.png) (593 KB, 4096x3500, media_GDjB9C4bEAA56Xn.jpg) (261 KB, 632x787, media_GDlWtNWa4AIxxAp.png) (363 KB, 2160x3240, media_GCyu-cPaUAQFquy.jpg)
>western art should be kept to it's containment thread
I'm fully in agreement and I hope they're happy enough to stay there but those aren't the rules of Generals.

>A thread for western lolis was created for a reason
To lick SB99s ass clean; it was either started by SB99 to take requests while filtering and concentrating the characters he likes or a fan of his with shit taste in animation.

>Press F for Munchlax face
It died too soon...

I wanted you to use your imagination.
I would like to commission a good artist wiling to draw Yuuka stuffing an immobile Momoi, but finding somebody willing to draw it is pretty hard
Do it yourself.
(312 KB, 1536x2048, media_GDpGWzJbUAATwY7.jpg)
I just wanna know what happened in Blue Archive that got Japs suddenly shoveling out fat of the strawberry citrus robocat.
(1.2 MB, 1500x1500, 109525328_p0.png) (1.0 MB, 1650x1265, 110935232_p0.png) (2.7 MB, 2141x2041, 109412423_p0.png)
I thought for a moment Roxas caved into a certain crowd and purged his pixiv gallery but I had to change my location to Japan to see most of his art there.
Pixiv blocks certain art based on location?
(1.3 MB, 1706x2560, GDzLnm0bgAAwTdX.jpg)
But you can freely change your location settings, so it doesn't change that much I feel.
Also when you make an account, your location is set to Japan by default
is there a location without regional blocks? I changed it to Japan and that one has even more it seems
Provided people actually draw her and also provided that the Eri protection squad doesn't jump them when they do so
(105 KB, 809x1057, media_GECSBVRbwAAEkN4.jpg) (291 KB, 1295x1812, media_GERWRyyacAAuhv-.jpg) (245 KB, 1210x1909, media_GEHCS--aYAAi35A.jpg) (233 KB, 1119x1636, media_GDYx0ScbAAAMQfA.jpg) (623 KB, 2400x3200, media_GD7WsK1bgAAMbaj.jpg) (1.3 MB, 3000x4022, media_GD_sQorXMAAMgL_.jpg)
If you caught her stealing your credit card to order a load of food delivered, would you treat her like Boomers treated their kids they caught with a cigarette?
(217 KB, 1286x2048, FMrMCNAaQAEC1fN (b45ui).jpg) (191 KB, 1515x1669, Fuf6WHeaQAISwKY.jpg)
The 'Global' version is about six months behind the Japanese one, so it'd have to be someone who plays that. Your best bet might just be trawling Japanese-language Twitter and hoping for the best.
(717 KB, 1440x1080, 6fcadacf701bc5db8ac5df1791c0464cb431621f70456ca16def6f4ec2f4491e.jpg) (854 KB, 2400x3000, media_F9aFnadW0AA0pIv.jpg) (1.2 MB, 2400x3000, media_F9WQ-_SWEAAE1y5.jpg) (710 KB, 1706x1966, media_F_ZAGYJWcAQ6jkr.jpg) (798 KB, 2099x2519, media_GAI1N0xW8AAID51.jpg) (4.4 MB, 2732x3000, media_GBRXO-zWwAAmJjh.png)
>Get a Switch and DQXI
>Go in thinking Veronica will be the cutest out of all the lolis in the game
>TFW loli Gemma pops up
Ah, if only Horii had made it her present form, maybe she could've given Veronica a run for her money in weight gain.

Say what you will about lag but just having the Japanese servers be used by everyone is by far the better route.
(425 KB, 2840x2516, image0 (3).jpg)
Any and all stuff of Flayn from FE Three Houses would be GREATLY appreciated
once again flayn fans prove they dont actually know anything about her character </3
who. gives. a. shit.
Need more Tanya
Be the change that you want to see in the world
what are you on about?? it's not like being thousands of years old disqualifies her from being a loli or something lmao
no dumbass its not "oh she's 1000" it is that she's literally an adult... People think she's a child but she isn't, Seteth just dressed her up as a child and she's not mature because she's been infantilised by him for decades of her life now
(914 KB, 2043x1074, Hatparty.png)
A comm i drew
that's real good, you have a page somewhere?
Hat in Time is always a treat.
Can someone pls post the red head loli who eats feasts and then vores her feeder because she wasn’t satisfied??
I swear I saw some of these pics in one of the other threads, but can't find them. Anyone remember where they are?
the 4 panel comic by omega8fattyacid. pls!!!
It has indeed been posted in the previous loli thread. Otherwise it's on twitter and Pixiv here >>51891
(111 KB, 632x533, b0e5a1f978cafad620457030ca5ef995f67138e14b9eb512bdfab96fb6dc0935.png) (129 KB, 632x533, e6e5773a30dd8c1cec344f46a74d1943cfce46e479f0515d045cd8a555eb5c14.png) (122 KB, 632x533, 09fd84dd0cb8b8fea62a69bc3e75dfa2e5cbf17d47f6aa04eb89d714b61d241e.png) (162 KB, 632x533, 3c28eb1a82b2b3f79320891ebc6276976bff0af9148e5fa4e2335296399443c0.png)

i knew i had them saved somewhere! i'm not too sure why they'd delete them from their pixiv ;(

also anyone else notice theyve been blocked by omega8 on twitt? i've never interacted with them, so maybe a mass block for someone i've followed before?
(507 KB, 985x1232, 49f7dbc3fc0c9f370a05e44fb6eb954768e3758c71db5c076469ea7799730f8e (baqua7 maybe).png) (581 KB, 1976x1966, 7ce8e1d0c120315c82968bfe53e09738caa7795acc88eebddadc5817b939f9c7.png) (598 KB, 1520x2058, 46456c8aba64957d40a36f4adeadaf64c926cf02d58230ed5cae7d2a522f4fb4.png) (4.9 MB, 2480x3508, stuck_by_itreallybe1_dfahomt (tsunaakan).png) (6.2 MB, 3507x2480, ターニャ.png) (7.6 MB, 3500x4000, _commission____tanya__by_slirix_dfo6wrx.png)
I've never seen her anime but western-drawn lolifats would be in a much darker place without Tanya Guy's wallet.
(192 KB, 1221x1343, media_GFuTcLybMAA92L2.jpg)
Should give it a try, it's one of the few good isekais.

Tanya Anon, how do payments to WG artists usually work with commissions?
(171 KB, 1152x2048, 20240207_100412.jpg)
Most of the time its through paypal and I usually go after artists who give a sketch first then ask for payment. Depends though, seems like everyone has a different way of doing it these days.
who is this character and why do i keep seeing her
(107 KB, 850x1200, e698c8ad690282ba5709e227d54cf625-imagejpeg.jpg) (303 KB, 582x902, 66235142_p17.png) (353 KB, 1444x1222, 85254918_p0.jpg)
Yeah, in my experience PayPal is the go-to for the vast majority of artists. There's a fairly even split between people who'll give you the sketch first and people who want payment up-front, but even if you have to pay up-front you'll pretty much always get to see the sketch and ask for adjustments first.

Like the other Anon said though, everyone does it differently and it's not always spelled out on their commission sheets if they even have them.

Tanya Degurechaff from The Saga of Tanya the Evil (Youjo Senki). She's a reincarnated modern Japanese salaryman who fights for Not Germany in Not World War 1 while generally being as evil as the title implies.

You keep seeing her because Tanya Guy is basically the Lucy Guy of lolifats. As far as I'm aware there's nothing to really link her to the fetish but one guy likes seeing her fattened up enough to keep commissioning people.

Which, again, I think is a good thing because there aren't many other people commissioning lolifats from western artists.
Who is this, she looks familiar but I’m not sure
The only real thing is that she likes to eat chocolate but that's kinda a stretch. Sometimes just want to see a cute girl get fat really
(131 KB, 1182x1386, media_GFCyzmQakAA0wJL.jpg) (137 KB, 1108x1330, media_GFGq2PabwAAPURT.jpg)
How do you put money into Paypal, is it only by tying a bank account to it?

>while generally being as evil as the title implies
Tanya never felt evil, just self centered. She tends to be stupid in critical moments involving talking.

>As far as I'm aware there's nothing to really link her to the fetish
Closest thing was when her platoon got shit rations so she inspired her soldiers to do better with plan to take the enemies food
Pretty sure that's Eris from Mushoku Tensei.
Honestly as far as anime girls go that's a pretty good excuse. It's pretty slim pickings, pun intended.

Yeah. You don't need to put money directly into PayPal, you can just link a bank account and if a payment needs to be made it'll take money out of that.

Self-centeredness is most of why I find evil cute, personally. I like confidence.
(214 KB, 860x1214, media_GF-uTNoaQAAGpBt.jpg) (134 KB, 1084x768, media_GF-ZAU9bsAAlotL.jpg)
>You don't need to put money directly into PayPal, you can just link a bank account
>You don't need
Does that mean I can buy prepaid cards and dump them onto Paypal instead of connecting my bank account?

>Self-centeredness is most of why I find evil cute, personally. I like confidence
And that confidence is constantly biting her in her fat ass. Had this been WWII instead, and they were messing with super soldier serums alongside the stronger pack Tanya uses; she'd just end up with a failed dose that leaves her fattening up or with a wrecked metabolism and Hypothalamus instead of being a complete dud like everyone else who got it.
anybody have the kanna and friends twerkign by astroart?
this isn't entirely true, you can use paypal exclusively as a payment processor by adding a credit card (no bank account linkage required). but to receive money you need to connect a bank account and verify your identity or some bullshit

afaik paypal doesn't accept prepaid even if you're only using it as a payment processor (as described in the above scenario)
i should also add- iirc connecting a bank account to paypal, isn't the same as a paypal 'balance account' (or whatever they call it). they're two separate things. i think a balance account is what lets you directly add money into paypal with paypal as the entity holding the funds, but it requires an ssn to set up lol

you technically might be able to add prepaid using a balance account, (pretty sure it worked for people at one point) but if your intention is to remain discrete, the prerequisite of an ssn probably defeats the purpose
Technically you can receive money from other paypal accs even without adding a bank account or anything, then spend it as you would with anything that accepts paypal. Of course that still requires someone having added their bank to an acc. Only really helps if you don't want who you're paying to see your real name.
I think in order to pay with held funds a balance account is required like >>52704 said. At least, that's what the faq says. Seems like the funds just sit unable to be used unless you confirm your identity to activate the balance account
(232 KB, 753x800, jtyjtyjt.png)
Heaviest on the team, still has the smallest breasts
(1.9 MB, 228x170, 1675634600783485.gif)
>Think over who I'd want to comm first
>Settle on Dorothy Albright
>Maybe have one of the puppies or the big dog of the group stuffing her already stuffed yet soft gut as large rear end overtakes her chair
>This is the first time in I don't know how many years that I choose something quickly.
>Be happy
>There's no way this can go to complete shit like every other plan I made for the last couple of years
>Linking bank account
>Give your SSN

What caused your sudden interest in cheer leaders, Tanya Anon?
This is actually great. One of the very best you have!
I wish artists can draw more of Little witch and Madoka lolies
Holy shit finally, I've been looking for Granblue fats after playing Relink and there's so little. Didn't Purrine draw something of Charlotta?
(210 KB, 1280x1183, A reason for flight.jpg)
Are there any actual lolis in Little Witch Academia?

>Madoka lolis
That's the only magical girl series that still gets a good amount of pics long after its end (besides Sailor Moon); that all being said, I'll never understand how Kyoko got such a small amount.

Cagliostro discovered the location of a book she's been looking for on an island where it's illegal to be a skinny female, so she creates a new body that piles on weight easily but long after she got her book and got rid of the body, the gluttonous mindset and low metabolism has latched onto her soul with and every attempt she's made to get rid of them has only delayed her constantly growing waistline.

>I've been looking for Granblue fats after playing Relink and there's so little
I'll tell you the funny thing about the gachashit, all the females that talk about having gained weight or actually gain weight, are under 16 with the only female to actually put on actual visible weight (no JPGs unlike Cassius), being a 13 year old Harvin.
They are not too loli in the Little witch as cademia but some artists at least drawing them with a flat chest and more lolish proportions.
(343 KB, 2560x1440, 1708054345937619.jpg)
Holy shit, I love this. I want this smug potato to be playable so bad, but this is perfect
Have to love the the shut the fuck up dominicana pops up around shine time.
Anyone have an old piece from DA way back when? (Wanna say pre 2010s?) Of Sailor Chibi Moon gaining weight from a giant ice cream sundae that ends with her half stuck in the glass?
(24 KB, 400x400, 20230617_132806.jpg)
Ever see any artists you like and wonder if they secretly like loli?
Why is she taking pics holding ppl u dont fuck with. U should stayed with that big booty white bitch she got more money then all them hoes anyways
Oh yeah, anyone here who's been playing Granblue Fantasy Versus? Yggdrassil got turned into a loli in the gacha.

Lets be serious here, Kana doesn't count, she's just that destructively cute that even people against lolis can't help but want to hug a pudgy Kanna. I wonder if anyone still has Kips pictures of May and Dawn from when he first started out.
(1.9 MB, 1736x2456, media_GHBiG6gbYAIlO7Y.jpg) (233 KB, 1536x2048, media_GG8r0W5aoAAiP87.jpg) (331 KB, 1754x1240, media_GGIpADfaYAAepKa.jpg) (172 KB, 864x1536, media_GG2MPJDagAAz4f7.jpg) (1.2 MB, 2928x4096, media_GFLYOImaYAAXKPr.jpg) (379 KB, 1770x2500, media_GGXumJxa4AAiy5Q.jpg)
>Tits on Dawn
Fuck me for even asking; thanks though.
Fat on Dawn should always go everywhere else, though mostly in the rear, no matter how old she is; to do otherwise is heresy.
Always save when in doubt. It might not be there tommorow.
(2.2 MB, 2039x2894, media_GECrpQdaoAAUcDC.jpg) (1.5 MB, 2039x2894, media_GEDHP2cbgAAAbXX.jpg) (1.8 MB, 2039x2894, media_GEH6_qKbsAAdCbA.jpg) (1.9 MB, 2039x2894, media_GENd9GpbkAA6vC4.jpg)
Forgot two things.
1. First pic, her thighs are blowing up so well it wouldn't be surprising that the exact moment puberty hits, any pants or shorts she may be wearing in that split second will explode off of her.

2. Second pic makes me wonder what elf everyone has the highest on their list for characters they want to fatten.

PType89's loli Link comics have been a surprisingly entertaining treat.
There’s a surprising amount that do like loli, they just don’t announce it due to the stigma.
Oh!! I've been wondering this for ages actually, Morty and tdookus both did fat Ashley before and I think dook is really in denial, jeetdoh drew some lucoa x shota stuff, oda lee did some madoka magica stuff and dfbz did nanako dojima onetime
Weak subliminal
(178 KB, 1000x1000, p5oivro.png) (57 KB, 1024x546, XgsKTmo.jpeg) (207 KB, 1200x800, dJ96PNt.jpeg) (995 KB, 2500x1500, VWec3iq.png) (220 KB, 1000x1000, yu_s_little_big_cousin_by_darkfireballz_d8pi49s.png) (357 KB, 1280x720, nanako.png)
Lol no, Darkfireballz actually REALLY likes loli (Or at least used to? Not too sure nowadays)
Sometime ago he listed the type of character archetypes he really liked, and one of them was literally just "Cute loli". He just literally likes loli.
As far as Nanako Dojima is concerned, he's drawn her a LOT more than once lol.
(294 KB, 1391x853, cheko_s_beach_body_by_arakasa_da9155n.jpg)
Might be too late to ask for this, but, since it seems that Arakasa has deleted a almost all of his loli stuff, does anybody happen to have some of it? Particularly his dark skinned 6 yr old loli OC Cheko, who still has a few pics still up, but I know that there was a lot more
oh i know these i just had literally no fucking idea that any of these were even him, they're really unrecognisably old now lmfao
Do you think he'd do a comm of her now if someone asked? His art is way different and better now
(1.9 MB, 3291x3795, media_FsyeJ3BaEAEcWD2.png)
Blanket statement, but I think every artist likes loli or at least some loli characters, but know drawing them could lead to problems not worth posting. I also think that's why characters like Midna, lalafells, Harvin, etc that are "legal loli" are popular, and even then some people complain about them
This is because some people just like this kind of proportions without association with a character age.
(4.5 MB, 5625x3750, dev80m7-28c2d93a-235d-46e0-a699-be91e714b6c4.png)
Looking through the drawings he's posted publicly I was reminded that he draw a BBW Monaca. Sure she wasn't the main focus of the drawing but he didn't have a problem with drawing her and this was a comm. So yeah I don't think he has any issue with drawing them in general or people comming him to draw them.
(2.2 MB, 2039x2894, media_GESOJsIbQAAZjql.jpg) (1.9 MB, 2039x2894, media_GEWkpsfbUAEOUq6.jpg) (2.2 MB, 2039x2894, media_GEcu-ZgbQAA0h72.jpg) (2.4 MB, 2039x2894, media_GEiPs3makAAA7CY.jpg)
If it wasn't for this woke era, we might've gotten a couple fat Lain pics during the weird resurgence in normal pictures and people talking about her.

>jeetdoh drew some lucoa x shota stuff
Does bulling the shota really count? Isn't it just easier to point out Peni Parker and Pokemon characters?

>oda lee
He still ain't dead?!
>Madoka Magica
Everyone did Madoka

Wasn't Darkfireballz the one who made most of the fat Koume Shirasaka pics on the internet?

Why's it only one person who has ever bullied Nanako?

>Midna, lalafells, Harvin, etc
There's a difference between midgets and ankle biters, especially so in this case since most of those come with builtin seat cushions.
(1.5 MB, 2039x2894, media_GGi1NYFaoAA8ast.jpg) (2.0 MB, 2039x2894, media_GGoJffNa4AAThmM.jpg) (2.0 MB, 2039x2894, media_GHLbJ2EacAAwCyH.jpg)
Knowing what happens makes me want this to have been Majora's Mask.

Now that I think about it, how would anyone fill out or get fat, stuck in Kokiri Forest? Gathering materials and ingredients for a merchant who pays in delicious food that can't be obtained in the forest?
(2.6 MB, 5000x2375, cargo.png) (1.9 MB, 3750x1875, dec6t6y-fa34c1b9-aba3-4deb-9aac-37b0c243d9b9.png) (1.9 MB, 3375x2025, demrxwl-3de98c3a-3cd4-4b2e-8e79-60c1ce680492.png) (669 KB, 1350x1040, velvet_twin_peaks_by_darkfireballz_da8ivjv.jpg) (70 KB, 1250x650, 1049652399122604032_2.jpg)
>Wasn't Darkfireballz the one who made most of the fat Koume Shirasaka pics on the internet?
I think there must be some sort of unspoken rule that tween lolis + lolis that a lot of people don't recognise don't count. Dark is more likely to get backlash from drawing Futaba Sakura and Shantae than he would by drawing idolmaster characters or the those two girls from Dororon-kun who are a lot younger. Essentially, it's all about what he can get away with, which is prescicly why he'll never upload that Eri pic publicly, because he absolutely wouldn't get away with that because everybody would immediately go "Hey, that's the loli from MHA", and that's not even talking about the overly obsessive "Eri protection squad".
On a similar topic, I don't know when this happened, but literally ALL of Dark's Nanako pictures are now gone from his gallery (And this even includes the blueberry picture, which wasn't even an immediately publicly available pic and instead was only viewable through the description of a SirWales story). So yeah I think this only reaffirms that he probably won't be doing anymore "Characters that everyone knows are lolis" publicly. At least the Caroline and Justine pics are still there it seems.
Disss cord users be like Fabric pots blue spectrum red spectrum and to betch about the mods who just banned him 🤦‍♂️ @gorgon
(1.3 MB, 1768x2736, 79041989_p0.png) (1.6 MB, 2548x1960, 79373461_p0.png) (772 KB, 1518x1830, 79490845_p1.png) (1.4 MB, 2735x1520, 79856894_p0.png)
>Dark is more likely to get backlash from drawing Futaba Sakura and Shantae than he would by drawing idolmaster characters
I don't know about that with the sheer amount of art Koume got; she may not have gotten much of any fat art unlike Ranko, Sachiko, and the pink wreck, but anyone who moves around Jap accounts has to know enough.

I think this is the second lightest fat picture there is of Koume; nobody seems to want her going out exploring haunted and abandoned houses.
>which is prescicly why he'll never upload that Eri pic publicly
You sure it isn't just because it'll get taken down quickly and some kind of strike where ever he posts to?

>I don't know when this happened, but literally ALL of Dark's Nanako pictures are now gone from his gallery
You can only be surprised it didn't happen immediately upon upload.
Dook deleted a couple Ashley pics, pretty sure that confirms he's against lolis
> Against Lolis
> Draws Filia from Skullgirls, who's (presumably, but very likely) still in High School, roughly about 16

So uh.. Who's gonna tell em?
anyone got higher res on the second pic?
Who, Dook? He is 100% in denial
>>53403 he is doing everything in is power to kill his career because he knows theyre going to pick him regardless. Its in the bible. Its you. Has been written . Drug money meets old money. Smells like big asses and mafia breathe
Get the fuck out with your stupid Christian bullshit
I worship the devil
(148 KB, 667x936, 1603904733508.jpg)
You had at least 3 correct choices and that's who you choose?!

Don't argue with a bot.
It's funny how sjw attack a western loli art but probably never go for the Japanese artists. Maybe because Japanese artists can tell them to fuck off?
Might just be a case of language barriers, and anyone who has to resort to Google Translate to voice their complaints likely isn't worth paying attention to.
(281 KB, 960x1536, media_GHQK_DJbEAADgS1.jpg)
But they have and on multiple occasions. Just looking at WG artists, you have Richard who posted his porky little McDonalds loli and got pushed into taking the picture down.
Who made that first one?
>dook is retarded
and water is wet
does it end there or is there more?
Same with other Pokémon kids
(249 KB, 1398x1398, media_FGKZ0D9VQAEgWSU.jpg)
For once I'm stumped so I'm gonna ask you guys; how could Lain put on weight:
>An apple shape with her big belly always leaving her taking half an hour to grope the soft ball of fat to get all the wires off that are constricting its mass into multiple new rolls; leaving her completely famished every time afterwards and steadily cause her belly to take more of her time to free it.

>A pear shape with her large blindspot being constantly responsible for her having to repair her tech that got knocked over by it and consequently leading to it becoming an even bigger blindspot from her sitting around long periods of time and snacking while fixing things.

>A bean shape where she's stuck with both issues but with the added benefit of best filling out her bear suit once she's grown enough that it's clinging to her body and really showing off the heavy jiggle of her belly and rear as she waddles back and forth carrying wires and computers smushed up against her belly.

I'd rather more Digimon game lolis or Dragon Quest lolis. Were there any good lolis in Monster Rancher?
(358 KB, 640x498, colt.png)
>I'd rather more Digimon game lolis or Dragon Quest lolis.
Who do you have in mind? Be specific on scenario details to, there's a strong chance that I have a raise coming shortly.
>Were there any good lolis in Monster Rancher?
Coltia is supposed to be Holly's junior, but she may be a bit too old to qualify. She does cameo as an opponent in Ultra Kaiju MR and that game scales the trait cookies up to the 40 meter giants, so there's something to work with there.
>>53160 yo where did you get that grogyty pic?.. Haven't seen him post anything in months after that last anya edit
(1.3 MB, 1200x917, miu.png)

There's Miu from Digimon Survive, who has pretty much no art fat or otherwise.
(162 KB, 1535x2048, media_GCmvPCGaoAAweqn.jpg) (152 KB, 1020x1447, media_GFLdqrkaQAAK4FN.jpg)
>Who do you have in mind
Anyone who isn't a Pokemon girl.

I can't believe I forgot about Yokai Watch with how much they gave in that anime when you watch it uncensored. There's also Magical Pengel, Eternal Eyes, and Dark Cloud 2 by technicality, La Pucelle and Disgaea.

>I have a raise coming shortly
In this economy?! Are you an assassin? Do you have the same job Tanya had in her past life?

For a split second I thought that was the Dusk loli.
Human Digimon characters outside Kari and Rika get the shaft. Kyoko barely makes out of the dirt but that's because I personally requested at least half her drawn content on /d/.
(286 KB, 640x480, panshoweredit.png)
Wait a second, Miu bossed around all the Digimon at the theme park, there's fertile soil there.
I am woefully ignorant of Yokai Watch beyond the token Hungramps set up. Adding too many of the little goons into a comm will drive the price up, but at the same time it will elevate the quality beyond mere fat of she status by incorporating the source material. There's also the fact that it feels like I'd be making up for lost time with how way too many artists pass over other monster tamer girls for yet more basic bitch pokemon crap.
Probably for variety's sake, which isn't a bad idea on paper and the show itself is criminally underrated. Nothing will ever beat Lucemon being voiced by Freeza and piledriving KaiserGreymon into the dirt.
(477 KB, 480x270, 1447606584556.gif)
>I am woefully ignorant of Yokai Watch beyond the token Hungramps set up
For the most part, I am too short of way back when I was looking through the wiki to see if there were any other Yokai that could cause weight gain whether it be direct or indirect; that and stumbling into finding out how much focus they put on Katies ass in an episode.



Shit like this makes the fact Disney had nothing to do with the massive censorship of Level-5s animes; it was Level-5 themselves.

>Probably for variety's sake
Since every Digimon series has a different guy heading it, I think it's more likely just the guy they put on it liking the idea of the main characters transforming into Digimon
(1.5 MB, 1920x1080, whatif.png)
Level-5 hired conman when he was radioactive to every other company in the industry, so bizarre decisions are not out of it's wheelhouse.
(8.1 MB, 1280x720, how_to_get_crows.webm)
I totally forgot to mention, it looks like Gungale Online is finally getting another season.

>Level-5 hired conman when he was radioactive to every other company in the industry
Hold the fuck up; we talking Keiji Inafune, Conman? If so, I thought some company in China picked him up and he completely disappeared; it was as if he went over to China and sung Winnie the Pooh, his first day there.

>radioactive to every other company in the industry
Even with him being the reason Lost Planet died; Crapcom was far better off when he was still around compared to how they are now.

No signs of loli making in Dragons Dogma 2.
(64 KB, 220x293, Spin.gif)
I'm not entirely sure if she counts so feel free to tell me to piss off if she doesn't. But if she does then boy do I want to see Jellymon really god damn fat.
The very same, he's the producer on Fantasy Life i.
Close enough, plus she has Midna's proportions so there's plenty of reference material. Still gotta have details here though people, otherwise I'm playing blind darts. Don't hesitate to mention the ideal artist for the job either.
(261 KB, 600x330, 2gDiiwt.png) (78 KB, 750x850, 1603575612530.jpg) (146 KB, 756x900, Charlotta.jpg) (134 KB, 750x1200, EMj_bHNUYAEqGWs.jpg) (87 KB, 554x435, EMZwy27VUAAoP7u.jpg)
Digimon is weird in the way something like Lilithmon can be a newborn while something like Minervamon can be someones grandmother.

>Fantasy Life i
Oh god, that game was entertaining for all the wrong reasons; Nexon had to change Mabinogi's motto after Level-5 snatched it up for that game.
Right on. So she'd be my pick as far as newer Digi girls go. Now if you don't mind me asking are you looking to comm someone?
That's the plan.
(372 KB, 1920x1080, 2fxT9kn.jpg)
I forgot, Digimon World Next Order confirms that you can rewrite the data of Digimon into lolis.

Also the reemergence of the meat fields.
Well that's pretty kind of you. But you don't have to include my Digi girl of choice in your comm. Would rather you comm girls that you're into.
I need to give that game another shot, and soon.
I need to branch outside of my comfort zone and work with new lolis, and in all honesty I'm sick of seeing so much attention being placed on pokemon's girls when it's been the worst monster taming series for decades.
I think that's it at least for the moment. It's by Nyokitsune on Twitter if you want to see for yourself.
Any more fat-art of Anya?
Who's the artist of the second pic?
(1.8 MB, 2048x2353, IMG_1914.png)
Dazzi is basically a loli right?
(260 KB, 2402x3446, media_GEQG45RWIAApfQf.jpg)
More anime that aired on Anime Unleashed needs to be hit by weight gain.

What little I know makes it seem so but she seems to only get boobed.
(73 KB, 521x539, smug invertebrate cunt.jpg) (250 KB, 2048x1928, 46a65af018d2ad255a0e13b47e10742fcfc2f76342e8083f9cceff64a422621a.jpg)
Ok so real life got in the way for a little bit and didn't get better with Toriyama's passing, but I'm ready to fund this monster tamer girl project all the way through with Coltia, Jellymon, and Katie. I think Jellymon would be the best start as she's the easiest to work with, and the meat farm idea is too good to not exploit.

My first thought is to have her laying in the tilled dirt on her back and happily munching away, with her size being around the second pic. That being said, her natural features are her thighs so I wouldn't mind focusing on those either.

What do you guys think?
(123 KB, 368x389, 331f2095dd90aff5ca1f5d175343aaca-imagepng.webp)
does anyone here remember an image of an extremely obese/borderline immobile loli and a skinny man kissing her belly? it was honestly kind of disturbing considering the fact the man looked pretty much anorexic, but for some reason ive never forgotten it.

i know for a fact it was posted here a few threads ago.
I remember it, but I sure as hell did not want to see it again. Disturbing and werid af image
This actually sucks shit and you should feel bad about yourself for liking it
NTA, but how do you pedos decide which pedo is more disgusting?
Like, lmao.
It's not real schizo, either take your meds or walk into traffic.
I thinks about Tanya commissioner as about a based version of the Lucy guy so they are like good and evil gods to balance each other.
Is this a comm or did you make this? God-tier btw
(319 KB, 914x899, 116922164_p10.png) (534 KB, 913x899, 116922164_p11.png) (347 KB, 914x899, 116922164_p12.png)
Some comms for me by WAリでし. They were originally meant to be more slob-oriented, but she wasn't too familiar with the subject material + time constraints with other projects, so I figured they're probably clean enough to post ITT instead.
The Dejiko in particular looks really cute.
(319 KB, 1043x1600, media_GICMYDnboAA9ct5.jpg) (1.0 MB, 1974x1818, media_GHv6kvoa0AA_5ID.jpg) (1.0 MB, 1974x1818, media_GHv6juIagAAozck.jpg) (449 KB, 1442x2048, media_GHkksNLaMAADY87.jpg) (313 KB, 1442x2048, media_GHkksNMbYAArNmR.jpg) (190 KB, 1500x1080, media_GHfuP3wbgAEKc-y.jpg)
At leastTanya Anon has taste. Lucy Anon's not even evil, he just annoys everyone trying to get a commission out of Salt, and I have yet to see anything interesting get commissioned out of that artist. If you want actual evil, go look at the people who heavily commission Saxxon and Robot001.
I can't help but wonder if she had any clue what was going to happen after she did that bbw Pandora gag for the Kid Icarus fart tournament all those years ago. She's starting to get a good grasp on the fundamentals though, she gets better with every comm she takes.

Can anyone please tell me whose the artist behind the pink dress girl? Tried looking the artist up myself but no luck
I am trying to find the sequence of Tanya where she drinks coffee and then gets so fat her chair breaks. Does anyone have it or know who the artist was?
Ass is getting phat again. Keep caking it up 👀
Sorry if this is begging but does anyone have the armie buff sequence by baqua7
I can't seem to find his post of this. Where is it?
It was a private comm
(50 KB, 418x577, IMG_3353.webp) (104 KB, 1280x720, IMG_3354.jpeg) (351 KB, 720x405, IMG_3355.png) (389 KB, 1200x2890, IMG_3352.webp) (99 KB, 340x411, IMG_3356.jpeg)
This is defo gonna be a weird request, but here it goes. I want an image of Satina experiencing hyper pregnancy (25 kiddos), looking nervous at how active her brood is. In the background, Dante from Devil May Cry is looking at her with this same exact expression. (Cuz why not?)
This isn't a request thread.

This isn't a drawthread.

Are you the same guy who requested this shit on the AI board? And bumped it multiple times?
There is a decent diffrence if you look at the original, but its mostly the eyes i notice look better
16 years later and we finally have Maiko Oohashi fats. Love to see it
Excuse me? 16 years??
Nevermind I forgot about this one
Aubrey from Omori, she has two looks in the game. With one of them qualifying for this thread and the other not.
Whelp, Itaneto's "SFW" account has been deleted too.
Black ppl always asking who
That doesn't answer my question you retard
Im no bot. I talk like an ai bot. Dummy didnt know bots can type in captcha
There's almost never bots on this site and when there are they don't engage with anons directly. When bots do show up they make threads dedicated to phising links and actual CP, which the mods always delete promptly. What incentive is there for the neckbeards who run botting operations to have them interact directly with coomers? They're only after scamming people and spreading illegal wares, there's literally no reason for them to mingle directly with our ilk.

I'm pretty sure that's just schizo anon who said that anyway, they've been here for like...three months now and post incomprehnsible non-seqiturs in almost every thread daily without fail. Bbw-chan just incidentally ends up having a different shithead in residence each and every year, it's like an unspoken tradition. Couple years back it was the mystqiue sonia fag, last year it was the ultra-sperg who was hyperfixated on making lordstormcaller and weight loss threads. This year, it's schizo anon. Such is life.
Go back to twitch young video gamers
(136 KB, 1280x660, 119.jpg) (75 KB, 497x787, 79523111_p0.jpg) (3.1 MB, 832x1530, 111960822_p0.png) (927 KB, 1172x1404, 111960822_p22.png) (1.4 MB, 1799x2473, 111960822_p23.png) (1.9 MB, 1799x2473, 111960822_p24.png)
>If my memory isn't fucking with me by mixing up artists; the guy who made these pics:
No those pics are from Jouzi. I'm talking about the artist of these pics >>50520
They had a "SFW" account (That actually used to be their original fat account), and it was still updated from time to time, but it's recently became unavailable on pixiv.
So yeah, basically considering that this persona has quit even their SFW presence and deleted their OG account, it's safe to say that we can't expect them return for a long long while, or even at all.
(Also this is degen as fuck but they did some vomit pics and I think that's pretty epic)
Im not that loud. My boss is much louder then that
>Please tell me that was a mistake and you meant anime.
Anon I know nobody reads OPs anymore but.
>>48459 (OP)
>The place you post at when a series has too few pictures to start a thread with; this includes video games
(487 KB, 500x384, odvNM0f.gif)
>Misses the quotes to the pics I was talking about

>Thinking I'm talking about games overall and not just an Omori game that Anon is likely one of three people in weight gain that actually played it so the 2-3 pics is the game over performing
And I'm OP.

I'd still kill for his Haru Yuuki's.
(202 KB, 810x1080, media_FpdlrJsagAEUxpX.jpg)
Imagine an absolutely massive woman among SSBBWs, having someone cast a deaging spell to start over and stay skinny but as her body shrinks down she's startled to learn the insane amount of fat she had hasn't decreased in the slightest and once her body has shrunken down to where she was as a child, she finds that her legs have become so engorged with fat that they can't slide past each other to do so much as a waddle, and even if they could, to waddle forward, they'd have to fight against her belly that has already started resting on the ground a good couple of feet in front of her. By the time she's shortened to her toddler years, her struggles to move even slightly, finally bears fruit by way of her falling on her huge ass and bobbing around on it far longer than should be possible from her bones having degraded to minuscule size and density. Having become nothing more than a near spherical blob of fat, she tries to cry for help but all that leaves her mouth is baby babel as her head and limbs sink into the countless bulging folds of fat and hiding any sign that the round blob resting on the floor was ever a girl without hearing the barely audible coos of a baby and the gurgles emanating from its center as it works hard to digest all the high fat milk and high cal baby food the mage has been keeping her stuffed with.
Never would I have expected this artist to do loli stuff to this level but it's very welcome.
Always funny to see a really popular japanese artist do a very spontaneous loli pic, and for a while the "normal people of the community" will be none the wiser until it becomes too obvious that "yeah...that anime girl I was leaving likes on was just flat out a loli, huh?"
... This is why I hate having Loli in the alt board...
(160 KB, 637x573, 20240320_173535.jpg)
Does anyone know whatever happened to gakabutomai/bossbug?
Their DA account is still there, but their Twitter/x was deleted a while ago
With everything going on with xitter, would it really be surprising that someone decided its better to moonwalk out of there instead of dealing with all the schizo bullshit? Also, mother of God dubs and a Gouly drawing? Go buy a lottery ticket asap anon.
(1.7 MB, 2423x2000, IMG_2828.png)
Sorry but I gotta do something about this sad color job.
I had sex with different nationallty of women. Never had sex with an irish woman. THATS HOW RACIST IRISH PEOPLE ARE ASK MEL GIBSON
Oh I was hoping someone would say they were still posting somewhere else
(1.8 MB, 1506x1729, p21.png)
New commission i did
You made this? What's your username and commission sheet?
@WARRIA14 on twitter, and i ain't really open for more comms, but I already have more loli stuff to do
(257 KB, 1200x1229, bc1.2.png)
I did a lineart/colour for this one.
(And gave her a hand/staff)
Very basic.
(355 KB, 1492x837, a.png) (288 KB, 477x521, ado.png)
Could someone colour in this pic of Adeleine?
Who drew this tooty Adeline? It's great
Now, ik it ain’t a request board but can someone plz make a chatbot out of this?
>'I know this isn't a request thread.'

If you know that this isn't a request thread then don't fucking ask for anything, simple as that. No one here wants to humour your autistic hyperfixation on this character that literally no one else here cares about but you. And stop posting this art, the characters are borderline anthro and these drawings are all fucking garbage. No one her wants to see this shit, now cease.
Who's the artist for the first one here?
(672 KB, 1289x941, smallchub2.png)
Some of those tiny sketches I did a while back but colored
There's a furry Loli thread, go there.
(105 KB, 1040x886, media_GJytCHMbEAMI2RH.jpg) (69 KB, 773x759, media_GJys51pbEAMs3iX.jpg) (92 KB, 907x1451, media_GJyFc-NakAIGwtH.png) (212 KB, 1591x2253, media_GIZ0jCGa4AAv-mx.jpg) (343 KB, 2457x4266, media_GIWaOLJaMAAZdLR.jpg) (109 KB, 486x803, media_GJyjWIAakAAfVan.png)
I enjoy and envy all the fat loli pics Blue Archive gets.

I can't tell what's going on in that first pic; does Mary not being in a blind rage mean she took the yuri route but with her rage having evolved and fused with an interest she found while living in Youjo Senki Merica, into a yandere feeder who's completely obsessed with fattening up Tanya so that she'll be too fat to do naughty things or pretty much anything beyond being Mary's pet to feed and cuddle with, while unknown to Mary, Tanya took all the free time filled with nothing but eating, sleeping, and getting groped, that's been forced upon her to think of a way out of this predicament by way of developing a spell with no need of any tools, that'll slowly transfer as much fat as possible and any future calories back into her warden?

>Because Adorabat counts
If someone fried her up and stuffed a loli fatter with her.

There's still people in this thread that still can't peg a baqua7 pic at the drop of a dime?

>They fused loli and shota together
Fucking degenerates.
Scammer alert. 🚨
I thought it might've been but he doesn't usually draw sizes that big so I wasn't sure. Thank you.
Sauce for both pics?
First is baqua7, second looks to be exponentialmass.
anyone know if pkmshn/teratogenesys has a new account yet? also anyone have his teratogenesys works?
i cared, the cool edit guy was there :(
something something that's older than most of the cute characters here
gosh i love this edit for lookin so comedically casual and comfy, oblivious to that massive belly
Yeah, I tried to start it back up, but it barely lasted a week, guess they bumped up moderation there.
This board is proof that most kids should be 300+ lbs tbh
(370 KB, 1447x2047, media_GJzuNS4a8AAi_VB.jpg) (210 KB, 1285x1617, media_GJxDThdXMAAyH_c.jpg) (124 KB, 728x1200, media_GKAcBapWEAAw7tg.jpg) (395 KB, 2048x1448, media_GHuX90gbEAAf_FI.jpg) (4.0 MB, 3000x4000, media_GKAAeAjaAAEpwgB.jpg) (4.6 MB, 3000x4000, media_GKAAer8aUAAlIUk.jpg)
>You'll never get a new Warioland
>You'll never laugh at how everyone in this thread are completely unable to beat it because they refuse to play as anyone but their favorite Warioware loli and end up like moths to the flame whenever the force feeding enemy shows up.

What loli are you against?
True lol, make all kids obese
(280 KB, 414x484, Bruh.png) (2.0 MB, 2976x2624, 98f35134e7e6993af49313c2a63eb3d5-imagepng.png) (98 KB, 1280x1059, 123.jpg) (69 KB, 1280x881, 124.jpg)
>Fictional right?
That's what I'm hoping everyone means when they say stuff like that. It can be hard to tell sometimes tho.
Unfortunately, not everyone on this site is able to have seperate attractions for reality and fiction. Extra unfortunate if said IRL attractions are for children. The loli literature threads get a concerning amount of inspiration from IRL events, even if the characters they are writing are technically fictional it's still something I'm not a fan of.
On a lighter note. Obese loli handholding gives me hella neuron activation.
Wait wtf people write loli stuff based on actual pedo crimes???
Also yeah obese loli handholding is incredible
(1.5 MB, 1518x1075, 83842039_p0.png) (1.5 MB, 1240x1754, 95913683_p0.jpeg) (2.9 MB, 2894x4093, 63f65fdb-9bb2-492d-94b3-8934954f01a4.jpeg)
I should of worded that better. I was referring to people that use documents and papers and like TLC shit involving kids as inspiration for their stories. Not to say that people that do that are outright pedos but it is hella eyebrow raising IMO.
There are definitely people that act really weird about that stuff even more so Tumblr. I've even seen tumblr thots reblog pictures and videos of fat children and be all like "I want our kids to look like this! This is the society I want!" and it's very pedoish. Like sure they're just saying their fantasy, but it's worrying when they say that in response to seeing an actual child. Kink stuff should not be the response one has to seeing a kid.
Lolis are based though 😎
Oh okok, yeah that still sounds not good, also tumblr's pretty bad yeah.

Fat lolis are great tho, fr. Do you imagine lolis at any particular age?
>Do you imagine lolis at any particular age?
What do you mean by that exactly. Are you asking what age would be considered loli?
Source of the last two images?
No I'm asking what age you imagine like, a generic loli if you picture one, since I know Anime loves to make loli characters and make em like 2000 lmao
When I think of an average loli, I think of the characters sort of in the 6-11 age range. I don't really think of the lolibabas or the legal lolis or the tween lolis or the teen lolis or the extra young lolis because they're all just different categories/subcategories. If I had to pin an exact age for a generic loli then, like, 9 maybe? Smack dab in the middle of elementary school. That's at least what sort of comes in my head. I think people over-exaggerate lolibabas and act like every character is one.
Goated age range tbh, 9 years old specifically is pretty good, loli waddling through the halls of her school lol. Do you have like a favorite specific age?
(5.3 MB, 3234x4638, __izumi_sagiri_and_yamada_elf_eromanga_sensei_and_1_more_drawn_by_sawada_kenji_artist_and_tiv__3f279839bffddf568712058099252c2b.jpeg) (3.9 MB, 2152x3096, __dekomori_sanae_chuunibyou_demo_koi_ga_shitai__de6c5510a72a1d7e158752996e24cb2e.png)
IMO when it comes to lolis, I'm more partial to tween lolis, like 12 or 13. Basically early middle school. Puberty more than likely started but not developed much. Might still have a training bra. Early stages of the development of a womanly figure. IMO Younger does not equal better. T-con is a little too much for me, but weirdly enough I think older-but-still-underage girls wearing pacifiers are kinda cute and hot? Very rarely does content involving characters younger than 6 interest me (For instance, Anya content is quite hit or miss for me). Though in expansion content there comes times where the girl is so fat/expanded that it sometimes doesn't really matter anymore, like with many of Itaneto's stuff. I guess it's a thing where I like it when the girls are old enough where "kid" isn't their potential main personality trait. I'm not intolerant to other loli age ranges and types though, I just think thats the range I kind of find the most appealing when it comes to lolis.
Neat, I think my fave age range is like 6-8, it's just a really good range tbh. Also yeah I guess with some art where they're blobs it doesn't matter anymore, closer to a mattress than a human lmfao.
Tried telling you those office white boys is cowards. They have problems with colored ppl and non irish associates. But want black and spanish votes lets not forget indians they just as cover ups to not seem racist. Their union lawyer is another idiot.
They forget they work in a area where everyone knows you. They better cut the bullshit.
(198 KB, 991x527, de73mro-9e6f5fb5-1f78-4f46-88b6-8734780b11b7.png) (310 KB, 635x384, Kat_and_Ana_Stuffed.png) (7.7 MB, 3215x2316, mgs_experience_magic_buildup__by_inresponsibly_by_zzone50_dh6qd3d.png) (51 KB, 750x561, 11743281f9ccdee3733c2a02c70615f50ba1579d8142b5ab135427a6f78edc30.jpg)
OG Poster here and you've miss the mark Hard
Cus went and typed "This took a while to find" its because i only had the first pic and the Twitter account was Dead.
but then I did find it...
in low quality

BUT my ass doesn't like low quality images so I went to "https://saucenao.com"
AND THEN I FOUND IT and if you want to know the link is https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/98230670

Did I go a bit overboard on this message?
But was it worth it?
Probably not.

>You'll never get a new Warioland
What made you think I wanted a Warioland
+kat and ana are originally from warioware and this happened in Warioware Gold ya bum
(second pic)
Is it the gloryous and immortal Mistystuffer?
No those are from ロジョLEA, thankfully not Mistystuffer
It’s over
Go back to long island

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