
(7 KB, 544x416, vic5.png) (7 KB, 544x416, vic6.png) (8 KB, 544x416, vic7.png)
Victoria's Weight Gain (2/2)
(129 KB, 817x664, Capture21.PNG)
In-Game Graphics Pt. 6
>>4712 (OP)
Full version is absolutely worth the 3 dollars. Big fan of one of the new two girls and there's options for mutual gain
need more pearl art
The only thing I didn’t like about this game is that every character gains weight in basically the same places. I really wish for the remake they changed up the body types. If I could edit well I’d change them myself to be completely different for each character.
Unfortunately it was already a bit of a point of contention around the game's release, and when someone brought it up with the creator his response boiled down to "well, this is my favourite body type so fuck off".
I'm sad there isn't any real slob in this game.
(338 KB, 2550x3300, pkcom1.png) (263 KB, 2550x3300, pkcom2.png) (275 KB, 2550x3300, pkcom3.png)
"need more pearl art" Ask and ye shall recive
What about the gym comic he made, got that one too?
(1.3 MB, 3600x2700, chloe3.png) (1.4 MB, 3600x2700, chloe2.png)
Yep! And some more Chloe!
ugggh I need Erika bigger. I cant decide on which artist to comm though.
For the new version, does anyone know how to find the fridge culprit? I have done multiple playthroughs and I keep getting the fridge ending, where you just get eaten. I don't know if I am just a idiot for not understanding the clue, but please someone help me.
Does any one know how to find the fridge culprit in the "new" version? I have done multiple playthroughs and I can't figure it out. I keep getting eaten even though I use the clue. Please someone give me some advice because I am lost.
Does any one know how to find the fridge culprit in the "new" version? I have done multiple playthroughs and I can't figure it out. I keep getting eaten even though I use the clue. Please someone give me some advice because I am lost.

You have to sufficient fatten up the girls by the time the office pizza party's supposed to happen, AND fix the AC, preferably on the day of the party.
I'm not sure what size the girls should be, but they should all be sizeable by then.
Even if you can't find the culprit, though, you could always blame yourself and not get eaten - you just won't get the extra cash you've gotten if you managed to find who the true culprit was.
(32 KB, 1011x1215, alt stacy by whiteraff.png)
Oh, and the only fan art of Stacy: which isn't even her normal design. >:P
Where did you find this pic?
(450 KB, 4096x2926, EOTaCioUwAELu07.jpg)

Well I think the major reasons are because the characters are from a fetish game you have to pay for from an artist not everyone has heard of. Like (and no offense to impossiblesnail when I say this) if Metalforever or some other popular fetish artist were to make the game, it would explode like mad. I am certain in due time it will accumulate enough attention to get the big spike it needs. But for now let's enjoy what we get. Like I found a high quality (and the source) for that one delicious Erika pic posted some time ago.

(239 KB, 544x416, sfoas.gif)
GIF of the OG Girls gaining
Since it’s from the same creator, does anyone have any of his recent SFRPG images?
Funny I asked in the wg games thread if anyone had the sprites for those so I could see the full thing of the casino rabbit woman getting fat.
I can’t be the only one who doesn’t like the way the artist does jawlines now right? It’s off putting.
I just tend to ignore it, and focus on the fatness.
(558 KB, 522x601, Luna disapproves.PNG)
This is new to me, I haven't gotten it, totally out of the loop. And there's next to no footage of the game online. So from what I understand, none of the girls can vore you? Only 'the boss' can do that? And the boss is just a blank screen? If this is true, it'd have to be the worst blueballing I've had in recent memory.
You can vore them, you can get vored by one of them (depending on who you accuse of eating the fridge), and the boss can vore you, but if they eat you, all you'll get is a blank screen.
Which girl can vore you? Might still buy it depending on this, lord knows I've spent more money on much more disappointing shit from real BBW's.
It's only $3.
Well, it depends on who you accuse for eating the fridge. Technically, all of them can. Also, your character can vore them, or you can make one vore the other.

To go into more detail, each girl has specific likes and dislikes when it comes to food. You can usually give them gifts to find out which ones they like, big heart = big likes. It helps that you can get certain hints here and there about what kinds of food certain characters like by talking with other girls.

Once you get enough of a like threshold with a certain girl you can go and have lunch with them. This will be the best way to not only increase their wasitline but how much they like you, however you can only do this with girls you've made into that threshold AND only once a day. You can TECHNICALLY bypass this by going to the breakroom and it will give you a random selection between three girls or yourself.

As for the vore stuff, once a girl gets to a certain size there is a random chance that a moment will come where they will try to consume a nearby coworker. Your choices are either to interfere, watch, or walk away (walking away just skips the text that would happen with watching). When you interfere one of either two things will happen and it is dependent on how much the girl in question likes you. If they like you enough then congrats! You just saved that one girl. If they don't like you enough then YOU become the snack and have to either reset or spend some cash to get rescued and skip that day.

Oh yeah, characters that get eaten aren't 100% gone (I think, I haven't done any experimentation with a certain mechanic in the game with downsizing and I don't plan on doing so). You can at anytime spend $100 bucks to rescue a girl that has been eaten, this does shrink the girl who did eat her. Which is an interesting and somewhat fun way to sorta repeat the growing. Trust me Erika is the best girl and I have brought her all the way back to stage 1 size just to get her back to max size, it's surprisingly entertaining.

And yeah, the only exception IS the fridge scenario. It don't matter if you hyper focus on one girl in particular, they are head over heals for you, and you got their restaurant photo and everything. You choose them to blame and they WILL go into vore mode the second you enter their specific area (at least for that day, next they it's water under the bridge).

Sorry for the blob of text, but something came over me and I just HAD to over explain. Moral of the story is Erika is best girl
I'm suprised no one as suggested this yet, but who is your favorite girl and why?
(2.4 MB, 4200x3000, erika_s_sweet_tooh_by_piffledoodle_de70wbk.png)

That is a trick question cause the answer is clearly Erika. :V

Jokes aside, it still is Erika. Had to explain why, I guess for one thing she isn't exactly big of an ego as some of the others do. Plus as she gets larger she gets more into it which is something most of the others don't really share. They are either "eh, whatever" about their weight gain or their egos become more dominant. Erika is the only one that is 100% into the getting fatter thing and as she grows she also becomes more giddy and talkative. Like the hypothetical girl who sees you are into fat chicks and as she gains weight to impress you discovers "hey, I like being fat".

Honestly the harder question would be which one I like the least, and sadly I think that title would go to Polly or Jesse for me.
For me, I'd have to say it's either Chloe or Pearl.

I've always liked the failed dieters, the ones who will pop a button or outgrow a skirt and hope nobody notices while convincing themselves that they can afford one more snack.

And, I love how sweet Pearl and how embarrassed she gets about how much she's eating, all the while making no attempt to cut back.
Same here.
I also like Stacy - whether it's denial, or the fact that she sees her weight gain as something that makes her more attractive (and she's right), there's just something alluring about her.
It's pretty weird at first, but I got used to it after a while. It helps how it's not really an issue in the bigger forms, since the chins get engulfed in fat anyway.
Putting Jessie at S tier

the fuck is wrong with you, also Erika should be SS Tier,
Is there any way to "reset" events in the new version without having to start from scratch? I want to redo Stacy's lunch event and the time she tries to suck your blood. It would be especially weird if for the latter if she only ever does it once.
get them to exercise. Theres a way to do that in the main menu.
The exercise just sets them to their normal thin size and prevents them from getting wait. The only way to truly get them to go down sizes is to use the monster rescue after they eat a fellow coworker. Sadly as far as I can tell you cannot retrigger lunch events and unique growth moments like the Stacy event. Trust me if it was I would have triggered Erika's lunch even a good couple of times over.

So yeah, there is a way to reset their sizes, but not to retrigger events.
Has anyone been able to pull the girls images from the new game, like their weight gain and everything.
Is this available anywhere besides Patreon?
Could someone please tell me what the text says?
Also who is the artist?
>>4712 (OP)
If only the characters bursted after eating too much, he does some really good bursting
I considered commissioning him for a bursting comic about Jesse and Stacy, but I'm too cash-strapped for it most of the time.
Dude's expensive.
That would be so great if you, I wonder if he's even fine with that, there's a reason why he's not done any messy popping recently, he did something gory for halloween so it's not impossible, I want to see that chicken from his game stuff her face until she explodes so badly
could those be any more compressed?
(29 KB, 1280x1000, CHLOE2_9.png)
Chloe's Gain Final
(48 KB, 1280x1000, ERIKA2_9.png)
Erika's Gain Final
(40 KB, 1280x1000, JESSE2_9.png)
Jesse's Gain Finale
(30 KB, 1280x1000, KATHY2_9.png)
Kathy's Gain Final
(42 KB, 1280x1000, PEARL2_9.png)
Pearl's Gain Final
(40 KB, 1280x1000, STACY2_9.png)
Stacy's Gain Final
(35 KB, 1280x1000, POLLY2_9.png)
Polly's Gain Final
(34 KB, 1280x1000, VIC2_9.png)
Victoria's Gain Finale

Nope, got it straight from WeirdMidnight's Gumroad

You're welcome! :)
Is this the real, undeniably final version of the game? I mean, it´s amazing, but I want to make sure cuz, in the original thread were talking about things that I couldn´t do in the game, Like getting Pearl to fix the machine, or take several girls to lunch.

It's 100% the real game. And for the second part, do you mean taking several girls out to lunch in a single day?
(74 KB, 1100x1100, Untitled.png)
ok, just making sure. It sure was worth the wait.

And I meant that I found this post in the OG thread, and it says at the end to "Erika, Pearl, and Victoria to lunch" in a single day.

Yeah that's just for the demo. In the full release, you can only take one girl out to lunch per day.
Oh, I see. Thanks.
When does the game "end"? because I just finished the third week, and I´m still alive. can I keep fattening staff ad eternium?
Basically yeah, after you complete all the "story" objectives you are free to finish upgrading the breakroom and lunch menu. Unlock all the date scenarios, ect.

You can also reset a girl by letting them... for lack of a better word... Vore the other girls and then pay to rescue the girl, shrinking the consumer in the process. Allowing you to, in a sense, replay scenes. You can't replay the date scenes though, they are one and done. But you can always look at the photo at your office.


More of Erika is always good
Shit, I saved just after the Chloe lunch date. I should leave a save with a the girls "ripe", so to speak, so I can have any of the cutscenes ready.
Anyone have ImpossibleSnail's latest update of SFRPG?
Keep this thread SFOAS only, please. Check the "bbw weight gain games" thread.
Does anyone have the new Polly post from they're patreon
That Polly isn't from SFOAS. It's from SFRPG. A chicken.
I've been trying to get everyone to the biggest size possible, and no matter what I try, I can't get Chloe off of the diet plan. If anyone has a solution to this, I would appreciate if you could let me know.
I think you have control over who goes on the fitness plan, and you can take them on or off whenever from the menu. It maybe that Chloe is just not gaining weight, which can be resolved by giving her a bunch of chocolate foods
Can anyone find a way to trigger it?
Just keep stuffing her salty and chocolate food, and one of the days you’ll have a cutscene of her talking about her diet. I think buying the dessert menu for lunch also helps as it’s her favorite, and if you can I’d invite to eat with her and try getting her really stuffed there
(83 KB, 638x825, Lunch Break 1.png) (63 KB, 638x825, Lunch Break 2.png)
Re-subscribed to his Patreon to get the comic.
Hope you guys like it (sorry about the resolution - this was the only way I can get it).
>Erika is spared from the vore

Very well, I will allow it :V
uh... I've played the demo... but what's in the full game that's not in the demo? I can't really tell from any of the authors posts or threads or stores... or even this thread...

or does the full version not add much yet? but it's still being worked on?
It's well worth the full game. More girls, more stages of gain, more everything.
Bumping in case anyone has this
I would bump you if I could but I don't know how. Still, thanks for uploading this.
Thank you, man! :)
This game needs more attention however it is paid content so of course it’s not that well known. The idea and execution of the game is great I just wish there were more romance options for it.
Wish there's more content in it. Maybe stuff outside of feeding, like romance or an expanded story. Here's hoping Snail makes a Part II or DLC.
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So which girl do you guys want a romantic story of? Mainly one that involves stuffing, cuddling and genuine romance? Because I wanna write one but I’m having trouble on deciding which fatty to do first.

Katty pls. And if you do write it would you post it on here?
I will second the Katty request
I personally would prefer Erika but I guess that is just a bias.
I'd personally pick Chloe or Pearl, and maybe Erika as a third.
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>”Huuorp!? E-excuse me, T-thank you.” Erika murmured as she softly drummed her full stomach.
>The bandages on her abdomen are stretched to the point where plentiful of purple skin is visible showing the bottom half of her belly button
>The gluttonous mummy is in a trance as she stares at the manager, and then her gut.
>He made her like this gave her this made her feel cute for the first time in her life.
>Every day he brought her more and more to eat.
>She can barely fit in her own bandages anymore and she loves it.
>”Well nice talkin to ya Erika but I have a job to do.” The cute stick of a manger said as he turned to leave.
>”M-manager I-
>Erika stutters as she watches him leave the heat in her chest rising as she places a hand over her now triple D bust.
>One day, oh well.
>Erika turned with a sigh as she continued to gorge on the donuts given to her as per usual.
>due to her gluttony she didn’t notice the black cat sneaking and sloshing towards the mangers cubicle
>The manager whistled a tune as she walked towards his favorite cubicle his own, a symphony of gurgling stomachs and occasional belches made for relaxing background noise as he walked to his-
>A black blob sudden jumped on you love handles slapping together from her sudden movement.
>Your pushed to the floor by a chubby black furred face her yellow eyes stared into you.
>Her gut covered your entire lower body and part of you torso as the cats G cups cushioned your neck.
>A smiling doughy, double chinned face stares into your scaroused eyes.
>”And so the Tigress captures her prey~” Kathy chuckles at her own joke, slowly moving her mouth closer to yours.
>You quickly hold a bit of neck fat for leverage and pull her face down.
>Her eyes widen in surprise before quickly closing them with a moan due to her arousal at your sudden fowardness.
>Tongues meet in a clash dancing like eels as the two of you briefly explore each other’s mouths.
>Kathy held your head intending to take the kiss to the next level.
>You quickly break off of the kiss gasping for air, Kathy licks her lips.
>”Kathy, were at work, let’s save it for when we get home.” You snow ay sudden remembering where the two of you are.
>The obese cat huffs
>”No way! It’s our one year anniversary! And I’m not gonna stop after you fina-”
>Kathy stares at you her face frozen, shit he was right.
>Slowly and with a huff the black cat slowly gets off of you.
>Her entire body gurgling and sloshing as she does so, god you’ve made her huge since the two of you started dating.
>Despite being custom tailored to her Triple XXL size the yellow shirt was unable to reach past her belly button, as her nearly floor scraping gut loomed in front of her always demanding more food and plenty of belly rubs.
>Her gut got stuck on everything from cubicles to elevators to doorways, the latter of which she takes pride in as it forces the apparent sticks of the world to view what a ‘true ass’ looks like.
>Said ass was riding up the skin colored material of her pants showing the very tips of her cheeks to the world, with the pants being so tight that they left little to the imagination as they struggled to constrain all of her derrière,showing ample detail of each couch crushing cheek.
>The gluttonous stomach pressed against you even as you were standing up.
>Kathy glares at you, face scrunched in a scowl which with her double chin and chubby cheeks it just makes her look even cuter
>”I’m making you a feast when we get home, after that we can do whatever we want.” You say closet running the disappointed cats gut in small circles.
>”Yeha, but I don’t wanna wait, plus I’m hungry.” Kathy complained with a small smile her annoyance fading at the thought of food. The cat then turned her stomach knocking down part of your cubicle wall like a club of lard as she waddles shaking her massive behind before sitting in her custom ordered chair.
>Kathy leaned back in your reinforced and extra wide chair, Well it’s hers but she’s in your cubicle so much now that you had to get bigger seats just so she would stop crushing them with her girth.
>”Lots girls love it when their boyfriend give them food. Hint hint-“
>You roll your eyes with a smile as you stack a box of 10 different boxes of donuts atop of on another on the cubicle table, which was hard due to you having to maneuver past her gut which took up most of the office space you had.
>You could only grope so much with just one hand.
>Said gut owner smiled brightly as you opened the first two boxes her hands resting on her gut as you begin to hand feed her.
>She mewls in pleasure as the taste of her favorite fillings meet her tastebuds.
>For a while the feeding was continued with factory like automation as you pushed one overfilled donut filled after another into your girlfriends waiting maw.
>Two boxes were gone and Kathy was seemingly able to eat the pastry’s in a single bite now, her hands massaging her boulder of a stomach in slow methodical circles as she does so.
>You decide to double up your and manage to hold three donuts in each hand this time.
>Her eyes are closed as she lazily opens her mouth waiting for it to be filled.
>You push three at once in one hand into her mouth.
>Her eyes widen her mouth nearly full now,
>She blinks then slowly begins to chew the stacks of sweets beginning to be slowly shredded by the glutton.
:In just a few seconds Kathy swallows the load.
>”Good to see your finally catching on~” She teases as she opens her mouth once more.
>You smile as take the same amount as last time but this time shove both of your hands full of pastries into her mouth.
>With a mouth completely filled with half a box of donuts the cat paused before closing her mouth, her cheeks slightly bulging as she begin the chewing process, it took a whole half a minute for her to consume half a dozen worth of pastries a noticeable lump going down her throat as she swallows them.
>”BUUORP! Damn, that was great. I can actually feel this thing get a bit fuller with that one” she smiled as she gave her gut a few soft taps.
>Smiling back you decide to do the same process again.
>And again, her yellow under shirt is beginning to ride up her overstuffed stomach.
>And again, her chin gets softer.
>And again, A belch escapes her with nearly every chew of her jaw now.
>Until there were none left.
>Empty boxes are stacked atop one another as you lay cuddled up next to the aftermath of gluttony.
>A stomach that now touches the floor obscures her feet as she leans back in her seat, a flabby arm around you as you managed to wedge yourself between her and her chair so you could cuddle better.
>A small price to pay for softness.
>You slowly massage the sides of her gut as she tries her best to soothe the top of the solid rock of food inside of her.
>Purrs fill your ears as you rest your head against hers, against your Kathy.
>”I- She opens her mouth only for her to stop as her stomach loudly growls.
>”HUUUORRRP!” The entire office shook as your girlfriend let out a record breaking belch.
>Kathy sighed then shrugged her fatty shoulders the small motion jostling her gluttony sack and causing another belch to escape her.
>”I’ll tell you tonight when we get to my apartment~” Kathy winked as the two of you decided that being squished against each other by a chair was a good way to spend the rest of the day.
>Part 1 done

Kathy won the story raffle but so did Erika so I’ll do a rival eating story mixed with romance.

Erika will have stuff to do and eat, belly stuffing rivals is my goal here, no it won’t end in Erika being sad or anything either and she will rival Kathy later on in terms of weight.

There will be more I might post this story some where but for now it’s for you guys.
nice job!

best of luck with part 2

Agreed, I see alot of potential in this. My only nitpick is that it's written in greentext and not an actual story format but that is the inner pest in my constantly forgetting this is a board website. Keep doing what you feel is comfortable to do, I will be pleased with it either way.
(989 KB, 3300x2550, KathyJesseRivalryColored.png)
So after seeing the previous post, and having nothing better to do on a Friday night, I decided to color this image. The colors used are directly from Kathy and Jesse's sprites, and the background is from the cafeteria. There are some inconsistencies in the lines, as I had to change them a bit in order to keep colors within the intended areas, and there are some white spots, but overall, it's mainly colored. If anyone can find out who the original artist is so I can credit them, that would be appreciated. Thank you.
Reverse google search only brings up a 4chan post on the /trash/ board which is now gone. Which honestly is more than I was respecting from a reverse image search. Could have just been an anonymous submission.


I wonder how this story is going, IF it is still going... Many questions being asked.
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I’ve been busy with improving my writing as well as writing other stuff and fleshing out some other routes, I’m trying to do Erika pearl and Jesse versions of Kathy, but work is kicking my ass so progress is slow but constant on those. I’m writing them in their own unique ways, Erika’s is going well, Kathy is almost done but needs more polish An do I want to add more to it and Pearl ‘n Jesse are straight forward but going from skinny to fat is taking a while because I’m focusing more on the romantic part with them. I’ll update you guys more on each story.
Im abut half way done on part of Erika’s route for her third stage as I call it, which is gonna be the date when you are shown an apartment and feed the girl of your choice. Each girl will have either 5 or 6 stages of romance depending on their weight, I wanna make them multiple choice so I’m nervous about posting them unfinished.
Sorry about keeping y’all in the dark, I’ll be working harder on it now that I’ve got more confidence in my writing. He’s a small snippet of her third stage, I’ll do more of it tomorrow. Love ya.
Erika Stage 3 Cute And Full.
You look at the address that Erika gave you during your slat lunch date. Both your arms are full of stacks of boxes from some French bakery that she talks about constantly. The plain looking apartment door, the bronze number of 13 shimmers in dully lit hallway as you lightly kick on her door careful to not tip yourself over. You can hear something creak from behind to door, followed by the telltale stomping of a certain someone. Quickly the door is opened by Erika, her beach ball sized gut jutting out of her bandages for the world to see. It presses against you as she stares at you then the boxes you had in your arms. “Come in.” Was her simple response as she turns around, her gut almost touching the sides of her doorframe.
You get a view of some heavily restrained pants as they held tightly onto her buttocks forming a noticeably pronounced crevice between both of her cheeks. Her bandaged legs show signs of becoming thunder thighs as they are dangerously close to start rubbing together.
Following the large mummy you enter her apartment. It’s...a lot more pink than you’d thought I’d be. You thought she’d have a bunch of Egyptian themed memorabilia, but it was mostly just, girly stuff. Dolls were lined on shelves, knitted cupcakes of different size and color lined the coffee table, even her walls were pink with purple flowers dotting them. Honestly your a bit in awe at how, well, cute everything is, especially with how uptight she can seem.
Erika takes a seat on a frilled couch causing it to creak, her bulk shifting from the simple motion of sitting down, she sighs in contentment as the weight of her stomach spills slightly over the couch, she looks at you with her single, glowing, yellow eye. “What?” She asks her voice seemingly on edge. She seems to have noticed you gawking at her odd living space. It’s hard to take seriously when she’s rubbing her gut and almost mewling at her weight.
“I’m just surprised at how...unique this place is.” You answer honestly. As soon as the words leave your mouth Erika quickly turns away. “Thanks.” Erika mumbles as she lightly rubs the top of her gut. Oh, yeah that reminds you.
“I promised to cook something for you. You got any requests?” You ask as you place the boxes on the coffee table and begin to walk towards an adorable looking kitchen.
“Something cute.” Erika asks dreamily as she opens the boxes cursive etched top. You can hear the sounds of gluttonous pastry genocide as you take a good look in Erika’s fridge.

From what I can tell the original B&W image was done by Impossiblesnail themselves, pretty sure you can find the original if you dig into the patreon/kemono

100% worth forking over money for.
(75 KB, 1200x675, 20220308_140503.jpg)
Is there any thread for ImpossibleSnail's art? Or does someone has their latest drawing?
Keep this thread SFOAS please, Only Monster girls here
those someone have a cheat code for the 3 dollar version?
Any update on this?
So is writing sex scenes considered taboo here? Because I’ve had one based on Jesse stuck on my hard drive for a while and I'm wondering if it’s okay if I post that here. We are talking about max size Jesse so it will be like navigating a sea of flab as she furiously gyrates her blobular body against the small form of the manager. It’s halfway done and I have no idea about where to post it but here.
>on alt
Why would it be...?
There's a literal thread on this board, titled "Fatties, Fucking".
This entire site is dedicated to fucking kink art. You can type in excess of 5000 characters in a post!

Just... What was your thought process here?
I guess the logic would be that "if the fat game doesn't have sex in it, why should the fanfic of the fat game have sex in it?" Which I can KINDA understand. As for my opinion?


Go mad with power man, only person stopping you is yourself.
Does anyone have the new chole or Victoria commissions from their Patreon?
Thank ya kindly, stranger.
I know it isn't sfoas but if anyone could share the moo comic on weirdmidnights Patreon it'd be appreciated
(829 KB, 1800x2700, Moo1.png) (672 KB, 1800x2700, Moo2.png) (863 KB, 1800x2700, Moo3.png) (709 KB, 1800x2700, Moo4.png)
Yeah, I gotcha. Hopefully we see actual weight gain and not just stuffing.
Do you have page 8 and 9 that were just published?
Is this still being written or is it finished?
somone have the page 12 and 13
Word on the street is that ImpossibleSnail's next game is a doom clone with the SFOAS characters
(754 KB, 1800x2700, Moo14.png) (900 KB, 1800x2700, Moo15.png)
PLEASE don't let this end with just belly expansion
The next part did just come out.
If possible could someone please share the latest fat doom demo on weirdmidnght's patreon. Apparently it has sfoas characters
Does anyone have page 10 and 11? seems like we skipped some in the comic and if there is a reason why it wasn't posted, what was it?
As well as page 13
(112 KB, 640x500, 20221118_152029.gif) (126 KB, 640x500, 20221119_090609.gif)
hey, I was wondering if anyone had the different frames for the player, I'm making gifs of all of them and there the last ones I need. heres a chloe and pearl example.
(11 KB, 1280x1000, PH7_8.png) (11 KB, 1280x1000, PH7_9.png) (11 KB, 1280x1000, PH7_10.png)
This is the last of them.
And no, I don't know where LEGP4 and LEGS4 are.
hey thanks man, ill get those gifs finished up in the next day.
also not gonna lie, I had no idea what you were talking about when you said legp4 and legs4 until I realized you were referring to pants and skirts images 4, it's all good, not even really noticeable without a direct comparison. and it could be a matter of the in game files being mislabeled with a different image once being intended but Ultimately removed, who knows.
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hey ya'll, sorry for the delay got real busy irl but I'm hear to delive some big belly gifs, I will say while I can finish most of them unfortunately for the protagonist I'm missing 3 different frames for there belly, those are chest=yes5 chest=yes6 and chest=yes8, if someone could provide me those and possibly legp4 and legs4 I would greatly appreciate that, until then her are the rest of the girls.
Nice! Thank you! Unfortunately, I don't seem to have the missing sprites.
They may have been deliberately left out of the collection available on the guy's patreon to avoid pirating.
Excuse me, does anyone have a guide or something for the game? it's hard for me to understand

For Sweet or for the office admin game?
for both please
So now that it's completed, I have to ask: what was even the point of making one of them a guy? He had the same build his more androgynous female characters have, and his dick wasn't even shown once here. For all intents and purposes may as well have been female. It just feels like a waste here.
Is there any more?
in the game everyone has a favorite flavor but if you actually look at it every flavor is used 3 times but 2 those being magic and blood which makes sense but it it used 3 time if you chose them as your favorite flavor so when you think about it this means the player characters favorite snacks are these two items and in turn there head is technically the human statue head with the censor bar.
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the thing that worries me is that I've played Ultrakill so darn much, boomer shooters are permanently ruined for me if I'm not allowed to trick shot a coin into a gernade while riding a rocket
Does anyone have the game download for this
So is Sweet just a shooter or something more?I couldnt find much info about it.
It's basically a Doom clone, in a similar vein to Super Noah's Ark or Chex Quest. You go around fattening characters on maze-like levels, while trying not to get fattened up yourself.
yo do u have the game download for that doom game by chance?
Im glad the guy is still doing stuff related to the office girls and their setting. Like a doom clone is the exact opposite of what Super Fatty Office Simulator is yet it also fits so well. Each of the girls being a boss is amazing as well. I hope ImpossibleSnail doesn't get tired of these characters anytime soon, I love em so much. Also I can't believe this thread is like 2 1/2 years old! Time flies huh?
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Honestly hope they'll just do a straight up SFOAS 2. I need as much content with these girls as possible. Also hoping they do something with the plant girl from the beta sprites.
A fat female version of the Little Shop of Horrors plant is something Ive always wanted
Personally, I'm curious what Janet is like.
She's the one who installs the vending machines in the break room.
If SWEET and SFOAS are in the same universe, I'd imagine she might be one of the Frankenstein's Bridge janitor ladies.
Does anyone know what levels each key is on, I've found a few, just don't wanna keep back tracking or replaying the game over and over to find them
I don't know where the keys are, but I'm pretty sure you can just access the secret stage the door is guarding using level select
You mean the executive suites? I did access them with the level select and after clearing them i left through the exit and selected next level, taking me to the door before the final level and where the pentagram is for the five keys. So i dont think the door with the keys gives access to the executive suites, but i dont know, someone has to find out^^
SWEET is a pretty solid game, one of the best out there imo, some people might not like the art style but on a technical level is really well made. The jesse and kathy stages had really good mechanics and sprites.

Yeah the boss stages are pretty interesting, slightly disappointed Erika had no confrontation but the gag that she just fattens herself up at the end is both hilarious and completely in character according to sfoas.
I really like the came cause of it being a boomer shooter parody with my favorite fetish, and also cause it returns to the Super Fatty Office Simulator setting and characters.

The only thing that'd make it better is if you could do lewd things to defeated gals like in H-Doom but given ImpossibleSnail never really draws segs stuff I doubt it'd happen
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Can anyone share the project files?
really liking it too so far, hope a toggle for male characters is added, or at least a way to mod them like his previous game
So real for this, btw mod them? Where can I find THAT??
If there are ever any mods for SWEET, someone has to put links in here, cause that's something I want to bad
Does anyone know if this story is continuing in another site?
Does anyone know if this story is continuing in another site?
Does anyone know if this story was finished or continued in another site?
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Some of these spritesheets are weird.
I really do miss a bossfight with Polly. It could've been situated between the Jesse/Kathy and Erika/Victoria fights.
Maybe have her preside over an almost coliseum-like are, where you fight a gauntlet of enemies, while she progressively gets fatter with each round, until you turn to face her and her personal guard of drones, fattening them up while she tries to escape, but had gotten too fat, and is stuck in her throne of an executive chair, with you finishing her off by feeding to the point where she breaks her chair and lands on the floor.
Hopefully, something will be added in a future update to the game.
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Keeping the sprites coming.
It's unlike that there will be sexo version.
I do have some ideas for mods, including the Polly bossfight, which could be a stand-alone thing.

Another idea is kinda like making "Brutal DOOM" version of the game (Brutally Sweet, maybe?) which allows you to feed enemies to the point of bursting, with special "takedown" animations, which can work even without the bursting:
>you grab a zombie by the neck, and stuff an entire pile of doughnuts down their throat, causing their cheeks and neck to cartoonishly bulge out as they swallows, before it hits their stomach, causing it to explode
>you shove your macaron gun inside an imp's mouth, and empty the entire magazine into them, causing them to collapse to the floor, dazed, and then slightly bloating out all over before they pop
>you keep shooting your batter gun at the Cacodemon, even after she's on the ground, causing her to grow rounder and rounder
>if you stop, she'll end up as a blob (á la Smokii's characters), but if you don't, she'll burst
>if you empty your dough gun into any enemy that only requires one shot from it on medium difficulty to be immobilized, they'll grow fatter and fuller with each shot, until they finally explode
>shove any weapon into the mouth of an immobilized werewolf, and while you keep emptying it into their gullet with one hand, you give them bellyrubs with the other, so they passively allow you to burst them
>after a Naga had vored herself to immobility, you can keep feeding her other immobilized enemies
>if you leave the area for a bit, you'll come back to find them having grown obese from digesting all the others
>feed enough of them, though, and they'll burst, releasing everyone they've eaten (who you can then proceed to feed 'till bursting)
>emptying an entire batter gun/ice cream gun into a mummy will cause them to start bulging out through their bandages, and then pop, leaving the stained bandages behind
>since the Francubus' doughnut-launchers have a blind spot between them, if you manage to get up close and personal, you can shove their own guns into their mouth, causing them to pump themselves full of doughnuts, before their bellies explode, sending their bodyparts flying off in different directions (completely unharmed, you can even find their heads on the floor with a dazed expression)
>if you rapidly cycle through all your weapons and empty them into a Ghost, they grow into a massive ball of ectoplasm and explode, causing everyone around them to fatten up and explode into a puff of smoke (like how they do when you fatten them once a ghost has healed them, but this time, with the bursting animations beforehand)
>if you feed an immobilized bouncer one last item, their bellies burst, covering the rest of them with cake batter
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Moar sprites
Same thing with could be done with the bossfights, although they could be more simply altered to include bursting without any serious changes, with the only caveat being that you have to feed them ALL your remaining ammunition.
A twist can be added with Kathy, where if you pop her in her own bossfight, she won't show up in Erika's level, and is instead replaced by another, more common enemy that fattens up into a ball (bouncers, maybe nagas).
Victoria, once immobilized, could release another round of enemies, and if you fatten them up as well, you can feed them to her, bloating her even bigger - until you feed her some ghosts, which causes her body to become unstable and explode into ectoplasm.
With Stacy, you can overfeed her after taking too much damage (she's unable to resist), until she literally burst with your sugary blood - would be the only instance of actual blood in the game.
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Expanding on the idea of the fattened-up Nagas, the idea of enemies gaining weight and becoming mobile again after you leave the area they're in can be used in hard difficulty, forcing you to defeat them once again.
This time, they take double the amount of damage, but can be more easily outrun, or shoot projectiles slower (or, in the case of the Francubuses, who have machines instead of magic, they just turn slower).
They could all come with their unique takedown animation as well, and all of them could gain weight in different shapes, instead of all going to their bellies.
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Oh, they're called Gorgons, not nagas! My mistake.
>zombies gain weight all over, and become stocky fatsos
>they're even slower than before, but are no longer passive - they attack on sight, and hit much harder
>feeding them even more causes them to first be fully immobilized, then slowly split apart, their bodies collapsing
>imps have become fat, bottom-heavy shortstacks
>they're slower, and their projectiles are slower as well, with a reduced firerate, but instead of single macarons, they fire empire platefuls of them at once
>overfeeding them causes them to land on their asses, which sent a jolt up their overstuffed stomachs, causing them to burst
>werewolfs have become top-heavy, and waddle after you much slower than their previous running
>this time, they won't even slow down if you keep feeding them as they waddle at you, however, you can outrun them, leaving the huffing and puffing, trying to catch their breaths, which is when you can strike
>overfeeding them results in them growing even bigger, bursting their tops and pants, before their belly explodes
>Cacodemons are practically ground-bound blobs, who are now more like a cross between imps and Francubuses, hovering close to the ground a shooting single-file doughnuts
>overfeeding them causes them to try and flee, so they strain to fly upwards, before running out of breath, and falling to the ground, exploding like a bomb, which can hurt you pretty badly
>fattened Gorgons are belly-heavy. and are much slower, but they hit like a truck, and are much larger
>they feed on immobilized enemies like before, but take a LOT more to burst - however, they can be immobilized the same way as before, just let them vore enough enemies
>they start out faster than before, but the more downed enemies they eat, the fuller they get
>eating another downed gorgon, a francubus, a bouncer or a mummy can instantly immobilize them
>feeding them anymore after that will cause them to bloat out into a sausage shape before exploding like the Hindenburg
>fattened mummies use their bandages for strategical covering, as their clothes are now too small to do the job - they are made more voluptuous, gaining a distinctly hourglass shape from all the extra weight
>they spam their homing ice creams much faster, and they're also quicker on their feet, and much more keen on strafing
>Overfeeding them causes them to completely burst out of their attires, only to cover themselves by accidentally spawning some ice cream on their chests (their belly hiding their crotch), before stumbling and falling onto their overstuffed stomachs, exploding into melted ice cream
>Francubuses are just larger all around, and are even slower and tankier, practically immobile, but still turning to face you, but their fire rate hasn't changed (although they've upgraded from doughnuts to whole cakes)
>the player has to use this for their advantage, outmaneuvering them and hitting their weapon's pack, causing it to malfunction and start hitting them with their own cakes, until they fatten up into a round blob, and blow apart
>fattened up ghosts are just round, like their immobilized sprites, and besides healing other enemies, they can also fight back, launching milkshakes at you, giving you a new weapon once you defeat them, for which the ammo can be gained from defeated ghosts, and defeating other enemies that they've healed
>it works kinda like a flame thrower, with a conically expanding area of effect, and a "dripping" aftereffect that stuns enemies as they lick the shake dripping into their mouths
>when overfed, ghosts become near-spherical, and then explode, drenching everyone around them (including the player) with milkshake, giving them "dripping" damage
>fattened up bouncers have become BHMs and BBWs, and, while slower, now spawn entire wedding cakes
>they still wear their now ill-fitting clothes
>stuffing them full doesn't stop them, they keep shuffling on, pushing their giant bellies ahead of them (huffing and puffing as they do so), and still spawning wedding cakes, and even fully immobilizing them won't make them stop sending cakes your way (kinda similar to the third stage of Jesse's bossfight), and blowing them up has a huge area-of-effect, as it covers every enemy on the ground around them in cake batter, instantly fattening them into immobility, or, if they're already immobile, into bursting
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Completing the game on Heavy difficulty could give the optional challenge of an "UltraHeavy" difficulty, where every enemy starts out fat, including the bosses, changing their bossfights.
>Pearl's reception area is flooded, and you have to move from platform to platform, avoiding her accidentally hitting you
>once she's fattened to immobility, she'll sink down, cracking the floor and draining the area
>alternatively, overfeeding her to the bursting point causes her to sink down and explode like a naval mine, the shockwave cracking the walls all around (and K.O.ing you if you're in the water), also draining the area, and allowing you to exit
>Jesse and Kathy's bossfight are largely similar, except they start out fatter, and become even bigger by the end of it
>so big, in fact, that they end up pinched between the floor and the ceiling, which pops them
>if you don't pop Kathy, she'll show up as a rolling ball of doom on Erika's level again, except once she reaches the end of the corridor, the shock of hitting the low ceiling causes her to burst (same with the random enemy that replaces her)
>Erika is already stuffing herself when you first see her, and she only gets fatter, leaving her on the verge of bursting when you find her - up to you to push her over the edge
>in the regular difficulties, you just empty your remaining ammo into her at the end of the level to pop her, like with the others
>Victoria's bossfight is also the same, with her ending up immobilized and spawning even more enemies that you can immobilize and feed to her, except this time she grows to a truly room-filling size before bursting from feeding her ghosts
>Stacy is also the same-starts out fatter and grows bigger
>to pop her, you'll have to NOT burst the enemies you face in her "challenge rooms"
>after she grows big enough to collapse the platform she's on, the fattened-up enemies drag themselves (and each other) in from the challenge room, and force her to drain them, until she explodes
>on regular difficulties, Chloe simply explodes into a chocolate tsunami, even if you haven't burst anyone else, since she grows big enough to take out the bottom of the building
>in UltraHeavy difficulty, she starts fatter and grows bigger, but in the final growing sequence, she begins pushing you upward, through all the rooms she had crashed through as she grew fatter and fatter, pushing you higher and higher
>you have to quickly feed her with everything else you have left, otherwise, she'll push you against the ceiling of the top floor, and swallow you
>managing to empty out all of your ammunition into her causes her to first burst the whole building apart, quiver for a bit as she settles, now an enormous blob, before hiccuping and detonating into a chocolate mushroom cloud
>the scandal that results from this causes the Bunny Bakery to go bankrupt
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If we add my idea of Polly's bossfight being an area fight with several waves of enemies, her bursting on regular difficulties just comes from her blowing up after her "throne" collapses.
In UltraHeavy difficulty, she's already matronly at the starts, and grows progressively bigger and more immobilized as the rounds continue.
Once defeating the last wave, she tries to stand up to congratulate you, but ends up overbalancing and rolling into the arena, completely immobile, with her "guards" defending her.
There, if you haven't burst your opponents, you can side with them and stuff her guards to the bursting point, before continuing with her, OR, if you have been bursting them during each wave, you can defend her by immobilizing and bursting a final wave, which leads to her giving you a honey-pheromone gun, which can be used to get enemies to fight each other instead of you.
A weaker version of the honey gun can be gained on regular difficulties, where popping her can land you with a gun that can lathe one enemy in pheromone-infused honey, causing the others to focus fire on them until they burst, with some inevitably ending up hitting another from across to them, causing more enemies to start fighting each other, but not all of them instantaneously and to the last monster standing, like with the special honey gun.
So this is the full release or an early build?
The full release
I have my own ideas but they are more romance related mainly since almost no WG themed games have any to speak of. For example you start the game off as the manager being forced to check up on chole again after getting steady promotions in the company due to being good with money and not being eaten. But the twist from the original is that one of the gals from the previous games has to accompany you. Each with their upsides and downsides. You need them because unlike the rabbit you don't defeat opponents by feeding them you just slow them down so your monster girl of choice can consume them which is one of the only ways to get rid of enemy's. you'd simply press E or something on an enemy after they can barely movie via cookie gun, and Jesse, Kathy, Erika etc, consumes them without having to go near them, like a gun that gets fatter as you go up the tower. After each level depending on how many enemies she has eaten your gal will get fatter. The bigger she is the faster she can consume larger enemies. Even the other stuffed gals if you want to make her akin to chole near the ending. In between levels you can talk and even rub the gut of your gal, who will grow closer to you as the job goes on. even possibly getting romantic between floors. Some will kiss you, others will smother you with their fat with a confident smirk and a slight blush. In a perfect world each gal would have their own unique end screen followed by a possible saucy picture of them showing appreciation for all that the manager has done.
I may write small bits of this later, small endings based on certain gals.
Sounds awesome!
I second this, there was a male mod for the original SFOAS?
Which coworkers are you inviting to the blunt rotation
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Erika and it's not even close for me.
Design wise, she is already an easy 10/10 but I also love her personality and story arc the best. She has this enticing and mysterious feminine allure when you first meet her, 95% of her body starts off wrapped up in bandages and she won't even talk to you at first, you have to investigate on your own by talking to her coworkers to figure out how to break the ice. But as you do eventually get to know her and grow closer with her, more of her mystery is revealed to you, both her hidden personality quirks and her literal body as the bandages wrapped around her burst off and reveal more and more of her corpulent lavender curves to you.
Her blatant crush on the player is adorable, as is the fact that she’s basically a big softie underneath her serious, quiet, aloof attitude. The idea of her squealing and delighting over cutesy pink pastries, parfaits, strawberry desserts, heart-shaped jello and going to maid cafes is just too cute. And just her progression from being sort of apathetic to her weight gain, to actively enjoying it, and then just flat out embracing her own hedonistic gluttony and going full fat fetishist for both herself and the player, makes me diamonds every time.
Jesse, pretty easily. erika and pearl are good too but Jesse is best. tough/butch, good outfit, jovial and casual. iirc her taste is meat and salt, nice and primal for a gluttonous wolf. I think design works well for stuffing too.
Jesse seems like the only girl whose design had any major changes. I like the new look
I think the new design was a downgrade, 'first form' with the mask is like a discount Erika and the second is too savage for any nonforcefeeding wg
Is there a way to get the Demo version, I'd like to try it since there seems to be some different dialogue and sprites, but I can't find a download anywhere?
What game is this from?
(41 KB, 749x414, imagen_2023-04-22_144147529.png)
(not all found.)
key level breakdown. on the frist level "knee deep in flab" you'll find a room with a locked "A" door, the switch is on one of the pillars, which opens into a smaller room. just interact with the off looking wall (there's a lot of these) and there's number one.

next is on the third level, "sales and marketing" near the "C" switch there's another off looking wall with the next key on it, you could also use a teleport pad to get there but its kind of out of the way.

on the forth level "downsizing" on the last room of the level. there is a wall to the left of the red door to the bosses, there is the key. (there's also a health upgrade right behind you when you spawn. take it)

on the seventh level, "terror-bytes" just flip the "C" switch and it'll be at the end of it. before the bosses (also, there's a health bonus. just backtrack to the "A" switch after you flipped the "B" switch.)

unfortunatelly, i cant seem to find the last one. excuse my issue of skill, if you have any information please share!
sweatpants on furaffinity
just gave it a try and I must say is pretty good! the only feedback I can give is that sometimes it mentions she wears a skirt instead of pants. And i would love to see either chloe or kathy next
Think you could do a Polly or Kathy one next?
They were cameos in SFRPG Expanded
Erika please, yes!!!
Hope someone does a walkthrough of Sweet one day, would love 2 see the whole game.
I made a Kathy bot but for some reason I can’t get there to work nearly as well as Jesse. I’ll keep trying to train Kathym in the mean time does anyone have easy access of their lines? I’ve been having to replay the game every time to get all of their dialogue written down and Erika’s is a bit bugged for me. Im trying to do all the girls so expect more to be done soon. I’ll try and post Kathy’s link when she’s in a better state.
a pearl one would be nice
(1.0 MB, 1500x2000, 3.jpg)
I'm pretty sure UndertaleModTool works for Gamemaker studio games. If you can get it working on the game's data file, you should be able to directly access Kathy's lines. And everyone else's, for that matter.
Yo, who drew these?
are you planning to do all the girls or just a few?
Godspeed, Anon :)
Man this chatbot of Jesse is so fucking good its so awesome to have these Monster girls back ! You did a fantastic job I cant stop using it
If anyone wants to mod SFRPG Expanded without having to worry about the 30 day free trial jazz, feel free to follow this guide, because god knows I'm not paying $70 for this shit.
>Both Kathy and Erika have over 2k conversations while Jesse is almost at 5k.

Damn, people really like the girls don’t they? Chloe is almost done, I just need to enter her lunch scene. I’m glad you guys appreciate it! Im glad more people are experiencing these fun gals!
Hell yeah man!!
I think either Pearl or Victoria
Artist is ghostwank on Twitter
It's Chloe, not Chole, but still, it's nice!
Think you'll do Stacy?
Yeah, I’m working on Victoria now but she’s next. Thanks for pointing out the typo! I fixed it now. Thanks again for giving feed back! Let me know of any other blunders I may have made!
I noticed a mistake in her description it says "hold snack" when talking about her top
This is great stuff man, seriously you’ve outdone yourself. Vic is criminally underrated
I think I was talking about potential ideas for a BBW Sumo series. That like Keijo and Booty Royale, we have fanservice, but moments that explain sumo wrestling, how the participants train, their different wrestling styles and we get character interactions and humorous moments in said series that aren't reliant on sex jokes.

Maybe it's set in a world where Sumo wrestling is unisex or is exclusively female. Or it could be present day Japan and the female sumos face the sexism of the sport. This could provide some interesting drama and have something to say about sumo wrestling's sexism.

I do know of the series with the gigantic sumo women, perhaps I should have said I wish for more series with BBW sumos.

I was also saying why sumos don't appear a lot in Japanese fiction. They live and train in special facilities and thus wouldn't interact with people a lot. So they wouldn't be out and about in public a lot. Plus not all creators know about the sport beyond the basics. Just because it's their national sport, doesn't mean everyone follows it. Like baseball is the national pastime of America but that doesn't mean everyone knows baseball. Not everyone knows of various athletes, sporting events or famous moments within the sport.

I think there is hope for this, stuff like Plus-Sized elf and Melt away mizore-chan had scenes of BBWs sumo wrestling each other. Perhaps one day, we'll get a creator who's into bbws that gives us an ecchi series about BBWs sumo wrestling each other.
So, did you finish Stacy, anon?
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New patreon comics
She looks like a bloke
Like everything the guy draws
As much of a stellar image that is, I do believe that is just a mummy oc that I have seen pop up here and there, and not Erika specifically.
Can someone post the rest of the pages? there´s up to page 11 in the patreon
Seconded, I wanna see how this ends
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New WG Tetris game with Chloe on the Patreon, anyone got it?

It'll be posted to the public sometime. Besides, apparently it's unfinished.
whats the patron?
does someone have a link to his patreon?

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