
Well, anyone has the latest housewife sim from anonnymoose?
I'm eagerly awaiting that update to MyFatteningCareer. Game is top and ready to donate.
What is the game with the moon runes at the top of the thread
+1 for Blobygon
Anyone got the patreon version of Blobygon’s Snackrooms game? It’s supposed to have customization features
savoring sword by cupcupmug worth it?
Maybe, but usually his stuff isn't worth it.
t. bought everything except savoring sword
(83 KB, 1280x720, https___www.patreon.jpg)
Does any one have the Sae mod and the alts for Makoto and Sae?
What’s different about this iteration of the big fat vore rpg. I don’t wang to download it if it’s basically the same shit

Seconding gorge valley update if anyone has it
New Fattening Career is out
anybody able to reup Super Fatty RPG?
It took like a week ingame to gain 1 pound therefore it is garbage
Why do developers think I want to click for 5 hours to accomplish anything damn
So the dev version of Blobygon’s Snackrooms game is up on Kemono now, but my computer’s too garbage to run it at a reasonable fps. Anyone willing to record a showcase of all the outfits in each of the blob shapes?
Anyone has the latest Fat till friday?
Some shitty yuliya3k games, cus I got tired of people asking.

Play with caution, may induce headache for how shallow and low effort they are...

New version of Fattening Career just dropped any one got that download lol
What do u mean?
>Shitty DAZ assets
Girl, you have zero taste...
at least the guy puts actual effort/works on it my big problem with daz games is the creator just never finishes them so i appreciate he's consistent
Second on the new fattening career update. Itd be much appreciated
I will say this.
The guy at least puts stuff out regularly and has good communications.
Then you see things like that Feedee one where the guy's vanished into the ether.
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This reads like a fucking advertisement made by bladerune to bait coomers into buying it.
Be like me and patiently wait for a pirate bro to do his magic.
Fuck everyone that brags about a new game and doesn't share it.
It's what I'm doing haha
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I refuse to pay what is almost a subscription for access to a game in production.

I'll happily buy shit that's not finished on Steam Early access or Itch.Io and then when an update comes it's a case of "Oh cool time to check out the new stuff". But I'm always going to be in the "Just let me pay a bit more up front for constant access as is develops rather than a subscription". It's why when he put up the Steam Store page I was somewhat hopefull we were going to see maybe a 2024 early access release or something
A true hero among men
Yes, there are hundreds of people paying 100 euro for a renpy visual novel, it's kinda sad.
Anyone know if joiplay on android phones will work with the newest fattening career?
Would it be possible for someone to upload it to a different site? Mab takes way too long for me, like it says its gonna take a day
Does anyone have the Android version?
Could you upload de mac version???
It's very simple to just play Windows Renpy games on mac without explicitly needing a mac version.

Just download the Renpy SDK from here https://www.renpy.org/latest.html
Unzip it and literally just drag the game folder (in this case "Fattening_Career-0.08-pc") into the SDK folder.
Then you click the renpy.app in the SDK folder to open up a menu where you can just launch the windows renpy games.
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Looking for Super Fatty Office Admin Sim by Weirdmidnight/Impossiblesnail
>randomly click into the rules channel for weight gaming's discord
>"memes are classified as shitposting and will not be tolerated"
suddenly, a lot of things make a lot more sense.
>those acoustics
>those absolute redacteds
>some way
>did not even have the mental capability of making a meme containment channel
And that's assuming the reason that rule even exists is to avoid meme spam on unrelated channels. Which, if it isn't, takes a whole fucking lot to be running a gaming forum while being such a joyless cunt
There you go, enjoy as the author will connect their patreon to their itch
quickest way is to use magic. buy the intelligence potions from the random vendor events then when you've got to like 10 int start buying mana potions and researching the weight gain spell. game is too fucking slow otherwise.
I just like to start with an obese body immediately for that

That can’t be all there is to it though. I wanted to know if there’s anything exciting you can do with the court or stuckage or tellaportation. But so far, it seems all roads lead to iseless immobility.

Isn’t there a text game where you can be an immobile blob but still do things?
the hackweight update drops today. not sure when but when it does anyone want to upload it?
anyone have the eng version of Misekoya by not_shiranui?
x3 now that the update is actually out now lol
x4 want that update
You madlad, thanks
Anyone have Growing Rivalry by Nicksav?
I know this might be dumb but um does anyone have the completed version of SFRPG?? Or basically the last/new update
you da real mvp, champ
Glad to see this game thread is more active in sharing. With that said, is there any kind individual who could share d.i.e.t here? Doesn't have to be the latest update, it could be the previous one.
You are awesome

Also, anyone know a way to make it so this isn't fullscreen all the time?
I have question, what a weight gain or inflation game that you like to play just because its good with the fetish part just as a bonus, for me its Some Bullshit
(75 KB, 941x627, THANK YOU.jpg)
Sorry if I sound ungrateful after your massive show of charity...But do you have the mobile version? (it does not need to be the latest version).
you are a champ. i hate the guy who mmakes the game, so it feels good to get the newest version.
Does anyone have Fatsona Breakout Build V.0.5?
You don't even know me 🤣🤣🤣

Love you lil' gremlins 💙
I wouldn't express it as hate, but more of a heated rivalry. Respecting each other in our own odd way.
i subbed to your shitty game for over a year. i feel ive kinda earned this.
Hey, anons, I'm new to this thread. What are generally agreed to be the best games out there for this fetish? I've only played Hackweight and Feed My Affection.
you've got your work cut out for you if you aren't also open to all the adjacent fetishes like furry and vore.

noone's fatty text adventure game has the aforementioned and lacks considerably on the game part, but probably still has some of the best descriptions and scenarios especially if you like them big

if you want emphasis on the game part, then unironically tribal hunter but, again, comes with being furry male centric

eat the dungeon is probably the best example i can think of that balances game and fetish, without any other fetishes sullying it

free cities w/ pregmod isn't wg focused, but caters a lot and honestly does a better job than most wg games. lots of opportunities to create your perfect hedonist bbw paradise

other than that, it's a ocean of shitty stock asset rpgmakers, patreon squeezing cg twine "games", and earnest but perpetually stuck twenty years ago quest/textadventures games. go to weightgaming and go crazy.
What are some good games if we're ok with furry stuff?
Cab someone reup hack weight
Thanks for suggesting Eat the Dungeon! I'm loving it so far!
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Some of my personal furry favorites with good gameplay/fetish balances

Super Fatty RPG, Super Fatty Office Administrator, and SWEET all by ImpossibleSnail or WeirdMidnight
SFRPG is an RPGMaker but uses custom sprites and images. Explore a post-mortem world of many feederism scenarios that changes as you progress the story. Has basic RPG Mechanics but is usually fetish based and/or goofy. Custom PC. Many male and female NPC targets for fetish scenarios as well with a mix of furry and some monstergirl. There are two versions of this game; a demo and more complete one with actual endings.
SFOAS is a exactly what it says. You’re an office administrator trying to improve company profits by fattening your co-workers. Custom PC, but all NPC targets are female.
SWEET is basically DOOM but feederism-related. Use fattening weapons fill enemies and bosses. You can also be fattened as you take “damage”. Female or Male PCs and NPCs

Space Thumper by Chubberdy
Female MC, “Alien Furry”. Store and use body fat as energy to build/power machines. No real feeding but mainly focuses on gradual weight gain. Has good dialogue with each stage. He’s currently making a sequel with more characters. His game jam entry “Diner Miner” is also pretty good albeit shorter.

Worshippers of the Gain by WOTGDEV or FOXXXDEV
A Renpy/Twine VN game where you visit a town that lures in tourists to unknowingly fatten them up. The art isn’t that good and leans more into LGBT than most would be comfortable with, but the fetish scenarios are pretty good for those who don’t mind it. Weight gain can target the PC or several NPCs. A plethora of bad ends and a handful of good ends that vary depending on PC or NPC weight.

A Pirates Fate by Volkenfox and T.F. Wright
Another VN where you follow a band of rouge pirates who get involved with many fetish scenarios. This one is more TF than weight gain but still leans heavily on the weight gain aspect. Has a bunch of branching paths. Female and Male NPCs. Volkenfox’s usual artwork.
Does anyone have the current version of fill me up? It's on kemono, but mega transfer quota is shit even with vpn since the file is like 4 gb
Anyone got a zip of Worshippers of the Gain? Costs 13 bucks.
Is there something like honey select/koikatsu but better at making fats of she? just in the sense of easy character creation and customization, i dont need the rest.
How is SWEET btw?
From what I've seen it looks pretty decent, but the fact that until now no one has talked about in this thread or the last is weird.
Not sure if that's a good or a bad sign..
It just kinda... exists, a fairly standard Doom clone that also happens to have fat monsters in it.
Can the player character get big in Pirates Fate? How big?
(2.4 MB, 1920x1008, kk.png)
Anyone have growing rivalry patreon version?
What's great about Some Bullshit?
It sets you up for the lowest standards possible with it's lazy default RPG Maker-ass aesthetics but then surprises you with some great character interactions and fun setpieces.
Any good games with slob elements?
Does anyone have the newest version of Fatsona Breakout?
New version of D.I.E.T.?
bumping this thread because
a) it was never bumplocked? idk what the creators of the other two threads are on
b) seconding an upload of blobygon's most recent game build
Blobygon released a new DEV Build - then pulled it again.
Might be up soon.
Can someone reup Hackweight, pls
>click three times
alright that's enough of that
Does anyone have the Insatiable Hearts update?
Anyone have the new information of The Sultam's Harem? and the hot fix of Fattening career?
I urge you to try again, its quite good.

Importer has been broken for a month now. Devs are working on an update for the importers. No ETA for them being back up.

Gorge Valley - Update

sadly i'm no longer patreon for it.
only can afford so many ...
Does anyone have the latest version of Chunky Cheerleader?
Does anyone have the new version of the tonbelly game?

bruh, this is not even the right fuckin game, not even close

you replied to the wrong message, dumbo
At least the man gave us something that we are happy for regardless
Thank you, absolute legend
I think Dandy’s chests kemono has been updated but not far enough to get the link to download the latest version of gorge valley

i read the P47R30N importer is working again on kemono since a few hours ...
more likely the provider isn't subscribed to the $12 tier
straight up the importer starts at the most recent file and works backwards in time until it's complete.

in other words, if the importer crashes freezes skips or gets stuck what will happen is a large gap in posts between the newest and the previous import

so in this sense "far enough" goes backwards in time

if a post is newer than imported posts, but older than the date of the last import, then yes, it is as >>49321 says
I remember finding this game called Misekoya on here awhile ago, but I think it was just a demo at that time. Anyone know if that game is still around or if it's still being updated? It seems like it's been scrubbed from basically everything I can find.
does anyone please have the latest "Diet" version?
sorry to ask, but do anyone have the Hackweight V1.2 update? thanks
Gumia's Unbelted Terror finally dropped a new update. Feelings seemed to be really mixed, some are saying its a half assed job with romance plot points that make zero sense.
From Weight Gaming:

Ok, so, I’ve had time to collect my thoughts on the update:

-The ‘shipping’ was unexpected and, frankly, rather unwelcome? I mean, Phage has been all over literally any girl she could this entire game so far, and Lotta has only ever seemed annoyed. Now she’s jealous? And getting nude in the bath with Phage? Couple that with Phage’s dream/flashback and Holy F that is a bomb waiting to go off.

-The Desert feels, incredibly empty. Granted, I might have missed something, but just the Queen? I don’t think there was a single other female Afrit in the area. Let alone one we could enable.

-The ship section was a big, ‘meh.’ Maybe that was the point of the joke, but having the player in the gut of the ship tying cargo down when there was much more excitement on deck is a rather poor narrative choice.

-There was 1 fight the entire section, and it was a fight available in the last update.

Imagine waiting months for a new update, and this is what you get.
New Gorge valley and Cicada Springs 8.0.0:
If someone can upload the new build of Growing Rivalry (v5.02 REDUX) by Nicksav or feed my affection by Tonbelly, I will appreciate it.
I hope there is more fetish content included, but i liked the update. Adds more to the characters. Maybe some extra sequences are added in the desert? Now that the "story" part has been added, extra stuff could be included. Kind of how you can backtrack to previous towns and things change.

>imagine waiting for months for a new update, and this is what you get

game is free and if you follow the project, its really admirable how much it has evolved and progressed. Stuff like the tall sprites or the recent fight sprites are things you shouldn't take for granted. plus the game has been a foundation for a lot of WG RPG maker games

is it just me or are there two copies of every file in cicada springs doubling the file size? (800+500)
Thanks for the drops my man Also. wtf is the deal With Cicada feels like he's done nothin no new dialogue, only 5 new sprites(which you can only see 3 of since the games so bugged) if i been following his Patreon I'd be fucking pissed, I'm sure he's doing his best but wtf
Dumbass here, where do i use this to get the download
Can somebody help me how to fatten up clover she doesn't accept any of my gifts.
Base 64 decoder
Discipline then flirt IIRC
If you mean the driad that is. I don't know who clovert is.

Besides that it's not a bad game, it will be very enjoyable in the future I reckon. My one complaint is that burps are simply too common. They occur after every item feeding.
Is gorge valley super WIP or am I just dumb, stuck on the one screen and can't find wood or anything to gather for the crafting/cooking.
There isn't much to gathering right now. All of the materials are gonna be in the chest next to the barn.
Niceu, I figured it out eventually and it's decently fun lol.
Did anybody save the new build that blobygon released before he pulled it?
anyone got love is the way to my heart now that it's cancelled?
That the neat thing there never was anything lol
There's allegedly an asset dump on the discord (didn't bother checking). Hopefully the community takes it as a lesson to start small and learn how to program their own game than try to find/hire volunteers for a bigass game with 15 romance partners with different routes each.

I saw the death nail for this project the moment Modok started begging/guilt-tripping for coders on WG forums

coding a complex simulation in twine's UI is just a no go, a complex twine game uses sugarcube and vscode

that was essentially the projects only flaw, they wanted complex simulation style gameplay but had no coder and were using a coding format meant for CYOA style novels

it's a shame, they could've written so many good illustrated stories if they just didn't want complex gameplay, despite having no code experience or skill
Is the final stage in Gorge Valley the one where they are unable to move or is there another one after that?
You ain't a woman, tranny.
I also heard there were dryads. Could you post some screenshots of portly plant people while posting plump cows?
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I've been waiting for a Fatties Eating Fatties update for months now, even just small silly updates about random things would ease the waiting.
I hope the guy is ok but he went on complete radio silence, I wish I could just thrown money at him to motivate the development, but beside Patreon I wouldn't know where to donate.

Maybe just me, but I think it's the best RPG-maker game atm and getting absolutely 0 news on it feels so sad.
I needed to vent my frustration, pay no mind.
he did say on the forums that he was aiming for a release around christmas, so id say february at the latest
so id take a guess and say that we can expect an update within a month from now at the latest.
>Maybe just me, but I think it's the best RPG-maker game atm
id say the best slot goes to project F.A.T. because its actually finished, FeF is a good runner up.

its a shame really, so many RPGmaker games but almost none hit the mark
>dont have to progress the story to gain weight (failure example: ruby bra)
>not a resource (G.U.T.)
>actually showcases rising gluttony (vast majority fail)
>can actually feel the effects of higher weight (roundbound)
>isnt comically easy to put weight on (big fat vore rpg)
>actually contains weight gain (some bullshit (i mean seriously why is this one paraded around so much its infinitely long and is JUST stuffing))
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Berry and Wheat girl, I'm not sure if they have a fourth stage of growth and can't really test either. (Uninstalled until next patch before I waste anymore time on this game lol.)

It's seriously great, dev knows what's up.
So is anyone else having issues gifting stuff to Clover? I saw someone mention that on the patreon page as well. She is probably my favorite and it brings a tear to my eye that she's broken :(
im just pointing out that some bullshit is given too much praise for what it does.
wow, lady eat a lot. almost every other weight gain game also does that.
why does some bullshit end up as one of the most praised games on weight gaming because of it?
>muh humor
ah yes, because i LOVE laughing like an idiot while im trying to coom. some humor is fine, but its ultimately not what im there for and too much of it ruins the point.
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Idk, stuffing without weight gain is worthless.

>why does some bullshit end up as one of the most praised games on weight gaming because of it?
>muh humor
im getting the bug as well so hopefully someone will post the patch when it comes because clover is the best
(1 KB, 125x93, 1622647547853s.jpg)
>>Maybe just me, but I think it's the best RPG-maker game atm
And I offer my praise to the games made and developed by failmuseum, and those japanese games we happened to have.
>Misekoya, Slave Feeder, Raising Money in town, ...
there is supposedly one more in the works, but right now its only up to that first immobile stage
the current build has a bad inventory bug yeah? it crashes every time i try to use potions
I only had that problem if they refused the potion, usually followed by the cheeseburger icon clipping through the menu after it was closed so I would just save quit to prevent a crash.

Is this shaping up to be the true Stardew Valley killer? :0
He sure does. Is that pregnancy I’m seeing?
By any chance do you have the android version?
I meant the android version but I'm grateful for the Mac version thank you!
Thanks to everyone) A gift for those who helped out with content before)

Thanks, but we would need to be logged into your account to download it. You'll need to upload it somewhere else to share it.

Also, that link is unique and it may be able to be traced back to your account. You should probably delete this post.
inb4 game dev makes another post whining about piracy on their patreon
nah. just overwatered.

If you overwater the dryads too much they explode.
Boo, shitty game design
second. Anyone?
Gorge Valley Stable Build is out!
Just downloaded it, what are the control buttons? There isn't a specific list given of them.
the buttons are a bit fiddly but not too many - you have to experiment.

Maybe also up,load it? (i can't)
Like how do I start the minigane and different dialogues?
you can ask the purple helper fairy - it has a complete tutorial
Only tells me about the witch lady and dyrads.
you talk and interact with the other characters the same way as you talk to the purple fairy

it super obvious and right infront your eyes
looks like its not up yet outside of patreon
does anyone have the new version of sabrina the hungry witch?
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Will anyone have version 8.0.1 of this game?
If it includes any new features it looks like I'm going back down the rabbithole lol.
there 8.0.2 now, still hopefully there will be a repeat on their generosity as i'd like to progress Clovers route
Seems like it glitches after you feed any of them past the first weight stage.
Does anybody know what weight amounts trigger the actual weight stages? I’m trying to feed the pink baker to immobile status but idk how far I have to go.
I think her immobile status is about 1100 lbs but I don't remember exactly
Someone has got the latest version of Chunky cheerleader?
Check in Kemono: Daxe
! Check Blobygon
same. Of all the fat games out there, this is probably the best one. The amount of effort he's put into this is incredible
Anyone got feast manor?
Played it recently and gotta say it’s really good. I did wish that there were some sliders cause I want to give them really huge tits
I was hoping the three different food types corresponded to diff body parts but your girl always becomes a lard ass with a monster dump truck.

It's more of a sim than a game so I kinda got bored after thinking I've seen everything but it's great.
Hopefully some sort of feedback goes their way about the body types, because I’d love to see more since this is already a strong foundation
I honestly hope that people don't start asking for that because every promising project in recent memory was bogged down with requests for specific body types and other frivolous features and ended up never getting anywhere. He's doing great and should just get the main stuff polished and worry about that kind of thing later.
Agreed, I can wait for top heavy bodies since I prefer pear shapes anyways. Polish is more important than variety for small scale projects
anyone got the new Gorge Valley yet?
Gorge Valley bugfix release anyone?
I’ve been curious about this but does anyone have all the Lachevite games? There’s a whole ass paywall through itch.io
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It will come eventually, I think. Maybe the "activity options" like fitness minigames alike the snackrooms plank bridge, and more things to do in general.
You go to kemono.party and check it for yourself, nice trips btw

For fellow /aicg/tards things have never been so shit.
Does anyone have V1.1 of Savoring Swords?
Anyone can put the new information or pictures of The Sultan's Harem or Chunky Cheerleader, since their kemono are not been updated.
Can someone reupload hackweight game here, came to this thread and the old link had already expired
D.i.e.t reup? Please and thank you
you and everyone else buddy
Could anyone upload the latest D.I.E.T update??
It would be much appreciated
Worry? You cant beat death.
Looks like shit
I don't understand the constant attempt by game devs to mix fetish games with stories that focus on dark and philosophical themes like death and suicide. It's always been extremely off-putting.
yeah I am not feeling this game from her. Feels like she wanted to make a serious game with fetish elements in it. And it just does not work if the writing isn't good.
I think squirrelgirldgt is a tranny actually, so of course there’s death and suicide themes
I’ve been playing gorge valley and I need to know How To plant Seeds?

Get materials from the chest by the barn, build planters at the workbench, put down three side by side, and then plant the dryad in the middle. also make sure to build a well and place it near the planters.
Not a bad game, it is just not really a fetish game unless you find some of the side content.
Fair warning that the main story is not happy at all but it is good for what it is. Probably needed a bit more humor to make the game lighter if you just go through the main story.
does anyone have the latest version of Gorge Valley?
sorry I was tired writing this, I meant the issue regarding re-ups
damn this gave me a gut punch even if i don't get (or care about) all the ytuber lore shit
Someone is finally translating the original Feeder Fantasy(the one with the male MC and not the elf girl) along with the other games the guy made.
People in the comments are really confused
it keep telling me its a virus, any help?
Is savoring Swords by Cupcupmug any good?
How do you have sex in that game?
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The thing is very little games out there offer the actual opportunity for (you) to plap someone.
Maybe a little in some JRPGS, that's to it.

Most of the time you play the game with a dick in one hand, watching it like some show, without any actual intercourse taking place.
Sometimes, you get a little "uwu nyaa vanilla lesbian sexo", lmao.
I want to see the girls railed, plapped and penetrated, perhaps without any of this wholesomegoop slop.
But they promise on the title screen there are sex scenes in that one specifically. I tried doing it with a male aid for the female gluttonous queen. Does it only work with lesbos
Feed my atention 4.6 someone?
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Does anyone have the most recent version of Sultan's Harem? Thanks! : )
Does anyone have the 1.2V of Savoring Sword by cupcupmug?
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This, it was said that it would be released today.
Thanks in advance.
A new Sultan's Harem update came out, anyone willing to post it?
It's on kemono now, hurry
China losses $6 Trillon
>>51208 Not a great update imo
Eh, yeah, I wasn't crazy on the girl who got the update, plus it wasn't that good of an update for a six-ish month wait.
Can someone share it? It's already gone :(
(52 KB, 816x426, nekminit.webp)
mfers can't even keep their greedy mouths shut for one day without monkey coomer brain spoiling it for everyone
Please The Coven of Calahree v1.1.4.1
Do you by chance have the cicada springs 8.0 bug fixes?
Are CupCupMug's games any good? They look fairly promising all things considered and like to try them, assuming anyone can share.
Anybody got the new fill me up update?
It's not out yet, will be tomorrow you muppet.
(61 KB, 800x450, kaiba.jpg)
From Bobo's patreon: "There was a lot more content than I realized initially, not including images like sprites the number of images for the new update almost doubles what is currently in the game."

Kinda hype if Bobo actually delivers this weekend. Doubters will be in shambles
I'm the first anon you tagged. I didn't even know an update was coming out soon, I had just finished all the content in the free version of the game and wanted to continue. So judgemental.
Check kemono first before begging, It's was already there before you posted
Fill me up is out!!!!
Fill Me Up 0.4.0 is out, anyone got a link/willing to update the Kemono?
Got updated, then the link changed.
If someone can share a new link that would be great.
Patience. Fill me up is almost guaranteed to get patches, even after the zipped version of the file ends up on kemono.
If you can't be patient, buy in lol
Na, you are bobo trying to buy up time with double psychology.
Post the "buggy" release, brother that updated the kemono.
(229 KB, 680x799, 高貴.png)
Sorry, not buying xx
I'd share my game with >(you) for free when I make one though.
can somebody update CupCupMug's kemono for savoring sword 1.2?
Bobo has updated the link to Fill Me Up on his Patreon. Now it's compressed and has a "alpha" version
it'll probably end up on kemono in a few days at most, once it gets scraped again; no point rushing to ask for an upload here unless it's still absent on tuesday
if more patches come in, it could be outdated within the week so meh
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I changed my view. The game is shit. You should not consider wasting any more time on it. Stick to the full-time job instead.
Is that Dong Zhuo?
nah wdym its shit
You should write a review on why you think so.
Giving a harsh review without actual points to be made won't make anyone quit, you'll just come off as a random hater.
I'll do a writeup once there's an up-to-date upload here or on the kemono. Apparently there were bugs that blocked a chunk of content so I'd rather review something that I don't have to bugcheck myself.
whatever happened to some bullshit stuffing rpg? is it still being developed?
My dude... it ended.

Like over a year ago now.
Guys if anyone could please share new version of fill me up, i would be grateful
did grim actually finish it or did it just get orphaned? been ages since I looked into it.
I think you're confusing games, mate. Nerds did Some Bullshit; Grim did Stuffing RPG, now called Gumia's Unbelted Terror (GUT). GUT's still in production.
ah shit you're right, I'll look up GUT then, wasn't aware it had changed names
BL0byg0n news
alrighty let's dive in
>the good
there's at least some additional content and tying together of NPCs from different parts of the game
the new stages (wg route) have a lot of content attached to it
>the bad
There's nothing for feeder routes.
A lot of the early content and renders feel out-of-place.
The university still feels like a shitty grind, as does the newer stages, where you blow though dialogue variants way before you progress to higher stages.
> The disappointing
There's typos and bugs from an entire fucking year ago that never got patched.
Missing images could've been scraped from the last version even if they were deleted but weren't for some reason?
The gating of content in the new stages is borked, leading to stuff filtering through from both the Erika thin and regain routes.

I think a lot of the early code needs refactoring to make it easier to bugfix and manage all the different possible decision pathways. Editing the script files to fix all the bugs and typos is easy and I will offer to help streamline and bring stuff up-to-date but who fucking knows if they'll answer lol.>>51674
Any chance you can share a link to the latest version so you can help in killing the project and other people don't end up paying for it?
>no feeder content
That is indeed pretty disappointing. that route was easily my favorite part of the game. can you atleast make the sister gain some weight?
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no, game > no game, if im interested in helping the dev make it less shit why would i want to kill it (not that updating kemono would change anything, the last versions were uploaded, didn't stop shit lol)

if there's no further sign of life within the month ill update kemono and possibly setup a community patch since i've already done some minor fixes on my own (like not being able to finish the burger and fries after the bug was discussed a year ago, lmfao)

bobo's getting one chance to make good on promising better comms
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you can make her a lot bigger as a feedee but the changes haven't been ported to the akane's feeder route yet

like a lot of things, everything's still either feeder or feedee, nothing in-between, lol
Fat Princess, though it's delisted now :(
I never played it, but I was thinking about setting up a PS3 emu on my PC just to try it
Weirdly enough, there was that SpongeBob game on the Gameboy where he’s flinging patties at his endmies. Only a couple bosses and they’re both male.

There’s also DigDug, Super Mario Sunshine, and maybe some others I don’t know about
why is she sunburnt and what happened to her face
guess we'll know when the kemono gets updated or someone uploads it here
no their model just looks like that lol

using blender n such is neat but if you don't have wizard level skills it's easy to end up looking like a buncha gronks

nobody realised they wanted the ai until it was gone
blobygon just dropped a new build. anyone wanna drop it or update the kemono?
I didn't mind the AI as he managed to keep it mostly coherent and the OG modeling wasn't 'great' in my opinion.
But everyone went AI BAD so this is where we live now.
I found out Housewife Sim has a new update. Fantastic. Anyone got it?
Huh, what news?
Wake me up when the new update happens.
Oh, already?
If so, we wait for the kind anon to drop the update.
so anyone uploading the new verion of fill me up?
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>possibly setup a community patch
Nice. What do you think about making an art-side fix of sorts?
I'm not that much of an artist, but I could do something. That won't happen quick, but what-if there was a drawn version of the game, besides the 3d/ai versions.
I'd drop a mail here if you're interested.
I dunno what’s in store but I agree there cause the last one was fun
Feed my affection anyone?
Damn, this background is ugly.

As much as I LOVE having pet artists, I think that MIGHT step on bobo's toes a bit more than I'd like at least initially. Proof of concept would be neat, though!

If I were to finally finish work on the setting I've been sitting on and try my own hand at a renpy vn/sim/adventure I'll take anything I can get lmao

(where I was at with it 2yrs ago before AID became shit: https://play.aidungeon.com/scenario/b4bgU7lpLMSL/new-vernnectshire)
Anyone got Fill Me Up 0.4?
Can someone post some of coldsteelj's monster hunter mods?
My excitement to play the new build is enormous
anybody got D.I.E.T. 0.22.0?
look imma be honest, gain factory is a REALLY GOOD concept

but having everything fucking freeform and not snap to makes EVERYTHING a fucking pain

What's new in this build?
Some good Samaritan has updated coastal bunny's kemono but not updated the actual historical post where they add the drive link to the updated D.I.E.T :( anyone able to update?
Anyone got a link to Fill me Up?
i second it someone has fill me up link?
Anyone hace the Android versión of diet or sultans harem?
Any kind soul who managed to get D.I.E.T before the link went down and is willing to share a link to download it?
Anyone have lachevites patreon games?
There used to be a VAM thread over on /inf/ that had a discord. It might be from that one
Ex convicts have to work you know. I got you.

it's simple. you don't get past it. games linked like this are never obtained from kemono
I'm trying to remember the name of a NES rom that was about a fat princess with pink hair that had to keep running, the game over screen was a shot of the earth being split in half due to her smashing it with her ass. ring any bells?
Amazon's Running Diet.
Version 1.3 of Savoring Sword was released on Patreon. Does anybody have a download link to it?
Can anyone share the latest version of Fat 'Till Friday?
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> Hack only includes the first two levels of Sonic 1
Wish there was a whole platformer designed around controlling a bottom heavy character
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Does anyone have the amy xl mod for sonic mania? It seems to be removed from game banana
Oh that's gay, it seems like they've really been cracking down on fetish mods as of late
Thanks! glad this mod isn't lost to time
seems to be legit, ill run it through an nti-virus frist tho, this is a chan forum after all.
Anybody have the translated version of a game from a while back about running a shop and everyone in the shop and around town would gain weight? I found a thread on weight gaming and it was apparently removed
Can't send the link but the thread was called "Anyone Remember this RPg-Maker game?" and the thread was made by "Devilfang13"
Anyone got the latest version of Insatiable Hearts from Owlkaline?
anyone got the The Sultans Harem Version 3.3?
Whats the darkest most fucked up weight gain game you know about? Thinking mostly about death feederism. Sadly the overwhelming portion of games are made by furries.

Or just any game I didn't hear about.

Gaining Perspective and Skelesoda's The Snackrooms are 2 games I liked, and I also tried out "Abducted" but even though its sci-fi, it was too unrealistic for me to enjoy when the character reached immobility.
Snackrooms is heavily underrated in my opinion. Hope skele builds on it.
The Tower of Gluttony? That has some bad ends in it.
not him but that fucking game is the best I've ever played
it could have gone further in slob content but its one of the best games I've seen for just letting it play out with one hand in your pants.
Could you link it?
Desolate the land
Fully agree. When I suggested some things he fully implemented them in less of a week so I have high hopes for it when he deceides to continue it.

Will check it out, thank you.

Can't seem to find it. Could you link it please?
anyone has the latest cicada springs build?
Scruffy 2nds not being able to find Desolate the land
It's not on weight gaming and searching it up gives nothing useful, so yeah I can't find it. Could you link it please? You piqued my interest. If it even exists that is.
Anyone got the demo for WeirdMidnight's SUPER SWEET? Enjoyed the Doom clone he did before, curious if this new one will be good.
Is there a way to make a more permanent link?
I only discovered The Coven Of Calahree last week so and the link expired before I could get it
Can any chad upload the latest D.I.E.T.?
Coven Of Calahree is absolute dog shit. The guy never fully finished the game because he never added bad endings to like the last three chapters that he said he was going to do. He also never included a bad ending viewer, again like he said he was going to do.
Any good heavy slob games?? Can't find anything
I have coven and super fatty office sim this time because I love you all

Feels like 90% of the time folks should just make a VN in Renpy or something similar.
Mostly because they either don't want to do anything with the RPG aspect of RPG maker or the combat gets in the way of the game/story
The 3rd person perspective of a jrpg has a different feel. RPGmaker is a really clunky engine to work with though, and it's really unsuitable for implementing wg scenes, particularly the kinds of concepts most wg devs come up with.

On top of that, bobo isn't very good at coding, so their games are always a buggy mess, and they have to get outside help to fix it. It's just a dev nightmare
I've just finished it and I don't think it's buggy from my limited experience, just unpolished since there's times where u gotta go to a specific place and it doesn't tell you on your task tab, you also can't view active quests so there are parts of the game where u don't know what to do.
And then he goes to work on a new game even though he still has things he wants to add to the one he's still working on.
(1.1 MB, 268x268, download.gif)
To the anon after super sweet here, quad encoded. Though it feels more like a proof of concept than actually finished in terms of a final product. You can pop the enemies now.

Any plans to put out that community patch? I've heard it's quite buggy so I've been holding off playing.
Sorry, I'm new, but what is that jumble of letters supposed to be?
A MEGA link? Or for some other website?
Alright, haven't paid attention to any fatty games in probably a year or so plus. Anyone got any recommendations?

Not too picky on genre or whatever. rpgmaker would be fine too I guess unless the game's dead/unfinished
I would recommend Gorge Valley and Dungeon Of The Devourer
Why not ronan the destroyer
>>53275 no they accused him so the accuser. Marvel
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Will anyone have the Feed My Affection video game in version 0.47.2?
Does anyone have the 0.22.0 D.I.E.T.?
When did they add in attractive women?
Would be interesting to try, although I don't know how good (or how bad) it is.
You're in luck, I snagged it on kemono just because I was interested in the yandere (Yuki) gaining weight
appreciated mate, thanks
I thought the version I had was just a buggy mess but apparently he keep releasing new versions without fixing anything.
D.i.e.t reup?
Does anyone have the latest version of Growing Rivalry?
He stopped supporting patreon and i can't do it even if i wanted to.
New update just dropped with Wanda dates too!
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DING DONG IT'S BILLING DAY for me at least.

No comms, no activity I can see of I'm gonna go ahead and download krod's list of bugs and see how hard it is to go ahead and squash 'em based on my limited knowledge of Ren'Py and python. Most of it seems pretty trivial, but we'll see...
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Good man, is it that hideous on purpose?
It's drawn well, but the appeal falls flat. It's hideous, creeping into the uncanny valley.
*tink tink tink*
Nice to know you're alive. Lol.
Anyone have project realism 2.0? It’s on mecha patreon
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Not trying to nudge anyone, but my offer still holds.
>I'd drop a mail here if you're interested.
Perhaps committing myself to a regular task would also aid me with improving on the consistency of my practice. Such is the joke.
can anyone upload feed my affection 48.1?
shit i meant 49.0
Natural gas guy changed my gas meter and put two mices inside the crack of my house saw all on camera. Careful out here
BL0BYG0N just dropped a devbuild
Has anyone played Avril’s Appetite here? If so, can you post the bestiary? I want to see which artist did which character
Does anyone have any recent Yuliya Kovach (Yuliya3k) games?
It would be nice if someone got the new D.I.E.T. update or the Project Realism 2.0 update and would share it
Would be interesting to try. I've never played her games. I assume the games are in the monthly archives, yes?
Yuliya games are literal shit, don't waste your time.
On another note, here's Project Realism:

You are the best <3
Pretty good game and I'll be curious to see where he takes it.
Opening had me spooked a bit with the theme but it was fine outside that.

Only worry going forward is he's going to get caught in an exponential trap for body types/sizes.
I may be retarded but I get a no connection screen every time I open this
now the only whing we need is the new D.I.E.T. verrsion. If anyone would share this, it would be awsome.
It is! Thank you so much, I'm very grateful that you had this still
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Will anyone have the Feed My Affection video game in version
Bumping for D.I.E.T. 23
Can anyone read Japanese and see what's going on with Misekoya? I put it through a translator and it didn't work. https://notanui.fanbox.cc/
Cant japanese but I can parse the translation a bit. Seems like they are lamenting getting sucked into some game like Slay the Spire or some other rogue-like game. The actual game progress seems minimal for the last month. Just a couple of events done, one weight stage and one story event seemingly.

Looks like a non-content post to keep fans updated, mix with a fall down the rabbit hole.
Aside from him being busy with Splatoon DLC and Skeb requests, last update mentions that he's finished up the story events involving the new character and is considering putting out an update once he's done with the new set of events instead of waiting until he's made progress on the game side of things like he had planned.
Does anyone have Weighted Dice v0.74 in APK form?
Can anyone share Tower of Damnation?
What is that? I've never heard of it and searches don't bring up anything could be considered fitting for this site.
Fattening career just updated
is there a drop of it yet?
Does anyone have the newest feed my affection version?
Aaaand it's gone.
Anyone has Chubchompchill new version?
She is low key internal affairs. Why you think she jumped over everybody. Using that ass to get information from everyone. Her g string dont lie or her fake cannabis reddit page idk if you want to learn how to grow we or teach us how to cook with your food diaries. Come on youre spotted stupid bitch. Ass is jiggly as fuck though. Ya momma too
Damn who called CPS on her. Make sense now LMFAO
if you just copy/paste the link then when the dev deletes it, the thread loses it

if you find the link when it's active, and make the download yourself, just reupload it yourself, then the dev can't just instantly delete it
got new link or reupload?
They need to download game files and make new link and then we're back in business. Also who ever makes new link plz do mobile version
>>47069 (OP)

Ik its been a while but I had the exact same question.
Reverse image search came up with this post: https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/2499052/post/3629455
I'm pretty sure it isn't a game. Still some great content on the rest of their page. Nothing bbw related tho.
They did make an actual game found here: https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/2499052/post/1975445 but I haven't played it yet as of posting this. I'll give a review when I do if anyone is interested.
updated as of now, I am personally downloading all versions and will check threads if anyone needs
just checked, the link active now
milena farm? thisgame is very short, you got like 11 base CG total, this is a sequel to "Milena Manor" which is also a very short game.

there is english translation available at f95 if i am not mistaken.
Pat bev no sex before games may weather new car collection owweeeee
yeah, dead again. thanks for the reupload!

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