
(3.3 MB, 2128x2826, redraw.png) (6.9 MB, 5081x2213, remake.png)
post pictures you'd like to see drawn in another artist's style, drawfriends welcome
I have a question. In a remake art can we replace one character from the original art but stay the same or not.
>>45730 (OP)
Nice remakes you made those yourself.
(223 KB, 1622x1530, DDE6DB03-1CA8-48F0-B2B7-52A9330F1F50.jpeg) (284 KB, 1600x1614, 3F40E0A4-E325-4D12-BC6F-3F85B917FD02.jpeg) (172 KB, 1334x1224, 9E06E56B-49BF-43B2-AD94-4BB896967652.jpeg) (182 KB, 1600x1239, D3120E1F-971C-4CBA-875A-4790646A9C69.jpeg) (191 KB, 1600x1379, 708F3B5A-F885-4778-B7AD-5EB866352FBE.jpeg) (157 KB, 1024x941, 7DDA7F85-8203-408A-BE4E-2333E2555ACD.jpeg)
Can we have these six remade for Yuzu her clothes should be torn in the belly area.
And also an humanized alt of this redraw I requested for bonus points.
The only question is will all of this get fulfilled before the site ends which would be tragic.
I'm looking for a drawing remake that interests me but so far no dice
Well that’s going to hurt but understandable.
Wait your doing this based on your interests well that is so sad plus many people not just myself have interesting ideas for remake requests.
I agree his art in recent years are terrible. In the starting photo someone remade one of his art which is way better.
I really do want this before the site shutdown for good. Even seeing the other requests as well.
While I didn’t request this looks nice way better than the original by a mile.
One more thing are you going to do the rest or just that one.
i'll try to do the rest if i can
(sorry for the bad english)
Okay thanks man.
I wanted Edna and Lilli without skirt, but with shirt and panties
Just be thankful it got done faggot
(294 KB, 1200x1200, kairi(FINALMIX).jpg)
Sorry for keep you waiting

(Hey does somebody knows about a drawing theory book or something like that so i can improve my art? asking for a friend)
Hey thanks man, looks good!
That’s pretty impressive man.
Wish I could help you on that but I’ll try also my remake request is a character replacement.
Use reference pictures and draw as much as you can. Don't take this advice as gospel though, you should understand what you are doing while drawing.
You got a good point there.
And where is Lili? I want her without skirt, but with clothes and panties.
You already got one remade, don't be a greedy fucker
not the requester but HOT DAMN, that's some high quality drawing dude
That’s amazing but not the requester.
(586 KB, 1280x983, 3049963.png)
I'd like Human Fluttershy and Human Pinkie Pie blimps redraw.
Original artwork: Robot001.
Perfect thanks. Well this was a good wait.
She look’s so cute in your style.
Hope you aren't a filthy poorfag anon, that shit's going to cost a ton.
Draw threads are full of bottom-feeding beggers who want free art and ask for unreasonable or completely autistic shit near exclusively. Why would you assume anyone here would even consider spending money on art?

I'm not. I don't do it for the money, just the passion you put in making it. I don't have a schedule for the project. You can work whenever.
Come on, this thread is about artists giving their different takes on the same concept. Not about throwing shit at the wall that's so far gone from the original concept that it becomes just random requests
Thought I saw some people replace some of the characters. Guess not. In that case, just a redraw of the base picture from >>47462 would be fine.

A: 2987 lbs

B: 898 lbs

C: 3885 lbs
You’re not wrong my request is the only one that has character replacement and stay true to the source material.
Lets see with 3885lbs
This is impressive thanks. Don’t worry on the dialogue on Alto the thumbs up works for me.
I was wondering what she was wearing on her feet?
a pair of poorly drawn boots
it's a redraw thread, that other thread is for drawings made from scratch. I know the concept is very similar but I think it helps for someone to choose a request when the idea is already there and just needs to be drawn again (even though some people on this thread just saw it as a draw random shit thread)
Not the requester. This looks nice.
The plate of meat beneath Marianne should be replace with a fruit smoothie. That’s all.
Thanks, might do some other unanswered ones on here if I feel like it
Awesome man.
There isn’t many but best of luck man.
Ah cool, vouching for either the first or last one from here then >>47210
no pressure if you don't want to though
Was actually thinking of doing both, so may do them eventually
Not the requester this is nice man. I have high hopes for you.
Really great work on this! I could almost not wait for the others, but please, take as much time as you need.
(2.3 MB, 4000x4000, 1.png) (2.4 MB, 4000x4000, 5.png)
Here's some very early sketches, I aim to finish them at some point lol
(681 KB, 2387x1835, 2906352.png)
I wonder if someone would try to remake this into Equestrian Girl (Sorry if it looks like a Ponyvillager and a human had a baby.)
(118 KB, 1024x818, com_wendy_marvell_food_balloon_by_robot001_d7f3mle-fullview.jpg) (96 KB, 900x1471, round_kurumu_by_robot001_d337nm9-fullview.jpg) (36 KB, 375x492, com_obese_euphemia_by_robot001_d5srtum-375w.jpg) (79 KB, 783x1020, com_obese_mina_ashido_by_robot001_dc1pc3f-pre.jpg) (277 KB, 1280x983, 1374105748.robot001_scan3041.jpg)
Anyone willing to remake some of Robot001's crap? Namely, these pics of Wendy Marvell, Kurumu Kurono, Euphemia li Britannia, Mina Ashido, and/or Delia Ketchum?
what's wrong with them? they're all well drawn except the second one
(2.1 MB, 2000x3329, IMG_1734.jpeg)
The second one was made by TRC-Tooniversity. Someone should redraw this pic but with her full body (reference pic here) on Aunt Praline’s face along with Custard added behind Strawberry Shortcake’s back looking confused
The first one should have Daphne in Guess Who style and the fourth’s artstyle should be replicated with the artstyle from The Spooktacular New Adventures of Casper
(120 KB, 1422x992, IMG_1820.jpeg) (44 KB, 256x256, IMG_1821.png) (22 KB, 300x300, IMG_1822.webp)
I’d bet someone remake this pic but with Wonder Balloon Toadette and Blue Toad with a worried expression and crouching
(141 KB, 838x600, dddlt62-5ea16d3c-b32b-42f4-95b1-a75fed777e1c.png) (10 KB, 174x289, download.jpeg)
I love this picture of Giggles from Happy Tree Friends, but the arms kind of throw me off. The way that they are just seemingly poking out of her belly is a major turnoff for me.

Could someone please redraw it where the arms have a similar placement to the other picture I used?
Been about 10 days now. I wonder how you're doing right now?
(166 KB, 2001x1124, IMG_1634.png)
Please, the proportions are so silly looking
what character is this and what's supposed to be going on with her belly
That’s Leonie from Fire Emblem Three Houses and Three Hopes. Also not sure.
I can't tell if she's supposed to be pregnant, voring someone or jiggling her belly
My guess could be growling.
I checked it’s implied both by the artist tag of it.
both what, i listed 3 things
Never mind it’s all three to imply since I saw the tags made by the artist.
(17 KB, 479x361, avgn.jpg)
>pregnant and voring someone at the same time
that's really morbid
I'm up for redrawing it. I'm not sure if I should post it on FA/Twitter. Obvs I'd give credit to the original artist but IDK how they'd feel, haha.
This thread is for remaking pictures that aren't drawn that well. Most of what you posted is well-drawn
Please you can cover her with butter.

It's poorly drawn, btw.
This is a remake thread not a request thread
Do edits not count?
(348 KB, 592x768, undefined_image.png)
I'd like to request a remake of this AI drawing (not sure if this is the right thread for that) to fix the hands and for Jubilee not to look like she's fused with the desk.
(428 KB, 663x627, 76caae5ed0.png)
Asking for this thing I found to be remade because a fat Peni Parler in what appears to be a mecha-dinosaur(?) costume seems like a neat idea but this pic wasted that potential
(151 KB, 708x938, marianne.jpg)
(hope you like it and if you don't please feel free to send me a death threat if you want)
Thanks this is impressive. This two out of three Marianne remake done so far you did so great.
Also do you have any social media or not really. Understandable if not.
(4.0 MB, 1740x2577, penizilla.png)
"It looks like Godzilla but due to international copyright laws, it's not"
(5.4 MB, 1740x2577, penizilla.png)
"It looks like Godzilla but due to international copyright laws, it's not!"
Hey this is weird but does anyone else remember or have a redraw that was done a while back?

It was a redraw of I think a koudelka drawing of a girl in a pink shirt. I remember it being pretty good. Also wonder if they are doing more of those?
(117 KB, 1063x752, IMG_1455.jpeg)
This may sound weird idk but redraw this with nudity
Say, when are you coming back?
Who is the senator who forced zuckerberg to apologize. What about parents being parents
I want u to harrass the senator family so he see its not the products fault. Its just sick ppl who need to be gunned down by the mob.

Sorry the style is really bad. Wish someone can remake them but sadly it became a bad idea already I’ll ask for something else instead.

Go ahead and remake it anyway. Great idea.
(740 KB, 395x3264, BeFunky-collage.jpg)

You know, LordStormCaller pics would be great sources for redraws/remakes.
Here is one I would love to see drawn in another artist's style
(120 KB, 1024x824, IMG_7915.jpeg)
Would anyone remake this Toadette pic?
Don't respond to me or my post ever again.
I'm guessing it was a bad idea to remake his stuff which is saying not much. He has something else if it was a bad idea just in case >>52201.
(332 KB, 3274x1622, IMG_3873.png) (2.1 MB, 2000x3329, IMG_3874.jpeg)
Can anyone remake this pic but with Aunt Praline’s full body and looking down at her niece Strawberry Shortcake and with a quote saying "Guess i really got carried away with your sweets!"?
Here's a piece of advice (not trying to be mean by the way): try to find a picture or even another artist's drawing that you like and then draw what you want to draw while using it as reference (use as many as you need but don't trace), after you're done drawing your shape try and look at it from different angles and see where it could be improved (flipping the canvas helps finding mistakes) and don't be afraid draw the face of the character, copy-pasting on top of your drawing looks off
Sorry to brother but can You give this person's request a go please >>45753.
Sorry if I came off as rude by the way, I was just giving advice
Someone already drew it but they deleted their post unfortunately >>52314
Can i see the pic please?
Probably not, I was just giving them advice on how to improve their drawing (this post >>52315) and they deleted their post with the drawing so they probably don’t want people to see it
Are you coming back?
>Circletool garbage
You remade a turd into a different but equally shitty turd, like holy shit do you not have any self-awareness?
(2.8 MB, 4500x4000, First Picture.jpg) (303 KB, 2048x2047, Second Picture.jpg)
Can someone edit the Second Picture so that the art style is the same as the First Picture?

Like, add the details from the First Picture into the Second Picture so it looks 'much better' (mainly the hair, the face, the Wii Fit logo, the details off her pants and her feet)

I would be super grateful ...
Does someone redraw/remake this one?
Thanks this perfect and even an improvement to the original.
(673 KB, 772x864, IMG_4805.png) (984 KB, 607x1282, IMG_4806.png)
Would someone remake this pic with IAT Coco?
Yes that is Marianne in her post time skip appearance in Three Houses.
This is now my fifth Marianne remake so far.
Fuck miami. Ass out for the streets hoe lmao
That’s some great work!
(32 KB, 1323x1287, 1700001754323274.png) (817 KB, 1754x2480, avachub.png) (1.4 MB, 2400x3000, 848281919.jpg)
Requesting a redraw of the first image in your style and chubby like in the second image. The girl is Ava from Ava's Demon
Didn't expect a seasonal remake here since Easter is near. GhostVa11a made this.
Ch & eph use to fuck!
Thanks this is great.
(77 KB, 1606x1278, dg8kbkg-ff0e4c8e-8862-46d7-90ff-21ce7c298c45.jpg) (104 KB, 1024x745, luna_loud_inflation__request__by_crazykat22_dbnmv2j-fullview.jpg) (49 KB, 774x1033, inflated_anne_boonchuy__lineart_fanart__by_jonwii_dci64fg-pre.jpg) (69 KB, 1606x1278, dg7bf56-51d39825-db1c-4a92-b546-f3573ea58aca.jpg) (411 KB, 1435x2567, 1699786938.rover259wild_luna_s_ballony_rock_and_roll__in_colour_.png)
Hello, anyone interested on remaking these? Very understandable if not
I want to wish a belated easter a few days ago but it was too late.
(44 KB, 238x654, IMG_8018.jpeg) (548 KB, 2728x5056, IMG_7572.png)
Can someone remake this pic but with the Netflix design of Lila Test, and have her sit on the couch while patting her belly?
pro tip: look at the filename
Nicely done man.
Big booty vibe make all the cream pies
I’m the requester Zygarde is now scrapped from appearing but I want this remake of Marianne and Mai Sakurajima together going strong.
Your passion on this remake is remarkable it's understandable why you scrapped Zygarde from appearing.
(1.2 MB, 2200x1420, marianethe6.jpg)

(sorry if it looks weird i almost feel sleep doing this)
Thanks this looks amazing.
Im not worried about him. I dont trust your family bitch. They like to steal lol
(812 KB, 4500x3000, IMG_9390.png) (1.7 MB, 5600x3000, IMG_9389.png) (147 KB, 1024x782, IMG_9391.jpeg)
I’d like to see remakes of any of these. And for a specific request, make Power Girl look a bit toned/muscular for the Harley and Power Girl one
>>58141 holy shit, that's amazing

Do you take requests?
thanks for the words yo, i appreciate them
>>58670 you sneak subliminal posting me bro? You do know I have enough money to buy 5 r8's cash right? Know your place. Remember who took your spot. Me.

No, unfortunately, but I do commissions though. My deviantart page is Poo12345678901 if you wanna check it out in detail.
Hurry up my ass is getting numb on this bench from 1932 fuck.
" holy shit knows about the first bench"

Tf are you yappin about lol
I have to finish watching tom brady roast fucking hilarious
That isnt enough. How about 5 more including that one
>>58765 im in the mood to doxx list of people from new jersey.
Keep it up.
(84 KB, 900x672, IMG_2275.jpeg) (7.8 MB, 5000x4000, IMG_2288.jpeg)
Here’s another Robot001 remake I did. Idk if i’ll do any more, running out of pics from him I think have potential
These don’t really do anything for me ngl
Small butt women.
(855 KB, 4500x3000, IMG_9627.png)
Can someone redraw this?
(1.4 MB, 1368x1049, kiriko_needs_a_doctor__pt__1__scat__belly__by_guiltyanubis_dhf05z1.png) (1.5 MB, 1504x1050, kiriko_needs_a_doctor__pt__3__alt___scat__by_guiltyanubis_dhf54qg.png) (1.7 MB, 1504x1050, kiriko_needs_a_doctor__pt__4__scat__by_guiltyanubis_dhf5554.png) (1.4 MB, 1347x1049, kiriko_needs_a_doctor__pt__2__alt___farting__by_guiltyanubis_dhf54ev.png) (1.4 MB, 1347x1049, kiriko_needs_a_doctor__pt__2__scat__farting__by_guiltyanubis_dhf06jp.png) (1.5 MB, 1504x1050, kiriko_needs_a_doctor__pt__3__scat__belly__by_guiltyanubis_dhf06wo.png)
Requesting this sequence to be redrawn so that Kiriko is very fat.
I gotta ask are you break? I ask this because you have a good art style that's if your going to return soon.
(83 KB, 1280x854, 45188671-9E03-49DC-A426-EEBAD46E6861.jpeg) (63 KB, 289x929, 640D8417-4966-4924-84FC-A6E2AF72B4A3.jpeg) (94 KB, 651x1109, 72DC871E-A647-4D6C-BC20-FB24D00C3C5D.jpeg)
Can I have a remake of the first photo Leonie is replaced with Komaru also Osana Najimi because they where smushed by both of the girls belly. This would mean Marianne wanted to get back at Najimi for what they did to Tadano back in the school festival in year one for him.
She going to end up like her mother. Single & not married.
college took away all of my horny energy yo
DrizzyPhat piece ah baxide mi ah seh mon cha. Marvelous nuh. She ah show it every rass burke
Thanks these look perfect.
(185 KB, 544x544, 0291Ninjask.png)
Looks like Najimi has become Ninjask of all things. This looks nice by the way.
Should we post LordStormCaller's art here?
(978 KB, 1767x566, mnx8y3vqqc1d1.jpeg)
Please make art combining these crappy pieces of artwork
(79 KB, 1035x772, yy9fefyr7fgb1.jpg)
Remake this terribly problematic fat art, please.
Yes season one was excellent. Nice art by the way.
why did you make a whole new thread just for that?

It was an accident.
(1.7 MB, 2272x1873, mariannethe8.jpg) (1.1 MB, 2272x1873, mariannethe8(frameless).jpg)

(man oh man i can't believe i spend 4 hours doing this anyway hope you like it and sorry if it looks weird AF i'm trying to experiment wiht my artstyle and stuff)
Thanks this is perfect. I also like the frame as well looks amazing in which fits the art very well.
(792 KB, 1133x1926, ryuko ft mako.jpg)

(quick question if i wanted to make a social media account which one should i choose? asking for a friend)
Nicely done. It really doesn't matter which social media you choose but rather it's up to you to decide that.
Nicely done. To answer your question it’s up to you too decide where you want to go for social media.
(201 KB, 1501x1125, 5FEDCF97-F06F-48FB-9440-004DC3222519.jpeg)
Can I have a remake of this Marianne art but it’s Yunaka cooking for her Marianne says she wants sweet bun trio, peach sorbet, Garreg Mach Meat pie and candied fruit which was in the first remake also she is happy and enjoying Yunaka’s cooking.
Instead of the meat pie let’s go for Saghert and Cream as the replacement.
Omg thank you so much
(287 KB, 1024x570, bellybust-80600.cover.jpg)
Character Description: A kind girl whose short stature belies a heart of gold and a tummy of honey.
Pooh-Chan is part of a group living in the 100-Acre Wood, often she is the bright and bubbly centre
of the gang, her optimism and wonderment giving her a reputation for positivity and an adventurous
spirit that usually leads the residents of the Wood on shenanigans and expeditions.

Personality: Sweet and kind, always wanting to help her friends even when it's not clear how. Prone
to sad or anxious tendencies when her plans to help friends goes wrong. Gluttonous and can come
across as greedy, especially when it comes to honey.

Likes/Dislikes: Pooh-Chan likes spending time with her friends, especially Christopher Robin and
Piglet-Kun, and tries her best to make them happy. The only thing she likes as much as her friends,
or perhaps more, is the sweet sticky taste of honey. She dislikes feeling hungry or left out, and hates
causing her friends unhappiness, particularly if it came from an attempt to brighten their day gone

Background/History: Pooh-Chan and Christopher Robin came to the forest many years ago. Pooh-Chan does not remember much from before, but she remembers they always lived in the house
under the name 'Sanders'. At first, it seemed like only they live in the woods, but over time more
escapees of reality have moved into the surrounding area, each living within their own space,
normally in homes carves into petrified trees or treehouses. Pooh-Chan remembers that Rabbit-San
was the first to move in.

Relatives/Family: Pooh-Chan has no blood relatives that she knows of, but her friends are family to
her. Pooh-Chan lives in the same house as Christopher Robin, who is like a brother to her, acting as
her moral compass, teacher and best friend.
World/Setting: The expanse of the 100-Acre Wood is in an unknown corner of the world, most
people do not know it despite being close to it. For outcasts, the Wood acts as a place to gather and
become part of a simpler time with a number of friendly faces. Though it is not obvious where the
place is, it is known that at least 8 people live within its boundary, and a small town resides not far
from its exterior.

Body: Short and chubby, Pooh-Chan can be easily recognized by her golden blonde hair which she
normally has up in a pair of fluffy pigtails. Her eyes are a bright blue and seem to sparkle with
curiosity. Pooh-Chan's figure is more bottom-heavy, giving her somewhat wide hips for her height
while her gluttony leaves a thick padding to her thighs, butt and especially her tummy.

Clothing: Pooh-Chan's traditional outfit is a pair of sunny yellow shorts that fit her hips snugly with
a bright red t-shirt that does not cover her middle properly. Her ensemble is usually paired with a
pair of long yellow socks and some sturdy brown shoes. Her clothes tend to be a little worn, ill-fitting in places and with some heavy re-stitching and some patching.

Accessories: The only real accessory Pooh-Chan has is her red headbands used to tie her hair into
(287 KB, 1024x570, bellybust-80600.cover.jpg)
Would love to see someone redraw this, but she's even bigger and triple her age. Wanna know how old said subject is? Well, here ya go. >>62650 This subject is 8, something that goes against online guidelines concerning the depiction of minors in fetish situations, and I was wondering if someone can fix that by aging her up to 24 years of age.
Yes. Exactly my friend
(487 KB, 990x698, morphat__rita_loud__mom_bod___alt__by_blubberwhale_dep765x.png) (558 KB, 1100x858, morphat__iris__record_breaking_binge__by_blubberwhale_deqbwvu.png) (464 KB, 990x698, morphat__rita_loud__mom_bod__by_blubberwhale_dep765q.png) (906 KB, 1024x1080, morphat__nancy__skunkin__the_couch__by_blubberwhale_deoejzr.png) (583 KB, 1100x858, morphat__iris__wind_breaking_binge__by_blubberwhale_deqbx89.png) (833 KB, 1024x1080, morphat__nancy__hoggin__the_couch__by_blubberwhale_deoej7f.png)
Just wanted to share them with you. Also, join my new discord server!
Well, I will spread the word.
No offense but this looks like a downgrade.
I went ahead saved this and the other Marianne remakes you made if that fine with you.
(228 KB, 1750x1000, IMG_0187.jpeg) (238 KB, 1210x1920, IMG_2342.jpeg)
Could someone redraw this but with the more correct designs from Marvel Rising
Nicely done. You going to return here soon.
(664 KB, 935x1662, mariannethe9.jpg)

(and i think this would be my final redraw for now at least mostly because mental issues and shit)
Thanks man this is perfect and get well soon.
(4.4 MB, 6122x5641, Yuna ref.jpg)
Glorious work dude! Could you try to edit the girl in the manga references into this Rias drawing by Miramiraclerun?
My guy wants to "fix" someone else's OC because he can't fap to it in good conscious lmao
this isn't the thread for that
>>64964 then which one is it, if you're so smart?
(213 KB, 748x436, birthday_suit_by_cooldeverage_dhyzoin-375w-2x.png) (416 KB, 748x512, feeling_heated_by_cooldeverage_dhmair7-375w-2x.png) (43 KB, 750x750, axiom_passenger___redraw_by_cooldeverage_dgq767r-375w-2x.jpg) (82 KB, 750x1000, love_handles_at_first_sight_by_cooldeverage_dg7zwzg-375w-2x.jpg) (54 KB, 749x716, mary_by_cooldeverage_dezpmpa-375w-2x.jpg) (139 KB, 1920x804, wall-e-disneyscreencaps.com-4605.jpg)
Can someone remake these pics so they look more like the film in question?
Nice art I was hoping too see your art again but can't due to mental issues I wish you best of luck on recovering.
(247 KB, 1024x2816, the_power_of_funnel_cake_by_hexalt_ddsboc6-fullview.jpg) (81 KB, 750x833, heavy_news_by_batspid_by_whouldyoulookatthat_di1b1n7-375w-2x.jpg) (32 KB, 750x441, mina_and_cupcakes_by_snide_and_sniff_dd3csdg-375w-2x.jpg) (54 KB, 750x507, flatcolor_commission___beach_girls_by_cuprumrus_dbb7jta-375w-2x.jpg) (106 KB, 750x750, want_a_popsicle__by_primesui_dauq593-375w-2x.jpg) (62 KB, 750x681, fatella_by_miramiraclerun_da54lqk-375w-2x.jpg)
Please remake these six pics.
Can somebody remake it, please?
(308 KB, 664x810, nami&robin.jpg)
yo what's the deal with robot001 and those big ass sandwiches? its some kind of american joke or something?
Nicely done and welcome back.
Love the remake!
Nice and are you going to make another Marianne remake soon.
This is nice and an excellent start for your art.
I think we have no one doing remakes I asked the person who did most of the requests and said " I highly doubt it yo. ” I believe.
Ha. Cry all want because that artist isn't coming back for you and anyone else he made art for.
(312 KB, 202x200, 200.gif)
You should say goodbye too >>66642 forever since he doesn't want to do anything for you and the others for good?!?!

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