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I’ll share a comm I got about 2012 April. I definitely have more about her lol.

(Not the artist only a commissioner)
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A old comm I got from Da-Fuze
See if there's any fat art of Mutant Mayhem April.
There's one or two but she's such an ugly turd that even the woke can't find an interest in her.
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mutant mayhem april is cute as fuck when drawn in the right style, it's just that nobody's supposed to actually be hot in the art style for mutant mayhem lmao
You're fucking weird, shut the fuck up
(140 KB, 1280x1600, aprilrules.jpg)
You have my permission to be triggered like the emotionally vulnerable faggot that you are, but you must pay a thread tax.
You're fucking weird, shut the fuck up [2]
Good shit man, way to dunk on that high schooler. You sure showed him!!
(170 KB, 1280x1600, april.jpg)
Damn right brother, it's my societal obligation to slap the shit out of those filthy zoomers lest they breech their goon containment thread. Little fuckers are forsaken by God himself.

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