
>5/6 Images posted are furry

Go the fuck back to your own board with this useless thread.

I also see you spammed this in the BBWDraw board too.
Get some manners and go to twitter , kid
Don't straight being an asshole
>Broken grammar
>"Wahhhhhh, stop being mean to people on the Internet wahhhhhh"
Pretty sure the only kid here is you. Now you better shut the fuck up and sit down because anon is right to complain, furry content is straight up banned on draw and there's never any justifiably good reason to produce majority anthro content threads on alt when there's a dedicated furry board ffs.
this person has a style so fucking ugly that i downloaded a browser extension exclusively to hide their garbage
The fact they talking shit like that is gonna make this whole thread looking like a retard twitter
Now go back to kindergarten
So please cope the fuck up and move on , mister 4chan
Do you think he butchered the English language so bad because he's a tiggered retard, underage, or is a dirty foreigner? Either way the artist is garbage.

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