
(101 KB, 1200x781, FpWxyfNWYAAhEVA1.jpg) (240 KB, 2048x1748, Fbw9UYtVQAAut9h1.jpg) (3.4 MB, 2955x2532, it_seems_she_to_be_stuck_there_by_presiart_dfaii1n.jpg) (6.6 MB, 3297x2733, captured__by_newt7n_df1txcq.png)
Since the old thread seems to have already been lost to time. Might as well restart it anew.

Post art of massive blob-sized girls filling up entire rooms or containers.

"Containers" can refer to anything that can be used to contain things inside of it. ex: bottles, bowls, bags, boxes, pipes, bathtubs, swimming pools, etc. As long as said container is being filled up by cute blob-sized girls, it counts.

Blob-sized girls filling up small entryways or tight spaces in general with their blubber also technically counts.

Vore is also allowed, as long the they're filling up a room or container with their mass (just be sure to spoiler tag it and refer to it involving vore).
>>43017 (OP)
What about blobs that are too big to the point of being sent into space, like those Samus Aran drawings of her being the size of a planet?
What part of room-filling flew over your head?
(98 KB, 1011x595, 0qVa_gOaFxA.jpg)
I drew it a few months ago just for fun
This looks good, you should draw some more
oops, pt 2 and 3 posted out of order for some reason
Are you incapable of reading file names?
Source for the last one?
not gonna let this fall off
Saving bump
I mean the death threats is part of the reason I want the job. I love excitement lmao
You’ve been Bumped
Source for second pic?
Sauce for the 3rd pic of >>44339 ?
The pic here is low-res, an I just plain want to find the artist, that massive ma'am is GORGEOUS!
>>47594 Also, sauce for the third one?
You just got Bumped

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