
(185 KB, 1366x768, media_E1bRjjIVgAME5fj.jpg)
A thread for all the fictional half pint porkers, wide beyond their years. The place you post at when a series has too few pictures to start a thread with; this includes video games and all other things, though we shall respect the sovereignty of the western and slob threads.

Thread question: Has there ever been a loli you wanted to fatten out of spite?
Their pixiv is called 旧型
Not too many Lolis or anything, but some nice general lewds nonetheless
Think of a character that annoys you to the point that while you might think they're cute as hell, their abrasive personality causes your brain to think of her fattening up to make her miserable before the thought of fattening her up out of affection or lust has a chance.
(848 KB, 1374x2047, commmitsu.png)
I'm reposting my Mistuba i put on the last theard cause we need more of this adorable chonky loli.

I'm not too familiar with anime in general, where do you watch this one ?
Nowhere, at least not legally I don't think
Had to sail the seas to watch it
(562 KB, 1284x720, vlcsnap-2010-09-12-18h52m53s249.png)
Yeah ... that's what i thought, unfortunately.
Apparently it was on cruchyroll at some point. I guess i just have to stick with dragon maid to have fluffy loli for now.
>>41790 (OP)
I still would like to know which anime this was screenshot from
Mitsudomoe was a hit in the west but the Japs inherent tasteless nature left it with only two seasons.

Are you in for a rude awakening short of the few times where she acts like a big sister.

>Maid Dragon
The butchering they gave that translation was like they were demanding the Jolly Roger get shoved up their ass.

For the life of me I can’t remember the artist name who made the last three, please tell name
(1.5 MB, 2067x1447, 86361288_p0.jpeg)
Reminders to anyone suffering from debilitating coomerism, only masturbate in healthy dosages! You wouldn't want to make your loli waifu grossed out, would you? Now, go eat your veggies, do exercise, and make yourself buff enough to effortlessly carry your loli even if she reaches 200kg
(269 KB, 997x893, F4Hf_1KXgAAUIS8.jfif)
Imagine sitting on the couch watching TV with your chubby loli on your laps, if she falls asleep and you are not strong enough to lift her and carry her then how are gonna take her to her bed without waking her up ?
This is clearly the best reason to exercice.
omg yes! I'm kind of curious, what anime would you suggest for someone still new to lolis lol I need more!
Who’s the artist >>41795
I Am Once Again Asking for Expanded Loli Edelgard
Has anyone made any good fat loli chatbots?
(5.2 MB, 3779x2880, IMG_1849.png)
I love eishiban work
Yeah exactly, if there's no precedent for it, then we shouldn't exactly expect it.
(Btw, Source for that last image?)
>>41790 (OP)
>Fatten out of spite
Far too many to count, but Anya, Kanna, and Hat Kid are my top three
>>41790 (OP)
are there even any weight gain games featuring lolis?
i know "a piece of cake" has it as an option, but its a side thing at best.
To my knowledge there isn't any games like that.
I tried making some small fetishy game before but without much results, if i was good at it i would be interested in making one. Rn what do you think would make a good weight gain game with lolis ?
> if there's no precedent for it
But there is one, the fact Edelgard has the second biggest sweet tooth after Lysithea who is categorized as 'Eats Sweets' the character and who even personally fantasizes about just having a day where she does nothing but do such
I have plans for a Loli WG themed VN with a group of feeder mothers, but I'm not super serious about it and it's just a concept at best. My coding is more on the amateurish side so if I were to end up seriously making it I would probably use one of those VN maker softwares. Plus, it would probably be super short lest it becomes like 99% of every other WIP VN that is in development hell for a decade.
Personnaly, if i had to make a WG game with lolis it would be some sort of mini game or smth. Like, i enjoy VN but i'd rather have an actual game, or maybe a simulator where you take care of a loli, that could be interesting too.
maybe a sort of life sim in rpgmaker?
>most of your time is spent at home and around the neighborhood
>get into trouble around the town looking for snacks, make bets with other kids for food money, sneak out to the restaurant to buy extra food...
>you have to retain some hunger for home meals, otherwise you get in trouble for not eating and are restricted to the house for a day.
>difficulty would be parental strictness, the more strict your parents are the harder it is to find opportunities to gain and the more they will clamp down on any gaining that happens. scales from being able to do whatever whenever to having a strict schedule to follow.
>random family vacations may happen. providing more or less opportunities to indulge than normal.
It's not a bad idea but i dunno about it. You rarely get anything visually interesting out of rpgmaker, i also prefer the idea i had here >>42114 just because i'd rather have a loli to feed and give belly rubs than actually playing as the loli.
Ah, vendetta fueled spite.

Is that the Gerudo loli? Her stuff is so rare I haven't seen any ragers against her fattening.

I think that one Japanese game where you're maintaining a store has one or two but the weight gain is just text and numbers.

It's the lolification that's in question.

Isn't the reason they all crash because they're stuck to too many people and if anyone one of them leaves it's spells doom?

A fantasy RPG that actually takes itself seriously instead of most of the script being jokes, puns, and references, and with characters that aren't egotistical twats.
>It's the lolification that's in question.
Again there's a precedence. We see art and even have an in game model of Edelgard at age 12ish
(382 KB, 1582x2048, purah_by_mushroomdogo_dg071tw.jpg)
>Is that the Gerudo loli?
No. You may know Purah as "That one really popular waifu back in may." She's Impa's sister (So, Canonically 100+) who accidentally did some age reversal shenanigans. In Tears of the Kingdom she mastered it so that's why in that game she's a sexy 20 year old, but in Breath of the Wild she's stuck around 5 I think. Even non lolicons drew fats of her loli form back in 2017, but I think it's safe to say that now that she has two seperate aged up designs that barely anyone is going to draw her loli form anymore.
That being said, some more stuff the Gerudo loli would be cool. Though, like Purah, I'm pretty sure if we ever get more content of her then it would be her aged up Tears of the Kingdom design.
Now that's something to go on but why hasn't anyone linked an official picture of it?

>who accidentally did some age reversal shenanigans
That seems to be on the uptick with the Japs lately. I always thought that design was them going the short granny route, not actual youth.
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The official Japanese term for a character who exhibits the physical appearance of a loli, but in actuality is in fact much MUCH older then they appear to be is a "lolibaba" (ロリババア).

Think of it kind of like a similar situation to Tsunade from Naruto, except with the appearance of a loli instead, that's a lolibaba.

BotW Purah definitely qualifies as a lolibaba, as well as the other characters in this post.

Actually quite a fair amount of female yokai, demihumans and goddesses in various Japanese manga, anime and games perfectly embody this term.
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I know what a lolibaba is; the white hair, sleepy face and glasses, makes her look like she old Japanese gag of people shriveling up into midgets when they're old. That all being said, I don't see someone reverted into their youth by magic or science as true lolibaba's since their bodies aren't actually old, though my stance might change depending on how a character acts.

>female yokai, demihumans and goddesses
The gods and the dead should never count; they're timeless beings and rotting corpes and intangible spirits out of times reach.
fair enough. my line of thought is that what RPGmaker lacks in visuals, it makes up for in ease of use and stock assets
you could use community made tall sprites for adults while using the default RPGmaker size for children, a bunch of weight sizes exist for both tall and short sprites within the weight gain community, so the options are there. beyond that how visually interesting the game is would depend on who's making it, you can display images onscreen at any time for regular artwork. if the dev isnt an artist, more work will have to be put in descriptions and scenarios.
but if you ask me RPGmaker games are far superior than alternatives when it comes to setting up many good scenarios and weaving them together into an extremely erotic experience due to its ease of use.
maybe i'll make something with the idea, but i am working on another project at the moment so if i do i wont be putting too much time into it.
(507 KB, 1770x2500, media_F3-6Vw6bgAA6ZiG.jpg) (215 KB, 1286x1502, media_F3pVnnJbMAAIVwx.jpg)
RPGMaker games are absolutely worthless if you don't know how to make sprites or aren't the type to take to the high seas, with how absolutely barebones it is for software that prides itself on being easy to pick up and use; it'd be better for people who don't know how to program, sprite, or draw, to just use try and make a text adventure.
(119 KB, 1000x1250, 101212942_p0.jpg) (87 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg)
I'd be interested in drawing stuff for a weight gain game with loli, but i'm not interested in RPGmaker. You can't make anything that really stands out from the rest with it and, personally, i don't really care about scenario or story.
I care more about the game being fun and looking good than it having a good story. If you want a good scenario so much you'd rather make a VN because RPGmaker offer almost nothing gameplay wise.
well if someone is willing to do art then alright, sure. i can do another engine. id be able to borrow from my other project for some systems.
but a general overview of my idea
>top down loli WG lifesim
>takes place throughout a regular fantasy neighborhood, the immediate surrounding forest, and a few restaurants on the outskirts of town
>daily activities involve the other kids in town, most activities have an attached minigame
>the rewards for most activities are money or food, money can then be spent on restaurants around town.
>weight changes what you can and cant do. dont expect to be able to be able to play around on the jungle gym at higher weights, but on the flip side some back-street "competitions" are held from time to time featuring the town's lolis. being bigger and greedier would be beneficial.
>if you want to do art for it, other lolis would also have their own gaining routes
>the player loli's parents are a limiting factor based on the selected difficulty.
>on easy they wont really care what you do, meals become bigger as the player loli's weight rises, they really only expect you to eat whats on your plate and get home to sleep on time. they also wont care about your weight
>on medium they will have some restrictions. you have to be home before dark, meals stay the same throughout your gain, and you have to come home for lunch. they will care about weight, but wont actively try to slow it down. only changing the food in the house.
>on hard they will be very restrictive. you have to be home before an early curfew, meals will get smaller as you gain, and you need to come home twice. they will try to actively impede weight gain all throughout the game. snacks will be confiscated when entering the house and money may be taken as well in response to drastic changes in weight.
>time advances based on your actions, so there is no rush.
>breaking the parents rules results in getting into trouble, being forced to stay in the house for a day. trying to eat what you can from the inside.
>but random events also revolve around the parents, for example they may go out of town for a few days or take you on a fattening vacation.
>core stats unrelated to weight and fullness are "charm", "smugness", "greed", and "stamina"
>charm is how cute your loli is, rises with weight and makes it easier to get what you want from adults.
>smugness is sort of like intimidation, it makes it easier to get what you want from other kids
>greed is how much the loli is looking to stuff things into her gut.
>stamina is just stamina, unaffected by things at first. but as weight rises it will start to go down from certain actions.
(327 KB, 1625x737, puffy_kanna_by_purrine_db02x3z.png)
Right, that idea. I did say that i would prefer a game where you aren't playing as the loli, but whatever.
This seems like quite a big project, i wonder what exactly you have in mind for the visual, i'm admittedly not great with everything, like drawing environment for example.

So, yeah, i'm interested in seeing what i could do for this, i'm just not sure i could take care of everything.
>Princess Maker is right there untouched
>Nyaggers be like "Hmm yes I think I will make an action-adventure souls-like rogue-like with procedural generation and rpg mechanics"
You are complicating your life for no reason whatsoever
(98 KB, 1280x1059, 123.jpg)
Sorry for asking, I was wondering if you do. That's all. My bad. Can you tell where I can find this western loli thread plz?
anything really, but i guess i like slice of life, fantasy, adventure, that sort of stuff as long as there's cute lolis <3
omg all of these are so good <3 i especially love the Nezuko, Anya, and Frisk ones. I love seeing such small lolis get turned into big sweaty messes like that, crying as they eat more. I need more like those!
(68 KB, 324x395, smalka.png)
I made a quick tiny chubby chibi Kanna. It's fun to do, i might make more
Anyone got good content of Rebecca from OG YGO?
done anyone have some of mintrimo's stuff?
Very cute, thanks!
(6.1 MB, 2386x3078, 90827544_p0.png) (952 KB, 2152x1862, 105555229_p0.jpg)
What cool art! Wouldn't it be crazy if the artist had an alt account where they drew morbidly obese lolis.

Oh wait
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Does anyone know who made these? I can't find who made them.
(546 KB, 1164x765, smalkaall.png)
I wish chubby Kanna could be more common. She's too cute not to be fatten up.
(497 KB, 1078x1107, T2.png) (458 KB, 950x1108, T-01.png) (528 KB, 1075x1231, T5.png)
Do you post your stuff anywhere else? I need a name to associate these really cute drawings with!
For those sketches, i only posted those Kannas >>42894 on my DA, look up micka-mario. Other than those, i don't really post loli anywhere that isn't here or on discord.
Damn who made this one its great
KevabWTF on pixiv
I’m assuming you’re the on that made these, do you post your works anywhere?
lamosca99 on DA, though i rarely do loli stuff and don't post it in there, only through discord or here
More Eri please?
Season 3 of Date a Live. trace.moe is your friend.
love this! I love their cute little burps, and their round bellies 😍

This came out great! She's so cute

love hat kid! so cute!

That Nezuko one is so good! 😍 She's turned into such a fat mess
anyone have the image of slightly chubby klee and quqi together?
(637 KB, 1006x1188, kannahold.png)
I made a new Kanna pic
No, its this guy that makes really good Chatbots. Or maybe its both idk
If I recall, this looks like the OC of Itaneto on one of their old accounts.
(202 KB, 360x360, Bane.png)
Speak of the devil and he shall appear. I'll link the original loli bot in question since it's relevant to this thread. I had to make a new version on Beta Character AI since an anon asked if I could change the name but it broke the bot in question (at least on my end).
Beta Character AI: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=gSsFc1_pY4DQdtYwxuKMn2Z3xNb9TDxbn6HLJ5AWeLM
Spicychat: https://spicychat.ai/chat/c84bc327-2720-4609-8489-788559d7626f
I also found out that "loli" and "bondage" are both banned on pastebin but for some reason "shota" is not.
>cramming in descriptions of everything but the action.

You'd never survive trying to read the LN. But if you want to just skip to a body description, there's one at the start of chapter .
Great read anon, descriptions are top notch and the art is the icing on the cake.
I hope we get more content with her if season 2 ever comes out.
(95 KB, 866x707, 08552d4bb65c8f388ea1c2a59f001de4bfca1340f5892f36d6110178195b36e4.jpg)
My contempt for Light Novels keeps me from touching them but said contempt has nothing to do with descriptions. With fat fics, you need to have descriptions about the subjects growth beyond small things like "rounded cheeks", something about the covers revealing the girth of her belly, and "patting the upper flesh of her belly"; hearing how their body unfolds is just as important as how the story unfolds in this stuff. Unless that's just a failing of the first chapter that's corrected in the later chapters, you might as well read the actual novels and use your imagination to twist those.

Think the only Kadokawa heavy hitters still going with new stuff are Konosuba getting a third season and Overlord getting a movie that isn't just reran episodes with extra stuff added to them.
Again, the story uses a fair bit of set-up before getting to the dirty deats of Tanya’s fat. I recommend chapter 4 if you just want to skip ahead to it.

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed seeing this softer version of Tanya! A season two was announced a bit ago, but no news in its development has come out since.
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I know not everyone likes Sumo but i doubt i could put this in that thread. Anyways enjoy.
(941 KB, 654x924, Imagine.png)
Ok, but imagine this ad but the daughter is the feedee to her mom and dad and is morbidly obese 😳
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Up to season 2 of Mitsudomoe and something tells me someone clearly has a thing for loli chubs...Not even halfway through the season and I feel like I've heard the "Mitsuba's a fatty!" jokes twice as much as Season 1
And I certainly am not complaining
Japan if it didn’t have a culture of being really skinny and McDonalds pushed itself as hard as it did in America
eventually they will succumb, katsu curry and american piggu food too good...
(202 KB, 674x851, bWVkaWEvRjV6aEJ3RGEwQUUweWZ0LnBuZw==.png) (241 KB, 653x853, bWVkaWEvRjV6azdCVWJjQUFIdzh5LnBuZw==.png) (241 KB, 653x853, bWVkaWEvRjV6azdCVWJjQUFIdzh5LnBuZw==.png) (145 KB, 545x846, bWVkaWEvRjU1S09KUWFnQUVCQmtkLnBuZw==.png) (136 KB, 657x815, bWVkaWEvRjU1S1EtZmFFQUExejRRLnBuZw==.png)
>Fuck ton of oppai loli artists, flat out loli hentai, and simply lewd lolis
>Artist only starts getting suspended when he finds himself falling into fat loli butts
Cursed gluts just in time for the season of the witch.

>i doubt
Your doubts are worthless; it's sumo, it can go in the sumo thread. It's only a question when boards are involved.

Was the only reason they're gingers because of Ronald?

Just loli Cartman. Didn't all the triplets get their traits amped up? Would've been great if it had a third season where Mitsuba's big one got tacted onto Hitoha and Futaba because the class was wondering if it's an eventuality because of their family.

I wanna say I feel sorry for anyone who fattens themselves up off of the muck that is McDonalds but foreign chains have actual standards.

Dunno about that; feels like it and KFC are pushing themselves a lot more than they are here.

Not an edit.

This guys stuff makes it hard to tell if they're shotas or lolis.
Who even made these cause I can’t even tell what’s the name of the artist
(2.9 MB, 3024x4032, 112083896_p0.jpg) (3.0 MB, 3024x4032, 112083896_p1.jpg)
Forgive me if these were posted here before. Randomly stumbled across some thick Maiddragon lolis
cute, everyones so happy.
Onomichi97 on Twitter
Surprising nobody Twitter Freaks bullied RQR into deleting this picture. Even said he cried himself to sleep.
We live in a society. It's to be expected sadly. I will say, I am positively surprised at the amount of positive reception it got both before and after it was deleted by people that normally hide the fact that they are lolicons.
(2.5 MB, 286x258, 1649962924536.gif)
Fathers sweating face makes me think the daughter may be crushing his legs.

Looks like Sugisaki finally lost it and went full Saikawa.

No, I'm surprised Twatter gave a damn with how much the nuts hated the commercial but I'm not surprised at how weak the artist is; just something about still eating up some of the worst entertainment the west has to offer that just speaks of fragility.
I want to say it was Gelatingent when he went by a different name (I think it started with M?) and rebrand but I'm unsure. I've only known of this art's existence because of threads like these.

Loves the alliteration I guess.
(74 KB, 700x796, 1995254_p0.jpg)
Mister Man.

Hey, beyond the triplets, were there any characters that you really wanted to see fattened up in Mitsudomoe?
(1.7 MB, 2052x1180, Screen Shot 2023-09-30 at 3.45.40 pm.png)
Pudgy Loli POV

Miku Sugisaki would be the perfect irony. Considering how much she whines about Mitsuba being a pig, it'd be funny if she were the actual fat one.
Miyashita's cute too. She a tall loli.
Sauce? Is this real or an edit?
Anybody knows who made this??
Got pressured into deleting it off of Twitter, and then DeviantArt by extension. But, sneakily put it onto Pixiv instead.
Damn that’s sad bro
Respect is the last this this entire fetish "community" has.
Pretty sure that's the mom, the kid has a white and yellow shirt.
I can't seem to find these on Suity_Nosh59. Is there anywhere to see them?
FFANumber5's influence on the community has been nothing short of disasterous. Along with the state of California.
What has FFANumber5 done?
Who got Paimon pics?
I assume inability to differentiate reality and pieces of paper
They were a big outcrier in the fat fetish community against characters under the age of 18 being done in fat art. Even was one of the ones to convince Jeetdoh to step down for a while.
(180 KB, 579x819, media_EssFq-OU4AAt-jo.jpg) (308 KB, 595x842, media_EqXB_IoVoAEykgP.png) (165 KB, 850x1348, media_EimiLoCU4AUyefY.jpg)
>Miku Sugisaki would be the perfect irony
Would it even when everything she does just makes it look like she's tsundere for Mitsuba and all the luggage that comes with her?

If Miyashita wasn't so obsessed with making friends, she'd be the only normal girl in the entire classroom instead of someone who tends to ends up in situations where she looks like a spaz. She's my favorite but I could never think of a proper way that she'd end up fat with canon unlike everyone else.

I'd sooner blame the establishment and all its machinations than Commiefornia.

Genshin players went so hard into fattening their favorite characters that they ran through all their emergency rations and left the species extinct.

Naaaaah, it's far worse than that, she was the one who kicked off the massive witch hunt for anything under 18 and scared all the spineless artists and writers into hypocrisy.
More Tanya mate, the art is top tier
(1.0 MB, 3000x4000, 20231001_220807.jpg)
Kurocraze-s made this and, I'm actually surprised as this is there first ever fat loli character they drew I think?
May be mis-remembering, but I want to say Kurokaze drew a fat Kanna in one of those Dragon Maid group pics ages ago. May be a false memory though.
These are really great
(158 KB, 1024x768, fat_pokemon_girls_by_kurocaze.jpg) (121 KB, 774x1033, lisia_and_may_by_kurocaze.jpg) (162 KB, 767x1041, nikutower12_by_kurocaze.jpg) (99 KB, 1024x780, commission_179_3_by_kurocaze.jpg) (564 KB, 1000x1018, commission_245_1_by_kurocaze_s_dcu90b5.jpg) (123 KB, 1024x750, sao_by_kurocaze.jpg)
If only the mango looked as soft as the anime. Got anything you're looking at for your next anime for loli hunting?

How come everyone forgets Pokemon when it comes to this stuff? Is it just that obvious that everyone just looks past it?
> Is it just that obvious that everyone just looks past it?
>Got anything you're looking at for your next anime for loli hunting?
I'm not exactly "Loli hunting". I wouldn't mind watching a loli anime, especially if it's a rare "loli fanservice/ecchi" anime, but it's not exactly a priority. Closest thing is I plan to finally watch YuruYuri sometime soon. Probably not the next anime I'm watching though. Loli stuff isn't the only stuff I watch, as good as it is.
(1.2 MB, 1185x1000, commission_274_4_by_kurocaze_s_dd1mxfv.jpg) (1.0 MB, 1499x1050, request_illustration16_by_kurocaze_s_d9cubbu.jpg) (114 KB, 1024x663, love_live__by_kurocaze.jpg) (118 KB, 764x1045, nikutower_by_kurocaze.jpg) (163 KB, 708x1129, niku_tower10_by_kurocaze.jpg) (163 KB, 712x1123, commission_133_by_kurocaze.jpg)
His fatal flaw is that he can't really make much variance in body types so all his characters end up with a swell of cleavage.
Kuro drew a 5/6-part WG sequence of rem (alt timeline where se marries subaru), where she has 2 daughters and they get fat alongside her

Also as >>44947 says, technically a lot of the pokegirls he's drawn are underage, but they barely register as such in the collective view
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Here's the comic that involves Kanna.

If only the situation was as funny as everyone ignoring the fact current Smash Bros Zelda is from the timeline where Zelda is still a loli since it's the same one where Link's running around as a shota.

>Loli stuff isn't the only stuff I watch, as good as it is
You'd be starved of entertainment if that was the case.
Do you have any proof she started it?
(374 KB, 1191x1820, bWVkaWEvRjRFYkowcGJjQUF0akZLLmpwZw==.jpg) (354 KB, 1114x1820, bWVkaWEvRjRFYkowN2F3QUFyblctLmpwZw==.jpg) (329 KB, 1201x1820, bWVkaWEvRjRFYkowM2FNQUFRYWFXLmpwZw==.jpg) (1.0 MB, 1559x1228, 87470081_p0.jpg) (1.4 MB, 2826x3750, de289yx-8002cabb-8862-480b-95a7.jpg) (626 KB, 1040x1169, 73398902_p0.jpg)
None; all I can say is that a while back in /bbwdraw/ people looked at the whole thing and traced it back to her having used Ridiculous Cakes infamous moment of being a spaz, to start a crusade.
Do you still have the post she made? A̶n̶d̶ ̶s̶o̶m̶e̶ ̶f̶a̶t̶ ̶P̶a̶i̶m̶o̶n̶ ̶w̶h̶i̶l̶e̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶'̶r̶e̶ ̶a̶t̶ ̶i̶t̶?̶
From what I remember from her at the time, it's wasn't really one specific post, but rather a multitude of posts that flooded her account with endless whingeing about underage art like she was some kind of authority for a community she wasn't welcome in. She's sort of quieted down on that sort of stuff since she had that post about her boyfriend stopped being into gaining and she proceeded to cry about it and how the sex wasn't the same and that it was so terrible that she couldn't ruin her boyfriend's quality of life for her kink. Her kind are a dime a dozen nowadays. Complaining about the morals of drawings while being into arguably more morally dubious things themselves.
(162 KB, 1372x1980, bWVkaWEvRjdmNGwzbmFrQUFLeHdILmpwZw==.jpeg) (537 KB, 2914x4096, bWVkaWEvRjdJZjFGbFcwQUFCQlVSLmpwZw==.jpeg) (692 KB, 2931x3600, bWVkaWEvRjV4ZC1lOWE4QUFHWTBlLmpwZw==.jpeg) (686 KB, 2931x3600, bWVkaWEvRjV4ZF9kOWJJQUFTellhLmpwZw==.jpeg) (823 KB, 2931x3600, bWVkaWEvRjV4ZUFoSWE4QUFJOVgwLmpwZw==.jpeg) (813 KB, 2931x3600, bWVkaWEvRjV4ZUI1c2FnQUFLWEpPLmpwZw==.jpeg)
>she had that post about her boyfriend stopped being into gaining and she proceeded to cry about it and how the sex wasn't the same and that it was so terrible that she couldn't ruin her boyfriend's quality of life
I wouldn't have given a shit before she not only created the schism over the age of fictional beings, she severely upped the ante by going well beyond loli because if I remember correctly, he was old enough to know if he wanted to risk it for booty or not.
Please compile all the info you have, that bitch is an insufferable cunt and needs to be exposed. Christ, there is nothing more cancerous to any online community/sphere than a spoiled libshit woman hellbent on making everyone as bitter as she is.

The silver lining is that she's on the edge of genuine poorfagdom and her few remaining simps can't offset her terrible financial desicions.
(788 KB, 850x850, mirakurun_by_miramiraclerun_da9gq1m.png) (389 KB, 2272x2764, https _pbs.twimg.com_media_EYLmbk7U8AA3qV8.png) (168 KB, 1278x1092, EAiYG9yU4AA4k4k.jpg) (500 KB, 2653x3151, https _pbs.twimg.com_media_DPzEaqSUIAAx90c.jpg) (325 KB, 800x800, EN_1Xf9VUAArJrE.png) (1.7 MB, 1024x879, _commission_abbigail_williams_went_to_flavortown_by_haxxstra.png)
>needs to be exposed
She's already been exposed; why do you think you never see threads for her art and her art rarely gets posted? At this point the only people left who'd care would be the people who flat out don't care and just want her art and people with the same mindset as her.
Exposed in a type of summary you'd see on kiwifarms, something that would get any layman up to speed. Remember, its not about just humiliating the cunt for her behavior, its keeping the others inline by showing them what will happen if they think its still the summer of love.
(79 KB, 600x600, 1626898487463.jpg)
>its not about just humiliating the cunt for her behavior, its keeping the others inline by showing them what will happen if they think its still the summer of love
>Still having faith in expansion
The only real way to destroy an artists income is getting evidence they're shit with commissions because almost everyone are mindless consumers who will even go as low as praise bad art and ask for a rougher fuck from the artist that's screwing them.

At this point its not a big surprise that anyone whos extremely anit-loli or "underage" fictional characters end up being immoral pieces of shits or the certain P word that they love to accuse others of being.

It also basically boils down to power and control with people like her, they WANT to be the ones to dictate what artist are allowed and not allowed to draw, and if someone draws or says something they don't like, they'll have no problem orstricizing that person from the community
(454 KB, 1131x800, dfgfdgdf.png)
Considering she's been posting the same niche characters over and over compared to the variety that even someone like solitary scribbles has, yeah her comm pool has dried up just as quickly as her snatch.

A scant few token mindless orbiters are one thing but you're fooling yourself if you think she's even remotely well off from her commission work.
(315 KB, 1980x1929, media_F7lZWGwbMAAHiXi.jpg) (103 KB, 1471x1342, media_FwCZKejXwAET4hA.jpg)
>Considering she's been posting the same niche characters over and over
It's entirely possible if she got a whale or two into a niche or crappy series, just look at the autism of Debulover; it only really depends on how much she puts out or if she's the same as Saxxon and makes a massive backlog that leaves people waiting for years.

Not a loli. I don't think I've ever seen Kato Hayabusa do one either.
Possible but highly unlikely considering how desperate she was to rebrand just a short while ago; all artists are stubborn fucks and lonely women especially so. She would never change her tune unless her bottom line had been drastically effected.
ohhhhhhhh, thats why art quality has been down since 2020 and i keep seeing artists use their age as a personality quirk
And why so many stories are 'UHM THEY'RE 18+ OKAY!?' even if they're still legal age in majority of the states (something most of these commiefornians or dicksuckers of the state forget)
It's created kind of a weird disconnect in "Teh commmmmunity".
What it used to be: Artists who would occasionally draw Loli, and artists who don't draw loli but don't get mad at artists who do

What it is now: Artists who don't draw loli, but do get mad at artists who do.
Artists who draw loli, but only secretly and put up the facade of being against it.
Artists who exclusively draw loli, but get abandoned by their peers because they don't want to be associated with loli, whether they hate it or otherwise.
Shame the artist that made the pic you posted deleted his twitter and his pixiv is missing his most recent pieces.
I think you guys are over thinking everything. No one gives a shit and the moment some loud mouthed fucker does you just check their likes and see kingdom hearts porn. If these folks really care that much about age then why are their likes filled with "underage fictional characters." It's always a facade. All I feel when I see someone start shit is "OK but what are you hiding/making up for." Lol
I wanna take care of a 980lb brat
Pretty sure he made a new Pixiv with newer stuff
i like the girl in the glasses in the 1st image
shes so cute
Dumnezeu a murit. Dumnezeu rămâne mort. Și noi l-am ucis. Cum să ne consolăm noi, ucigașii ucigașilor? Cel mai sfânt și mai puternic din tot ce-a avut lumea până acum și-a pierdut sângele sub cuțitele noastre - cine ne spală de acest sânge? Cu ce apă ne-am putea curăța? Ce ispășiri, ce jocuri sfinte va trebuie să inventăm? Nu este oare dimensiunea acestei fapte prea mare pentru noi? Nu trebuie să devenim noi înșine zei pentru a părea cel puțin demni de ea?
(53 KB, 1000x902, c73e25c153840afb64d54d140a798d36161e262d6cffe7759800938c017ea333.webp) (201 KB, 1377x902, 1701644e32f3ee74c84c8fc67274fd8d4f38c91aebf7a0b3beb673d002553917.png) (27 KB, 730x425, aa47c3f4389c78c493a8444b6b4b233704fc8bf2beb47affe1917079355ac274.png) (26 KB, 730x425, deebb35d80cfb42c147c2f0a9429219daf29f259c5024806c9bd403ae8571c61.png)
I thought I was done with lolis but I keep coming back 😵🥵 not sure where to ask this but does anyone have any recommendations for anime to fall deeper into lolis? I'll take any recommendations really, I just want anime that you think would help me fall deeper into them

love these pics below btw especially the last two
(688 KB, 1332x1091, c0fcf7d867f3859754578242f98827e9e4b7dddf5da914c4ae33eefce14da405.png) (465 KB, 1000x1264, media_F7_SUEsbsAA9vMf.jpg) (773 KB, 2882x1277, media_F8LXM6ZbUAEBYzR.jpg) (578 KB, 853x480, Porky Tsumugi.png) (329 KB, 1100x1676, Kluke.png) (191 KB, 880x1181, 16119899_p0.jpg)
Somewhere out there sacrificed an entire towns worth of whores to whatever god reigns over lolis; that's the only way I can see a Dragon Ball series where they take one of the things I heard people hated about GT and spread it to everyone else, so now we have loli Bulma and Android 18, and also the return of loli Chichi (imagine her trying on her battle armor and finding the age regression wasn't temporal but just genetic so the extra bit of weight past her bodies normal, stuck around and is bulging and drooping over her old custom armor.

The second pictures best part isn't Kanna's bulbous belly, it's the expression she has on her face when asked about Saikawa.

Strawberry Marshmallow
I haven't seen Idol Master Cinderella Girls U149 yet but caused a large spike in idol loli pics.
Mitsudomoe if you haven't already.
I think many people swear by Prisma Illya.
Yuru Yuri and Wataten if you are partial to loli yuri.
I wanna suggest Black Bullet but nothing gets concluded, even if it has a horde of cute lolis (them getting stuck suffering might be also may be a turn off).
I'm gonna have to actually dig shit from the back of my brain since I've been completely focused on mangas which I'd highly suggest Maou-sama Retry because they cheaped the fuck out on the anime.
I don't think I've seen any of those, but I'm gonna see if I can find any of them, tysm! I haven't really seen loli anime so I really want to find more to really fall so deep into them.

Love those pics btw, espcially 4 and 6 ♥
(467 KB, 853x480, Sumogi.png) (447 KB, 1428x2048, D0Kl9_3UwAA80mw.jpg) (2.0 MB, 1378x1381, 76733510_p0.png) (37 KB, 627x744, Dua-3OFUcAAv6gW.jpg) (721 KB, 717x1012, 74625244_p1.jpg) (491 KB, 2000x2654, fate_kalorie_liner_pudgy_illya_by_hypnagogum_d8zekuh.jpg)
Screencap from an episode of Sweetness & Lightening where she stuffed herself. Nothing was shown during that part of the episode but they showed results in the eyecatch.

>I haven't really seen loli anime so I really want to find more
You really need to find out what what has your interest when it comes to loli so that you can pin down the best route for you. Do you want something innocent and cute that's comfy to watch and shows you're more likely to want to fatten up a loli because it makes them cuter and you can't help yourself from doting on them too much and jumping at the chance for a hug sinking your arms into them out of happiness or do you find yourself far more interested in series like Kodomo no Jikan and Ryuuou no Oshigoto where the loli actively tries to get the main guy so you'd likely be more interested in fattening up the loli because you find it sexier and would jump at the chance to sink your hands in the lolis bloated form as you hold her up while you relieve yourself.
(1.2 MB, 1569x1893, too_much_cremia_by_mintrimo_dgc5z9f.png) (1.3 MB, 1569x1893, too_much_cremia_by_mintrimo_dgc5z9f (Romani Edit Final).png) (3.0 MB, 3650x2840, too_much_cremia_by_mintrimo_dgc5z9f (Romani edit - flabby sisters side-by-side comparison).png)
I saw this absolutely beautiful artwork of Cremia from mintrimo on DA, and I felt really inspired to do a Romani edit of it.


The first thing I did was use the Lasso Select tool to select her whole head and then enlarge it with the nearest neighbor pixel settings (to avoid blurring); This effectively made her appear more Romani-sized (shorter).

This was probably the trickiest part of the edit cause I had to redraw parts of the lines on the neck/chin area, and also had to draw more hair from scratch down to her shoulders to fill in the blank space left from enlarging and refitting the head in place, I tried to stick as close as possible to the original colors and style when doing this.

Then I altered and recolored the chest area to make her chest appear flat, but still very soft and flabby.

Then I used the recolor tool to change the color of the bottom of her dress from pink to white to match Romani's dress colors, and then finally I fixed parts of the background that got messed up and needed to be redrawn after enlarging the head.

For the comparison pic I just enlarged the whole original Cremia pic (using nearest neighbor settings to avoid blurring) until her head was the same size as it is in the Romani edit and then flipped the image horizontally, which helped create a size accurate (and very cute) shot of the two sisters together belly-to-belly! <3
(25 KB, 333x333, -qQmRsi3_400x400.jpeg)
BBWchan is going under.
It's over, fellow loli dudes ☹️
What's happening with BBWchan?
yee its been an honor being here
in a nutshell the site ran out of money
the site is gonna last at most 2 more months
well that sucks :( just as i was falling back into lolis too

will they be allowed on that new site?
We never got the full source of this image.

(151 KB, 1027x1602, media_F7m0EG6bkAA2tE4.jpg)
I noticed something funny; anti loli artists have fattened the Gundam ZZ lolis but the loli artists that draw fat lolis, always seem to never do the same whenever they draw them, themselves.

Only thing I'm losing is a place to talk and it was never fruitful. It was already rare that anyone posted anything that I liked that I hadn't already seen before and I know which nitters still work for seeing sensitive content censor. I'm set if the new site refuses loli. I wonder if cakekike's fork of 8chins is still going; it's one big flaw the last time I was on it a while back was his aggressive hot link blocking.

Mixture of that and the constant cheese pizza bot attacks having piled up to the point of giving Barclay issues.
Honestly the only way I even discovered new chub artists was through these threads. Normally I discover artists through automatic recommendations and other artists liking posts, but obviously people are less inclined to publicly like loli stuff so finding those kinds of artists in the wild is quite hard.
(157 KB, 400x400, 1576130776814.gif) (631 KB, 2133x3021, Kino no Flabi-1.jpg) (513 KB, 2136x3016, Kino no Flabi-2.jpg) (264 KB, 1868x2512, Kino no Flabi-3.jpg) (200 KB, 1740x2564, Kino no Flabi-4.jpg) (419 KB, 1765x2590, Kino no Flabi-5.jpg)
Since the site's going out of business, I might as well post things I've always held back from because of one sided promises and daughteru memes.

Honestly this sites biggest uses were reposted pay walled content, the weight gain games for those who can withstand almost all being garbage, and people reposting art by wandering artists that don't keep a gallery and post to shit like /trash/ and /d/.
(106 KB, 1018x1046, Kino no Flabi-24.jpg) (127 KB, 1000x1238, Kino no Flabi-25.jpg)
It's really fucking hilarious that it took Kino no Tabi's creator to make the only good series for Sword Art Online, by way of spinoff. They need to stop cranking out series for that garbage and give GunGale another season.
I am really glad you like her. that happens to be my character
im curious does she have references/images
assuming she goes from small to obese
(470 KB, 1200x910, wefwefwefw.png)
Have a Tanya bros, might be the last one
>Since the site's going out of business
Wait what?
(1.8 MB, 2246x3223, __takagi_san_yaotome_urushi_and_tsubaki_karakai_jouzu_no_takagi_san_and_2_more_drawn_by_yamamoto_souichirou__8cf95032b9207863f4ad212d3fc62389.jpg)
May just be drawing a blank, but was there ever any Fat Art of Takagi-san? (Or any of the girls from the different series that that Mangaka makes) Peak Tween Lolis (Well, ones a highschooler but shhh)

Who? Was Mintrimo a former Loli artist or something? If thats the case, do you have any old art?
Do you have more art of her you can share?
Yeah for real. I don't have much outside of what's been posted on here like a million times though it's missing from this thread. I don't have access to it ATM. As I'm laying down for bed. I might post it in the morning. And id love to talk about her more if you're all interested. I'll check back in the morning and see how interested you all are.
I should have noted this post was made from my phone. XD literally in bed.
Would love to know how much she likes to eat and how much she'd love to gain~ I love it when girls like her know how much is an ACCEPTABLE meal to have everyday~ It's not a whole meal unless it's covering the whole entire table~

Though what about just what she likes to dress up as~ Just how much she likes to show off her growth, and just what her dream weight is everyday~
i guess i am
i like cuties in glasses
(482 KB, 1067x1026, kannasit5.png) (506 KB, 1067x1026, kannasit6.png) (535 KB, 1067x1026, kannasit7.png)
I'll miss this thread when the site will go down.
I'll keep contributing to it as long as possible, have some Kanna
Well, I guess I will start to talk a little about her in a general sense.

Her Name is Sophia Marie. She's Age 7 and normally depicted around 300-500 pounds at such a young age. She loves reading about other well known and popular fatties in history, and loves sharing that info with other fat kids that are as interested as she is in gaining and getting bigger.

Her parents are super over supportive of her wants and needs so she ends up with tables full of food to eat or even wiping out full buffets. She isn't super picky when it comes to food in general just has to taste good.

Though some times she likes to invite her friends over to parties celebrating her weigh achievements. Like reaching 400 pounds and so on.

She's very fond of anime, especially magical girls and loves dressing up like one, She wishes she could be one and use her powers to change all the icky vegetables to proper yummy and fattening foods.

Lastly Dream weight she just wants too keep gaining always. The higher she goes the happier she gets.

Sorry for taking so long and fell free to ask more.
(241 KB, 844x1200, Kanna no Ichijou vol 2 chp 15.jpg)
Damn comp has me working so hard to figure out where my Yaia's are.

Barclay shutting down the site after setting something up on some other board.

Beyond Lea on Pixiv, it ain't likely to be much if anything.

>Was Mintrimo a former Loli
I got people mixed up since the picture kinda reminded me of someone.

>Kanna feeling full
There's fanfiction and then there's absolute rejection of reality.
(4.1 MB, 8400x6484, 107995358_p0.png)
Since the site is sinking figured I'd ask now. Anyone got any other Poppy arts? Only seen this and one from >Mistystuffer.
OHHHH NICE NICE NICE, Okay uhmmm, would she like to be bigger than an entire universe if she could get that fat? What's her own wardrobe like? Does she often have to replace torn panties every day? What's her ideal partner, if she's even old enough to dream of all that lmfao
And if she does have an ideal partner, would she like them to grow with her? What's her own favorite part of her body that she likes to see grow out???
(173 KB, 1280x1280, 48_by_pkmshn_dfjbco6-fullview.jpg)
This is the only other good Poppy art I've seen, I'd really like to commission something from Eishiban sometime, but I don't even know if they take comms anymore
I mean assuming she could get to such a size I would guess so.

Probly depending on how much she grows. She doesn't like gain a million pounds a day or anything even though she eats a lot. It's all normal paced gaining here

She really likes dresses and frilly things. Lots of very typical girl stuff. Princessy dresses, and the like as well as graphic tees for animes she likes and such.

Probly Some other girl thats around the same age as her. She would like them to grow with her.

And her favorite parts are BOOBIES and BUTT~
oh she was always that big
? i get it
yeah i have doubts that mintrimo was one
Yeah at least conceptually. She was never thought about other then at that age. So It's not something I think about much,
Shame there's so little out there then.
Question, did you know the artist who drew those pics of her? Did you guys talk about anything with her in general?

though does she like to go to beauty pageants? Does she like to tease adults who seem to like her and how big she is? Just when did she start to want to get even bigger in the first place? Question, does she get weird good feelings when someone helps her put on clothes, or when her fat starts to shake and slosh around~? does she like it when people handle her own fat~? Does she like having people just get smothered by her own fat and just have it slowly spread out~?
What is gym class like for her? What kinds of help does she need from her parents for every day stuff?
I did at one point. That's all I am really willing to say publicly on that matter.

She might go to a few pageants. Though that's mostly by her parents hand then her really liking going to them. Other then she does like to getting to dress up and show off.

She's always been fat even as a baby. She was well overfed by her parents from the start.. So, she's likely always been super encouraged to be fat. So likely when she had a basic understanding of things.

She does get good weird feelings all the time centered around her fat. She doesn't really understand them yet. Be it getting helped getting dressed or having her body fondled. Though she does feel a little weird when adults grope her.

As for smothering people. She likes to squish her fat into other kids and snuggle a lot. She does like laying on top of fatter kids and spreading out toether
She has a doctors note to get out of it.

Getting dressed, washing, Getting out of bed, going to the bathroom honestly is a little rough for her and she needs help getting down to the ground again, I'm sure lots of other little things too.
(2.2 MB, 1110x1230, Poppy.JPEG)
To keep my word from a couple threads ago, here's a poor quick Poppy sketch. Mostly just winged this one without a plan.

>fat lolis needing assistance

hng, anon
I mean realistically speaking we should treat little Divas like Sophia like the princesses they are, and do nearly everything for them anyway. Plus in time they are gonna be to fat to do anything themselves.
Hrmm, anon, have you ever done anything more with her in the first place? Just what made her creation and just what do you like about fat little girls? I'd love to have a bit of a conversation with you about this anon! Just because of how great these orginal pics are, I'd love just to try and have some fun with these cuties in the first place! they're just perfect to fantasize about and just want in the first place... I dunno, it's just so fucking good to see her in the first place!
Yeah, I have done a few things with her. I have a couple stories a close friend of mine wrote about her, Nothing super lewd. Mostly focused around her Magical girl AU. I used tp RP as her ages ago, but I really don't anymore. Not that I wouldn't again. Back when I knew the artist she was made as a companion and self insert character to be with Samantha.

I'm just glad honestly that you all like her so much HAHA. I'm normally not as open as I am about this things so this is a first for me. But I saw someone specifically commenting about her. And like the sites dying anyway. Figured I might as well come out and at least humor people in some Sophia Facts.

I honestly never expected the level of attention I got. Its been super fun talking about her though. I have had somewhat of a hard time deciding how much I might give out of my personal life as it gets easier to identify me the more I share of course.

The most I can say for the most part is me and Ark used to be pretty close at some point.
Hrmm, so Anon, would you like to talk about this stuff in a discord DM? I honestly wouldn't mind giving out a burner account just for this in the first place lmfao So yeah! Lemmie know if you wanna n'shit `w`
I honestly don't know how I feel about putting my real account out like that. I guess as long as like you don't go posting who I really am.
love this kanna picture you can only imagine how huge she is if it was zoomed out she makes the best blob
Oh no no no, I was more or less just thinking about me posting my own account and then you can friend me!!! But I'll totally keep quiet n'shit, really don't wanna be making enemies about all this!
Yeah sure send me a burner then and we can talk
(177 KB, 1144x1480, media_EPjFolAXsAAWZbC.jpg) (294 KB, 848x1200, media_F7xZsEYX0AAeOhG.jpg) (213 KB, 1417x2006, media_F8-NYWIaEAAT3XS.jpg) (214 KB, 1417x2006, media_F8-NYWGbQAAyYfB.jpg) (210 KB, 1417x2006, media_F8-NYWGbEAA1AaK.jpg) (209 KB, 1133x1600, media_Ez56Bp9VIAI7LQH.jpg)
Cutest and a potent weapon towards fattening others up.

Poppy gets huge boobs for some reason; maybe the Japs get a laugh out of it from how people seem to pair her up with Rika a lot, whether it's friendship or yuri.
(122 KB, 645x910, feccf56084e042f206e98b01df275bca.jpg) (115 KB, 415x600, f8bdcac72b8f85b9aee424461bb687c9.jpg) (563 KB, 1049x1115, f32dff14bd690d22ef994e13bc81f32e.jpg) (695 KB, 800x1000, b9ae8b4c325adcf4d2043fe86da09892.png) (388 KB, 541x800, 4420983cb237b8873efc993e92a110b7.jpg) (530 KB, 800x840, 1576137002333.png)
I remember having did a morph of Chika's tummy, back in the day; sucks nothing developed in the episode she was worried about her weight. Fatfoxlower did a nice pic of Miu being a pile of fat.
>Fatfoxlower did a nice pic of Miu being a pile of fat.
Do you have the pic?
(383 KB, 630x2760, episode_2438.jpg) (665 KB, 1424x1235, 79848854_p0.png) (245 KB, 1240x1754, media_EtPEMgvUYAIyNU7.jpg) (3.0 MB, 1505x2125, 87326228_p0.png) (971 KB, 1920x1080, media_Es5rtkSVkAAt7cI.jpg) (144 KB, 838x1000, Fat Kyoko.jpg)
If I didn't know Wamdus was a gigantic jellyfish dragon, I'd think she was scared she's about to pop instead of fearing she can't stop eating and her elastic body isn't doing anything to help.

Don't know anymore; it was posted to animexpansions gallery if anyone ever archived that site.
Who is this artist an where can I find them
They don't do this kind of art anymore last I knew
Hope you're ok haven't seen you around the last few days.
you happen to have anything else from this dude? i've been looking everywhere but haven't found anything else.
Roxas617 on Deviantart, then all there Loli stuff was moved to Pixiv on an account called Abezinthebub
wait my bad its Abezethibob
UPDATE: we have been saved
at least for about a year
Yep, pretty cool. I wanna know what ungodly huge donation is must have been to keep this site running for another year
I commissioned this one, there’s an alt version on Pixiv where Anya and Becky have panties under their mawashi.
You have incredible tastes, i adore Roxas's artstyle as a whole
Thanks, I’ve asked him for quite a few pics.
I asked for every one of his Nanako pics after the initial E-Girl one.
(2.0 MB, 3000x3000, 112914103_p0.png)
I wanna hump and squeeze this Anya belly~
This is this guys third account. Why so many?
(2.6 MB, 2992x2528, 101695310_p0.png)
Requesting any and all Kill Me Baby fats you may have
(262 KB, 1347x1689, 1.png)
They still look like kids, why do you give a shit?
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Go look at the Western Loli and Shortstack threads and see what being even slightly lenient gets you; a thread where a chunk of what gets posted is blatantly not lolis and a thread where the brunt are just fat assed lolis since they lack one of the two prerequisites to be a shortstack, the huge breasts.
I'm going to say this is the most polite way I can.........How do you type this reply to an image with a message that literally says "It's by Roxas" ????????????
To be fair though, the one of Roxas's deviantart has the loli removed, and his pixiv name is different.
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Yes, I posted lolis with bigger breasts than the character naturally has and ones filled with enough fat they'd be considered overweight, in the loli general thread; what's your point, Sherlock?
Because oppai lolis are a seperate, more oversaturated fetish than obese lolis, dipshit.
Breasts are fat and by weight would be obese by that ratio. Not sure why you're yelling at the only person in this thread who bothers to post the best stuff here.
Is there any fat loli chat bot?
Why don't you check in the BOARD DEDICATED TO AI!?
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Damn, should of expected this might happen sooner or later. They did one more private skeb a couple weeks ago and have now left again. Sad. Let's hope their leaving period isnt for years and years like last time.
Hey, maybe that guy with the first private skeb commision can actually post it here
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Did anyone save any of Soulsparty's Hat in time/hat kid art? Specifically this one but their entire gallery was purged.
Can someone find for me some good Yaoyao, Klee and Nahida art from Genshim Impact? I mean, art of good quality.
Ayeee, thank you!
does anyone know the source for this?
Np. ALWAYS save pics you like, you never know when they'll be taken down.
anyone have the mini princess pic from fapin/fapolantern. pretty sure he wiped it from his account because of twitter shit heads
teratogenesys wiped all their stuff, anyone have their art?
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The loli broke her promise to save you the last slice of cake after she already finished the rest of it; what do?

Isn't she bloated round by coffee?

At this point, fans and their artists should only be angry with themselves, with how often this shit happens.

Is pic 3, Wataten?
Gosh, I never knew this artist existed so it's a shame I got to get a glimpse at what once was... Wouldn't mind seeing more art you've accumulated of this artist!
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I've been trying really hard to figure out who drew the last two, or find more from that "set". I remember seeing multiple other images over the years but cant track down any of them with reverse image search or anything.

Its so frustrating because I can visualize the other pics in my head but cannot actually relocate them.

Anyone know who drew these/have more?
Gonna be honest, the drawing of the girls getting on the scale is the one that I have masturbated more of any female drawing ever, it's so good, never watched the Pokemon series the characters come from but Mimo is such a top tier brat.
Hope you find them as these are hot
anyone got roxas617's piece of anya and yor at the beach together?? most of their loli stuff is totally nuked from deviantart and their twitter is suspended
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>Roxas is suspended from Twitter
The one guy who I'd find it hard to believe the fattened lolis was the thing that got him.

>never watched the Pokemon series
I don't think much of anyone watched the Pokemon anime after G5.

I wonder if Mitsuba ended up in a situation where everyone was trying to fatten her up, would her head get fat from the attention or would she miserably try to stop the flood of calories piling on her short body.
This art is so tame, how can you get banned by this? Unirocanilly, pretty unsexual.
Because people on twitter and deviantart will lose their minds if you draw a loli characters like Anya in any fetish situation and start packing a hissy fit because of it and try to imply your a certain p word because of it.
I doubt it's why he got suspended on twitter, but, when it comes to loli , anya is the one that people get the most mad about getting lewd
I'm really in the mood to branch out a bit of my usual more serious writing and white some weight gain stories featuring girls.

Can I write really intense stories in AO3 or I have to go somewhere else?
Anya is a very recognisable character that even normies know is underage.
I've seen actual rape of minors on that site so I think lolis just getting fat would be tame.
Maybe it's my artist heart, but I honestly don't like this type of story, for a fetish one, but I simple wish people would allow any type of art, as long as is doesn't promote this type of ilegal behavior in real life.
Does anyone have any Annie Hastur from league of legends. I love her so much!
I drew these, which ones do you want? Iirc the only other ones left are the sketch of the twins sleeping, the 3-part lillie sequence and a shitty acerola+hapu sketch. I don't keep track but I should still have the originals saved.

Honestly I've been wanting to draw more of the alola girls for years, specially the twins. I never find the time. If I ever get to it I'll post them in whatever loli thread is up at that moment.

Same. The twin with the shellder shirt is drawn after whatever I can recall of a real life 7yo girl I met at a pool when I was 10 or so. She insisted on swimming with my friend and I but she wasn't very good at it. My friend was just laughing at how fat she was so I had to help her into the water and grab her so she could float and whatnot, I remember feeling funny the whole time. This has nothing to do with anything but I've always wanted to put that anecdote into words.
I don't recall seeing a sketch of the sleeping twins done by you or an acerola&hapu sketch so you could post those. I vaguely recall a lillie sequence in past loli threads but I wasn't sure if that was also you so it wouldnt hurt to post them either.
I'd love to see more of your art, it's great. Do you have a page somewhere?
Could you draw more Mimo or even Liko? You art is incredible.
Have you ever considered drawing girls outside of Pokemon? Or even outside of Sun/Moon? I'm always on the lookout for Peni Parker or Inklings.
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These are the ones I think are left (I've seen some of them in past loli threads, others I'm not sure if I ever uploaded before).

I only upload here at random, but I've seen some of these floating on /trash/ too. I save them in my laptop but I don't upload them to any place with an username, saves me the trouble of dealing with anti-loli public opinion.

Eventually I want to draw peni, umbrella, the steel E4 from SV and many other characters, but I focus on alola characters because I love the alola cast and they never got a lot of fat art for some reason.
Great art, is that all of it? I wouldn't wanna miss any
Yeah that's all of them
I thought the art style was familiar. I remember the Lillie art from /vp/ a while back.
Guys please! Does anyone have a y Annie Hastur art from league of legends!!

Or must I make my own ? I want all Annie!
Are any of y'all into irl fat kids?
Kill yourself now.
Thank you now I want to vomit.
no who do you think we are minecraft youtubers
No, we're not tumblr users
I have an incomplete archive of their latest twitter account, but I'm not sure of the best way to got about posting it since I think anon files is down.
Also bump limit soon
litterbox by catbox perhaps?
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What's better a fat loli trying to exercise but never getting far before going to do something else or a fat loli who is actually nimble and strong from exercising but nobody actually knows because she just looks like any other fat girl from just how much fattening food she ingests?
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That's hot. It's not every day you see twins with unequal weights.
Holy shit this is very nice
ive always liked the scenario of twin 1 fattening up twin 2 so twin 1 won't be confused with them anymore.

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