
(67 KB, 450x212, IMG_3754.png)
You can Send Everyone She Hulk Clips! it's she hulk time!
Character: Muscular Woman/She-Hulk

[SFX: Groaning and grunting as Muscular Woman tosses and turns]

Muscular Woman: (groaning) Ahh, finally done with my cutest exercise. Time to rest and relax.

[SFX: Rip]

Muscular Woman: Huh? What's happening? Oh no!

[SFX: Bursting buttons and tearing fabric]

Muscular Woman: My cute kawaii pajamas! They can't contain my growing size! My breasts... bursting through the top, my biceps... breaking free!

[SFX: Thud]

Muscular Woman: Ouch! That fall hurt! My huge thighs... my bottoms have split too! And my feet... they're growing out of my adorable slippers!

[SFX: Wiggle]

Muscular Woman: Look at my cute She-Hulk feet! Teehee, they're so strong and huge! I can't help but giggle.

[SFX: Ripping fabric]

Muscular Woman: My clothes are a mess now. But wait, something strange is happening again!

[SFX: Transformation]

Muscular Woman: Oh my, I'm transforming back into my cutest She-Hulk form! Green, with fangs, and those adorable green eyes.

[SFX: Posing]

Muscular Woman: Look at my She-Hulk body, so big and green. I'll show it off proudly!

[SFX: Sliding fabric]

Muscular Woman: Time for some massage oil. My body may be sore, but it's still cute and lovable.

[SFX: Rubbing]

Muscular Woman: Teehee, this feels so good! My She-Hulk body deserves some pampering too.

[SFX: Transformation]

Muscular Woman: Oh no, not again! Back to being She-Hulk! Green, fierce, and loving every moment.

[SFX: Proudly flexing]

Muscular Woman: Look at me, so big, green, and cute. I embrace my She-Hulk side with pride.

[SFX: Giggling]

Muscular Woman: Teehee, being a cute She-Hulk is the best!
...Your fucking with us, right?
>>[SFX: Posing]
what does this sound like to you?
(254 KB, 471x427, 1692933216515229.png)
am I crazy to think /bbwalt/ has been compromised by deviantart's underage autistic requester clique for a few months now?
>why is my degenerate neurotic coomer website filled with degenerate neurotic coomers all of a sudden?

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