
but if you post fat zombies, spoiler dat shiet, fat plants is quite a few notches down from necrophilia, y'know, but this is the alt board so nothing’s stopping ya.
Yall need to kys like what is this
It's exactly what it looks like, now shut the fuck up. There's literally a thread on this very board dedicated to art of fat inanimate objects and it's thriving, it goes without saying that people are into weird shit so deal with it.

Everyone has different tastes anon, I mean ffs there's just enough art out there of this stuff for threads like this to actually be justified and actively populated so clearly quite a lot of people produce and get off to it.

There's probably millions of normies out there in the world who'd tell you to kys just for the bare minimum of being attracted to regular fatties, let alone this. So stop having a snowflake conniption fit over art that doesn't make your genitalia gush, just move on.
Oooo love PvZ as a kid
I wouldn't mind to fatify some cute plants!
(I'm the same person whose been taking requests from the inanimate objects tread)

Things i will not draw: feet, scat, babyfur, diapers, characters that looks like kids, gore and other extreme fetishes.
Things i will draw: blobs, slobs, chubby, fat, weight gain, muscle(no hyper), feeding, nsfw, hyper, expansion, musk, sweat, gas and vore
Obese green shadow farting
>>41200 sunflower wg. doesn’t matter if it’s a named character or not, just make her go from normal to blob.
(143 KB, 1340x927, night.png)
Wanted to post on here but it's late so I only drew up this half-assed inflation pic. I'll probably draw something better tomorrow.
Seconding this, bun chi is definitely underlooked
a sumo Fire Peashooter vs a sumo Green Shadow? (Fun fact according to Fire Peashooter's almanac she teaches fire safety)
got a better one, just ignore my last one. can i get asweaty blob twin sunflower. one head, notably less fat than the other, arguing with her “sister” (the other head) about “overdoing it with the plant food”.
10/10 Brapgoddess
Is that bbkjjkjkjkjkn?
No, unfortunately I have a similar art style to that degen.

I actually used to be BigMateWeirdo on DA. You may have seen my art on there before I quit.
Ok. Sorry if I insulted you.

Have you considered other pvz plants? Not a lot of art on the chinese exclusives.
Oh, no you didn't offend me, I just don't like his art.

Maybe I'll draw up some more plants soon, just not right now. Never thought of the China-exclusive ones but I could totally try.
Please do. I’d love to see your take on them, especially princess spring grass and
crystal orchid
>trans heart
you saying being trans is bad
It's just some colored stripes son, they won't hurt ya
It is bad

No, but it’ll definitely hurt unsuspecting kids out there
fuck off, transphobic cunt, this is a thread about fat plant porn, not spreading hate towards people who were born with the wrong genitalia.
(45 KB, 828x433, IMG_6317.jpeg)
There’s no such thing as being born with the wrong genitals. You’re born, and then you cope with life while getting right with Jesus. Everything else is just trying to sell you something, and transgender rhetoric is no different.

But enough of that. Are you guys fans of Fishman_Paul? He does a lot of pvz stuff.
(2.6 MB, 5000x875, dg0uhk9-2943cbd3-5600-4fde-9b5f-b8dbc4a937ab.png)
>OP is a faggot
The eternal constant

Ok but seriously let's not let this thread get mucked up by this bullshit and agree that grooming kids is bad and they should be kept away from that gender discourse bullshit, and so should this thread.
(234 KB, 640x820, IMG_6319.png)
I didn’t even notice he was OP, but yeah.

Which pvz would you want to see fattened up the mist?
Like this anon said >>41516 not that good and hasn't shown much improvement in his doodles. Though I do appreciate the sheer variety of stuff he draws, especially the more bizarre shit like objects, plants, vehicles, etc.

Also I find it funny you mention Fishman as he is someone who partakes in the kinda faggotry you don't like (he sometimes draws his self insert fish oc as a fat feminine ladyboy who wears bras and shit or just being a homo in general)
Don't really care as long as the plant is female, but I do appreciate some more different plants. Like the Peashooters and Sunflowers are cute as fuck but they kinda dominate the spotlight when it comes to fat fetish art
(165 KB, 640x288, IMG_6320.png)
Well damn, that’s no good either but at least he’s not advocating for the castration of impressionable kids?

I don’t know, the whole world has been ruined by faggotry and nowhere is that clearer than in fetish art. I just want to look at fat plants but even they are subject to this bullshit.
That’s just because they’re the most common ones.
(104 KB, 828x1104, IMG_6321.jpeg)
Forgot pic.

Anyway, we just need to bring lesser known ones to more artists’ attentions. The ones yhat come here and to 4chan at least.
If it makes you feel any better he isn't really political at all besides the token pride month drawing each year. Honestly I just want him to improve his art cause it's at the cusp of being something more than mediocre if he just improved a bit. Thankfully I am not really that picky and have easily coomed to some of his drawings it they tickle my ridiculous bbw object fetish right. Beggars cant be choosers you dig?
No they cannot. Still, I wish he’d pick up an anatomy book or something
(168 KB, 1280x900, IMG_6322.jpeg)
That’s fine I guess. If the faggotry started and ended in the bedroom then it woukd just be another dirty little secret. But pride generates too much money to be ignored, and I don’t just mean gay pride. These faggots aren’t good for anything else so the people on top have somehow managed to monetize the only thing they care about and that’s why they want to fuck up so many kids.

Hey check out this sweet potato. I didn’t think they could fatten it up like that. I think it was part of a sequence?
(260 KB, 1920x1410, 74FC7C96-E1B4-4495-82EB-A11914C4A78E.jpeg)
trans people aren’t groomers, but yes, pedophilia is bad. also, im cishet, and christian to boot, i just remember jesus didn’t preach “hate everyone that thinks different from me”, he preached “love thy neighbor”. also kids are legally not able to transition until they turn 18, unless they jump through far more bureaucratic hoops than an adult has to. but yeah, let’s get back to fat plants now, and talk about our opinions on lgbt rights in a salt thread. well, you guys can, i said everything i am confident about saying here.
ps if any 4chan insult applies to me, it’s autism
(85 KB, 1108x721, _2022_11_18__solar_flare_by_shweetmagnet_dfiidm5-pre.jpg)
As a fellow christian I respect you adherence to loving your neighbors but remember that they don't love you back at all and fucking hate you. The amount of LGBT leftist who have power fantasies about destroying the heterosexual christian lifestyle and killing religious people is psychotic and hypocritical. (I know twitter isn't the best place to deduce the behaviors of gays but by God do alot of them hang out there)

I cannot in good faith tolerate or accept trans people until the majority admit they dont have actual gender dysphoria and just do it cause of fetishistic reasons or as a ploy to get closer to actual women.

Annnnnnd im doing what I said we shouldn't be doing (arguing about this shit) but I guess the ball was already rolling in the first place. Im just gonna end it by saying Christianity preaches pacifism but it isn't a pacifistic religion when it comes to its followers and way of life being threatened. If we were strict pacifists we wouldn't have survived the pagan days of the Roman Empire or the Muslim Invasions. We should give no compromise to the LGBT because it goes against everything the average christian stands for. Not saying to burn the fags or anything, just saying we shouldn't accept their faggotry and instead try to help them overcome it in a non-hateful way.

Go back to your Pedogod who knocked up a 14 year old
Plus “love” isn’t “let do whatever you want”. If a stranger were unknowingly walking off a bridge, wouldn’t you love them enough to tell them they’re making a grave, irreversible error?
Mary's age during her pregnancy was never mentioned and any claims about her being a minor are based on the theory that jewish women married around 14-16 back then (which is also not confirmed to be true, just speculated). They probably say that so science worshiping Redditors like yourself can fill vindicated in your childish hatred.

Look at Islam if you want to find a pedoreligon. Now unless you want to say anything else lets all finally shut up about this
(70 KB, 500x500, 9B6D98B0-7E0D-40DD-BB54-9BEE45EC6A91.jpeg)
nevermind, i can see you are all hateful cunts that want to kill everyone that thinks differently. this thread was a mistake, jesus died in vain, and pic is definitely related to what i want you to do, you transphobic cuntbags, you fucking cunts, absolute cuntery, you are diseased.
Annnnnd OP is also a unfunny bait poster as well, really living up to the stereotype.
(402 KB, 3320x2159, 20230817_234317.jpg)
oh my god can we get back to the fat plants

the point of this thread
(201 KB, 1280x853, 1668728635.veryfilthything_vampflower.jpg)
Yeah, I apologies as I played a part in this shitfest but let's finally move on. Thanks for posting this higher res version. What Sunflower character is your favorite? I personally like the primal sunflower, she is pretty cute looking
how about... you're all fucking faggots talking about religion in a goddamn plants vs. zombies fetish thread. get a fucking grip, post smut or gtfo nobody wants to hear from either side of the spectrum
sauce on the immrticia pic?
(213 KB, 1390x897, Nightcap.png) (240 KB, 1676x861, Chinese.png) (206 KB, 1595x857, Chomp.png) (257 KB, 1608x920, Hotrod.png) (230 KB, 1563x836, Vamp P.png) (169 KB, 1207x836, Vamp .png)
Little art dump, yes I have too much time on my hands. Regardless hope you enjoy it weirdos
Even drew those China exclusive plants you mentioned
I love fat plants
I'm curious
What's the biggest size you're willing to do?
I'd be down to see some hypermassive plants if you're cool with that
Not really sure.
I find that the fatter I make my fatties, the less good they look? If that makes sense? Basically they just start looking amorphous.
(111 KB, 1083x938, Hyp.png) (142 KB, 1000x942, Mari.png)
More drawings!
(109 KB, 927x938, Rainbow.png)
Okay, last drawing for tonight (probably)
Hell yeah, brother, I’ll try to find more later but that’s good for now. Thanks for doing it quick
(28 KB, 248x499, images.jpeg)
Can you make this rose fat?
(28 KB, 248x499, images.jpeg)
Can you make this rose mega fat?
Now I want to see you tackle the entire pvz itinerary, especially the Chinese exclusives, but I don’t know where you should start
Oh I thought the first post was deleted.
(234 KB, 828x1095, Mistakes were made.png)
Can you make this rose super ultra monster master mega hyper fat turbo mk.II edition while questioning anon is still gawking in confusion and first post anon thinks, “Uh-oh, what have I done?”
What i was saying is if he can make that rose mega fat
I know, just wanted to add to it.
(109 KB, 339x331, IMG_6382.png)
Someone back at /fgds/ wants to try electric blueberry
>matching ID and character colors
there was one made a while ago. only issue is that it's futa shit. unless you're also into that
I don't know what futa means, but sure I don't mind at all.
Yep, still learning new things on it today, let me tell you.
Thanks Satan, futa’s gross as shit.

I think there’s another one, but it’s low quality. Better to ask the guy here for one. The more the merrier.
Ugh, fuck you, Satan
All I really can say is, very interesting thank you. :/
Is it a game mechanic that some plants vore zombies?
Thanks for making this rose super ultra monster triple deluxe master mega hyper fat turbo mk.II edition on a raft and letting it swim. You’re spoiling us with these
No worries, can always appreciate some good adjectives
(233 KB, 750x650, IMG_8416.png)
Would someone do Nightcap as a balloon?
Thank you for Witch Hazel :)
(77 KB, 500x555, IMG_6408.jpeg)


*exhales* with fries on the side and a shake?
Yeah, just fine. Why? Just flexing my adjectives
thanks for the shadow flower, dude. this is some seriously phenomenal stuff
(102 KB, 1080x1080, file.JPG)
You’re a real good artist. I hope this isn’t too much, but can you do something with these two? Just replace the plant with the closest looking pvz character then make her fat. Have them planting trees or protecting wildlife (from hordes of zombies) or something.
>replace the pvz character with the same pvz character
Sheeeit, I don’t know who the plant is supposed to be.
the sunflower from the 3d shooter games
(172 KB, 1600x329, Smallapeno line.JPG) (41 KB, 600x600, Back Petal.JPG)
Should’ve figured, that’s on me for being retarded. Did you know the guy in that pic was a huge environmentalist?

Here’s some more requests from /fgds/ if it’s not too much. For the Smallapeno line make every stage fatter than the last. Finish other people’s requests first though.
(138 KB, 347x479, Betacarrot.png) (139 KB, 591x568, MissileToe.png)
Can I get some big gassy Beta-Carrotina and Missile Toe blobs/balloons?
Maybe have one of them on the other end of a hose connected to a blob Solar Flare's ass being blown up by her gas
Hey guys, are their any fat Dusk Lobber pics?
kek, should have expected that
(549 KB, 4096x3072, PvZ Cactus.jpg)
Cactus is underrated.
They’re full of juice
More like Brapegranate
She takes great pride in the vileness, volatility, and volume of her braps
Nice stuff here~
Why hasn’t anyone done this yet??
(26 KB, 585x524, IMG_1032.jpeg) (49 KB, 667x460, IMG_1033.jpeg)
Hey BigMateWeirdo, would you mind me uploading your work here onto my DA account in order to preserve it before this thread gets deleted? I totally understand if you don’t want me doing this, just wanted to ask.
Thank you so much! My DA is Thine-Thiccus
are you willing to draw any fat zombies by any chance? i think most of the popular choices were posted in >>42028 and >>42058

im also pretty sure the first two in 42028 are literal deviantart-tier recolor shit
(110 KB, 1140x897, Cac.png) (226 KB, 1873x796, Bloom.png)

Was gonna do yours, but I couldn't get the plants to look right when fattened up, sorry.

I will draw up the more popular zombie gals next soon, but right now I gotta do some stuff. I'll probably also only do the official zombies, because... yeesh those recolours
So that particular request isn’t going to fly?
If you're talking about the two Chinese exclusive looking pants, then no unfortunately.
What if those were just the heads and you tried sticking fat bodies underneath them? That’s the problem, isn’t it, no bodies?
Like what? Anthropomorphise them? I guess I could
(109 KB, 1208x922, Boogie.png)
First zombie, kinda shit, I'll do the rest tomorrow probably
Exactly, try it

That's right! I wanna see them like giant blobs
We’re certainly quite a ways from that, then. Gl

thank you for providing more cactus art
Yeah, I'm not making them that big. I'll draw one last image and then I'll move onto the other requests.
Nice! also yea the first 2 in 42028 are recolours only female zombie in pvz2's rome is the Medusa zombie there's no athena zombie

Oh, and I thought that if you made blobs, at least you will inflate them more?
(50 KB, 720x797, DiegoGOficialV-1696005881064722565-img1.jpg) (20 KB, 215x294, Adri_xdd_x-1696383740555997640-img2.jpg) (294 KB, 1300x1976, DiegoGOficialV-1696005874555166862-img1.jpg) (243 KB, 1300x1976, DiegoGOficialV-1696005874555166862-img2.jpg)
nice work!

i've also been seeing this cheerleader zombie oc popping up on twitter recently. she's cute, but i haven't seen anyone make fat art of her. wanna take a shot at being the first to do so?
Yeah I thought so.

I'll draw one last image of them being inflated further with water tomorrow, but I won't draw any galaxy-sized nonsense. I just think that stuff looks pretty bad, but hey, just my opinion.

She is really cute, I'll definitely draw her fat after I finish off some more requests.
Cute, thank you

Ok but that they do not explode and that they enjoy being inflated.
*a lot of water
(351 KB, 652x652, HD_Space_Cadet_BfN.png)
i just noticed that space cadet was never listed among those previous requests of female zombies. tho maybe that's because her space station thing might be too tedious to draw
weirdly was just colouring a vampire sunflower picture
VERY cute fat zombie, drawfren. great stuff!
also is that supposed to be some not-so-hidden subliminal messaging in the filename?
(20 KB, 92x100, IMG_8574.jpeg)
I really wanna see some fat Gatling pea shooter or mega Gatling pea
wasn't there something like that posted in the previous /fgds/ thread?
I’m not sure. Which one?
(206 KB, 1524x1600, IMG_7178.jpeg) (467 KB, 3065x1284, IMG_7181.jpeg) (191 KB, 2000x1360, IMG_7182.jpeg) (46 KB, 828x409, IMG_7183.jpeg) (2.7 MB, 2295x2190, IMG_7179.png)
This is all I could find that was pvz related and not already here (one might nog be). I might’ve missed a few. Are you sure you didn’t mistake for something else?
Ohhhhhh shit now I remember. No, there wasn’t. I was just mistaking it with something I saw posted in this PvZ Rule 34 Discord I lurk in (it wasn’t fat art)
That’s too bad. Hopefully the artist we already have here will take a crack at it. I’d like to see it too.
AYYY! Thanks so much, you. NOW it’ll be in the fat gardens.
Hey if you're still open for requests, would you mind making fat solar flare and green shadow being fat lesbians. And not the cutsie princess bubblegum and Marceline kinda lesbians. Like really sexual and making other fatter than a whale, thanks.
Also your work has been amazing dude!
*making the other fatter whoops
Imna be honest, I kinda hate this sunflower OC
it is?

octodude45 aka octogoon aka gulpgoon_
Still hoping someone does this
Great job, Shweet.
Holy shit, NICE!
(497 KB, 1813x1080, Pvz.png)
Was bored and wanted to draw some shit. Here ya are.
needs more bbw plant farts
I would say more fat zombie ladies
Since the site's shutting down (or at least this particular domain), here's a link to the /fatgardens/ thread on /trash/. Just in case anyone from here wants to continue posting and/or making fat plant art: https://boards.4chan.org/trash/thread/60322672
Hey all, I'm the artist you guys want on that board, and I'm here to say I've just made a DA account that can be a permanent place for my art. I'll upload everything I've made on bbwchan in a zip on this account and will likely make more pvz art along the way.

----> https://www.deviantart.com/evacuation-artist
Downloads don't work
Thanks, man. Do you want to keep making pvz art or branch off into something else?
I plan on doing whatever, but that definitely includes pvz stuff, just maybe not as much
And where are you going to post after January. You’re always welcome to post plant stuff on fgds but I sense you want to do more. You have a DeviantArt account now, will you use that?
Yeah, I'll post on my DA from now on
Refresh the page and click on the download button on the right hand side of the screen instead of the big one in the middle
Hope you find more plants worth drawing and become of age in the future when you do post them. Thanks.
(74 KB, 817x725, Water.JPG) (79 KB, 819x720, Moarwater.JPG)
I see you have some bangers on it already. I’ll watch your DA with great interest. Don’t let pissed off fans stop you from doing what you want to do.
Thanks a lot! Appreciate your support :)
(6 KB, 208x240, ZampalgaHD.jpg)
I wonder why there's nothing about tangle kelp
I see good vore and/or tentacle rape potential for her
(3.2 MB, 3072x3072, 无标题520_20231012223723.png)
This is the work of an artist named jdmh-yyc.He made that gorgon pitcher fanart.but I'm not sure that is a bbw art
You're right, it isn't. She's just got wide birthing hips
Helo people! If you want a c.ai plant or zombie, I can do that, just give me a image and a theme and it’ll be done
I would have preferred plants with, y’know, bellies. And also what does the bunny even mean as a theme?
Not sure, that's why I ask.
Right, should’ve been more specific. By theme I meant vore, fat, gassy, pregnant etc.
Got any fat plants for me to make into a c.ai?
Oh I see, well I was thinking about inflated belly for the plants I put. I apologize for my confusion, I have autism.
It’s all fine, still need an image unless you want me to fine an image
Image, like the theme or something?
An image
The first one I can do, the second one, probably not, I would prefer an image, makes it more…… accurate? I guess?
Like, what fatty plant do you want me to make? With image reference
I don’t think you lot know what c.ai is. It’s a bit maker, I’m not making art, understood?
If I’ll just make a fat witch hazel bot
Okay, I understand and your right about c.ai, I don't even know what it means.
I meant bot maker, like ai as characters of your choice. Again, any image for the fatty plant you want me to make?
…………… *sigh* what part of fat plants do you not understand, am I speaking in a different language?
I am terribly sorry, would a fatty belly Witch Hazel make it easier to help.
…………… yes, yes please
Cool cool, since it’s your request, you pick the image
This has been an amazing read
shit I just remembered I was gonna write a pvz weight gain story
FAT. PLANTS. FA- oh whatever, I’ll do the witch hazel
Did I do it again? I'm sorry :(
It’s……. It’s whatever, if you have fat art of those two, it just makes things easier for me. Alright?
I see what you're trying to say, and I see why but don't you think that's a tiny little bit rude.
that's the point
Yeah, I'm truly sorry, I know that I can get confused and may not get the full picture on what's going on. But I'm not that stupid.
are you sure? what's 9+10
To be honest, I can get confused with very big and complicated stuff like 568 X 12
I think he was trying to make a 21 one joke
Make a whaa joke?
It’s a meme. Someone said what’s 9+10 and another person said 21, and the first person called them stupid
Ouch, I mean I now know that it's a meme but, I'm not that stupid.
I have no idea! It just does it sometimes
What, manually toggling them on?
I do have it on, like it’s a check mark, but it still does that
I want to make a meteor flower c.ai. Should i?
Yeah, he does very nice work.
It is isn’t it? I’m pretty I’m the one who suggested caulilpower because there’s negative fats of them
I'm the one who suggested the stompadon
how's the immorticia one going?
Would you believe me when I say
1) I completely forgot.
2) the image on c.ai of her won’t load.
3) I’ve lost interest in her. (Not making c.ais just her, so feel free to ask for some more)
Excuses, excuses, excuses.

I don’t know what I want beyond just saying that. Do whatever you want and maybe chinese exclusives
Look man. I never said if you request something it will be done. There’s just a high chance it’ll be done because I’m a horny fuck like the rest of you
Man I was excited for it
Is anyone here taking art requests? Because I want to see a normal shrinking violet, but when she uses her ability, she reveals her belly, which flops out
(321 KB, 1170x1153, IMG_1428.jpeg) (287 KB, 1170x865, IMG_1429.jpeg) (399 KB, 1170x1062, IMG_1432.jpeg) (619 KB, 1170x943, IMG_1427.jpeg) (690 KB, 1170x1100, IMG_1430.jpeg) (842 KB, 1170x1032, IMG_1431.jpeg)
I noticed that there was a big lack of activity…….. and the fact that I’ve only made 2 c.ais………. You know what that mean-
Magnet shroom
Electric blueberry
Meteor flower
More will be done tomorrow! Because I am very eepy, ok enjoy
Y'all, give me some suggestions. In the mood to put a few hundred pound on some plants lol
Glad your in the mood. Perfect timing
Could you fatten the rest of her up? Great start.
I'll definitely start working on that as soon as I get some free time
solar flare, fell in the player’s pool and absorbed all the water
amazing work, drawfren
(945 KB, 1170x1148, IMG_1516.jpeg) (655 KB, 1170x984, IMG_1517.jpeg) (628 KB, 1170x1105, IMG_1518.jpeg)
The amount of starfruit art is incredibly disappointing.
Bonus points if it’s shooting starfruit. Which I love the most out of the three
nice! It looks great
Can you make something for the new year?
i don't think he will
(457 KB, 2500x3500, IMG_0255.jpeg)
Here’s a ghost pepper from shweetmagnet
Happy 10 years of Garden Warfare everyone
To anyone who played GW1, what was y’all’s favorite plant or zombie to play?
Camo cactus and Camo Ranger. Really fun characters to play as when you don't want to play objective and want to just screw around.
Nice, they are really fun characters to play as
Oh boy, the eight millionth immobile side view of Vampire Flower how original
No stuffy flower?
Curse thee, retaliate with better plants
You first. I’m sick of seeing the same plants too
(3 KB, 96x96, IMG_9585.webp)
You know, there isn’t any tallnut or walnut art
can't even be bothered to upload the pics in their original resolution, huh?
Bigmateweirdo Are You Still Here?
I check in every now and then
You deleted your deviantart account again, I thought you disappeared again.
Yeah I did. Can’t seem to escape fetishism though
It is me, I’ll upload art tonight to prove it
I hope it’s of plants
Looks great, thank you.
Great job! At least I know you're still here, now will you only upload drawings here?
Probably, if ever
Your talent is too great to be hidden away, and personally, as a frequenter of /fgds/ on 4chan, plants are the most preferable thing to me for you to be drawing. Thanks for being here
Eyy no worries, appreciate the kind words, though I don't really want to be here
Shit, man, I understand that too. May you figure out what you really want to do with your life.

Hey uh... Can I upload the drawings of fat frost rose and fat spawnables on my deviantart?

I forgot to mention it, but it's me shoorb-supreme
Frost? More sulfur. Sulfate to eliminate chloride.
(145 KB, 1200x802, YMKOderg.JPG)
Buttersita01_ one of the goats of pvz. Pic related is YMKOderg who showed up on her feed

Ok, i will upload them


Hey now that I remember, months ago I had made a request about the extremely fat or blobs spawnables (weed, dandelion and wildflower)

Oh yeah, it's perfect!
Some one archive this place

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