
(1.5 MB, 4000x3000, blooming_daisy__gameboy_by_thestartraveler_dd5ebl5.png) (696 KB, 4326x1756, peach_vs_daisy__by_largepoundage_dfm4dco.jpg) (2.3 MB, 3840x2160, 1k_follower_special_by_emeffy_dej8d36.png) (2.3 MB, 3320x3131, an_offer_by_seatbelt_da_dfbcciy.png)
A continuation of this: >>5929 (Cross-thread)

As shown in the second and third pics, Peach, Rosalina, and Pauline are among the characters joining Princess Daisy.

This is, what, the third time I've created this? I also would've called it "Princess Daisy Thread 2: Yoshi's Island", but space restraints forced me to drop any subtitles.
Why did you make a second one when the first is still up?
I did it in case the first one perishes from being unbumpable.
It still has almost 300 posts to go?
Yeah, but no one's replied to it recently.
Then just bump the original thread??? Genuinely dumbfounded at how you can be this retarded and completely lacking in common sense. Do you buy an entirely new car each time your gas tank runs out of fuel?
(149 KB, 1920x1080, E9su7u8WYAAdC3p.jpg)
>Genuinely dumbfounded at how you can be this retarded

the anon you're engaging is our resident manchild and he -is- a bit mentally stunted, may be underage too

don't bother trying to apply common sense to his military grade autism

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