
(184 KB, 900x1175, violet000.jpg) (41 KB, violet.txt) (122 KB, 900x1175, violet001.jpg) (189 KB, 900x1175, violet002.jpg)
I finally finished up-aging the faridae wonka sequence. In addition I wrote an alternate universe story to accompany the images. Enjoy and share. All I ask is that you don't claim ownership and don't try to sell it. I'll probably get nailed for trying to upload too much too fast so be patient. The whole series is finished.
And that's it. I highly recommend reading the story in the first post.
(178 KB, 900x1275, violet055.jpg)
Forgot to fix the text wrapping on the one text bubble on this panel. Here's the updated version.
Also pages 6 and 7 got out of order somehow.

Here's a link if you want to download the whole thing at once. Also, the story is in RTF instead of plaintext so the formatting is retained.

Updated link (the old one should not work). Took care of the out of order pages and the text issue on one page.

This is a link for all updated images and the RTF version of the story which retains all formatting.
>>40279 (OP)
OP you are a gentleman and a scholar.
Thank you.
(974 KB, 304x350, R.gif)
Seriously though. Thanks for commenting.
Thank you so much for all your hard work! 😘
No problem. It was a lot of work but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I may do a few more original images if there's any interest. Like prologue and epilogue illustrations. No promises.
Holy fuck you did it. Absolute madman. This is the holy grail. For years bits and pieces of this sequence have been circulating around the community but seemingly nobody has ever had the full set that went all the way up to page 31. To not only have the full set up until that page IN ADDITION to the new edits, this is a fucking goldmine. Salute to you anonymous OP. Your editing skills are too good to remain anonymous, you should do this to other pieces of work.
Thanks. Fair warning, most of the first pages i'd already done have been further edited, particularly since I decided to alter the actual story. I also fixed some visual issues that were bugging me. So anyone that has the old edits might want to wipe them and replace them with these.
Who wants to be the biggest chad who ever chadded his way out of Chad Town and make a video using the OG audio as a base? Similar to this vid below:


Just please also put it in a Google Drive or preferably a Drop Box, too. Ever since 06/01/2023 none of the MP4 videos on BBW-Chan have worked. All the vids before that date work just fine, so it’s not a problem on my end and I’m not the only one to notice.
>>40294 LOL why pixelate those pussy lips?
I didn't. Just the vibrator. And mostly for comedic effect.
(190 KB, 900x1175, a_violet000.jpg) (184 KB, 900x1175, a_violet001.jpg)
Here's a couple just-for-shits-and-giggles edits. Mostly just because I wanted to do the second pic here. I don't see myself doing this to the rest of the sequence.
doesn't matter, still splooged
(290 KB, 1082x566, sub-buzz-15227-1530273269-1.png)
What are people seeing here that I'm not?

Artstyle looks slightly like wikihow's but worse and that shit comes from sweatshops in the philippines.
Then hide the thread and move on rather than derailing it.
I suppose it's more so the fact that the original artist, Faridae, and the work that they created for the community is still talked about to this day, especially since it has been literal years since they fell off the face of the earth. To have the art be "revitalized" in a sense is an interesting feat. The edits that anon added to the original images fits in with the established art style that Faridae created. At least that's my take
(60 KB, 705x496, JPEG.jpg)
Yeah, that was more or less it. TBH faridae's work is full of terrible jpg artifacting, misspellings, odd background faces, etc. The compression on his jpgs was so bad I had to use "add noise" to make any large color areas I added not stand out like a sore thumb.

But he did the violet sequence some real justice. It hits a lot of the my criteria for a good inflation sequence.

1) Lots of different angles

2) Character consistently seems larger every panel despite different angles

3) Character's expressions and reactions are more or less realistic

4) Clothing stretches but eventually strains and gives

It doesn't hurt that it was one of the most iconic inflation scenes of all time and one that many of us grew up with. And that they added a massive number of pages after she disappeared in the movie, extending the sequence. For lack of better terminology, they "made bigger of she," which is always welcome in the inflation/bbw community. I just wish they had aged her up a bit and there's essentially no reason they could not have since they were drawing it from scratch. And that's why I did what I did. And I posted it here for anyone else who might also want it.


Sorry for being a little short earlier. So many people on this site (on all the boards) post dumbass "why u post thing i no like" when they could easily ignore threads they don't want to look at. It would be different if I were spamming /inf threads but I specifically put it here to keep it out of the way and easy to avoid. That's all. </rant>.

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