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whats his patreon?
anyone have the fat tetris download? wanted to try it out
Somebody upload a playthrough where they get erika to max weight.
Does any one what happened to the Stacy AI bot? I remember a post about it being in development.
Do you have the latest update, anon?
I think kemono is up to date with the comic, and damn it only gets better! >>43925
Do you have this week's pages?
Whos the artist?
The Princess Comic is done by WeirdMidnight aka ImpossibleSnail, same guy who made SFOAS and Sweet
The Stacy Drawing says Butterboned on the top left so I assume that's the name of the artist
Can someone share the game please?
Can someone find this on discord or ehentai?
Are you retarded?
Dang, is there a way to visit the first thread? This all has peaked my interest.
*Piqued, unless you’re hiking.
>>46423 ah, thank you. my question still stands, because I’ve just found this thread and I am thoroughly interested in the background for this
Anyone have Sweet?
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Does anyone Know how to access the game code? I want to try if I can implement twoowie the plant girl
The other fotos were from the og thread
there any way to edit your save file?
assuming that the game was made in gms2 i guess but i don't know how to access it since the gms editor that i'm using cant register the win file of the data.
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Have some art I found. I made a Stacy ai bot but I think it just blocked. I guess her dialogue is too saucy? Maybe the image of her final weight was too saucy? I dunno. Either way I’ll make a short story in a bit cause I’ve been gone for a while. I’m gonna do something based off of Jesse. Just something about them and the player going to a restaurant together. And the appetite that follows the wolf.
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>It’s been a week since you started work at as a…Fattening Office Administrator. Or snack guy as non-corporate people call it. As such the pay and little work experience needed began to make sense when your superior straight up told you that you would be eaten if you weren’t careful with snacks and how you treated people. >Of course you thought this was a joke until he burped up a UPS drivers cap in front of you, seemingly by accident. In which he just kinda looked at you and said. “Watch yourself.” The fat furry monster then went back to..whatever he does in his office as the reality of being eaten dawned on you.

>As such you’ve been using a bit of your own money and the office budget to try and get on everyone’s good side. Buy them different small treats and see what food’s they like, then spend the budget on stuff they like. You had a schedule on who got what by the end of this week, and nobody seemed to hate you so, thus far, it’s been decent.

>Pearl, the sea monster, belched softly and greeted you as you entered the office. “Anon! Always good to see you!” Pearl beamed her new Double chin formed as she now adorned a noticeable pot belly, as she snacked on the candy bowl beside her.
>You waved to the scaled extrovert before going about the round, giving Erika a cinnamon bun, Stacy, a “jelly” donut, you don’t like to think about it.
>Kathy some chocolate, and…..”Mmph? Oh! Hey there pal!”
>The Texan voice of your coworker stops you in your tracks.
>Jesse stands up in her cubicle, her gut sticks out a foot and a half, her pink undershirt straining, but barely holding on.

>As Jesse’s gut strained her suit it hung over her waist heavily, obviously weighed down by more than fur and fat at the moment.
>Her breasts are B cups despite her weight gain and she has a double chin that’s mostly hidden by her fur collar.
>Her ass tends to fill her chair completely when she sits down now. The tow basketball sized cheeks ride up her pants ever so slightly, her belt tight like a noose trying to hold in all that wolf.
>Jesse’s tail is wagging furiously as she speaks to you. Her eyes closed as she beams at you with her canines bared in a friendly smile. Or a hungry one depending on who you ask.
>The wolf’s weight gain was your fault. Mainly due to you and her becoming well acquainted, she’s nice, likes westerns like you, enjoys sports.
>Naturally you two hit it off as more than co-workers but friends. As such you did visit her often where the two of you would talk for admittedly longer than you should causing you to leave entire boxes of donuts at Jesse’s desk, which the werewolf would devour easily, usually nursing and patting her full belly at the end of the day with a fanged grin. Yes she was basically eating the donuts meant for the others but hey, the others are still happy, or at least won’t eat ya. You hope.

>“Sup Jesse.” You say with a smile upon your face. Jesse puts an arm around you, the werewolf’s sleeves seeming a bit tight. “How’s my pal doing?” Jesse bumps your shoulder with her paw as she holds you in her inescapable steel grip of friendship.
>“Can’t complain. Just making my usual rounds.” You answer as Kathy belches loudly for the cubicle next to Jesse’s.
>The werewolf chuckles and leads you to her cubicle, where you stand up and the furry gal sits in an office chair that seems to be going on it’s last legs. Her gut jostling as she burps loudly, not caring to excuse herself.

>“So’s my waistline! Ha! Anyway, you got any snacks for this big lug?” Jesse smiles as she rubs her belly affectionately as it gurgles loudly. You smile and lay the donuts on Jesse’s desk.

>“So, what’s on the menu today?” Jesse asks as she begins to open the box.

>“Cinnamon rolls, Cream filled-“ You explain with a smile as you lean on Jesse’s cubicle wall, only to be interrupted by the cowgirl in wolfs clothing.

>“You had me at Cinnamon rolls, where have you been all m’life!?” Jesse jokes as she opens the box and scarfs the pastry’s down. Her suit’s buttons straining.

>“Working job to job.” You answer with an honest smile. Jesse laughs heartily at this one claw holding her gut and the other pushing a donut into her maw.

>“Heh, I feel that, ya’ can bet on that. But hey! We could use more hard workin’ folk like you. Hey, what do you say we go to the break room, for a chat and a little snack? It’s nice to talk to someone who isn’t lazy, and isn’t cold. Ya know?” Jesse muses as she scarfs down another donut, crossing her thick thighs over one another as she sighs in comfort.

>”Sure, down for lunch?” You offer in which her muzzle lights up into a fanged smile again.

>”Now you’re thinkin! I was just about to head down there myself. Say *BUORP*- I was itchin’ to get my hands on that new steak place down the block from the office. You down?” Jesse asks her yellow canine eyes filled with excitement, this gal and barbecue are probably a deadly combination.

>“Sounds like a plan, who says no to a good steak?” You say with a smile, ah, a woman after your own heart. Not your BMI but definitely your heart.

>”I know right!? Let’s haul ass!” Jesse takes your hand in her paw and walks faster than you thought a wolf of her size could as she practically drags you out the cubicle and toward the elevator. The werewolf’s basketball sized butt cheek smooshing tightly against each other as she waddles, her tail wagging wildly.
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>Before you know it your shoes are going from carpet to concrete as Jesse happily leads you to the apparent restaurant that’s setting her heart a flutter. It’s a restaurant with a coal miner aesthetic pick axes, lamps, pans, and other gold rush like memorabilia line the walls as they walk in. The smell of barbecue is unmistakable. The two of you are seared near a wooden, padded, booth. A small lamp acts almost like a candle, gotta admit it’s a unique theme. You and Jesse look over the menu.

>”It’s all meat and beer.” You mutter out.
“As it should be.” Jesse says as if correcting you. You chuckle at this, can’t argue with that.
>“I’m having the steak…32 Oz.” Jesse licks her muzzle, her tongue going over fangs with delight.
>“I’ll get the 10 Oz….wait 32? That’s possible?” You blink in surprise trying to imagine a 2 pound steak.
>”You’re right, I’ll have two!” Jesse says with a smile, as she calls over the waiter, who blinks at Jesse’s order before shrugging and writing it down, after giving your normal person order they leave. You look over at the wolf.
>“Well, at least you’ll have left overs.” You joke, with a chuckle.
>”Trust me, there won’t be any, heck I might just snag your steak if your not careful!” Jesse laughs, her flab jiggling as her gut partially presses against the table.

>“That wasn’t a challenge Jess.” You explain with a smirk.

>“Is now! Never bet against my appetite.” Jesse pats her gut with pride.

>“Thirty gold says you can’t finish both.” You challenge with a grin.

>”Heh, you’re about to be 30 gold poorer.” She sits up straight and looks you in the eyes with a cocky expression.

>The Texan’s two steaks are put on the table. They are huge, easily as wide as the werewolf’s gut, something tells you that 32 oz was an understatement. Jesse seems taken aback by the the two table filling dishes for a moment.
>”What’s wrong? No shame in backing out.” You say with a grin and putting your arms behind your head.

>”Ha! Me? I don’t back down from a meal!” Jesse seems to regain her confidence and forgoes her knife and fork and simply takes the steak in her hands like she is holding a burger and sinks her fangs into it. She mewls at the flavor as its juices drip down her fat cheeks and onto her suit. Which she doesn’t seem to mind, it’s chow time not meeting time.
>It doesn’t seem easy as Jesse has to gnaw and slowly rip pieces of the oversized slab of meat off, her eating slowing as she nearly eats the first steak. Jesse leans back, her suit’s button stretched out, revealing the blackish-blue fur of her belly as it bulges through the gaps. A wardrobe malfunction seems inevitable if she carries on. “Huff, wow, *HUUORP!* Dang, this is a big steak.” Jesse lets out a groan as she shoves the last bit of the slab down her throat in a quick motion.
“Jeez, shouldn’t you take it slow?” You ask.

>“I take it slow and my gut notices how full it is, and I’m not done eating, so…*Hurp.* Faster eating helps.” Jesse explained as she looks over the second steak, her claws drumming against her stuffed belly, contemplating her ability to quaff for but a moment.
>”Safe to say I won the bet.” You say giving the bloated wolf finger guns of victory.
>“Heh, no. I ain’t tapping,it yet, this gal, still has room.” Jesse huffs out as she leans forward, her gut now partially on the table as she begins to try and quickly eat the steak, half way through, she stops and she seems sick for a moment.
“Jesse, you o-“ Your worries are cut off.

>*HUUUUORRP!* Jesse let out a be,ch that shook the very establishment, followed by your face being assaulted by her suits buttons as her poor clothes gave up the ghost and showed her stuffed belly to the world.
>“That’s MUCH better.” Jesse smiles and pats her gut before going back to the steak, each bite making her gut grow and rest on the table more and more, your own steak now being buried under her belly.
10 long minutes pass as Jesse slowly pushes the last chunk of meat into her maw with a satisfied groan.

>Jesse’s gut slams itself onto the table, her belt buckle becoming acquainted with your face as it bounces off your thick skull. Jesse belches loudly, the restaurant’s patrons turning to look at the wolfs display of gluttony. Her gut extends in front of her two feet now, and it’s a taut orb of food. It is level with her heels now as the buttons of the werewolf’s suit have long given up their battle, and shows off the blackish-blue fur of the werewolf’s gut to the world. Big as an overfilled bean bag with as much give as a boulder, Jesse is packed tight, and looks happy as a clam.

>“So…where’s my *BUUORP!* Thirty gold?” Jesse smirks as she picks her teeth with her claw. You sit in amazement, she looks….beautiful actually. With a blush you give Jesse her well earned gas money.
>“Ugh, I’m gonna need a minute to waddle on outta here. Go ahead hun, I’ll be a couple minutes.” Jesse lets out another small burp as she mewls and rubs what she can reach of her outrageously stuffed gut.
You do so, and say you’ll meet her at the office in which Jesse gives a lazy thumbs up with her claw.
One thing was for sure, it was a hell of a lunch.

Next is a date night at Jesse’s place.
Maybe you can do a bot that can guide the shadow banned bots that you have created

Since the Stacy bot isn’t on your page
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I’ll switch some things up a bit, mainly with the image and some suggestive lines she has. Her dialogue is FAT so I’m gonna comb through it and make it a bit better. Without butchering the gluttonous vampire of course. Any story requests besides Jesse? Want me to do a Stacy story to make up for her being down temporarily? I’ll make it a bit saucy to make up for it.
a rp about the original game would be amazing
a rpg bot about the events of the original game would be amazing
Simeone can help me? I have a Bug in sweet Game where i can't see some Sprites, they are invisible, there is a way i can play normaly the Game?
Love this! Best girl by far
You only go to disney when you have been neglected growing up stir the pot.
Anyone know anything about weirdmidnights new project?
Some rig welder make over 275k lets make some real moves on these 🤡
Watching porn and growing macro commercial cannabis lmao
Anyone have superfatty Rpg expanded
I want buku money. So much all I do is go to work every fucking day. Phone ringing off the hoe titiy hook
Yooo thanks man
Is Polly Pecker in there?
Does anyone have the new Super Sweet update?
Denver nuggets organization vicki was a fan for over 32 years shame on you
no he didnt uptaded
That’s literally the same price for 2 of his games
Is there new content or fanart?
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Screw it. I’ll write something up in a bit. Which girl do you want to have a sex scene? Cause I’m gonna write one, but I’m not sure of who yet. Making love to one of the girls at their fattest is the idea. So feel free to throw your ideas of who you want.
honestly chloe for me
Pearl is just too precious.
Erika would probably cum just from being felt up.
Jesse's a lesbian, so unless the POV is woman, it's kinda hard to imagine.
Kathy... Honestly would probably just tease.
Victoria's too greedy, Polly is too self-absorbed, and Stacy would probably just use the opportunity to suck you dry.
does anyone have the super fatty rpg - expanded?
I want Polly Pecker
My vote is for Jesse. I Love me some fat werewolf. The idea of her letting out her aggressive side in bed would awesome.
Chloe it is, I’m about half way done with it. Should be done in a day or two depending on work.
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*Its done.

Chloe Love scene

>It was an odd couple months at the office, honestly, you didn’t think you’d survive or make it this far, but goes to show where being a team player and being good with money gets you. In your bosses bedroom apparently. Well, other boss. Not the green psycho, that guy gives ya the creeps.

>”God, this has been a stressful week.” Chloe mumbled, her fat spilled over the sides of the couch and her massive beachball sized butt cheeks crushed the backrest of said couch as well.
>Her breasts, are as big as her rear, two huge slightly squished orbs each one is almost as wide and tall as you and is barely restrained by her work attire, the black straps revealing plenty of the mountains of cleavage, the two sisters rest heavily on her gigantic gut, and what monolith it is.
>Her belly hangs off her body, well it is most of her body, it hangs off her legs, covering her thunderous thighs from view save for the very tips of her shoes, and a bit of her fishnets. 6 feet wide and 6 feet tall it is a testament to her gluttony. And it just gets bigger. This couch fit her a month ago, but stress eating mixed with your job of keeping everyone fat and happy didn’t help with any idea of a diet.
>Something she has now seemingly given up on. Well she tries to diet occasionally but it never goes well for her. Any gym equipment tends to bend and break under her girth.
You are squeezed beside her on what remains of the “Comfort couch” as you both have called it.
>Over the months the two of you bonded over the stress of your respective jobs. And gaining a mutual respect over having to manage the gals of the office. The two of you watch a nothing film on tv together, a simple film to numb the mind. This has become a ritual for you two, even when Chloe had a mere potbelly the two of you would have a movie night as friends. Just relaxing and bitching about work.
>“You’d think with Kathy being the ball of blubber she is she wouldn’t pull pranks anymore, but nope! Gotta find some way to piss the others off. I swear I’m gonna give her a pay cut if she keeps this up. Only thing that makes her stop, now.” Chloe sighs into her triple chin her yellow eyes downcast as she tries to see the film over her huge bust and monster of a belly. You nod understanding her plight.

>“It’s been rough, I mean, I hate to save Stacy from getting eaten by Erika. Again.” You mumble as Chloe’s love handles and thighs push heavily against your side. The apartment shakes for a moment as Chloe moves in place a bit to get more comfortable.
>“Why does nobody have any self control! Just…meet your deadlines, ask for help if you can’t. Who am I kidding look at me, I’ve got none either. But at least I try to do my job.” >Chloe mumbles as she shifts her blobular body to the side oft eh couch to snatch up a donut from the end table. With a grunt of effort Chloe’s ass slams back onto the broken couch, even when it was lifted up a couple mere inches. The apartment shakes again and you are forced airborne by a foot for a second, but quickly recover.
>“Sorry. This weight is comfy…and I like eating what I want for once. But damn, is it a hassle.” The demoness sighs and leans on you a bit, being careful not to lean too much in fear of crushing you.
>“Come on, you look great.” You say with a smile as you lean again feeling her warm blubber against your face, your face sinking in half way partially disappearing into your friends blubber.
>“I guess? But is it worth all this? I mean I have to get a new wardrobe weekly, my car doesn’t fit me. It’s just..such a money vacuum, sure I can afford to live like this, but do I need to? I just.l.feel so useless sometimes.” She laments.

>“You’re literal the reason why the office isn’t up in flames. You’re far from useless, heck, look at me. My job is to be the snack guy, with a budget. I ain’t exactly Mr.Important.” You say with a smile, which is met with Chloe’s downcast frown.

>“….You’re single handedly the best hire we’ve ever had. Like..our profits are up substantially due to all the girls being too big to move from their cubicles, you’re a budgeting wizard, and you can actually..do things.” Chloe patted what she could reach of her belly. It gurgled and jiggled like an ocean of red. You blink in surprise at this. Your no genius, your just good with people and can budget like most other adults.

>“And you keep everyone in check, you make sure the rules are followed, you manage to somehow keep the ball of chaos that is Kathy in check. I can’t even do that. We’re lucky to have you Chloe.” You say as you lean on her more. She does the same.
>“Thanks, that means a lot to me. I just….wish I could be pampered for once you know? Like you coming in to my office and giving me donuts and just..treating me like a person. It’s the closest thing to a relationship I’ve been in.” Chloe explains with a morbid chuckle.
>“Not social?”
>“Not enough time. I don’t have time for friends or partners. I’ve just been too busy, too much crap to sept through it just…Ugh!” Chloe stifles a burp as she slumps a bit more.
>“Yeah work has been hard on me too. Hard to keep relationships when you have to be constantly on top of things….like the budget.”
>“Screw the budget.” Chloe mumbles as she pushes a donut into her maw.
>”Fuck the budget.” You say as well.
A comforting silence fills the room, well silent as it can be with Chloe’s belching and her barge of a stomaches loud gurgling. But it was comfy.
>“Hey….do you mean it when you say i look great despite..l well, all this.” She looks down as if thinking.
>“Yeah, I think you look beautiful.” You answer honestly as your face is still half hidden by demoness’s rolls.
>“So….its been a while since I’ve…seen action.” Chloe mumbled her crimson face hiding her blush. You felt your heart stop. Getting an idea of where this was heading.
>“Go on.” You say trying not to sound too eager to be buried under the red menace.
>“I was wondering…if you wanted to….try to…do it tonight. We’re practically dating so…” >Chloe puts one of her hands on your shoulder as best she can, having to shift her entire body to do so.
>“Yes!” You answer with a cracked voice before nervously coughing.
>“Ahem, sure.” You correct with a smile. Chloe blinks then giggles, her jowls jiggling as she does so. It’s a happy, amused giggle.
>“Heh, so you’ve been wanting this huh?” Chloe whips her hair with a fat hand.
>“…Yeah, I think you look just…fuck it. You’re so damn sexy.” You admit as you lean more into her, an action she does not fight.

>“Oh! Oh. Oh~” Chloe smiles and slowly begins to get up, with a SLAM she gets to her feet.
>Having to having to kick her stomach forward, while pulling her ass, all the way to the bedroom. The mere act of moving was an act of counter balancing her huge ass with her bigger belly. Her feet kicking her belly as she made a single step, the apartment shaking and brick-a-brick quivering.
>The sight was stunning, as her massive red butt cheeks almost covered the entire bed. Normally they were either piled up on her catastrophically thick cankles and thighs, drooping down behind her, or forced to conform to the cradle of a crushed couch or oversized desk chair.
>Now, free from the weight of her…well weight, they were allowed to spread out, oozing across the bed spread like red, soft, magma. In front of her rested the gargantuan gut reaching out and firmly planted on the floor, going over the bed and it nearly touching the ceiling from her laying position, groaning and gurgling.
>Chloe has to spread her legs out while it conquered her lap. And her world. Chloe smiles at you as she tries to undo her bra only for her to be unable to reach it on her own.
>“…Would you be so kind?” She blushes, and you nod, pink in the face as you maneuver around the red blob, now at her side, her fat face squished as she turns her head to look at you her fat cheek partially obscuring her right eye at this angle.
>You put your hands under Chloe’s fat back trying to undo the offending sleep-ware, only for the straps to snap upon you applying force to them. Chloe sighed with relief and pulled on the sides of her breasts, the only part of them she could reach, to pull the black cloth off. Revealing the twins to the world.
>”Would you be so kind and remove my shoes as well…and my pants.” She says with a blush and a warm smile on her black lips. Her shoes came off easy, but her fishnets and panties, that took some finesse. You lifted what you could of Chloe’s lower gut, and pulled lightly at her fishnets causing an audible tear to be heard.
>“H-hey, take them off don’t break them!” She whines unable to see you from behind her mountainous gut.
>You chuckle, you’ll apologize later. You have to climb under Chloe’s gut, you let your arm down, allowing part of the demoness’s gut to slam atop of you as you crawled beneath her. She gasped at this feeling your fingers snap her panties, as you fingers find purchase near her love tunnel, hidden under rolls upon rolls. Even from under her you can hear her panting. You decide to see how demoness tastes, you can eat something now and then as well.

>The moment your tongue meets her tender bite you feel the flesh cavern you are in suddenly tremble and have a huge ripple go through it. Chloe’s muscles stiffen causing a tidal wave of motion to go through her body. “Oh god!” She screams, obviously pent up.
>You keep up, doing a good job of eating her out as she is reduced to needy moans and panting. Slowly you climb out from under Chloe, now at the end of the bed, you hear the demons panting as she tries to regain her breath exhausted from the orgasm you just have her. You go to her side to see how your over is doing. She is sweating, heavily and her face is flushed. You pat the side of her belly to get her attention causing her to snap her head forward to look at you. She breaths heavily then mutters.
>“Pants. Off.” She says through panting You give her a kiss then begin to take off your work pants, letting your member go free. Looking over the angle you ponder on how to penetrate, being under her is gonna make penetration a hard task, your idea is answered as the beds springs creak as Chloe uses gravity to help her lay on her side.
>“T-There. Give it to me.”
>You nod now having clear view of her dripping sex. You still have to push your body heavily against her lower gut. But you have enough space to now comfortable enter her and so, you do, you thrust hard. Her muscles stiffen once more. “Fuck!” She puts her hand over her mouth at her foul language, which is then replaced with needy moans. Each thrust cussed waves along her adipose. Her eyes roll back in her head and her white hair is messy as she thrusts back to the best of her ability increasing the pleasure for you both, finally after what feels like forever you thrust one more time into Chloe sending her off with the best orgasm of her life as you finish inside her.
>Exhausted as well, you do one last Herculean task, you climb behind Chloe, and wrap your arms around the part you could reach around, her fat neck. Being the big spoon for a demon.
“…I love you.” Chloe mutters softly as she enjoys the embrace.
“Love you too.” You say back as you close your eyes. Chloe smiles as she falls asleep, for once she wasn’t stressed, or anxious about her weight, she felt beautiful, sexy,….and loved. It was a nice change. One she wouldn’t mind feeling for the rest of for her life.

Annnd there is Chloe, sorry this took a while work and such. Anyway who do you want next?
Erika. She's probably the most pent up out of all the girls, once she reaches a certain size.
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Got it doing her next. Prepare for cute snuggles and feeding in bed as you make love to a true glutton.
May do something with her as well. With your pov being her husband trying to help her keep her champ title via feeding, belly rubs and love making. Sound good?
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Next ones you should do should be Beth and Kathy

And too anyone, does anyone have the 8 ball avatar with pants or skirt at full size
And maybe this time both the reader and character are max sized
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I'm only doing the girls from the full game, so I'm already planning to do Kathy.
I have the files from the game, so here's the avatar, and respectfully...
No. Also, don't beg me to do it, make your own.
I wasn’t begging I was just genuinely asking since you were doing Erika too
But thank you for getting the avatar and it’s nice to know you’re doing Kathy too
Oh, I think I made a mistake - I'm the one who's making the chatbots, and you were probably replying to the guy writing the greentexts.
Yeah, I just don’t really know how to respond to someone directly
You click the number to the right of the "No." in the top right corner of their post.
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Question, I made the Character AI bots originally and I’m struggling to use the limited Spicy stuff. Any tips on how to format it? Cause I tend be tenacious when it comes to details in my bots. And the limited token limit kicks my ass.
I found this quite handy:

When it came to going into details about the girls' bodies or clothing I just did "She has [adjective], [adjective] [bodypart or feature]" then a semicolon, then list the next bodypart or clothing item, going from top to bottom. You wanna get the Personality part done first, since that'll most likely take up the most space. Keep it succinct, remember: you're talking to a machine that needs small, easily identifiable chunks of information to work with.
If you want to, write out a sentence about, say, what the character does at work, and the whittle down the unnecessary details, until you get the basics (what do they do, what else do they do, maybe if they're good at it or not).
The guide will be your best friend. Try to keep the Personality part under 500 tokens - remember that after describing it as a coherent text, you'll have to put all the key details into bracket like (this + that + another thing + etc.), which can easily double the amount of tokens the Personality part will need. I averaged around 2000 characters and 450+ tokens. The greeting can be however long you want it, just bare in mind the token limit - it's good for setting up the scenario for the users, and the bot will use some data from it, and use the example sentences in the advanced setting if there's a particular way you want your character's speech or conversation patterns to sound like (I used it to inform Jesse's country accent, for example). The rest of the details are either self-explanatory or can be found by just following the guide.
Well, Spicychat had implemented its' new "Semantic Memory 2.0", which basically means they fucking kneecapped the memory of bots being used by free users, so they fucking forget details and data after a certain point.
So, unless you pay them, the chatbots will basically need the conversation's entire context reiterated to them after a while.
Not sure if making all the girls is worth pursuing at this point.
Is there anything new?
DoshinDraws on Twitter
We got any updates on Sweet 2?
Is there new art
Has anybody tried modding the game to adjust the font and resolution? I know you can use the undertale mod tool since it's a gamemaker game but I wasn't able to figure out how to adjust things without breaking them
Honestly I don’t think so , even if you can the creator didn’t provide the source code for the game so it’s difficult to make alterations
that guy doesnt know what hes talking about. in the sfoas folder in program files theres a data file you can open with undertalemodtool with everything, including the game font, labelled clearly. idk how to change the font but if you look around im sure you can. resolution is less doable due to how the assets work.
Damn really, I didn’t know, thanks this means that we can make mod for sfoas
is anybody able to get the newest build for Super Sweet /Sweet 2?
did anyone play the demo?
Any updates on Super Sweet 2?
the demo is out, i finished my second playthrough yesterday
Where can I get a copy of the demo?
i got mine from kickstarter, i think the demo is also in his patreon
i cannot find it on patreon so i think we could only get it from kickstarter.
yea can't back it anymore either. care to share Anon?
did!!! thanks anon

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