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Couldn’t post these in Fnaf thread in bbfurries for no reason.

So post Bubblefox related content here.
Fat CB is just the best...
>>39660 (OP)
>Couldn't post content on furry board.
Okay, but that isn't a excuse to post a thread consisting mostly of furry content here. If you can't post the content on the one place where it's allowed to be, then just don't post anything at all because furry focused threads should only be on the board dedicated to them. That's. The. Entire. Fucking. Point.
Hey don’t be a hater… just this stand cause we need to see more art from Bubblefox.
Just shut the fuck up.

You furries have your own section on BBWchan.

Can’t chief It prevented me from posting Bubblefox_Nsfw art for no reason… wish some explains why also “Bad Language makes for bad feelings.”
Did you ever consider that Maybe it was already posted in the bbfurry FNAF thread
>"bAd LANguaGE maKeS FoR BAd FeElIngs"
What are you, 8 years old? If you don't want to be sweared at don't do dumb shit like blatantly breaking site rules, better yet don't use chans at all. This sort of behaviour comes with the territory, it's not a place for frail little daisys like you who'll crumple up into a heap if so much as a strong gust of wind hits them. Try telling those words of wisdom to the next random person you see swearing in public and see where it'll get you.

Please just delete this thread already you sperg, if you don't we'll just get the mods to nuke it anyway.
For real though what's the problem?
I might be a bit re----ed, but like
Is it really that necessary to sort furry stuff into a whole different category?

like, come on, if it's Fat, then it's fat
i don't give a shit if it's human or an anthro
Yes, it's necessary because the people who don't like anthro content immediately get into shit-flinging matches and ranting diatribes whenever it shows up outside of the furs board. That's the entire reason that rule was established, same with male content and really anything that's likely to trigger the poor sensitive souls over on the general draw board.

And like, categorisation just inherently makes sense. It's way more efficient and convenient for us yokels to use this festering cesspool of a chan if certain topics and subjects are clearly divided as every user has their own tastes and preferences. Laying out the site this way allows people to reach what they want to see quicker and avoid what they don't have an interest in. I feel like I shouldn't have to explain any of this...
I have the link to the models themselves (for blender), if anyone is experienced enough to make some sexy renders
It showed nothing on it

Aw crap seriously? it shows the file for me when I open it.
Dang, I'm unsure then
We need more pics guys, keep this thread alive!
Dude’s been posting belly pics cos he’s gaining weight again which is probably one of the reasons why he’s taking a while to post something new
Well I hope we get to his Fanart soon… it’s in his @BubbleFox_NSFW.
did someone able to fix roxy rig?
Hope we get more Artwork from BubbleFox_NSFW.
C’mon guys… let’s see if they’re is more “Artwork” he made.
Any luck, Nitter.net is working a little but it can’t show NSFW Content for some reason… please keep trying everyone.

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