
Note: This is an experimental thread
Any chance of someone being able to make a good fat Lady Bow bot on character.ai ?
Whose ready for Vivian Gender Discourse Part 2?
And localized by the Nintendo Treehouse
The same people who forced Girlboss Edelgard and removed marriage from FE Engage.
That's the funny part, Vivian is referred to as a woman throughout the game and her tranny origins are never once mentioned in the English script--you'd think that would be what the faggot mafia wants.
What happened to Sprito01?
(3.9 MB, 2162x1551, big_fat_vivian_on_a_little_tiny_chair_by_ashamedscreen_df3p4l1.png) (3.1 MB, 2560x2560, 1662647801.wenisberry_bigviv.png) (1.4 MB, 3050x1355, immobile_shadow_sirens_by_heidern345_dg29rff.png)

As far as I'm concerned both interpretations of Vivian's gender are correct, in the American version of the game, she's female. In the original Japanese version, she's trans.

Personally, I consider Vivian as a female character, that's how I knew her while growing up playing the game, that's how I see her now, regardless of what the other versions of the game say.

He's still around, when he first started out on DA, he did a lot of good fat sprite art of Mario characters, but he personally decided to hold off from making any more fat art until after he turns 18, since some people in the DA community were giving him some grief over him being underage.

According to his DA profile I believe he turns 18 this year in December, so we'll see if he decides to start making fat art again or not once that time comes.
Why was he doing it in the first place if he was underage? Did he think other people wouldn’t care?
Matter of fact, why are most underage people drawing this kind of crap? Seriously. It’s not right.

The problem is that other people "care". Nothing magically changes when you turn 18. You get lust when you get, not turning 18. You grew to be creative when you do, not when you turn 18.

Dissolving someone's creativity is a piece of cyberpuritan crap.

I think the issue is more a matter of legality than anything else
Remember to always lie about your age, kids.
This, just hide your power level and avoid the modern day puritanical horde altogether. Foxfire got started as a dumb 13yo and his capability has grown considerably because of how much he's drawn, never tell a teenage to stop drawing just because the faggot mafia wants to rule the internet.
All this skill went to a waste.
(193 KB, 1199x848, IMG_1533.jpeg)
I’m hoping for a resurgence.
Yeah it'd be nice to not hear people bitch every other post about how much they hate trans people.
I just want a bunch of fatass ghosts.
(359 KB, 729x820, IMG_1629.png) (336 KB, 820x796, IMG_1628.png) (81 KB, 545x778, IMG_1627.png)
True. Bitching doesn’t solve anything. I find it funny how some people want own sexual preferences projected everywhere though. That’s all I’ll say on the matter.

How much fat Vivian is it possible to get our hands on? And how the fuck do we avoid repeats?
If you think about it, her being trans would be a good thing for this. Means more people get art of her being fat as fuck either with or without a cock, and people would probably draw alts. Let the people see what they wanna see; makes more people happy overall, and gets more art of her being fucking huge into the world. It's a win-win for everyone.
Fat is the great androgynizer. There’s only one problem: as I said earlier, people want their sexual preferences on full display. >>56768 the 3rd pic, by Fawxen, explicitly states that Vivian is Trans (Female) in the gender bio. That might ruin people’s willingness to draw him (her)
Wasn’t the whole trans thing just a mistranslation of the original Japanese which was closer to something like a tomboy?

I think I read that somewhere a while back, can’t remember where though.
(58 KB, 749x670, IMG_1648.jpeg)
I’d believe that sooner than whatever a leftist has to say.

What other Mario ghosts can we fill this thread with?
If you think an obese woman looks anything like an obese man you are a faggot in denial, as well as retarded.
First I'm hearing of that but its plausible, and if Vivian actually was a tranny then her category on pixiv would have been packed to brim with futa bullshit. At this point I'm convinced that any claim that a fictional character drinks troonshine or so forth is just cope from some genetic deadend living in Portland.

You’re in luck, I know a guy who speaks Japanese. Asked him to look into it straight from Japanese media and websites, and apparently, the Japanese term used to describe Vivian in game is “otokonoko”, which doesn’t exactly have a direct translation, but could be compared to “cross-dresser” or “drag queen”. That sort of thing is apparently a common trope in Japanese comedy and doesn’t have any of the sexual/gender/political connotations it does in the west.

So if we’re going by word of God Miyamoto, Vivian’s a trap.
So Japanese Vivian dresses up like a girl as a joke but has the good sense not to cut his dick off or terrorize others using the wrong pronouns? Good, crossdressing’s a joke so it should be treated like one.
(26 KB, 1470x1070, dgjgsy7-f185b079-4eeb-4fc2-b6df-c4ab8788e268.png)
Alright assholes, to settle this I ended up doing the research myself.

The idea in the Japanese versions of the game is that Vivian refers to herself as female and uses female likenesses (calls the Shadow Sirens the "san shimai" meaning "three sisters", including herself, also refers to herself with "atai", which is a feminine pronoun). Other characters like Beldam refer to her with "okama", "otoko" and the like, effectively calling her male.

The important thing to note is that Vivian herself always refers to herself as a girl, however - in fact, it's not just her. In the Japanese version's ending, Goombella (who previously uses male pronouns taking after Beldam) cottons onto it, and refers to the group as sisters, including Vivian, as if respecting her choices as she comes to realise. In addition to all of this, her gender is never brought into question in the English versions, being unmistakably female with nothing to suggest otherwise, which was reportedly done intentionally to keep the game's age rating low overseas. While obviously this could mean that .they just removed this aspect of the character in other regions to avoid controversy, they notably don't make any passes to suggest that it also doesn't exist, what with Beldam still calling her ugly. However, despite this, the Italian translation mentions that Vivian "used to be a man, but now she's a woman and proud of it", further supporting the original Japanese text.

Going off of a character in the Japanese version of the game actively changing their opinion on her, as well as Vivian herself being insistent on calling herself female despite everything, and an official translation of the game actively stating that she is transgender, it's clear that the actual intention was to portray her as trans and happy with her choices. Remember, people used the same "otokonoko" argument with Bridget from Guilty Gear, only for her creator to come out and confirm she was transgender.

TLDR, she was written to be explicitly trans in the Japanese version and not just a trap, other characters were written to come to realise this and respect her choices, it was backed up other official translations. She's undeniably a trans woman, not male nor any kind of crossdresser.

Enjoy your fat ghost women.
(40 KB, 648x449, gunt xeet.jpg)
What the actual fuck is wrong with you if you can't even compress your thoughts into a single paragraph? Brevity is the soul of wit you faggot and no one is reading that crap.
Contractors understand now why trump never paid. Through these files this is ridiculous hire more minorities. 90% of one race isnt acceptable.
(2.2 MB, 2075x1776, 1685550863.fattyblaze_mayrio_month_day_18_-_vivian.png)
I quite literally did. That's why the TDLR is there. The big paragraphs is just the research I've done so I can say I'm not bullshitting you on any of it.

At least you're right in that you're not reading it. Dumbass.
Still get more pussy then you & your father.
Oh nice another letter for the shredder. Cant read cant know.
(450 KB, 4096x2562, 7be4ceca822111e4e2ceb672e7631162.jpeg)
Eh, doesn't matter. I've said my piece, contributed to the thread and made a fool of you. I'm happy, even if my words fall on deaf and dumb ears.
1973 or 1977 court case
442 Civil Rights - Employment
Cause 42:2000 Job Discrimination
(93 KB, 1280x853, 1500266172.miromax-inc._big_lady_bow.jpg)
Honestly this whole conversation has quite possibly been some of the goofiest things I have ever read.
Maybe I am not one to talk, as this whole message board environment is in all honesty new to me, but are people really this stubborn when it comes to accepting something a game just... straight up tells you?
Loserrrrrrs delegates retire get a life!!!! Stop ruining families
At least you posted fat Vivian too. I’d post her myself, but I’m worried about repeats
(342 KB, 3000x2000, EceRI8qUcAA9jFs.jpg)
Nah, it's alright - a bunch of people have posted her already anyway, it's fine. Go ahead!

You know, people might be more willing to listen to you if you weren’t so hostile.

Also, bringing up the Bridget thing is probably not a good look since that was a pretty clear case of activist types just harassing the company into confirming their retarded headcanons since they can’t comprehend the idea of a feminine man existing without being part of their cult.

I don’t think any of this shit even matters anyways, we’re talking about a fictional ghost creature, maybe it’s possible for that species to actually change sex, maybe it is a case of cross dressing, I don’t give a shit Boo girls are hotter anyways, I’m here for them.
Why isn’t there more fat art of the shower piggy ghost?
(140 KB, 1200x847, IMG_1807.jpeg)
How many more days until the remake?
(4.3 MB, 2373x1553, IMG_1820.png)
Otokonoko or bio fenake?
(48 KB, 279x355, IMG_1940.png) (195 KB, 519x592, IMG_1939.png) (127 KB, 409x487, IMG_1938.png) (125 KB, 1045x886, IMG_1937.jpeg)
All this talk about Vivian and possible trans identity, but what about the other two shadows?
I find it pretty hard to believe all that when I know that Japanese has like five or six various terms for very specific character tropes that the west all just labels as 'transgender'.

Japanese is an incredibly contextual language.

I really don't care, all I want is the game I played as a kid.
Nintendo Treehouse killed that game my man, you're not getting it back
Yeah. I know. The leaks of edited dialogue are not promising, not to mention Nintendo of America being a fucking short bus.

Ah well. We can still emulate.
(158 KB, 985x932, IMG_1964.png)
I’m seeing this image tossed up as well. What is this?
There's a lot of fat Vivian threads on 4chan's /v/. There was a trend of two posters going back and forth essentially quasi-ERPing, their posts getting increasingly unusual. One of these posters eventually got into how Vivian would eat so much, she would eat silverware, too. This was seen as ridiculous to the other posts in these thread.
I drew that image as a joke in regards to that.
I can’t believe I’m seeing an explanation straight from you. Thank you so much, Shweet, for coming here and giving one. I wish I could’ve been there or that desuarchive recorded /v/ threads.

Hate to be pushy, but do you feel like drawing anything now? It’s ok if you don’t
>it's official
More like it's horrible localization and translation
why would i celebrate a shitty localization lol
(2.9 MB, 1533x2403, 1715044804.steelpin7117_doodlies541_vivian.png) (405 KB, 3000x1200, 1711746269.ziyostreetsoul_midna_and_vivian_bubblized.png) (3.9 MB, 1984x1857, 1704804690.squishypsycho_vivian-humanoid.png) (348 KB, 1920x1920, 1701511114.teixeira-juan_1000110576.jpg) (81 KB, 545x778, 1700077591.fawxen_vivian_large.png) (1.2 MB, 4000x2500, F9FeQAKaYAAJvvn.jpg)
>was always the case in the original GCN Japanese version
>went uncensored in half of the other translations, was censored in English
>remake features the director of TTYD as well as PM64 and SPM, and has her transgender in both English, Japanese and seemingly most if not all other translations
Literally irrefutable at this point lmao. This was the original intention by the game's director, and he ensured it would be carried over to the remake in both English and Japanese.

Shut up, Beldam.
so what you're saying is, that this character should be posted in /bhm/ instead of here from now on? yeah, i agree.
Haven't seen these Vivian pics before, but hot damn they're lovely.

(6.4 MB, 5000x6000, (2024-05-22) Peeka and Lahla.png)
here you go, let me know how it is
patreon exclusivity isn't something i'm fond of doing but i gotta get the green somehow
We need more lady bow, peeka and Lahla
We need more transphobe william or whatever that thing's name is

YEEEES!! More cute fat blobby boo girls!! <3
Canonical transphobe, let's go!! Nintendo representing everyone this time around.

But seriously, in the end, I think like 95% of the world doesn't care. TTYD's almost 20 years old, no one's changing minds this late on whether Vivian is female, trans, or a crossdresser, and kids are just gonna mash through the text anyway.
You must be the mentioned 5%.
(1.2 MB, 1072x834, AHHHHHHHHHHHH.png)
I hate this so much.
This the "trans rep" that you're looking for???
Vivian should of remained just a regular girl in English so we wouldn't be subject to the ugliest "Cute" fanart you have ever seen
Nothing I find funnier than people that think replying with that is an own.
I'm just tired of them banging their drums and tooting their own horns about "finally getting trans rep"

Vivian is clearly past the point where she has to have the trans additive, having actually gone full female.
You got a Discord anon? Would be nice to talk about Bow
Transphobia alert
Why she waited all these years to start running that mouth? Oh ok your job. He is bigger then you. Wake up. Bigger then all of you. - his boss
Tell joe I said hello. - I sent him out before he got hired by your job. - his boss
I can’t believe someone would post something so blatantly offensive.
As a long time Spongebob fan, I am hurt that anyone would associate our favorite yellow guy with the groomer cult of mentally ill eunuchs.
Imagine blabbering about politics on fucking BBWChan.
Yeah, we wanna see fat women, not even women, just things, are you restarted? Do i need to start you again?
Guys Vivian is a fucking shadow creature. Literally just a blob of darkness with a hat and hair. She’s whatever the she says she is because she is a shadow
(125 KB, 697x627, lady bow chunk.png) (322 KB, 3249x2941, GLc9T17aIAABzAj.jpg)
I be like Wario
Stompin around the Mushroom Kingdom with my fat cock pokin out my purple jeans
I got all this bling
Sippin that Power Lean
If they abandoned you. Dont take your kids to them. Fuck all that stupid shit.
Your use of excessive pronouns disturbs me. Also, that whole statement is a contradiction.
Y'all are retarded
Yeah exactly restarted
What about marilyn and beldam?
sauce for the first one?
(171 KB, 529x695, CKrummpy.PNG)
Marilyn mogs her sisters hard. Just a peaceful giant trying to do her job.

Other than that, those two might be female in the og Japanese too.
(96 KB, 885x1030, IMG_2398.jpeg)
Why don’t the other two sirens have as much controversy?
Whenever I feel like what I do is pointless or a waste of time I will always have the comfort of knowing I’m not in a flame war over at most 3 text boxes. Thanks lads
Btw I made a bot request where Beldam is found immobile in the middle of the forest due to a curse that made her gain weight for every time she had insulted Vivian in some way.
(39 KB, 828x460, big_bow_bounty_by_octoguy45_df3vp9m-414w-2x.jpg) (19 KB, 506x479, bowntiful_by_wamnugget_dgo7lx0-375w-2x.jpg) (49 KB, 826x634, extra_large_lady_bow_by_aasminecrafter_dgb9po9-414w-2x.jpg) (33 KB, 965x828, lady_blob_by_riftsrounds_dhaqaka-pre.jpg) (45 KB, 894x894, lardy_bow_by_matheerealgirl_dgqsz0t-pre.jpg) (460 KB, 1000x935, 1470599266.wizard-merlin_merlin.png)
BTW I saw once on deviantArt a fat lady bow art but it was premium deviantArt and I want to ask if someone can find it and post it here
So the context from what I gatber is that she’s been out of the game for a while and became overweight, but it’s ok because they Nuts & Bolts her back to normal in the next chapter.

Whoa, even the official Mario manga acknowledges the cuteness of big fat spherical boo girls! <3

Are there anymore pages with her fat before she loses the weight? What chapter/volume is this from?
Have her booty content before weight lose only. She lost alot recently marriage separations suck!
Superior complex and verbal abuse get me out of hell.
I’m assuming that was the only one because of >>59893, but what did you find. I don’t like Mario-kun too much myself.
(146 KB, 367x509, 90340930234.png)

That was the last page of that chapter, and the next time we see her in the next chapter she's already thin again. I gotta say Lady Bow in the Mario-kun art style is adorable! ^u^
Peace. Bk edition.
>>60056 you got small feet. Oh thats what its all about lol
(182 KB, 797x1280, IMG_2463.jpeg) (124 KB, 750x750, IMG_2462.jpeg) (143 KB, 749x716, IMG_2461.jpeg) (90 KB, 675x900, IMG_2460.jpeg)
So many mario ghost ladies, and the thread’s being wasted on bullshit. Makes me feel like the asshole translators have won.
(309 KB, 2000x1600, GOmRbAiWEAA7O8n.jpg)
Considered spoiler tagging this for light slob-ish elements, but I think it's tame enough to just leave it be.
Ok now where's the horrid hag
(247 KB, 948x1200, IMG_2493.jpeg) (99 KB, 1000x676, IMG_2491.jpeg) (643 KB, 864x773, IMG_2492.png)
I was going to ask if male ghost characters are allowed for reference’s sake, but King Boo is making me think about the shocking lack of Queen Boos in here.
(607 KB, 542x814, IMG_2497.png)
It’s because discussion was dominated by this one character, but hopefully things are on track now
super bumpio 64
Not to sound like a coward but what's anyone's opinion to my beldam story/bot thing idea? Good enough of a punishment for her?
I love those two and I really like that last pic.
I remember there used to be a sequence involving vivan and peach together (might've been from SkalesStash but I'm not sure) but I can't find it anymore, anyone got it?
Yo vivian where did my pet chain chomp go
Holy Fuck what is this thread
How come you dont post up with your baby father like that. We all see you. His bum broke ass deserves a better woman then all of you tribe low iq thots
Can I join Super in his Mario fucking escapades?
Yes put you have to puff up some ghosts with this vacuum thingy
(110 KB, 1101x1049, IMG_2620.png) (1.2 MB, 2148x1715, IMG_2619.jpeg)
Never thought I’d see fat Doopliss
Never thought I would ask this, but has anybody ever mistaken Madame Flurry for being a ghost before?
Yes, the guy that posted the icons
She doesn’t count?
But you will get the pics of doopliss of sweet?
(595 KB, 1750x1500, (2024-06-08) Doopliss.png)
You're not missing much, it's a simple little thing. Eggdude and I are acquaintances so he inspired me a lil bit.
Looks good to me, and thanks
(466 KB, 1230x1263, IMG_2684.jpeg) (330 KB, 1280x932, IMG_2683.jpeg) (527 KB, 1280x1316, IMG_2685.jpeg)
I’ll say. It looks good, but I don’t really care about Doopliss. Have you considered doing a King (Queen) Boo from Luigi’s Mansion, Sunshine, or the basic third one?

Welcome back.
>>61476 wait shit i dont think this fits here
Maybe we could get an entire thread for the shadow gang
Exactly, and there’s so many mario characters to fatten

You did great, can you do Marilyn next?
We could do like sonic and knuckles (this is a metaphor), lawk awn tecnawlogi, btw that was supposed to be a dj khaled accent
I am still unpatiently awaiting for someone to use inflation or weight gain as some kind of punishment for beldam
I saw art of an oc named Vitra, she was a shadow that had a body akin to Marilyn, since she shared candies with her, i lost the art because it got buried under the new stuff in my deviantart home page, can anyone find it?
She also had a hat with blue stripes lines i think.
You're allowed to have the opinion
(132 KB, 1526x1483, 1:4.PNG) (61 KB, 1478x1247, 2:4.PNG) (101 KB, 1452x1397, 3:4.PNG) (157 KB, 1669x1513, 4:4.PNG)
It’s my opinion we’re lacking in content
Go sit with the other pinpointers like you.
(750 KB, 1710x2013, IMG_2799.jpeg)
Cool, whatever.

Anyway, I love how even twitter normies have a subconscious agreement that Lady bow is a chubby debutante. A debu debutante if you will.
You have an opinion, nobody asked but all will ask upon it now.
(69 KB, 808x579, Crestamorph.JPG)
I found them on twitter. Anyone know who these are?
They're the 3 sisters from Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon.
(155 KB, 1132x1197, IMG_2955.jpeg)
Obviously, I can’t believe I didn’t figure that out. Do they have fat art?
>bringing up the Bridget thing is probably not a good look since that was a pretty clear case of activist types just harassing the company into confirming their retarded headcanons

The designer who originally created Bridget straight up openly confirmed it with their statement of: "Bridget's gender identity has always been a major aspect of her character. The sudden insistence that this pillar of her character growth spanning nearly two decades is 'a new addition' is a sad misunderstanding at best and a comical delusion at worse."

Imagine getting called DELUSIONAL by Bridget's own creator, yet still somehow thinking you're in the right, lmao.
Damn, y'all really do just broadcast everything that gets under your skin huh? Literally just "T-That doesn't bother me!! How DUMB of you to think this makes me angry!! Let me rant about how NOT angry this makes me!!!"

No wonder it's been so easy to bully y'all out of hobbies. :3c
(520 KB, 1280x1280, Dig in.JPG)
WAKE UP! Bad things happen when you starve ghosts.
2nd/3rd image is really cute, artist?
(292 KB, 1852x2048, Hotlegs101_art.JPG)
This artist isn’t a fat fetish artist but she’s one of the best fat fetish artists I’ve ever seen
I dunno, the kirby thread's been super slow recently, hope people can bring it back
(97 KB, 2119x1091, IMG_3218.jpeg)
Who cares about Kirby? I’m looking for fat female Mario ghosts.
So am i, also the sonic thread in the furries thingy is also going super slow, but anyways back to the portlygeists
(367 KB, 1500x1500, 1665242038000.png) (78 KB, 1263x1402, F7qErvEb0AAfM1a.jpg) (224 KB, 2599x1913, FYEE0auXoAEu42K.jpg) (23 KB, 1410x1050, massive_melody_by_sprito01_dgq33fx.png)

Starting to run low on purely 'fat' boo content that hasn't been posted here already (and there hasn't been much new Lady Bow/Peeka+Layha content being made lately, maybe when spooky season draws near we'll start getting more).

I still have some stuff left in here though; Just have to dig a little deeper in the collection for it, and make sure that it hasn't been posted here yet. I've also been generally holding back on non-canon 'boo-sona' content, which I could start pulling from that part of my collection more openly.

Alternatively there's also the 'boo vore' portion of my collection (which is quite massive in of itself), but I don't know if that would be appropriate here, since this thread seems to be focused around fat fetish stuff.

I dunno, how do you guys feel about vore being posted? Personally, Boos are one of my personal favorite pred types in vore scenarios. <3
Honestly just had a vision of Lady Bow voring Tubba Blubba while reading that... I wonder if such art exists, it would be poetic justice afterall!
(95 KB, 750x575, IMG_3240.jpeg)
Pull from the boo-sonas. I love fat Lady Bow as much as the next fatfag, but we need variety in here.

That first pic is incredible, roxas617 has an incrediblr art style. Damn shame he’s also woke, or pic related is just a joke. I remember the artist for the second pic and her going silent. Do you have access to her gallery?
Chan boards...
Where everyone is welcome and isn't welcome at the same time.
(762 KB, 1062x1078, 1634585461842.gif)
>Damn shame he’s also woke, or pic related is just a joke
He's too dumb and angry to be able to joke.

>incrediblr art style
How? His shit is so fucking barebones that I found out there's other people who constantly gets dejavu whenever they see it and am always left wondering if he traces.

I dunno, I like it.

I’m going to miss this thread when it locks and dies.
Absolutely peak
Can you send a link to your deviantArt or fur affinity?
ShweetMagnet on the usual places
Do you want to do more?
That’s plenty. What’s her name and deal?
BTW can you make a fat-blob elfilin because I remember you made fat elfilis?
No clue, just was commissioned it without anything more.
$$$ sry
I understand maybe next time also I like your art
I love that you don’t mess around. Do you know who commed the boo, or is that confidential?
Yes I know I watch him on deviantArt
Ok, can you tell us who he is?
(63 KB, 1107x1200, wiiid14.PNG)
Any more fat art of this boo?
(73 KB, 1140x1030, IMG_3584.jpeg)
Do you prefer orb bow or anthro bow?
(77 KB, 1200x974, Egv_7pVVoAIr3KS.jpg)
For boos, definitely prefer orb-shaped. I do like anthro boos too, but their iconic orb shape is just so dang cute, especially when they're all properly plumped up and become squishy floating marshmallows! <3
(77 KB, 1200x974, Egv_7pVVoAIr3KS.jpg)

For boos, definitely prefer orb-shaped. I do like anthro boos too, but their iconic orb shape is just so dang cute, especially when they're all properly plumped up and become squishy floating marshmallows! <3
Img 2 lowkey looks like youtubers in animations where they're like the characters from the game but slightly looking like themselves
I don’t know if they’re this artist’s pals or what but they are hefty shadow sirens so they stay. I hope there’s more.
I can only go back up to 2023 for SGTXavi twitter media, but I know they been there since 2014

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