
(93 KB, 1280x722, 1500083856.miromax-inc._bendy (4) (2).png) (69 KB, 1063x752, sea_of_ink_by_fatfetishandshipping_df59zi4-pre.jpg) (42 KB, 1154x692, bendy_blob_revival_by_slobendy_dfgxppk-pre (1).jpg) (197 KB, 1280x983, 1499987136.chromchill12_2017-07-13_14.55.12 (1) (4).jpg) (84 KB, 1063x752, blobby_bendy_by_fatfetishandshipping_df40f7m-pre (1).jpg) (208 KB, 1280x1587, tumblr_inline_osh19jT8PT1tqr2qz_1280 (1).jpg)
For all ink demon lovers out there. Feel free to post as much fat art of Bendy as you want.
(81 KB, 1280x1280, 1618136503.slobendy_demon.png) (146 KB, 1024x760, 1538230436.chiantchat__req__bendy_the_drew_boy_by_alanglois-dcmw2w2 (3) (3).jpg) (191 KB, 800x800, de2ftxu-672bb1a4-358b-4310-a968-9ee36f5a6e52.png) (54 KB, 1024x635, bendmountain_by_mintrimo_dcao90d-fullview (6) (2).jpg) (92 KB, 1280x1280, 1618253529.slobendy_fad.png) (17 KB, 679x379, 9e7f50e6a22f40e56e83f7cccd9306b80d5352759db8200f51bb698397c648bd.jpg)
One of these may look a little weird with the way it's designed, so nipple warning, for that one.
>Thread with exclusively male content.

This is literally not the place for this sort of stuff, there's an entire separate board dedicated to BHM. Delete this and go post this trash over there.

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