
>>38221 (OP)
What is the name of the girl in the red bikini?

Alice Boyle, from 'Wait Till Your Father Gets Home'
>>39542 Okkkkkkk... Do you mean HD pics of the hentai drawings or a specific character OC? Do you have a name?
Daphne > Velma
1v1 me
Is there more of the Jetsons' girls?
Too specific.
>A company that owns hundreds of IPs is too specific
>hundreds of IPs
>but essentially the same few premises across all IPs
That’s why it feels specific
bump for more Velma and daphne
"it's too specific"

my brother in christ, there is literally an entire thread just for slobby steven universe art. not just regular fat SU, but a sub genre of an esoteric kink devoted to one specific show.
Steven universe has a signficantly bigger maintsream audience and broader appeal though, its fandom is huge and so there's an actual consistent piepeline of fetish content being produced by interested artists. Sure it's still niche af but I would say compartively that thread existing is more justifable than this.

But tbh I have a bone to pick with that thread too as it's still pretty stupidly specific and the slow rate of posts on it kinda speaks for itself. I think in principle any thread on this board should have at least one good content bump posted to it a week or have ongoing discussion happening to earn their keep.

This thread takes nearly an entire month in some instances to get a single post and the quality of art here is kinda middling, do you really think it deserves to be here? Or shit like the mary wendle, cuphead and mystique sonyafag threads for that matter? Honestly the biggest issue with these oddly specific threads being made is that the content well of art is so dry that it often leads to people post the absolute bare minimum or straight up awful content by objectively terrible artists because there's nothing else. Basically all of the threads I just mentioned only persist on this site because the spergs who made them come back sporadically to add more garbo art of their hyperfixation to the pile.

Mods only clean up shit on this site when things go nuclear between warring anons so there's no baseline standard of quality maintained even though a lot of the obejctively shit stuff should be pruned by the jannies regularly. None of this matters in the grand scheme really, but idk I'm just really sick of seeing threads like this that have minimal activity and are full of art in the spectrum of bad to meh because there's so few artists out there producing the relevant content. I'm sure a lot of long-time anons feel the same way, barren threads like this don't really offer much to the community.
Do you think /alt/ is redundant?

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