
(1.4 MB, 2000x1200, wonderous_new_forms_by_subakitsu_dg0h4nm.png) (1.0 MB, 1560x1959, elephant_peach_by_sugarrollart_dg0fxzr.jpg) (1.0 MB, 1418x1778, elephant_daisy_by_sugarrollart_dg0gn03.jpg) (2.3 MB, 4609x3851, elephant_princesses_by_blacksheeptfs_dg0fp70.jpg)
Nintendo has recently revealed the new Mario game and it will feature a powerup that turns the player into an elephant.

We've only seen Elephant Mario officially but tons of art of Elephant Peach and Daisy have been made as they will be part of the playable cast and may be able to use said powerup.

Art of Elephant Rosalina and Pauline is also welcome here.
so this is the new thing huh? sigh
Game looks like fun, but they really could of avoided most of this furry stuff if they just made an ridable Elephant companion like DKC3.
Genuinely saddens me that there is more porn of Elephant TF Mario than some of Nintendo's more underrated franchises.
how the fuck is there already so much art for this
People are clamoring to draw it because they want a piece of that sweet sweet Twitter clout.
Nah, it's just pure degeneracy; shit's even taken over the Japs.
Go back to /furry/
That's the power of rule 34, baybeeee!
can we get elephant bowsette?
>Like what?
Advance Wars, for one
Well, I guess we're like elephants now; nobody's gonna forget these in a hurry!
Porn artists work at light speed, Baby!
Not only has the last game been released almost two decades ago, the remakes look like a mockery of the original games.

It's also hard to get any traction in tactical and strategy games, as you can see with Disgaea.
Did you watch the Direct?!
Hopefully this’ll be possible in the actual game
Wowie zowie
so close
(1.2 MB, 600x598, IMG_1257.gif)
Spoiled for male but.. we’re so in boys.
wait this is ingame?
This game’s not even out yet and it already keeps on giving
always knew bowser was a secret chubby chaser
Anything to say now that the game is out?

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