
>>37788 (OP)
Has he even done anything new in years?
Also this is a thread about his art, not exclusively the recent ones. Post some of your favs.
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With how much random secret stuff of his that has spontaneously been popping up over the years, I'd say this thread is deserved.
I can understand if he just wants to draw without posting it to places for other people's scrutiny, but with how much stuff is seemingly being leaked, I can't help but be intrigued as to where it's coming from and why. That Umiko pic was fully completed but was only able to be viewed on SirWales page for quite a while before he finally uploaded it himself. It's extra weird when it's not even slob stuff that is being hidden.
I guess what I'm trying to say that is always sucks when the highest quality artists become radio silent for years (Hypnagogum, Miramiraclerun, Toroboro, just to name a few)
We’re does he post?
god i need more of whoever that "mom" character is
the one with the long unkempt hair, i hope he draws more of her someday
oh now i see it in the hair lol, damn thats based
can only pray he draws more in whatever random artist-only discord he's sitting in she's cute
Oh wow, who are these characters?
This guy was never good but his decline tracks perfectly with his fall to slobshit.
Probably bait, but, you do realise Gnibbles has been doing slob stuff for literally ages. To say he declined once he "started" to do it means that apparently his art was better 10 years ago when it was borderline mspaint tier drawing quality.
anyone have his filia pic?
Gnightrocks is the perfect example of an artist getting worse in every way while improving on a technical level. It makes no real sense, and yet its totally appropriate for a British hapa.
Why did he disappear?
Nah. He's still here, but he's like 34 lol, he has britbonger life shit to do.

Call me a bootlicker but I can understand why he doesn't post anymore. Got told from a few of his personal friends themselves why he doesn't post publicly anymore too.

He posts secretely to people he likes, so if you're so curious, get into his circles.
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>He posts secretely to people he likes
Yeah that much was obvious. Honestly I mostly just find it annoying that the art just gets leaked anyway in low quality, used as a PDF thumbnails or banners so you can't get a proper look at it or it is extremely cropped like that Makima one. Darkfireballz gets the exact same problem where whenever anything gets leaked it's always someone uploaded the pictures in the lowest quality imaginable.
>so if you're so curious, get into his circles.
Idk man, not sure if I'm down with the whole "become close to someone just so you can get the exclusive kink art". Kinda just sounds like using him at that point. But yeah, it's not like he has a moral obligation to post everything that he draws or anything. Really, I suppose what I'm trying to say is that whatever ends up getting posted elsewhere by others, we should at least post them here as a pseudo gallery of sorts in the meantime.
>Idk man, not sure if I'm down with the whole "become close to someone just so you can get the exclusive kink art"
And this is why twitter grifters and gooners get art and you don't.
>more over the healthplay thread
You sure? I don't see any Gnibbles there... That thread hasn't been updated in a hot minute
got banned for posting an imgur link, will post them soon
I see them now. But, like, what's exactly stopping you from posting them here but spoilered? You could post them to both which would bump up both threads with new content? I'm a newbie to these types of sites, so maybe there's just something I'm not understanding, but it seems a bit strange
I like both threads, lol
Imagine having this much talent and wasting it on a fetish as abysmal as slob. The blueberry fetish guys are completely on point in trying to wipe it out.
Imagine wasting your talent drawing slob. The berryGODS are right trying to wipe that shit fetish out.
Imagine being petty enough of a human being to feel the need to act high and mighty about your opinion on a fetish. No one fucking cares lmao
My dude, you yank your dick to something that happened to a 12 year old REAL girl.

You have no right to judge.
Always interesting to me how berryfags can be out and out pedophiles and suffer zero repercussions. I will say one thing for them, the second any member of their community gets into trouble they close ranks and defend them to the death. It's actually quite impressive.
So where ARE these being posted, then? Any chance you can link it?
I know he's a filthy hapa, but wanting to post his work while hiding it on some obscure shithole is just downright schizophrenic. Fitting how slob contaminated one of the oldest artists.
Silly take. A real Bad Take Bobby over here.

Absolute Bozo Benjamin
>On a Gnibbles Thread
>Mad about Slob
Bless you stupid fuckers. I can't tell which are children and which are just stupid, but this place will never not be entertaining without you.
No one here is mad except you, and you're mad because the ridicule forces you to acknowledge that you're defending a shi--er, garbage artist, can't be careless and accidentally mention your favorite stench when I'm insulting you. Tell me in twenty words or less what this fucker does well that someone else doesn't already do better.
Dude, if you finds him a shit artist, why the heck are you even here?

ppl here never fail to amuse me
He's a good artist though.

He just happens to also draws one of the worst fetishes out there.
The worst thing about bbwchan going under is that it means there want be an easily accessible place to get alt/secret stuff unless we go dumpster diving in 4chan and discord communities. Truly a sad time
Because I like slob? And that's something Gnibbles does really well? If you don't like a fetish, don't go to a place where people DO like it and complain about it. Then everyone will think you're a stupid asshole. I don't go on futa boards and complain about futa, because I'm not retarded.
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It's /alt/ and you cocksuckers are clogging the board with five different threads because of your autism demanding you split hairs whenever possible. Secondly no, gnight is shit at slob because all of his work is a cluster of lines with weak definition, bad haze effects, and the same tired waifus over and over--the fact that he's ashamed of his own work is the corn kernel on the shit sundae that is this thread.
>"You're all autists"
I don't know man, I feel like your weird inexplicable hyperfixation on hating this artist is really coming off as a Chris Chan blue arms moment the more you go on. I don't think going by any objective metric of artistic competency that Gnibbles could be classified as a garbage artist, now of course if you don't like his art personally then sure whatever. But I can't even take your opinion seriously since the minutiae you're grading his art upon is so oddly specific and petty, like you think he's a shit artist just because you don't like the way he draws musk clouds...?

I'm fairly convinced that you're just being a hyperbolic contrarian trying to flame bait people by dunking on le popular artist and jesus christ that's just fucking sad man. I can't even begin to imagine how pathethic and miserable of a human being you must be to consciously spend your time being a snob elitist about fucking fetish art on a cesspool Internet forum, just to get some attention.

And if that's not the case, I seriously have to ask why you choose to meltdown in this thread specifically? There's so many other threads on this board that are genuinely awful and don't deserve to stay up. A completely unironic robot001 circlejerk thread has been going on for months now, but no it's specifically a thread centred around a generally well-regarded and liked artist that you have bones with for whatever reason. Okay sure buddy.
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the guy is acting like this cuz he can't cope with bbwchan coming down, lol
You say that as if there's anything exclusive to this trashfire of an image board, and there hasn't been since the owner decided to slobber cock and kill the artist shittalking threads. Are you some filthy newfag defending all that great ms pain edit action in the middle schooler goon thread? That's a rhetorical question cock sucker, you're shilling for a hapa.
I can see why the site owner wasn't interested in keeping up with the site when it meant having to put up with trash like yourself
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I'll truly miss your rants man, and this thread, and probably a bunch of others! Catch ya on the flipside. twas good while it lasted
I've been visiting this chan for the past 4 years, I was there when MystiqueSonyafag was literally infesting every single thread on draw so I don't need you to tell me how unfathomably shit this site can get.

Not sure why you're accusing me of defending the gooner thread and are trying to weaponsise that as an insult, that's neither here or there to anything I said and I don't care for that thread lmao. But I guess that's just how people like you operate, in true chan bottom-feeder fashion if you can't come up with a good rebuttal just pull an insult out of your ass to save face. What's next bud, gonna call me a fag or the n word? Riveting shit.

Honestly I just pity you lol, the fact that you're actually pining for those artist shittalking threads to come back tells me everything I need to know about you. You're just some chronically online shit smear filled with spite who only comes to chans to bitch, whine and mope about the things on the Internet that arbitrarily upset you.

You're probably a certified piece of shit behind the screen too. If you have any shred of self-awareness then you should realise that it would actually be more beneficial to society for YOU to slit your throat end to end rather than telling a bunch of Internet randos to off themselves because you can't see eye to eye on fat of she art. At least that way it's one less ogre in the genepool and the fatbros over here can go back to sharing art in peace.
Slob getting popular really did mindbreak berryfags beyond repair.
Anybody has like an archive of his slob art?
>Fitting how slob contaminated one of the oldest artists.
but, he's literally always drawn slob.
It's what he was known for during the height of his art posting.
That's what I don't understand by the statement that "Gnbibles was good until he did slob" He started doing slob, what, 10 years ago? Saying that his art was better when he was borderline MSpaint quality just because he didn't draw a fetish you don't like is whack.
Since the site is dying the deranged berryfags want to muster one final effort to go scorched earth on slob. Expect posts of that variety to really ramp up as we approach the end. This is the final opportunity for the likes of Seiga and Undertaker to get it all off their chest.
Why Undertaker?
Think he had a hissy fit about slob once and how "it's a terrible subfetish" or something.
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enjoy some new art, inspired by sicstories' D&D campaign
He has an extreme, and I mean EXTREME, hyper-fixation on brap / slob art and unironically blames any and all criticism he receives on being some cabal of slob fetishists who stalk him because ONE guy trolled him years ago who was vaguely into slob. So now for years he has been rallying and shitposting against it, he got caught several times on /d/ starting shit with slob and brap threads and got berry threads essentially banned from /d/.
nobody believes this except for you, schizo. berry threads were never banned, slob threads were never raided, the only person slinging shit around is you.
Which one of these cretin's discord servers sent you to run damage control, pissant?

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