
(429 KB, 1920x2027, leen1.jpg)
i am not sure if this belongs in this board, its bending genres a little.

i've been working on a mix of morphs/ai art and stories, most are now bbw/wg related but intend on doing more in that going forward.

you can find the rest on DA, but use your brain and don't scroll if breast expansion does nothing for you. https://www.deviantart.com/zhiva-overdrive/

Leen 1

"I told you I could do it!" chuckled Leen, as she tried to push her comically undersized shirt back down over her belly.

"20,000 calories, a whole week's worth..." she continued, smirking now as her hand lightly brushed her bulging hemisphere of a gut.

Her two companions in the food court exchanged careful glances, neither sure quite what to say.

"Leen... that's great. We didn't really challenge you though?" the younger of the two said nervously, her eyes running down Leen's ballooning figure.

While Leen was not exactly fat, she'd been slowly surpassing chubby these last few months, and it was not hard to see why.

"You two doubted me, but what did I say? I've been practising, I knew I'd make it" Leen replied, shifting from one foot to the other as she rubbed her belly.

"A bit more time and I'll double this, you watch. Then you'll believe, mark my words" she said, daintily stamping her foot, sending oscillations through her hopelessly distended body.

With that, Leen turned around and waddled to the drink machine.

"Jeez, that was something else".
"She's getting as big as a house!" erupted the remaining two girls the second Leen left earshot.

"She obviously just loves it, did you see her face?"
"Oh definitely, the entire time. But I don't want to encourage her..."

Leen walked back to the table, 4 extra large drinks in her hands which were balancing precariously above her newly inflated midsection.

"What did you get us?" asked one of the girls, watching as Leen slowly lowered herself into the chair, which while a good distance from the table, was clearly not providing enough clearance for her.

"Oh, these are mine," Leen shrugged.
"Hands were full".
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Leen 2

“So you haven't seen her either?” she said with a look of concern on her face

“Not since last month…” Nicole began, glancing sheepishly at her friend
“Yeah not since that time at the food court”.
“I tried to text her, but she didn’t answer. As far as I know no one has even heard from her”.

“Well, should we just go and see her? I know she’s been a bit weird lately but she's still our friend” she continued, scrolling through her own messages that had gone unanswered.

“I guess so… I mean I know where she lives, I’ve been there. But” said Nicole, trailing off.

“But what? I think I know what you’re thinking, but say it”.

“Are you ready for what we might see? I think … that we know what she’s been doing”.
“And I think that it’s going to be really profoundly not-chill”.

As the two friends stood on the doorstep summoning the courage for the next move, they tried to contact Leen one last time.

“I just texted her and said we’re out front of her house” laughed Nicole
“Bet she’ll read that one”.

She then stepped forward and rang the doorbell
“Brace yourself”.

Moments later, they could hear voices coming from somewhere within the house
“You’ve got to answer it, you know I can’t now..” came Leen’s muffled voice.

“Quick, give me the robe. Crap. What do they want?” came the reply, a voice they did not recognise, accompanied by footsteps approaching the door.

Suddenly, the door swung open.
There stood the girl they did not recognise, scantily clad in a white bathrobe.
A robe which was doing a very poor job preserving the girls dignity, as it hung open revealing large breasts in a bra many sizes too small for them.
But the main event below, the girl's huge bloated stomach protruding out, impossible to ignore, ringed with fresh looking stretch marks.

“I’m… Tina. Leen’s roommate” the girl said awkwardly, wallowing in the uncomfortable situation in which she found herself.
Unable to find the next words, she froze, unable to meet her guests' gaze.

“Oh just let them in then. Don't stand there!” came a shout from within the house.

As the two girls walked silently behind ‘Tina’ through the threshold, Nicole motioned to a spot on her own stomach, which had unmistakably housed a small band-aid on Tina’s globular midsection.
As her friend looked on in astonishment, Nicole then mimed the act of putting on gloves.
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leen 3

"Hey guys..." strained Leen, breaking the silence.

The two visitors just stared, still processing the scene before them.

"You've met Tina" she continued, suppressing a small groan.
"She's my new uhh, roomate?"

Nicole cleared her throat and spoke.
"It's lovely to meet you Tina. So... What are you guys doing?".
Her eyes strafed Leen, fixing on her massively distended gut, far larger than even the least fortunate of expecting mothers.

"You're the nurse Nicole, what's it look like we're doing? Stretching our bellies out!" replied Leen joyously.

"So that's.. you're pumping yourself up? What the hell is wrong with you two.." muttered Nicole as she carefully approached the chair that Leen was spilling out of, her instincts to provide care cutting in smoothly.

Tina wanted to say something, she wanted to defend herself and their actions. The shyness could hold her back no longer
'There's the contest...' said Tina softly.

The visitors turned around, having practically forgotten she was standing there.
"and the prize. We're going to win..."

"I'll talk to you later I suppose..." said Nicole, standing Leen's doorstep

"You're really going back in there? You want a piece of that!?".

"She... needs guidance. I can't let them hurt themselves. I'll report back later!" said Leen, her false cheerfulness failing to hide the finality of her statement.

Once back inside, Nicole walked slowly back to the chair in the kitchen, finding Leen unmoved, still on her mission.

"Don't worry too much about her, not good with surprises" she said.
"Give her another chance, ok? And we're sorry for barging in like that" Nicole said, turning to face Tina.

"And you..." she said, running her hands slowly across Leen's belly.
"How often have you been doing this? You're absolutely huge. Skin is tight as a drum".

"Every day..." said Leen cautiously
"The winner last year was well over 100 inches, I need to catch up!"

"And you, Tina?" Nicole enquired, but gently."

"Second place is still more money than I made last year. But I can't hold it like Leen" replied a forlorn Tina, who was currently engaged with an alternating regime of soft drink and mentos.

"And that's.. to blow you up too, right?. I've seen the videos'' said Nicole, eying the cocktail.
"It's not exactly safe, but it's safer than this. Why aren't you drinking it too Leen?".

"Oh, I have been, '' said Leen nonchalantly, gesturing behind her to a group of empty bottles on a coffee table.
"It just doesn't stretch me out anymore! I don't have time for half measures”.

"I'm not saying that you should, but if you're really trying to expand your capacity, I think you need to fill it with something heavy, not just cola. Work it from the inside '' mused Nicole, watching as Tina forced down more Cola, her already large belly seeming to swell and grow new stretch marks by the second.

"All that gainer crap is expensive Nic, we're not on salaries like you" answered Leen.
"Saline isn't so bad anyway! It's cheap, blows me up, what's the problem?"

Nicole looked closer at her friend's belly, at the shining, tortured skin, being asked an increasingly impossible task.

"Listen. There's something we use at work, it's for people with eating disorders... Which I guess you sort of have. I'll get you guys a whole boatload of it..." said Nicole hesitantly.

"Wooo-" began the girls, but they were cut off.

"BUT. If I do this for you, will you consider not pumping yourselves up like this? It's not... it's not wise. Plus they won't let you do this before the contest right?".

"they wouldn't have to know..." said Leen softly.

Nicole gently tapped on Leen's belly, which emitted the long hollow thud of a drum.
"I think they'll know".
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used to be huge, 1

"I’m getting too fat, aren’t I?" said the forlorn figure of your girlfriend.
Standing in the bathroom, crammed into underwear 4 sizes too small, it was proving difficult to find plausible deniability.
It's not that I mind, quite the contrary. But above all she needs to still be happy.
Opening my mouth to speak, I was mercifully cut off.

"This... isn't what you signed up for,'' she continued, looking down at what was visible of her bulging gut, peeking out between the caverns of her cleavage.
"These things used to be huge on me. That's who I was, the pretty girl with the giant knockers".

Still silent, I looked at her boobs, just as magnificent as the day we met.

"Don't smile! I liked being that way. It sounds petty but I liked it" she said, lifting her tits up and letting them plop back onto the top of her belly.
"I bet people don't even see my tits anymore. I'm just fat" she sighed, looking up with an apathetic expression.

Time stood still, as a very good bad idea broke free from the back of my mind, lodging itself at the surface.
I can tell her she's beautiful until the sun burns out, and it will still be true.
But that's not really the core of things is it?
She wants to be the girl with the huge tits...

"Why don't you get them done again?" I said, breaking both my silence and streak of not saying anything stupid.
It was an elegant solution, but should I really have said it? Too late now, it just broke out.
I braced for the response, wishing with every passing moment that I could have put that idea back in.
But the response didn't come.

She stood there silently, but there was not anger or disgust on her face.

"... c c could I?" she finally mumbled.

Now it was my turn to freeze. Was this discussion actually happening?
Careful now. Very careful.

"Do you really... Do you think I even can?" she said, once again holding her large round tits in her hands.
"Back when I got them... this was the biggest I could get. I don't think I ever told you that, makes me feel like a freak" she continued.

"Well I don't know… but you can't be the biggest out there, can you?" I said feebly, trying to will some breath back into my lungs.
Of course I know for a fact what the answer to that question is.
i reasoned it belonged equally here as the ai or the literature board. but you know better than me. i am sure the mods will move it if necessary.
There's no rule confining AI to its respective board but when you start having it crap out not only realistic pictures but edits; that's the line where I'd say you gotta stick to >>/bbwai/

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