
I like the Rimworld mod.
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get that ugly daz3d horse shit out of here you doubledick sucking tranigger
I'd rather see daz shit than a post from an immature teenager who thinks he's cool using the n word on an anon board.
Grow up
>>37939 I'm surprised you fidn't call him a Pedo. I bet your hate for Pedos is even greater than your hatred of faggots. Go home.
no no, i think he has a point, this daz3d shit ugly, but i guess there's no surprise considering there's still a robot001 thread here
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It's a mix of it being ugly and tiresome to see. It's like the low-effort shit people regurgitate on a constant. It's just day in day out with these threads of idiots asking for x y or z of this daz3d shit the makers belt out for a few quick bucks due to horny retards that enable em. I've seen actually decently created games that actually use weight gain or inflation as mechanics to games than this constant VN crap.
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I would like to create my own games, but I have no talent
>>37945 No worries soon they will make an AI for you then you can make videogames with the push if a butt
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What a fun cycle. A game thread is made, someone asks for a game, someone else insults the guy who asked for the game while also criticizing said game, someone else gives their opinion on wg games as a whole, rinse and repeat.
Don't forget the obligatory asinine meta comment
Honestly, I only insult daz3d crap. There are some decent VN's that aren't just virt-a-mate tier crap. Along with some "decent" rpg maker games, that's mainly the only reason my disdain for em.
i mean to be fair if you unironically want to look at daz shit then your taste might just be shit
> I've seen actually decently created games
Which ones?
Cherry picking would be tribal hunter and will o thiccs, along with starbounds mod.
genuinely surprised how far the starbound mod has come since its first public release. really enjoyed the intro sequence made for the mootant race, along with the skill tree shit to make gaining and bein huge impactful
I’ve heard about the mootant stuff, is it worth checking out or just a skin for the regular weight gain sprites?
oh yeah aside from the starting mission (you escape from a jail that turned you into a mootant hybrid) it's mostly still a skin lol. ur still the same size and proportions as the other races by default
nothing funnier than a daz artist responding to a thread making fun of them to prove they are CLEARLY NOT MAD!

This game includes diaper content and the bbw/ssbbw renders have been looking like shit in the latest updates (hate how the bellies have been W shaped). Writing comes off cringey and contains insufferable characters as well. Content released per month is hardly justified for $5, good luck getting people to drop a link whenever KP update is missed in the small window Coastal isn't monitoring it.

Can't wait for a Tiggertoo or TheMagmaMan rant to ensue. Otherwise, enjoy your money and please keep validating our degenerecy with your visits :^)
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>>37985 Where's that motherfucker? He owes me money, that nigger.

Lol no rants from me. I'm here for the memes (as I've done in previous versions of these threads).

And fair criticism! I suck at SSBBW sizes, but everyone keeps pushing for it. -shrug-
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Believe in me, anon, because I believe in you. I made this:


It's a tabletop rpg, sure, but people can play it online if they know how and have the eight tools. With due diligence, exploring your talents and a strong focus, you too can create something. Never look down on yourself. Look up at the heavens, and blow your load right in God's eye instead!

>Racism's cool, but just when it's not about black people.
4chan, 2023.
So Gain Jam has officially been cancelled this year. Apparently they're too busy working on the new Weight Gaming website, and that is taking priority.
Full message from the website:

Greetings, folks.

Despite the recent news as of late, time marches onwards and so too must we in covering the upcoming site announcements.

Being mindful of the radio silence of the past few months, we’ll try to aim to keep people better informed on a more regular basis, like with a seasonal newsletter of sorts - consider this a very, very late spring newsletter!

A couple of big announcements for you all:

1. New Site Progress
Work continues apace on the new site, and it has been suggested that we could be looking to invite devs for testing the alpha build within this year! For those out of the loop I will invite you to refer to this Tweet here. (Ed: please note that the game being shown in the interface is no longer in development!) As you can see from the 2021 date, this is a move that has been years in the making and so it is with some relief that we are finally looking to see headway on this major development.

What will the new site upgrade offer?
For users, there will be a simpler and more streamlined means to find and access games. Less trawling through forum posts to find games that you like! Archival through the Wiki and a potential means to purchase games directly are planned for future releases.

For developers, it will mean an easier and better means to hosting and and distributing your games on our dedicated store page. Do you use Patreon to filter access to your content? Planned Patreon-integration to user accounts should streamline the process while still maintaining content security!

Some planned disruptions ahead
With all of these changes, expect a little turbulence within the upcoming months, particularly with a planned migration from AWS to GCP. This is a big change that will not only help reduce operating costs but also eases the maintenance burden on Grotlover2, making system admin easier and quicker than before.

The recent failure with AWS that we had to endure is a frank reminder of the need for us to change and the benefits this will have in the long-term for maintaining site integrity.

More details about any such planned disruptions will be announced closer to the time.

2. No Official Gain Jam this year
Sorry, guys. It really pains me to say this, but with work ramping up on the new site and disruptions expected to land in the summer, the decision was made to call off the official Gain Jam for this year. The move to GCP alone is large enough that managing that as well as the Gain Jam was looking to put too much of a burden on us. With delaying the Gain Jam only straining the time availaibility of competitors, we are instead chalking up 2023 up as a “recovery year” while we get things lined up for the changes in store for the site.

A “Lo-Cal” alternative…?
You may note that I’m using the term “official” here, as while there is no intention to run the Gain Jam in an official capacity, going cold turkey and with nothing to fill the void feels more than a little disappointing. While many of you enjoy both the influx of games and the competing for prizes, the Gain Jam (as well as game jams as a whole) affords an opportunity for developers old and new to dip into the spirit of creation and try their hand at making something new. To temporarily cast concerns aside and just make something. For those who look forward to the Gain Jam as an opportunity to create, I hear you.

An idea was raised for a simpler, lower-stakes game jam. One that was smaller in scope (one week instead of the usual two), more casual and with less overall strings, bells and whistles attached. The caveat for this would be that there would be no judging, and no prizes. I repeat: No cash prizes. This would simply be a community-driven event for those who want to flex their creative muscles and put some time aside to make something cool or see an idea take root and to share within this community.

To all the developers out there, both the seasoned Jam veterans as well as to aspiring newbies, would you be interested in participating in such a game jam event? We took to naming it the “Lo-Cal” Gain Jam.

We’ll be putting a poll out shortly to gauge interest in this!

3. We Still Need Your Support
Writing this, I am painfully aware of following up that last bombshell with this. Instead of simply going cap in hand, however, I instead want to remind everyone about our overall aim with Weight Gaming. Despite the changes and potentially bumpy road ahead, our aim and dedication remains unchanged as to the service that we want to provide: a friendly, dedicated space for people of likeminded interests to congregate, create and proliferate entertaining adult content. For us, that view hasn’t shifted. We continue to make purposeful gains in this regard, wanting to make hosting content easier, more accessible and more secure for users and developers alike.

Unfortunately, the reality is that such a service does come at a cost. As our last statements show, running the site does come with a significant upkeep. While we continue to seek cost-saving measures, such as the aforementioned GCP migration, there is no denying that the new site will demand more of a fiscal burden in the short-term.

Join in our excitement!
Despite all of this, we remain undaunted and excited for the future. If you at all share in that same excitement for what the future has in store for this website and this growing community, then please consider pledging a couple of bucks over at our Patreon page. Any support is vastly appreciated and helps keep the site running. The statements only confirm that we are not looking to fleece the community for our own gain, and that support for the site will be used as intended: giving back to you guys.

Whew! That about wraps it up for this update. Stay tuned for more updates in store with regards to the Lo-Cal Gain Jam. See you again, later in the summer!
>An idea was raised for a simpler, lower-stakes game jam. One that was smaller in scope (one week instead of the usual two), more casual and with less overall strings, bells and whistles attached. The caveat for this would be that there would be no judging, and no prizes. I repeat: No cash prizes. This would simply be a community-driven event for those who want to flex their creative muscles and put some time aside to make something cool or see an idea take root and to share within this community.
And for the record, NO ONE is going to do this if there is no money involved. Why would they waste their time and effort if there is nothing for them to gain? Why make a short little game that takes time away from whatever else they're working on? Just a really stupid idea and its going to end up being a complete disaster.

Agreed not very smart
I'm glad they're finally working on getting the new website up and running, because god knows Weight Gaming has been needing it for too long now, and I get they know people are gonna be upset over this. But its just not a good idea and its only going to look really bad if no one shows up.

I don't know about making it more casual but only 1 week that sounds dumb.

But as for "Who would do this there's no money in it"

Dude hustle culture has fucking ruined you. Some people want to create just to create. People take part in plenty of creative things in other fields for no payout. Plenty of people write WG fanfics and stuff without expecting to get paid just cause they want to write them and generate possible fap material for others.
>>38041 Everybody makes works of art for different reasons, often more than 1 reason, and even when the artwork's sold it's being sold for different reasons and the money itself may play a small purpose or may not be the end desire as the money may be intended to be utilized for buying new art equipment for producing more art as a hobby, as an example. What he meant's art business, and big art business in paryicular which's different from the sort of high art that you see in galas in museums going for hundreds of thousands of dollars and ar part of a very particular circle of communities which often includes strong ties to establishments of the academic kind, and incidentally, so to museums. Art as an entertsinment business other than a small business is simply put unsustainable, and it's fated to collapse at any moment. Art's fueled by the artist, and will not survive the industrial revolution. Most artists are bad artists, and their love for producing art efficiently helps pays the bills but doesn't help produce great art. There's more bad art than good art in every form of art and entertainment that there has ever been, and there's a readon for that.
Anyone have the latest version of Feed my Affection? I missed it
the only games I like so far, I have no hope in finding anything other game that i enjoyed.

Short Length games

the Fattening


Medium Length game

The House on Hog Hill -abandoned-

Long Length game

The Nebutoris Tale -fuck textadventures recommend downloading the game-
>busy working on the new Weight Gaming website
They found a way to make it worse than they already made it with the last change?

>Plenty of people write WG fanfics and stuff without expecting to get paid
People would rather invest the time they would've spent on weight gamings crappy jams, into their own projects than focus a chunk of it on something they now gain nothing out of.
kill yourself snob
Conversely, developers can also benefit from a change of pace. To try their hand at experimenting with exploring a different idea or project, particularly when they've hit a wall and are burned out on a project. It's a little naive to say they get nothing out of it since all game dev is worthwhile for experience, practise and recognition.

New ideas that are forced into realization though the game jam format can easily become launching points for new IPs and products. See: Super Fatty Office Admin Simulator, Doughboy Descent, Smasher and the Will o' the Thiccs for successful examples with plenty more still in the works.

Ultimately this move is being driven by what the community wants. They'll pick the theme and whether they want to participate or not. If there's no interest in the jam? Then nothing is lost and we just move on with our lives without a jam this year.
Conversely, developers can also benefit from a change of pace. To try their hand at experimenting with exploring a different idea or project, particularly when they've hit a wall and are burned out on a project. It's a little naive to say they get nothing out of it since all game dev is worthwhile for experience, practise and recognition.

New ideas that are forced into realization though the game jam format can easily become launching points for new IPs and products. See: Super Fatty Office Admin Simulator, Doughball Descent, Smasher and the Will o' the Thiccs for successful examples with plenty more still in the works.

Ultimately this move is being driven by what the community wants. They'll pick the theme and whether they want to participate or not. If there's no interest in this alternative proposal? Then nothing is gained or lost and we just move on with our lives without a jam this year.
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So what you're saying is that you see them as so fucking weak and pathetic that you don't think they'd have the will power to just click the random word button on a dictionary site or some kind of a generator and create something around what comes up instead of being stuck to that rotting cesspit?

Let's think that through for like 5 seconds, if you can manage that.

If it were that easy, everyone would just be belting out games left and right. Literally just providing the space and some minor restrictions helps confine people just enough for them to get started on an otherwise overwhelming field of choices. Its literally the point of a game jam.
Ironically, all the examples of successful games given were during the simpler gain jam themes before they went to shit the past two years

Unless they fuck up the theme or overcomplicate things, I'm hopeful the Lo-Cal Gain Jam will turn out alright
I am also looking for it :D
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>Some people want to create just to create
>People take part in plenty of creative things in other fields for no payout
>Plenty of people write WG fanfics and stuff without expecting to get paid just cause they want to write them and generate possible fap material for others.
all true statements, the key difference being that these things are very rarely done within unreasonably strict time limits

giving a dev one week of development time for a game is like giving a drawfag one single hour to shit out a fully rendered illustration

talented and competent devs would probably put that one week of work into their own projects, rather than dedicate it to rushing out something half baked
I mean, some jams take place over days. 48-hour jams are pretty commonplace sooo...

The point is that some people enjoy being tested and thrive in that competitive environment. You're looking at this with the wrong mindset I'm sorry to say.
(165 KB, 1919x1826, FvTaaNGX0AICEpb.jpg)
>The point is that some people enjoy being tested and thrive in that competitive environment.
>You're looking at this with the wrong mindset I'm sorry to say.
sure thing buddy, remember to quote me again when this jam is over and the games are out for us to test, then we'll see how your statement holds up
(165 KB, 1919x1826, FvTaaNGX0AICEpb.jpg)
>You're looking at this with the wrong mindset I'm sorry to say.
removing the financial incentive and slashing the development time in half is going to have a critical impact on both the turnout and the quality of the content and your mindset won't change a thing about that fact

quote me again when they actually go through with this shit jam plan and we get to test the actual games
To that I just simply say: curb your expectations. No one should be going into a game jam, either spectating or participating, with the expectation of full games. The point is not to force developers to jump through increasing hoops to make games; it's about exploring creative constraints and having fun with it.

To be fair to you, I will say that the previous judging format for the Gain Jam didn't really support that notion, reinforcing a false notion that perfection was demanded in order to do well, placing too much expectation on participants. If you want to encourage people to make games, you don't hit them with a "5/10: try harder next time" stick.

Did you find the Jam fun and fulfilling as a developer? That's the only question that should matter for those entering.
Don't bother, I think it needs a decent rebalance as damn if it really either needs you fully paying attention and playing (two handed) or it was desighed by some-one who is a professional typist because it really seems to be stupidly tought to progress much through the stages.
The point of a game jam is more exploration of concepts than fully games. Or you know very short titles / prequel titles to full ones to make later.
anybody got feed my affection 0.34.0?
Yeah, it's pretty hard to complete the later levels by playing as the game intended (typing, purchacing everything etc.) but the game is pretty easy to cheese.

Before starting each level fill out the text box with random characters until it auto-enters and starts the countdown. Then just spam click the copy text / paste text.

The only things you need to unlock/enhance are LE, EMP and OC (With OC on LE). If you start each initiate with the following stats and using the copy/paste method, you shouldn't have too much of an issue:

Stage 1: LE lvl 10+
Stage 2: LE lvl 20+, EMP unlocked
Stage 3: LE lvl 30+ (recommend lvl 35+), OC lvl 10

This should allow you to comfortably beat the first two girls. Mercy is still a bit of a time squeeze though.

Hopefully it'll be balanced soon as the dev said they're planning on tweaking it / adding an easy mode.
I’d still like to give it a go anyways even with the fucked balancing ngl
yeah every wg gain needs a can-I-play-with-my-dick-in-my-hand mode.
Surely if they're not doing an event with cash prizes then DOUBLING the amount of time would be more sensible. If it's being done for the love of art, you're not going to get much quality art churned out in a week.

Not that we got much quality art churned out in two weeks last year, mind you.
Longer jams can be more of a time commitment to people, what with it demanding more of their free time. It can invite feature creep for those wishing to utilise the time to the fullest and bloat out or overcomplicate a competition entry. More time doesn't necesarily make for a better game, given the competion context. Some simply prefer not to drag out the process and be done with it.

Also, from an event standpoint a shorter jam is generally more engaging for spectators, not having the initial momentum and energy of the contest languish as the weeks drag out.
A shorter jam is more demanding than a longer jam because there's less time to do shit. Unless you take that week off work, it's basically pointless to expect anything productive in such a short time frame.

Nobody is spending their whole day making games here. I'd rather that casual jams go longer since there's less pressure to Do Everything ASAP.>>38589
Is everyone here fucking retarded?

Please for FUCKS SAKE look up any other game jam so you dipshits finally understand what they are and how they typically run. Most are 48 hours long with no prize. 1 week is already laughably long, to say nothing of the 2 weeks the WGing jam usually is.

I don't give a shit what WGing does, but the sheer idiocy here is just mind boggling. Don't open your mouth about a subject that you literally have no perspective on.
Seconded, look up Ludum Dare. It is one of THE game jams, and the whole event is like 3 days each time they hold it. Jams don't need to be long nor do they need a prize to get people making things.
anyone got the new feed my affection and D.I.E.T ?
In my opinion full fledged game jams are not the right format for a community as small as the Weight Gaming forums.

Take a look at how many people enter the Ludum Dare and compare that to how many end up submitting something. The ones who can produce a playable game by the end of the challenge are developpers who know what they're doing. The ones who don't are amateurs who still need to gain more experience before even being able to scope their project correctly. Now tell me which of these two categories is the most represented in the Weight Gaming community.

Game jams are amazing and people even trying to participate are praise-worthy no matter what they have produced by the end of the competition. But you also need to look at the demographics. A full fledged game jam won't work, it either needs to be watered down or, better yet, completely scrapped in favor of another form of competition that will more easily cater to a larger part of the Weight Gaming forum.
anyone got the new feed my affection and D.I.E.T ?
Ah yes, the one game that features avoidable weight gain content for underage boys that got banned from Weight Gaming despite allowing a game about slavery that features avoidable underage content for underage children (Free Cities, WG/Preg Mod editions)
Looks like it's incomplete anyways since it doesn't go beyond the first puzzle
at the very least I would like to view the CG, but whoever the fuck came up with png_ needs to have their head caved in. It simply can't be opened.

And not normal png, the png with the underscore like png_
Wait are you serious? Are the mods there that stupid? Then how the hell is Apostles allowed? Seriously that place needs an overhaul of the moderation.
I could be wrong but I feel like just talking about "underage boys" is pretty gay imho. I would abstain from speaking using such language on this site if you want to pretend you're straight and cool like me.
you can use https://petschko.org/tools/mv_decrypter/index.html#restore-images
it decrypts both the .rpgmvp and .png_
keep in mind these are the same mods that
>allow multiple games with feral animals, not anthro. just straight up animals beastality.
>allow multiple games that are completely off topic, and if anything ENCOURAGE it by just saying "welp nothing we can do :)"
>dont instantly disqualify games from gain jams that are off topic...
>BUT will completely fuck your score if one of the judges was a retard that couldnt boot the game
>allow a game where the whole plot revolves around slavery and mind break
>dont enforce proper tagging of topics in the project category
dont try to make sense of it.
but yeah whats up with apostles then? i thought everyone was above the legal limit.
In part this is the reason the Jam runs for two weeks typically instead of two days. They know that the userbase is comprised of amateurs, and the expectation isn't for complete games, just good and creative ideas. That doesn't stop it from growing in popularity over the years the jams have been run.

Complain about the various aspects of the Gain Jam as you will, but claiming that the jam doesn't fit the community is out of touch with the continued engagement and participation seen. Besides, is the alternative to simply not run the jam? How will that help grow the community? I can imagine that some users may have been drawn to the community by means of the Gain Jam itself or one of its many entries. Couldn't imagine the same being said for user retention for lack of a community event.
The comment was referring to the dudes saying they should make WGJams last 2 or 3 days like real game jams, this is what makes no sense given the scale of the community. Hosting events is fine, I never said the opposite and I don't know where you got that from.
The comment was referring to the dudes saying they should make WGJams last 2 or 3 days like real game jams, that's what makes no sense given the size of the community. Hosting events is fine, I never said the opposite and I don't know where you got that from.
No one was vouching for the Gain Jam to be 2-3 days either, just the rebutting for the push for the Gain Jam to be longer by using those jams as an example.

Honestly, two weeks is fine and I hope they don't change this.
Also, to break up the discussion: Bucket's newly released RPG 'Super Turbo Ultra Fantasy Force' looks good. It's short but promising and also pretty amusing to boot:

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So the translation team working on Feeder Fantasy are not gonna wait for Fallboy to release version 6.0. Instead they’re gonna use the assets Fallboy already put out there and are gonna make their own version 6.0.
NGL I get that having to wait for shit sucks, but this is properly brain-dead retarded.
What the fuck are they gonna do when version 6.0 releases? Fucking de-make their re-make? Or are they somehow going to try and keep clashing content together in the same game? Or, worse, are they going to just not translate 6.0?
No matter how you cut it, it's genuinely stupid at best, and a downright malicious attempt to highjack Fallboy's work at worst. No way of telling how bad it'll be until version 6.0 hits the streets and they have to make their call, so we'll see.
>What the fuck are they gonna do when version 6.0 releases? Fucking de-make their re-make?
That's the million dollar question. Unless they already know what the personality of the new characters are going to be. They are saying they're using the assets Fallboy already put out, so most likely the only thing that's left on Fallboy's end is to write the content for said characters.

>Or, worse, are they going to just not translate 6.0?
Good possibility that's the case, hence why they said they're biting the bullet.
Why can't people just label this one as fanfiction and translate the actual release when it hits; they can just work on that fork whenever the monkey on their back starts hollering when a creator puts their project on the boat.
You guys know if there’s anything remotely plus-sized worth getting on Steam during the big sale? I’ll even take “thicc”.
Yo, this is one of the people working on the feeder fantasy translation, yes I do browse this site from time to time - who's surprised. What Stygian meant is that instead of taking the build that Fallboy releases and translating the whole thing from the bottom up, it'd be easier to take the new maps and content that he's putting out and pasting it into our latest build. The reason this is easier is because if we tried to re-implement ALL of our translated scenes into the new Fallboy build, it would undoubtedly take like 10x longer than simply copying and pasting the few new maps, characters, and lines Fallboy made into our latest build, and working to get THAT translated and polished. We aren't assuming content based off the possible intention of assets or anything like that, because that'd be stupid, like you guys said. -- "his [Fallboy's] new content into our [translated] build come release [of the Japanese 6.0]."
I understand all the skepticism is coming from a good place - we have a solid game with great art in our hands, and the last thing you want is for it to get fucked up by a bunch of hackneyed tryhards -- lemme tell ya, if that was happening, I'd also be pissed, and would be pretty open about it, but it isn't, so pls, have faith that we're doing our best with the cards that are dealt to us.
In the meantime, we might put out little updates to our latest build, but none of it will infringe on Fallboy's intentions as the primary creator, since we are not out to usurp him at his own game.
Based response, appreciate the insight despite how whiney and cringe anons can be on these threads.

Speaking of whiney and cringe, anyone got insider information on what happened with Love is the Way to my Heart? MODOK looked like they just rage quit on development from feature creep and cycling through volunteers, but curious if there's more to it than just "learn to make your own game" kind of situation.
Weight gain of the boy character is unavoidable. It's only the more extreme weight gain that's locked to a bad ending.

I uploaded all the female CGs in the last thread. The art is garbage anyway, so I wouldn't go too far out of your way.
Since this is a games thread and it's my first time posting on a board like this ever. Just wanted to share a game that I cope about to this day hoping it gets more content.
I don't know why I like it so much but I guess it's just the thought of the amount of options that could happen. And what more content would be like.
Anyone have that new CupCupMug VN? Is it any good?
I'm not really sure how you managed to worm your thoughts into interpreting that post this way but what I meant by that was, we were previously holding up additional progress until the 6.0 release on the grounds that it'd be hard to reconcile all the mutually exclusive content, but at this point we have so much unique content of our own that it'll take less time to copy over whatever new stuff Fallboy includes to our latest version rather than the other way around.
Nothing further will be released until Fallboy finishes on his end, and everything he does will be included in our next release. Also it's much lower priority than many other tasks but we do still intend to make a version with the male protag and perhaps demake all the liberal Kitsune translations at some point. We're in semi-frequent contact with Fallboy.

a) that's VaM not daz
b) goodshit > dazshit > random people arguing in this thread instead of posting about games

jams are also a good time for rivals to team up essentially putting their own projects on hold for a short time to collaborate
can someone update tonbelly's kemono? the new feed my affection version is out
Does anyone have downloads for j8867bbw's games?
hate this bitch like you wouldn't believe
still dogshit no matter what it is

not really a point to have these threads either way, folks dont give a shit about any games on here it seems
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Can someone share the Fill Me Up 3.0?
I've seen the drama.
You guys really put a smile on my face sometimes... The way you can seem so stupid. You losers really believe yourselves to be hot shit, don't you? Meanwhile the proof's that you've done nothing but destroy what was once great and copy eachother. I laugh at the niggers.
(357 KB, 375x523, 1687544523034628.png)
The passion for destruction is beautifully expressed by the chronicler of the 7th century, Fredegar, in the words attributed to the mother of a barbarian king who instructed her son: "If you desire to embark on a path of glory and honor your name, demolish everything others have built and destroy all those you conquer; for you cannot build higher than your predecessors, and there is no deed more splendid in acquiring a glorious name."
>>39443 That's 1 of the gayest shits written by a white woman I've ever had the displeasure to read. Thanks for not doing absolutely nothing and instead continually fucking everything up for me, and my children's children you ignorant nigger.
You're just as ignorant as you're dumb.
Your pitiful writings make absolutely no sense. Instead, they show you for what you are — braindead clinically american creature of dubious ethnic background.
>>39445 Nigger you talk like me verbatim. It's by design. You assimilated and you think you're as smart as me, but deep down you're a whore. You can try but you could never be me. You're evil. You're an evil, pretentious thief, and if I knew who you were I would personally go to your house and fuck you up for hacking my pc, stealing my personal information, and broadcasting it on the internet.
What the actual fuck are any of you talking about?
(75 KB, 790x772, Yeah sounds great sure buddy whatever you say yeah.png)
It's still available on KP, but here you go.

It sucks how Bobothesecond is how swapped to AI art without giving a single notice about it in his Patreon, which ties into how he can't give enough of a fuck to post at least monthly saying "I'm alive, development is going fine, have a pic or two."

The "drama" surrounding inactive-ish patreons on Weightgaming has me rolling that people can't be responsible with their own money. Only malicious case I can think of that validates this "drama" is VocaLabs fucking off from existence and not stopping payments going through on Patreon at the beginning of the year like they said they would. Also, they never publicly released the latest version of Thicker Treats.

Only other crap case is SirMister with Gain of Life, but that's because they overcharge their shitty game while the dude gives off FAF vibes towards piracy (e.g. creating their own site to DRM/paywall the game under the guise of it being a wiki and providing faster bugfixes/updates)
(75 KB, 790x772, Yeah sounds great sure buddy whatever you say yeah.png)
It's still available on KP, but here you go.

It sucks that Bobothesecond swapped to AI art without giving a single notice about it in his Patreon, which ties into how he can't give enough of a fuck to post at least monthly saying "I'm alive, development is going fine, have a pic or two."

The "drama" surrounding inactive-ish patreons on Weightgaming has me rolling that people can't be responsible with their own money. Only malicious case I can think of that validates this "drama" is VocaLabs fucking off from existence and not stopping payments going through on Patreon at the beginning of the year like they said they would. Also, they never publicly released the latest version of Thicker Treats.

Only other crap case is SirMister with Gain of Life, but that's because they overcharge their shitty game while the dude gives off FAF vibes towards piracy (e.g. creating their own site to DRM/paywall the game under the guise of it being a wiki and providing faster bugfixes/updates)
Anybody who can't afford $5/month for a patreon should just cancel their sub, or at least only pay for one month. The people who remain sub to inactive accounts are either aware and completely fine with donating spare change, or complete idiots

Gain of life guy is the only one actively scamming coomers. The other ones just seem like typical amateur game devs, they lose steam over time but don't actually cancel their projects.
Bit of a change up from the usual vam trash or daz3d shit. Shilling a server that has that sort of dynamic weight gain crap starbounds big fatties has. There's a server on ss13 called GS13 it's on the weight gaming forums
(225 KB, 818x656, ErrorMessage.png)
I tried to translate this using Translator++ but I'm guessing it screwed with the script because trying to attack just causes the game to hit an error. Is there a translated version anywhere or a way to translate this without killing the game?
Can someone share the new D.I.E.T ?
Can't post links apparently but Coastal Bunny is going full on FAF on Weightgaming.
(3.2 MB, 2048x2048, 1689822860.png)
Yeah well I had two people in a row derail my main thread over there who were caught pirating (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5kGCwJ25Yc)

You guys are way more fun and bearable over here though. I expect it here and even post stuff here from time to time. For instance, the Halloween update this year will involve the witch Millie and the Sin of Gluttony.

And I know it's not the current content, but I did just update the demo to 0.13.0. I'm likely going to continue to update the demo monthly as well.

>>39585 Why's her hand specifically positioned in a retarded-looking and offputting way?
>>39587 Oh ok. Because I don't have much experience with 3D models I assumed you specifically made a scene and that the character was posed by a skeleton model. I was curious about that. Thanks and I appreciate your work with 3D as it's been the content that's most lacking on this site. It's emberassing, tbh, and it's much worse now than even in the early 2000s, if you believe that. I know of 1 or 2 good sites with decent amount of mods, but the bbw 3D content community's not what it used to be. I have faith that 1 day I too will join my brothers in producing bbw content. The graphics card costs can be mitigated by using a cloud, but what holds most artists back's probably the difficulty in making all of this content themselves.
(198 KB, 582x600, Ragecopy.png)
Thank you for making that thread on WG, giving pirates a big W and making grot + mods look bad. Got a good laugh from it, Kristalek is based for causing this spur of babyrage. Looking forward to the day you slip on Patreon, WG, or here

It was actually some other dude who spammed my post that got me. Kristalek was the first person (rather tame) but this other person who ended up getting their posts removed is really what spurned it. I posted proof of me catching them in the act and the mods slapped my hands for sharing it even though I blacked out their email address. Apparently calling out people is disrespectful and violates guidelines.

I like battling you all here ;p It's when people bring the degeneracy into non-degenerate areas that it's just cringe.
I respect you have every right to protect your work from suspected pirates (assuming you aren't going full FAF and being malicious in kind), however other platforms aren't going to support that level of unchecked vigilantism.

It's why we don't take the law into our own hands, despite how much it may make sense. Would you feel comfortable if authorities took action based on the unchecked insistence of other users? That's some witchhunting shit right there.

I'm not trying to come down on you or side with the potential scammer here, but civility goes both ways. If harm was avoided then that is enough, right? Seeking further action isn't gonna work, as has nearly always proved to be the case.

This is going to be a bit long (only because I want to give you an honest answer and I can't fit it in under 200 characters).

What I was advocating for was that if you came into the forums clearly complaining about how pirated content wasn't working because the link was failing (lul) that you've outed yourself as a pirate and deserve some form of consequence on weightgaming (whatever it may be).

And I'm not sure I necessarily agree with you as to "no harm now foul". This isn't necessarily a good analogy but it's one that sorta fits - but if somebody walks into a bank and complains that the ATM machine isn't taking their money and they want the bank to swap out the bills they have so they can go back outside and put their money in the ATM, but it's determined the cash they have in hand is counterfeit, the bank calls the police, takes their counterfeit money, refuses to return it, and reaches out to the Secret Service to begin an investigation.

They don't just go - "Whoops this is counterfeit money. Glad we caught that, no harm no foul!
Here's your fake $20 bill back. Have a great day!"

I was not advocating for me to share all the email addresses with weightgaming that I've collected (276) and asking them to see if all of those match current accounts on their website. But if some idiot goes onto my thread, complains about a pirated version of the game not working, they've triggered my alert that logs the email address of their pirating attempt, and their account name matches up on both the email address & on weightgaming forum then some action could be looked into against that account. However, that won't ever be the case on that website.

Pirates are going to pirate. I know this and fully expect it over here and elsewhere. But when people bring this stuff into "clean" environments it should be dealt with. Keep the degeneracy contained over here <3

Lastly - I'm not going to do anything malicious. That's crossing the line clearly. What I'm going to do is just keep doing what I've been doing which is monitor and adjust. I don't stop it all (it slips through the cracks for the those who are speedy) but the fastest of you are deserving - and that's what makes y'all so much fun ha.
It depends on the severity of the incident. In your example, the police aren't going to get called on someone attempting to scam an alleged fake twenty, unless the scammer was stupid enough to stick around and cause a nuisance. It's why you see "Thieves Operate In This Area" stickers around banks.
>>39650 Your post's too nigger-written for me to make sense out of, however, I do know that the banks print the money so.... Eitherway you're stupid.
Mints print money. Not banks.
someone update tonbelly's kemono
Anyone know where to do download them
well cupcupmug does have a patreon, if anyone here is subbed to that they could update his kemono.
i highly doubt anyone actually is, feast manor is his one game that looks halfway decent.

you said zero tolerance. zero tolerance means utterly insane results like banning someone from the forum even if they never make a single post just because the emails match.

just like expelling a kid from school for having two motrin in a ziplock bag.

maybe you didn't mean that, but typically "zero tolerance" means "zero"
Wtf is weightgaming going to do about it? Ban the user? They just make a new account unless you ban the IP, or just continue to be anonymous and just cant post anything.

I'm all for trying to moderate forum content if said content is malicious. The method described though is just an idiot catcher. (seriously who the fuck posts in a forum for a game they pirated) Doesn't stop the smart ones, and doesn't stop dms so if people want to spread info they can.

Idk, hope you find a method that works anyway, hopefully without a potential problem happening and causing unintended issues
+1 someone should upload this one
anybody got the sultan's harem?
Does anyone have Tonbelly's feed me affection v 0.36.0?
yeah its been taken down on kemono
Would appreciate if a kind stranger had a copy
Swear that he’s got people watching Kemono 24/7 to make sure his updates get taken down
The new cicada springs is up, if anyone is willing to share
I mean it's highly likely that he just changes the mega link after the post is scraped, which won't be updated since kemono likely doesn't take that into account.
Does anyone have the CupCupMug VN? Thanks
The new fattening career is out, would love if someone drops it or updates the kemono
Anyone have any of the new stuff that lachevite has been putting out behind the paywall?
it's itch.io walled
Big fan of your series.
Anybody got the new fattening career?
I got hackweight if anyone posts the last fattening career update
yes new fattening career please!
Thanks! Hope you enjoy the rest of Apostles, and the stuff from the new cyberpunk themed game.
Bladerune9 kemono has been updated with the latest fattening career

can you mirror it and post here? by the time I read this is was already down :( dev reads the thread too, and it's very quick for them to take down their own links
Anyone can update the broken link in Bladerune9 kemono?

For the love of god please someone post a working link for that .07 Version
Could we please get a working link for the new fattening career please.
Here you go guys, it's the 0.07
Not all heroes wear capes, sometimes they have a pretty good taste in women.
alright >>40478 now hand over the game as
>>40554 delivered
Do none of the url decoders work for this
youre fucking retarded
Turns out he was a lying fag all along.
Does anyone have fatrifice from cupcupmug?
Anyone have Yuliya3k games?
Gonna have to second this, if only to spite the dude for being a piece of shit
hi all, I'm one of the writers on Fattening Career. Been lurking in these game threads for a while and it occured to me that since you guys presumably aren't subbed to the Patreon (which you should go do, etc, etc, not really the point of this post), you represent a playerbase that we don't really get feedback from.

So, what do you guys think of the game? What do you guys like, what could be improved and what would you like to see in future updates? Specifically looking for feedback on the writing, cause I don't really have a hand in the visuals, that's all Bladerune. Cheers!
I mean, I'm always more partial to "BIGGER" but thats my standing view on everything and, obviously, doesn't have much to do with writing.
Haven't played the newest version yet but so far I'd say...

Lyn/Leanne, a pretty fun character and the nerdy side is nice. Looking forwad to seeing more of her at some Point.

Trista, chef's kiss if I could describe any girl as it. Has a pretty decent physical transition with the difficulties

Bonnie's route is solid, very nice stuffing and spoiling route. Good length and her progression is very nice.

Daisy I honest think needs something more. I feel like you see her too much at school so that you can't see her much elsewhere with it being overwhelming. I mean, I know the schooling makes sense with her being a teacher but at a certain point it felt more like I was just trying to rush through the daily school grind to go shooting out to the other girls or work.

BB Girls/Doctors
They feel like side characters which, to a certain extent, makes sense as they don't feel built for a full route.
The BB girls especially feel like they need more in restaurant interactions with the player to get a solid grasp on the personalities.

Katrine is fine. An inoffensive 'normal' route.

Luna is just...there. I like her looks and the gimmick of being a science based feeder is nice but she seems to share a lot of her scenes with the other members of the medical facility outside of her home where it just becomes kinky sex times. I feel like there needs to be a few casual moments with her.

Otherwise, doing good work. Keep it up.
Anyone have the latest D.i.e.t?
Can yoy share the mobile version please?
I only have the windows version, sorry :(
Gain Jam starts in a few hours
(74 KB, 724x604, Capture.JPG)
>not too restrictive
>clear goal in mind
>fat fetishism is all about crossing limits that shouldnt be crossed
i think the prompt is a good one
whats everyone else's thoughts?
i think we might get a good chunk of games with immobility as a feature.
I think it has the potential to be very one-dimensional. Like the greed one a couple of years ago. I'll fully admit to being a pessimist, but this might just devolve into a lot of entries where the protagonist wants to be the biggest ever and keeps pushing until they get it.
i don't care too much so long as we don't get so many half-assed visual novel "game" submissions again.
If I made a WG game, it'd be an Oregon Trail style lite RPG with one character who's cursed to gain weight traveling with others to go and kill a demon or something to stop the curse. The cursed character starts off the strongest but becomes weaker and more of a burden on the other party members, both literally and in terms of supply consumption, as the gain progresses.
With this style of game you could have the player character gain weight, which is popular in this scene, without having to worry about the gameplay limitations of lessened mobility while also still making the gain have a meaningful impact on gameplay and decision making.
Feel free to steal this idea if you're a dev. I think for WG games, two so-far untapped game formulas that would work really well are Oregon Trail and Princess Maker.

LOL even the fags on weightgaming are calling his 'games' out for being shit
>moderator stepped in and said "well actually its allowed on the site so stop it!"
its good to see that this guy's games are getting the hate they deserve, maybe he'll get bullied off of the site. seeing his monthly releases is annoying, you see something new projects and are instantly disappointed when you see the pfp.
Does any kind soul have the latest FMA update?
does any one know some good virt a mate morphs
What's a game that you think is somewhat overlooked?

For me, it's three Japanese RPGMaker games, "Raising Money in Town", "Suzuka's Daily Life" (called "artist fattening game" on weightgaming) and "Princess Feed" - the last of which miraculously still has a thread on WG despite its 17 yo protagonist.
These three are all just solid examples of the typical RPGMaker daily WG game with writing that strikes a chord with me.

Princess Feed seemed to have further content planned with immobility stages and body customization but that was never finished. There's a little bit of the latter in the present version; an evil clown will give you magic items to ease the PC's weight struggles but also curse her to be even more weakened when they're unequipped or eventually break from overuse, which is reflected in the earlier weight descriptions if you avoid ever equipping them, but all the descriptions are the same by the end.

Princess Feed's themes of weight struggles, dependency and degradation appeal to me most out of the three games, but it's also the most unfinished. Raising Money in Town is complete and is the only game with actual art ,plus sprites that were added by the English translation - speaking of the translation, it's the only one of the three to have a proper man-made translation rather than a machine translation.
Speaking of Japanese RPGMaker games, I'm kind of bummed "Guild and Dining" (according to a rough machine translation) hasn't been talked about much in the past week. I sadly don't see it getting a post on Weightgaming due to characters being 17. It's kind of basic in terms of RPGMaker games in gameplay, but I thought it had some neat ideas on tying MP recovery with eating, as well as inclusion of character busts during their WG events. Sadly, game appears to be cancelled and we're left with only 2 weight stages for each character (3 if you un-encrypt the files)
It isn't canceled as far as I can see. The creator thought about deleting their account but changed their mind. It took them a super long time just to release this demo so just don't expect anything for months.
Good god, those faces are pure nightmare fuel.
Imagine having 30+ updates and there's still no weight gain implemented for any of the characters besides pc (which is barely functional)

They just need to lockdown a character route rather than add their millionth OC to the game
omg fucking exactly!!!
Well shit if it's that bad nvm

Sticking to My fattening career for sure.
could someone actually update the project quimbly kemono page? they're actually showing off the weight gain feature but the kemono hasn't been updated in MONTHS
Can anyone update the AnonymooseProductions Kemono? I desperately want to try the new game.
anybody have the newly released chunky cheerleader game?
Done, Now if someone could upload hackweight that be cool. Might do it but someone is updating his page so
Kill Bobo. Behead Bobo. Roundhouse Bobo into the concrete. Slam dunk Bobo into the trashcan. Crucify Bobo. Defecate in Bobo's food. Launch Bobo into the sun. Toss Bobo into an active volcano. Urinate into Bobo's gas tank. Judo throw Bobo into a wood chipper. Twist Bobo's head off. Report Bobo to the IRS. Karate chop Bobo in half. Curb stomp Bobo. Trap Bobo in quicksand. Crush Bobo in the trash compactor. Liquefy Bobo in a vat of acid. Eat Bobo. Dissect Bobo. Exterminate Bobo in the gas chamber. Stomp Bobo's skull with steel toed boots. Cremate Bobo in the oven. Lobotomize Bobo. Feed Bobo to alligators. Slice Bobo with a katana. Total Bobo death.
What did he do? Lol
Depends. Are we talking bobothesecondtwo or bobothehobo? If it's the former, they're butthurt and impatient but if it's the latter, then their feelings are somewhat justified
seconding this. probably the only good game coming out this year
Good gain jam games?As far as I can tell its kinda meh
He TRICKED ME into buying his fucking garbage TWICE and it was fucking TRASH BOTH TIMES
Haven't seen anything that good. SoftFoxxo made the same thing he always seems to make, which is fine enough but not particularly interesting. failmuseum's Idol Maker is the only thing I'm interested in; I've heard that it's kinda barebones but I have faith in failmuseum as a developer, so unless something big drops right before the end, it'll probably be the best game of the jam just like Draconic Expansion was last year.

Bobothehobo confirmed? Cicada Springs drip feeding updates that barely change anything for $5 seems to be the culprit. Dude's better off keeping to writing and letting someone else handle programming/coding. You'd think they'd learn better after the travesty that's Coven of Calahree
I liked CoC, but different strokes, I guess.

Seems that a lot of the more talented devs didn't make games this year. Grimimic, Snail, Rocketshark, Urg, none of them participated.
For some of those devs you can blame FF16 and/or BG3. Still, we've got 27 games!
Tbh the game jam coinciding with with the Baldur's Gate release is so unfortunately timed that it's hilarious.
Should've made it a mod jam
dont bother with most of them, this year's kinda sucked ass.
only a few entires actually do pushing the limit well, while most of them boiled down to "play almost perfectly/ in some hyper optimized way or else, lol"
then we have neon dreams, which seemingly devolves into cuck shit. i dropped it when the game brings up the option of sending your girlfriend to a stripclub.
>dont bother with most of them
>only a few entires actually do pushing the limit well

Y'know, a way you could have phrased that without sounding like an ingrate would have been to simply say "Some of the Jam entries were pretty good this year." It's the same effect but you sound like less of a tit for it.

Don't worry, I'm assured you won't lose any edgy chan cred for actually saying a nice thing on occasion.

But yeah, there are definitely some great games and ideas among the bunch. Even if the games aren't up to one's exacting tastes, the devs themselves got plenty out of the experience which is the important thing moreso.
yes, some were pretty good. and i was saying a nice thing when i said "few entries actually do pushing the limit well"
but it doesnt change the fact that 90% of the games do pushing the limit wrong or dont even attempt it at all.
for a large majority of the jam's games "pushing the limit" is completely unrelated to the fetish present within the game, and actively encourages you to not participate in the fetish content. when in reality fat itself has many "limits" that can be capitalized on.
for example diner miner presents mobility and stuckage as limits, if you push them you can earn more in one go down into the mine. but if you push too far then you might just end up stuck down there when you need to eat your way out of the mineshaft and become immobile from it. its a perfect example of what submitted games SHOULD have been like in terms of "pushing the limit"
but for a lot of games submitted the limit is something like money or time, which have no relation to the fetish and discourage you from even participating in it.
why should i be grateful for a shit game?
also since i forgot to quote you, i should point out that this isnt reddit. chans are not some karma farming popularity contest.
"you sound like an ass" means nothing. i phrased it that way with explicate intent to be condescending and say "yeah most of these are fucking trash." the mere existence of fetish content doesnt make a game good.
Does anyone have a link for hackweight?
Idol Maker's definitely not as good as Draconic Expansion. Maybe failmuseum can improve it over time but I'd rather he focuses on his main game rather than getting caught up in side projects. The DE update was cool but Heroes on a Budget looks like it's gonna be awesome and I don't want it to be vaporware.
(177 KB, 673x780, dessert elemental.png)
play my gain jam entry (calamity cobra)
actually has a non-anthro character getting fat so I hope that means something for you guys lol
(if you played it before, try it now, it got an update that makes it far better)
Shweet, nice to see you over here. I wish I could but I’m a phonefag, sorry. Still, she looks sweet, can we expect more wg from your snake?
check the weightgaming thread for a BE sequence at least lol
(79 KB, 1920x1152, IMG_6642.jpeg)
Just did. I love it. Ill be sure to share it at the Fat Gardens at /trash/. I hope you win or whatever.
im too lazy to check them all out, is there any games that are just lowkey weight gain sims or vns with good art i can beat off to or are all just pixel games
There’s some really good text adventure games out there too. I think there’s one called “wg text adventure” where all you do is deal with how to gain weight.
Not sure what you were seeing, there's no cucking in Neon Dreams, and your girl working at the club is never an "option", it's just a threat held over your head by the antagonist. I guess it might happen if you game over, but I wouldn't know.
Does anyone else think it's kinda fucked that for neon dreams the guy not only blocked it off for patrons but then when he did send it out he blocked content also behind patreon, like why even do a game jam at that point? or am i just being a baby lol
Nah I thought the same,thus why I didnt care enough to try it
simple, i saw the cutscene where the threat was made in the stripclub and automatically assumed the game was cuckshit because of how cucks like to worm their trash into things.
(90 KB, 959x593, EUSA.png)
Why should this be different?
I'ma be honest this game is bad, the other file is a font thing you can include.
So can anyone explain how the hell this game is supposed to work? I have no clue
type random shit to generate score, use score to improve plugins to increase score further

protip: overclock trojan to make it faster
(2.4 MB, 1900x1080, cipher.png)
Anybody else find the cipher keys to hackweight? I've got these ones already if anyone wants them, though it isn't fully complete yet.
I’m pretty sure the cypher isn’t fully implemented yet. There’s only 10 cyphers in the game currently iirc
does anyone have fatrifice 1 or 2 by cupcupmug?
well i take that back then. guess what he showed really was deceiving.
anyways, looks like he removes his old games from patreon when a new one is released.
if you have them an upload would be preferable, he's one step away from being xyster3k 2 so no matter how shit his games are he deserves it
You're both in luck as I bought these out of rage after learning his patreon methods and that the games are mostly shit. Enjoy, from the dude that brought you hackweight.
New Version TheSultansHarem is out!
any kind soul willing to update the kemono for sultan’s harem?
Can someone share the new version of the sultan's harem?

you're welcome

Thanks king <3
someone can upload the latest version of D.I.E.T? (please)
Does anyone have stuff by Red Deer Studio?
Or just general weight gain based TRPG stuff?
ew furry kill yourself
Get a life , kid
This ain't twitter for your retard behaviour
And this ain't a board for furries. They have their own board.

Weighting game is on hold. Again. Anyone gonna share V8? Dude is never going to finish the game
Ik , still , telling someone to off themself isn't nice
I also asked for other TRPG stuff as well.
No need to get all hostile man.
stop asking me, I'm not planning to do it, so why keep asking? no one else reading this has it
Don't mind em , they just kid
Thoughts on Somchu's games? The Lipomancer's Realm just got a big update and it looks like he's working on it actively again. I remember being impressed how quickly and diligently he churned out updates for Ruins of the Lipomancer.
One problem with these Twine games is that you're just doing the same repetitive actions over and over until you cross a threshold that unlocks a new description and maybe some new random flavor text for the different actions you can perform. Maybe this'll be less of a problem as the game develops, but right now it's easier to just open up the html file in a text editor and read all the descriptions from there without having to deal with the grinding.
Also, I will say that Lipomancer's Realm is a big improvement over the first Lipomancer game in terms of flavor text and descriptions. Ruins' descriptions were pretty simplistic, but Realm's are way more fleshed out, and they're completely different for each character class. The descriptions for the currently unimplemented Noble class can be read in the html file, and it goes for the spoiled pampering angle that I like a lot.
That being said, I hope he focuses less on descriptions and more on interactions with NPCs. For example, the merchant's weight descriptions go into detail about how other people feel about her, how she bumps stuff over in the shop, etc, but I'd like to see that kind of stuff in the actual game. That was one problem I had with noone's game where the descriptions were good but had no bearing upon the rest of the game. Somchu's games have already been better than noone's in that respect but I hope he goes even further with it.
Decided to give it a try, and as of day 150 my character has gone from 150 to 32 lbs with no adverse effects on her ability to work at the inn every day or comments from any of the NPCs. The self-description says that eating is a necessity to stay alive, but I'm not exactly convinced. I think you might have the right idea with reading the game in a text editor, since the simulation aspect seems like it could use a little more fleshing out.
sorry to bother but is there a way to download coastalbunny's D.I.E.T from the kemono? if so someone could be a lamb and explain me?

So my favorite type of game is one where the player character gains but can try to avoid it. Like the struggle of maintaining your weight vs inevitably getting fat.
Lipomancer Ruins is probably the best game out there for that style of play. I'm excited to see where the new game goes.
I like that stuff too. You got any other examples? Only one I can think of is, sort of, Draconic Expansion.
this is norton antivirus...
Steve won. Sofia lost.
Anyone have the latest FMA or D.I.E.T? Thanks
you got excited for a moment because i thought Tramp got an update. Is the dev still mainly focused on Yaffaif for whatever reason?
Tramp seems to get way more updates than Yaffaif. I think for Tramp, the game's "mechanics" are all pretty much set in-place, and it's Ren'Py shit so it's not hard to code anyway, all the effort is going into coming up with new events and flavor text (although I personally think Tramp has terrible writing, with a voice that manages to sound like an awkward teenage boy and a creepy old man at the same time). Yaffaif on the other hand is the dev's personal autism project with a custom engine and all that.
Another writer is working on the Reg route (immobility path from the looks of things) which more people are probably gonna be interested in anyway, so Tramp is on the track to being a finished product, I think.
does anyone have the latest from the Gumia’s Unbelted Terror
(607 KB, 1170x1582, IMG_7476.jpeg)
Hold on a second. You’re making another Five Nights With Fatties and yet you STILL haven’t put the galley in for the second game after it’s been out for over a year?
Does anyone have the latest Feed my Affection? Would also be awesome if you had The Feeder as well! Cheers
for some reason i still prefer the first one, i guess cus it feels like theres too too much going on in 2
Eh, the more focus on vore than actual fatties made 2 a crapshoot for me
the game was trying too hard to be scary and a real game. why are they getting so full of themselves. just let me nut.
I agree. The gaining POV was the best part. It’s a shame it was relegated to only four characters. I hope it’s expanded upon in the third game.

It looks like they cut Nougat’s interview. I wonder what it would’ve been about. (Battleship?)
Anyone have the latest D.I.E.T?
That is the best part of it...but personally it wasn't enough to keep me invested.
FNAF's gameplay style and 'scares' really aren't anything I'm too interested in.
Jump scares don't do much for me and 'task management' just doesn't feel great, especially when I catch someone in the hall, hit the 'close door' switch and they still get in despite a full few seconds having passed since hitting the gate.
Can you reup plz.
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Hey, I’m waxerred, the Dev that makes the WG game Apostles. I’ve started work on a second, cyberpunk themed game. Here is a 5 minute trailer to anyone who wants to give it a look.

So would it be like Apostles in gameplay or something else
Fairly different in a lot of ways!

Apostles has you playing as 3 near godlike powerful characters.
Atlas has you playing a 4 underdogs who have to fight just to get by.

Apostles has very little combat, with it being a very rare minigame.
Atlas will feature a LOT more combat as part of the core gameplay loop. With it being a lot more thought out then just typical rpgmaker combat.

Apostles had you play as the feeders fattening up others.
Atlas will have 3 characters being possible feedes, and 1 a possible feeder.

Apostles is fairly straightfoward, with minor choices, but mainly following one straight plot.
Atlas will offer more options, it's possible to play a no weight gain route where no main character gets fat, or to pursue all weight gain routes with the main girls and end with them hardly able to walk.

Apostles, 1 muffin based bad end.
Atlas, 25+ non-muffin based bad ends
Will it have also darker themes and story like apostles? Because in my case that's what stops me from playing it sadly, just not my thing for a fetish game, also male weight gain too
Oh, so it's a typical Bad-End RPG-Maker game. The kind where the most enjoyable part is locked behind purpusfully losing, with you having to save before every boss not because they are hard, but because you get punished for playing the game.

You know, I really don't get what makes that kind of game appealing. Being terrible at the combat should not get you anything, much less the only reason to play the game in the first place. A Game Over is a bad thing, not something a player needs to do the get to the stuff they really want.

At least maybe consider not putting all the weight gain just behind Bad Ends.

>Atlas will offer more options, it's possible to play a no weight gain route where no main character gets fat, or to pursue all weight gain routes with the main girls and end with them hardly able to walk.

>At least maybe consider not putting all the weight gain just behind Bad Ends.

my dude
A fair concern. For the level of “Dark” content, I would say it’s probably less than Apostles, but hardly a romantic comedy. From the trailer it should hopefully have given a vibe of a consumerism like Dystopia. An unfair system that the main characters need to fight against.

As for male weight gain, there will be some but the majority will be female based.


Apologies, but while Bad End type games may not be your thing, it is still a type of game that myself and many others enjoy.

In terms of Project Atlas, I’d say roughly half of the WG content will be related to optional Bad Ends. However, while they will be trigged through dying in combat, they can also be accessed to anyone in the gallery room post dungeon.
>I’d say roughly half of the WG content will be related to optional Bad Ends.
will the MCs be able to gain weight without triggering a bad end?
I wonder why no one has really tried making a regular game/VN that just so happens to have weight gain fetish stuff included. There is a reason why fat mods for existing games are so popular.
Since you are going for darker themes, any chance for vore to sneak in as a sci-fi augment procedure or something?
Will likely have at least one scene in the game with vore, but it won’t be a main theme.
I'm an indie game dev (not a successful one) and the reason I imagine is because as a developer anytime you come up with actual fun mechanics or gameplay you want to focus on it as a real game

Making a game can take years. I have a weight gain game I have worked on and off for for years that is nowhere close to done that has basically a sims style loop following one character (but 2D side perspective)

The problem is the amount of art that would have to be made + the time spent polishing it I rather spend towards things that might actually be succesfull. Plus I have 1000+ ideas and can never sit on anything (also have an unfinished "Stronghold"/Anno style game about turning resources into food/buildings etc. but it just takes so much damn time
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Albeit I need you to consider the funny and sensual psychological horror factor you love to meme about and how fitting vore is in a capitalist dystopia that turns people into hungry fattened up consumers/products.
Also fat girls getting fatter, crueler and more powerful make my pp the big pp and I hope we are comrades in that.
Thanks for your time.
I can guarantee you at least 2 of the weight gain routes will include fatter=meaner!
Anyone have the latest Myre's Mealtime?
That game and the dev suck dick
Has anyone seen a game where there’s a lady and a leprechaun and the leprechaun fattens up the lady?
Can anybody upload D.I.E.T 0.18?
Been playing Apostles for 2 hours. Is there a point when these bitches are gonna get fat or is buttfucking with RPGMaker sprites all this game has?
It’s a slow burn anon definitely not a sit through and finish it all in one night type of game especially if you’re starting from the beginning
Can it go any faster? I felt their greed s end game was at a good pace wtf is this one s excuse?
Greeds end was like a one week game jam, this bad boy has been in the oven for like what 2 years now? Lmao it’s definitely an act by act type game so it feels what better once you get caught up
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Apostles will be 4 years old this December! It’s been quite a journey so far! 4 years down at least 20 more to go! Hope you enjoy all that’s to come! I’m hoping to finish Project Atlas’s first release this year, and then it’s back to Apostles for a new Lily update!

That one’s excuse is that early on I really didn’t have a plan or know what I was doing so I just sort of winged it! Sorry if it’s a bit slow, but if you stick through it you should see some weight gain quite soon.

Though for reference it will be quite different than Greed’s end. There a single meal could make a character gain 50-500 pounds. Apostles is all about slow, drawn out feedings and weight stages.
anyone have d.i.e.t. update 18?

it was briefly on kemono earlier today before the link was rechanged yet again and i missed my timing due to not hitting f5 all day long..... but just maybe one of you did :)
Does anyone have Cicada Springs V0.7.1.0 and Coven Of Calahree V1.1.4.0 ?
I'm assuming everyone stopped giving money to cupcupmug, but if you didn't is the new dungeon crawler any good?
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Finally someone releases a rpg maker game with good fucking art and the retards at weight gaming decide to cry about it and fucking ruin it
This game's AIslop is nothing impressive.
But yes, no point in downgrading if that's what you are crying about.
>AI "art"

BBW chan users continue to have zero standards.
RPG Maker games suck
I prefer them to daz visual novels. Granted most of the RPG maker games actually do suck, but it's not because they're in RPG maker but just because they're written really poorly
At this point I'd take DAZ crap, mostly because the game aspect of the RPG maker games actively seems to get in the way of things as they're generally easy.
Meaning that the 'gameplay' is just a delay between fats.
Granted, we're now going to enter an era of three different 'bad' game types.
Generic RPG maker game with fats behind the bog standard combat.
DAZ VN which may have some 'questionable' models.
Game with AI art where the maker didn't do any quality control or is fighting with the near constant 'Clothes keep changing in pics' issue.
Except I can always cheat in any rpgmaker game using https://www.saveeditonline.com/ to just have infinite currency and buff my attack and defense.

Even then, in good Maker games like a lot of the Japanese ones, they have incremental changes or the changes happen to you during combat and are illustrated with being slower in combat, or outside of combat by moving slower or not being able to fit through doorways, etc. so I just cheat to be a little bit more durable if that's even needed.

There is nothing I can do to make a bad slideshow more interesting or tolerable.
wonder when we'll get a good rpg in the wg game community.
I will be honest and say things as they are - 99% of the games in the community only meet the bare minimum to qualify as games. They're not actual projects, but barely customized templates for creatively bankrupt pseudo-devs. Nobody explores the possibilities of RPG Maker and Renpy; and even if they did, we're looking at engines which were popular back in the 2000s - 2010s. There's free 3D engines such as Godot, Unity and Unreal right now, so WHY use RPG Maker?

The saddest part is the userbase settling down for subpar RPG Maker 'games' with sloppy AI - what are you looking forward to? There are visuals or GAMEPLAY. And let's not talk about stale 'visual' novels with either no visuals or Daz3d eyesores. Daz3d which, surprise, surprise, is useless software from the 2000s.

Until they get up to date with 3D games, fetish gamedev is no better than Sonic inflation porn.

Even then, in good Maker games like a lot of the Japanese ones, they have incremental changes or the changes happen to you during combat and are illustrated with being slower in combat, or outside of combat by moving slower or not being able to fit through doorways, etc.
Examples for these?

I'm down for you to tear me a new asshole, as long as you can be specific. There's a ton of stuff I hate about my progress.

I'm stuck trying to achieve effects I want. Deeming them subpar, and then never moving on.

I could really use some harsh critics as long as those critics can actually write out sentences about all the things I am doing badly.

There's no hope for you.
Making games in any engine is all about accessibilty and making best use of whatever budget and time you may have.

Sure 3D engines like Godot may be free, but you've got to invest a lot of time into learning to use them properly. The basics of Renpy - which is also free - are so straightforward that it's perfectly possible to pick it up and create a simple playable game in a single afternoon.

Then there's the assets. You may not like Daz/RPGmaker graphics but they're relatively cheap, easy to use and allow devs with little art talent and/or time the freedom to create images. 3d engine assets are more expensive and a lot trickier to code. Assuming you can even find suitable fats and don't end up having to try and create your own.

Games in this fetish - unless you're called Sirfuckingmister and charge as much for an incremental update as many devs charge for a full game - have little or no budget. 99% of niche fetish devs aren't going to invest hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars on an amazing looking game they'll never see any return on when they can spend less than 1/10 of the time and money producing something that may not look as good, but won't bankrupt them.
Dude, asking for constructive criticism on an anon piracy board has about as much chance of success as asking a nun for a blowjob. While the pope is watching.
I don't want bad games from talentless devs.
Holy Knight of Gluttony, Raising Money in Town, Suzuka's Daily Life, Maid Long Vacation, and Princess Feed. Some of these are better than others but all of them avoid the typical RPGMaker pitfalls of repetitive combat (holy knight has some combat but it's avoidable). There's also games where it's NPCs gaining and not the PC like Slave Feeder and Feeder Fantasy.
Dude I just want a finished game I general good or bad
The PC of Slave Feeder can gain weight? I thought it was just the girls.
>Holy Knight of Gluttony
Link? Can't find this anywhere.
make your own game then, anon.
show those evil weight gaming devs what a real game made with real talent is supposed to look like!
Reread that last Scentence again.
They can't gain.
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I'll do it and you'll be sorry.
oh damn yea do it!

That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime but instead all the female characters just get fat? :D

There is this new game called banquet for the undying famine and it has okay combat (cause it is lifted from SMT)

the game also slows down movement when you get big enough
Where do you find Suzuka's Daily Life? That name doesnt ring a bell.
>AI generated images
I thought you were gonna give an actual reason but nope you're just some dumb idiot
You even avoided giving the reason which is what narcissistic people do when they complain online that people are mad at them.
Does anyone have The Pendant of Prosperity by Saxxon and Earthbound Books?
why no one have made a mod for Gmod yet?
i saw the code, and technically for someone who knows how to make addons, or its good with LUA, can make a inflation mod easily using manipulatebonescale
i mean, imagine a P-Balloon or a wonka gum entity that can inflate npcs
Considering that the site is going to shut down...
Can anybody share D.I.E.T 0.18?
For old times sake.
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It'll just be a fantasy game, not an isekai or anything.

Imageboards are nice, too bad this one is kicking the bucket. But you can find me on discord - 5mdz3fNPDq
Anyone have the android link to D.I.E.T?
Seen as this chan will be gone soon anyone gonna share Sirmisters shity game a last time?
Greedy motherfucker is now charging even for old versions so deserves everything he gets
Who here is even looking at this place to subscribe to Sirmister in the first place?
dude, I'm freaking out rn as most of the games I was able to get were from kind links posted here. even begged for some. Sure there are precautions set up but is likely this place will be gone for good soon. if I get desperate enough I will have to set up a Discord account which I'm not looking out for. I do hope someone makes a legit Reddit or something. there's telegram too

this was more like a vent than anything but yeah who cares at this point. if it's anything. thank you to whoever made sure to post free stuff here and to the artists who made them. yes I know I will go to hell. if I get rich one day, I will make sure to buy your shit
this thread isn't in total danger, it could probably continue on lemmy? we're mostly just talking about video games?


although most people won't make the jump
"Artist Fattening Game" on weightgaming
Why not /trash/?
Hey, how does dandy's chest game work? ;w;
you buy a submission potion from the blue orc lady, and some digestion potions
Use the submission potion on the negress
play the minigame to feed here. The better you play the game, the less submission you lose per feed, and she produces milk whilst getting less full

Play the other minigame to milk her, sell the milk back to the potion dealer. You should be able to get a positive feedback loop, but if you fuck up a couple times, you can always collect the mushrooms and strawberries that spawn randomly to recover.
do you have any socials we can follow this project on?
Apparently a new version of Sultan's Harem got released so... anyone willing to share it?
Anyone have the latest Myre's Mealtime?
Anyone else having trouble accessing Kemono?
> 669239

Nope, it's working perfectly fine on my end but they did change the domain address from .party to .su
has anyone tried out the Weight gaining mmo?
Can someone share the new version of the sultan's harem?
Its heartening to know this place is going to get flushed down the toilet before long. Only good news I've ever seen on here.
Weight gaming mod spotted
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The Sultans Harem
Patch 0.2.6 is out on Patreon.

the patch contains (as far as new content goes):

- a sex scene for each harem girl

- featuring 75+ new renders in total

- a new minor event for each girl at each stage (where you´ll find them topless)

featuring over 85+ new sprites in total

Can someone please update LiveGoesOn
how does a person progressive to the yuki date in feed my affection?
Nah, I've been around for awhile, long enough to know its going to be a net good in the world that you fucks don't have anywhere to congregate anymore.
There are a couple weightgaming mods come on here. Or they used to anyways.

I'm not one of them but as an ex-dev I agree that the sooner this dumpsterfire of a chan goes tits up the better
Does anyone have the old version with AI art ?
What's gotten up your buttcrack? Is it the schizophrenic self hatred that characterises a large number of users on this platform, or do you have a specific issue? Now is not the time for shit posting. I'm its final hours it is time to make peace, Anon.
The status thread on /gen/ doesn't leave any doubt that people have a very conflicted relationship with this site and it's user base. That said, have to ask if you have SEEN the posts on that forum? There's a good number of contributors, god bless their heart and soul, but the average forumite there, outside of a small handful of relatively sane commenters, appears to have a sub room temperature IQ combined with some type of off-brand autism.
I have no idea what you think "goes hard" about this. I don't even understand why this guy keeps making these videos or why we need a "direct" for fetish games. Also all of these games are already available.

This place is full of worthless, shit flinging leeches whose only worthwhile addition to this world will be when they man up and off themselves like they should have years ago.

My only regret concerning this cancerous blight finally dying off is that this served as containment and a zoo for watching retards struggle to find enough brain cells to drool out yet another request for a free link to a game that costs less than a fast food meal. Or to complain about people making free shit for them because it doesn't fit into their autistic coomer brain framework. Or to shit on anyone trying to do more than the knuckle dragging bullshit celebrated here.

This isn't a shit post, this is a sincere request for you all to fuck off forever in whatever way you can.


Given that WeightGaming (I came up with the name all those years ago) would not have existed if not for people on this site, I can confidently state

lol, lmao

yes, there are plenty of dumbasses that post stuff like 'WHERE DIET' every few weeks, but for all the room temp IQs, shitting where you eat makes no sense and there is always going to be a demand for an unmoderated space for things that can't be said/shared elsewhere

the only question is where it exists and who is willing to invest the time and money to keep it existing>>46327
Yes, because coming to a board and telling people to kill themselves is a sign of intellect and decency.
From the looks of it, no one is willing anymore. You're all going to be refugees. Hell, you fucks are already fucking up /trash. Within a few days, everyone there, the bottom feeders of 4chan, already want you all gone.

As to the rest, the only people that have done anything worthwhile did so elsewhere, leaving this place behind because there's nothing fruitful here. Just people trying to drag everyone down into the shit with them. Any time someone does something of note, you can be sure this place will overwhelmingly shit on them for even daring to try.

So no, this is not some bastion of people that really care and actually did anything, its the caked on scum at the bottom of a really deep barrel that has been drained of anything actually productive a long ass time ago.

When you have an animal that's beyond saving, you put it down.
Still mad people pirated your shitty DAZ game Tiggertoo?
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Jesus, shut the fuck up you absolutely asinine fucking shit munch. No one here genuinely fucking cares what your god damn stance is on the board as a whole when it was already on a doomsday clock from the get go because loli fags are the cancer that kill boards in terms of keeping a steady income from advertisers. Get off your fucking high horse you shit spewing fag and let us enjoy what we have left because we lost inflatechan some odd decade ago. Go whine on the actual chan boards instead of darkening our fucking doorstep nigger.
We didn't need a direct, but still nice that someone took the time to push ideas like this
Why do many meltdowns about something so stupid?, that's just lame
No. I take too much pleasure in making sure the last days of this thread are full of bullshit and fags like you crying about it.

Stay mad.
Nyet. You mistake saltiness for pure, unadulterated schadenfreude. It really is telling of the caliber of poster here that even as your own ship sinks, you can't help but fling shit. A ship, mind you, that was sinking because no one cared enough to support it and its chock full of CP. Great stuff.

Stay mad.
You seem to be the only one who's "Mad" here, tigger.
>This place is full of worthless, shit flinging leeches whose only worthwhile addition to this world will be when they man up and off themselves like they should have years ago.
Nigger, you know you are posting here too, right? Pray set a good example and off yourself first, preferably on livestream. It would be a great ending for the site - and probably your biggest contribution to anyone's life.
Thank you for putting it more eloquently than I ever could, SkellyAnon.
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Haha, thanks for the namecheck. If someone hadn't asked if I was posting on this waste of bandwidth, I'd never have known it was shutting down.

Oh dear. What a terrible shame. Have a goodbye Daz image that you all hate so much :)

Au revoir!

Their list of boogeymen is so long they just do a scattershot of names to try and justify their vitriol.
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Whatever you say, my dude. It's just kinda telling that you're only gloating like a spiteful little kid in the games thread, and nowhere else.

Also, the financial support is limited because the admin insists on remaining anonymous or he couldn't have run the site the way he wanted to. And the cp? Not posted by any of the users here, I'd wager, but probably by someone with a grudge against the site in order to get it shut down. A grudge... just like you seem to have.
And just like that, the site is off life support.

Have fun lurking and seething I guess.
Lmao Godspeed us
Were getting a new site tho
is...that Phantasy Star 4?
Oh dear. How sadly predictable. Did your mummy help you with those big words?

Congrats on the stay of execution. I won't be back here again, so feel free to carry on insulting me in absentia...
So, does anyone have the new version of D.I.E.T?
First time on this thread and yeah, there aint no way this community is gonna pull off a Katawa Shojo moment

Is this.... is this an actual game being made? With actual 3D models and what looks to be genuine effort put in and not just generic rpgmaker/renpy/daz-fag shit? Holy based
anyone would share Sultan Harem 0.2.6?
Can someone share the new version of the sultan's harem? Please
Looks like we are going nowhere.
Sucks to suck idiot
Anyone have the the newest version of Feed My Affection for Android?
Any news on Misekoya by not_shiranui? Or does anyone have the old english download? I haven't been able to keep up with it since Weightgaming nuked the thread for it.
Ngl, FMA has some pretty fucking ugly and cursed npcs. I stopped caring about the game bc of how cursed they look. I rather deal with dazed shit tbh.
Anyone got the newest version of Myre's Massive Mealtime before I do it myself?

if you dont get it, nobody else will. considering i've seen a few posts about requesting and have gotten no response. so if you could share it you have my and possibly some others thanks in advance.
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Good day everyone
Halloween is now gone, but día de los muertos just begun
So how about we celebrate by uploading the new version of D.I.E.T?
Stop masturbating, put your life back together and buy a new PC.
Anyone got fma 0.40,0 for pc? kemono link already died
Can someone upload Housewife Sim 1.2a by Anonymoose?
Anyone got recommendations on good text adventure/quest games?
Anyone have the mobile version of D.I.E.T that dropped on kemono today?
Seconding this or any other mobile version
could you also drop it here as well
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>>47063 Bro that guys games suck, even the free ones. He charges money for cheap garbage and poorly written story games. Also the weight gains suck, they just look this after they eat
yeah, the reason people aren't sharing these, is that anyone who pays for them, plays them, finds them to be so awful, they wouldn't wish the boredom and lack of features and lack of weight gain on their worst enemies, so they delete them and vanish

Here are some of his games, to see how shitty they are... Hopefully no more asking for this shit...
Can someone share the latest D.i.E.T? Preferably the android version

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