
I love slobs, but there are like 3 slob threads just for different shows. this feels like needlessly redundant.
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Peridot is best slobby NEET.
Pearl is also good due to corruption value.
there needs to me more fics about peridot being obese and gassy
Where did this new stuff from Anthroskunkfromthe90s come from?
Source please
Fuck thats weirdly hot.
Shameless bump
Pearl is perfect for slob due to the corruption value. Seeing a germaphobe motherly gem slowly devolve into gluttonous piggishness with a giant cellulite fat ass that can't stop farting after stuffing herself with an inhuman amount of food is the way to go.

Too bad there isn't a lot more art or art sequences of Pearl and the others becoming fat slobs who are more occupied with eating than basic manners. The world needs more of that.

I meant stories and art sequences. AC is so strong my hands were shivering.
Shameless Bump
can you just post the image?

It's a story. I shared it because there hasn't been a lot contributions to this thread and figured it wouldn't hurt seeing as there just plain doesn't seem to be a lot a slob SU anything to begin with. As if only 3-4 out of everyone who watched it decided to make any Slob content for it.
not everyone has deviantart, post it in a pastebin?

It's a pdf and I'm working off of phones that won't let me copy and paste those. Sorry. I would if my old junk could.

On a side note, slob stories featuring the gems are fine to share since there is just so little in terms of slob content for the series as a whole.
That looks like anthroskunkfromthe90s but I've never seen it before. Are they back? Or is this a piece lost to time?

It was posted in a discord server before he left.
(143 KB, 2048x1548, Enh228nWMAAUW6D.jpeg)
Wish we could get a sequence like this for Pearl and/or Lapis and maybe some art of the other gem characters.
Agreed! They're wonderful.
this ain't slob bro
sorry, i had forgotten

The vore is fine in my opinion. No point in making another SU thread for it. For stars sake the first comment on this one was how there are too many as if there aren't people who are only interested in finding/sharing art of the characters they like.

Vore is fine, especially if it keeps this thread alive.
Can someone PLEASE help me find the artist behind this. I’ve search all over Twitter and I couldn’t find them. If anyone know who it is please tell me.
(902 KB, 1329x750, IMG_1080.PNG)
This image
Can someone please help me find the artist behind this image
Words cannot describe how thankful I am with you
You’re welcome anon. Always happy to help.
Whooaa who made these??
This thread could really do with some slob sequences. Unfortunately they seem to be extremely rare.
Unfortunately a bump as I still look for more.
>>8349 blewdle
I dont think this is on his patreon either

Have they done other SU art? It might be in a specific collection if they sell those.
A bump for good measure...
Where did you find this picture? I've looked everywhere
Where did you get the alt
We defenitely need more gassy fat Pearl.
Shameful bump
Isn't this just insufficient memory
This seriously can't be all there is. Please.
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The Spinel pics are by Creamfield, right? They look similar to this. Anybody know if they made more? I have a comic they did a while back (which may be a little too much for this thread), but wanted to know if they did anything else.
(1.7 MB, 3181x3737, 20210715_213831.png)
Can't be too picky with how little there is.

I never would’ve thought that the first image would resurface after so many years…but BBW Chan found a way.

Who’s the artist of the image and is there likely any SU related pieces that they did?
Does someone have the fart alt version of the last pic?
I tried searching Solitary's tumblr, but seems like it's gone now.
that's more like it.
Hot damn who’s the sauce behind this edit?
Sauce on that first image please
Who made those?
Does anyone have the one with Connie and blue diamond
Who is the first artist?
I could’ve sworn I saw a pic of a fat pearl sitting on amethyst (as a stool) farting on her while amethyst is struggling. anyone have that? it was on 4chan one time and i haven't encountered it since.
I didn't know he did braps
needs more braps
I have never imagined Lois Griffin and Pearl paired together. And that's for good reason.
Anyone got nolovehugeplebs art of the crystal gems transformed?
artist for the last pic?
Did this artist ever make an edit with a blobby Amethyst? Seems like they've deleted all their accounts, so I can't check.
Does anybody have all the clowntown69 art?
Probably the last time I’ll get this chance, but it’s worth a shot.

Does anybody know the artist/picture of blue Pearl fucking a blobby blue Diamond?
CanStraw on twitter

Was anybody lucky enough to find that picture/source of blue Pearl fucking a blobby blue Diamond yet?
Was anybody lucky enough to find it yet?
why did she turn white in the last pannel
She died due to her extreme medical issues, caused by her extreme and rapid weight gain and unhealthy diet. Then was brought back to life by Stevens magic powers, which as a side effect makes her pink/white. The same way Lars was brought back to life after he died in the series, or Lion was brought back by Rose Quartz.
Oh damn, that's actually really depressing then lol
Anybody know the picture/artist of of Blue Pearl fucking a blobby Blue Diamond?

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