
I wonder if anyone has made any fat loli chatbots
I'ma need that kannabot link sauce.
Latvia, Mongolia, Croatia, Angola... All banned it. Also, if you think it is good, you're likely gonna get a white van without windows in your life.
>>35318 This sounds to me like a good a reason as any to watch it and be let down. I won't watch that show though because I already know it's going to both suck and disappoint actual fans of loli girls.
(4.2 MB, 2647x2056, 1682100282636.png) (924 KB, 768x1044, 1679091009111.png)
Ain't no rule against /elite/ being here so long as it doesn't get out of control.

I imagine it's from the fanbase having been hijacked by the usual loons and the distributors in the West having rewritten the script to try and reinforce their insanity, that's making it forbidden for a lot of people.

>>35234 (Cross-thread)
Forehead must be your favorite for you think of of her before Roll or Maylu. Was there ever anything in the games that gave Yai an opening to weight gain besides her being rich?
>Also, if you think it is good, you're likely gonna get a white van without windows in your life.
...You do know what thread we're in right? Is there something I'm missing here?
They normally get one with tinted windows.
I’m more wondering what anime is it so I can see what’s wrong with it
(767 KB, 920x920, 1673735962391098.webm)
Onimai. An anime whose protags younger sister slips him a mickey that turns him into a little girl because he became a NEET from being constantly overshadowed by her achievements and she wanted the both of them to be close again. He really should've at least decked her.
(3.3 MB, 498x281, onimai.gif) (247 KB, 1280x720, 93AkTQ_zWFEVEP14.mp4) (3.0 MB, 540x302, savetweetvid_FnlhEzPXoAADYTw.gif)
Also has god tier character/expression animation to rival some of KyoAni's stuff (And yes, this includes unnecessarily detailed and complex boob jiggle animation (Bonus points for also included Oppai loli))
Congratulations to the author. I don't think a gayer looking anime could be made no matter how hard they tried.
(180 KB, 1500x1125, FmpGX_SaYAcEFxZ.jpg) (146 KB, 1125x1500, FmrF-dsaEAA6E-5.jpg) (189 KB, 1500x1125, FnJ1epCaAAMPiTs.jpg)
I can't believe some of you guys are throwing a fit over the weakest example of a gender bender anime in a fucking loli thread. Funniest shit I've seen all week.
Autists gonna be turbo autists.
(81 KB, 1106x832, media_FueSZtQagAA6BQd.jpg)
>unnecessarily detailed and complex boob jiggle animation
The fuck is wrong with you, there's never a situation where someone can go overboard with boob jiggle; the only actual issue is that it is blatant CG.

Don't doubt current years power to go even lower.

>Acid Snake
I wonder if his constant habit of turning characters into huge fat swaddled dragons was from watching Dragon Maid while he was grinding Granblue before the introduction of the six dragons completely sealed the deal. Even did it to the Onimai characters.

>the weakest example of a gender bender anime
What makes something the strongest example?
>What makes something the strongest example?
I'd say about 97% of any anime fanfiction written unironically and written by any cute to borderline cute young girls is "stronger" example. That's part of the problem though. A culture of orgy that produces mutt art even in Japan. The korean games became a joke, and next to fall will be the western games IPs, and it's already begun. This trash is barely watchable. It looks like it was drawn by a group of retards. No offense. I just really really love lolis.
It's not CG you tard.
Did someone just crank out an answer they got after feeding an AI information?
>>35379 Rule of thumb is that if the art really sucks ass then was made by AI or just art university snobs. Except on Tuesdays. We're all bots on Bot Tuesdays. That's when the servers have to reboot.
Are you having a fucking stroke?

Or are you just THAT retarded?
(343 KB, 722x348, Um, what?.png)
>The fuck is wrong with you, there's never a situation where someone can go overboard with boob jiggle
I worded that wrong. You can never go wrong with overly well animated boob jiggle. I was simply stating that it's whack that this show have such weirdly detailed boob jiggle animations.
>Whatever the fuck you just said
Pic related
>>35430 Expect much of the same.
For this one we send the Malaysians.
For this benchode we send the Pakistanis.
(261 KB, 624x294, Hm.png)
And to think this all started because I said I liked Onimai. FML
FYI, the pakis use Windows 7 for their nuclear plant and kept the code of 21########.
I mean you could have just ignored the thread but you took the time to send a message, retard
Whoever did that sequence needs to add a third part
>>35531 My favorite type of loli's a comfortable loli. A princess that desires only her white knight, and I in return grant her every wish. A comfortable loli's a confident loli. A confident loli's a spoiled loli. A spoiled loli's a horny loli. A horny loli's a wet loli. Penis' meant to stay dry. Pussy's meant to stay wet.
Any Nanako Dojima?
The real question has anyone have a ai character for Kodomo no jikan girls or any art
Know what we need more of? BBS Kairi.
BBS Kairi is alright but KH1 Kairi is peak (even if she's borderline loli)
(719 KB, 959x538, Reincarnated as a Swor EP3- Chicken stuffed Fran.png)
I'm terrible with keeping up with anime so I have a question; in the unending tidal wave of isekai's, beyond Megumin, are there really any lolis that have gotten a good amount of fat art?

Aura gets too much garbage to actually count.
Pull the trigger, Anon; empty the clip into her.

Mobile; pudgy or obese depending on who the subject is.

I'd rather Xion or Olette.
(1.1 MB, 2260x1187, 1632955191376.png)
Favorite is immobile, but it's best when they're made bigger and bigger in a sequence
(416 KB, 900x1600, 105661114_p0.jpg) (402 KB, 900x1600, 105661114_p1.jpg) (349 KB, 900x1600, 105661114_p2.jpg)
From a thin girl who can only fill half a chair to a massive girl whose ass and belly are spilling over the sides of her large bed, from immobile girl whose movement only goes as far as jiggling and moving her jaw, or thin to infinity because what's so great about needing a bigger room built when you can make the loli so massive that her bulk is stuffing every corner of the universe and leaving her lazing around 24/7?

Imagine a mage skilled in interdimensional portals accidentally discovering her universe and selling scrolls to open small portals so people can use the bulge of flesh to make anywhere they sit the most comfortable they've ever felt sitting with nobody actually knowing what it is, including the scroll peddling mage.

There's a story to go along with it: https://www.deviantart.com/sir-wales/art/Nanako-s-Big-Day-Blueberry-836362574
artist who's working on this?
Would you be up to make her bigger?
Anymore Onimai fanart?
I second this, would love to see her a bit chunkier
(112 KB, 236x440, BotW_Purah.png)
I swear I see nothing nade out of BotW Purah
(465 KB, 1349x1909, 107230947_p0.jpg) (121 KB, 1010x1674, media_FvRuBooaYAAQwQc.jpg)
More plump Idol Master lolis. With Arisu softening up, one can only guess somethings warped the focus of idol fans from thin idol "girlfriends" towards plump idols whose fans number crunch every calorie of the food they sent in just to imagine how many pound they're responsible for and their favorite idols gratitude.

Choice of Poppy was completely random but I am still wondering what in the game caused all the big boobed munchkin art.

That whole conversation made me wonder who here if sent to an anime world, would choose to become a loli, who'd become a loli and join in with the lolis they turned into feedees, and who'd stay as they are.
Fortunately no
If there was...
*Loads gun with extremely malicious intent*
Anyone have Nahida?
Oh, just stop it already!
If the Japanese Imperial Army knew that this would happen, they'd have surrendered earlier.
Yeees more Pan from Dragon Ball GT/Super!
is there any fat ilulu?
(7.7 MB, 1694x2402, 107521363_p0.png) (22 KB, 350x500, 1481739420597.png) (73 KB, 1593x676, 1561132833618.png) (30 KB, 805x530, 1561132802561.png) (35 KB, 718x530, 1561132769753.png) (20 KB, 607x484, 1561132864526.png)
They'd go the suicide route if they had to choose because they wouldn't see the honor in being defeated by countries that have turned out worse than Japan.

I wonder if she's playing bang with Miyako or if she's using it to show her big sister what she wants to eat.

Because the last thread ate them up.

Ilulu is a shortstack, not a loli.

Is there a name for the artist of these Pokelolis? Perhaps an image gallery hidden somewhere.
Alright that's true
Every time I see Acerola, I think of that Acerola guy on DA; ruined the character for me.
(508 KB, 848x1200, media_Fu9cwxIacAAxf6v.jpg)
What flavor of Fantasy race do you prefer your loli?

The fuck is the theme; I can't tell if it's an overdose of Konosuba or some kind of Windows 98 bug.

Don't leave me hanging, what'd Acerola guy do?
AcerolaGuy, also known as Blazekiller basically has a worrying amount of Acerola art with his self-insert, he's got everything from pregnancy to vore with her.
anon how in the fuck did you do this, it looks like the artist's actual style for the most part.
you take comms artanon?
(72 KB, 1280x561, 6de64d98f4ee283.jpg) (66 KB, 1258x688, Alolian sisters.png) (1.5 MB, 2732x1396, 5e54407ee2b817.png)

Here's what I got that hasn't already been posted, plus something extra (cause we really need more Harper and Sarah art, dang it!)



It's been posted here: >>35928

Aside from the ones posted here, there isn't a whole lot of Harper and Sarah fat art out there, which is a shame, cause they're both really heckin' adorable all chonked up!
oh right I forget about those programs.

Dudes a nut with way too much money to comm artist with. He also attacked OrganicGranite as they posted a Post update talking about their experience with that Acerola Guy. With that many self-insert commissions with your fixated character muse, I have to wonder if something's really wrong with them.

Only a matter of time.
I know Klee is the Genshin loli Rep, but Sayu needs some love too, since she has a semi-canon stuffing scene
(334 KB, 2048x1245, media_FoRFv8taAAEj_xR.jpg)
>Klee is the Genshin loli Rep
Are we talking about in gaining weight or the rep for Genshin? Either way, just from my random searches for art of things other than Genshin, it sure feels like she got replaced a dozen times over short of the Djinn loli.
So basically he's just your average commissioner with a fixation on a certain character and just keeps comming them over and over? Gets mad when a artist rejects their character because age, morals, or just wont draw that series (happens a lot with Pokemon/Pokegirls)?

Not suprised.
(96 KB, 1280x720, 1681315251999.jpg)
>All of you care about bashing shit for no reason
How come I keep getting quoted whenever someone gets pissed at the people who hate Onimai when every post has been me asking questions, giving indifferent answers, or flat out had nothing to do with Onimai? Think the only thing I actually came out against was the pastel coloring.
(6.7 MB, 1568x2200, 107901917_p0.png)
I still don't even know what people were hating it about in this thread. Literally the only thing I can think of is that the art style is a little different with its pastel colouring and some of the proportions of the girls. Also the people thinking its CG. Also marks the second time I got called a ped for posting drawn loli in a drawn loli. Some peeps are just weird
(191 KB, 1515x1669, media_Fuf6WHeaQAISwKY.jpg)
bbwchan has definitely attracted some dumbass tourists, but every site turns into shit eventually
Honestly, if I was leader of any nation, be it free like Canada or a dictatorship like Syria, the series would've been on the banned list.
>>36172 We believe you, Google. Now, go back to making yourself useful by hacking American's phones and facilitating mob groups with the stolen information to incite paranoia and stalk individuals without their knowledge. Thanks. Oh, I would love to know where that backdoor is and how and if there's a way to block that and get you out of my life as soon as possible.
I'm not John McAfee.
(1.4 MB, 2142x1581, 84234525_p0.jpg) (1.1 MB, 2109x1081, 84234525_p1.jpg) (913 KB, 1884x1188, 84234525_p2.jpg) (277 KB, 602x926, 84234525_p4.jpg)
Old, Jouzi; he put out a bunch of Risa Matoba right before he disappeared. As much as I love his stuff, I'll always have that tiny part of me that'll always be miffed that my luck didn't end up with him doing at least one Haru pic since they at least are seen as best buddies.
Onimai sucks because it’s trannyshit, not pedoshit
Nuff said
>>36469 Anime has plenty of both ts and shortstack, but it's usually all garbage. They don't make em like thry used to anymore.
Are you actually retarded?
(444 KB, 1000x1500, Clara.png)
Clara is cute
post the nakey one
Are you a troon actually into that garbage?
>Are you saying it's that because it's a genderswap anime or because it's a genderswap anime with a story that might be pandering to such people?
both tbh
God this girl is so fucking cute.
I'm sad that the artist nuked his twitter aparently.
(818 KB, 4096x4096, 5.jpg) (804 KB, 4096x4096, 1.jpg) (890 KB, 4096x4096, 3.jpg) (917 KB, 4096x4096, 2.jpg) (949 KB, 4096x4096, 4.jpg)
Think there are two of us.
I believe you may be misunderstood.
I'm pretty sure they still have a twitter. It just isn't the one that is linked on their Pixiv.
>>36584 You believe a lot of shit, sucker
(1.4 MB, 1192x1442, A.png) (3.2 MB, 2350x1500, AA.png) (706 KB, 576x878, AAA.png) (396 KB, 2048x2048, AAAA.jpeg) (66 KB, 1188x954, Ok.png) (772 KB, 1174x1436, Okay.png)
>You believe a lot of shit, sucker
How will I ever recover from this

How’d you make these? Through NovelAI? They’re fantastic!
I think he pulled them from pixiv
I need sauce asap chief, I wanna see if someone can port this into vrchat
Eh, it's good, but I'd still prefer Tanya
You have a whole AI section and you choose to spam here. Why all AI fags like this.
(272 KB, 512x512, tmpuzy5zish.png) (343 KB, 512x512, tmpljprvllz.png) (315 KB, 512x512, tmp61enkzmo.png) (373 KB, 512x512, tmpeb6bg7ne.png)
>>36613 ("she" btw!)

thank ya! i actually used stable diffusion for these! i used the biggergirls model mixed with a lora called "bariatric" that usually results in pretty cute chubby lolis

it's not perfect, but definitely pretty impressive! if anyone is interested, i can reupload that bariatric lora and give more details about it!
also I'm not sure if loli stuff is allowed in that more general board?
Onee-san over here AI-generating her own fat loli harem
>reveals anon is a female in fetish image board
We shall pray for this poor unfortunate soul. We shall slit our clits together. Rip in Pizza
>>36788 You should all go be cheesie but in that famous chan site that no longer exists.
AI crap. Better pay some real artist to draw. At least respect yourself.
Onimai is confusing. I don't even know if the MC could even be truely classified as female even though they were unwillingly turned into a girl.
That's genderbend anime for ya.
Biologically at least, Mahiro has become female
(784 KB, 2850x2993, media_Fwtd9U5aAAA6Vzl.jpg) (217 KB, 1672x2048, media_FtemjVIagAEmZfj.jpg) (172 KB, 1400x1700, media_FvmNPJwagAEvJk7.jpg) (103 KB, 1471x1342, media_FwCZKejXwAET4hA.jpg)
He completely lost himself to plump lolis and now he's trying to kill us all.

There's no rule forcing AI to only be posted there.

The only thing that was banished to /bbwalt/ are the loli generals; it honestly should've been obvious with all the loli heavy series threads in /bbwdraw/.

>pay some real artist
>respect yourself
Pick one.

If something in an anime turns a dude into a girl, it's pretty much 100% turned into a girl unless they explicitly say it's an illusion like Naruto or only going partway so they/'re a trap that has the looks of a female but still has the working equipment of a male instead of a female.

The only thing you can say against it, to my knowledge, is that apparently (actual spoiler)the MC has himself turned back into a man rather than stay a loli.
MC is a coward. Cannot comprehend becoming the cute and funny
Need more round lolis like this
Less rolls and more bloats

please upload that lora i am begging you
I'm still waiting for that sauce.
>>36938 (Cross-thread)
the interface on this image, what is it?
an app that estimates the weight of a character via an image?
These are so good <3 Been getting back into lolis lately, I can't stay away they're just so cute, especially when they're fattened up like this <3
Anyone got some more Anyas? Maybe some Beckys too.
any more Risa Matoba out there?
The comments on this are already hilarious.
Yup, some people just loli art and just lose their shit

But this piece of Anya is really sexy tho~
Bruh I bet niggers dicks get hard when their sisters see them naked.
True, I love the belly slap and how smug she looks
I love Anya <3 Such a cutie
Is this a bot you can chat with? I need to know!
I need more like these <3
Know what I want to see? Young Edelgard fats. From before she was experimented on.
Makes me want to make a fat Anya chatbot
Do it! Then link us to that bot
Yes pls that would be amazing!
(554 KB, 1301x1649, aanya.png)
Have this tiny pink fatass i drew

I would be surprised if this poc gets downloaded a single yime and I feel bad for that little girl.

Wrong thread. I meant to post to punny man how I'm a massive Pedo. He can't get girls because he's a twink.
Any Ashley from WarioWare?
How about some Penny from WarioWare as well?
Oh I love her <3
do you have DA page?
(442 KB, 1231x1153, kanna.png) (551 KB, 1347x957, kanna2.png) (820 KB, 1962x1643, sage.png) (4.9 MB, 3060x2060, fathat3.png)
I do but i rarely post loli stuff there, so i don't know if i should link it.
What i can give tho is more loli i posted on the previous thread.
More tiny fat Anya
Love all of these <3 it feels so good to sink back into lolis
(5.8 MB, 4387x3271, 108672274_p0.png)
I want to sink back into a blobby loli like a big soft beanbag
anyone have arkveeven's deleted works?
I've been looking for that too. Seen some of it posted here and there.
>>37648 I'm going to go out on a limb here and say somebody with dark skin, and white teeth. I'm no expert though.
(268 KB, 1424x2048, media_FxY-XxwaEAAfueu.jpg) (243 KB, 1563x2400, media_Fxkl0flXsAI22Tn.jpg) (741 KB, 4096x2997, media_FvFFH-1XgAIFa2r.jpg) (1.1 MB, 2480x3508, media_EyrEwtSVcAEbGXz.jpg) (110 KB, 1391x2048, media_FyFuU9iakAYc6NB.jpg) (135 KB, 1575x2048, media_FyLgGNuaMAI6EV-.jpg)
What'd she wish for to end up that size? Was Mai captured and wished for freedom so that she couldn't be used as a shield but Shenlong went full Djinn and gave her the freedom she wanted through a new prison?

Honestly, curry loli got a large uptick from the usual amount of fat art Disgaea got for everyone who isn't Etna. I wonder if they're gonna still go through with the water down plan they started with Disgaea 6 or whatever the zombie protag entry was, when they make teh new entry.

Now fatten her cheeky brat friend who needs cake correction
>>37754 Laugh it up, nigger. Thanks for ruining a perfectly good loli thread btw. Literally there's 1 loli thread but that's ok I forgive. I won't stalk you and your family or broadcast information about you on the net. I promise.
Imagine getting piss angry at a drawing that was okay to post here to begin with, then threatening to stalk and eventually kill the artist irl cuz they made you mad.

sometimes in life, I start to believe if any chan thread is filled with at least 1 person who thinks arguing, threatening, and even homicide is okay to do just because they're angry all the time and have nothing to do with their miserable lives.
You are SO right.
Guys what do you think of a blooby Anya?
What does that even mean.
If you mean blobby Anya, then, cool? I guess???
I mean Anya but with the size of a blob, but blobby is cuter
That looks cute, how made it?
thats so cute! who's the artist?
Did anyone saved SongofSwelling's Saria pics? I checked his DA and it looks like he deleted them
Can we get some more fat Megumin?
It looks fantastic, m8! :y
Source is Royal Oppai. Where did they post this, I swear I've never seen them draw loli before
Not sure if this one is still up though
Not on his deviantart and his twatter’s banned, any other site he posts his art on?

didn't realize this wasn't up. i upload. i am not sure what is missing from twitter and da. i only have da for now until i finish working on project. if missing others please direct message on da. i don't want to derail thread. some i can not post. but some i may have over looked.

fun thread!
Wait, is this the real Goblant?

From what I recall, there isn't too many stuff on the Twitter that wasn't also on DA.
(113 KB, 409x832, 000.png)
Patreon collab with Plumpknight. Despite Royal drawing Kanna Plump got flak for it
Look at that hog
>Posting Mistystuffer

Nah, you're banned from all of them.
>fat lolis discord server

Post better bait, fed.
Wasn't there a couple more?
The other ones are just alternates with slight changes. I just pulled the ones I thought were the best shot.
(615 KB, 2480x3508, bndc1.jpg)
Why people save thumbnails is beyond me.
Original one was removed
(3.0 MB, 1626x2243, bariatric.png)
We need more health and mobility issue loli art.
(848 KB, 1374x2047, commmitsu.png)
This thread seem like its slowing down a bit, so have this comm i drew
Heru is peak chubby loli artist
Oooh my god. Well I think I’m sold, I’m buying it
(1.4 MB, 2893x4092, ed.png)
(128 KB, 527x817, kanna.jpg)
Imagine a big fat Kanna wearing this
I could draw that, it's a good excuse to draw Kanna again
True and based.
(156 KB, 2048x1282, Fu9OOWgaUAApSzL.jpg)
Does anyone have the unblurred version of this, originally posted on skeb? Itaneto is the artist.
I'm pretty sured if it's blurred on Skeb it means it's a private skeb. Only the person who commissioned it has access to it, unless they reposted it elsewhere. I wouldn't count on it being available to view.
(162 KB, 526x763, ka chub.png)
Here's a simple sketch for now. Made her chubby, but not too fat.

Might look a bit lazy since it's very ... symmetrical, but i could rework that if i finish it.
That's a good chubby Kanna
>>39503 I wouldn't say your drawing skills looks "lazy" but one could say that the drawing looks "like if a female drew it" if that makes sense? Hopefully it does.

The symmetry makes you look like an Asian female artist if anything. Not too fond of their works either. I love female artists though. I had a very short fling with a chubby chick in the past that enjoyed hentai hobbies and I think she hinted at wanting to perform online, something of a webcam model but not having the gals to. I never disclosed to her what I did for a living for many years and sometimes I regret and wonder what her reaction would've been because she was very kind and forthright. She would spontaneously send artistic nudes while we were still just getting to know eachother as friends and send me sweet gifts to my place of work (She literally sent me flowers one time and chocolates.) She would go on to become 1 of those regrets of mine where I didn't persue her because I was more interested in another booty, and you know what? Can you believe her ass was not only larger but better shaped aswell? I have no idea what I was thinking at the time. I regret not fucking her up the butt even though she was eager and willing. Huge hairy vagina. I mean, I'm a fucking idiot.
What the fuck is wrong with you?

Go schizo post somewhere else.
>>39538 I do apologize sincerely.
(1.6 MB, 1624x2303, ka chub1.png) (1.6 MB, 1624x2303, ka chub2.png)
Chubby kanna, i also gave her a swimsuit alt, for fun.
>>39683 Wow I'd say that these are your best character designs yet to date. Nice OC.
You serious ? ....This is just Kanna .... her face is literally this thread preview pic
you are actually retarded
>>39699 What do you mean to say
(255 KB, 2048x1483, media_F0nHx-JaAAEKE_M.jpg)
Sucks Anon sudoku'd, would've been a good reminder that people are forgetting Dragon Maid and the apex dragon loli. I wonder who will be the next top beastial loli.

Make a Mimi one next please
would need a good screencap
love chubby kanna <3 we need more
That fat Kari edit is superb~
Sorry for bothering, but do you do requests?
Message me via pixiv
I'm trying to find you on Pixiv as well. But I can't seem to find you. I tried typing your username in and everything
anya is such a cute fatty <3
making a kik chat for fat loli posting and chat, kik me @ want2feedkids if u want in :3
Sounds like an inevitable gathering of actual pedos tbh. No offence
That pic is still one of my absolute faves of Anya, its so good~
(470 KB, 2336x3035, media_Fz3VGMuXsAMqBc0.jpg) (224 KB, 1569x2123, media_F1ou3a-aAAEL6U5.jpg) (236 KB, 1448x2048, media_F0589F4aUAAyxN4.jpg) (624 KB, 1364x2300, media_F0NTsCyaQAA-PZ8.jpg) (200 KB, 679x846, media_FxiEXyVacAA-TXW.png) (103 KB, 956x895, media_FyAeF3WaMAA2uZx.jpg)
>No glow in the dark loli freaking out during her undercover sting operation over her body slowly bursting through her undersized disguise revealing how old she really is from the sheer amount fat jiggling about her body being far too much for someone of her alleged age
really cute! nice job
your mother was a țigan prostitute
>>40562 Friend, why so angry? No loli? Haven't laughed in a while perhaps? You should be laughing everyday. God loves American country.
Just ignore him. It's probably the same ESL schizo posting in multiple threads.
Your mother was a witch, she was burned alive, thankless little bitch for all the tears I cried. Take her down now, don't wanna see her face, all blistered and burnt, can't hide my disgrace
(1.9 MB, 5232x2048, IMG_5449.jpeg)
anyone know the artist?
It's my request but I won't rip it, hehe.
Why can't you pay ¥10k for request illustration??

give and take, dude.
this entire board is for getting free shit
ur gatekeeping for no reason
i love her! such a fatty <3 and to think she was so thin too ;)
i thought i was done with lolis but this thread is pulling me back <3
I'm fine with keeping a private commission private, but, if you are actually the one who commissioned that, then the attitude is a little strange.
I've commissioned Itaneto myself, but I didn't make it a private skeb because I didn't feel the need to. Other people have posted them here, but that's natural because it's not like they were private payed content being leaked or anything, and if anything it's nice to know that there is a shared interest in this sort of content.
If you want to keep the commission as private, then fine by me, if theres good reason. Because if you don't want to share, then you don't have to share. Though, perhaps going "Pay 10k Yen on a commission yourself ;)" isn't a very fitting response if we're just curious as to what the image is and why it's private in the first place and why you would be smug about it.

it's Shihoroma. Some anon in the previous thread archived all his stuff, but I don't know if anyone saved the link.
(83 KB, 828x1171, w.jpg)
What scenarios would you guys like to see for Tanya in future comms. Been coming up dry recently but might do some stuff with her and Visha though
Also does anyone have the non-berry version of this, i know it exists somewhere
Maybe filling/getting stuck in a throne or chair?

Unrelated but would be cool to see more art of her with her more creepy faces
(507 KB, 985x1232, ttyty.png)
>Stuckage stuff
I do like that and already had some ideas in mind. I don't really like her crazy faces but it might be nice to shake it up.
Might have been a skeb commission.
have her immobile getting handfed by Visha
love both of them <3
Go watch war movies and something will eventually click.
Holy fuck we need to band together to find the sauce.
Honestly I wouldn't count on finding it tbh. It's more than likely a private commission or something.
God this would be such a a god tier find tho. I'm so close to Google translating something japanese and dming the guy asking where he got it.
I mean, if you really want to you could
Take your autistic MS Paint circle tool fetish somewhere else
No like seriously make a loli inflation thread or something. This shit is ass.
Sorry bro, I'm not autistic enough to find this circle tool stuff appealing
There's literal ms paint shit in the op, stop being autistic retards and responding to the weirdo. And bros, seriously bruhs, you both sound like genuine aspies too. So fuck off like you're hot shit and have some high standards when most everything posted here looks like shit anyway. Fucking try hard faggots.
(63 KB, 812x916, media_FwNF-4GaQAAbe_i.jpg) (70 KB, 824x946, media_FwNF_wEaAAAhKUq.jpg) (79 KB, 900x977, media_FwNGApmaAAASy_b.jpg) (1.1 MB, 1988x1239, 83042772_p0.png) (1.2 MB, 1731x1540, 83042772_p1.png) (1.1 MB, 1000x1342, 5687f7db55d2601c9cacb8c0658fd277.png)
What constitutes MS Paint Circle Tool, where inflation is concerned, is a picture where the body is a blatant circle with limb divots that look like there were never limbs there to sink into the bloating torso. As shit as the Hat Kid pic is, that artist isn't Circle Tool tier from just having given dimension to the pic instead of what Edge and Navsaka did where the clothing looks painted on with the only part with any actual dimension being their bloated midriffs and Iris's sash.

But since you seem to really want lolis being turned into balloons, here's some water balloons and one very special Iris since you seem like really want to see her inflated...
Source? No luck with any searches
Acid snake aka Niku no Katamari
yessss <3 get her more cake
(792 KB, 2249x1671, Fat bunny Anya.jpg)
Anyone want a fat bunny girl Anya~

Did my best at drawing her
So I'm the only one stuck seeing her belly as a giant nose?
love her! Anya is such a cutie <3 still new to lolis but Anya and Kanna are the ones who got me interested~
Yeah Anya and Kanna are really cute lolis and very sexy when they're fat~
This is super cute! Hope you draw more in the future
glad you agree ;)

Anya and Kanna are so sexy, even more so when they're fat <3 i really want to find more art of them to fall deeper in love with them. or maybe watch Kobayashi and SpyxFamily lol
I want to draw Anya more along with kanna~
Holy shit , I didn;t know you drew loli, this is super cute
Thanks ^w^

I want to do more of this stuff :3
Would you be willing to take comms for them, too?
love how fat her butt and belly look <3 she really let herself go
She's got a whole bakery and I'm going in~
She looks fantastic~
Thanks ✌️
I think about draw some more. Any ideas?
(446 KB, 2720x1641, DM.jpg)
How about a redraw of this scene with a fatty Kanna smushing Saikawa under all her mass?
Would love to see a fat Saikawa
(222 KB, 1236x920, Anime Shit.png) (237 KB, 1216x898, Anime Shit 2.png)
Tried my hand at this idea, keep in mind I've never drawn let alone watched anime, so sorry if this looks jank. Also didn't bother colouring it, but maybe I might later.

Drew two versions with different arms, one where you can see tits and one where you can't really, don't know which one looks better, you decide ig
(1.5 MB, 3019x2097, peni.png)
Is this Aaron Fly's work?
no, it's from lamosca99
This is really good! Personally prefer the version with the breasts visible. Do you have more lolis you want to draw in mind?
Keep the Nichijous to just pictures with Hakase in them; everyone else aren't actual lolis.

>I've never drawn let alone watched anime
>Never watched anime
Holy fuck, you're rare as hell; extremely so if you're not of the deranged twatter degenerates or the religious zealot prudes.
Thanks! I don't have any current plans to continue drawing loli art, but I guess I might if I see other good ideas.

Actually, wait, I did have the idea to draw Sarah and Harbour from the pokemon series, but Idk if I'll do it just yet.
Sarah and Harper are so underrated in the fetish scape so any fat art of them will be greatly appreciated, but take your time anyways.
This is a very good first loli, it looks pretty cute.

Also, i don't think it's that rare people who draw loli and don't watch anime, i drew some kannas and anya before but pretty much never watched anime. (tho tbh i wouldn't mind watching miss kobayashi just for kanna)
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No idea who this character is but they're cute
(965 KB, 1280x720, Yuu.png)
Yuna Matsumoto from Wataten!: An Angel Flew Down to Me. That series has a lot more lolis in dire need of fattening though.
Thanks! Maybe I could fatten up a couple of those lolis some day
(201 KB, 1377x902, S and H.png) (53 KB, 1000x902, Lana2C_Sarah_and_Sandy.webp)
Ok here they are. Decided to colour this one because I think Sarah and Harper are really cute (sidenote can't believe I've been calling her Harbour instead of Harper lol)
Nice work! They look so cute sleeping like that.
(1.0 MB, 1650x1265, 110935232_p0.png)
Not a huge fan of sumo stuff, but I can't deny a cute and sexy fat Anya
(96 KB, 848x1200, DqQWb4jWkAA6NfS.jpg)
>i don't think it's that rare people who draw loli and don't watch anime
It's a combination of people finding themselves here of all places and anime having a massive boom in the last couple years while western animation has rotted to the core. It also helps peoples interest with the current era of anime being stuck releasing 12-24 episodes, so there's not the time investment that the retro era or Shounen demands but the one caveat is that most are trash so you gotta use information from others to make sure you're not wasting your time.

Reminded me though, I still need to find where loli Fafnir is in his comic.

I wonder if they tied her to someone in the manga because I can't think of anyone to fatten her besides a situation where her big sister attempts to perfect her cooking to try and get closer to Miyako.
How does one go about making a texture for the models like this? I want to try making some characters I want in the mod.
I assume this is all done in blockbench like how all custom Minecraft models are made in nowadays
giết chính mình bàn đạp
She looks really good~

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