
Made this thread because I couldn't post in the first one anymore
Is this from his patreon discord?
Yes, though these are a bit old
Does anyone have anything newer?
We need some new content.
Another bump.
Bump for this so much !!!!
You literally have the content right there anon, the fuck is stopping you from going through it yourself? Are you seriously so tech illiterate that you don't know how to extract a rar file? Even then you could've shown some initiative and googled how to do so instead of coming here expecting to be spoon fed for trivial shit.

Have some common sense before making posts like this, jfc.
Well sorry for giving people a chance to post some shit on this forgotten thread.
Lol shut the fuck up. It's entirely accessible to you so it's not about giving anyone else 'a chance' to post that content, it's not like extracting a rar archive is something that the average person wouldn't be capable of doing.

You just can't be bothered to take the literal two minutes it takes to figure out how to do so and expect randos on the internet to be your saviour for this pathetically easy task.

And this thread deserves to be forgotten, there is literally no reason for it to exist. There is an already existing thread dedicated to this artist that isn't even close to hitting its bump limit, this thread only came about because some pea-brained spergo thought the original was gone when it wasn't.

So please, stop bumping this genuine waste of a thread. Go take 30 seconds to install winRAR and enjoy jerking off to the work of this middling artist who literally hasn't improved at all in the past five years.
Bump for new content please?

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