
(2.0 MB, 5550x2550, large_moxxie_and_millie_by_trashbotart_df6lhis.png) (3.3 MB, 5564x2180, larger_moxxie_and_millie_by_trashbotart_df6ua45.png) (1.5 MB, 2714x1602, 1f1f33ddd8772d5fe536369264767761d3fc082aaf1701de4ef85939010bc020.png) (1.1 MB, 3300x2700, cf7946cd3fe3591e19d910ea08ed5d9c8bbf229f44a8ef6d801b1b9ed38e0d96.png)
>>33804 (OP)
that 4th image is weird for me because I like all of its components individually and with each other but not all at once, anybody else feel this way?
(305 KB, 2000x2500, 3b006c30a41a328f95084530d416277383e7c7decd67ee7c7db0fbd625e5acaf.jpg) (2.1 MB, 2173x2504, 9df8a107c2918e542da5e889e52a077175389e9105a6fc64abf2a4b92c665161.png) (107 KB, 1051x1200, 72ee260afead6bbd58db3307c53d583dfc7a24ab2c0b8d1220ebcd7a36f59266.jpg) (723 KB, 3449x3751, 19af3baba25f9be3b88363bd61b2c894d185d656241cf7177ff73e6deadae741.jpg) (212 KB, 1262x1280, 304311a3343e5c9b186e5fc5ddbcccf5ab6ea96341db6b5f8d11040e4d3b8d43.jpg) (3.7 MB, 2200x2200, ae09266f6346824edc3a2b8c2ac1e4c87ed8faa8cdd723aaf4f89166c29f1b65.png)
Some Loona pics
Fr, they do good stuff, I tried subbing myself, by my card was declined
Does anyone have any of Mimzy?
Can I just say there isn't enough Alastor inflation?
Can you please re-up the stories and the requests?
Nah I'm just messing with you. Sucks to suck.
(1.2 MB, 3322x2318, doodle__demon_workout_by_superspoe_dfuo86j.png) (397 KB, 2000x959, dfuc5qs-d5de61ae-003d-4a42-b08f-f2fa8f3820b0.png) (291 KB, 2000x2667, dftyuxm-51770cce-c2ad-4dc2-9a3f-51bf5b91f775.jpg) (1.2 MB, 4534x3113, fat_crimson_by_joey_toons_dftub8r.png) (64 KB, 3070x1990, fat_octavia_by_wandererorange_dfspz9t.png) (1.6 MB, 4700x4350, fatty_demon_love_by_fanartist2020_dftb1og.jpg)
(1.7 MB, 3000x2273, cm__realization_by_superspoe_dft0vdi.png) (1.9 MB, 6000x4705, _com__grub_getting_gut_gait_by_jangleforks_dfsez2r.png) (716 KB, 3170x2500, _com__helluva_birb__nekkid__by_jangleforks_dfjwylk.png) (1.1 MB, 2222x1347, angel_dust_commission_3_by_jinksubus_dfecst5.jpg) (145 KB, 1572x1037, feed_him_another_pie__by_fatlover59000_dfqf0xx.jpg)
(215 KB, 6126x2895, sally_mae_be_immobile_by_milk_knight_dfs66lv.png) (207 KB, 1136x750, mound_of_moxxie_by_bluecoginc_deqs8ur.png) (1.1 MB, 1000x1000, angel_dust_by_absolonanonymous_dfut36u.png) (1.0 MB, 1622x1254, charlie_gets_fat__as_hell__by_bigbuckjack_dfv6zmu.png) (254 KB, 2005x1838, 1679761031.nuuuuni_moxxieblobby (1).jpg) (1.8 MB, 2663x1384, 1677263481.gamingmarko_moxxie.png)
Dose anyone have the image of Charlie sitting but she's bloated and farming. Or any Charlie that big.
I ment farting
Anyone got any big cherrie bomb art?
(44 KB, 584x413, 233.jpg)
spoiler that diaper crap
(1.9 MB, 1920x1703, profile.png)
>> Discord mod Profile picture material
Anyone got anymore cherri bomb?
Some reeeaaally good stories in there.
(240 KB, 1638x1200, oiZFivbf.jpg) (385 KB, 654x758, pStiO9YL.png) (173 KB, 1920x1476, charlie_morningstar_hourglass_expansion_by_assimpact_dfwqgwg-fullview.jpg) (3.1 MB, 6229x1975, dfxhllh-576280f9-629f-4de5-a668-eeefa4ce0dbf.jpg) (553 KB, 2560x2560, FwjHKrWWAAEk5G3.jpg) (1.2 MB, 1280x777, trip_to_ma__gone_wrong_part_3_by_fapusmaximus_dfwgecs-fullview.png)
Thanks, I wrote those.
If anyone's interested, I'm willing to write some more. Same rules apply as before:
- No rape
- No incest
- No underage characters/loli/shota
- No serious health issues (anything beyond breathlessness, IBS, and fatigue)
- NO cucking/NTR
- No "bad ends"
- No diapers/ABDL

- Characters from either show are welcome
- I do various forms of expansion/inflation/weight gain
- I do slob content, if required (foodstains, sweating, smell, burps, farts, messing)

I'll wait until I get at least 10 ideas to chose from, then pick a few, and write your stories. It may take some time, but I'll do it, eventually.
I'd prefer if I'd get new ideas, instead of the ones from the previous thread. And NO, I won't do continuation to those stories.
(241 KB, 1913x2677, FxWA0NVWwAAZ6Q5.jpeg)
Does anyone have that pic of Hilda and Bianca butt-bumping each other before the site went under maintenance?
(584 KB, 1920x1080, 03.png) (426 KB, 1920x1080, 02.png) (670 KB, 1080x1620, 00.png) (757 KB, 1920x1080, 04.png) (903 KB, 1920x1080, 05.png) (852 KB, 1920x1080, 01.png)
I don't do monobutts (they're more of a visual style than a written feature), but sure, I can do blueberries.

That makes it 5.
We're halfway there, people! I still need 5 more requests!
How About Moxxie Becoming A Slob?
And Millie Becoming A Milf?
These are pretty basic ideas. Wanna expand upon them?
Millie Finds This Relic That Alters Her Body And Just Her Body Only. NO Memory Change, No Corruption.
Sounds good!

That's 6!
4 more to go!
How About Loona Turning Into A Gassy Blueberry?
What about angel dust has to fill a gap for an employee who works for Val in the gluttony ring so angel needs to relocate there for a bit, then he gets a few extra pounds on him and he starts getting more attention from all over so he decides to combine lust and gluttony into his porn star career
Already have a blueberry story. I'll have to see whether I want this or the other one with Moxxie and Millie.

A novel approach to Angel Dust getting fat and the whole "stuck in the gluttony ring" shtick? Consider me interested!

That's 7.
3 more to go!
Blitzo Butt Inflation With Farting!
I believe there was something similar in the previous lot, but sure. This'll be a shorter story, though.

That's a bit too simple. Could you expand upon it?
Actually, I already got several ideas from you. So, no, that's enough.

We're at 8.
Only 2 more to go, people!
Loona Becoming A Slobby Nerd With A Lisp?
Blitzo Eats A Forbidden Fruit
How about Millie finds out about Moxxies secret kink of loving bigger woman and decides to gain for him, but she goes a little bit too far. Loona would help her gain since she's bored as fuck and can gain a bit too if ya want?
"...I really wish he wouldn't accept EVERY damn request our clients can think of..."

"Ah, nevah mind, Mox, jus' keep them pies comin'! Yah know Ah love yer cookin'!"

"That I do, honey-bun~! That I do~..."

I.M.P. wasn't unfamiliar with unorthodox requests - death often brought out the creative side of folks, and those with a score to settle weren't always satisfied with a simple stab in the back or a bullet to the head. Their current client was no different: a veritable mountain of meat and flab that poured through their door with the ease of an octopus squeezing itself through a pipe to escape... With the exception that the woman was soaked in her own grease, smelled like a ton of lard left to bake in the sun, and was pissed beyond all reason,
The "victim" of a "mad feeder" (though, more like a willing feedee, with neither parties knowing when to stop, by the description of her death), she was out for revenge, still remembering the last words of the man before she croaked it: "I only wish I could've taken that fat ass before!"
Incensed at being seen as a slab of meat ("Because you minded being seen as bacon fat before?" quipped Blitzo), she demanded that the man be put to death by his own wish, crushed under a fat ass. And since she could no longer return to mortal world (well, not legally, and none of them wanted to risk having her end up stuck in the portal, and risk exposing Hell even more than their murder sprees did), it fell upon Millie to sacrifice her lithe body for the job, after Blitzo flat-out refused to "volunteer" Loona, and the Hellhound seemed to balk at the idea, after seeing "Ms. Meat Mountain".
Hell, she even stopped stealing Moxxie's lunch in revulsion!

"I still don't know why it couldn't be her..." the marksman fumed, as he prepared the turkey "All she does is sit on her behind on most days! She would've been perfect for this job!"

"Aw, don't be so harsh on her, sugah! Lil' Miss had been getting out more and more with her friends, and she needed that! Best not smother her while she's bloomin'! And like yah said, she also doesn't just sit on her ass all day anymore! Can yah blame Blitz for not wanting her to become a fat dog?"

"Still don't see why you have to do it..." her husband muttered, sliding the bird into the oven, and then setting out to prepare the potato salad.

"Well, we don't exactly have anyone else..." Millie shrugged, somewhat bemused "Ya know Blitz, even if he knew someone who'd be willing ta do it, he burned that bridge long before he knew us! Besides..."

And she laid her arms on Moxxie's shoulders, massaging them.

"...Ah know ya wouldn't mind lil' ol' me havin' me havin' more cushion for tha pushin', Mox-Mox..."

He purred, involuntarily, as the tension began to ease in his back.

"You've been so tense lately, it feels like yah need a big, soft stressball to squeeze it all outta yer system!"

She leaned in close, whispering onto his ear:

"...Or perhaps, yah need somethin' more... Intimate..."

Thoroughly reinvigorated, Moxxie set out preparing a veritable feast. There was roast turkey, roast chicken, roast duck galore, ham and pork in all shapes and sizes, french fries, potato salad, mashed taters, tater tots, and so on. Egg in every conceivable form, with plenty of greens to keep it somewhat healthy, too.
Millie could only stare, mouth agape and salivating, at the veritable feast before her.

"Gosh, Mox..." she muttered, wiping the drool "Yah really went all out on this, didn't ya...?"

She honestly felt intimidated.
But then, she found her seat reclining (tugging on the table cloth she behind her neck as a bib), with his loving husband staring down at her, a fork in his hand with a piece of juicy meat on it.

"Oh, Millie..." he crooned, softly "...This is just the start!"

Heart racing and licking her lips, all she could do was grin, and then open her mouth, as the meat was lowered in.
From then on, the feasting began. Moxxie would gently and methodically feed her dish after dish, only stopping for drinks and breathers. Soon, the chicken was gone, as were the fries and the onion rings, with some celery salad sent after to break up the pace of raw calories. A tall pitcher of soda followed, and a pause for belly rubs, as Millie belched and digested, making room for more. She already had to undo her ratty overalls to let Moxxie reach that rounding gut, and he didn't disappoint: his hands deftly kneaded and massaged the big meal down, and soon, she had enough room to continue. The greasy duck followed, with the tater salad, and fresh spring onions, lentils and lettuce, then a pitcher of beer to wash it all down, and more massage to the now overflowing potbelly weighing down on her lap.

"Perhaps, we should call it a day?" she moaned between belches, but her husband was adamant.

"Not until you empty your plate!" he said, with mock sternness, as he loaded a turkey leg and mashed potatoes onto it.

Millie just moaned again, but soon enough, she was at it again, allowing him to stuff her face, now varying between dishes to break up the monotony, and with more frequent pauses for a drink of wine to break it up.
Besides being fattened, she was getting thoroughly sauced, but the growing buzz made eating all the more easier. Soon enough, she finished the last of the beasts, and all plates and trays were empty. With deep gulps, she finished her desert: a nice, creamy, sweet milkshake. Setting the last pitcher down, she let out a deep guttural belch, her seat creaking underneath as she leaned back further, hands weakly rubbing the vast, red expanse of her full belly (with Moxxie assisting).

"Off to bed you go now, my sweet..." he cooed, helping her get up, and guiding her to the bedroom "Tomorrow, there shall be more!"

She could only moan at the sound of that, feeling thoroughly stuffed, but didn't protest much more. The bed was soft and inviting, and she had a LOT to sleep off...

Come next morning, she woke up groggily, with the smell of a greasy breakfast reaching her nose. Groaning, she hefted herself out of bed, and was startled to see the feast having already taken effect: her previously svelte form gone, replaced by a ridiculously voluptuous (and some would say, even doughy) body sporting thick thighs, broad hips, a big, bouncy bubble but, a plush tummy and huge, heaving breasts, each the size of her head. Her arms were thicker, too, and one look in the mirror confirmed that her cheeks had softened up as well. Startled, she made her way to the kitchen unsteadily, still adjusting to her newfound weight - her thicker tail wrapping onto everything along the way for support.
Moxxie was busy in the kitchen, finishing the last of touches on a huge, English breakfast: ham and bacon and scrambled eggs, beans on toast, sausages, tomatoes...
Pouring out some freshly squeezed orange juice for both her and himself (for his meager meal of two fried eggs, some rye bread, bacon and some spring onions for greens), he pulled out a noticeably thicker, more comfortable-looking chair for her.

"Come, honey!" he said, cheerily "You need to finish your breakfast before we begin your new routine!"

"Routine...?" she thought, puzzled, but the smell of it all was too inviting to think, so, she slid onto her chair, her strained, once-loose tanktop ruffling, as she set about filling her belly.
The meal turned out to be surprising light, all things considered, and soon, she found herself in a trainer bra and sweatpants.

"I know you need to become big for this job..." Moxxie began "But I want you to remain fit as well! Not like that greasy avalanche! Plus, you'll need your muscles for future jobs, too!"

"Uhhuh..." was all she could reply, feeling somewhat bemused... But he quickly sidled up to her, wrapping his arms around her plush middle, his own sleeveless shirt and shorts squished against her thicker body.

"I love you." he whispered "No matter how you look like. I'm still just as madly in love with you as the day I first saw you."

He squeezed even tighter, planting a kiss in the crook of her neck.

"I want you to be happy and healthy, that's why we're doing this. But no matter how you look, big or small, you'll always be my angel of death..."

She let out a husky breath, as his hands traveled up and down her body. He let out a growl.

"...Not gonna lie, I love that there's more of you." he murmured, almost absentmindedly "...And I'd love to see how you look with even more..."

But then, as if catching himself, he stepped in front of her, hands reaching up to her cheeks.

"...But I want you to be alright, at the end of this. I'll pamper you, my sweet, as much as you like, and make sure you're nice and soft and... Fat."

He said that last word with unadulterated desire.

"...But I want you to remain healthy as well."

Blushing, she grabbed his hands, and smiled at him.

"Well, what are we waitin' for, then?" she asked "C'mon, coach, show me tha ropes! Ah wanna work up an' appetite!"
And so, he did.
Stretches, squats, push ups (often done together), and just light exercise to keep her joints limber and adjust her muscles to the added weight. She worked up a bit of a sweat, and he supplied her with plenty of water to drink. She was quite fit to begin with, so it was he who ended up tiring out first.

"Awww, what's the matter, Mox-Mox?" she asked, impishly "Can't handle a few sit-ups?"

"Just... Give me... A moment..." he panted, soaked in sweat as well "You have... Plenty... Of... Energy..."

"Well, ah AM tha bruiser of tha team..." she replied matter-of-factly, with a smirk "Now, c'mon! Let's take a shower, an' then yah can cook me sum' grub!"

At the word "shower", he immediately perked up, and soon, it was he who was tugging her into the bathroom, tossing off his damp, sweat-soaked clothing while she laughed. But that laughter soon gave way to a moan, as they made out under the falling, hot water. He was thorough in his scrubbing, but those swaying cheeks with her nethers playing peek-a-boo with him soon eroded his concentration, and before long, she found herself pushed against the milky glass, as he took her from behind, watching as her new bubble butt jiggled, and reaching down to catch those swaying breasts.
They needed a second shower after that.

The feast he prepared was even larger than before, and now included various pastries for dessert. She ate with gusto, and knew how to pace herself. Even so, she would eventually lean back, and allow her husband to feed her, as the last of the meal proved to be too exhausting to eat alone.
Afterwards, it was a slow crawl into her now creaking bed, with both of them nursing her big, round stomach, tails wrapped around it, as it groaned and gurgled, digesting. Soon, he had fallen asleep against her, leaving her to ponder... Was this all worth it?
The full feeling was nice, but her belly felt stressed, and her clothes were already struggling to fit.
But then, she felt something hard against her but, and Moxxie's hug tightened... Seems like even in his sleep, he was more than drawn to her.
Smiling to herself, she laid a hand on his, drifting up to sleep, worries alleviated.

And so, they fell into the routine, with Moxxie getting up earlier to make them breakfast, her following suit, admiring her growing form in the mirror as she did so.
Her thighs and calves thickened, muscles keeping pace with the fat, while her hips broadened to baby-begging width. Her belly would eventually grow down to serve as an apron (a billowing, multi-folded one at that), and provide some decency, covering up her plumpened pelvis and mons pubis, while her breasts continued their expansion, sagging little, and remaining mostly pert. Her short stature meant that the weight was most profound, and though her bingo wings hid ample muscles, she still found herself hindered by her own width at times. It wasn't long before the doorframes began to brush against her hips, then breasts, too. Her plump face (steadily growing a second, then third chin, as her chipmunk cheeks grew into jowls) flushed red, then, first, from embarrassment, but then, from arousal.
Breakfast was, though broad in variety, was still comparatively light (well, compared to her growing appetite and capacity), allowing her to easily follow it up with exercise (tops and sweatpants being the only that still fit her, eventually), under Moxxie's guidance and company (with him joining in so she wouldn't feel like she was busting her chops alone)... Although, they soon upgraded the process to "sexercise", as all the sweating, pushing, moaning and stretching awakened HIS appetite. A shower followed (with more sex, despite the shrinking space in the cabin), and then, while she relaxed, he went on to prepare her big meal. The feast would then last from afternoon to evening, as Millie packed away more and more, leaving her belly drum-tight by the time she finished, with her increasingly reinforced chair groaning and creaking.
While she could shovel it all in most of the time, she preferred to have Moxxie feed her, and rub her belly as he did. His hands caressed and dug through her rolls, rubbed her lovehandles and pinched her ass, or sometimes, when he would get extra frisky, they would reach into her top to play with her breasts.
Reaching down into her pants was proven to be a greater challenge, and with her saving all that energy by having him feed her, she could still allow him to scratch that mutual itch they had once they've gone to bed (which soon rocked, under her shaking and quivering form, as he panted, finally being able to reach her flower in more than one way).
Her thighs and asscheeks shook with each thrust, her belly swayed before it reached the bed when she was on all fours, after which it could only quake, growling and grumbling as it digested, and her breasts jiggled and jittered.

Of course, all that eating and fattening wasn't without its side effects. While her regular (s)exercises kept the most dire effects at bay, she still found herself huffing and puffing, though moving with relative ease. Her belly, though used to being filled to the brim (she was a farm girl, after all, and knew how to pack it away), was often less than happy with the extravagant meals her hubby would prepare, just to surprise her with something new. Even the beans on toast didn't sit right during exercise.
Thus, her often overfed organ groaned and gurgled, causing her to belch more and more. Moxxie didn't seem to mind, and would always offer to rub her gut, or prepare some antacid, if needed. More embarrassing was the gas her ass was producing, being both loud and rank at the same time, and increasingly frequent, too, especially during exercises. She would regularly ask Moxxie not to stand behind her, less a deep cheek-flapper came roaring out from behind, dousing him with her stink and sweat. And yet, Mox seemed to just soldier on - if he was disgusted, he didn't comment, and his smile remained unbroken, though, as she grew larger, still, less and less time was spent making out in the shower, and more on actually scrubbing her squeaky clean.
The feasts have also brought out the piggish side of her, and she was often quite glad that she used the tablecloth as a bib, for the number of foodstains she made only kept growing with her weight. Hell, even eating made her sweat at this point, and soon, Moxxie incorporated a second shower before bed.
A bed, which had all but collapsed at this point, as Millie's belly was threatening to reach the floor, while her hips flared out to the point where no doorframe could allow them through, forcing her husband to... "Modify" them, with a sledgehammer. Her ass jutted out like a shelf behind her, with the back of her lovehandles and rolls being layered on it. Though relatively dimple-free, thanks to the frequent exercise, her massive cheeks still sagged a bit, her thick tail curling lazily between them, with the frequent farting and sweating leaving it rather swampy. She could still spread them easily, which was good for their nightly bedroom activities (as well as for her lengthy trips to the toilet), so that's what mattered to her. Her thunderthighs and fat calves shook and quivered with each step, and though she had avoided joint pain so far, she was getting more and more easily winded. All this extra weight down low and at the back was more than necessary to balance out her now enormous breasts. Though still large and pert, sagging had now definitely entered the picture, as they now draped over the shelf of her bulbous, multi-rolled belly, with her stack of chins and jowls, pinched somewhat between her plush shoulder, crowning it all well. Her bingo wing arms would frequently reach down to rob the fleshy apron she now had, if only to give her rolls some air.
Moxxie remained close and supportive, and despite the sweat, the gas, and... Other effects, he clung to her obsessively.
He'd changed, too, as all the exercise, regular eating and just hard work needed to pamper her (to mention nothing of the stamina he needed in the bedroom) had made him fit. Buff, even!
When the day came to carry out their hit, Blitzo and Loona were left loitering before the office, the former waiting impatiently for the team's other half to arrive.

"Where the fuck are they?!" he cried out, for the umpteenth time, while the Hellhound just rolled her eyes...
...When a certain smell hit her more sensitive nose, that made her wrinkle it. Looking up, her eyes widened to saucers, while Blitzo spun around, hearing the dull thumping approaching them.

"Fucking FINALLY!" he snapped "It was about time you two showed uuuuuu---..."

His voice died in his throat, as his jaw slackened at the sight.
Walking slowly towards them was Millie, wider than she was tall, wearing only what appeared to be a black "top" stitched together from a duvet case, and nothing else besides.
Her apron of a belly (with sweat dribbling down on it) provided her plenty of decency, as it covered up her front, while her asscheeks had grown large enough to be visible from where Blitzo stood, her fat tail kinking and curling atop them. While she was huffing and puffing, she didn't appear breathless, just a bit winded, her stomach growling and gurgling before her, and the ground shaking from her steps.
She stopped before them, panting, but quickly catching her breath, as Moxxie stepped (or rather, leisurely waled) around her, revealing his presence).

"Holy fucking shit, Mox..." Blitzo gasped, before gagging from Millie's B.O. "...You didn't have to turn her into a fucking hamplanet!"

"Oh, please, sir!" the marksman replied, his suit sleeves groaning as he crossed his arms "You said it yourself, that she'll have to be BIG for this, remember? She still pales in comparison to our esteemed client..."

"Not quite sure about that..." his boss muttered, looking Millie up and down, noting the enormous funbags threatening to burst out of her makeshift top "...But I guess you two had PLENTY of fun fattening her into your soft sex toy, didn't you!"

Moxxie was about to protest, but instead, he just stood up straight, pushing out his chest.

"Why, yes..." he replied, calmly "Indeed, we did!"

"Tch. Well, good for you!" Blitzo groaned, rolling his eyes "Anyways, let's get this over with! Loona?"

But Loona didn't reply, as she was busy looking Moxxie up and down. All the cooking, cleaning, sexercise and just the sheer amount of heavy lifting required had left the imp ripped. His old clothes were straining against his muscles, and he had to loosen his bowtie and shirt a bit, allowing a clear view of his broad, hairy chest.

"...Guess you're no longer the fatty anymore, huh?" she mused trying to hide her blush, and opening the portal on the ground.

"So, how are we gunna do this?" Millie asked, lumbering closer.

"Simple, nothing special..." Blitzo replied, as the portal opened, revealing the top of the head of some beanpole of a man, busy darting around in a filthy kitchen that smelled of grease, hovering over pots and pans cooking something that smelled like it belonged to a whale oil processing plant, and not on someone's plate.

"Eeeugh..." Blitzo groaned, disgusted "Looks like he found himself a new slut to fatten... Right, I don't wanna spend any more time on this than we already had. Mils, I hope you have enough cushion for this drop..."

"Ah believe ah do, yeah..." she replied, trying to judge the distance, while also trying to not look at the contents of the pots. She just had breakfast, and knew the fall would already jostle her something fierce, so she tried not to loose it to the smell.

"Alright, so she just falls down on him, and... Wait."

Moxxie looked up at the boss, searching his face, pensively.

"How are we going to get her back out?"

"No point in trying to hoist her up." Loona replied "Even if she doesn't weigh a ton, we don't have the equipment to lift her, and it would take too much time. I'll just open a second portal underneath her, and make her land..."

And she pointed across the parking lot, onto a large, worn-down Olympic landing mattress, resting somewhat lumpily on top of a car.

"...Onto that."

"...Wait, isn't that Miss Verosika's ca--?"

"No time to lose!" Blitzo declared, spinning Millie around.
The obese impette let out a yelp, stopping to find herself with her back to the portal. Then came a hard shove from the side, and she found herself tumbling back...
She didn't fall for long, and the wet crunch underneath her ass confirmed that Blitzo had aimed well.
Down there, in the filthy kitchen, the smell was even worse, and combined with her now jostled and upset stomach, she could hardly keep her breakfast in.

"Uuuurgh..." she moaned, suppressing a wet belch "Get me outta here!"

"On it!" Loona replied.

The next second, the portal closed (much to Moxxie's alarm), only for another one to open right above the mattress, allowing Millie to neatly fall through. In an instant, the car underneath collapsed, a now freed wheel rolling away beside her teammates, who approached her.

"Well, I guess that's that..." Blitzo mused, as his bloated bruiser slid down from the mattress, leaving a bloody smear underneath her. Quickly snapping a picture and sending it to their client, Blitzo's eyes lit up with glee as his phone dinged, signalling that the payment for the hit had been received.

"You okay, Millie?" Moxxie asked, as his wife stood up, wobbling unsteadily, her belly in an uproar.

"Uuugh..." she moaned "Hol' on..."

Leaning forward slightly, she grunted, letting out a rip-roaring, cheek-clapping fart. It sprayed the gore stuck to her ass away from it, spreading it far and wide behind her, coating the nearby firewall with an impromptu modern art piece.
Her entire, flabby body quivered, her gurgling, rippling, undulating belly now sweeping the ground and soaking it in her sweat, while her enormous breasts slipped out from underneath her top, nipples erect in the air that was colder than her own, overheated body. Her ass, shaking and quivering from the gas, jiggled like jello on either side of her, rippling and trembling her thunderthighs, threatening to top her over, as her fat tail stood on end atop, like a red, white-stained arrow, as thick as a telephone pole. Fists clenched at the end of her doughy, thick forearms that telescoped into the fat of her upper arms, and were topped by her padded shoulders, which pinched and propped up her quivering jowls, flushed black with her infernal blood, while her multitude of chins spilled over her cleavage. Her entire body shook and jittered, from thick ankles to the tip of her horns, with all her extra flab quaking like jelly, and soaked in her sweat.
It was quite a spectacle... One which left a teammate unfortunately slack-jawed again.

"FUCK! I HAD MY MOUTH OPEN!" Blitzo screamed, gagging as the smell reached him.

Loona just pinched her nose, and stood sternly before the two of them. The confidence boost she gained from hanging out with some actual friends, and seeing to it that her adoptive father didn't blew through their erstwhile finances had equipped her with enough maturity to know when to step in.

"Get a shower." she said "Both of you. And afterwards, roll your wife into the nearest gym, and start working off that extra flab before she gets a heart attack."

"HEY!" the imp snapped, louder than even he himself expected, as he paused, eyes as wide as the others', before quickly regaining his composure "I made SURE that my Millie would be healthy during this! She's fine!"

"Sure. "Healthy" for someone with a bodyweight in the quadruple digits." Loona replied, dryly "She still needs to be mobile to do this job, remember?"

"Hey! Ahm PLENTY mobile!" Millie snapped back walking up to her... Only to find herself winded, once more.

"That was, what, a couple of yards?" the Hellhound mused "Sure, she's isn't hooked up to an oxygen tank and in need of a bedpan, but that's kinda the bare fucking minimum. Just... Get her to slim down to the point where she can run again, OK? For MORE than five minutes!"

With orders given, she then turned tails, picking up her still dry-heaving dad off the pavement, and making her way back to the office, leaving the two imps to just stare, still struggling to comprehend what just happened.

"Did... Did she just tell us off?" Moxxie muttered.

"...Ah... Think so?" Millie replied "She had a point, though."

And she patted her still rumbling gut, soothingly.

"As much as Ah like all this fluff - and as much as Ah know ya do, too..." she said, giving him a wink "Ah still can't go back to regular work like this."

Though frowning, Moxxie sighed, and gave a conceding nod.

"Ah, well..." he muttered "It was fun while it lasted."

"Ah'll say..." she replied, smirking, before grunting and letting out another cheek-clapper, this one longer than the last, though not as violent or bassy.
Sighing, and then chuckling, she waved her hand before her nose.

"Hooo-weee... What a stink!" she exclaimed, giggling, as sweat continued to soak her "top".

Moxxie chuckled as well, and smiled, wryly. Perhaps, it was indeed time to get her back in shape as well...
Then again...

Round was a shape, wasn't it?

But then, another, louder, fouler and wetter fart, followed by her more nervous chuckle, quickly dissuaded him.

>I believe there was something similar in the previous lot
I checked. It was breast expansion first. My idea is about an ad.
>but sure. This'll be a shorter story, though.
Thank you.
Like I said, I've already gotten enough ideas from you.
>slobby nerd with a lisp
Don't like mental alterations. You're basically throwing the character away and just keeping their physical aesthetics
>Blitzo eats a forbidden fruit
And? What happens? This is too vague.
Don't bother correcting it, though. Like I said, I won't be taking any more ideas from you.

It's a rather tired story concept, sorry.
Could You Make Them Short Stories?
How are the stories coming along?
I got my delivery in the previous thread I'm happy
>>37748 Oh yeah I remember this about the hired delivery personel they sent to spy on him at his house. Was it FedEx or was it UPS?
Come again? (Not like that.)
Fat Stolas....
(111 KB, 1421x1133, verosika_has_some_problems_with_surprise_burps____by_shinybelly_dfxlscj.jpg) (1.8 MB, 2543x3429, the_torture_of_fat_by_coleman12345_dfvwvqy.jpg) (363 KB, 846x932, cookie_hell_by_yet_another_a_dehedln.png)
I have an idea, as well as some unrelated pics for the thread.

Now, my idea is that while looking for the next big gimmick to entertain her fans, Velvette comes across one of the fallen CHERUB members, Collin. She takes him in, acts all sweet to lower his guard, then starts on her plan. Said plan being to fatten him up, sending progress reports on her social media accounts and even feeding him on stream, all so her fans can watch the once holy being fall to gluttony. Not to mention the added bonus of Velv turning him into the cuddliest plush ever, or maybe even her new bed if she makes him big enough
If I can make the final one, maybe moxxie and Millie are talking about their previous relationships with Chaz, and moxxie reflects over a time where Chaz was into being a feeder, and made moxxie hella fat, could go in depth on big moxxie being constantly fed and ducked by a kinky Chaz. Maybe it could even make Millie think some things about it?
New Helluva Boss Episode Dropped! And It’s The Season 1 Part 2 Finale!
>queen of gluttony
>isn’t a bug nor fat
Bruh Re-Read It..
(19 KB, 680x459, ee7.jpg)

>Queen of gluttony introduces herself
>Look at her character design
>She's not even gluttony
(148 KB, 1280x1321, gluttony_queen_by_mizz_britt_dg0xrra-fullview.jpg)
Is she Queen Of Gluttony? She ain't even like big or even like thicc or something. But I mean she looks nice an all but like come on but anyways here's a pic of her from Mizz-Britt she in a perfect bod shape hehe. Oh uhhh one more thing i would like to ask anyone a mood of doing an Hellvua Boss or Hazbin Hotel rp? I have a discord account
enchantedcomic if anyone interested of course
Gluttony's more than just eating and getting fat, it's the act of wanting more despite having excess of the thing like a rich person wanting more money despite having a lot of it as well as indulging
Christ you uh like uh type like like an uhh actual like autistic retard. Get off the rp and go learn a skill and actually do something you worthless cunt. If your anything over 20 and still acting like this, it's already too late for you.
wouldn't wanting more money be greed?
my understanding is that gluttony is overindulgence (of food, drugs, etc.) whereas greed is the refusal to let go (of resources). never being satisfied with what you have is the cause of overconsumption whereas fearing that you will lose what you have acquired is the cause of stinginess.
Hi Can Someone Add Some Moxxie From Keno9988?
Thread revive
Any alien belly reposts?
Sir This Is The Hazbin Bin Thread
(877 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_6332.png)
Got some news, MadnEvil is working on a new weight gain drive. That will soon feature Beelzebub.
I know that, there were alien belly related pics in one of the previous threads.
This thread has really fallen, there's plenty of content out there guys, we just need to look and post it.
>>39597 Where can it be found? Do you mean sites like Pixiv?
Deviantart, twitter, furrafinty
(703 KB, 4008x2410, hellbelly_deluxe_by_colbob111_dfz5kzy.png) (45 KB, 827x586, TyNami DA.jpeg) (3.0 MB, 7500x6500, outgrowing_the_jacket_by_oscarvanderhof_dg2gzgr.png) (81 KB, 828x828, UnstoppableGrish DA.jpeg) (2.6 MB, 5359x3461, patreon_update__by_giarenard_dg13fe7.jpg) (2.4 MB, 3800x3000, royal_indulgence_pt_2__com__by_slugsack_dfykpm8.png)
Sometimes, things don't work out. Or, at least, not the way you think they will.

Verosika met with Blitzo during a period in their lives when things were looking up. She was an up and coming pop sensation, and he was... Well, an enigma.
Apparently in college, studying to become a vet, and living it up whenever he could afford it. They were both the freshest, hottest shit you could find on this side of Gluttony, though of different calibers, obviously. Their elopement came to a surprise to no-one but themselves, and though their relationship was short and rockier than the seas of Envy after Leviathan's Taco Tuesday feast, their break-up was still more somber and heartfelt than either of them expected it to be.
With Blitzo hospitalized after a near-death experience (having crashed her car riding drunkenly around Wrath), the beans came spilling forth (along with the imp's breakfast). With his miserable, mistake-filled life laid out before her, Verosika made the executive decision of disconnecting from him - though, not before putting him into rehab.

The event had been a sobering pivotal point in both of their lives, abdicating from the party life and leaving Gluttony behind, with Blitzo refocusing on his studies after recovering, with greater commitment than ever before, and Verosika dedicating all her attention, time and effort into shaping up her career.
The following few years would see her meteoric rise into stardom, getting record deal after record deal, frequently jumping labels, and even dipping her toes into other genres and even businesses.
It was around this time that she would secure herself several nest eggs, and load up bank accounts, carefully saving and investing. Outwardly, she remained the same devil-may-cry, careless and ditzy pop star, only allowing a select few to meet the "real" Verosika Mayday - a calculating songstress, always looking for a next bridgehead. It was at the zenith of her musical career that she was first invited to a podcast (along with Hell-wide favorite porn star Angel Dust), where she saw her first engagement in video games, playing some Hellish clone of a popular mortal-made franchise (courtesy of Voxtron Games) - a nightmarishly eyehurting, surreal mess, that nevertheless allowed her plenty of options (within a reasonable limit) to complete the grisly hits...

...And, to the surprise of everyone, both she and Angel, as avid searchers of "ways out", proved to be quite proficient! Good, even...

...And so, when the latest scandal broke out over leaked studio recordings, with her numbers starting to dip and the studios wishing to re-negotiate the deals, she called it quits.
Sent out a horde of lawyers to secure her royalties from the outraged studio execs, made a few more investments, and then retired to her mansion in Pride, within spitting distance of the opulent estates of the Goetian nobility. After a solid week of just relaxing, enjoying that she could sleep in, not have to wear makeup or tight, form-fitting clothes and just feeling happy to be alive and living in her own skin, she looked into starting up a stream.
First thing first, she got her hand on every console she could buy, and every game title she cared to try - having milled over several reviewers and streamers from both the world of the living and Hell, she eventually just shrugged, deciding to ride on her own fame when the time come. After all, she was making a tidy sum, still, and with her nest eggs ready to hatch and the royalties trickling in, she was set for decades.
She had won - she was out of the rat-race, escaped the industry's clutches, and could now live out the rest of her life, with enough cash saved to splurge every once in a while.

So, the next month would spent at home, playing both on the consoles and on her custom computer - she got into tech stuff when she got more hands-on with the lighting and sound mixing, having hired a meek young Greed imp to help with it...

That imp... What was his name? Max? Monty? Something along those lines... Would see his own meteoric rise in the vacuum left by Mayday, and with some helpful financial tips on her part, later down the line, would retire as well, marrying a homely impette from Wrath after he moved back into his mother's family's old farmstead in retirement.

As careful as she had been, the influence of Gluttony would inevitably catch up with her - Beelzabub may have been sweet as honey, but once she sank her claws into somebody, she would not let go.
After all, life's no party when you don't have anyone in it!

For years, she had a team of health experts, dieticians and weight watchers hound over her, sticking her to a rigorous routine that now felt constraining and redundant, and with money in the bank and freedom to do as she pleased, her gaming sessions were accompanied by the fattiest, greasiest, sugariest, most decadent and delicious takeouts Hell could offer, alongside the complimentary lifetime supply of Beelze-juice sent by the Queen of Gluttony herself as her "Farewell... And See You Soon! :)" gift...
...She didn't really mull over that last bit, and in hindsight, maybe she should have...
In any case, Verosika found herself not only skilled behind the keyboard or controller, but also, quite talented when it came to packing away the copious of amounts of food she was ordering.
And so, as she racked up kills and points, her stomach rose in capacity, and with it, her weight began to burgeon... Rather quickly!

"Go big or go home!" had been her unofficial motto before knuckling down on her career, and now, those words echoed throughout her whole being...

The forenoon sun shone through the curtains of her bedroom, rousing the sizeable succubus from her sleep. Moaning and murmuring to herself, she stretched, the bed creaking under her shifting weight. She sat up, yawning, before getting out of bed, her naked, jiggling body on full display as she stomped into the bathroom, her dense hair cascading down in curling locks, her sickly sweet B.O. causing her to grimace as she studied herself in the full-body mirror.

Yup... She had gotten fatter, still...

The kilos piled up rather prodigiously, and thanks to her succubus physiology, she was spared of a lot of unsightly and uncomfortable things, such as bodyhair, cellulite (unless she wanted to), varicose veins, stretchmarks, bedsores and so on...
Her fat came on hard, but all displayed in ever-growing curves that merely shifted her physique from "Venus de Milo" to "Venus of Willendorf" - her ass had grown enormous, her hips and waist widening to match, thighs growing thunderous and jiggly with adipose, as her gorged stomach came to rest before her softened loins, her back developing supple rolls, arms plumpening and gaining bingo wings. Her breasts, however, still seemed to dominate (courtesy of those succubus genes, no doubt - she had always been a chesty girl, but this was ridiculous!), now having grown to the size of cartwheels, while still remaining pert and perky, even with their natural sag - a perk of never needing plastic surgery to enhance her girls!
With cheeks chubby and lips plump, she was still an icon of beauty... Albeit one from several centuries (if not millennia) ago, and even then, laughably exaggerated.

She took account of her growth - the marathons of yesterweek had resulted in her titshelf growing even bigger, weighing heavily atop her glutted gut, hips and waist flaring out to the sides to provide support, her huge ass acting as a counterweight. Backpain eluded her, and though her wings could no longer lift her, swimming in her private pool had allowed her to build up the musculature needed to remain spry with such a body... But that was about it.
She certainly wouldn't be winning any marathon runs, and being anchored to the ground had left her without a vertical dimension he sometimes missed...
Her contemplation was cut short by a rather ominous gurgle from beneath. With a sigh, she stepped away from the mirror, taking her seat on her porcelain throne...

After several minutes grunting, moaning, panting, yelping from water splashing up against her nethers, and just sighing in relief, she stepped into the shower glistening with sweat, and fanning the air in front of herself. Turning on the hot water, she blasted her body with the scalding dew, thanking her own foresight at having installed a toilet with a bidet, since she could no longer wipe herself with ease - the flexibility was still there, but the padding got in the way.

A long shower later, she'd throw on a fresh, once-oversized t-shirt, some VERY generously sized boxers and sweatpants, and then proceeded to park her fat ass in front of the computer, firing up the RAM-beast to do a bit of pre-stream gaming.
Though she still went through her daily rituals of hygiene, this was more for the sake of her own mental clarity than anything, as the intense sessions, the machine filling her room with heat, and her own hunger would soon negate her efforts at staying clean.

She was already feeling hot as she gulped down her morning coffee, stuffing her face with some cheap, store-bought waffles whenever there was a brief lull in the action on screen. It was the weekend, which meant a daytime stream, from noon 'till night. A cursory look at the clock motioned her to reach for her phone, and order the day's first main meal.

Pizza Glut sounded nice, so she ordered a family-sized pie with stuffed crust, topped with every meat and spice she could think of... Before also adding fried eggs, to compensate for the lackluster breakfast.

Her stream began a minute after, with her settling into her creaking faux-leather executive chair (great for her back and for masking the sound of her behind, but horrible for keeping her cool in the heat), and doing some last-minute adjustments to her look - namely, wiping off the crumbs from her jowls, second chin and cleavage.
"Good morning, my little s-imps!" she said, putting on her best "M.V." voice - a throwback to her popstar days, Valley Girl accent cranked up to 11 "Today, I got a treat for you all! Food is here in an hour, and before that, I figured I could revisit the game that started THIS all off, over a year ago!"

And she motioned to herself, in all her flabby, gluttonous glory, shifting her weight to make the chair creak, as her belly was already beginning to burble...
Preemptive fart-masking: engaged.

"Let's see how it holds up, shall we?" she said, watching the eye-wateringly garish loading screen.
Satan, this took her back...
It was hard to imagine it had been little over a year ago that she first sat down to play a game with Angel Dust - the spider having since hit it off as a streamer himself, having escaped the porn industry via the Princess' rehab hotel, and was now earning his keep the same way she was earning pocket money: playing video games while putting it out for his horny fans.

That day had been a game changer - it was like she had found her voice, all over again! Something to enjoy, something to compete in...
Something to rake in the cash, however meager compared to what she already had.
Slurping on her Beelze-juice, she quickly progressed through the game, sometimes glancing at the chat.

"AppleBottomJeans, damn, girl, it's been. A. While! Haven't seen you since my last tour! Heard you and Coco were going steady! Atta'girl, hope you two are making sweet strudels together, heh... Speaking of which!"

She opened up a packet of cheap apple strudels, stuffing the dry pastry into her maw, The crumbs flaking off somewhat irritated her cleavage, causing her to miss a shot, then a ledge, and wind up killed.

"Motherfu--...!" she grumbled, spraying more crumbs from her mouth.
Angrily stuffing the strudel fully in she swept her girls down once more, growling as she felt a few crumbs slip into her sweat-moistened cleavage... Fuck, she was already getting damp there!

"Thanks for dropping in, Apple! Hope we can catch up!"

Looking at some of the messages, she smirked, reaching for another strudel.

"Good idea, chat! Bring your girl, too, bitch, I wanna get a wholesome threesome going!"

She chortled as the former posse member flipped the bird emoji, and left.

"Whaddaya think, chat? Will we see her again?"

Lewd fantasies were the answers she got.

Incubi and succubi thrived off of lust, and so the near critical mass of horny her streams would reach could adequately satisfy her... But really, she was just splurging, once again.
All her needs have been met, she was truly living in excess...

The doorbell rang...

"Welp, that's my food, guys and gals! 'Twas nice to take a trip down Memory Lane... Even if I took a few stumbles!" she chortled, getting up, the groan of the chair masking the fart that managed to squeak out.
She needed to leave the room. Urgently.

"Be back soon~!" she said, layering on the sucrose, her smile dropping the moment the soundproofed door of her homemade studio shut.
With a sinfully pleased groan, she allowed the gas to rattle out from her humid asscrack, a hand coming to rest on her stomach, rubbing the vast expanse of fuchsia flesh through the sweat-dampened fabric, as her underboob sweat-spot had spread downwards.
It had been little over an hour, and she already needed a second shower... But she wouldn't get one.
Not when the glistening of her girls kept their eyes fixed on her. Not when the decadence clearly shone through so clear, despite her increasingly half-assed efforts. Satan, she was seriously considering just going all-out every stream, ripping ass (having already gone in with the belching), scratching herself, and stuffing her face like a pig to celebrate every win (again, she had already made some advances there, chugging Beelze-juice as frequently as she did)...

But alas, not yet...

Taking the heavy box from the struggling, heaving delivery guy, she leisure walked back in, dropping the already opened box down before the camera, and sitting back down with a slice in hand, cheese strands already stretching between her greasy mouth and the sizeable bitemark it had left on the slice.

Scrolling through the lust-soaked chat, she would reply to the messages she liked, all the while scarfing down the stupidly greasy pizza, her stomach gurgling eagerly, as if to say "Finally, some good fucking food!"

...Nevermind the fact that she had piled it on with enough onions, peppers and spices that you could mistake the sheer smell of it as some kind of teargas...

As the giant box emptied, and her hands, cheeks and the top of her tits grew greasier, so did the feeling of fullness grew in her belly.
Fullness... And heat.
The extra spice was ramping up her sweat production something fierce, and the intermittent sips of sugary, lemony soda did little to alleviate the burn traveling up her throat.


Or the belching.
Or the heartburn.
As her meal shifted lower and lower in her G.I. track, she found herself shifting more and more, licking her fingers to try and clean off some of the greasy mess, the heavy weight in her stomach sitting snugly in her lap.
Finally finding the paper towels in the cluttered mess of her table top, she wiped herself off the best she can, failing to notice how her full belly began to protrude from underneath her now overly snug T-shirt...

And protrude it did, with increased vim and vigor, as the sounds of digestion grew louder and louder...
Thankfully, her mic wasn't picking that up, and even if it did, the sounds of the game (and her increasingly frequent cursing) was enough to drown it out.

"GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!" she shrieked, jowls shaking with anger, her tail swishing side-to-side, showing off its thickened state.

Lost again, she did, thanks to her teammates - or so she would say.

"HotelMoth1985, what the fuck was that? I told you to cover my ass, bitch, what's so hard to understand?!" she raged, getting similarly irate responses from the other player "...The fuck is that, "estu-estoopidaa puta"? Bitch, if you can't even afford a MIC, then don't come at me with the coded language! I dunno who the fuck you think you are, but trust me, speaking bargain-bin Latin doesn't make you sound mysterious and cool, it's fucking--...! ...Spanish? The fuck is Spanish?!"

Her incredulous tone was met with laughter and derision from the Sinners in chat, leading to a minor flamewar as her Hellborne fans fired back.
However, Mayday knew better than to divide the sea of viewers...

"Alright, alright, cool it with the xenophobia, guys! So Spanish is a Latin-derived human language. I didn't know! Never had to sing in it, never heard or read it before! So sue me! Don't, actually. My lawyers would eat you alive... Literally!"

She chuckled as the chat finally calmed down, and took another big gulp from her suspended keg of Beelze-juice.
Letting out a throaty belch and a pleased sigh (though her hand would rest and subtly rub her gurgling stomach, just out of earshot for the mic), she turned back to the camera.

"HotelMoth just needs to git gud, no need to lamb-baste her..." she snickered at her own wordplay, while a few in chat groaned "...Anyhow, that last swig got me thinking..."

Dangerous thing to do, thus said some in the comments.

"...Very funny, guys. Anyways, it got me thinkin'... Considering I'm, like, the biggest binger of Bee's juice, what if I ask her for a sponsorship? Yeah, sure, I already got my lifetime supply, but wouldn't it be cool if I had some sweet free merch to go with it? Like, gimme some pants that read "Beelze-Juicy" on the bottom!"

She let loose a laugh, drowning out the squeaky fart she had to release. That pizza was NOT sitting well.
The heat was getting bad - this room had no windows, so the only source of light were the streamer lights and the screen...
...All of which were starting to overheat.
Catching a whiff of her own stink, she had to clear her throat to hide her grimace. Her own B.O. was back again, a cloying, sickly sweet smell that made her wonder whether or not she had drank enough Beelze-juice that she was now leaking the stuff through her pores. Her farts, on the other hand, were just plain putrid, reflecting on every spice and protein in her diet.
A ping from her chat and the display in the corner of the screen quickly caught her attention.

"Oh, hey, thanks for the donation..." she paused, frowning at the number with bewilderment "...Fucking Hell! Parallax1990, was it? Dude, don't chuck your life savings at me! Or did you mistype the number, and added an extra zero? You sent me a thousand Hell-bucks!"

She shook her head.

"Chat, I love you guys, but you don't NEED to send me anything! Stream's are pulling in money through the ads, and I'm more than well set with what I earned back on the stage! I mean... I ain't exactly starving!' she chuckled, and patted her round stomach.

Sweet Satan, that was a bad idea.
She had to clench now. Hard.
Thank fuck the mic wasn't picking up all the groans.

"Hang on, Parallax wrote me something..." she had to squint a bit. Constantly sitting in front of a screen was starting to take a toll on her eyesight.

"He say "There's a new restaurant you might be interested in!"" she read, humming "I'll be the judge of that... "Try the "Banana Joe Beanz 'n' Onions", it's a chili con carne dish..." Huh..."

There was no way she was going to spend a thousand bucks at some start-up greasy spoon. The meal looked hearty, sure, but with the pizza still stomping its way to her back door, she didn't wanna risk blowing out her ass. Chugging antacid and diarrhea medicine was NOT how she wanted to spend her night...

"...Okay. I'm gonna order this a lil' later, 'cause it does look good... But chat, this ain't a mukbang channel!" she laughed "Although I bet some of you pervy little fucks
She made a show of purchasing the dish on the restaurant's website, and setting the delivery time for a few hours later.

"Parallax, thanks again for the donation, but I'm gonna refund the rest. You really didn't need to send this dough, but let's just say you invited me for an early dinner! And the same goes for the rest of you, chat! Like I said, this ain't a mukbang channel, and I don't want you to throw money at me just so you can watch me stuff my face!"

She shifted her weight, but even with the creak, the fart was audible enough to reverberate in the room. She carried on as normal, eyes glues to the chat to see if they reacted...


Internally sighing with relief, she continued as normal, refunding the donation (sans the price of the dish), moving onto the next round, and soon the next game, subtly cranking up the volume so as to mask any bodily noise her mic would pick up.
And there were noises aplenty, the gurgles and groans only worsening as time went on, with her more and more frequently needing to subtly lift a leg (or, more correctly, buttock) to vent her gas. It was ceaseless, and it only got worse and worse. More hot, more humid, and eventually, more and more wet.
The games, almost as if in tune with the pressure in her bowels, with each match becoming more and more of a nailbiter. Having to split her attention between her ass and the screen made her extra sweaty, her skin practically glistening, as if someone had thrown a bag of glitter on her - sweat beaded in her cleavage, and her top was completely soaked, along with her pants. Her panties were a sweaty rag, probably reeking to high hell, and giving her a wedgie. The smell of the pants themselves was probably getting up there in the stink factor, as it was easier to wipe her hands on them when the situation on the screen went from 0 to a 100 in matter of seconds, and she needed her plump fingers back on the keyboard and mouse or controller.
Thus, the smelly of grease and spices mingled, just as the food and sweat stains.
Her hands felt clammy an the back of her throat burned with suppressed belches.

Finally, at long last, the last shot was fired.
She stood victorious among the ruins, her character holstering her weapon as the new queen of the hill, having beating 99 others in a Battle Royale.
She was ecstatic!

"About fu--*UUUAAAARP!* ...Fuckin' time!" she cried, unfazed by the guttural belch that cut her sentence in half.
And as if on cue, the doorbell rang.

She smirked.

"That'll be the chili... Well, guys, I think I earned a celebratory feast! Wouldn't you agree~?"

Satan, the lust was coming in THICK.
She stood up, extravagantly, showing them a profile of her fattened, curvy bod, turning her head back to the camera with an index finger on her chin.

"Be right back~!"

The moment the door shut behind her, however, she just gave a shuddering, husky, decadent sigh as her ass began to rattle, her pent up gas creating a rumbling cheek-clapper that only seemed to intensify with each passing second. It sent shivers up her spine, and quivers down her inner core. She couldn't help but moan, sweaty back and padded wings flat against the door, nails digging into the wood.

Once the gas attack ended, she could stand back up straight with a sigh. The mass of the pizza had shifted downwards, and thought it would certainly want out in the near future, it wasn't in any sort of hurry, sitting comfortably at the end of her colon, now that all the gas had passed on through.
With her innards settled, she could finally retrieve her meal. The chili arrived in a round and hot plastic bowl, the top of which she popped open in front of the camera, large spoon at the ready.
She considered putting a bib, but then again, why shield her loyal viewers from the awesome sight of her cleavage...

Speaking of which, why were her nips so erect?
Did that fart really turn her on?

Fuck, she should've wore a bra...

Well, if she still had one that fit.
It was long overdue for a shopping spree.

"Well, here you go, you horny little fucks." she smirked, sitting down behind the big bowl, the chair creaking a welcome to her return (or just creaking from her weight... OR in relief that it wasn't being used as a fart muffler for once).

"A lil' bit of Mukbang for ya guys! Because my talents are just bottomless!" she said, laying on the smugness thick. The chat was overflowing with lust, demanding that she begins packing away. And who was she to deny them?
First spoonful of beans, onions and meat went in, and her eyes lit up.

"Mmm..." she hummed "Damn, this is pretty good!"

Couple more spoons went in, with her seemingly making a show of it again - but in reality, she was just really enjoying the dish.

"Fuck... Parallax, thanks for the recommendation, your taste is excellent... *Uuuaarp!* Satan, wish I had some wine or beer to go with this... Oh well, Beelze-juicy will have to do!" she chuckled, taking a deep sip of the dew.

With the chat swooning, she continued to spoon away at the big bowl, scrolling through the comments and replying to whatever she found interesting.

"Mm, I agree..." she muttered, mouth half full, before swallowing "...The Princess has, like, no chance to expand her project. Not with the current attitudes towards sinners in the Court."

She let her viewers duke it out for a bit, only stepping in again when the heated debate ignited into a full-on flamewar. All the while, the bowl slowly began to empty out, as spoonful after spoonful of greasy, spicy meat, beans and onion disappeared down her gullet. The heat was slowly coming on again, and she could feel her skin grow clammy, then wet.
This was some good stuff!
Sweat pooled between her boobs, atop her belly. She could feel the wetness underneath it, over her loins. Her panties were even more drenched than usual, and she could feel the moisture seep onto the seat through her damp pants.
As she chewed away, not caring in the slightest that she talked with a full mouth, the occasional droplet of sauce, chopped piece of onion, and even a stray bean, would find itself landing on her cleavage. As good as it was, she cared more about the comments at that moment, and didn't even bother to wipe away the bean until someone pointed it out...
...At which point she took a good look at herself in the recording.

"...Fuck, I made a real pig outta myself, didn't I, chat?" she asked, giggling somewhat feebly.

She was a bit shocked.
Sauce coated her face surrounding her plumps lips, leaving a large, continuous stain on the front of her jowls and atop her first chin, with the excess (diluted by her sweat) dripping down on either side. Her cleavage was a mess of smeared sauce stain. Her top was a complete write-off, having gained the feel of a waxed sail canvas from all the grease and sweat. Her pants, likewise, with the added bouquet of her putrid farts and asscrack-steam - a true assault on the senses.
She could practically feel her panties dissolving, grinding to threads between her thunderthighs.
Her hair was a mess, too, once again drenched in her sweat, and with it being long enough to hang down to her ass, it was inundated with all the foul aromas that her slovenly body could offer. Hands (and everything she touched with them) coated with smeared sauce and sweat, she couldn't even clean herself, as the tissues she had at the ready would quickly become too soggy to be of any use...
Thank Hell for paper towels!

"Gawd, chat... I know you pervs wanted to see this gal stuff her face... But that was no bueno..." she muttered, probably giving a few sinner viewers a stroke.

As she tossed the last of the crumpled-up rags into the bin, and feeling somewhat clean for the first time in hours (if the hot, clammy moistness of her body and the lingering crustiness of dried sauce here and there could pass as such), she had to lean back a bit, as a belch rocketed up her throat, tasting of digesting meat and spices.

"Fuu--*UUUUOOOORP!!*--uuhck, that felt good..." she moaned, the second belch cutting through her words...

But then came an ominous rumbling sound.
And that wasn't just a hyperbole - something deep within her let out a deep, warbling roar that made her whole body quiver. With a sausage-fingered hand rubbing her belly, she looked down, eyes widening as the gurgles produced visible ripples across the vast surface of her glutted gut, the fat jiggling as the bubbles of gas and clumps of mass shifted around.
She felt the pressure shift, traveling downward...

...And hit a roadblock that made her entire body seize up and her tail stand erect.
Her ass clenched and her innards knotted...

She had completely forgotten about the pizza!

"Ugh, speaking of "no bueno", chat..." she murmured, with a nervous smile, standing up as carefully as she could "...I'm gonna need to freshen up a bit! Gonna pause the thread for... About an hour! You guys, stick around if you like, if ya don't, don't... See y'all soon!"

And with that, she turned, no longer even bothering to maintain a calm pace, with both hands on her stomach and the mic picking up the loud gurgle of her stomach as she brushed past it, Verosika left the room.
The chat had a few choice words on the matter, derision and unmitigated lust duking it out in the comments, until someone brought up the whole "no bueno" thing, and the flame war was re-lit once again!

The overloaded succubus neither seen or heard any of this, as she was far more focused on making it to the can without exploding.
Yanking on her pants with her glutes turned to the porcelain throne, she could hear the waistband creaking in bursts as she tugged it over her huge cheeks, thumbs also in her panties to clear the way with one fell swoop. Though a tearing sound could be heard, she disregarded it, plopping her weight on the creaking seat (that better not have been the actual porcela
What followed suit can best be described as "ungodly".
A deep roar and sickly gurgle from within her led to an utterly explosive bout of flatulence, the noise of which echoed around the bathroom and no doubt the entire house.
Part of her excitedly wondered if she had set off her car's alarms.
The foundations-rattling flatus grew more and more choked and wet as the second carried on, and a full minute after it had began to rock her anus, it finally died, as something solid took its place.

Verosika heaved, moaned, shouted, screamed and groaned, gripping the knees of her pants with enough force for her nails to tear through the waxy fabric. Then with a gasp, she felt the blockage disappear, leaving her sore and unprepared for the magma-like upside-down geyser that followed...

In the span of time she spent on the toilet, one could hear her curse long-dead gods, dormant elder beings, all nine circles of Hell, all her followers (but especially Parallax1990), and herself and her family tree going back to the first recorded Maydays centuries ago, who's combined efforts at copulance had led to these agonizing moments...
...All to the undertone of what one would expect an industrial cattle farm would produce if some cheeky sod fed all the cows laxatives.

Every once in a while, a courtesy flush would bring an pause in the play of the orchestra of feculence, but the quartet of indigestion and bloating was still mad at play, greeting her with a serenade of gurgles and groans, while she - ever the prolific singer - provided the vocals in the form of pained moans, before clenching her teeth as the fecal onslaught of the porcelain bowl began again.

Minutes later (though it felt like hours to her), following a final flush and a shuddering, pained sigh... And then the squeaks of the toilet roll holder and the tearing and creasing of paper, followed by yet another flush... Verosika emerged from the bathroom, leaning against the doorframe, her body more drenched in sweat than before, to the point where all her clothes looked wet, as if she had stood in the shower with them...

But then, the lingering foodstains and especially the SMELL would clearly indicate otherwise.
Unknown to her, a mist of greenish-brown vapor rolled out past her feet when she opened the door, the wafts of visible stench heralding her glorious relief to the world... And especially her cohabitants.

Down the hall, the front door opened, followed by an ornery voice yelling:


Verosika cringed.
The man of the house had arrived...

Stomping in on his form-fitting high heel boots, tugging on his coat and trying to shake out the bouquet of small feathers stuck in every crevice and fold, with his whole body stinking of alcohol (not like an alcoholic, but as if he had been physically soaked in the stuff), the big-horned imp stumbled into the same portion of the thoroughfare space.
Looking up and getting an eyeful of the sweat-soaked, foodstained, stuffed and bloated greasy beauty before him, Blitzo could only wince, the two of them speaking in unintended unison:

"Wow... You look like shit!"

Blinking at the perfect synchronization (and both of them resisting the childish urge to shout "Jinx!"), the succubus and the imp gave one another a once-over again.

"...Rough day on the job?" she finally asked, having grown weary of the silence.

"A'yyup..." Blitzo grumbled, before pulling out a feather from inside his mouth, observing it disgust "Fruity bastard and his bitchass wife decided to invite the neighboring cassowary-looking lark and his barrel of a woman, with me being the fucked cherry atop their champagne-fueled foursome..."

He pondered for a moment, as he took of his coat.

"...Actually, no, 'cause the other two brought along their own impservant. Some hillbilly named Striker, apparently arrested and in indenture for terrorism."

She raised a quizzical eyebrow at that, but the veterinarian didn't elaborate.

"Anyways, they actually had him bring his horse over as well, so I could AT LEAST look at her and do my ACTUAL fucking job, and not just act as a fucktoy-on-call for these privileged assholes."

"...Rough day on the job, then." Verosika nodded, before looking behind him "Where's Loona?"

In that moment, the svelte Hellhound stepped in, happily talking with someone on the phone, before spotting the other two as she walked through the hallway. Pausing briefly just to shake her head at the sight, she continued on, her door slamming loudly at the far end, muffling her voice.

At the succubus' puzzled stare, Blitzo just shrugged.

"I bought her along so that their kid had someone to talk with and distract her from the fact that her parents are a bunch of hedonistic perverts. Poor girl probably doesn't have anyone. Her and Loona seems to have hit it off nicely..."

At that, Verosika smiled.

"Good to hear." she said, but the comfort wouldn't last, as the imp sniffed at her.

"Speaking of hedonism and pervs, the fuck have you been doing?!"

He looked between her and the bathroom, leading to her noticing the fog of fumes circling at the level of their calves. Nervously trying to fan it away with her tail, she just blushed, avoiding his stare.

"...Just the usual stream, hop off my tits!"

"The "usual stream", huh?" he asked, with pointed disdain "...So you let a buncha' simps dictate that you should stuff your face on camera for fucking peanuts and pocket lint?"

"Oh fuck off, Blitz, it's all in good fun!" she retorted, jowls jiggling and tits bouncing as she crossed her arms, indignantly.

"..."All in good fun" my ass..." he groaned "Face it, sister, you weight a fucking tonne because you let an army of horny dickheads decide what you put on your plate and down your throat!"

She just shook her head.

"This was a ONE-OFF occasion, Blitz! One of the pervs decided to dump money on me to try out this new restaurants big main dish, and I decided to humor him!"

"Mhm, and that was after you've already stuffed your face all morning, correct?" he asked, watching with satisfaction and distress as she seemed to freeze up and shrink.
He got her there.

"Have you even USED that fancy-schmancy pool of yours today?" he asked "You said you'd keep yourself fit! You know, to stave off the inevitable clogged arteries and subsequent heart attacks, that would come from fucking stuffing your face like you do?!"

The succubus still couldn't meet his eyes, choosing to look at the floor guiltily, as the imp raged on.

"The only thing that had gotten a workout today was your jaw and your bowels! And speaking of which, the hell did you eat?! Smells like something fucking DIED in there!"

"Just my dignity..." Verosika thought to herself, finally looking up.

"Anyways, I can't be bothered to keep lecturing you. It's your damn money, you ruin your body with it as you wish! Now wobble aside, tubbo, I need a cold shower and long, hard cry in a fetal position."

"Mmmhmmm..." she murmured, decidedly NOT moving out of his way ""Ruin", you say... Well, that's not what I keep hearing every night!"

"Fuck off..." he replied, trying to slip by her, only to be blocked again as she shifted her weight to the other leg, her hips swinging out wildly.

"And me? NOT getting workouts? Hah! Tell that to my poor-poor tired tush and cooch after every damn night. Hell, your dick is the reason I gotta sleep in every morning!"

"I said fuck off!" he growled, trying to try from the other side, only to now find himself pinned to the wall by the aforementioned glutes, while she rapt on:

"As for a shower, forget it! If there's one thing your daily rant was spot-on about, is that I fucking stink. So scurry off, you little gecko, I'm going first!"

Unable to move and only getting jiggles and wobbles from pounding on her flanks (and getting his hands swatted when he tried to pinch or tickle her), Blitzo finally gave in, and burst out:

"...FINE! Place needed airing out anyway, after your goddam shitstorm! We're gonna need a new toilet at this rate!"

"Which is why I had more than one installed." she retorted, finally releasing him, and then sauntering off back towards the bathroom again...

The two of them would end up showering together - ostensibly to save on water, but in reality, they just couldn't keep their hands off of each other.
After recovering from his injuries, Blitzo caught his rebound, hitting the ground running. While Verosika sang her soul out for the crowds and the records, he buried his nose...Snout... Proboscuous head in books, not settling until he fucking ACED his exams, becoming veterinarian doctor. His first few years in the job would be spent in Wrath, mainly treating horses and other barnyard animals. Since farmers generally tended to know about animal care and husbandry (and had more experience than him), he found more work as a temporary farmhand, traveling across the whole Ring. However, after defending an impette's pride when her greasy Greed Ring boyfriend broke her heart (and thus "winning" her hand in marriage, despite the two of them having a more sibling-like relationship), he decided he'd had enough, and moved back to Pride in the hopes of better pay.
There, he would find work treating the exotic pets of rich Sinners and the Goetian nobility... But he would just as often find himself in bedding his customers, leading to him building a reputation as a veterinarian-themed escort, instead of being the real deal, much to his chagrin.
His past as an acrobat, long stint as a traveling farmhand and his recent time as a vet-cum-gigolo had left him quite fit. Ripped, even!
Feeling his muscular arms around her curvaceous, bloated frame sent tingles down her spine (straight to her loins), especially as his gecko-like tongue would wrap itself around a nipple, leaving to him nibbling on her sizable torpedo-tits while seemingly doing hi
After a lot of pushing and squeezing (which may or may not have involved him using his tail and a sponge to give her asscrack and pucker a good ol' scrub), and with her moans becoming deafening in the echo-y bathroom, as he did his best to wrap his legs around her thunder thighs, lifting her belly up with his entire torso, just so that penetration could be made, the two of them would exit the bathroom squeaky clean (for the time being), and pleasantly tired...

The pleasantries would, however, quickly come to an end, as rather than cuddling on the couch with him as they put on a shitty film to give them an excuse to continue fucking like rabbits later in the night, Blitzo watches as his gf-turned-friend-with-benefits retreated back into her closet of a recording room (though not before asking him as sweetly as she could muster to either make or order some dinner).
Though aware of her streaming sidegig, and even respecting her for not exploiting the hapless simps TOO much, her diving back into that damned, putrid booth had rubbed him the wrong way.
It was not healthy for her, and not fair for him (and really, who gives a fuck about the viewers? Seriously, she was even APOLOGIZING for taking so long to return! ...SHE NEVER APOLOGIZED TO HIM WHEN SHE WOULD DISAPPEAR FOR HOURS, ONLY TO BE FOUND SLEEPING AMID BOTTLES OF BEELZE-JUICE OR (as of recent) HALF-EMPTY BAGS AND TRAYS OF SNACKS!).

This had gone on for too long!
Vero had already planned on revealing her true, slovenly nature to them... But still kept putting it off, not wanting it to be TOO abrupt a change (so as not to have the paparazzi hounding her again, which he could understand)...

...Well, it was time to cross the bridge!
And he just know the ticket to how, as an awful, evil, almost grinchy grin spread on his face while he speed dialed a certain number...

"Alright, guys, let's get back to the--" she halted, abruptly, as the chair audibly creaked beneath her, louder than usual.
When nothing came of it, she cautiously continued:

"...let's get back to the game, shall we?"

The chat eagerly agreed.
Half an hour went by without much happening - the supple succubus was familiarizing herself with a recently released high-speed sidescroller with a '90s artstyle ("Look at all these bright purples, oranges and greens, guys! I wish I wish THIS brave!") -, but for Blitzo, it felt agonizingly longer. Just the thought of letting the whole charade go on any longer was grinding his gears somewhat fierce! But he needn't have to wait for long...
At the sound of the doorbell, he bolted out of his seat on the couch, rushing towards the door with enough speed to leave afterimages in his wake (and slammed into it at full force, not being able to stop in time, despite the heels of his boots leaving tire-marks on the floor..
Shaking off the dizziness, he tore open the door, grabbing the enormous hot bag from the hapless delivery imp, and throwing a wad of cash in his face (despite having already paid for the greasy, spicy mess when ordering online, after the restaurant's phone guy failed to pick it up after ten minutes of him ringing - in turn, he'd left a rather scathing remark during his online order), before slamming the door shut once again, and rushing back to the kitchen to prep everything.

On a large pizza plate (the largest they had, meant for a family-size pie), he laid out tacos upon tacos, surrounded by burritos and fenced with quesadillas. The smell was pungent, though, not because of rot - everything was as fresh as it could've been after around 7 minutes of delivery (though, the website still showed a little animation of it all being prepared, for some reason). Rather, it smelled heavily of spices, meat, and oil, the cornbread batter giving it a similar bouquet of nachos - and there were some additional nachos in a few tacos to add the smell! The bean in the burritos, the cheese in the quesadillas... The imp had to swallow a bit of drool, previously hidden nostrils flaring to take it all in.
And then, the same wicked, toothy grin spread on his face, as he heaved the huge plate into the air, and then, with the sense of balance of an expert waiter, he marched towards the streaming room's door, holding the massive meal up with a single hand.
Kicking the door down without skipping a beat, he entered with a bombastic


Verosika, thoroughly jolted by his breaking and entering, tossed off the headphones in alarm.

"Blitz?!" she exclaimed "What the fu--?!" but she fell silent as a taco was quickly shoved into her mouth, and she, though startled, diligently began to chew, recognizing the familiar taste.

"Now, now, sweetie, you shouldn't talk with your mouth full!" Blitzo tsked, before sneering "Remember when you tried to do the same thing in the bedroom? When you were trying to suck my dick?"

She just frowned at his lack of subtlety, and began to chew even faster, not willing to let food go to waste, no matter how much she wanted to retort.
This, however, gave ample opportunity to Blitzo to continue with his trolling.
Looking over the chat's understandable perplexion and outrage, he chuckled, and continued, layering on the ham:

"That's right, you horny little shits! This is MY bitch! I get to FUCK that FAT ASS! EVERY! NIGHT!"

Finally, she gulped down the last of the taco, and gasping for air, she shrieked.


She was quickly cut off again, this time, by a burrito, which she, again, began to chew, rather than spit out.

"Oh, but of course, how can I forget! After all, I'm the one bringing in the dough in this here household!" the imp grinned "That's right, chat! All her talk of being loaded? Pure. Fuckin'. BULLSHIT! It's up to me to keep this braphog well-fed! Bustin' my ass nine-'till-five to pay the rent and put food on the table! And take a WILD guess where the most of the latter goes!"

Opting to just gulp down the burrito whole instead of chew through it (and momentarily surprising herself with how easy that went), Verosika grit her teeth, growling fiercely.

"Like HELL you do, you washed-up circus freak! I'M the one who's money we've been living off of, while you go about fucking Goetians and tending to their horses!"

She grinned, wickedly.

"...Or is it the other way around, Blitz-O?"

At this, he narrowed his eyes, suffering a momentary lapse of reason. In a rapidfire session, he stuffed a quesadilla, a nachos-filled taco and a bean burrito into her maw (rounding her cheeks in a chipmunk-like fashion), and again, she couldn't help but to chew, albeit now, with the help of her hands, slowly pushing it all in to speed up the process (which also, conveniently, looked like she was trying to stop the filling from falling out from them).
While she busied herself with that, the imp went on the attack once again.

"Oh, you'd like to imagine that, don't you, you dirty slut? Speaking of which..."

And he turned his grin towards the chat, reading with sadistic glee as the simps wailed, their beloved waifu tarnished beyond repair, and the regular viewers expressed dismay at the derailed stream.

"...I know why you horny, parasocial degens keep showing up to her streams..." he snickered, as the chat all at once grew eerily quiet "You don't give a shit about her limp-wristed "gameplay"! Nooo..."

And he hefted the still-full plate into view.

"...You're here to see her stuff her face and reach a fucking ton before your eyes, blasting gas out of both ends in the process!"

A few weak answers to the contrary were soon washed away, as perversion and groupthink kicked in, somehow even more powerful than their prior sense of betrayal...
And then, the two mingled in their heads, as they watched the succubus finally stuff in and swallow all four spice-, meat- and grease-filled wraps, with a few crumbs, globs of meat and sauce, and other ingredients spilled onto her cleavage, staining her fresh T-shirt as her body began to sweat heavily once again, her belly audibly gurgling now that the mic no longer detected the headset.
...Something was stewing in there.
Something... BIG.

The beasts of night gathered for the scent of blood.

Blitzo just smirked, as Verosika's mouth was left momentarily agape, noticing the venom and perversion in the chat. It was like they opened a valve, and it all came spilling forth.
And at the rotary handle, was the imp himself, crooning:

"Yeeeesss... You freaks know EXACTLY what you want!"

Grabbing a handful of burritos, he shoveled them into Verosika's startled mouth, the succubus once again chewing the moment the food was parked in her yap.

"...Bet she can fit more." he said, nonplussed, now grabbing up a few tacos to shove in as well.
And then some quesadillas.
And then more tacos, still.

After a few more handfuls, Verosika's cheeks looked about the same size of her head, each (so, roughly half the size of her breasts). She continued to chew, but with so much slop in her mouth, cheese, meat and bits of bean or pepper continued to rain down on her cleavage. Sweat pitted beneath her arms and underneath her tits, and she could feel her T-shirt ride up on her belly, as it bloated, with gurgles growing ominous.
After everything in her mouth felt like it had the consistency of mush, and she could close her lips again, she swallowed, treating both an amazed and amused Blitzo and her stream audience to the sight of her round cheeks shrinking back into her usual jowls, as the mass of oil, meat and grease bulged out her throat, before the bulge disappeared between her tits, landing in her stomach with an audible splosh, followed by her groaning sigh...
...And, after a few second, a slight gurgle and a loud, rattling belch that sent spittle flying through the air, coating the now bemused imp, who tried to shield his face with his spare arm.
"Nasty bitch..." the imp growled, shooting another grin towards the camera "...But that's EXACTLY what you want, don't you, chat?"

As he received the typed equivalent of a standing ovation from the horny viewers, Blitzo just nodded, grimly, and took aim at the panting succubus' open mouth - there was more yet on the plate.
And so, he began to stuff her. Taco after burrito after quesadilla. One greasy, oily, meat-and-bean filled item after the other. He even began to spin the plate around on the tip of his fingers, turning it into a makeshift Lazy Susan, and the whole affair into even more of a spectacle.
The stream gobbled it up even more than Verosika did the food. They called him a Chad, a Sigma, and a whole host of increasingly esoteric phrases the terminally online came up with, adopted, or stole. The Imp didn't mind, or indeed, care, his with him being more focused on steadily timing his movements to give just enough time for Verosika to swallow some of the slop in her mouth, before stuffing in the next. Even so, the mush began to spill out of her mouth, further staining her sweat-soaked cleavage - he made sure she'll get her meal EXTRA spicy, and she was beginning to feel the heat. Every once in a while, she would raise a food-stained hand feebly to stop the onslaught, but then, her bingo wings dragged her arm down. Her stained, soaked shirt was slowly pulled taut by her growing belly, and then, by the rest of her, as her digestion seemingly kicked into high gear from the feeding frenzy. Soon, the mic began to pick up the strained creaks and pops of clothes slowly being pushed past their limits. Her other hand, greasy as it was, grasped onto the chair as if to prop her up. As she had rolled a bit further back during the whole ordeal, her titanic thighs were clearly visible, along with her enormous ass and fattened tail, this latter's slow, curling movement betraying her, revealing her pleasure. Her thick calves were just barely visible, though most attention was no doubt focused on her growing ass, and the stretching waistband of her pants. The showstealer, however (besides her tits, with erect nipples now painfully obvious through the tight ruins of her T-shirt), was her belly, which seemed to just expand before her slowly overgrowing the edge of her chair, and filling the air with the groans and gurgles of an infernal beasts.
And apt description for her, at this point.
Her whole body was bloating up before the camera's watchful lense, to the jeer and disgust of a growing number of thousands, as news had quickly spread of her derailed stream, and Blitzo's "revelations".

Watching the former popstar expand with food and kilos caused freaks and fetishists to come crawling out of the woodwork, the chat now scrolling at unreadable speeds, text slowly replaced by a mishmash of emojis, the audience gone hieroglyphic.

Blitzo appeared to be enjoying himself, too.

"Take it, TAKE IT, you greasy SLUT!" he crooned, carefully increasing the speed at which he fed her, as the revolving plate slowly emptied...

Verosika's groans grew more and more guttural, yet her moans only rose in pitch, her cheeks darkening as her infernal black blood rushed to the skin. Hell, the imp's pants notably began to bugle obscenely at the front, which quite a few viewers took notice of.
Alas, all fun comes to an end, and as Blitzo's hand reached out, only to grasp air, he craned his head back in disbelief, realizing the plate was empty.
Then, with a shrug, he let it fall to the ground and shatter (they'll have to get a new one, later...), giving the audience what it wanted, as the cheers only grew.

"Well, there you have it, folks!" he said, grandly, motioning towards the fuchsia blob "Are you entertained?"

He had to put every ounce of will to maintain his pleased grin, reading the onslaught of petty, horny, hateful and downright disgusting comments. These guys were even even giving each other thumbs ups, patting one another on the back for being the biggest reprobate of the moment.
Feeling his facial muscles tremble from the urge to scowl, he decided to look away, and gaze upon his work (Ye Mighty...!), taking her all in.

Verosika sat, panting, leaning back in her slowly crumpling chair, as her widening hips and thigh meat slowly pried the armrests off the sides. Her legs splayed to allow her enormous stomach to rest between them, groaning and gurgling as it set to the herculean effort of digestion her meal, bloating even further from the gasses produced. Weakly, she rubbed it with her own, greasy hands, plump fingers grazing its taut, black-flushed surface, her bingo wings slightly squeezing her heaving breasts, dewed with sweat and smeared with residue from her meal. She leaned back, eliciting another loud creak from her seat, which momentarily caused her (and Blitzo's) eyes to widen, fat tail standing on edge, and her flabby wings flaring out, as if ready for take-off...
But her chair just kept collapsing slowly, sinking her out of view.... Until it stopped, the gas canister employed for its raising and lowering slowly being crushed like a soda can, having long since ran out of its inert contents. With a sigh of relief (that rapidly transformed into a loud belch that quickly maxed out the mic's noise tolerance), Verosika sat back once again, exhausted from the feeding and teetering on a food coma... Before her sweat-soaked pants suddenly tore up, splitting along the seams. With that final constraint removed, she sighed, lowering her head.

Whatever Blitzo had wanted, he had certainly achieved something: her utter and total humiliation.

However, if there was one thing the imp had learned throughout his troubled life, is to know when to stop.
And the time has arrived to end this charade.

"What a pig, am I right?" he sneered, much to the repeated ovation of the rest of the sty beyond the screen.

"Nothing, but a gross, overbloated fat bitch, hanging onto the memory of her amazing bod from the past, while a MAN has to wipe her ass for her, to keep her grease-trap of a diet up! Am I right, fellas?"

Bloody-mouthed ape-like chest-thumping was the answer, the chat truly having become a horde.

Then Blitzo's grin died.

"And if you believe any of that bullshit, you pencil-dicked little shits, then you're even BIGGER morons than I thought!"

He waited a moment until it registered for them what he said.

"You simps really think I could afford any of this shit?!" he grunted "Clearly, Vero hadn't shown you around!"

Yanking off the camera from atop the screen, he dragged it out, as the succubus looked on in alarm and confusion.

"You see this? Alla' this?" the clown-cum-vet growled, panning the camera around the lavish interiors, with a clear view on the Goetian estates through the window "You really think some fucking yob like me can pay for all of this?!"

He couldn't see the chat anymore, but he just went on, giving them a panning view of his own, schlubby looks.

"I work HARD, busting my ass trying to handle beasts kept in fucking HORRIFIC conditions by rich, inbred cocksuckers, and even then, I fucking WISH I could afford all of this! No, this is all HER, you fucks. Because unlike me or any of YOU cunts, she had the fucking brains to turn her life around after both got fucked! Yeah, she and I go WAY back!"

There was no hint of pride in his voice (though, he would've loved to goat, just to further rub it in), as he returned to the still panting succubus.

"She worked HARD as well, developing and building upon her TALENT, and quitting on the top! She invested, kept money saved up, and now lives the life you desperate NEETs do because she can fucking CHOOSE so! Hell, I could, too, but then who the fuck would keep the genetic cross-stitching we call nobility from going through a horse a month?!"

Putting the camera... Approximately back into its original position, he addressed the outraged chat with a glare.

"...And the reason none of you fucking simps will EVER have a chance to be with her is not because you're broke as hell, ugly as sin or have all the smarts of a used condom..."

He then yanked the camera off, showing them the screen, and the chat itself.
"Kinda pointless" Verosika thought, idly. The chat had been visible the whole time.
Nevertheless, Blitzo went scrolling through the previous comments, pausing here and there.

"...Is because of THIS." he hissed, pointing a sharp finger at the deluge of bile on the screen, before turning the camera around.

"We..." he began, motioning between himself and pink blob "Were like you. Throwing a tantrum every fucking time life didn't go our way... Except unlike most of you, I wasn't afraid to throw a fist or a brick, and she busted enough balls with her heels to have the potential kill count of a dictator--REGARDLESS!"

He shook his head, trying not to loose track.

"We stopped fucking around, and applied ourselves! She made it big, I got my diploma, and do what I love! Namely, her, and helping animals when their owners don't just ring me up for a one-night-stand."

He pointed the camera back at the screen, tapping the chat with his finger.

"This is what YOU, ALL of you fucks are. A bunch of horny, seething, delusional cunts who think that being a loser entitles them to free poon. You think the stars fucking shine for YOU!"

Putting the camera back for the final time, he stared it down with an unabashedly hateful glower.

"...And I'll be fucking BLESSED if I let a bunch of ingrates like you chew MY fat fucking bitch of a friend out!"

He sighed.

"...She kept me a secret because she KNEW you fucks would sperg out, and LO AN FUCKIN' BEHOLD, you did! She does this for fun. She can afford to. And she figured she could share it with you ungrateful fucks. Well..."

And he dragged his hand across the room, as if motioning towards all that had transpired.

"...This is why you can't have nice
As Blitzo stormed off, leaving behind a silence which steadily grew awkward, Verosika, having recovered from both the stuffing and the dumbfounded confusion, rolled, or rather, scraped forward on her ruined chair, putting the headset back on, readjusting the camera and mic, and checking the chat.
The outrage had died down, as quite a few people had left, lowering her viewer count under a hundred... The few that remained seemed either indifferent to the whole shitshow that went down, demanding that the gaming session continued, or tried to play off the whole thing as scripted... But, surprisingly, there were even a few apologetic ones.
Reading them, she couldn't help but smile.

"For those of you still around..." she began "Yeah, this was unscripted. Blitz is an old flame of mine, an old fuckbuddy. We go waaay back. We met in Lust, before I became top of the charts, and when he was just a runaway clown turned medstudent. We hit it off well, but hit the bottle even harder... Aaaand that kinda sent us on the rocks. Had a nasty fight, he crashed my car and nearly killed himself, and afterwards, we decided to come clean and part ways. Reconnected after I left the music world behind me, and been living together since. Sorry for not telling, chat. He got a bit defensive. Perhaps, even a bit jelly... Gonna talk to him about that."

The mood shifted positively, apology more or less accepted.
After reading a few more comments, she shuffled her weight around a bit, ready to resume the game...
...But then, her stomach let out a gurgle loud enough to be picked up by the mic again, her bloated belly visibly quaking in her lap.

"Oh, hang on, guys..." she groaned, slightly pushing her chair back "...I've gotta let this one out..."

Adjusting her pose, with her thighs spread and her leaning back, she did what she had wanted to do for a long while: let out an absolutely deafening ass-clapper in front of them all!
The rumbling roar shook the whole house, as yellowish gas began to spread behind her, the back of her chair tilting back and falling off, not so much blown away by the force but more collapsing from the smell.
As the fart grew deeper and more guttural, she grit her teeth, the building stink-cloud behind her gaining an increasingly greenish tint, until a sudden, sharp turn to the wet made it browner.
Her sweat and grease-soaked pants, already at death's door from the tsunamy of thigh-, and assflesh, now tore asunder, leaving her seeming bottomless, as her panties were buried between her rolls.
Her own hair got blown upwards a bit from the tail wind, while her tail stood erect once more, until the gas died down, sounding positively muddy by the end.
Sitting within a cloud of brown, with both chunky hands on her stomach, she let out pleased sigh...

...And that's where the camera freezeframed.

Then, the picture shrank, until it sank into the corner of the greenscreen, revealing the bemused anchors of 666 News.

"A shameful display." Tom Trench said, firmly.

"Who would've thought that the sex symbol of song could bloat up into such a fat cow?" Katie jeered, her broad smile unbroken "Guess she's ready to go supernova!"

Canned laughter played, but Tom just turned towards her.

"I was talking about the chat." he said, with the same firmness.

Killjoy shot him a sneering aside glance, but he held her gaze.
As the silence grew awkward she shuffled her script, moving a page to signal they need to carry on. Her gas mask-clad co-anchor only turned back to the cameras at a slow pace, further emphasizing the clash between them.

"Despite this candid look into the Haz-been Pop Queen's life, the sales figures of her albums indicate showcased a MASSIVE spike, as recordings of the stream went viral!"

"In a rare show of solidarity, many of Ms. Mayday's former colleagues and associates spoke up in support of her... Including the Queen herself!"

"Seems like if you got friends in high enough places, you can get away with EVERYTHING!" the blonde woman added, jeering again.

Tom just shuffled his own papers, muttering under his breath.

"How would you know? You never had any friends."

The woman shot him glare, but he just continued.

"Miss Mayday has, so far, declined to comment publicly on the event, although her cohabitant, a certain Mr. Blitz-the-Oh-is-silent, had a few choice words regarding the matter, and especially Ms. Mayday's viewers, OUR viewers, and the higher echelons of Hell's society in general, which we chose NOT to repeat here, because hooo-leee SHIT we needed to bust out the dictionaries for that one."

"With language colorful enough to put one of Princess Charlotte's pwecious rainbows to shame, he sure does complement the brown spilling out of her lower end..." Katie chuckled, sardonically.

Tom just stared.

"You're horrible." he said, with deep sincerity "I want a new co-anchor."

"Well too bad, you're stuck with me." Killjoy droned.

*can't have nice things, chat.
Anyone have any good lads for this thread? Love me some chonky guys!
There's an animation out there of Bee fattening up Loona that I can't find, anyone got it?
I got it but the website won't support the filetype, and I can't find the original. I know it was on Twitter.
Try converting it or at least describing it
Tried converting it into a gif, but the filesize is too fucking big.
One thing left to do, try posting it on a thread on /trash/ then link it here
it’ll get more stuff whenever a new episode comes out, it always does
It's far too quiet in here
There's exactly 3 people here. Why are you surprised?
More Charlie please
Who in the fuck drew this?
(I like it)
Anyone got any vaggie?
keno9988 on twitter

I'd like to see these as well.
(376 KB, 620x440, Moxxie (1).png)
If Moxxie was fat, do you think he'd be more dominant?
It was a sunny afternoon in Imp city in the pride ring of hell, as we see the insides of IMP HQ, where the leader, Blitz, was impatiently waiting for something he ordered not long ago.

Moxxie: Er…Blitz? You ok?

Blitz: Yeah moxxie, just waiting for my damn order to arrive.

Moxxie: What kind of order?

Just then, the entrance door was heard knocking.

Blitz: You'll see soon!

He then opens the door, right as a big bellied alligator woman with blonde hair wearing a chef outfit barged in out of nowhere, prompting Mille and Loona to arrive at the sound of the barge

Millie: Honey, what was that?!

Loona: and what's with the fat ass alligator there?

Gator: Rude! I’m Gator stuffem! At your service!

Blitz: Er…I take it your the chef I ordered for food making?

Gator: Mhm! Now come on my delicous foods! Fill they’re scrawny tummies to round tummies!

On cue, several of her sentient foods come from her pot as the IMP crew, frightened by what she has, equip their guns/melee weapons as they charged at the foods.

Loona charges right up to a pair of hotdogs. She swing her axe at them, cutting their top heads right off.

Loona: Ah, they don’t look so tough.

But their heads grow back up.

Loona: Ah shit!

Gator: Now now, don’t play with your food.

A hotdog tried to hit Loona before it decided to grab Loona by the mouth and then stuff itself into her mouth.

Loona: HMPH!

The scene change over to Mille, where she is battling with a pair of chicken drum sticks.

Millie: Alright, you pair of chicken legs! So hello to my shotgun!!!

She pulled out her shotgun and aimed at the chicken drum sticks…but when she pulled the trigger.


Millie: Uh what the?!

She check her gun and to her horror…her gun isn’t loaded!

Millie: Ah Fu-GAH!!!

A pair of chicken drum sticks jumped right into her mouth.

Over to Moxxie, he’s dealing with a two legged Apple Pie.

Moxxie: Stand back you…you…thing! I’ve got a Tommy gun and I’m not enough afraid to shoot…


The bullets hit the Apple Pie…which it has no effect.

Moxxie: ‘GLUP’…this..hehehe…

The Apple Pie rolled over Moxxie and after that, his mouth crammed with so much Apple Pie.

Moxxie: Ohhh..URP!

Finally, Over to Blitzo, and needless to say. He is losing the fight to a bunch of fattening foods.

Blitzo: URP! Fuck…this food is…fattening- GAH!!!

A large donut dive right into his mouth, causing his belly to expand a bit.

As for the rest of the IMP. They too are also loosing the battle.

Gator: Oh guess what, my cute little demons, it’s time for the second course, so eat up.

Loona saw this and manage to get back on her feet after being stuffed by some foods while her small fat belly is sticking out.

Loona: Ugh..bring it Fatzilla…Glup…little snake…won’t stop us!!!

She rushes over to the food.

Blitzo got his head out from a pile of spaghetti and meatballs.


They all charge at the living food and starting to stabbed them, punching them, kicking them or tearing them a shred…until a huge shadow hovering above them. They all look up and scream before an army of living food starting to dog pile on them.

Later on…


Moaning from their stuffed, round and bloated bodies, gator comes and rubs each of their bellies in satisfaction.

Gator: Glad you hired me to be your chef Mr Blitz!

Blitz: Oh shut up…URP!

The end!
This was pretty good, have you considered making it a full story?
Though the art it's based off could be of better quality
(709 KB, 936x911, IMG_0289.jpeg) (730 KB, 940x971, IMG_0288.jpeg)
Found this on FA. And I hid the padded alt for the snowflakes out there. Merry Christmas, you filthy animals.
No it just makes me think Millie should be a dual cocked futa
you read that exactly as its typed out
Anyone got more of keno's stuff?
Preferably all of it.
We need more charlie
I'm surprised no one has drawn an Obese Charlie bodyslaming Verbalase into a bed.
Why would anyone want to feed that guy's ego?
You think he’d even browse fat fetish sites to find himself?
Feeding his ego? The only feeding we're doing is to Charlie. I think it's hilarious.
Do it yourself youll live longer & your libido will be excelrated.
(234 KB, 1500x1200, IMG_9832.jpeg)
This was made by FlabulousMissZ on twitter
(286 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_9933.jpeg)
Anyone got any more fat Velvette
(118 KB, 1080x1080, GEylH2tWYAADeDu.jpg)
Now that's she's officially in the show, is anyone going to do any art of Mimzy?
(52 KB, 929x860, 31801739.jpg)
Afraid this was all I could find last I looked. What I could go for is some fat Lute. She's actually rather cute under the helmet
(3.8 MB, 3256x2698, IMG_0073.jpeg)
Found only one on deviantart
eh personally I prefer the helmeted look, her the helmet she looks like Amity from The Owl House to me
Sauce? I'm having trouble reading that watermark
*her hair makes her bot her the helmet she
People need to make more fat art of lute and lilith
How about not posting MSPaint shit?

Dig this concept.
(229 KB, 2048x1607, IMG_0246.jpeg)
Found one of lute and Adam, but I there should be some more fat art of lute
I leave a idea for anyone to use: Lute too fat to fly
Oh he cant ball damn walker. Couple figure scares all in collect.
>>51893 We need more Lute art
Are ocs allowed or something?
not really
whatever gave you that idea?
What about vivziepop ocs?
Sleeps in my bed I paid cash for over 7 years but still runs that mouth. Idgaf im chaos
Honestly I feel like the branch davidians should’ve been the villains of the show
This doesn't have anything to do with fat hazbin characters, but it made me laugh my ass off
Haven't seen Husk in this thread at all.
She always been like this. Dont want no one over. If it was up to me all protruding booties allowed lol
She like no they cant have your huge cock. She gate keeping the demon slayer cock
Anyone have any of 878292fat's patreon art?
Dose anyone have that art of cherry bomb where's she's laying on her big belly and she's sticking her tound out? Her ass is big and she's all swollen.
(271 KB, 1176x1080, charlie_s_butt_inflation_by_somethingyano7_de5fwom.png) (935 KB, 4500x2160, bootycrushing_millie_and_moxxie_by_somethingyano7_df2rq5c.png) (869 KB, 3840x2160, cat_millie_and_moxxie_s_milky_butts_by_somethingyano7_detx2fr 2.png) (869 KB, 3840x2160, xmas_imp_booties_by_somethingyano7_demzgh0.png) (1.3 MB, 4128x2322, charlie_and_angel_s_italian_feast_by_somethingyano7_deydzat.png) (1.6 MB, 3840x2160, sir_pentious__evil_prank_by_somethingyano7_dedzye8 2.png)
I second this, I've seen bad and weird art but that's just offensive to look at
Look We Have Different Opinions, Ok? Just Stop Acting Childish.
This entire thread is quantity over quality
Friendly reminder that you can always use kemono.su to get around patreon. You'll just have to wait a while. Not sure what the exact waiting time for a post/image is.
Can we get some more fat Stella?
Also apparently Keno9988 made a fat Octavia piece, does anyone have it?
(2.5 MB, 4573x2672, IMG_4772.png)
Its only in a groupshot he uploaded on e621
kemono relies on people who actually are patreon supporters of others to update it. It doesn't get around patreon, it's just an organized dumping ground for people who want to share what artists put on their patreon.
Dont drive it now. Because I will know ppl are inside undercover for a while now no one is stupid lol come out I seen u with my infared days ago hahahaha
Equipment I want you to add infared cameras go all patrol units. We need to see all occupants in the vehicle at each stop.

And before anyone asks, yes, this is public and the Google Drive is made by the creator. And no, I don’t have a way to post vid on here for better quality.

BBW-Chan needs to switch back to old video watching format. Can’t watch a single video on this site since 06/01/23. All the ones posted before then still work, but not after.

No matter what device I try to watch them on. Videos won’t play. Anyone else having same problem?
What is the name of the creator? Are there others like it?
I think they need to be webms instead of mp4s now
It's actually sad how much worse PDC has gotten over the years.
Anyone has any of Wenisberry's or Smokii's old or new angel dust? (Just looking for some big angel tbh)
Anybody got some fat Lucifer
We need more fat Charlie
I’m wanna spend $50k for a beeg charlie.
LMAO I made this
I love that 2nd one
Does anyone have any vaggie or even lilith art?
Finally, More Mimzy art
they were from twitter but i think the artist deleted their original account
Uh Guys? Why Do I See A Red X?
I think its gonna get banned just like the previous threads, someone archive this page before it happens
How fucking new are you?
The thread isn't getting banned, we just hit the post limit (400), and now it'll get deleted once it reaches the last page.
lets try and archive it

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