
SimSimSalaBOOM on Deviantart
(148 KB, 1441x906, Frsn7T6XoAAKnGe.jpg)
this thread and the forehead fats one should merge so fucking badly
No thanks, I don’t know how to describe it, but… forehead fat is just too much for a lot of people, so, I think it’s better they stay in their respective place
Does anyone have any examples of fat faces where the actual face grows at all too, or widens, like lips eyes etc? Even a bit. Yes I know it stretches on fantasy or sci-fi but I like this aspect of surreal monstrous growth.
>Yeah I can absolutely get down with some fat faces but I don't know why but fat foreheads weird me out
Maybe this is just me but it feels like there a brainless creature
>Yeah I can absolutely get down with some fat faces but I don't know why but fat foreheads weird me out...
it's because they legitimately look like a terrifying genetic deformity
(115 KB, 1147x1255, E4AaKDMVUAI8qqd.jpeg) (1.8 MB, 2000x2000, c0defe1e17168dd41a751fd6fb48ec3c7265cb0dcab616ecaea2b2ad6a6a3063.png) (3.4 MB, 2200x1800, mt__ruby_by_symmetryfats_ddgns9m.png) (133 KB, 1700x1500, EDl8tJ9VAAUHZki.jpeg) (219 KB, 850x525, 1111691125113393152_1.png) (1.1 MB, 1226x988, Screen Shot 2023-04-16 at 4.15.00 pm.png)
Source for the first one? Looks like TDookus' modern artstyle. He used to be killer at soft squishy blobby flab. His artstyle has changed since then and IMO became not as appealing, but that pic at least looks nice.
As someone that doesn't mind some fat forehead stuff from time to time, I have to agree with a lot of what has been said here.
It's very hard to draw it in a way that doesn't make the character either look like a caveman or just look like they don't have a face. I think that's why for me at least it really only works as a kind of "escalation" like an alt or the end of a sequence.
As far as "Sense of scale" goes, I think thats very much an issue with WG art general that you run into when a blob gets so big that zoomed out you can't see the face anymore. As much as theoretically "bigger is better", artistically speaking, when you draw a blob and they get so big that zoomed out you can't tell the different when they're the size of a stadium and the size of an island and the size of the planet that you run into a bit of a problem. I think that's why for me if I were to draw WG art and draw, I would try and find a way to make it clear to the viewer that there is a difference with the body then just sheer size, like, say, number of rolls for instance.(While still looking cohesive and not looking like the body has just turned into a "liquid sea of rolls" like so many furries represent hyper blobs as)
Of course, another way this issue could be mitigated is through introducing another fat deposit to fattened up at a slower rate aka the forehead, so that way you can get a little bit of extra longevity out of a sequence. Though then a whole bunch of other problems then arise from this, such as how by that point the face is most of the time the only part left of a character that is easily distinguishable, so removing that just ends up making the character physically have less of their original personality and appearance. Again, for some this isn't necessarily a bad thing. The loss of individuality and distinguishing features is I think part of the appeal, and I won't lie that as just an escalation of growth and a representation of just how fat a character gets is a bit appealing when I'm in the right mood. At the same time, it has to be depicted in a more squishy/jiggly sort of way and somehow not make the character seem "unga bunga", and it also doesn't help that 90% of fat forehead art is tasteless furry self insert stuff. Like bruh, I just want myself a cute fat faced anime girl now with the occasional fat forehead if I'm feeling extra lame that day.
With that said though, I feel that no fat forehead is still a more appealing option from a character perspective.
Anyway, not sure if this is the place to ask, but I remember Nickgam drawing Ochaco once upon a time and he gave her a very chubby face, but for the life of me I can't find it anywhere. If anyone here has it, that would be great.
Alrighty, considering I wasted everyone's time with that novel above, I might as well share some stuff. (Had to use a cropped screenshot for the last one because who in their right mind makes a fat fetish drawing 45 Megabytes)
>3261 characters jeez
Yes , that's a Dookus commission I got a few years ago
Wasn't the second image part of a sequence? I can't find the rest of it.
(90 KB, 1024x607, truck_sized_nerd_by_thedookus_dcph843-fullview.jpg) (72 KB, 986x810, shinobi_slob_by_scythejudgement_dd0hfp5-pre.jpg) (401 KB, 1500x1000, dcfcvf7-15633914-3c28-4cf8-9248-27de16c4ce54.png)
Man I loved that pokemon series where each girl just got fatter and then at the end the protagonist just goes back through to make sure they all ended up as blobs. It was perfect in every way.

And yeah it really could just be a final escalation of fat. Like I like the concept of it occasionally but I have seen plenty of face practically unseeable to the fat but still have an identifiable face beyond the forehead fat which seems just impossible at that point.

I do think if I saw a really good art piece of the fat being soft instead of just swollen it might work but I can always be down for fat face without it.
(92 KB, 804x476, 1640218088.fawxen_unknown-2214.png)
you're tapping into body horror at that point, but I must admit I like it when there's just a liiiitle bit of pudge above the character's eyes (spoilered for furries)

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