
(391 KB, 1400x1900, itsuwa.png) (502 KB, 1400x1900, 20200128_224008.png)
How about another edit thread? This time, Lewdlemage!
Ya think, Nurs?😂
(639 KB, 1700x1700, 852019.png)
Can anyone edit Raphtalia with a bigger belly?
I thank the person who did the edit of nurs but when I meant button pop I wanted to see the black button from her shorts fly in the air. >>375
It's perfect the only thing that I would say is wrong would be the other button still on her jeans but other than that it's perfect also I might ask for more button pop edits later just to warn you now. >>384
What the hell is this?
Why are they so blurry?
>>6262 did you click the image because they work fine for me
Looked at the dimensions. They're smaller than usual which makes me think they're compressed.
Oh I see what your saying yah when I was edited it I think I made it a bit compressed by accident
Nice my edits I posted on the other board
anyone have the "evil" edit of lewdle's recent Elma animation?
its on the bbwdraw thread one
daamn thats nice
Can someone edit the second pic and make the thighs and boobs bigger? I think they're too small compared to her belly. Maybe some peeking out nipples as a bonus would be nice.
I was thinking that only the boobs and thighs would be changed and the chubby belly stayed as it is
Hey buddy isn't that the animation I edited and posted on pregchan
(449 KB, 667x800, Untitled.png)
An edit I just made of Momo. Made the boobs, thighs and belly bigger. Also put some nipples
(536 KB, 720x800, Untitled.png)
Sorceress edit!
Would anyone be able to make a still image of the Seras gif for a pregnant pic?
Does the person that does the edits have a username or a deviantart account? I love their work and would love to see more

I'm the one who makes the edits. I don't have a DA account since a lot of the edits I make are based on art Worm hasn't posted outside of patreon. I have an im gur gallery full of edits here: /a/uNa4uqD
Dude you rock making these! We bow down to you for your awsomeness
(1.6 MB, 540x540, ddvzmba-017a09a1-5fbd-45c6-b089-ecd7b9ce8793.gif)
great work anon, dunno what was on your to do list but I'd love a yunyun still from worm's old megumin gif.

Don't know how to not come off as requesting like some entitled idiot, but I along with everyone else appreciate your efforts thank you! Feel free to ignore the suggestion if you aren't up for it.

I made a still of that gif a while ago, when I first started making these, but didn't post it because I wasn't satisfied with the results. If I have the time I'll see what I can do with it
great work! Thank you kindly.
I see your point and truly agree with you about the arguments being ultimately pointless... But at the same time, that image is by a different artist.
What's your account name on imgur?
(1.1 MB, 1700x2000, Untitled.png)
edit of the new Juri pic


you just take imgur dot com and add this /a/uNa4uqD at the end to access the album.
(334 KB, 500x552, ricky.png)
I like all 3 and I agree
fuck vore though
(997 KB, 1800x2000, 10102021hex.png)
Anon, my king
Requesting an edit of this Hex Maniac
(1.6 MB, 2200x2200, Sin título.png)
Made a quick edit of the new pic
Hey, this is a wonderful edit. She looks great floating nude. Thanks for sharing your work.
I don't know if I should suggest editing the dialogue, or find it hot that she's so blatantly pregnant and just thinks she's stuffed.
Great effort!
I guess it does work really well as a preg edit, but the idea was that she’d eaten someone lol
I guess horny eyes just see what they want to see.
Anyone got some chubby edits? So like preg/stuffed - > chubby
has anyone the "evil" edit of lewdle's recent Elma animation? I've searched the bbwdraw thread and some other ones but couldn't find it.
I do think a dialogue change could clarify that she ate Nia and isn’t just pregnant or stuffed.
What Elma animation?
Bump for a dialogue change
And maybe an alt with her tits out idk
(515 KB, 896x744, Pythra.png)
If someone wanted to edit this one without clothes, I would still be a degenerate, but I would be a happy degenerate
Thank you very much!
Based anon keeping the stockings and gloves on.
(917 KB, 1600x2000, Untitled49_20220701185839.png)
first time posting here, i hope im doing this correctly.
i wanted to get rid of the arrow and bow in the original >>21600 edit to expose more of the body, right hand looks jank, but besides that, im proud of the edit
if someone could further edit this image to have it rest on her belly this would be a golden edit.
(1.1 MB, 1550x1950, Alex.png)
Fuck this would be hot with a little “gone” face next to the belly
Great job isolating the walk cycle. So fucking hot.
How feasible is it to edit the dialouge in an animation like this to be non-vore-yor?
Holy shit. That's some really talented editing right there. I was hoping Yor's animation would lead to her becoming a genuinely overburdened mama so this is the next best thing.
If I was being picky, it'd be nice to have the "bwubs" etc along with her sexy belch, but you did very well in keeping the cycle smooth whilst removing her burp. It looks totally natural. I'm not sure what peak pregnant assassin dialogue is but this keeps it pleasantly vague. Perhaps lamenting how obscenely overdue she is?
I don't mean to sound ungrateful, just offering my thoughts. This is a seriously delightful gif. Thanks for the hard work.
Nicely done! I'm always too lazy to change the dialogs
Anyone wanna add Nia’s face?
(66 KB, 673x800, mikuworm.jpg)

Happen to have an edit for this Miku as well?
(904 KB, 1800x1800, Metallia.png)
Would someone mind making her gut bigger?
Dose any one have edits on c2 and rias
c2 coloured and rias pregnant
(913 KB, 1600x2000, hex.png) (933 KB, 1600x2000, hexv.png)
Did a nude edit, one stuffing version and one vore version
Very nice, thank you.
(902 KB, 1600x2000, hexv.png) (904 KB, 1600x2000, hex.png)
made a nude edit of the new pic
Based as hell, thanks for the hard work.
Anything new?
Idk if this is too much to ask but could someone make a stuffing edit of the Yor gif? (no bumps)
(615 KB, 1500x2000, 8172020serena.png)
Requesting the text in the upper left and on lower right removed, the thrown pokeball and its beam removed, and a tube up Serena's skirt to make it look like she's being inflated. Her pet can stay. Nudes too, please.
(673 KB, 2205x2000, Sin título.png)
Made a color edit of this pic
Thanks a lot mate
Also thanks a lot!
Aye thanks, that was quick
This one is very nice! Good job yo
(764 KB, 1600x2000, 11252022doodleBARE.png)
Can we get a stuffing and/or a weight gain version of this please?
Man I was hoping someone made this, looks very good
(1.2 MB, 1520x2000, 782022oguri2.png)
Can you do this one please? Might be tricky
(1.1 MB, 1520x2000, Sin título.png)
this one was quite difficult due to the long skirts and the puffy clothes, but I'm satisfied with the result
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Made two nude edits. First time doing this.
(713 KB, 1500x2100, Sin título 1.png)
made an edit of the new oatmeal pic
This art is.... not the best.
Can you edit the ningguang nude with LOTS of lactation
is there a specific reason all the nipples in this thread look like plunger heads?
(999 KB, 2250x1850, 6172021cerebusmaybe.png)
This might be too much but can any one made this one nude?
Nah man, that shits tough. I'm tapping out.
at least you're honest
(1.5 MB, 2500x2000, Sin título 1.png)
made an edit of the new Miruko pic
Thank you anon for tis gift

Can you colour the slime one ?
(854 KB, 2044x2000, Sin título.png)
tried to color this OC pic, it was pretty hard
So it seems that img ur is banning all NSFW content on the platform. IDK if it private albums will be affected, but just so if anyone wants to archive these

a/uNa4uqD has been completely wiped unfortunately. Can whoever has been kindly making these nude edits upload their portfolio somewhere? Would love to be able to grab them now that I'm aware of imgur taking 'em away.
I'm surprised none of these edits were ever posted on pregchan
Thanks so much for sharing, missed your posting. Love the pregnant Palutena and the coloured booth stuck.
Well I do post a lot on pregchans worm edit thread
Hey thanks, I wasn't aware of Pregchan. I'll be lurking that thread too.
Great gallery work, nice one anon.
Anyone got the old 2B edits?
Needs more hoses.
(2.8 MB, 3900x2300, Untitled.png)
edit of the Ibuki pic
You're a superstar. That bare beach bum is bewitching.
(1.4 MB, 2300x2300, Smauggie_BalloonDay_Dr--Worm.png)
I don't know if furry/scaley shit is allowed here, but can anyone edit this image to remove the buildings, background, text and other characters, so that it looks like she's laying on her giant stomach? Please and thank you!
(8.4 MB, 810x810, ezgif-3-acb234a6b1.gif)
Took forever to remaster and make but here it is also I posted this on pregchan
This is perfect! Thank you so much!
Requesting her limbs and face be fattened up as well >>30068 probably to the point where her giant gut seems tiny to the rest of her fat face and body.
Is there anymore edits?
This is a good thread.
More hoses.
Less active boards have old threads.
Has there been any word on the last couple of pages of the thanksgibbon comic?
Worm said they were almost done last year
Are gonna have to wait until this Thanksgiving?
Trump dont fuck with those companies. Its been dead ever since
(994 KB, 3001x2770, feb24stream2.png) (1.2 MB, 3070x2962, feb24stream1.png)
Could someone color either one of these sketches? They are some of my favs😭
Looks great! Can't wait for to see the other
I will finish the other later in the week
(2.5 MB, 2376x3168, IMG_6068.png)
>>57460 reworked the York sketch a few weeks ago
Well, I dont need to color it
(328 KB, 1065x1445, TtxbuZT.png) (401 KB, 1155x1381, fTGwitb.png)
Anyone can do a nude version please and a colered one for the second
Its been awhile since Worms done an animation poll. I know they are a bit behind on stuff but does anyone know when they'll be coming back?
Nothing more?
We have gotten pretty much little to no content from Lewdle for the past few months
Would love to see that 3rd one in color.
If you want I can color it
But I only need characters reference
(3.6 MB, 2376x3168, IMG_7430.png)
Finally wrapping up
Are there any new stream sketches?
(148 KB, 900x900, spider.jpg)
Can anyone make an edit of this being stuffed or preg?
(2.3 MB, 2800x2360, IMG_1734.png) (2.9 MB, 2800x3543, IMG_1735.png)
does anyone have the vore alt of thanksgibbon page 4?

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