
are there any new comics?
Did anyone have that Kanna one?
Potentially good images/sequences ruined by giantess shit and fucking Birdo ass looking faces.
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Bro really came here just to rant about a kink they don't like anyway and leave an abominably shit take that probably not even a single person here agrees with.
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Bro really came here just to rant about a kink they don't like anyway and leave an abominably shit take.
what the fuck is a birdo
Mario Character.
wonder if there's anybody that makes non-vore edits of these...
because if so I would pay
Just don’t look at 2/3 of the panels, ez
anything new
Does anyone have the Asuka one?
Anyone got a Battle For Annie comic? Would be great to put it here
Anyone have the Chainsaw Man one?
Where's the third?
Unfortunate; I've been neglecting reorganizing my BIGBIG folder and re-downloading everything. He has a handful of alt variants linked in the descriptions on listings both on aryion and dA. Now it looks like I'll permanently be having some missing.
He's got some great technical art skills
Praise be to anon. Pity the sequence won't be finished.
Why won't it be finished, what happened?
anyone have an =y of his new paid stuff? i know there used to be a drive folder
Anyone have the Kanna one?
Did anyone check out his adoptables stream? Don't remember him ever doing something that before.
Ask and ye shall receive.
We open our tale on a dark and dreary night, the air is chilled and crisp to the touch as if the angels were to kiss your cheeks and you feel the cold embrace of death, the winds were brisk and slithered through the land like a serpent skulking through the grasses. Breaking the hush of the winds footsteps slowly trundle across the dirt in accompaniment with the mumble of voices, Leading the group was a heavy set trundle which gave most of the echo emitted through the landscape. The group in question were a group of individuals some might call.. offset, Clad in the attire some would refer to as satanic or “Metal” to the rockers amongst them. Their dark outfits kept them well camouflaged within the shadows of the night. However in contrary to this their leader was somewhat … noticeable. Vera stood tall and proud at the front of the troop with a smug look on her expression as they waded towards their destination, assuming she was the leader was an easy task given her enormity compared to the rest of the group, she towered above them at a whopping 8 feet, drawing a large shadow wherever she wandered.

To the front of her she hauled a heaving gut, not quite that of a pregnant gut but more in the terms a physical backlash of her voracious diet, it swayed side to side and emitted a low beastly growl in it’s motions, churning whatever poor creature she had dined on prior to this. She brought her knuckle up and wiped some saliva from her lip before pressing onwards towards what seemed to be an abandoned building hidden within the sanctuary of grey trees, their branches entangling themselves around the stone of the ruined walls. It was the perfect place for the “event” they had planned to undertake tonight. Vera halted her troop without a word, as the dust was flung underneath her boots from her stop, her gut swayed a little and jostled forward with the contents shifting around with the weight, emitting an eerie “SHLOSH!” sound, of course the group behind her stopped immediately, demonstrating the dominance she possessed over them subconsciously.

“Alright! This looks like the perfect spot! I couldn’t have picked a better spot myself!” cried out Vera, Slowly her eyes meandered over the building to inspect it’s structure.

Some of her companions did naught but move, Just swaying side to side somewhat whilst looking to their leader and then smiling at the location the bulbous female had selected for them, One of them went to raise her hand and question the spot but was quickly shut down with a stabbing elbow to the side by another member of the pack. With a groan she rubbed her side and then subdued her question. Vera turned to the group and then grinned.

“Well come on then! Get your asses in there! We’ve got some fucking Shit to do! Hahah!” Vera belted out as she mushed the group into the building with a strong sway of the arm.

The group soon wandered into the building in a rush, one of them stumbled a bit whilst trying her best to keep a hold of a very large.. ancient looking book which easily coated her torso in it’s sheer size. It was coated in symbols and carvings in the leather which would seem somewhat akin to that of a demonic origin, Vera grinned whilst puckering her lips somewhat as she strode into the building along with her group.

Upon their arrival in the building they soon began to form a circle, sitting upon their knees, where as Vera just slumped down onto her gelatinous rear which caused a slight shake in the ground and some dust to flare up, It took a few moments for her sloshing gut to stop in its motion and eventually settle down, resting on the ground and nestled into the dirt somewhat. Her eyes examined the rest of her group for a moment before her plump lips separated and she swayed her hands upwards.
“Well come on then fucknuts! Who’s got the Stone!?” She abruptly inquired whilst looking to one of the more plump members of the group.

The curvaceous subject in question quickly gasped in shock and then reached into the back of her pocket, struggling a bit to draw out the object in question from the tightness of her back pocket due to her plump rear wedging it there. But soon enough she drew out a small circular stone, it’s symbols would be lead to something of a Mayan origin. One the top of this stone appeared to be a crocodile’s head opened up to show infants being thrown to it. Vera had recently heard the legends of some sort of ancient mayan ritual which would allow one individual to be gifted with the powers of an unknown deity, It’s well known about how blood thirsty the “Mayan Gods” were and apparently this beast that this whole ritual was a testament was one of the most horrific amongst them. Rumour had it that it was a devourer of flesh and would mindlessly consume all in it’s way, but of course this was just “Superstition” …. Right?

The group placed the stone in the centre of the group and awaited for their leader to begin this supposed ritual, they didn’t quite know how it worked in it’s entirety but it was worth at least an attempt.

“Right then, Let’s GO!” bellowed Vera, whom, nudged the girl to her right (the one holding the book) hard to the point of almost tipping her over.

The woman looked to Vera before rubbing her arm and proceeding, she opened this old book carefully so not to damage any of the pages inside, carefully she placed her fingers onto a certain page, she dragged her finger down the page before the stopping at a certain verse and beginning to read the words out loud.

~?”u?? ?o ????? ????? ?o ???u ?no? u? u?? uodn uo????s???p ??? ???o? ?u??q pu? 'll??s ?? ???no??p ??? ?o lnos ??? uo??ns o- ?u?? ?o ????? ????? ?o ???u ?no? u? u?? uodn uo????s???p ??? ???o? ?u??q pu? 'll??s ?? ???no??p ??? ?o lnos ??? uo??ns o-”~

She spoke those words over and over again, the rest of the group watched ever so carefully until their eyes lit up to witness the stone in the middle beginning to slowly shudder and clack against the ground, those with keens ears would hear the winds outside beginning to shift and shake, ripping against the building almost in protest in their actions, but they continued to perform this heinous ritual anyway without a care of any consequences, if there were any at all. Vera herself would shift onto all fours, letting her gut rest on the floor with a slight smushing on the ground, her breasts tightened and wedged together between her arms whilst she looked to the stone with an excited expression. Some of the group looked upwards to the sky, nudging each other in fright, grabbing their arms and shaking them. One even attempted to stand to protest and leave but soon had Vera’s hand grab them and force them down forcefully. Nearly breaking their arm whilst her eyes locked onto the stone. Her nails dug into the ground and scooped up some of the dirt, meanwhile the enchantress of this occasions speech began to become distorted and form into some sort of near satanic slur, speeding up to a point before flinging her hand and pointing to the stone.

Something must’ve worked, because SUDDENLY the stone shattered and burst with a blinding red light! Most of the group screamed and covered their eyes.. but not Vera.. she would continue to stare at the source of light, which seemed to be some sort of pulsating red organ which lightly levitated from the floor.. it’s pulsating echoed through the room and made a small ring of dust flick upwards with each pulse. That was before it flung itself at Vera! Whom gasped just in time for it to fly directly into her mouth and vanish with a strong swallow, it’s distorted red light vanishing down her throat with a slight bulge accompanied with a loud GULP!

Vera was flung onto her back from the force of the organ floating into her mouth, Hitting the ground with a large THUMP! The Group quickly recuperated to find Vera laying on the ground, Her belly bizarrely shifting about as if there was a horde of offspring shifting around in there, Their silhouette’s visibly seen moving around in her belly, but they didn’t seem quite physical, more just images projected until they faded away and her belly slowly regained it’s static state. Vera laid there with a face of haunting demeanour, Her eyes were rolled into the back of her head for a moment until she snorted and shook her head. Her friends held her hands and attempted to rouse her up.

“Jesus Christ! Vera are you alright!?” One of them asked.

Vera didn’t answer, She rubbed her head in a daze, her mind was vacant and her expression was blank as she managed to haul herself up slightly, when everyone heard a thunderous GROWWLLL! From Vera’s belly, it was so loud it caused the dirt around it to quake slightly, Vera soon clutched the arm of one of her friends tight enough to pierce the flesh were it not for her clothing. She felt the force of her body being pulled towards Vera and was met with her piercing eyes staring into her very own, Vera’s eyes seemed to have changed to a more.. reddish colour.. Slowly a wad of saliva began to escape Vera’s lips as well as her serpentine tongue before she uttered the words.

“I’m.. So… FUCKING HUNGRY!” She spouted before suddenly her jaw disconnected and expanded over the head of her comrade, the drool dripped from her teeth and coated the hair and came down as if it was a guillotine over the neck of the poor woman.. with a loud CRUNCH!
With a gushing spurt of blood, Vera bit down and removed her friends head from her shoulders, her friends could barely react as Vera then proceeded to consume the rest of her body like a chainsaw to wood. Her teeth separated the torso next and severed the organs with ease. Her heart was visible for a moment before then being chewed up and slithering down Vera’s throat. Her intestines hung out from her waist for a moment before the bulbous bitch scooped them up with her tongue and sucked them out like noodles. Blood coated her breasts and belly as she took bite after bite and within bare moments, she had consumed the body of her friend.. a few pieces of flesh had laid against the soft skin of Vera. Vera didn’t waste anytime and within moments was onto the next, Grabbing her arm with her teeth and tearing the whole lower arm off, swallowing it down with a loud GULP! If you could imagine a wild bear in a group of campers.. this was pretty much the same sight, Her voice for the moment had just been turned to snorts and heavy breathes, along with the screaming of her comrades whilst she set about devouring them in a bloody rampage! Her shadows in the moonlight showing her pouncing onto one of the poor followers and their blood being flung onto the walls.

A little while later, Vera laid against one of the walls of the building, Her lips and chin coated with the blood of her friends, the floor was stained with the crimson liquid carpeting it’s stone texture, filling in the cracks. What had also occurred during her feast was that Vera had grown with the completed consumption with each of her friends. With the growth of her stomach being among the most obvious, Her bulbous gut was now double in size, sloshing with every slight movement and growling emphatically. Her hair was coated in the flesh & blood of her prey as well and had joined some of the strands together to give her a more psychotic of looks. Her fingers drummed the top of her gurgling gut whilst she got adjusted to her new size and appearance, miraculously her clothes had managed to stay on her and resist the sudden onslaught. Her ears soon caught the sound of drums faintly banging a distance from her, it was muffled due to the trees but she was well aware of it’s origin. There was a concert nearby which she was going to make her way to anyway had she became hungry.. due to this sudden curse.. she would find herself heading in that direction.

“Still…so…HUNGRY!” She screamed before clambering upwards, having to grab a stone to help herself up. Using it as some sort of concrete crutch.

Like some sort of demented monster Vera began to stomp her way out of the building, leaning on a piece of broken wall and accidently smashing it with her weight, in her rampant hunger she didn’t even bother to give it any notice, she stamped her way through the trees as she tried to stampede towards her hunger’s target. But that wasn’t necessarily enough to take issue with a little snack first.. that being a few people she had spotted standing under a streetlight, wearing concert shirts and contently guzzling down a vast amount of alcohol in yard glasses. The giant woman spied them from within the trees and barely wasted anytime, All the group could see was a blur of red coated flesh slam a few trees down in it’s might and then one of their friends disappearing from the ground. With a SPLIIKT! CHOMP! & CCRRRRUNCH! The poor mans body was ripped in two, Vera bit down onto his mid section hard.. just enough to break the spike and rip his belly open before she pulled on his legs and separated them from his body. The other people screamed and rushed away from her whilst she was busy eating him, she tossed his legs into her mouth and swallowed, sucking on the tips of her fingers before giving a content BELCH! The gas flung out his ripped green shirt onto her breasts.. she plucked it from her breasts and wiped her mouth with it as if it was some sort of napkin. She turned her head to see the poor bastards friends were too far to chase after… that was FINE. Vera turned her head towards the stream of lights and thumping music emanating from the front of her, she grinned and set about slowly licking her lips before wandering towards it, rubbing the underside of her gurgling gut and hauling it along with her.

The festival was a flurry of sound and lights upon her approach, The swarms of people would shift and morph like a bucket of living water, their screams echoed out dramatically along with the scent of sweat and alcohol lingered throughout the air, clothes and morals were out the window with people dancing so close they could practically taste each other, some people making out amongst the chaos. It was perfect! Vera skulked around the outskirts of the festival with ease, however she gritted her teeth as she soon would begin to grow once more with the consumption of the green shirted chubster. Her 14 feet mass peeking over some of the decorations and neon signs whilst as she scanned over the area. Part of her brain demanded that she just rush in and help herself.. but that would be too much hassle having to round them all up. She devised a plan to distract the group before she made her move, in which her eyes slowly turned to a pair of large box shaped generators which rumbled and whirred at the rear of the main stage. Vera’s tongue soon began to slither from her mouth and take the course of her lips, salivating it and making the plump flesh glisten in the lights of the festival before slowly vanishing back into her mouth.

“Perfect” she stated as she wandered towards the generators.
What was even more perfect for the titanic beauty was that there was an unsuspecting snack.. er.. man, minding the generators whilst the party was going on, he was innocently sitting on a metal chair leant back slightly, tapping away at his tablet and humming to the tunes blaring away in his headphones. He occasionally scratched his goatee clad chin whilst Vera skulked from behind him, She licked her lips and watched as he was clueless to her maw inching closer towards him. But then.. just as she had her teeth on the brink of head separating position she had a thought.. Her hands gripped the ground behind him and clenched the dirt.. why was she hesitating? A Delicious idea was the reason, why eat him now and spoil the surprise? He’d have no clue about the generators until it was too late.. she dug herself, heaving her mass upwards with a hand on her knee before looking to the generator. It wasn’t too complex, large wires and tubes connected to the main stage and surrounding areas a mere pull of a few wires and it would ruin the whole system.. Vera.. had other plans. Her hunger drove her to the point where all she had to do was open her mouth and bite down and she had severed one of the main cables, Sparks flew around her before the clutter of lights began to ring around the festival.
Shrieks of confusion rung out as the place went black and darkness loomed over the area, Those sober enough to grasp the situation would soon hear the shifting of metal at the sides and some thunderous footsteps, up until their ears are greeted with the sounds of shrieks and CRUNCHES! The SPLURT! Of guts and organs flopping to the floor in accompaniment with the sound of teeth clicking together, the ground shaking… and an eerie sound .. a deep rumbling sound which seemed to be somewhat muffled.

Occasionally there was a flicker of light which ran through the area, images of people running for their lives as a large hand swooped down for them, then another flicker of someone screaming in the maw of Vera and their blood spurting across the ground. Throughout the horror Vera was getting larger and larger.. and her body was getting bloodier and bloodier whilst everyone ran for it.. a fruitless attempt really.

Eventually, the baboon whom was “watching” the generators was brought from his own self made world to see that the festival had gone dark before him. The man shuddered and dropped his tablet by accident.

“Shit! I just bought that!” he spouted before withdrawing his torch from his pocket to investigate the problem. Perhaps it had just been a loose wire or something.

But of course, all he would find would be the devoured remains of the generator.. it sparked and burned in some sections and looked as if it was straight out of a monster movie. Sweat began to slither it’s way down his forehead whilst he turned to the ground, the torch shone the evidence of what had happened, enormous footprints followed with puddles of blood let into the main ground of the festival. He gave out a gasp of fear whilst shakily wandering forwards into the grounds. What the hell had happened whilst he was distracted!? Had a bear ran through her or something!? Was this some kind of joke his co-workers were playing on him because they knew he was playing around on the tablet! It’s not like anything such as this was likely to happen! The lights flickered and sparked on occasion to help guide his path through the footstep trail.. he continued to sweat immensely as he paused and found a horrible sight! It was a severed arm! Just laid on the floor as if it was a twig, the shoulder was cleanly cut and trickled with blood, the fingers even twitched still… something in his mind screamed for him to run.. the rest possessed him to press onwards, which he did.

The man stumbled in one of the huge footprints.. which seemed to be getting larger and larger as he proceeded to find the source of all this god forbidden carnage and mayhem. This horror story would come to a head as he was welcomed to the sound of someone screaming almost right before him in accompaniment with the rest of the noises from before. He dare not lift his torch up but soon enough he lifted it to reveal the monster in question.

Vera was illuminated and revealed, she had grown to an immense 18 feet! Her swollen gut which continued a church mass of people rested upon a crushed car with her gelatinous rear buried into the side of a bus! When the guard shone his torch to her she was amidst pulling the torso from some unfortunate soul.. removing him from the torso and spilling his innards all over her belly, anger and hunger laid in her eyes. In her other hands was another man screaming and watching his friend be devoured, likely knowing too well that he would be the next meal on the menu.

The guard could only watch as once she swallowed the legs of her snack, her maw opened up, sliding the next of her prey inside before crunching down at the knees, his whole body made her throat bulge out with his wriggling struggle for freedom.. until his life was cut short, his body vanishing down her throat with a muffled scream. Vera guided his body with a brush of her finger tips to the cusp of her throat and the tip of her breasts.. URRRAAAAP! She uttered a huge belch which flung out a few pieces of flesh and clothing.. luckily enough she caught the end of a bone which flung out, she chuckled and whilst she reached for the guard, proceeded to pick her teeth with it.

“Wh-N-NO! LET ME GO!” Said the man, whilst he was scooped from the ground, his feet trying to point downwards in the hopes he would be returned to the ground instead of meeting with her eyes. They pierced his soul whilst she eyed him up. “Why are you doing this!? What the hell are you!? PLEASE DON’T EAT ME!” He begged..

She giggled somewhat whilst looking to him, she in no mood for talking, she had to finish up the feast, but she would at least grant him a final word.

“Hhehehe, Should’ve paid attention.. shouldn’t you hmmm? That really… bites? Hhahaha! She poorly joked.. she wasn’t in the mood for comedy as her mouth opened and her tongue lapped out like a red carpet.. stained with the blood of her prey.

He could only scream for his life as his body was lain against the red thick layer of her tongue, her maw echoed somewhat with his screams, the gaps within her teeth had pieces of flesh jammed in them.. even an eyeball hung from the gap between her left canine. He would try his best to look around until it was the end, taking one last reach for freedom before the pearly whites slammed down and chomped through his wrist. The poor man gave out a scream until her mouth shook and his legs were brought to the sides.. and soon they came down once more and his legs were smashed and chewed. He could only really feel pain as he was slowly chewed more and more, his left arm was brought under the mashing teeth and quickly dispatched with one downward slam! Blood splattered across his face for a moment and blinded him! The poor man just wished that it would be over as his fingers rubbed his eyelids to clean them and at least see what his final sight would be before the bitter end of falling down her throat and being granted a slow and agonizing death with her stomach acids. He would remain blind until his final siht finally came to be, her tongue would shovel him to the right side of her mouth, his head rested under the white stone-like pillow of her teeth. He could only look upwards, seeing the bottom of the blood soaked teeth drip down the blood onto his face, this was it, he closed his eyes as they came crashing down and then..

Vera rubbed her swollen gut as she swallowed down the mush in her mouth, giving a hearty belch once her meal was down.

“URRRRAAAP!” She uttered, his torch flung from her mouth and landed on the ground. “Not bad, a little bit greasy for my tastes but hey, at least he gave a nice satisfying crunch on the way down.. now then. Are you HAPPY NOW!?” She said as she grabbed her belly at the sides and jiggled it.. but soon she would begin to regain her initial senses, allowing her to once again focus and look around the area.

She ventured a gander at the empty field which was once full of people enjoying the festivities which was now reduced to a bubbling pile of flesh and bone which boiled away in the confines of her stomach, soon to be nothing but wobbling fat on her breasts and her ample rear. She raised her hand and began to suckle the blood off of her fingers to clean herself up a bit. Once she had completed that she began to have a moment of clarity to study what she had done and the improvements to her bulbous form had been undertaken, she had NEVER felt hunger like this in her entire life! It was ecstasy to feel those whom she had spared instant death and given a worse fate of dying inside her belly, try their best to free themselves. The outlines of their hands pressed against the silky flesh and made the blood trickle down even further to the naval. She couldn’t help but giggle at their fleeting attempts for survival until she dug her hands beneath her enormous breasts. Shovelling them up and jostling them up and down to judge the new weight of her breasts. She liked it! They felt four.. maybe.. five times bigger then what they were before and weighed an immense amount, she brought her hand down to her ample rear, giving it a hard slap, it wobbled like a wave of water, vibrating throughout her whole body and even making her gut jostle up and down. Her tongue exited her maw then proceeded to lick up what was left on her lips, scooping up the puddles of blood from the plump morsels of her lips then returning them to the maw for her to drink.. she savoured the flavour with a resounding hum.

Vera could not help herself but to hoist her breasts up once more only to bury her face within the valley of her cleavage and attempt to suck or chomp down any sort of flesh which had managed to find its way down to the bottom of her boobs. It was only right that she gave herself a quick check up before she considered her feast to have been finished. She managed to get a hand which was gripped against one of her breasts and pull it out, it was a shrimp to a whale kind of comparison when she held it in her palm.

“TSSK TSSK!” She tutted before shaking her head and gesturing to the hand “Trying to cop a feel of it was ya?...uhh… Mister!” she spouted once she managed to determine the gender in which the hand belonged to.

Vera had a hasted chuckle before opening her maw and tossing the hand in, chewing it ever so slowly so that she could hear the bones crunch down and the flesh tear, it was like eating a goeey sweet in that in the end she got that satisfying burst of flavour of the blood managing to spill from the finger tips and onto her tongue. It was Delicious! Vera swallowed it down with a grin whilst attempting to haul herself up from the bus, the metal of the bus whined and groaned under her weight then soon enough crackled mode while her finger tips dug into the sides, cracking the glass further and cutting her fingers just a little. She fell back onto the bus inspecting her hand with a shout of pain, no major harm had been done.. she noticed her blood seemed to give a more radiant glow now in the moon’s light. Her mind began to race as her belly gurgled further and jolted out in every direction she could see, roaring with the unsatisfied hunger which would now be everlasting, but for now the belly had been satiated, the digestion soon began to occur whilst the metal queen would rest against her metallic throne. Her subjects were all smushed together within her stomach, she could feel whatever was at the bottom of the pile beginning to melt away, she could feel her breasts beginning to heave just that little bit more as the seconds go by, her ass became all the more plumper and the tightness of her belly would be gradually replaced with a jolly (if not gelatinous) layer of blood soaked fat in which would jiggle against her hands as she massaged her bump.

“God! This is great! I’ve ever felt so fucking good for a while! Hhehehe I don’t know what the hell was in that stone but DAMN! If this is the result I should go find another festival and chow down…” She shouted as she imagined how big she would get.. “Right after I digest all this I guess”

Does anyone have the Dragon maid ones with Kanna and Tohru?
anyone got the new bashka comic
It literally just came out, calm down brat.
(1.1 MB, 1080x1074, Screenshot_20230723_235151_Gallery.jpg)
The previews seem to indicate that he structured it like a traditional comic; is that true? I've said this before, but one of my biggest complaints about BigBig's content is just how web-based it all is. He's far too reliant on the 'infinite scroll' webcomic format (in my opinion) and it's made his work look kinda lazy. You don't have to put much effort into the speech or thought bubbles and sound effects when there's very little sense of sequence to begin with.
That's a weirdly pedantic thing to get hung up over and I genuinely think you're the only person who cares. I think any consideration for structure and layout should be thrown out the window when there's not really any serious attempt to give people anything more than hot artwork they can get off to. Even he's fully aware that everything is just a self-indulgent excuse for him to draw full-page vore drawings.

And implying that he's lazy is just an absolutely fucking rancid take, my anon in christ it's taken Big well over a year to produce this comic and it's not like he's been twiddling his thumbs the entire time either. If the way he lays his comics out is the thing that stands out most to you about his work, then I genuinely don't think you appreciate his actual art.
Yeah I mean you can think whatever but that seems like a weird ass nitpick. He draws people eating other people and/or objects whole (usually), I don't think he's trying to be a "traditional" comic maker; it's smut with some characterization and a bit of story. I've seen some of his streams and he puts quite a bit of work into backgrounds and such, and the dialogue is never gonna be some crazy "high-level" writing, it's fap material with some extra personal love in it.

I wanna say you're autistic but we're on forum for vore so it's a given.
>I think any consideration for structure and layout should be thrown out the window when there's not really any serious attempt to give people anything more than hot artwork they can get off to.
Look there are times where I think that as well. It's a big reason why I've found myself getting off more to artist sketches and B&W stuff nowadays; it's just more.. expressive, if that makes sense? BigBig is no different; I'm still waiting for him to post some of the sketches he teased in the Bashka Part 2 Update video last January.
>If the way he lays his comics out is the thing that stands out most to you about his work, then I genuinely don't think you appreciate his actual art.
I've been following him for the better part of 8 years, man; I've bought pretty much all of his stuff. It's been awesome seeing him grow as an artist (to this day, I defend his photobash heavy paintings on /d/) but in that time he's never produced something resembling a 'real' comic. They've all basically been a series of slideshows stitched together (webcomic); and make no mistake, that's fine; but I can't help up but feel like wanting more. From R.Crumb to Guido Crepax; I love erotic comics! The sheer craft that went into producing such smut is wonderful. Seeing BigBig move in that direction for the past 1.5 has been really exciting; that's all I meant by my nitpick.
I never doubted the effort he puts into his work; I've seen a lot of his streams too. Hell, I wish I had the patience to sit down and learn Blender; I was never expecting 'high-level' writing either. I was just speaking to the format, which is itself 'traditional'—this a a radical departure from BigBig's usual work. Because it's formatted that way, it dances around the question as to whether or not he'll produce physical copies at some point, which would be dreamy imo.
*for the past 1.5 years
so i take that as a no
it's barely been out for a week, give it some time.
(25 KB, 905x190, proof.png)
Bought it today and will upload in about 3 days. Just don't want to completely fuck him over. Pic is proof of purchase
Here it is as promised
Not him, I actually love this shit, I've been jacking off to Eka's for years, but has it ever occurred to you that not everyone is terminally cumbrained and knows every porn artist by name, and sometimes people see an alluring thumbnail but can't make out details, click in, discover it's a kink they don't like, get disappointed, and complain about their disappointment simply because they're *already* here, and *had* to come here just to find out they didn't like the pic in the first place?

no key
what's the key please
Thanks; still gonna buy it myself though.
The key is there; pay attention to the decode process.
fuck sake its down already
Just say what the key is you cryptic fuckface not that it matters now anyways.
It's not my fault you can't read. :^)
>>40388 Niggers' uncultured and dislike books. They don't even read posts made by white men last time I checked.

There was a "(remove)" in the center of each key.
Well that was fast :/
Funny how some of y'all are dumb as fuck and can't read
Could reupload but it looks like someone has already put it up on 8muses.
Dammit I missed it!
A fast reup please I missed
Could someone please re-upload the comic? Somehow skipped it...
A reup would indeed be appreciated.
So no reup for us breathren that missed out?
divine, tnx

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