
(1.0 MB, 761x3264, 89f4f7d189663bb4a4f9622c817c8d0b93fc008da1f85757d86779e99e29c2eb.jpg) (2.0 MB, 2115x3264, e90582b6fd784c4ddc12987927298a0ab488cf132add6b4f8020b9da0646a443.jpg)
Hello there! If you have stumbled upon this thread, you probably enjoy anthros, chubby girls, weight gain, and weight loss. Well, that is exactly what you will find here. Check out this thread to see and post some even the most tasteful pictures of lovely ladies in a variety of sizes by a certain artist in a certain subject. Happy browsing and chatting!

P.S: These files are a recent example of such content
(188 KB, 1280x1002, dcc2fa49ec60c0273d9d25fc699f3b95e7374bf5f4729cb144e65cb26b5baf36.jpg) (710 KB, 2200x2200, 4e135f9770358974b053ca1b627c9928258a1da1b69831e56ed1165782faa2f6.jpg) (359 KB, 1280x3840, 523e7527f300e9004e0aad39db819cc2a74655e926aa62a2e6ba7ce92bd99d43.jpg) (1.2 MB, 1600x2600, dddb661c79525a6e15adf8bba024813e2b6d87e80733a210a98c645c0d6b1cca.jpg) (106 KB, 1280x1257, 2b19caadaf509fdf0feb500ddc2516ce29f270f2e22ff04fec5113361ddb56bb.jpg) (1.7 MB, 6622x1806, 25da949f1f821a26de3c1a5005e93d2dc2c0aa75b79f254e41ff46732c0eaf45.jpg)
(27 KB, 500x362, 1674068278492495.jpg)
I don't understand why this shit tier artist needs four separate threads
I guess that he simply outweighs the quality with quantity and consistency. Once, my standards were that low. Now things are different for me.
Its up to the people to perfect their tastes, and some do seem to be stuck in their premature state.
All of these threads are by the same anon and said anon has made multiple threads because they're genuinely a sperg. The hyperfixation, repetition and their weird, stitled writing are all telltale signs of being on the spectrum. The few times that they've actually responded to people on here they've just spoken in childish babble.

Really wish the mods here were more proactive in removing blatantly low-quality threads like these, this shit is gonna give me an aneurysm one day I stg.
Anybody have any of LordStormCaller's work?

If so, please post it here.
Can anybody post any of his art made from 2019 to 2014?
>makes threads on each board even when artist is unrelated to section
>posts bump after bump of art from an artist that barely draws anymore
>runs out of content so begins bumping with OTHER ARTIST'S content
>only reason others respond is calling the guy out for not even making a deviantart account and begging others to post content
>"hey can anyone post art from this artist within the space of 5 years, some of which is lost and most I've already posted?"
dude, stop it's getting embarrassing

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