
>>31006 (OP)
Just being known enough to end up with a thread makes her overrated.
You said Organic has a Pixiv, does anyone have the link? I can't find it and I assume thats where they kept their pictures they removed from their DA. I remember seeing their Wendy Don't Starve pic on there but I forgot to save it.
She's notoriously cagey and weird about stuff like that, often removing or re-uploading art without saying why.
She made a Madotsuki pic once but there were 2, one is missing. Anyone know where that went or has it? She remade one but one was fat and sideways and the other is facing forward.
Anyone got that pic of the virgin mary on this the day of our lorb easter.
Man it sure would be cool if anyone had her Meulin pics, they were the best but I can’t seem to find them anywhere. Meulin homestuck is the only good character.
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Found it she said she was going to hell for making this but didn't mind it there was also another one of her but I couldn't find it
Got any more of the julie/robo-julie pics?>>35823
Link to the pixiv?
Unfortunately she nuked it again and maybe permanently this time
she seems kinda fickle like that.
Nice, she should remake the Iggy pic here. >>31217
Do you guys think she ever reads this thread?
I forgot to mention it but recently regarding her pixiv accout she has a habit of posting art and deleted them in a day sometimes hours later so anyone here quickly save the photos before she delete them
Always save what you see, it might not be there tomorrow. Already archiving.
her monster designs are pretty cool imo
Bump don't let this thread die yet
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does anyone have her old violet art? they seemed to be purged like most of her older works

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