
(363 KB, 908x584, Dear god.png)
Ever find an image that makes you go "Wtf" out of either hilarity, confusion or just from cringe? Well, post them here, so we can all die inside together. (And yes, the entire Storytime animator thread would fall under this category)
(97 KB, 1198x358, No.png) (892 KB, 1188x1318, Why.png)
"Wouldn't it be funny if I drew this" is all fun and games until you realise that no one actually wanted to see you draw it
Ratboykek, also known as pedoboygrab, also known as assburgerfurry and many, many more.
As for the images from this board:
But you know what? You can put entire threads in here.
(1.5 MB, 1340x1116, Screen Shot 2023-01-13 at 7.28.33 pm.png)
Remember when people actually thought stuff like this was good.

I particular dislike this image even more for it being 2012 let's player fetish art.
Thanks for letting me know I can, should and will unfollow this tranny.
Best joke i've seen here.
When you really want to be friends with the cool kids, but you're an autist so you draw one of the best friends of the cool kids obese based on a tweet. genuine freak behavior
(74 KB, 800x567, 1673955373938748.jpg)
Been a while since I've been so disgusted at a drawing, this is like a garbage pail trading card dawg what the fuck
I was tempted to upload that here myself but find it.
I'm a lame degenerate loser that doesn't mind some unconventional and weird fat distribution from time to time, but yeah, that sequence makes me queasy just by looking at it, and that's saying something. Furries are quite tasteless indeed.
So, there was a thread on /bbwdraw/ that made me go WTF the moment I saw it, and I was tempted to take a photo of it for evidence.
Unfortunately, the problem was is that it was literal child pornography...
If its what I think it is, that thread is still up.
If I had a nickel for every time someone tried to start a child porn thread on/bbwdraw/ only to get reported, I would have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice
Like... irl lolis?!
Jesus... 💀
You guys do realize those threads get made by bots that were held off for a long time from Barclay setting up blocks against them.
If it makes you feel any better, the fat Lego guy is actually traced over from a fat Mertle from Lilo and Stitch.

What did the original image looked like? Was it from captainsoapbeard?
(808 KB, 1040x1152, What.png)
There's nothing really major that's WTF worthing for this piece, but it just has a lot of little things off about that just makes my brain short circuit looking at it.

I guess there's always the possiblity that there are no visible nipples here because she has the rare thing of having boobs so affected by gravity that the nipples point downwards which then get hidden by the belly, but it's still a bit confusing to look at. And that also doesn't include how at first glance I thought this was just a very poor trace of a KafeKafe image.
this is actual nurgle porn
That sequence where they end up fucking blind and pock-marked? I nearly quit everything. You don't just forget that shit.
So.. what happened to said blocks? bbwdraw has had like 3 of those fucking bots since yesterday
99% of everything Octoboy has ever drawn.
I thought the common sense among fat artists as that it wasn't the greatest of ideas to draw fetish art of real people without them knowing. This is new levels of autism, the kind of autism that makes you search for Tom Holland with a mspaint belly drawn over him in DeviantArt
She says she did ask for permission.
Whether she just took Cdawg's "Do it" reply as confirmation to go hogwild, or if she actually had a deep and extensive conversation to get Cdawg's consent in drawing him as morbidly obese for a """joke""". Either way, it's clear that the inner cringe deviantart fangirl in her hasn't truly left.
(585 KB, 1198x982, The cool kids would call this an L.png)
Any of that lame self insert stuff from those overly hyperactive horny high twitters. Bonus points if they go out of their way to "own bbwchan" and other "stinky people". (The fact that Mofu fell for my bait twice and then proceeds to act like he was the smart one is the kind of thing that makes me loser hope for the future of fat art when these are the people that are the "top dogs")
Literally this shit a link above.
I cannot fathom who would even find that gutter shit even remotely appealing.
Literally who?
But I suspect that it must be a tranny from the way he speaks.
All they really had to do was change their IP address to get around it.

motherfucker is an active twitter user, I don’t think he’s in a position to judge anyone based on what websites they frequent. It’s like someone with advanced syphilis making fun of someone for having a common cold.
(32 KB, 810x144, Ew.png)
That's that thread in a nutshell.
There's no doubt in my mind that everyone who actively indulges in that thread is either 12, cripplingly autistic, or both
You know what? I've got nothing against the artist for drawing fat Potato Glados. It's not my thing, but I can appreciate the willingness to kink up characters that aren't conceptually kinkable. What I hate is that stupid self-aware "lol this is cringe am I right guys?!!!!" quip. If you're into weird shit, own it. The ironic sense of detachment just reeks of insecurity.
>>31357 Who loves weird "shit"? I know I do
The annoying quip is pretty much what that character is actually like. The artist draws plenty of odd shit so it's probably not insecurity
(1.0 MB, 1748x1338, Ugly.png)
Creating aged up designs of canonically underage characters isn't inherently bad, and can actually be really cool when done well. TDookus has done one or two of these kinds of aged up designs and actually made them pretty interesting and fitting to the original characters. Pic related however...has perhaps taken too much inspiration from IRL obese emo chicks...A far cry from his previous Marnie pics
(819 KB, 1202x870, Bad.png)
Not an image, but SexyBlimp's dubs must be the least flattering gifts ever considering the guys reputation. Besides that, this particular dub is just hard to listen to because the voice direction is just kind of not good at all. For one, it's clear the actress either doesn't realise that onesan and oniisan are two different things or just wasn't corrected about it, either way it makes it just seem amateurish that this wasn't corrected. And secondly, it's clear that the original text is meant to be the whole "fat-speak" thing, except the voice actress just kind of reads the text in a normally even with the altered fatspeak words, so it just sounds like she's having a weird mispronunciations rather than slurring her words from blobbishness. I'd want to see it re-done by Swellreads who is at least a bit more competent in voice direction and is pretty damn good and audio design.
Insert that one pic Kafe did that was of a blob Fred Flinstone for god knows what reasons
I refuse to believe this is real until I see it
He did the same with Gargamel from the Smurfs once. I guess it's a "Tee hee funny ironic meme XDDDDDDD" thing but it's just an obnoxious, unfunny waste of time.
(398 KB, 1416x885, blueberry_luigi_by_dracolumina1k_deqpgef.png)
blueberry luigi inflation morph with long haired princess daisy by dracolumina1k

it would be better if it was the other way round with daisy being the blueberry
(3.8 MB, 3000x1500, Big Bellied Calamity Trio.png)
Altz isn't the best or anything but his art can certainly do better than this. It looks like those old Sonic morphs.
(156 KB, 1024x1024, Franny Fanny.jpg)
I think it has to do with what his commissioners want. Cause he's been able to draw regular fat chicks since the start but at some point it turned into "roly poly" stuff I'd expect from someone like Robot009
Wdym, its hilarious lol
I'm 99% sure that the people who make/consume lewd roblox are little kids, mentally stunted, or both.
(156 KB, 1098x824, 57EE8637-01EF-4605-8065-89D4CF69BA01.jpeg)
>>30608 (OP)
That anastamafilia or whatever his fucking name is Konosuba cow comic he did a while back. It makes me want to kill myself everytime I see it. Can we just refrain from making fat Aqua art please? Like I love me some fat bitches but can we please just keep her out of it? Especially the cow shit.
(156 KB, 1098x824, 57EE8637-01EF-4605-8065-89D4CF69BA01.jpeg)
>>30608 (OP)
That anastamafilia or whatever his fucking name is Konosuba cow comic he did a while back. It makes me want to kill myself everytime I see it. Can we just refrain from making fat Aqua art please? Like I love me some fat bitches but can we please just keep her out of it? Especially the cow shit.
>The Braphog of Chucky
>The common cold
We're at least gonorrhea, man.
It's ironic that the guy who drew this is a traditionalist lol
>>33402 furries will get off to anything
How would you feel if I told you that someone else made an even worse version of the concept as a backstory to explain why their furry OC had a missing eye was because their eye "burst" and squirted fatty juice everywhere and even Fixala was like "...that's disturbing even for me".
(519 KB, 1056x500, God No.png)
Best and worst thing about Ton Belly is that whatever he gets paid to draw, he WILL draw it. This community driven sequence is the prime example. I wouldn't even be surprised if weirdos like Dimmerrolls actually got off to this.
I'm not into it, but if something as vanilla as Roblox expansion makes you lose faith in inhumanity, I wonder how you'd feel about actual fucked up art.
Concerned but not too surprised. How recent was that?
It can always get worse.
I found some art of the original sequence with the girl who had her eyes burst open and it turns out that half of the sequence she isn’t even alive. It’s just a dead body getting pumped full of lard.
I think Im done with fat fetishism guys it’s been an honor, I’m going back to fapping to thin girls
Nah yeah, I've seen the full thing. Absolutely foul stuff.
Honestly I have no idea when I even saw it, let alone when it came out or who made it. At least a year ago or so.
>I’m going back to fapping to thin girls
Sometimes it really do be like that.
Wait was it the person with the OC or Fixala?
No, like unironically. I’ve seen so much disgusting fat fetish art that I’ve felt my preferences for girls getting thinner and thinner. at least anime girls. Never been too much into irl fat girls they all smell like feces.
İnşallah, 3DPDs are the worst.
>he doesn't know there's gore necrophilic porn our there
It's a joke, you know that.
(311 KB, 941x1255, E452D8B2-3E85-41D1-8956-DC2903E6ED64.jpeg)
I mean I know that but I’d prefer that it be kept away from this side of the internet please
like I come here to crack shitty jokes and autistic drama
I used to come here for porn but that shit ain’t good for you mentally you smell me
Oh please, Roblox has always been the ERP playgrounds for its generation. The only cringe is the picture where the character says both 'f**king', 'fuck' and 'friccin'
so that just implies lil kids are tapping to Roblox stuffing porn
Hey femanon can I be your fatstolfo?
At first glance I mistook that for a TempleOS cap lul
Chocolate blob sexy tbh
it just looks weird to be completely honest.
Like the fat is way too oddly distributed even for immobile art. Most immobile art usually follows a pattern so it’s weird to see something deviate from it.
(1.4 MB, 3640x1748, trcprkr.jpg)
imagine the smell
Anon, I think you may be retarded
If you think THAT'S the worst then...I don't even know what to say to that.
(180 KB, 964x798, F1F22D2B-B6A7-47C6-8C66-4B3E817612B1.jpeg)
It’s the worst because she has so many rolls and folds. Like, I cannot imagine that she smells like anything other than pure feces. I’ve seen it in person. They can’t CLEAN UNDER THOSE FUCKIN THINGS. They get all bloody and infected.
Secondly, she has no tits.
Thirdly, her ass and legs look disgusting. Surprised the artist didn’t bother drawing her diabetic sores everywhere.
Finally, her pussy would be a mess. I can’t even imagine how rotten and awful it would be to fuck that roast beef sandwich.
You know I’m right.
If we're talking about it's "Nasty" because of how this would theoretically be like in reality, then she shouldn't have naturally pink hair. Heck, she shouldn't even be alive then at that point because the weight of her body would literally be crushing her innards. It would be one thing if that's how it was represented in the image, but it clearly isn't, and that's one aspect that's so great about WG drawings and fiction, is that it's quite literally an altered reality in which one can represent what would otherwise be unpleasant if it were IRL into varying/lesser levels of realism to the point where it actually becomes pleasant. Of course, this is all a matter of preference, and I'm not a super huge fan of Belt Buster's art style/body types. Again, like I said, even if you are truly disgusted by such an image, then just know that it is far from reaching anywhere close to the worst body types this fetish has to offer.
(26 KB, 367x301, 11D15E7E-351C-40CB-9BB1-AD561CA63FC3.jpeg)
>Goes onto fat message board
>Gets mad when he sees fat
Anon, I’ve met some dumb bastards in my life, but you not only take the cake, you rip the entire bakery from its foundation
actual autism, why are you even into this fetish?
(554 KB, 1168x1162, Loser.png)
Weeblord feels like a strawman that someone would conjure to make fun of anime fans.
Who in there right mind literally calls themself an autogynephile
whats wild to me is both the absolute VOLUME of the exact same shit posted ad nauseum...and more concerningly that it keeps getting attention...what in FUCK is the appeal to this?
If only all autogynephiles were so honest
Honestly I dig the bodytype, would draw.
But otherwise I can only presume genuine autism.
I've only seen autists have the pallete for such obsessive repeats of the exact same thing.
>Who in there right mind literally calls themself an autogynephile
Autistic porn addicts.
See above. Yet with that "infamous" profile that's Chris-Chan tier autism.

Speaking of, it's weird Chris never got a fat fetish. Imagine what would happen to the community with his fame if he drew Sonichu blobs?
I really like "circle tool with bitty arms and legs stapled onto it" when axelrosered does it
Anyone have the okayokayokay blueberry cat?
It's not a furry, it's a literal housecat
I honestly couldn't care less about the "Chris Chan Saga" or whatever those over-obsessive zoomers call it, but I recall that thing actually did almost come close to getting involved in the """community""". I believe he saw the OG Kipteitei Breakfast with Sister comic and then Kip was like "Fuck this shit" or something along the lines. Would give more reason why Kip is holed up in his Patreon armour.
>Literal housecat
The only thing worse than furries are literal beastiality weirdos like that. Reminded me of a fur affinity account I saw that specialised in concerningly detailed obese animals, like a fat aligator swimming in a river surrounded by pancakes. Shit like that makes me want those kind of people to never have any association with animals ever again. It would be one thing if they were "Ferals" or whatever that furry term is called, but no, they're literally fetish art of anatomically correct paintings of obese animals.
(2.0 MB, 1474x1072, Rei.png)
Conos de mios jajajajaja beunos
10/10 entertainment
(890 KB, 1836x1130, ShoeBlue.png)
New WTF just dropped
(763 KB, 1174x1096, WEGETITYOUREAUTISTIC.png)
Anybody else find treating this "Autism acceptance" like some quirky new label to add to your bios kind of demeaning?

Sure, making people who weren’t previously aware of what the ASD experience is like isn't necessarily a bad thing, but the fact that it's making some big deal about it with rainbows and a fucking non binary catboy fat fetish vtuber gives me embarrassment by association.

It's kind of humorous that CakeCatBoyMechHoarder acts like she's bringing some new unfound awareness and knowledge on this subject like 99% of Vtubers and Fat Fetishist's aren't autistic already. Like, bruh, it should have been clear as day that you were always autistic.
(Also the fact that she claims she can speak for the woman ASD experience is just admitting that she's a woman)

I mean, I guess it's better than those people that get diagnosed with autism in their 30's and act like they're suddenly mentally handicapped and that their whole life is ruined and then start blaming everything on their autism. (Or people that go full on doomer once their diagnosed with autism *cough* Tintrue *cough*)
Basically TLDR, a fat fetish non binary cat boy vtuber shotacon telling me the ins and outs of ASD is kind of unflattering.
On a side note, who wants to bet that the true reason Cake stopped doing Loli/Shota has nothing to do with "morals" but because Cananda is one such country where fictional underage lewd media leans closer on the illegal side of questionable than other countries like USA.

Diagnosed with autism here, I really can’t stand shit like this. Things are tough enough as it is for us, and people like this make us look like a joke. “Autism acceptance” activists have unironically done more to hurt autistic people than anyone else because people assume we’re all emotionally fragile nuts who can barely function as people.
>she's autistic

is that why she's such a massive piece of shit?
I 100% garuntee since she's gotten diagnosed she's been using her diagnosis to handwave her shitty behaviors in her hugbox diacord server
As someone with autism, fuck this "autsim acceptance bullshit".
Damn, the cortical homunculus is lookin' a little different these days...
(51 KB, 504x429, fdsfddf.JPG)
As a retarded autist who also happens to have studied this stuff a lot on the more esoteric side, I must point out something. I'll keep it relatively simple:

1. Contrary to urban legends, women DO get ASDs. It's not on the Y chromosome, it's chiefly a hormonally-activated set of genomes associated with Neanderthalic admixture according to descent (see https://www.rdos.net/)

2. Women don't just get autism (albeit less than men), when they do, it's VERY frequently mis- or un-diagnosed as something else like ADHD or such (which happen to be in the same "family" of conditions).

3. ASDs, perhaps too obviously in hindsight, are associated with paraphilias/fetishes due to errors in neural mapping. This is also why many autists with fetish brain also can be "asexual"/grossed out by normie sex and genitalia etc.

4. Given 3 as well as the well-known phenomena of autists liking warmth and pressure (e.g. weighted blankets, certain tight hugs and jackets even BDSM), it perhaps become clear how fat fetish easily ties into all this.
4a. Unsurprisingly, there's a sliding scale of the more "involved" in this community tending to inch closer and closer to Chris-chan territory.

5. ASD rates are rising due to various factors beyond the scope of this poast. Also consider the increasing tie of internet into society, a medium naturally suited for autists to grow a bigger voice and even contribute more to culture seen in an extent perhaps not since the Middle Ages (think: high IQ monks keeping and expanding knowledge in manuscripts). All those crazy gender flags weren't invented for Chad and Stacy you know, just filling a void for fringe weirdos where the Church once helped and lifted them up.

5. Given the first couple points, the long stigma and unrecognition of female autism now is bubbling over in the wave of "muh inclusion". See the common excuse of some groups: "At least the left PRETENDS to care!!"

I'm not even 100% sure what my point is, but this moment seemed to perfect not to ramble.

What I do know is this: If """based""" groups don't do more to not see autists even among themselves as just lolcows, if we don't recognize what even Varg Vikernes mentioned in his own crazy way as (high-functioning) Autism being this ancient Hyperborean superpower (yes I'm serious) we are even more screwed when more lonely, loopy cat ladies get into power. You're more likely to adhere to fringe beliefs (left or right) anyway.

Sidenote: I speculate that another angle for why, in my observation, even autistic women are more likely -on average- to prefer heavier men is also related to Neanderthals in winter. Of course, same with the other sex.

>TLDR: CakeCatBoyMech is only the beginning. Millions must be diagnosed.
listed 5 twice. Point ruined. Kms
>I'm not even 100% sure what my point is, but this moment seemed to perfect not to ramble.
I don't even know what point you're trying to say tbh.
Well, I KIND OF get some of what you're saying, but I don't really get what sort of takeaway I was supposed to have upon reading that. An interesting read, though.
I guess my intent was to spread awareness as tism is still sadly a mysterious condition (thanks Allies bombing where Dr. Asperger held much of his work!) but I am fully convinced of the Neanderthal theory and its world shattering implications and connections.

I suppose this "news" is a ripe time before people with less noble intentions and the ignorant take advantage of it, where literal normies for example will call themselves autistic when there's clear albeit esoteric markers.
What about LordStormCaller's art?
What about it? I don't particular find it wtf worthing. Worst I can really say about it is that a lot of it seems to be anywhere from just kind of mediocre to just ok. I will say that it kind of makes me cringe whenever I see normies spreading around his tutorials and "Female tummy reference sheet". If it's about his lack of increase in quality over the several several years then that's a little understandable, but even then I wouldn't really say that's WTF worthy, just a little bit disappointing in a similar vain to the likes of other artists that were promising but just kind of remained in the same meh art quality like Cookies-Cat, and to a greater extent Mistystuffer.
So basically you're saying that in admitting so openly and wishing to spread autism as some kind of acceptance and badge of honour that it's possibly a remnant of Neanderthal DNA? Bit odd but ok
Did you know that for girls sex is 1 big orgasm? It ends when they climax, but the entire ordeal is a long orgasm.
As simply as possible: ASDs and related so orders are related to Neanderthal DNA. It has way more symptoms even physically than most people know. It's related to even this fetish. And it's getting more common. And if learned improperly this "movement" could turn very sour.
Fat women as a fetish? Next you will say breasts and vaginas are fetishes. My life's already sour thanks to you and your stupidity. I say bring on the revolution.

I’m not gonna pretend I know where autism comes from, but I can’t imagine it has anything to do with Neanderthal DNA. Rates of autism seem pretty consistent around the world even among populations with little to no Neanderthal ancestry. And I don’t think it’s inherently tied to this fetish either. I’ve met plenty of autistic people who aren’t into this at all and plenty of people who are into it and don’t have autism. I’m not even gonna touch on the “Hyperborean Superpower” thing, that’s just pure insanity if you’re not joking, there’s no such thing as “hyperborea”, it’s an old myth like Atlantis. You may as well say that dyslexia is rooted in occult practices from Kumari Kandam.

The only thing you have that makes any sense is “maybe some/most medieval monks were autistic”, it sounds plausible since autism seems to be more prevalent among scholarly types, but that’s not even really related to anything, and it definitely doesn’t have any comparison to the gender flag shit, since that takes root in the opposite of scholarly types, among the gullible and unintelligent, there isn’t much overlap there.
I literally gave you a site filled with data to research, in that post. Data for days. In the various tabs.


>Rates of autism seem pretty consistent around the world even among populations with little to no Neanderthal ancestry.

Blatant lie. Highest rates of Asperger's occur, for example, among Nordics, East Asians and Ashkenazi Jews. All of whom have much Neanderthalic admixture.

Again, please don't bother responding if you don't study the data. The Neanderthal theory is incredibly convincing. Even how it affects physiological symptoms across the board, even higher rates of lighter skin and eyes and more preference for cool weather and messed up teeth/back and other traits that track ultimately back to a frozen ancient North.

P. S. Yes it is true monastics even to this day lean towards being more autistic. The nature of the profession itself, when you think about it, from transcendent pursuits to strict routine, creativity, etc, all fit well to tismo lifestyle. Many autists these days even live a sort of warped inversion of monkhood, with their messy rooms as their cells and their collections of junk as icons of Saints, etc.
To give you a very Vulgar example to get it though your skull, consider how common it is for male autists, and hence generally online, to express some sort of feminist or egalitarian sentiment. Even the explicitly "based" right wing guys, will often have a soft spot for tomboys an other "strong women". And just look at how common femdom fetish is within this "community" tied to fat powerful men. Not a coincidence. Too many of you weirdos want to get pegged, but I get it.

Ever notice how much Nordics and (Ashkenazi) Jews make a point of their strong women in history and culture compared to other societies?

I know this is weird. Consider it though. This tracks harmoniously with records we have about women in Neanderthalic society. To a Western modern eye they had tendencies we'd even see as Proto-liberal. At the very least, to survive in the frozen wastes, the women were forced to be more independent and have a stake in things when out hunting or preparing their home. Even among the men their decision making was more "democratic" than the weak peasants down south.

Alright, even I realize this is just seeming like schizo rambling now. However my most elegant point is that if Neanderthal theory of ASD is true, then this affects literally EVERYTHING about life.

BTW African Americans who have up to ~1/4 European DNA have lower, but still present, rates of Autism compared to Whites, whilst "pure" sub Saharan Africans in Africa rarely ever get it. HMMM I WONDER WHY???
Either way, this all sounds hella speculative. I guess it's a possibility, but using a possibility to then extrapolate that onto other theories and topics is even more speculative and borders on conspiracy. Either way, I think it's clear we all think that the recent movement of autism acceptance is silly, so let's just move on with our day and breathe a little fresh air. (Well, however fresh the air can be in this day and age)
You all hyperfixate more on autism than people who actually have autism lmao, please get hobbies
(678 KB, 1202x732, Screen Shot 2023-04-13 at 10.33.07 am.png)
This chick is literally a 400lb furry that draws her fursona in class. As someone who actually used to support body positivity back when it was more reasonable and was more focused on people with injuries/genetic deformities and different body types and wasn't overtaken by people like this, this stuff just gives me second hand embarrassment.
(1.4 MB, 1110x1374, Noooooooo.png)
When reposting goes too far...
Shit like that seems to happen to a good chunk of good kink artists it seems.
Either becoming a furry, addicted to males, or addicted to themselves, or some shitty mix. Hate to see it every time though.

And the other chunk either just fall off the face of the earth or lose a lot of their art quality over time.
But those latter fates are preferrable, it's just sad to see them vanish so quickly sometimes or lose their touch.
Rarely there's those that stick around for a long time and are consistent in good shit though, god bless those few.
I blame Jeetdoh for this shit. Maybe he's just a symptom of a greater problem in the art community, but I swear this wasn't commonplace until he started drawing himself as a fat femboy.
(82 KB, 979x816, Hank's brain fucking.jpg)
There's this guy monopolizing every chubby chasing artists at Twatter over his D&D character named "Evelyn", the character's design looks so subpar, why the hell they're accepting his requests?

There are treatments for gonorrhea, unlike cancerous tumors who are just likeable as fucking Andrew Dobson.

That has to be a fag in a drag, because if you dig deeper into BBW site models, Sadie, Echo and Bobbi are the accurate wide load type pear shaped SSBBW.

Wait until you see the ones pushing their political agenda.

>Your mentality whenever you think crap like Tim & Eric are FUNNIEST FUCKING SHIT

>Talking about gohnorreah in 2023.
What kind of 3rd world do you live in where you're worried about putting your dick in a girl's shithole?
I do. I loved it! I think cdawg got a good fun chuckle as well. You should do more YouTuber based comment pun drawing you'd probably aquire a decent following from the shit posting and jokes alone
I guess make that money where you can as long as it isn't Loli shit I say draw whatever if someone is willing to drop $50 to $100 on it you'd be surprised the stories I've heard of commissioners making bank off of stepping out there comfort zone a bit
the thread is for sharing stupid shit, not writing it yourself
Eh maybe mesa brain dumage
Who gives a gungan fuck

But it's true people spend money on some interesting kinks some of them of very niche tastes! If you a good enough artist you can get some dough give or take what you're willing to draw so don't close every single door but still have decent morals at least and know your limits
I know I’m gonna get shit for this, but I honestly feel role reversal just feels so fucking awful… like it feels like no matter the artist, I will still hate the piece if it’s a role reversal one…
(189 KB, 1178x1190, Areyoukiddingme.png)
We live in a society where Kiari is now considered a Bambooale OC and Foxfire/Toroboro says he quit but didn't really and is actually still making art but you have to pay Bambooale's Patreon to see it...
Call me retarded or whatever but seeing any Snide & Sniff video gives me sepsis.
Also, what's with the CatBoyMech hate? I'm a faggot and love all of her art so there's that, and she does have some absolutely abominable takes sometimes but I don't see the problem. Am I missing something?
she's an annoying faggot who moralizes about everything under the sun despite her lesser known fetishes and uses her fucked up issues to deflect anything said about her or to her, hope this helps
I've only watched less than a minute of snide and sniff and it was already enough to make me wince and never want to step foot into that channel again.
As far as CakeCatBoyMechHoarder hate goes, a lot of is in response to some of her bizarre decisions and opinions on a lot of things over the things, a lot of which draws a lot of comparisons between her and Nyanners, most notably how they both had sexual Loli persona's back in the day, went through a rebrand to become spokesperson catgirl/boy vtubers that is effectively not that much different from a lot of the stuff they used to do, just with the added layer of moral grandstanding they do now. In the case of Cake, however, is that in a lot of these attempts to clear her image, she only goes halfway (Such as drawing her fat Shota catboy OC with no visual differences from how he looked before besides her now claiming that "he's 18+ now" on any of the few content of him that is still up, even though if you actually look at it for more than a second you would realise it's still heavily shotacon stuff.)
I really can't find it in myself to full on hate her to the ends of the earth, but when you look at just the stuff of hers on this thread alone, you'd begin to understand why a decent amount of people just don't like her.
Yikes, okay. I get it now. Thanks for clearing things up, Anons.

Still won't stop me from cooming though kek.

About S&S though, their fucking slop is inescapable and they come out with more of it on a regular basis and I'm sick of it.

Similarly to you Anon, I made the choice of letting curiosity get the best of me ONCE and I'll never let it happen again. Ugh.
(1.2 MB, 1194x896, No.png)
Pyrocynical and his fans have done irreparable damage to society.

Dishonourable mention goes to SolitaryScribbles for those fat mods that normies keep using for meme reasons that then loops back around to being Pyrocynical memes because apparently all expansion fetish material somehow has Pyrocynical as a punchline.
(628 KB, 1156x646, Bruh.png)
>You have to support Bambooale in order to support Foxfire
Literally 1984
(147 KB, 1437x2048, FbvxvcmXwAEPm39.jpeg) (124 KB, 1116x2048, Fbvw-_eX0AAOub4.jpeg)
Flashback to the art that caused the peak of the insane ranting threads. Shit was wild, but it's a net positive that those were stopped.
Pyro is a walking punchline
(50 KB, 960x768, 804859097.jpg)
I know it probably doesn't exactly fit here but come on lip nips
>4 Fingers on right hand
>6 Fingers on left hand
>Shes making the dreamworks face
(668 KB, 720x790, Anger.png)
>Browsing through social media for no less than 3 minutes
>Sees Elephant Mario porn no less than half a dozen times
>Fuck this shit I'm out
I had no doubts that this would happen at least a little bit, but I don't know what concerns me more: 1. How much of it there is, and 2. How a lot of the people doing it/liking/retweeting it are people that 5 years ago I would never suspect be secretly into Elephant porn.
He's not only the chubby chasing artist in the world, besides his shit is already deteriorating to the point of making AI look bearable.

Not to mention artists who disappeared from the face of the earth all of the sudden they start shitting out half assed doodles for the new trendy fetish
Unga bunga would I like to give all those corners and edges a ride
Don't be such a 'square' >:3

It's depressingly bad, this art. Another dissapointing day. Oh well.
(463 KB, 762x1012, Wtf.png)
Not wg but...
People get this horny over Kirby...?
I love this ngl. I love me some weird fat ideas and even then this has a lot of effort, softness, cuteness and even creativity for fattening a cube person without it looking weird.
(807 KB, 940x958, 991430923856.png)
Dr. Ray Blanchard would be very disappointed at his word being discarded by autogynephiles who become so deep in degeneracy and kink that they genuinely think they are anime girls/boys.
Genuinely disappointed at the amount of writers and artists I've been seeing that have quit their actually good fetish works to pursue their "Dream of being a BBW/BHM model". Even worse if they without a hint of sarcasm of insincerity promote IRL health issues and get off to seeing their fellow BBW autogynephiles dying. I hope these people can seek help or will realise just how deranged their degeneracy has come. And this is coming from someone who enjoys some health issue fics from time to time and likes the occasional autogynephile bait genderswap fics.
(I know this is kind of unrelated, but this kind of stuff genuinely makes me sick)
(546 KB, 1659x823, Macrotrannyness, deviantart.jpg)
>I know this is kind of unrelated
Not at all, I wouldn't be surprised if these fucking people were shitting on Tom Preston when he was online just to confess they're a lot worse. Much like A-log to Chris Chan.
Funny you say that because in practice I've found myself constantly reminding people about who Tom Preston/CattyN was, the expansion communities have pretty much memory holed him because he hasn't drawn anything expansion related in over a decade. He's only a big name on 4chan and Kiwifarms.

This community seems to have a real memory problem with forgetting people who haven't drawn in a while, but it's also why people like RidiculousCake still cause a lot of seething to this day even for old incidents, because they are still actively creating content which causes stuff to constantly resurface.
It isn't because people forgot, it's that the vast majority have left and been replaced by people who weren't around over a decade ago.

Cake still gets shit because the most of the popular artists are part of a cult and he spat on their doctrine so even if he had quit drawing but still posted, they'd still be encouraging people to shit on him.
>Says "be kind"
>Hateboner for Rowling
>Calls people bigots

Yep, that checks out, it's ridiculous how many of these types there are nowadays. Why are all the decently talented ones caught up by the cult anyway?

If you’re talented you get more attention, when you get more attention you’re more aware of what other people think of you, and let’s be honest, most people don’t have the time or drive to actually look into things so they’ll just latch on to whatever they think makes them look good, which, in this time and place, means politics so out-there that even Jim Jones and his would-be Marxist commune would think twice about it.
>>39052 What this loud mouth wanted the balls to say was that if you're talented niggers'll tryto steal from you and call it inspiration.
(1.7 MB, 994x998, Gay.png)
This has to be parody. Wtf kind of dialogue is this. Is this how Zoomers actually talk>
(782 KB, 1186x1256, Screen Shot .png)
Who the fuck would be jealous of a commission whore?
Nobody ever seems to complain about commission whores any more, but back when they did it was usually in terms of having that much expendable income and being able to reliably get comm slots.
>>39062 I don't see that as a problem, so sucks to be poorfag.
When there is limited slots and some trust fund baby takes them all every time getting completely identical commissions every time its a problem. Also, though its more a furry OC thing but its used as a dick measuring contest who can get the more 'prestigious artist' to draw their OC because it apparently makes them 'popufur' by association as well
...This hurts to look at it for many reasons.
I genuinely never thought I would learn something about myself from a fat fetish thread, let alone this one! You my good man just explained my entire life story ever since I first hit puberty!

Might I also add, however, That I was also into other things when I was younger. I remember as a kid having an odd fascination for cartoon characters shrinking or transforming into an animal. This in turn evolved into liking fat animals (Pigs, hippos, elephants, etc) and from there it turned into humans and fat anime chicks (*And then questioning my sexuality*)

TL;DR I was once a closeted furry and then got into fat
>>39112 You SURE you're on the right planet, bud?
Probably not. Who knows maybe I am a lizard alien who comes from Deneb and the planet Unity. Maybe all of this fat shit reminds me of back home. Or I could just be bullshitting all this for shits and giggles.

Either way I am most definitely the most retarded person on this entire site
another thing: You don't have to be autistic to have a fetish. Plenty of neurotypical people have fetishes but they're the normie kind like feet and bondage. Also those who were abused as a child or young teenager are more likely to develop a fetish into their adulthood

I believe you except when you speak of lizard-like men don't exist all I hear is "I'm a Jew that doesn't believe in Satan or God and I hate you and hate beautiful children and I want to make America the new China" so... AI with robot workers and police?
(271 KB, 1062x606, What.png)
>>39318 Let me ask you this. How gay're your memes? You're black.
(193 KB, 438x490, Screen Shot.png)
Whenever I see someone make fetish art of some meme face or wojak or whatever I automatically know that a year later some normie is going to use it in a non fetish meme, and wouldn't you know it, it happens once again
It’s extremely common to call something mildly inconvenient homophobic ironically
What the fuck actually happened to Jeet turn him into such a faggot? Last I heard he got cucked by his girlfriend and he spiralled into trannydom as per his kind's tendency. I mean don't get me wrong,it was funny to watch him crawl back to the bbw sphere after losing everything and even funnier to watch his patreon shrivel up to ~$400 a month from the thousands he used to make.
Haven't heard from him in years. What the fuck happened to him now? Is he actually trans now or is he just a femboy cucked by his girlfriend?
(2.2 MB, 1690x1016, AI Cringe.png)
A.I. taking a conglomeration of artists to make unimaginative and incoherent slop is already bad enough, but now it's gotten to the point where people are without permission honing in on single people's work to make deratives off of it. In this image alone I spy Eishiban, Belt-Buster and Miramiraclerun all having their works being used for this. Can see this type of stuff spawning a new wave of artists with a defeatest attitude, like "Why should I even make anything new when I can just use A.I. to shit out a thousand soulless derivatives of my past stuff".
>>39631 Nigger no you fucking don't. What you see is generic fucking anime running its course. Those no-name artists you mentioned are all shills. If anything their works are perfectly suited to make "derivatives" off of. By the way, you're not using that word correctly and you should buy a dictionary. I'm glad you're not jumping on the "artist" band wagon too because I can already tell what your art would be like.
>>39631 I forgot to mention that the reason I call this nigger art's precisely because of how traced and inunique the art looks. It's not because I think the artist's literally black, although most of the time yes they're actually black or from 3rd world countries and not professionally trained, many times they're white aswell. (Btw, we don't call those niggers, we call those fags. Incase you're new)

Most of the history's greatest artists didn't go to a school of art. Unfortunately for both you and I, reality's a bitch and America's a shithole so the internet's all we have and ironicly all it did was make things worse thanks to niggers and fags alike.
He's doing fine. Idk what the other guy is going on about but we don't see him around much anymore because he does storyboards for actual studio cartoons now, which is why his patreon "shrivling up" doesn't really matter.

His girlfriend did get him into some sort of femboy cross dressing shit though
So what you're saying is that wacky cartoony/stylized art like SolitaryScribbles and SuperSpoe is going to be the future of the community?
>>39638 That's exactly something I wouldn't ever say, and not just because there's no way for me to be certain of it short for devine intervention from God.

I believe anime and art're at death's door and it's thanks to niggers and fags.
Phobia means scared right so if it's fist fighting the fat off your body like a rotisserie chicken instead of running from you like your in Minecraft God mod how the hell is it homophobic? The term itself never made sense to me you call someone who hate the lgbt homophob yet it's not fear that drives them 50% of the time it's rage. So how is that phobic? It's more like homiaragic or rageho or whatever the fuck you want to call it butterfly sparkle unicorn poop £====)
How much helium would it take to fill Emily the giant here to burst point? Can someone draw me a accurate depiction of that id appreciate it. If not just cum on your phone screen to this message while you think of peeps popping in a microwave or something something dick fart cheese 🧀
>>39642 I'll enjoy your death first, but also your being thrown into hell for eternity, loser. I love youf righteous indignation. Don't you know?
>>39644 No. It's either yourface, or a massive cliterous of a vagina. Nigger
(2.1 MB, 1920x1080, HowtoEatwithYourButt028.png)
Ah yes vagina faces the distant cousin of the buttheads goo people but there breath really stinks 🦨 (just like your's probably I don't know Maybe it smells like cum and roses)
>>39646 No. I meant that you look like a giant vagina with that stupid hat you're wearing, gaylord.
Interesting. And are these niggers and fags in the room with us right now?
According to that guy I'm one. With the bar set so low and the definition so vague, we might as well all be.
Homedog seems kinda insane though
Dude is a actually tweaking off the narcan
Tell me more about your mother and her lack of citations. Also storyboard artists get paid jackshit so that's even more reason to laugh at his few remaining paypigs.
(1.0 MB, 1070x742, Hm.png)
She bragged about how much of a "good person" she is and how going to a kink furry convention makes her a better person...even though she promotes IRL health issues...
(441 KB, 512x768, IMG_4077.jpeg)
>Check dA for fetish stuff
>Someone has hundreds of AI pictures in their gallery
>Most are variations of the same tag input
>Some barely even filter out the uncanny valley shit like arms that look like they're rubber bones
>"Oh yeah she's supposed to look like that because they're made out of magical rubber so they chose to resemble a multi-limbed abomination"
He's had 'storyboard artist' listed in his twitter bio for the last couple of years I'm pretty sure. And like, do we really need to corroborate something that's entirely mundane and well within the realm of plausibility with hard proof?

Irregardless of what you think of his cringe femboy spider-gwen shit, he's an objectively talented artist well-versed in cartoonish stylization. It's hardly surprising that he'd be able to find work in the industry that directly inspired a lot of his non-fat art.
IMO he's actually better at SFW cartoon and mecha stuff than he is NSFW. Him doing this back and forth between actually alright SFW stuff to unabashedly self indulgent nonsense gives a major sense that's he has skills when he can apply himself, but ultimately he's too unprofessional and strange to be taken seriously.
...I'm not over the fact that he had that whole underage rant, and then proceeds to a year or two later draw almost the entire cast of Xenoblade 2 inflated, including the lolis and animal characters
(361 KB, 1080x856, Screenshot_20230721_065609_Chrome.jpg)
> No citations
I mean, besides the fact he regularly says that's his job? I share a few servers with the guy where he posted, even during his "retirement" from expansion art. We chat in DMs sometimes. He's never been shy about what his job is.

If you really want something to make fun of Jeet over, make fun of him for for getting into crossdressing to impress a cute Thai bbw who fully supported his weight gain art and still fumbling the bag hard enough to end up friendzoned. But when it comes to his career, I can confirm that he's got a job doing storyboards for real cartoons. He has the luxury of treating fat art like a side-hustle now. If nothing else, props to the guy for being one of the few artists in this scene to spin an "actual" job out of his art.
>Also storyboard artists get paid jackshit
Usually yes, but people gotta remember that Jeet's doing remote work for American cartoons from Thailand. He's making the equivalent of 30 bucks over there for every American dollarydoo he earns. Not like he's rolling in cash, but the whole reason he can afford to only open comms when he wants to indulge in some silly femboy cosplay shit is because he's more well-off than the average American in the same line of work.

Ilove when you guys post about Jeet.
>make fun of him for for getting into crossdressing to impress a rando woman
You say that as if he doesn't get ridiculed constantly for adopting a fetish just to get pussy like a typical low Testosterone beta male.
>because he's more well-off than the average American in the same line of work
The average american can't afford to spend 400 bucks on a car emergency, saying he's slightly better off than actual poorfags in california means nothing.
>I'm not over the fact that he had that whole underage rant, and then proceeds to a year or two later draw almost the entire cast of Xenoblade 2 inflated, including the lolis and animal characters
Yeah that's the other reason people spit in his face, and rightfully so. The little cocksucker strapped on a 12yo girl's bikini bottom and swan dived into woke faggotry right during the summer of love, burning almost as many bridges as blm. I sure hope the twitter echo chamber he shares his transformers ocs with was worth it.
(375 KB, 1206x1078, Oh no.png) (1.3 MB, 1146x1378, who we're actually dealing with.png)
>pic related
Oh no!...Anyway!

Imagine being so brain rottingly obssessed with a single character from Tokyo Ghoul that you get gender dysphoria and head canon yourself as an uwu sub obese male. There's endless amounts of humor in them posting pics of their "boy boobies" when they're clearly just regular plain old female breasts.
Jeet didn't start it, but he definitely was the final straw. If anything, RidiculousCake was indirectly responsible for all of this.
And I mean the whole "underage drawing = bad" shit
He definitely wasn't the start, but he certainly played a big part in the """"""underage talk"""""". Like, people having different preferences and not liking the underage stuff is fine, like, no ones forcing you to like it. But it's gotten to a point where it's so polarising for people that they either have to be a squeaky clean "won't draw anyone who was underage in the source material!", or they are a full blown lolicon artist. It wasn't that terribly long ago when most of the deviantart side of "the community" would speak out against when certain artists and writers would get their works blocked because some rando filed in a report of a character being underage. But now it's got to the point where Maniacal-Fork is getting called a pedo and has to write a hundred word apology over a single drawing of Tate and Liza from Pokemon. It's extra weird considering that there's this sort of open secret/not secret on a crap ton of the big artists actually not even giving a damn about any of the underage stuff, and actually still being into loli/shota and sharing occasional drawings privately and then whenever they might get questioned about it they have to sneakily flip the script and say that they were aged up. Of course, this mostly just comes down to a lot of new people entering the scene and just not being at all familiar with what things were once like.
On a semi side note, it's also kind of alarming just how many people who were suspiciously aggressive in their whole "against underage art" tirades that were actually doing unpleasant things to IRL minors.
That one was hilarious in that everyone in the comments was disappointed the moment cow tf became part of the sequence.
(916 KB, 1124x1124, 110605160_p0.png)
this design seems...familiar...
Nickacado probably does
Not going to lie I actually absolutely love that some of the most well-known storyboard artists are probably absolute degenerates I mean how do you think something like totally spies gets green lit? Either those were some blind executives or they were getting paid with fetishes under the table as the writers sucked them off and stroked them during each board meeting

>>Animators are slutty and whores for the fetish fuel! No matter the gender
>>40845 I mean how the hell else do you explain Mr Krabs scat porn existing and it not being fan art! Yes canon storyboards of Mr Krabs dropping a caterpillar on plankton's face exists and again >> not fan made

Wait, are you talking about Dasan? Oh man, I didn't even noticed it lol. Poor Jeet
Him dating a fellow artist makes it even more awkward considering how much he bragged about "I've got such a hot ssbbw gf 🥵"
Like I said, Jeet's role in the """""underage talk""""" was the final straw. The thing that broke the camel's back. The point of no return.
(352 KB, 565x629, Screenshot (175).png) (49 KB, 588x412, Screenshot (176).png) (12 KB, 458x148, Screenshot (177).png)
>erased the male pronouns from his bio
>cosplaying as a character that is heavily implied to be a tranny
If he hasn't trooned out yet, he's bound to take the plunge any day now considering all the winking and nudging his followers are doing.
(55 KB, 800x567, tsugsid.jpg)
Sweet Jesus, just what the actual fuck happened to him?!
You people are fucking sad

>heavily implied to be a tranny

Wait, is that for real? I never saw the second movie so I just assumed it was dumbasses on the internet projecting whatever shit their fetishizing this week onto a fictional character as usual
Dubs don't lie, and the fact that he's technically a grow man desperate to impress mentally ill teenagers from portland makes it all the more pathetic.

Yes and no: there's the tranny flag colors highlighted in her room and some fuckers insist her costume is based on the flag or some such bullshit, but it could just as easily be autogeynophilics appropriating another fictional character.

Either way jeet's hitching his wagon to a pale horse.
>heavily implied to be a tranny
Not exactly. Theres some "Protect trans kids" flag in her room or something like that and people just assume that means she's trans or something. People also use the colours of her suit for that...but if you used that same logic for Miles...well, yeah, Nazi flag
Ah, the fujo who wanted to BE the cute boy so she could live out all her "super smexy" yaoi fantasies. Truly a tale as old as time.
I get it. Not that I'd creampie a Peep IRL or anything like that, but when you put cute eyelashes on something and show her straining and getting all flustered as she swells up, it's bound to press the same buttons as bog-standard female expansion.
I've never heard of this soon-to-be faghag before, what's her brain damage?
(107 KB, 767x1299, Age Up 1.jpg) (469 KB, 1838x2004, Age Up 2.jpg)
So... this is the power of aging up characters...
Yep, it's truly a tragedy. That Marnie design in particular is gross
Yeah T-Dookus stuff is sometime hit or miss and these two pics are definitely misses.

That Marnie pic tho, jesus
(751 KB, 560x706, Rockwell's Freedom of Speech.png)
Honestly, I feel that Dookus has actively regressed as an artist. He either gives his girls the proportions of an overstuffed garbage bag, or he gives them these disgusting blemishes that don't mesh with his style at all like a shit-ton of freckles or cellulite. Yeah, they aren't outright "What the fuck"-worthy like the two I posted, but they still baffle me in their own way.

As far as I'm concerned, the fat art community's echo chamber status is to blame.
I think a large portion of bbwchan would agree with you that Dook has kind of regressed. It kind of feels like a couple years ago there was a month period where he all of a sudden changed his artstyle for the worse. I think he's slowly been improving a little bit in regards to his use of colours as well as shading and highlights, but in terms of character expressions, body types, and overall the sort of texture and shape he applies to fat just feels kind of inferior to some of his past work. And that's kind of crazy considering his old stuff wasn't necessarily objectively great or anything. His use of adding really strange head canon designs to pre existing characters is something that has also striken me as odd. It's no secret that he can be quite...vocally opinionated about certain characters and aspects he likes and dislikes, but some of the ways he draws characters just kind of rub me and others the wrong way. At best it'll be like how he has an obsession with giving redheads excessive freckles for no good reason even if they didn't have them in canon, and at worst it will be like how he draws Marnie nowadays...
I guess what I'm trying to say is that Dook has kind of lost a lot his artistic identity, or rather, the positive aspects of it. Now that he doesn't even draw the niche fetishes that he used to and doesn't do anywhere close to the sizes he used to, it's really clear that Dook's work has just become unrecognisable to what it once was.
I'm still iffy over the fact that he can't draw a Pokemon girl without aging them up to an ugly degree and yet he has an alt where he draws fat Pokemon, many of which are quadrupedal and very animal like. By his own logic, shouldn't he at least be anthrofying them before he draws them to make them look more human?
Every time I see this guy on DA I can’t help but cringe. And that’s saying something when you consider what a wasteland DA is these days. I like how he inflates his cheeks to make himself look fatter

(84 KB, 1268x1047, TRCPRKR.png)
>I like how he inflates his cheeks to make himself look fatter

ngl I can't help but feel morbidly fascinated when I look at tracyporker's gallery

scrolling past those thousands of identical grainy photos gives off such an unsettling vibe, and it's only amplified by all the weird shit on the floor (clipped fashion magazines next to a mirror etc)

the fact that they're all taken in the solitude of his bedroom could suggest that he lives with his parents

the dead autistic stare in every photo where the eyes are visible

all the autists buying into this despite there being at least 15 visible tells that this is a man

it's a disturbing mix of horror and comedy that a piece of fictional media would never be able to replicate
that's worthy of a 'jak
>all the autists buying into this despite there being at least 15 visible tells that this is a man
You would think so, but remember that chris had to stare at himself in the mirror for hours over the course of several years just to get a grasp of what he looks like, and he's high functioning. Vaccine kids are so fucked up no matter how you slice it.
Being in the pokemon """community""" will snuff out any artist's spark in a monsoon of autism, pronoun faggotry, and genuinely awful people. The echo chamber effect on top of everything is just the cherry, but at the same time it's all his own fault for not getting the hell out as fast as he could.
No clue who he is, but your post gives me the impression that you're either autistic, underage, or both.
I don't get it, what's so bad apart from Marnie being an ugly character in general? Or that Rosa's jacket looks too short?
That """""adult""""" Rosa design is so fucking lazy. All he did was change her clothes and called it a day. It has as much value as Count Olaf's paper-thin disguises
Unsightly cellulite, fucked-up proportions, god-awful haircut, overly wrinkly skin that makes her look like a garbage bag, weird perspective... And to top it off, this design because Dookus wants to fap to Marnie without being eaten alive by the twitter crowd.

This picture is the perfect representation of how an already autistic, yet relatively peaceful fetish community has gone completely down the shitter.

Aaaaaaaand called it.
Pfffft hahahaha
I hate how much JayTee has been degenerated over the years. He was once one of my favorite fat artiosts, but his drawing style has lost a lot of appeal and now he does morphs of crosdressing dudes. Wish I would be joking.
(68 KB, 1200x740, e93.jpg)
Your ancestors aren't going to rise from hell to shame you for rubbing one off to crossplay.
(39 KB, 640x960, 5eb.jpg)
So do you think this is him entering coomerbrain burn out, or does he live in one of the faggot states and it just took this long to get to him?
I noticed this "addicted to themselves" thing with persona self-insert oc's like how TheNeverWere, Jeet, Bigsychrome, SomeScrub, and RediculousCake.

Something about making yourself as a character and then doing fetishy stuff to your self-insert is just gross but I can't put my finger on why.

I don't get it. Peeps are gross tasting, let alone being attracted to one for whatever reason. Guess people can get attracted to anything if touch starved enough.
(57 KB, 1122x1080, Bugs Shocked.jpg)
>"on the day of my 50th birthday"
Jesus christ, I can't see myself making fetish stuff at 30. I'd legit kill myself if I was still doing this at fifty fucking years old.
Hot damn, I thought you were joking. That's just tragic. I'd only make fetish shit for money as a one off or when desperate, not for fun years into your golden years.
I remember this one account on Deviantart called "Balloon Princess" or something like that who was apparently in their 60's. They also commented on stuff A LOT and always ended their comments with *Giggle* and it never failed to make it not seem extremely weird. They had she/her in their bio too but I genuinely refuse to believe that a 60 year old lady was schlicking to deviantart ms paint inflation
You never know with human depravity.
(833 KB, 828x1423, BalloonPrincess.png) (906 KB, 828x965, Circa 2007.png)
First of all, according to this, she’s 54 years and 11 months old at most as of this post. 18 years ago she would’ve been 36. She could be lying about her age, but according to this pic she’s definitely been around for at least 16 years. Porn is a hell of a drug.
Considering he lives in Argentina, he's probably the richest man in his country, the same with Anastimafilia. They better cater to the terminally online people or they'll die.
I like how all you closeted faggots seem to think that being attracted to obese women is only a "kink" or "fetish" that a man can't be genuinely attracted to a woman with extra fat or God forbid it be the person's "type" and another thing, you cunts keep throwing "degenerate" or "coom" like it means anything, Men have always been attracted to obese woman and vice versa, that's how it's always been people have "types" it's muscle, fat or bone people find other people attractive, you don't have to have a mental illness to have a thing for a fat girl. are there fucking degenerate people who wank it to obese animals and inanimate objects and children yes there are, but just because you're attracted to fat doesn't mean you're a degenerate, and that applies to all of us.
Being attracted to obese women and still jerking off behind a computer at age 50 are two different things. I’m worried I’ll be too much of a coward that I’ll end up as the latter.
Same time a lot of the better artists I've worked with are already in their 30s and 40s, because they aren't temperamental children who flip genders at the drop of a hat and also aren't stupid enough to try and scam people either. Never seen anyone try and call them weird.

Though a lot of them are definitely more casually horny if anything, it's the ones like "BalloonPrincess" that are absolutely creepy groomers.
(49 KB, 500x356, 8b0.png)
Firstly, double checked.
As for your observation, having a self-insert OC is inherently narcissistic since its putting all the focus on an extension of the artist themselves and thus is ego stroking. It's the fatty artist equivalent of all those thots that cannot take a picture of something without shoving their ugly botox faces into the frame ala pic related.

In Jeet's case he also has racial tendencies afflicting him as well, that stereotype of the Taiwanese ladyboy exists for a reason after all.
Agreed, and for the record I do think what Jaytee and Jeet is doing is VERY degenerate. I just hate to see good artist be tainted by Twitter and Instagram bullshit and then the puriteens get going it just hits a special nerve in my pysche.
(129 KB, 563x438, Patreon Kemono.png)
Crossplay aside, I've never liked seeing morphs of cosplayers. Something about it makes me feel uncomfortable in a way that morphs of celebrities or BBW models doesn't. It feels like it's crossing a line somewhere when you involve some random person in your fetish stuff, and I can't image they'd be flattered if they found out about it.
Yeah I have no idea how someone's drive for fetish art can survive a fucking mid-life crisis. Fuck that.
(60 KB, 596x416, Pandering.png)
It's all so tiresome.
(110 KB, 960x875, 14D64D57-DEEE-46C1-B7F1-9F73064E9090.jpeg)
I’m biased because I hate shaved parts on a girl’s hair but this is actually disgusting to look at. Why does she look like someone’s grandmother??

The Rosa design is such a joke too, cunt could have atleast actually aged her up, I remember saying to a friend and comparing old art of her with the ‘aged up’ version - absolutely no differences bar the hair and clothes. Same height, look and body.

Dook’s fallen off big time, man
The real question is...does he do different race pov alts? If you're trying to be inclusive, then catering to different skin tones is a logical first step.
Anyway, Futa > Trap > Femboy > Transgirl
and Reverse Trap > Tomboy > "Bois/Reverse Femboys" > Transmen
(612 KB, 1050x1328, Nobara.png)
I just...I know you have to start SOMEWHERE but...wow
Would have been tolerable without the belly apron.
Agreed. At first glance, I actually thought that the "belly apron" was some sort of shape in the background because of how shitty it looks.
It's another perfect example of what happens when people forget that the second B in BBW is there for a reason.
(298 KB, 508x394, Uhhhhhh.png)
So, uh, there's this Japanese BBW who's
only recently turned 18.
Some of the people liking her posts are known artists like Kafe's alt account, who has "18+ only can interact!".

The thing is, when I mean recently turned 18, I mean, she only turned a few months ago...and she's been posting belly pics for a year and a half...since she was 16...

Isn't this...kinda creepy?

And Guess which ones Kafe left a like on...

Oh yeah, pic below is cropped fanart that another older Japanese BBW made of her when, surprise surprise, she was still only 17

And wouldn't you know it, literally no one is talking about this.
(871 KB, 870x516, 5051b0a488563df9.gif)
>Preddit spacing
>softcock moral outrage
>autistic syntax
>Dances around calling Kafe a pedo like some fruity retard instead of stating it outright like a normal person would
I know you have severe autism but turning 18 means she's turned 18 you Godless retard, make like the gif and isekai yourself.
i agree the poster has annoying reddit spacing, but i think you missed the part where kafe liked a belly pic of an at the time 16 year old
If I had a nickel for fat artists who were found out to be pedos by being weird about 16 year olds, I'd have 2 nickels. How in the fuck do these people get away with it???
Oh yeah, she even uploaded a comparison pic of her when she was 17 compared to her in middle school...
And wouldn't you know it, THE MistyStuffer himself left a like on it. You can't make this up.

I can only think that their getting away with it because people are liking her posts being none the wiser that she's a highschooler and are literally too horny and lazy to read her profile to realise "Oh shit, she's underage".

>but turning 18 means she's turned 18
That doesn't stop the previous pics of her that she's posted and other people have liked from being fetish pics of an underage girl though...
That's like saying that it's okay to perv over underage Emma Watson because she's an adult now.
What's the account? Are you sure this is what's happening?
(452 KB, 1196x1296, Sus.png) (39 KB, 608x158, Very Sus.png) (387 KB, 1190x762, 17.png) (649 KB, 1196x1068, 16.png)
This is the account.
2nd pic related is a heavily cropped screenshot of the pic that Misty Stuffer liked.
I did have a screenshot of Kafe's alt account showing up in the "This post is liked by ___" section but my dumbass deleted it.
Pics related 3 and 4 are evidence of her being as young as 16.
legal where i live. who cares. not every country is america, you drama addicted faggots.
(13 KB, 474x473, bb883a5c53da6952.jpg)
lmao at your autistic ass trying to stir some barelylegal moral outrage on fucking bbw-chan of all places because kafe's stealing your crush from you as we speak and you can't cope

back to x with you
There's been a lot of these barely-functional schizoids around here lately, what do you suppose is causing this?
(223 KB, 1712x2103, gaslighting in autism _ study sample 708.png)
>what do you suppose is causing this?
we got discovered by deviantart's terminally online requester clique of underage autists sometime this year, and they've spread the word to eachother during summer vacations

daily autistic infighting has made these bottom feeders extremely resilient to bullying, some of them don't register shit talk at all because of their syndromes

they care even less about bans, it's back to the grind for them the second a ban expires or they evade it

the only weakness of these little shits is mom taking away the internet for a while when they get caught jacking it to MS paint circles

it's essentially a whole hitsquad of m*sti*ue s*nia fags, military grade perfected to compromise communities like this

source: my schizophrenia

this little faggot though is just dime a dozen twitter tourist who've been coming and going for a few years now, these types need constant validation to breathe so they've never thrived for long in imageboard environments, doesn't stop them from trying every once in a while
i think this guy is more respectable, but definitely a hard artstyle to get used to while not really being too ugly
the problem is you can tell which artists try to run with this style right out the gate, and then you smell their 🔞ggerly ways and desperation to join the twitter clique
im not the one browsing this profile's pics and whoever liked it, and im not the one keeping her just-legal age in mind with every post i scroll through, but maybe you like that part~
the average deviantart kid is definitely a different breed of autist, having literal-who wars among themselves while begging for comfort art and making ms paint memes and edits of fnf characters
(122 KB, 1280x990, ffanumber5 russian roullette 1.jpg) (179 KB, 1280x990, ffanumber5 russian roullette 2.jpg) (207 KB, 1280x1600, ffanumber5 russian roullette 3.jpg) (138 KB, 1280x990, ffanumber5 russian roullette 4.jpg) (112 KB, 1280x990, ffanumber5 russian roullette 5.jpg) (87 KB, 1280x990, ffanumber5 russian roullette 6.jpg)
here's a game i like to call ffanumber5 russian roulette

the rules are simple: there are 6 pics in this post all hidden, some of them are of fat mario princesses (peach, daisy, rosalina) while the one of them is of fat mario all drawn by ffanumber5

try to see how pics you open until you get to fat mario
Died in one bullet, RIP
instantly died too, and i will admit i just can't find attraction to the main mario males
not even during the elephant trend, i was begging for it all to stop so i could browse fats in peace
there's cool surreal frames but was this intended to be taken as a serious fetish comic

Managed to find all five Princess pics without seeing the Mario, luck was on my side
Squigly and Creepy Susie. Great choices but man their art style doesn't do them justice.
(236 KB, 2226x662, No.png)
This is the fate of all fetish writers. Something something unfulfilling Temporary satisfaction something something 1984
Never once heard of this loser before, he must totally suck as a writer if he can replace his creative endeavors with mutual masturbation with another man.
Gives me whiplash sometimes with how half of the threads on the board are just relatively normal people with some niche sub-fetishes, and the other half of the board are borderline gay middle school roleplay coomers. Sometimes it's both in the same thread.
Borderline nothing, there's two boards that allow traps and these little closet cases still want to spread aids.
(1.2 MB, 1056x802, UglyBaldingOldMan.png)
Even the ugliest of Pokemon characters have their fans, I guess...
Bhm-only artists do a fantastic job of highlighting how disgusting the faggot community is, and how none of those fuckers can draw a decent face. Go take a look at someone like gordo try to pretend his gallery doesn't look like a bunch of melting wax figures.
This is so fucking benign and bland compared to everything else in this thread that your complete overreaction is more embarrassing.
(152 KB, 861x928, swell__sorceress_by_chubbychisaki_dfr4ruy-pre.jpg) (98 KB, 914x875, omni_blimp_by_chubbychisaki_dgbdt5l-pre.jpg) (83 KB, 828x1175, drow_oc___thamina_by_chubbychisaki_df8n0ie-414w-2x.jpg) (127 KB, 923x866, fatty_frog_by_chubbychisaki_dgbdtk2-pre.jpg) (82 KB, 874x915, big__blonde__beautiful___part_1_by_chubbychisaki_dg6dsav-pre.jpg) (120 KB, 993x805, expanding_tiger__bulging_bat___part_2_4_by_chubbychisaki_dfzjgq7-pre.jpg)
Thought this was a funny idea so I'm going to shamelessly steal it.

Here are 6 pictures from deviantart user ChubbyChisaki, 5 of them are of various fat women, 1 of them is fat Omni Man, good luck.
I can appreciate the attempt, but we can see the file names bud
>Leik, omg you gaiz, not wanting to slam your face into a hideous man's smelly asshole is so basic I could gag
Dial it down a little danny, you're trying way to hard to seek validation your attraction to slobby men.
Your general take from that comment should have been that the bar for the community is extremely low (as has been proven several times in these threads) and instead you decide to keep clutching pearls.
I mean come on, where's the scat or the health issues? I've seen art of bloated corpses expelling themselves, you can do better.
Bro that's messed up. Why are vore people like this?
The reason I posted it here wasn't because it had farting or whatever. It's because it was the ugliest pokemon old man lactating and being obsessed over by the artist. The gross stuff was just a bonus
>Bro come on bro why complain about stinky shit gas when there's physical shit bro I mean fr fr bro
Just because there's a filthy degenerate that is more disgusting than yourself does not absolve you of being a freak, the same way that the existence of kid diddlers does not absolve zoosadists of their crimes. You also failed to deny that you're into greasy old men, and that just leads me to assume you were molested by a boomer as a child. It explains a lot about where your life is right now.
(41 KB, 500x375, Poor Hank.jpg)
The most WTF-worthy aspect of this thread is the blatant mental retardation shown by autistic underage users. No wonder I barely come to this site anymore.
I don't care about them becoming trans whatever they can do what they want. But man, I really miss their old art when they used to draw Pokemon girls and stuff like that. It's all just Transformers and normal art now which is very disappointing.
You can say that again
Barely anything good posted on here anyway compared to other sites
I feel the same way, Jeet used to be a bonafide legend and now he's just drawing his toy robots for other autists to clap for on xitter--he even has the shamelessness to pick the show with the calarts style to boot.
>Jeet used to be a bonafide legend
Yeah I remember when he used to be considered one of the pillars of the pinnacle of WG art. Must've flew to close to the son cos now he's dove head first into...whatever the hell he's doing now
(67 KB, 1024x600, IMG_1453.jpeg)
Buzz buzz from fuckin earthbound. idk anymore man…
>fat anthro bug
This is the kind of shit I was talking about when it came to mental retardation here and otherwise. There's nothing even remotely "WTF"-worthy of this unless you're sheltered and, more likely, underage. The worst you can say is that it isn't drawn well but again, it's about as vanilla as you can get.
It's wtf worthy because it is the most random character that someone could possibly to think of making fat art of out of EarthBound. In-game the dude is literally only a couple pixels of a flashing light.
artist went
>“hes a major part of the story why is he still overlooked”
Its fucking buzz buzz.
Did buzz buzz even get a clay model or is he really just like two pixels as >>45524 said? If it's the latter then yeah, that's some weirdass thirsting on the artist's part.
(66 KB, 222x147, Buzz_buzz.png)
No clay model, but he was drawn in (slightly more) detail for at least one of the mangas.
there's a decent amount of artist drama here, but also a lot of people acting like a 2016 cringe subreddit that devoled into "ew they can't get fat!!!!"
there's strange side-kinks people have, weird themes, weird artstyles, but a lot of this is vanilla as hell compared to simpsons bubblegum tf
i just come here for better conversation, and the niche threads of characters i like
His fat girlfriend leaving him musta cause him to have a mental breakdown lol
(418 KB, 1500x1500, c114.jpg)
Something I just found out of context while lurking on 4chan and thought was funny.
That looks like one of Phealgud’s clay models
Looks like it belongs to those forgotten Mortal Kombat clones, the ones with gross humor
Where did you find this? I tried using Google with no results.

Honestly, I dig this kind of thing. Only worry is how it would look close-up, paint-wise lol.

You I don’t know. Only place I could find it was on some posts on Facebook, but it’s true origin seems to have been wiped from the internet and I have no idea where I first found it
I actually remember seeing this ages ago. Only source I can think of it tumblr, since I didn't use Twitter at the time, and I wouldn't imagine it was on Deviantart. Crackpot theory is that it was tumblr exclusive and got wiped with the purge. Not a fan of it though, looks gross.
(155 KB, 403x335, 1684571574443134.png)
>horny one night
>look up chocomoth on twitter (hyperscat artist)
>he's not posting much art anymore
>now posting videos almost daily where he IRL shits himself
>then shows off the turd in his briefs/underwear

anyone else witness an artist's fetish go to their head?
I think Jeetdoh cross-dresses now.

Why were you attracted to him in the first place?
His audio stuff on FA
gave me more to fantasize about with slob stuff
Not a bad idea. Can you share it here? I really don’t want to sift through the visual stuff.
(467 KB, 894x760, Screen Shot 2023-10-14 at 9.48.55 pm.png)
>like the occasional health issue drawing or fanfic
>don't take it too seriously, it's just a drawing with very minimal context
>just a silly fictional fetish
>learns that half the people drawing/writing fanfics of health issues/death feederism are actually into it irl and are encouraging feedees to worsen their health
>some of them become IRL death feedists and slowly stop making actual content and just become lazy and most pics of themselves IRL hoping to die
>tumblr became a mess of wannabe emo girls forming borderline suicide pacts disguised as "fun progressive kink"
>mfw I just wanted to fap to silly scenarios involving out of breath fat anime girls
Why are people like this
(358 KB, 1800x1080, 1696863441907797.jpg)
>tumblr became a mess of wannabe emo girls forming borderline suicide pacts disguised as "fun progressive kink"
I've never seen anything like this.
Do you have any links to these emo girls ruining their health by gaining massive amounts of weight? You know, so I know where to stay away from
......I get it...
(750 KB, 1854x828, koskmand.png)
There was an attempt...
Didn't this freak do a face reveal only to be a run-of-the-mill skinny pizza face?
(2.5 MB, 1200x2400, Charilards.PNG)
Who knows? They’re self-aware to the extent of they know what fetishes they like, but not to the point they realize how unattainable their fetishes or a gender reassignment is.

Here’s Shameless the furry artist
Faces are not as difficult as hands, there's not excuses for being that much of a hack.
To think newcomers just want fat men in /bbwdraw/ instead of going to their respective boards, how retarded they got to be? And god forbid if you shit on their fetish, by following their logic everyone should dump their ai crap just to bump dying threads.

Later realise that it's too late:
They lose their weight, they lose their income.
Considering middle-schoolers live in the era of generblobs, it makes a kind of putrid sense that they are legitimately too autistic to tell the difference between men and women at this point. Still cringey as hell though, they'll never live down that kind of shame.

Speaking of cringe, why does the janitor see fit to allow five different shit-air threads when all of them as well as the slob variants could be condensed into one?
(349 KB, 1280x1410, Bridget is a Boy and you will Never Be a Woman.jpg)
Getting sick of otherwise female-only artists drawing Bridget because they're all a bunch of gay little eunuchs that bow down to tranny cock. Bonus points for letting the fucking tranny retcon completely consume his identity like most artists who draw Nu Bridget.
Picking TAD as your example really rubs salt into the situation.
Bonus points if they make him say some cringey ass "My pronouns are she/her and my belly is fat/soft" or some shit.
(98 KB, 1024x768, its_gotta_go_somewhere_by_thiccplastic_dclfx5z-fullview.jpg) (80 KB, 893x895, you_just_hit_the_jack_pot___by_thiccplastic_dcn4ly2-pre.jpg) (102 KB, 1032x774, does_my_gut_really_look_like_mother_brain__by_thiccplastic_dctkry1-pre.jpg)

Yo, I can tell you who this is. A modeler by the name of Thiccplastic that got his Deviantart nuked. I have all of his pics/drawings he uploaded if any of ya'll are interested.

You know you are fucked up when you can jack off/like half this shit....and the other stuff my dick wouldn't touch if it was 20 feet long.

Surprised nobody has mentioned anything from Virus 20. Nothing against him personally but his art makes my dick retract into my asshole.
I wouldn't mind a reup,it isn't the prettiest thing but i can't deny the appeal of someone hand making fat art like that
Would love to see that archive if it's not too much trouble for you to upload it anon.

>Virus 20
Yet another member of that weird niche of artists who have somehow defied everything I know about art by managing not to improve even a fucking miniscule after years sometimes even over a decade of drawing. Robot001, mistystuffer, etc...there's probably a couple other people who fall under this category that I'm forgetting about but yeah. The thing you very quickly learn after following artists online for many years is that the overwhelming majority of them improve over time, drawing like all skills is a talent that one becomes more proficient in the more time and effort is invested.

Darkfireballz started out drawing shit that was only a tier above mspaint circletool slop, now he's one of the best blob artists. BIGBIG came onto the scene already a pretty decent artist but then stepped up his game MASSIVELY and within a couple of years became a godtier painter who's not even just the best artist within his fetish circle, but debatably one of the best NSFW artists on the Internet currently in terms of sheer technical skill and artistic ability.

Obviously the degree to which individual artists improve is highly variable, but the point is that people generally get better over time. And then you have these fucking losers who have just stagnated to a genuinely unfathomable degree. To me that's what makes a bad artist, not just drawing terrible shit but specifically not being able to move past drawing terrible shit. How does this even happen? That's not even a rhetorical question, it genuinely boggles the mind how these guys have just somehow managed to not improve at all after spending so much time producing art.
(90 KB, 774x1032, obese_samus__by_thiccplastic_dctkrid-pre.jpg) (105 KB, 774x1032, dose_this_zero_suit_make_me_look_obese___by_thiccplastic_dctkrpb-pre.jpg)

I like robot001 and mistystuffer just fine but they aren't my faves. Robot001 has a toonish style I enjoy but you are right its pretty much the same. I like the kink variety they make. Mistystuffer has not impoved in ten+ years except for better shading/backgrounds. Its not just aritsts that stagnate but writers can too really badly.

This isnt all of it its just 7 am and I was cooming to chat AI all night cuz' I just discovered it was a thing. I'll give you the rest when i wake up. Just showing i ain't forgetting. He made a pretty damn good harley quinn id like to share

This isn’t even down the rabbit hole, this is below the bottom of the hole, it’s so deep past the hole that we can’t even call it rock bottom since the temperature and pressure this far into the Earth prevents solid rock from existing.
I just had the weirdest flashback to something I came across about 3-5 years ago or so. I don't think it exists on the internet anymore, but I distinctly remember someone on soundcloud making two different MEGALOVANIA and Megalo Strike Back songs inspired by Ridiculous Cake of all things...Yes, someone literally made music because they were inspired by inflation porn with the intention of it being for an Undertale AU in which said inflation porn artist fills the role of an Undertale character...

I don't have the tracks, but I found a reupload of one of his other tracks for reference as to the kind of style that it was: https://soundcloud.com/brodieanddrew/reupload-spun-custodies-diagnosis-by-djtob3

Pure autism at it's finest
(41 KB, 500x500, honk.jpg)
You anons are really talking a lot just to end up here with the rest of us.
(3.2 MB, 2480x3508, image_2023-12-15_134705970.png)
There's something that pisses me off about comics that go all in on weight gain while also having characters who react realistically to it and address what morbid obesity entails. It's even worse if they are dismissed as assholes and not completely reasonable. If your characters are going to reach ridiculous sizes, you might as well go all cartoon/fantasy by not applying RL logic like health issues and other inconveniences/dangers, and have every character be retarded, from enablers to detractors.

I generally consider fat art, down to the most depraved shit I enjoy, to be fantasy, something I wouldn't want anything to do with IRL - just like I would probably faint at one ninth of the violence in DOOM. The fact that there are fatfags out there who actually encourage obesity and either dismiss its effects or get off of them sickens me.
Okay, cool that you think that I guess. No fucking idea why you brought this up here though, this isn't a rant thread. I mean it is to a certain extent, but what you're talking about is barely topical as it isn't explicitly about art or an artist. And more to the point, it's highly subjective and I don't even think you're going to find a lot of people who share your viewpoint lol.

Like if you think irl obesity is gross then whatever, that's your opinion. But I genuinely don't understand why you feel the need to be so vocally outspoken about it and on here of all places. At the end of the day it's just a fucking fetish, there are hundreds of people on the Internet who have dedicated their entire careers to just getting fatter in front of a paying audience online. And most of them are being ogled by chronically online anons on this very site. This variety of art represents a fantasy sure, but for a lot of people that fantasy translates into a palpable real world desire in one way or another. That's hardly uncommon or abnormal irregardless of what your thoughts on it are.

Again it's your opinion, but I just don't get why you actually care about the fact that other people fetishise real obesity lol. Yeah it's fucked up that some people out there give themselves health issues from becoming morbidly obese, but at the end of the fucking day the only person they're harming is themselves and they've made that decision consciously. As far as I'm concerned, people can get their rocks off to literally anything they want to so long as it doesn't harm other people and it isn't something that's just morally objectionable in principle. It is literally none of your fucking buisness if someone else gets horny over making themselves fat and I gurantee you that they won't care what some busybody like you thinks about it lol.
No, I'm fucking your mom
Skill Issue

Uninstall lol
Kafe speedrunning the creepy terminally online troon gauntlet has been one of the most depressing things I've seen in the space recently
(28 KB, 235x401, Mad Doffy.jpg)
God I miss the pre-2016 fetish community. Back then, most artists were just awkward, yet likable nerdy dudes who enjoyed posting fat art for people to enjoy. Nowadays it's like every other oldfag is some degenerate tranny politisperg moralfagging weirdo who gooned so hard that it completely fried their brains.

Granted, I never liked Kafei, but seeing this shit happen to guys like Jeetdoh and Takamoom is just heartbreaking.
>Never liked Kafe
Same here. I only stuff of his that made me even remotely say that I was MAYBE kind of a fan of his work was how he drew burps and messy eating. Otherwise, he's just a Pewbutt clone that turned into a Bambooale clone that turned into...whatever he is now
>troon troon troon troon troon troon troon
who cares. this is not the least bit disturbing. go outside
You first, tranny.
>>49271 I understand it hits close to home for you, but no, going from a normal but kinda lonely nerd to a tranny ethot who fried their brain so much they now post fart compilations is actually very disturbing to most rational human beings
(367 KB, 828x803, BFF41241-690B-4D66-BC9F-965CDC572269.jpeg)
It was 100% fuckers like Moomy and all who groomed Kafe into it. Being trans or whatever but becoming trans simply because you’re dick gets hard for being praised and called good girl is gross.
Why do I sound ESL here

**Being trans is fine or whatever but becoming trans simply because your dick gets hard for being praised and called good girl is gross. It’s retards that coerce others into becoming trannies are the problem
(1.4 MB, 1192x1058, Christmas Cringe.png) (1.4 MB, 1824x1088, Christmas Eve.png)
Never in my life would I have expected someone to make lewd of the "Tomorrow's Christmas Eve" inside joke from 13 years, but alas, cringe strikes again.
what makes someone a bambooale clone? barely active on the internet unless its the discord server?
(227 KB, 473x543, The Fuck.png)
>"N-No u!!1!!!!"
Way to tell on yourself, troon.
The thumbnail made me think this was yet another piece of weird fetish art ProtonJon commissioned at first. I'm glad it's not the case, but I'm still not surprised that it was drawn of a weird tranny's own volition. There are some boundaries you just don't cross, you know?
>everyone is a 'troon' except me
Says the man who thinks he's a woman.
(114 KB, 468x468, 37t61p.png)
>Mfw when I come back to this thread and see that this petty shit-flinging match is still happening.

Who cares about the social politics? All of you are fucking pathethic for continuing to perpetuate this worthless argument. If there was any ounce of actual wit and intelligence to any of the replies traded between you scumsuckers then maybe I'd stay quiet, but nah y'all are just spewing empty insults with this "I know you are but what am I?" comeback mentality that's literally no better than actual schoolchildren bickering on a playground. And y'all are fucking adults.

Wanna bitch about artists falling off and becoming gross trannies? Yeah sure, whatever. That's not too far removed from the point of this thread. But this has just devolved into nothing more than a bunch of apes screeching at each other, nothing of any actual worth is being contributed to the thread with this shit.

It's Christmas anons, just shut the fuck up for one day and go spend time with your wretched families instead of engaging in this worthless shit.
You're not wrong, but I'm afraid your wisdom is wasted on 28fcd5; anyone who defends shooting up bath tub estrogen like kafe is right now is either a tranny chaser in the closet, a brain washed middle schooler, or a bog standard retard who still thinks it's the heckin' valid year of 2015.
That's what it always boils down to, every single tranny is a shameless narcissist who need to be validated by the internet at all times in order to be their most heckin' valid uwu self.
Drawing stacks of pancakes and pretending they are women, that's what makes someone a bamboo clone. Bonus points if they find a more successful has-been to leech off of, like what bamboo is doing to foxfire.
I have never agreed with anything more in my life and I don't even hate trans people.
Sadly these moralfag puritan losers are here to stay and are gonna keep trying to convert others.
Until they 41% themselves/their triple boosted clotshot kicks in. Either way, their kind never lives long.
Fuck bambooale honestly. From what I've seen of him, he comes off as a massive self-absorbed piece of shit. He probably has a punchable face IRL too. Fuckin' hate him.
mfw anon just agreed with a "tranny", insane. Absolutely crazy. we're making movements today /bbwalt/
(9.4 MB, 2480x3508, final_page_2.png)
>heckin funneh meme.
And they still charge you just to see it.
Why is 2b posting like that? Is because of a new heckin' funneh meme from a cheaply done gay porn cartoon of a black man luring his lovers with his ass. Shoving retarded memes is the ultimate cockblocker.
(122 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (7).jpg) (154 KB, 768x960, 7169367-great_lakes_avengers_vol_2_5.jpg) (48 KB, 612x706, big_bertha_by_discogod_d2bmuhj-fullview.jpg)
If i had to make my best guess a sculpter trying to make ssbbw sculptures out of action figures. To be honest though to my knowledge I don't see too many of such categories of things existing like that? I can think of one other person who does something similar like that! And if you're wondering if there is actually any sort bbw figures out there we'll you're best bet is the marvel Legends blob. Or big Bertha if they decide to retool his ass. Honestly there probably is a market for it. I guess nobody's taking up the real estate yet though.
Yes, that's exactly what these are. You can even see one of the figures with the head popped off leaving the exposed balljoint in the one of the images. Seems the dude just took off the shelf action figures and buried them underneath clumps of modelling clay to make his abominations.
i dunno, the figures aren't terrible, honestly. Its not to everyone's taste but there's a definite grasp of anatomy and how fat lies on the body on display...I kind of like them
That's the story I keep hearing in regards to him, and by all accounts it looks like he burned his last bridge in the sphere. It never fails to amuse me how former big names now have to cling together to survive; I may be a terrible foxfire stan but I'll never deny that he's a complete retard who cannot grasp be idea of announcing that he's taking a temporary hiatus.
The fact that you have you have to subscribe to Bamboo's patreon to see more of Foxfire's art and OCs is sad, but thank god for piracy lmao
Who’s foxfire and can you post his stuff here?
(425 KB, 1165x1920, 219.jpeg) (304 KB, 1280x1920, Princess_of_the_Nile_by_FoxFire486_735496230.jpeg) (176 KB, 1280x1707, 78240777_p0_Blue_Sky_Kyoho.jpeg) (773 KB, 3000x3000, 97370450_p0.jpeg) (551 KB, 2100x2800, Fu0nEKkWwAA1PIs.jpeg) (4.3 MB, 2000x1500, KiariHouse9502.png)
Foxfire (Later renamed to Toroboro, and now referred to as Foxfire again on Bamboo's patreon) is a veteran artist of this scene who is particularly notable from just how much he has improved his skill set as an artist over the years. He's also pretty notorious for leaving for long periods of time with no warning, which is sometimes followed up by a complete rebrand or even entire account deletion. Another notable thing of his from this community were his many OCs that he drew which were kind of popular. The most popular of which was named Kiara. Her deal was that she was that she was an ex soccer player that started streaming, got fat, and got some kind of liposuction to make her arms and face still thin. It's an oversaturated idea for an OC nowadays, but he was pretty much the only one with that idea back when he did it. When he rebranded to Toroboro, he mostly quit fats in order to improve his art and do slightly less fetish based pin up stuff and drew a bunch of thicc Korean girls that were also quite popular (And my personal favourites). Behind the scenes while that was happening, he also had a joint account with Bambooale and himself called "Zhuzi Huli" where he would go back and do the occasional fat art still. And even all while he was doing that, for many years he had been doing art assets for two games, which never saw the light of day after Fox/Toro eventually retired from art.............................Or at least thats what it seemed, when no less than 1 or 2 months later, he came back to drawing more than he had ever been previously, but with no account of his own, they were all uploaded either onto the joint Zhuzi Huli account, or, unfortunatly, were pay walled behind Bambooale's account. Here, he was back to drawing his formerly abandoned OC, Kiara, now slightly retconned with new lore and characters that we don't understand Bamboo is a vague fellow and doesn't explain it. Every week we will usually get a small handful of Kiara sketches from both Bamboo and Fox. Whilst it's cool that hes back to doing art, especially now that hes improved a lot, it kinda sucks that he keeps continuing the trend of pretending he's gone for good only to come back under a new form. Also the fact that he has a really weird joint identity with Bambooale, who himself is a really peculiar individual that for a good while pretended that he himself made Fox's OC leaves a bit of a sour taste in the mouth. It doesn't help matters that the two of them seem to play into the joke about them being "The same person" by making their art style more similar and sharing the same OCs. It just makes it confusing and its very unnecessary. We also never hear from Foxfire himself, it's just filtered through Bamboo's satire coated social media/patreon posts.
With that being said, to answer your question, the pics below are from different periods of his online presence.
Don't know why tf these were spoilered
His shit got deleted or just lost the password? He could draw cartoons, but should have never crossed into the fetish zone.

Too bad kemono doesn't have a gatekeeping feature just to filter the shitacular Patreon art, or or at least an option to add tags so it could be easier to find specific kinks.

So which one threw jabs at the other FA artists? And did anyone archive his satire drawings? They were pretty spot on.
(82 KB, 910x732, CammyFoxfire.jpg)
To further clarify what >>50123 said, Foxfire started out as an actual 13yo posting his scribbles on pawg/animexpansion back in the very beginning of this sphere in 2005. His fame picked up around 2015 or so when his skill shot off like a rocket, and this continued until 2017 I think when he suddenly withdrew from the sphere and his lucrative patreon account. I believe the Toroboro account on pixiv started up in late 2019 and was retired in 2022. The Zhuzi Huli joint account with bamboo started up in late 2022 with some furfag shit before Kiari herself returned in April of 2023.

The moral of this rollercoaster ride of a story is to never ever stop practicing, because if a dopey teen who started out with pic related can cultivate actual professional talent then all of you certainly can.

I just wish someone would smack some sense into the fucker.

That would be bamboo, who in hindsight would only throw jabs at artist who were more popular than himself like Salt. He did make fun of saxxon as well, but so has every person on planet earth so that doesn't count.
(1.3 MB, 1164x1224, Premonition .png)
Not sure if this fits here, but I just KNOW this will bring an absolute onslaught of the most wtf worthy ugly tiktok cosplays.
Here's to hoping we get some god tier chub animation though
(527 KB, 488x966, Screen Shot 2024-01-15 at 11.22.17 pm.png)
It's real!
First actual BBW anime. We eating good.
The cringe responses to it will be worth it if we're getting animation that is even remotely close to being consistent in appearance to this key visual.
Nigger what am I even looking at?
White ppl calling other white ppl niggers. Ppl from paris fucking suck
Here's your rude awakening anon, all of this art is produced without a single shred of irony. Like sure, there's a certain degree of self-awareness where some of these artists will on occassion poke fun at the absurdity of them drawing these subjects. But I gurantee you without a shadow of a doubt they're not drawing it exclusively because they think it's funny to draw weird shit, they are 100% into what they draw here.

It's objectophilia, some people are fucked enough to want to bang inanimate objects or characters that otherwise wouldn't be considered bangable by your average Joe. If you do the full Scrooge Mcduck deep dive into this guy's gallery, there's plenty of fat art of inanimate objects with absolutely no punchline to them whatsoever. It's a thing and some weirdos are just into it for whatever fucking reason. There's literally a thread on this very board that's dedicated to this niche where people are jacking one off to fat smart speakers.

Sorry to destroy your innocence like this, but you are no longer a swaddled babe and you need to know the true horrors that exist out there in this world.
(50 KB, 1200x666, best_of_fat_dudes_by_colbob111_dgl0koy-pre.jpg)
Do you ever just stop and think "yeah, things used to be better in this sphere" in terms of quality control? Like this faggot would have been laughed out the door not even three years ago for his work being finger paint quality on top of his absurd fixations. It's like trump's lockdown really did fry the brains of half of america.
It really depends on how long ago you're referring to. If you mean, say, over 15 years ago, then quality control used to be a lot worse
I said 3 years ago, as in before the lockdown because after which is when this shit really amped up. 15 years ago saxxon was considered cutting edge, to say nothing of the garbage on pawg; Ghouly was easily the best of his generation, but he'd be written off as mediocre today.
(33 KB, 134x160, DonRamonAgony.png)
ok i said "trying too hard to be funny" because like i have to expect the dumb "meme" posts to be made along with 100% serious posts. i have to expect a bit of irony becuase of the "memey" dialog for like half of the fucking posts
I mean I shared them with somebody I know and they want to know where they can commission them. Honestly if I find any of it a taboo send it's the factor that you took something articulated and turned it into a statue! I mean come on if Hasbro can make something like blob move you can too. But again it really isn't my place to say. If anyone knows the name of the artist I know where I can give him some business! Tag it below 👇
Where does he work now? Patreon? Anywhere else to contact. Again got a friend interested

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