
>>30550 (OP)
There's no way that no one on the staff didn't realize that was some weird fetish art.
Yes, as a mean joke, someone posted a piece by Nikutsuki when Toonami was showing fan art of anime characters. Toonami showed the piece and took it down. They didn't know it was stolen as they admitted to not having a lot of employees who could verify the work. They took people at their word that whatever they were sent was owned by whoever sent it. This joke was likely done because Nikutsuki doesn't like people reposting their work without their permission. I think this shows the difference in values between the Japanese and America when it comes to art and creator's rights.
I dont think it is as malicious as you think. the person who sent it was just an autistic retard
>"Not a lot of employees that could verify the work."
Idk if other people or any of us are like this, but I rubberneck so hard at a blob like that being spotted in Normie Space. It's like some power level business, just totally out of its natural environment. It feels a little hard to miss, but maybe that's just me being me. Not to mention gosh, Paul's Japanese is really good!
Anyway I heard they took one shot at this fanart thing and lessons were learned.
I feel like it's also important to mention that this piece was a fanbox exclusive paid piece.
As much as it being literally Pirated Nikutsuki artwork may seem like some sort of mallicious attempt to "Get back" at Nikutsuki for being too strict with reposts, seeing as that dude has his full name as his username just makes me think that this guy just falls into the category of either "Low Functioning Autist, Socially Depraved Manchild, Horny Degenerate MiddleSchooler or all of the above"
Reminds me of this one chick I knew who was so unabashedly addicted to weird porn that she thought it was perfectly acceptable to "Express herself" by watching and sending porn of dudes fingering their urethra's during class.
>I think this shows the difference in values between the Japanese and America when it comes to art and creator's rights
I think it shows someone randomly stumbled upon the picture being posted to a 4chins thread or anime Pisscord to easily harvest cringe, and got the idea in their head after watching TV; you fucking weeaboo.
With these different values, Japan takes creator's right seriously when it comes to ownership and compensation. To us when we think about committing piracy, we're usually thinking that we're stealing from rich greedy corporations and not people struggling to pay the rent.

I figure that it makes sense that these sorts of creators would rightfully be upset that their work is stolen as it means they are losing money to pay the bills with.

Though a major reason this work gets pirated is if it's stuff that lacks an official translation. I could buy a copy of the work, but it would be written in a language that I don't understand. I know the simple solution is "learn the language", but what if some people just can't understand the language? Also wouldn't it come across as Jingoist that I demand foreign people know my language in order to understand my writing? How would it look if I said to someone who doesn't know english that they ought to learn english to read what I wrote?

Finally there's the harsh lesson that piracy will just happen and there's nothing you can do about it at times. If it's numerous anonymous people on various sites, taking legal action would be harder and more expensive.

Overall this is a situation with no clear good guys and bad guys as both sides have a point.
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Don't mean to sound like an ass when I say this, but I find it very silly that Nikutsuki goes on about unauthorised reproduction when he unwillingly likes reposted art all the time. Pic related is a stolen piece from some random A.I. art loser that somehow regularly gets hundreds of likes per tweet. Autists like them only get perpetuated when trusted artists like Nikutsuki don't know any better.

You don’t think Nikutsuki gets Mental Health issues when it comes to us Internet American Freeloading Trolls using his Art for attention. I’m hoping They (Refering to Nikutsuki) tries using her Art as NFTS… to you know piss off fans and trolls or Make they’re so art Damn expensive like $1 million dollars. Some artists will try come up with a slice of Payback
Yeah pal, nothing makes a picture harder to steal like making it an NFT.
And would everyone please let it all go!?!? We're here to post art, not chatterbox all day!
The fuck are you on about? The conversations here dried up almost a month ago, just let this pointless and shitty thread die.
So does that mean if we make fats and balloons and give artists consent they'll show it?

Fuck I'd be down!
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Like imagine clicking on toonami (cartoon network ) at 3 am only for the first thing you see being a goofy ass gear 5th Luffy blowing into namis pussy puffing her up like a party balloon! Or gear 4th fucking her til she's a fat ton of cuminflated blimp. All the naughty bits either covered by Luffy or slightly censored.

For good measure having Tom Popping up to say holy shit Luffy wtf are you doing or something? NAMI saying I'm cumming to toonami at 7/9 pm central whatever "insert time slot here"

Like as a audience member expecting absolutely anything else! How do you take that info?

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