
(24 KB, 973x625, 37bf5ff7025c91b27f248c1e4dd8858c.png)
You can get the machine to write up a bunch of short weight gain or fetish content if you word it correctly and I just barely started.
Wondering what y'all can cook up.
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should specify you need to type "write me a story" as the prefix. This is a pretty basic example but you get the idea. Note to sidestep specific wordings to avoid getting flagged.
You might have a better chance over on /elite.
>a whole board for writing
>>29597 (OP) i would but i'm not giving openai my fucking phone number
no way
Fatima gains weight to make her crush Julian fall in love with her.
Skunk girl sprays victim
Anyone know how to train an AI on Character AI to behave as a certain character? Do I need to feed it lines/script in the case of a show or book. Do I have to give it scenarios and roleplay with it to get proper responses?

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