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Is anybody else here into making their own bbw/preg/boob suits?

Often as a child I would stuff my shirts with pillows to create the illusion of having boobs and a belly, but for me this wasn't enough as I got older. I craved feeling the weight and jiggle of having boobs and a belly, so I started filling things with water. After a few successes and failures with balloons or bags filled with water, I purchased a bunch of big bras/spandex etc. to start keeping it all in place.

However, years on, I wanted a more permanent solution I could store and that would be more realistic. Without spending crazy amounts of money on those moulded silicone bellies/boobs, I discovered the wonder of 'Wubble Bubble'. They are thick, super inflatable, super resilient blow-up balls that when filled with water become squishy, super malleable balls. Unfortunately they are quite expensive, but they were worth it in the long run.

Attached is a picture of my final product. The boobs easily the size of Melina Velba (they looks smaller here because of the belly) and a belly fit for a bbw. All of it is heavy and super squishy. Easily stored and hidden in the cupboard (I use rubber bands to keep them in an XL shirt so I can put them on quickly and easily). The belly realistically sags over my sides and legs, giving love handles, and the boobs can realistically overflow the bra, depending on which size I wear.

Does any one else here do this or have any stories about trying to make themselves a belly or boobs?
god damn thats hot. I spoke with a woman on feabie years ago who loved to wear fat suits, and that really turned me on to them. something so depraved about wanting to make yourself look so massive
I'm just curious as to how all of this works. Do you keep the fake belly attached to your person with rubber bands? Do you just also stuff two fake Wubble Bubbles into the bra as well?
>>2834 (OP)
More pics? Do you ever wear it outside?
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So essentially, this is my setup. Don't have a picture of the belly by itself, sorry.

>FIll up 2x Wubble Bubbles using water (between 3-6L each for my size)
>Get all air out (harder than it sounds! If there's any air, they will slosh and sloosh)
>Put on an XL shirt (or bigger) shirt
>Place wubbble bubbles in the 'belly' of the shirt, pull the bottom front of the shirt up to head hole, behind the wubble bubbles, to create the pockets for the boobs to sit in.
>Use Rubber bands to secure them (like in picture 1. I use 6 rubber bands). I then use the bottom of the shirt and thread it in and out of the rubber bands to make sure they stay there (this bit is hard to explain?)
>You now have a boob top that can be taken off and on easily. If boobs get cold (i.e. in winter) I use a hot water bottle to warm them over a couple of hours.

>Fill up Wubble Bubble with 10-15L of water (Not too much because they become unwieldy to manoeuvre)
>Do same thing as above, but with a bigger shirt if possible. Try to make it lower than where you secured the boobs
>Use a pair of large underwear or large female 'tummy control' spandex stuff to secure more to body (or even stretchy yoga pants pulled up high)

Always put the belly on BEFORE the boobs. I use a stretchy, crop-top bra (as seen in 2nd pic) which can go on before or after the boob top. If you use it before, you can tuck the boobs into it and they will stay on your body better compared to having it over them, as the straps tend to slip off the fabric of the boob top.

You sort of NEED a shirt to put the boobs/belly into. Wubble Bubbles are super stretchy and won't actually stay as a ball shape by themselves when you try to pick them up, they need some kind of support to stay round. they're fiddly, but super strong, squishy and pop resistant.
Also, you may find the wubble bubbles leak through the valve. At first, I tried to use duct tape to go over the hole, but it only kind of worked.

The more you change the size, the more likely the valve is to leak.

The solution are...

Want nipples?
>Invert the valves (easy to do)
>Use a rubber band to go around the valve multiple times until its tight
>You now have boobs with fairly awesome, big nipples. You can always take the rubber bands off to change the size too.
>Be aware it's difficult, but not impossible, to position the boobs in your boob top with the nipples in the correct place. It's a lot of trial and error.

Want a permanent solution?
>Fill to the size you want (make sure, because you won't be able to change them now)
>Invert nipples
>Dry as much as possible
>Put super glue on the top of inverted valve
>Wait 30min-1hr for it to fully dry
>Reinvert nipples back into wubble bubble

Happy to answer any more questions if anyone has any.

I highly recommend a seem-free, stretchy crop top bra. They allow a good amount of jiggle while securing the boobs well.
I don't wear it outside, no.

It's a secret thing I do for myself, by myself. The way I made them produce an absurd body shape, which obviously I really like, but would look absolutely ridiculous walking around with my otherwise skinny frame. Even the boobs by themselves are absurdly large and round. Like I mentioned, like Melina Velba size or bigger.
Do you think it would be possible to make a fake ass with Wubble Bubbles?
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Well, probably.

I'm not into big butts as much as boobs/bellies, so I've not experimented with it as much.

When I have tried, I've found that the issue is keeping them in place. They are really heavy, which is why you need the shirts to support and shape them.

To make an ass out of them, you'd need some really, really tight spandex underwear. Maybe putting on stockings, then the wubble bubbles for each cheek, and then some shapewear/spandex like these (see pic) to keep them in place.

Your issues would be them slipping down the legs of the pants (Hopefully the stockings keep them in place when combined with the shapewear) or them coming out the top of the shapewear (which hopefully wouldn't happen with a high back version like pic related)

If anyone gives it a go, let me know!
Thank you kindly.
As my last question, do you think it would be possible to make fake "thick thighs" with the Wubble Bubbles? I can't really imagine a way myself, but it may be possible.
If the Bubbles can't do it, do you know anything that could be used instead for thick, heavy thighs?
I would love to see how it looks in clothes.
See OP pic
I really doubt you could make thighs. They'd bunch up or fall down. They're best suited for round body parts.

Also I was thinking last night that you might need something like a tight thong/G-string to put on over the stockings in my previous theory for butt making, otherwise you'll end up with a uni-butt without a crack. They'll just merge together.
Have you watched Bambi blaze would it be something you would like to try?
Hey anon, I was hoping to see your posts again after the last forum loss. You still living with others? Have you made other suits?
This is so good. I need to do this.
I'm going to be moving to be renting a new place by myself in the next couple of months. It's going to be a great change of pace.

I've been making my belly/boobs bigger and bigger over time by adding more and more water to the wubble bubbles that I use. What I'm really looking forward to more than anything is to be able to order a bunch of plus size bras/shapewear etc. without questions from my nosey housemates. Each of the breasts I use a nearing 5L of water, and they're trying to be held in place by my normal, tiny 'medium' size crop bras. They still stay put pretty well, but the bra is clearly strained and they fall out when I bend over.

Currently keeping my belly in place with big underwear and some yoga pants, again, too small to really cover it all, so it kind of starts to sag after awhile. Really looking forward to some maternity wear/shapewear to really hold it in place so I can walk around all day with it on.

The ultimate goal would be to also make a big butt, which I've experimented with using my boobs, but again they just don't stay in place where I wanted them to be. Also, it seems like wubble bubbles aren't sold anymore (or are super expensive), so I've got to take care of the 3 I currently own.

So yeah, be on the lookout for new pictures of my upgrades in the next few months!
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Here's a sneak peak of my fat suit now. Belly looks bigger as I've stopped restricting it as much (way more jiggly, but doesn't always stay in place when moving around - so better for sitting) and as I mentioned before, boobs that are 1.5-2x the size of the ones in OP.

Boobs look a lot smaller than they are in real life. Might be able to get a body shot when I have access to a full body mirror in the near future. I was also experimenting with the boobs being a little bit less restricted (less rubber bands means they move more freely) and they can give a really realistic fat woman style boob look. However, I just don't have bras big enough to really contain them, so I opt for the implant look instead.

Let me know what you think or any suggestions.
I should also add it's getting really heavy. It's around 25kg at the moment.
How would you approach butt padding?
I honestly think it's probably best to use foam/silicone that's pre-shaped from crossdressing shops. Water just doesn't work for it, really.
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>Let me know what you think or any suggestions.

My Suggestion is go bigger. But seriously, it looks hot and I can't wait for the mirror shots- I think >>5341 point of pre-shaped parts for trans people is a good thought for the behind, though the belly sag might actually look really good on you- up to you really.
You could try oil. It's more expensive but it weighs a lot less then water. I suppose you would just have to leave in in there...Hmm.
If you make fluffy slime and pit it in a wubble bubble, it will make really nice boobs. Pla none to try booty next.
This brings back memories of my youth. Never had the right tools. Began like most people with my pillows and blanket. In my despair I started using the bathing suit of my mom, a motorcycle helmet for the belly and cereal bowls for the breasts. Sounds dumb and felt nothing like it of course but it looked damn good. Thank good my parents never caught me.This thread kinda makes me want to try it again with better equipment.
bump, i need more infromation
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Not to make a tactless bump, but I hope anonette here is doing okay. Hopefully she'll make a quick little update just to let us know she's still around.
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Have you ever tried gak in a smaller trash bag? It’s thicker than water. It’s heavy, doesn’t spill and fills a shape. You can make a belly, love handles, mushier chest, etc. I would recommend 4-gallon trash bags, double bagged, and then a one-piece swimsuit, sports bra or regular bra, shape wear, etc., and it looks and feels real. It doesn’t make a bunch of noise. Moves around fine. Add extra bags for a bigger look or a heavier feel. You can look chubby, fat or pregnant.

12 ounces of white school glue
1.5 cups of water
0.75 cups of hot water
1.5 teaspoon of Borax

Let us know on this thread if you try it!
>Do you think it would be possible to make a fake ass with Wubble Bubbles?
I've tried it before. Sort of.

Best case scenario you'd want shapewear like >>2864 suggested but the kind you want is butt lifting shapewear (the kind with holes in the back for each cheek). Put the wubble bubbles in a pair of stockings/leggings/etc., put them on, then put the shapewear on over the stockings. Long story short, you're making a bra for your ass.

Which, it does work, but I just don't like the look of it. A big butt with no hips or thighs just doesn't look right in my opinion.

>do you think it would be possible to make fake "thick thighs" with the Wubble Bubbles?
Puffer worms maybe (same concept but in a tube), but they're not very big compared to Wubble Bubbles. Not to mention, all the weight would settle at the bottom, so they'd be more like... thick knees. lol

Filled with something lighter than water though? Maybe.
I remember seeing commercials for the wubble bubble bal
After a mpreg phase in my youth 16 years ago I decided to buy me a bra and a bathing suit to keep everything in place and try a second phase. Wish me luck.
bumping, hope femanon is doing ok

trying some stuff out using a cycling onesie and trash bags, will report later this evening
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>>15034 here

I really did it and it feels fantastic. Really need a realistic fake belly in the future tho.
I keep dreaming of McGuyvering a proper fat suit. Lots of great ideas here, but there's just so many missing elements.

Thighs and calves are the big offenders, butt being the next biggest. I'd be OK with some pretty misshapen legs, but keeping it all held together is the big mystery. Not to mention using something that'd feel and look like fat rather than inflated.

And adding weight makes it even harder to think of a way to pull it off. When I was younger I experimented with putting weights inside pillows, but it was very unwieldy and didn't work out very well, as you might imagine. Felt amazing in short bursts, though.

The dream is to combine all of the elements here into one package that looks and feels at least mostly realistic, especially at much larger sizes than a simple pregnant belly or chubby gut, but I'm just at a loss.

Really hoping a collaborative effort from this thread can result in some headway toward making it a reality.
I’ve never really been into this particularly but I felt like experimenting with it recently.

When it comes to the belly what I find works really well (which I don’t think I’ve seen anyone else mention) is using a weighted blanket, I’ve found that atleast the one I am using is fairly malleable and can either be shaped into a round belly or more of a doughy sagging one with rolls depending on what you like. all you really need to do is just stuff it inside of a shirt you’re wearing and it’s as easy as that, you can also tuck it around the sides of your waist for more of a rolls effect and overall due to being weighted it is quite heavy and gives a fairly good effect for how simple the process is. Wearing a tight shirt is best as if you’ve stuffed the shirt enough you should’nt have to worry about anything falling out.

For legs I’ve tried something similar but with just a normal blanket instead of a weighted one (although a weighted one would probably be better). I’ve been wearing a standard pair of tracksuit pants and simply stuff it with a fairly large blanket, you kind of split the blanket in half and stuff each half down the bottom of each leg (I find it best if you do it from behind) and this gives your some weight to your calves and thighs and you can wrap it around your whole leg for a better effect. For the butt you will want to save some of the blanket and essentially bunch it up and form it around your butt and this should give you the effect of somewhat big legs and a big butt combo from again a fairly simple setup.

Hope this could help someone a bit : )
A fat suit sounds great too. Sadly no crossdressing shop offers realistic fat suits with breasts and everything. That would be awesome. Many now even offer pregnant bellies. My trick so far is pushing my belly into a bathing suite. Might work if you take a xxl version and stuff it with weighted blankets like >>16718 said. XXL shape wear could help for the legs.
Adding onto this I’ve also started using soft neck rest pillows for extra rolls and they work great.

The one I have is a simple U shape and is a nice mixture of soft and firm, it’s almost like a small smooth bean bag. I only have one so I can’t experiment fully but it works great specifically as a lower belly roll by placing it in the front of your pants and it will almost wrap around your waist and allow your custom belly to rest ontop, next you can also place it under your arms or in pretty much any place around your shirt to act as extra rolls (might also work as boobs too) and while they won’t have much weight it’ll add nice shape and feel for another simple technique.
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Love to feel pregnant with Spanx and water weight. Feels so good! Around 216 lbs before adding on the extra weight and then up to 252 lbs, a gain of 36 pounds. Your body can really notice and feel how heavy it is to move when quickly adding 36 pounds. Before and after shots of looking slim and then preggie.
How do you make it that the weight stays where it belongs to be? I tried water in the beginning but it just slips down to my legs. I tried putting a water filled bag into a bathing suit.
Looks great. What kinda tight spandex / shapewear do you use? I tried water in the beginning but it was to heavy pulling everything down almost to my knees. I use pillows and blankets at the moment.
Could you post a video of the process i feel dumb when reading it?
You have to layer your pregnancy belly with several layers of shapewear/Spanx. One piece of shapewear will not hold up ten pounds of water weight. But two of three might hold it in place. The more shapewear you put on, the tighter it gets. I usually have a smaller bag of water (double or triple bagged) that I wear under the main belly. That also tends to keep the bigger belly in place because it rests on that smaller bag. Just remember that you need to double bag or triple bag so they can sustain the pressure of multiple layers of shapewear pushing down on them. Just one piece of shapewear/Spanx isn’t strong enough to hold up water weight. But water weight is so much more real feeling and looking than just a pillow or something like that. You can really feel the heaviness and pressure as you walk and move with water weight - it makes you move differently, sit differently, etc. As you get better at it, you can move up in weight and bags and get closer to 20, 30 or 40 pounds and experiment more. Keep us posted!
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Sorry for the not so great quality but thought it’d take some photos of my setup.

Again I’m only using pillows and some weighted blankets but for how simple it is the results are great, I feel truly massive with it on and doing anything other than sitting becomes quite a task and I actually have to waddle to walk around. I’d really recommend something similar if you want to have a somewhat realistic makeshift fat suit.

Also no photos but for some comparison I’m quite small at only 110 pounds so the whole thing really is big and heavy.
That looks amazing! Could you explain how you shaped the weighted blankets and pillows around your body for that look?
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Thanks! I’m also glad with the results : )

I explain most of the process on my older post here which hopefully details most of it.

However I’ve also found my new favourite thing for this which is one of these U shaped pillows, which is what creates the perfect shape for a fake belly!

What I do is form a ball shape with a weighted blanket and stuff it into my shirt and push it up to the top, then stuff one of these large U shaped pillows into the bottom of the shirt which causes the shirt to stretch over it and hold everything in place. This then acts as a perfect bottom belly roll and then you can shape the weighted blanket above it to be more rolls or boobs etc (ideally I’d like to get multiple of these of different sizes to form a full double belly)

hopefully that explains everything but can happily go more into detail if you want
Has anyone gone out in public in your fat suit/pregnant suit? Or told someone else or shown someone else this part about you, like a girlfriend or wife, in your house or apartment? I’ve never had the courage.

I’ve been out in public in a fat suit before. People actually don’t really notice or say anything, but I have never been in a really big fat suit out in public. Always proportional looking, so I probably just look like every other fat person walking around.
I have come out of the room once in a fat suit for my wife. Looked really good and real. She didn’t know I was going to do it, and she was not happy about it. She said it was weird and to never do that again in front of her. So I haven’t…
But if she would let me or encourage me, I would dress in a fat suit in front of her at the house or go on a date as a fat guy with her, occasionally. But I don’t think that will ever happen.
Tried it with two high spandex panties now and it is better but still a bit low. I bought 3xl variants. I think I will buy 1 or 2 more in a smaller version and try it again. The feeling was awesome though. The weight and the jiggliness is fantastic.
Try a full-body piece of shapewear or a one-piece women’s swimsuit. You need to support the weight with your shoulders, not just let it hang down. Try small trash bags, like four-gallon trash bags for small waste baskets. You can’t have the fake belly weigh too much. When I do it, I have some shapewear panties that hold in the lower belly under my belly button and full-body shapewear that holds the top belly and that top belly is supported by the shoulder straps from the shapewear/swimsuit. Usually two or three pieces of each. And a couple bras filled with water balloons. It feels great when it comes altogether.
What size wubble bubbles did you buy? Are you using the tiny’s for the boobs, and the normal massive one for the tummy?
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ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS SETUP! I have been lurking on this thread for a long time now. And today decided to finally just go out and buy all the shapewear and everything! 3 wubble bubbles, 1 bodysuit (no bra area but shoulder straps), a 46XL sports bra, 1 XL long sleeve shirt to adjust height of tummy, and then store brand under armor long johns. Tip for leaky wubble bubbles, tie the nozzles like you would a balloon. They hold EXTREMELY WELL, and when you want to adjust it you just place 2 fingers underneath the “knot” and slowly walk it towards the tip and it comes undone quick and painlessly! Currently the “extra weight” is weighing in at a massive 52 Lbs. But to be honest. It is not that uncomfortable to walk around in. It DEFINITELY gets in the way (as assumed). But I still have full (read last sentence lol) mobility, and it all bounces wonderfully! Would 100% recommend the knot instead of the permanent fix for the wubbles, as who doesnt just want to be able to “inflate” on the whim🤷‍♂️ Also tip. For your first time, if you have a shower head with a removable hose. Set the wubbles into the bra so the nozzles come out where your armpit gap is, and you can watch them inflate in a mirror😅😘 nothing like live real time expansion. Thank you to everyone here for all the work youve done to further this, and I hope my addins may help someone else out! Love yall😘😘

i just got wubbles, could you please post a demonstration of untying them?
>>2834 (OP)
First I was confused but intrigued as I always wondered what it would be like to be fat. Feeling all your bigness and weight swaying and feeling the sofa give under you.
This seems like a nice way to experience it without having to commit to gaining the weight and spending tons of money on food to keep the weight (and not just eat unhealthy shit).
Thanks anons, might give this a shot!
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I love padding with pillows— then layering over water-filled trash bags and water balloons. It gives me the slosh/weight/jiggle of water padding with the mass of pillow padding. Can't wait to experiment more.
Did you try yet?
Thank you so much! It’s taken a few years to figure out how to make it look real and feel heavy. I wanted it to be as realistic as possible. If I’m going to be fat, I want to feel fat!
PreggieBoy, this looks amazing! You really look pregnant in these photos. You could have fooled me!
Yea this is me :)

Still looking forward buying a proper fake belly and boobs
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So, I love the idea of being pregnant and admire the pregnant form. But I’m a man and so that will never happen. I’ve dressed up preggo for a long time, pretending to have a round belly.
Well, six months ago I decided just to look pregnant all the time by growing my own tummy. I started working out less and eating worse so I could grow a little belly to love. Six months later, and I think I have some progress! I’ve put on about 20 lbs. and shaved the hair off my tummy. Most of the weight has gone to my belly, as I’ve had to get bigger pants and belts. This is the most realistic it’s ever looked, and I’m so excited for the results. I love just rubbing and rubbing my new, smooth, preggo belly. What do you think? How does it look? 🫃🏻
That last pic is super hot
1) Ew.

2) What made you think this was the right thread for this? This is a thread for padding. What you posted is like going into a vegetarian thread and saying, "Hey guys, I'm trying something new: real meat! I was skeptical, too, but it's actually good! Trust me!"

3)Ew. Seriously, take that shit elsewhere.
>where do you think we are?

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