
(121 KB, 720x720, snack.gif)
I might be in the small minority here, but I kinda wish the Theater was put aside and this was worked on full time. Don't get me wrong, the videos are nice but they can get extremely repetitive after a while with the same burp sfx. It'll definitely let Lache's writing show off for once and hopefully ease the stress of doing so many videos.
>b-but I don't wanna stare at text game11!!111
he could just add in pictures on the side like in snack story
Thats the reason he didn't continue with snack story though. He said that he wants to have this be strictly text.
Anybody have pics from Snack Story?
Does anyone have this months lachevite theater link?
man i wish his kemono was updated more frequently, the theater is constantly updated at this point but the link is always changed so the kemono is outdated nearly immediately

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